Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 21, 1901, Image 1

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    VOL. XIII. NO: 154.
Bargains! Bargains!
Is Now On.
Clothing, Hats, Shoes,
Furnishings, Etc.,
At a Big Reduction.
Come Without Delay to
Clothing and Shoe House.
Largest Stocks and Lowest Prices.
<ij No more appropriate gift for a
i| wedding than silver. A variety
j of handsome pieces specially
0 selected for the purpose is now
m on exhibition at our store.
•i Rogers & Bros'
'1 Knives, forks table and tea
'I spoons and fancy pieces all
latest patterns.
)] Cor. Front and Centre Streets.
L, Shoot Music at Cut-Hate Prices.
doaler in
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A oelebratod brand of XX Hour
always in stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
All kinds of household utensils.
A. W. Cor. Centre and. Front Bts. % Freeland.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
Centre mid Main streets. Freelnnd.
Groceries, Provisions,
Green Truck,
Dry Goods and Notions
are among the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J. Curry. South Centre Street.
arc hen- in abundance. Wo
have the latest products of
the largest manufacturers,
and are prepared to furnish
Men, Women and
with footwear at prices as
low as any dealer in the
county, quality considered.
We handle
Nothing but Shoes,
therefore, we can sell to
better advantage and guar- ;
antee you better value for!
your money than can be had I
elsewhere. When you want |
footwear, come to the
it ..rfk *f Corner Centre and
HISII Halloy, Prop. w*iuut su&ot#.
Employes Receive Pay and
Are Dismissed.
Comoany Will Not Reem
ploy Them Unless They
Sign An Agreement—The
Bluff Doesn't Work.
There was a decidedly unexpected turn
in affairs of the strike of the machinists
employed in the Drifton shops the past
few days, and it is apparent now that
the battlo will be a long drawn out one.
Wednesday afternoon the employes
marched in a body from the Municipal
. building, whore a meeting had been in
progress, to the pay office at Drifton,
whoro they were paid the money still
due them.
"The greatest surprise to the men, how
ever, was when they opened their en
velopes, to lind enclosed the following
1 notice:
"In view of the ro-organization of the
forces in the shops at. Drifton, your ser
vices a an employe of said shops will
cease from this date. Should you he re
employed, it will bo under conditions
mentionod in a notice posted at the
principal offices of the said *hops. Sign-
I cd, COXA Bros. & Co., Ineop."
When the contents of the notice was
announced, there was considerable ex
citement among the business people of
town, and while opinion is somewhat
divided, the machinists have the sym
pathy of almost everyone in their battle
for what seems but right and just.
The impression is general among the
strikers that this action on the part of
the company is an effort to frighten
them into submission and declare that
it will fail to produce the desired effect
, for they are determined to remain firm
to the end. The company's bluff dosen't
Tho opinion prevail* to some degree
that the strike cannot last much longer,
as tho repair worl* is necessary on en
gines and other things connnncted with
the D. S. A S. road, are in such shape
as to warrant a speedy termination of
the present difficulties.
Resumed Work Today.
The strike of tho miners employed at
the Ilu/.10 Brook colliery is at an end,
peace having been declared at a meeting
held Wednesday evening. One week
ago the men laid down their tools, and
since then they have tried hard to get a
settlement of their grievances, but of
no avail. President DulTy remained
1 with the men aii day, and in the even
ing a meeting was held, at which was
discussed tho terms offered. A vote was
taken on the measure and the men
decided unanimously to es line work this
morning. The men won their point.
Examination's Today.
County Superintendent Hopper is
holding teachers 1 examinations here
today for the granting of certificates for
Freeland, Jeddo, Foster township and
West Ha/.leton. Only persons applying
for schools in the respective districts
named wore admitted to the class.
The examinations are being conduct
ed in tho Washington street building.
The class is a large one there being 42
June 22—l'icnic of the Crescent Ath
letic Club at the Public park.
June 21). —Second annual picnic of
Good Wills Athletic Association at Pub
lic park.
Jinn l ! 2l). —Picnic of Sandy Valley Base
Bail Chili at Sandy Valley grove.
July 5. Picnic of laical I'nion No.
Hir2, F. M. W., of Highland, at the
Public park.
July 4—Picnic of Citizens 1 Hose Com
pany No. 1, at Public park.
"A few months ago. food which I ate
for breakfast would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. 1 used one
bottle of yourKodol Dyspepsia Cure and
, can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Ivodol Dyspepsia Cun* for stomach troub
les. 11. s. Pitts, Arlington Tex. Ivodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat.
Grover's City drug store.
The finest, ice cream in town, all
| flavors, wholesale and retail, at Merkt.'s
! mis(;i;i.i,am:iu s advkktiskmknts.
