Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, August 07, 1901, Image 4

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EsU'ciishol 1883.
nr THK
FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by ;
carriers to subscriber* in Freeluud at the rate ;
of 13,4' cents a month, payable every two
months, or Jl.J* u year, payable In advance.
The TRIBUNE may bo ordered direct from the j
carriers or from the office. Complaints of j
irregular or tardy delivery service will receive j
prompt attention.
BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of
town subscribers for $1."0 a year, payable iu |
advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. |
The date when the subscription expires is on {
the address label of each paper. Prompt re
newals must be made at the expiration, other- [
wise the subscription will be discontinued. |
Entered at the Postofllce at Freeland, Pa.,
as Second-Class Matter.
Make all money orders, checks, etc., payable to
the Tribune Printing Company, Limited,
The first woman burglar ever known
In LBZERNE county was captured yester- j
day and *nt to jail. She is Mary Doyle, !
of I'lymouth township, and on Saturday
last sht broke into the house of I. M. ,
Renshaw and stole his wife's wedding
dress and $4 in cash. At the hearing :
last ui*Ut Uo confessed and went to !
Burglars are still a pest to Pottsvillo.
There wert nearly a half dozen rob
beries in the past two days and all of
the thieves escaped. Out of six in
stance* of purso snatching upon the
strants of that place In four weeks the
thugs liara iu each case dodged Potts
ville's Bntir police force of ten men.
, In tasos of coughror croup give the
little ona One Minute Cough Cure.
Then rest easy and have no fear. The
child will be all right in a little while.
It nnver fail*. Pleasant to take, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous in .
effect, drover's City drug store.
Six tutu ware badly burned from in- •
juries received by the explosion of a
largo quantity of gas in the Stevenson
mine ia West Pittston Monday after- |
noon. Those burned are Fred Buckwith,
Fells Veieskl, Joseph Saucosky, Edward
Bastes, Ilarry Boyer and Albert Hughes.
Thomas L. O'Donnel), of St. Clair, was
made a trustee of the Pottsville Plush
and Silk Mill, which recently went into
the hands of a receiver. August 12 was
fixed as the time limit for liling a schod- ,
ule af assets and liabilities.
If the action of your bowels is not | 1
easy and regular serious complications j |
must be the final result. DeVVitt's Lit- I i
tie Early Risers will remove this danger. , j
Safe, pleasant and effective, (trover's ] ,
City drug store.
The machinists and all other workers !
except the carmen at the shops of the !
Central Railroad of New Jersey, at Ash
ley, have made application for work, and
about a hundred of them were taken (
back after being out on strike since May ,
20. Mora will be accepted as soon as |
the shops are in running order. 11
Corey Johnson, who claims he is the ' 1
only maa in this county who never rode
on the stoara cars, intends to break his
re„eord and go to the Pan-American Ex- ,
position. Ho is Go years old, and when- |
ever lie wanted to travel any where ho i
has gone with his horses. He is a fann
er living near Iluntsvilie.
Don't be satisfied with temporary re
, lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure permanently and completely re- !
moves this complaint. It relieves per- j
manently because it allows the tired '
stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't
rest, tin* stomach. Nature receives sup- i
plies from the food we, ejit. The sensi
ble way to hoip the stomach is to use !
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests
what you cat and can't help but do you
good. Grover's City drug store.
Low Pure* to l'ttn-A iiiericitn Exposition.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five- !
day ticket* will ho sold on Tuesdays i
and tiaftnrdavs, from Freeland, at the ,
rate f for the round trip. Tick
ets geeri only in day coaches.
Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free- 1
#land every day, May 1 to October 31,
good on any train, except the Black
Diamond express, at the rate of 810 for
the round trip.
P. T. Thomas, Sumtervllle, Ala., U I
was suffering from dyspepsia when 1 !
commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. I took several bottles and can
digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia j
Cure ii the only preparation containing I
all the natural digestive fluids. It. gives j
weak *t.oßiachs entire rest, restoring ,
their natural condition. Drover's City j
drug store.
T*i nit'll For 11 nil.
Jinks (Mtetlng Winks in light lunch j
HcHn! What are you doing here?
(lotting iny lunch, of course.
'Rut I thought you were keep
ing a swell restaurant down town.
I am, but I wouldn't keep
It ?f I ate there. It's too expeu
slve.-r-I/biLidelphia Press.
The immortal Shakespeare in said to !
hav worn earrings, and Charles I ia
reputed to have been the owner of a
magniticent pair of pearl earrings,
which he bequeathed to his daughter
•the day before he was executed.
fi,3o a year is all the TRIBUNE costs. 1
Mr*. Whitehead Given a New Jersey
Editor a Neat Little llouat.