IV<)K SALB. Ilculcy property on South
j J' < '' ii tro street. Appl.\ to Titos. A. Buckley.
rOLI l lC AI. ANNOIiN. I U I N I .
of Hazleton.
I Subject to lhe decision of the Republican
primaries of Luzerne county.
applicants enrolled. A number of di
rectors are in attendance both from
town and Fostor township. The ques
tions submitted seem to be fair and Im
partial and all are working hard to pass.
Elizabeth Walters, who was to have
been married to David Richards, whose
body was found on the porch under her
bed room Wednesday at Mt. Farmed
with a bullet hole in his right temple, is
confined to her bed in a state of collapse.
The revolver cannot ho found, and the
opinion Is growing that the young man
was murdered and tho body carried to
the Walters residence in order to make
it appear ho had committed suicide.
Thomas Samuels, a former owner of
"Darling's Little Darling's," a monkey,
dog and pony circus, is lying in a serious
condition at the Wilkesbarre hospital
from tho effects of poison and S. Fred
Darling and his wife, tho present own
ers are ip jail awaiting tho result.
Danger, disease and death follow neg
lect of the bowels. Use DoWitt's Little
Early Risers to regulate them and you
will add years to your life and life to
vour years. Easy to take, never gripe,
j Grover's City drug store.
Fire which had for some time raged
in Luke Fidicr colliery, near Shamokin,
was discovered to bo extinguished, and
work will ho resumed tomorrow.
The Temple Coal and Iron Company
has shut down its mines indefinitely,
Seven hundred men went out because a
non-union carpenter was employed and
and the others came out In sympathy.
The bilious, tired, nervous man can
not successfully compete with his
healthy rival. DoWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation,
will remove the cause of your troubles,
Grovor's City drug store.
These state offices wore elected by the
Sons of Veterans: Division commander,
William S. Curry, Philadelphia; senior
vice division commander, Thomas Bibi
ghaus, Lebanon; junior vice division
commander, John L. Salem, Hazleton,
dolegato-at-large, Walter R. Ross, Phila
The town of Stockton, No. 3, will in a
few days be out if existence.
Buildings are now being raised to allow
stripping of the land and mine under
lying coal.
Eczema, salfcrheuin! tetter, chafing,
ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are
quickly cured by be Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. The certain pile cure. Grovor's
City drug store.
Much speculation is indulged In
among tho miners hereabout as to tho
successor of Benjamin James as a
member of tho National Executive
Board. It is said on the bo*t authority
that his successor will be a man from
the anthracite field.
A special convention of the United
Mine Workers of this district will be
held aLHazleton Monday evening. Tho
regular summer convention will be held
July 0.
A surgical operation is not necessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve saves all that expense and never
fails. Beware of counterfeits. Grover's
City drug store.
Tho annual state encampment of the
P. <). S. of A., will bo held in Harris
burg on August 20, 27, 2tf and 20.
The price of all beers will bo advanced
50 cents a barrel beginning with yester
day and alo SI per barrel. This advance
is in accordance with an agreement
entered into by all the brewers of the
Anthracite Brewers Association.
Try Kelpnr's 5-cent cigar—best made
Thomas T. Jones, of Kingston, was
instantly killed yesterday morning by a
fall of coal in tho Nottingham colliery.
Ho is survived by a widow, but no child
ren. Within two years two brothers
and a brother-in-law of Mr. Jones have
been killed in the mines.
A case of small pox was discovered
in Plymouth borough yesterday. The
disease is declining in the upper
Today is tin- longest day of the year.
After today the days will commence to
shorten until December 21.
The New Road Law.
Every person who shall make affi
davit that ho has used exclusively dur
ing the proceeding year, in hauling loads
of 2,000 pounds or more on tho public
roads, wagons with tires not less than
four inches wide, for each year, after
tho passago of tho new road law, shall
be credited by tho supervisors of his j
district with one-fourth of tho road !
tax assessed and levied on the property i
of such person. It provides also h '
penalty of s">ifor each offense of hauling ;
loads of 10.000 pounds with tires less j
than four inches in width.
Picnic Tomorrow Night.
Tomorrow evening the annual picnic '
of tlio Crescent A ill let ic Club will be
hebl at tlin I'iiblic park. The club w ill
provide amusement of all kinds and all]
who attend may expect to onjoy them
Wilkeitbtirre Reporter Find* It. u Good
Tiling in Tliln County.
About a roar ago a rural free*dellvery
route was established which took in a
portion of the lower end of Luzerne
county including the fine farming region
on the Nescopeck mountain. When it
was first inaugurated it was fought
bitterly by the country store keepers,
and of course the postmasters who were
displaced by the new service did not feel
kindly towards it.
A complete delivery is made once
'•very day by the carriers who are paid
SSOO a year. These latter have also the
privilege of doing a pony express busi
ness, carrying packages, etc., Tim
result iu the Neacopeck regions has
proved it to be a blessing to the farmer
and his family.