[Special Correspondence.]
i Kansas needs und is advertising for 20,000 men
; to help gather the harvests which are now grow
ing upon her fertile prairies, but not a tramp In
I all New Jersey will start for Kansas, ut least not
j until after the lvarvest is gathered.—Elizabeth
I(N. J.) Journal, May 21.
No doubt In this case the Elizabeth
j Journal tells the truth. Strange how
1 these tramps ignore chances like that!
; Why can't they see and do what Is for
their good? I suppose the Elizabeth
Journal thinks if these tramps were
| wise and good and, above all, enter
| prising each would order his private
i special car and journey out to Kansas
i and add to his millions by helping the
I Kunsas farmer gather in his crops.
The Elizabeth Journal's comments
| reminds me of a little story: A certain
j well to do man who did not believe in
giving money to tramps once departed
| so far from his principles as to give a
' nickel, accompanied by the question,
"What are you going to do with It?"
' The tramp studied over the problem for
some seconds and then answered sol
emnly, "I'm going to Invest it In gov
ernment bonds." Whether the sarcasm
! of the thing penetrated the self com
placency of the munificent donor I do
not know. Of course the tramp told a
lie, for the obvious reason, If for no oth
er, that our government does not fur
nish any place for 5 cent Investors.
I Hut, seriously, how does The Journal
think the tramps could get from New
I Jersey to Kansas if they wanted to
; go? Have they money to pay car fare?
j Can they fly? Should they steal a
I ride and get killed for their theft or
should they walk? If the latter, they
would probably find those nearer home
were there before them, for, as The
Journal well knows, there are many
more than 20,000 idle men between
New Jersey and Kansas. Every strike
shows to all who are not blind that
there are men waiting for work, for
: they come to take the strikers' places.
The shallow way in which some
newspapers treat the tramp problem
makes me weary. As Lizzie M. Holmes
once wrote, "Some people seem to think
trumps ought to float around In the
air, except when somebody wants them
to come down and do a dirty 50 cent
Job for 10 cents." She hit it about
Has The Journal taken any pains to
know how much It costs to go from
New Jersey to Kansas, how long the
; Job would be or how much the pay?
| If The Journal man would seriously
i study the tramp problem, remember
; ing of the tramp what the abolitionists
I used to say of the slave, "He is a man
and a brother," he would learn some
I things that would make a better man
Denver, May 29.
GompcrM Han (i Plan.
A Chicago dispatch states that Pres
ident Gompers has a plan for prevent
| ing strikes and lockouts. Briefly the
idea is to have all labor unions affiliat
ed through national organizations with
I lie American Federation of Labor. As
: fast as a number of these independent
l or nonaffiliated unions have become
parts of their nationals, and national
i unions In existence desire it, the Amer
ican Federation through its general of
liee In Washington and in the name of
I that national or international body will
, rom'munlcate with the large employers
|of that particular craft, proposing a
j conference between the officials of the
employers' organization, if there be one.
If no employers' organization exists,
then it shall communicate with large
manufacturers, dealers or commercial
bodies Interested, and whose members
are large employers of labor, asking
i them to meet ami bring about some
agreement or understanding fair to
These agreements, if made, are to
! cover tlie usual questions of hours of
labor, wages, conditions of employment,
( etc. While it is plnrined that these
agreements, when reached, be signed
by both parties to it, no other bond
than the word of honor of both faith
fully to carry out the same Is to be
I given.
I Employers' associations are expected
1 lo see that their members carry out
(heir part, while on the part of labor
the American Federation of Labor will
, compel Its affiliated unions to do theirs
or cancel their charters.
Stay Away From London.
Owing to the large increasing influx
of Americans to London in search of
work and the overstocked condition of
the labor market the New York Wo fid
correspondent is asked by representa
tives of American benevolent societies
to draw the attention of Americans *t
home to the virtual Impossibility of
getting work here. Written testiinoni
ia Is are useless. Besides, it is impossi-
I hie for the unsuccessful applicant to
work his way back on a steamer or sail
| ing vessel without some knowledge of
j a sailor's duties. While the Americans
in London are desirous of assisting
their fellow countrymen in need by
I helping them to return home, it is Im
i practicable to assist an ablebodied man
| who comes here on the lookout for
■ work. Timely notification of the fact
i may deter many from journeying here
I to suffer untold hardships.
| Cattle men constantly tell tales of be
i ing dumped down here and refused re
turn passage, which, they assort, was
guaranteed to them before starting.
That Synod It PHOIII t lon.
Following is the text of the resolution
i recently adopted at Pittsburg by the
Reformed Presbyterian Synod of Amer
I That wr reaffirm our testimony against nil ae
j i ret oath hound societies and that we regard
i membership in most of the labor and trades unions
j as at present organized and controlled as danger
I ous and remind our members that the law of
i Christ forbids joining any labor union which has
I either an immoral obligation or a promise to keep
Inviolate "as long as life remains" any rites or
reflations the issue of which he is necessarily
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over BO years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
u sonal supervision since its infancy.
v /, Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that tritlc with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
tn Use For Over 30 Years.
The Big Day Out!
Saturday, August 21,1901.
This Is the Hate for
White Haven Relief Association,
Mountain Park.
The Surplus, If Any, Will Again Be Applied
to Charity in this Section.
Special Trains and Rates via. C. R. R. of N. J.
Leave UITEIt LEIIIGH <1.50 a. in. Faro round trip Adults UOuCblldrun ODc
'• SANDY RI'N 11.50 " " " " " HOC " One
" LEfUGH TANNERY..7.IS " " " 40c
" WHITEHAVEN 7..'tr. " " 05c 1 " Hie
" TUNNEL 7.17 " " " " " 05c " 40c
" RITA 7.50 " idle " 20c
" I'ENOHSCOT H. 07 " " " " " 50c " due
" SOLOMAN'S GAI' 8.12 " " " " " 30c " 20c
Returning Leave Mountain l'urk at 0 I'. M.
Upper Lehigh and Sandy Run Tickets for Sale by
Committee on Train.
St. Ann's Baud of Freeland Will Furnish the Music.
3n£. J. ICelley, cf Scrantcn, Oaterer.
BQ>" Tickets may be had at almost every business place in White
ITaven and at the C. R. R. Stations along the route.
Pan-Amor loan Exposition.!
Low faros via the Lehigh Valley Rail
road to the Pan-American Exposition.
Five-day tickets, good only in day
coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays anil ,
Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from
Frecland at the rate of §7 for the round
Ten-day tickets will bo sold from Free
land evory day, May 1 to October 31,
good on any train, except the lllack
Diamond express, at the rate of #lO for
the round trip.
Mrs. S. 11. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,
says; "Our little girl almost strangled to :
death with croup. Tho doctors said she :
couldn't live but was instantly relieved by-
One Minute Cough Cure. Drover's City
drug store.
Mrs. John IlelTorman, of Plymouth,
has received word that her son Richard
has been killed by a mine explosion in
James White, Rryantsville, Ind., says
Ho Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo healed run- j
ning soros on both legs. He had suffer
ed < years. Doctors failed to help him. i
(Jet DeWitt's. Accept no imitations.
Drover's City drug store.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported j
Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shop-1
Hiidoali liter uud Yeunirliuir'* Porter ou tap.
to Centre stieet. j
Tho motormen on tho Allontown and
Kutztown Traction Company wont on a
strike Sunday night because tho com
pany refused to discharge a man who
was unpopular. Yesterday the strikers
returned to work.
O. (). Ruck, Reirno, Ark., says: I wa*
troubled witli constipation until I
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then I havo been entirely cured of
my old complaint. 1 recommend them.
Drover's City drug store.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It, artilicially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It lsthe latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Jtyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prlcosoc. and |l. Lnrfreslxecontalns 2H times
suiuU size. Book all about dyspepsiu mallodfree
Frepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO* Cb'cago.
Grover's City Drug Store.
Not Over Vet
Summer is not over yet
and summer goods will
be needed for many
more months. If you
suffer from the heat
come to our store and <
we will supply you with
We have every vai'iety
in the market and sell
at prices that 110 other
dealer can beat, if you
take quality into con
Hat, Shoe and Gents' Furnishing Store,
86 South Centre Street.
VThe Cure that Cures J
(v Coughs, &
\ Colds, f
I Grippe, (k
\ Whooplnj? Couf?h, Asthma, J
Bronchitis and Incipient A
jJJ Consumption, Is KJ
} j
St Cures W<ra\ Avse.'ase'a. J
Wilkes-Barre Record
Is the Best Paper la Northeastern
Pennsyl van la ....
It contains Complete l.ocal, Tele
graphic and (ietieral News.
Prints only the News that's fit to
Print ...
50 Cents a Month. ADDRESS.
$6 a Year by Mail The Record,
or Carriers - - - WILKES-BARRE. PA.
June 2, 1901.