Through the daily calls of Uncle Sam's
uniformed messenger the farm has losi
the lonliness and the insolation which
made it hard to bear for the younger
people* and they .are more satisfied and
content. Even the morals of the dis
trict are said to be improved by this
bringing into daily communication with
the world a farm and family who had
heretofore been practically cut oIT.
The farm buildings are being im
proved, front yards ornamented, fences
and drives fixed up, and a general desire
to be as good as anybody on tlio route
is expressed.
Aside from improvements on this line,
the farmer is keeping iu daily touch with
the market and knows when and where
to dispose of his product to the best
advantage. There are numerous other
advantages which have developed from
the mail man's call, not to mention the
many bright little romances between the
farmers daughter and the young men of
the region by reason of the improved
| facilities for communication.
When the hand of affliction and death
falls, it is no longer several days of
heart-breaking lonliness that those
bereft have to boar before sympathizing
neighbor learns the news, but it is
carried at once to those wlto should
Rural free delivery, which has helped
to make country life in England one of
much comfort for more than half a
century, was slow coining to this coun
try. Now that it has been started it is
hoped that the service will he enlarged
as fast as possible, to embrace every
state in tiie union.
Examined For the Bar.
Attorney Daniel Kline returned from
Wilkwsbarre where he was compelled to
undergo an examination before being
admitted to the Bar of Luzerne county.
Mr. Kline is the first graduate of a re
cognized law school to undergo such
examination and is In compliance with
a new order of court.
To Be Married Tomorrow.
Tomorrow Walter Lefsenring. former
ly superintendent at Sandy Run, now
located at Irwin, Westmoreland county,
will bo united in marriage to Miss Wil
son at her homo in Toronto, Cauada.
The bride was formerly teacher of the
private school at. Upper Lehigh.
Crook Acquitted.
After being out for nearly two days
the jury in the Parsons murder case
came in yesterday afternoon with a ver
dict of acquittal. Michael Crook was
accused of the murder of Frank Rhoads,
with whom he returned homo lato one
night. Ho was immidiately discharged.
Celebration This Evening.
TheVoung Peoples Society of Christian
Endeavor celebrates its tenth anniver
sary of its organization iu the Presby
terian church iu Upper Lehigh this
evening. Rev. .J. 15. Korschnor, of
town, will he the principal speaker.
Foxes Escape.
Throe young foxes which were caught,
by Michael Potochny some time age
managed to make their escape yester
day. One of the animals was shot by
William Siewell on the ridge west of
town last evening.
All the New* of Nportd.
The Philadelphia Sunday "Proas'* has
arranged to devote a special section
each Sunday to the sporting news of the
day. This section is certain to he heart
ily welcomed by those who are interest
ed in outdoor pastimes. In this manner
the news is conveniently classified for
the reader and he is able to quickly and
readily find the report of any athletic
event of which he may lie interested.
"The Press'" has long" been noted for
the accuracy of Its sporting news and
the sapie high standard is maintained
in the sporting sections of the "Sundav
Press" with the added advantage of the
news being kept well together. Baseball,
yachting, cricket, rowing, horse racing,
college athletics and all kinds of sports
on land and water are feat urized by "The
Press" both daily and Sunday, it, prints
more and better sporting news than any
other Philadelphia paper.
Ice cold soda at Kefpor's.
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeiand Recorded With
out Waste of Words.
John F. Pettit, of Ilazloton, a veteran
of tlio civil war, lias been granted a
pension of §8 per month.
John Burke, of Haxleton, the well
known base ball pitcher lias been signed
to play with thr Chester learn.
The state convention of Luther
League Societies will take place at Sba
tnokin, .1 une !2G.
A mind mass in memory of the late
Father Phillips was celebrated yester
day in St. Gabriel's church, Hazleton.
A number of visiting priests were in
The Pastorial Association of the Upper
Lehigh valley will hold a session at
White Haven on Monday.
At the meeting of tlio directors of the.
First National Bank, of Shenandoah,
Dr. J. Pierce Roberts was elected to
fill a vacancy on the board caused by
the resignation of Dr. George S. Wentz,
of Drifton.
Riehort Courtright, of Sandy Run,
lias returned from a visit to his native
home in England. He was absent four
Dr. E. W. Rutter, of town, while on a
hunting tour for frogs at St. John's,
Butler township, shot 198 in three hours.
A number of Hazleton's crack marks
men visited the grounds but none have
reached the high mark of Freeland's
gonial M. I).
Kate Toomey, of Wilke;sbarre, is visit
ing relatives in town.
A new sidewalk is being placed in
front of the Gallagher property on Main
street and also in front of the property
of Patrick McFadden on Centre street.