0 12 a m for Weatherly, Miiuch Chunk,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Euatou, Philu
rlelpliitt and Now York.
I 7 34 a in lor .Sandy itun, White Haven.
! Wilkes-Dane, Pittston and Scranton.
8 15 a in lor Huzleton, Weatherly, Maueli
Chunk. Allcniowii, Bethlehem, Uasion,
PhiludHphia, Now York, Delano and
9 30 a in lor Ha/.leton, Delano, Mahanoy
City, Micnaiidoah ami .Mt. Cartnel.
1 1 42 a in for Weatherly, Maueli Chunk, Al
lontown, lietlileheiii, Fusion, Phila
delphia, New York, Ila/.leton, Delano,
Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Mt.
115 ain lor White Haven, Wilkes-liar re,
Scranton and the West.
4 44 l in for Weatherly, Maueli Chunk, Al
lentown, Bethlehem. Fusion, Philadel
phia, New York, Ha/.leton. Delano,
Mahanoy City, Shenandoah. Mt. Cariiiel
and Pottavillc.
6 35 li m for Sandy Itun, White Haven,
Wilkes-Burro, Scranton and all points
7 29 inn for Hazleton.
7 34 a m from Pottsville, Delano and Haz
9 12 a m from New York. Philadelphia, Eos
ton, llet lileiiein, A Dent own, Munch
( hunk. Weatherly, Ha/.leton, Mahanoy
City, Shenandoah and Mt. Curmel
9 30 a in from Scranton, Wilkes-Hurre and
White I la veil.
1 1 5 1 a m from Pottsville, Mt. Curmel, Shen
andoah, Mahanoy City, Delano and
12 481' m from New York, Philadelphia,
Las ton, Ilnthlohein, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk ami Weatherly.
4 44 P in from Scranton, Wilkes-Ihure and
White Haven.
0 35 P ni from New York, Philadelphia,
Last on, Ilethlehem Allentown, Mauch
Chunk. Weatherly, Mt. Curmel, Shenan
doah, Mahanoy City, Delano and Ha/.lc
-7 29 p ni from Scranton, Wilkes-liarre and
White Haven.
For further information inquiro of Ticket
A Kent*.
ROLL IN 11. W1 Lilt) U.Hencrnl Superintendent,
26 Cortlandt Street, New York City.
CHAB.B. LEE, (lencral Passenger A went,
mi Cortlandt Btreet, New York City.
(. J. CILDKOY, Division Superintendent,
Ha/.leton, Pa.
Time table in effect. March 10, 1001.
Trains leave Drifton for.Joddo, Eckloy, Hazle
It rook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow ltoad. Roan
I ami Hnzlcton Junction at HOO a in, dally
I except Sunday; and 7 07 a ra, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for Hut wood. Cranberry,
; Tonihiokon and DeritiKer at 600 a ra, duily
; except Sunday; and 707 a m, 2oh p m, Sun-
Trains loavo Drifton for Oneida Junction,
Uurwood Head, Humlioldt itoad, Oneida and
-heppton at 600 a ni, daily except Sun-
Jay; and 707a m, 238 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Ha/.leton Junction for Harwnod
Cranlmrry, Tomhtoken and Dcrlnger at 6216 a
m, daily except Sunday; and H 53 a m, 4 23 p m,
Trains leave Huzleton Junction for Otudda
Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road
Oneida and Sheppton at 632. II 10 a in, 4 41 p m
daily except Sunday; and 737 a in, 311 n m '
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhloken, Cran
berry, Haiwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan
i at 600 j) ra, daily except Sunday; and 337
a ui, 5 07 p ra, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Onpida, Humboldt
Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazlc
| tou Junction aul Roan at 7 11 am, 1210, 6 "tf
p ra, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a in, 3 44
! p ra, Sunday.
Truins leave Sheppton for Reaver Meadow
i Koad, Stockton, Hazie Brook, Eokley, Jeddo
and Drifton at 5 20 p in, daily, except Sunday;
and 8 li a in, 3 44 p ni, Sunday.
Trains leave Ha/.leton Junction for Reaver
Meadow ltoad, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Ecklev
Jeddo and Drifton at 64 p m \ dally*
except Sunday: and 10 10 a m, 540 p m Sunday
All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with
electric care for Huzleton, Jeanrovllle, Audcn
ried and other point* on the Traction Com
pany's line.
| Train leaving Drifton at 600 a m makes
I connection at Deriugor with P. R. R. trains for
I Wilkeabarro, Sunbury, Llarrlsburg and polnta
| west.
LfJTUEH C. BMITH, Superintendent,