Patrick O'Donnoll, of South street,
has accepted a position with an install
ment house and will canvas the region.
Mrs. Sarah Kennedy, of Philadelphia,
a former resident of this region died this
week. She is the mother of Sister Mary
Bernard, formerly of St. Ann's now of
Hazleton convent.
Misses Annie and Sarah Coll, of Phila
delphia, are spending their vacation
with their mother on the Hill.
The second rendition of the program
of exercises by the pupils of St. Ann's
parochial school was attended by a large
audience. The program was success
fully carried out.
Thomas Evans, Jr., of the Second
ward, secured the degree of bachelor of
at the graduation exorcises of
Bucknell university, Lowisburg.
M. J. Reed, of Lebanon, formerly
paymaster for G. R. Markle & Co. at
Joddo is visiting friends in tliis region.
The Anthracite telephone has been
placed In the offico of the Freeiand
brewery. Connection with the Long
distance phone will also be made shortly.
Patrick O'Brien and niece, Miss
Maggie O'Noil and Mr. and Mrs. John
Hurley, of Upper Lehigh, left today for
Atlantic City where they will spend a
Miss Maine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Lesser, of Upper Lehigh, has
successfully passed the examination to
enter the junior class at Kutztowu Nor
mal School.
Mrs. I). J. Boyle, of Mahanoy City, is
visiting relatives in town.
Mrs. Evan Wood ring and son William,
of Brooklyn, N. V,, are the guests of AI.
Gooppert and family.
The funeral of the late Louis Gone
zetta, of Drifton, took place yesterday
morning and was largely attended.
Mass was celebratod at St. Anthony's
Italian church at 10.30 by Rev. Lot)go.
Interment was made in St. Ann's ceme
Samuel Frasher, brother of Mrs. W.
R. Flail, was killed Wednesday at Hart
lord, Conn. lie was employed as a con
ductor and met his death between cars.
Joseph Roberts, of South Centre
street, is at the Pan-American exposi
The second half of a pool match be
tween Tony Ritz, or Hazleton. and Geo.
Valines, of town, took place Wednesday
evening before the Second ward Spurt
ing Club. Ritz won b) 10 points.
Andrew Ecker, a miner at No. r col
liery Jcddo, had his left eye badly in
jured by beiug hit with a piece of rock.
Our Motto Is No Trouble to
Square Di .din ■ Sliow You All
and Satisfaction Our Goods
Phila. One-Price Clothing Hons®.
S. SEN 115, PBOP.
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.
No Trouble to Ik.Goods Are
Show \ou All; :Not Satisfactory
Our Goods [Money refunded
OMoe: Booms lands, Birkbeok Brink, Freel.pM
All legal business promptly attended.
I'uslnHicc Building, . . . Freelaod.
Legal Business of Any Description,
Branaan's Building, So. Centra St. Freeland.
Campbell Building, - - . Freeland.
P*7oni\ H .T' 111 !" : V 'biililing.Opposieo
I oatoillco, l. tu.Miti;,... Lhursduya, Saturdays,
,Mn-'ei "n '' ll " Ci.iiveyaneiug given prompt
M, Ml lunula Hull dimr. Smith Cent re Street.
See, unl liner. - . Birkbeck rirtek
jyjRS. S. E. HAYES,
Washington Streot.
None Inn reliiibli- inumnies represented.
Al I. mil-lit I'M' 111,- i■. 1,-brute,f higb-rrado
I laniiii n! Ilazellun Bins., New Turk city.
rju. S. S HESS,
37 Couth Centre Street.
Second Floor Front. - Ilel'owich Building.
All business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, . . Main Street.
OHi i m m ' iu. 170 Jiroadway, New Yerfc
Wm. Wehrman,
Clocks and Watches for Sale.
Repairing a Specially.
Next to Neußurger's Store,
Cieo. H. Hartmcn,
Meats and Green Tiack.
Fresh Lard a Specialty,
Centre SH-ft-l, neur Central Hotel.
Corner of Centre and Front Streets.
Gibson, llouglinrty, K,infer Club,
Koseulilulii'f V, ot which wo hive
Muinm's Extra Dry Champagne,
H entice.v 11-a idy, lli rekborry,
Unit, Win, Claretß, Cordials, Eto.
Ham and Be * cei' ( 7; ■ ic Sandwiches,
Sardines, Ktc.
U. E. LAI lACiI, Prop.
( lioit ■ lln .nl ot \n l\ inds. Cakes, and Pas
try, i Ltily. 1-uuey uiul Novelty (Jakes Uukod
to Order.
su pi' iI to brtll.-s, parti us or picnics, With
.ill lion , ar • i.jiiitels, at shortest
notice ami iairest prices.
I)eli> t l i, <t 'til mij ,i y troyotm to all parts o]
town <i/>d aarrou tidings every day.