Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 24, 1901, Image 4

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    K 6 j 'm
®C iTI i •
MOST LITTLE BABIES I>IE, either from bowel troubles
or from diseases which they contract because they
are in a weak and feeble condition from bowel troubles.
Mothers who an- seeking the ideal and proper medicine to give their little ones for
constipation, diarrlia'a, colic and simple fevers will iind LAX A KOLA the great family
It is the best and most effective laxative for children. HEST liecause it is safe and
made entirely of harmless ingredients. BKST because it is non-irritating and never
gripes or causes pain or irritation. BKST because it is sure and never fails. BEST
because " Children like it ami ask for it."
.It is a dangerous thing to give little babies violent remedies that rack and rend
their little bodies. DON'T DO IT—give them LAXAKOLA.
A few drops can be given with safety to very young babies, and will often relieve
colic by expelling the wind and gas that cause it, and it also will check simple fevers,
break up colds and clear the coated tongue.
Great relief is experienced when administered to young children suffering from
diarrhoea, accompanied with white or green evacuations, from the fact that LAXAKOLA
neutralizes the acidity of the bowels and carries out the cause of fermentation, aids
digestion, relieves restlessness, as-iats nature and induces sleep.
LAXAKOLA j r* ul iar U a*;. l* ' ' < ' nd,, '"- ns " f hM,th " f ~ h c
t.unty by removing thr r.nue. I o women suffering from . hronic constipation, headaches, biliousness, dizziness,
sallownessof the skin and dyspepsia, I.ixakola will invariably bring rellernnd a speedy i tire
356 Dm! bornStrect r Chicago ' SCnJ ffeC sa,u P le ty T,IL LAXAKOLA CO., 13a Nassau Street. N. Y.. or
fainting, smothering, palpita- '
tion, pain in left side, shortness j
of breath, irregular or intermit
tent pulse and retarded circula
tion all come from a weak or
defe&ive heart. Overcome ■
these faults by building up the
heart-muscles and making the
heart-nerves strong and vigor- j
pus. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
is the remedy to use. It is ;
the best.
"1 had fainting and smother.
Ing spells, dizziness with a full
feeling in my head and deranged
stomach. I heard of Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure and at onee began Its
use. I could see an improvement i
after the first dose, and just two
bottles cured me completely."
N. Lauzeueu, Borneo, Mich.
D*. Miles'
Heart Cute
is a heart and blood tonic of
unequaled power and never
fails to benefit if taken in time.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, liid.
Men arc generally kind when women
look their best.—Bequeathed.
Most women ought nlver to lookback
If they want a following.—Mr. Dooley.
Women are sure to be inconsistent
somewhere. It, is their birthright.—
"An English Woman's Love Letters."
In the dissolution of sentimental
partnerships it is seldom that both
partners can withdraw their funds at
precisely the same time.—'Touchstone.
Some women, and they are the happy
ones, can comfort themselves in a
loveless marriage with pretty note pa
per and tying up the legs of chairs
with blue ribbon. These little fem
inine instincts are not given us for
nothing.—Diana Tempest.
It is always best when you bury a
quarrel not to put up a tombstone.
Every man when weighed in the bal
ance is found wanting—some the earth
and some a little less.
In America the plain, average citizen
Is the strength of the republic. The
middle class is the meat in the sand
wich between the "upper crust" und
the "underbred."—Kansas City Star.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially d igests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening aud recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gan.. It lathe latestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Naußea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prlcesoc. and 11, Lnrgc size contain. 2H times
small .ire. Book all about dyspepsia malledfree
Prtpor.d by E C. DeWITT A CO. Cb'eogo
drover's City Drug Store.
Mr. W. J. I tax tar of North Brook, N.
C. says ho suffered with piles for fifteen
years. lie tried many remedies with no
results until he used Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him.
Grover's City drug store.
Frank Ivinney, of Richmond, Va., was
arrested yesterday morning in the act
of robbing Philip Otter's moat market
at Hazleton. lie was committed to jail
for trial.
The least in quantity and most in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Grover's City
drug store.
Bears the _ Thß Kind You Have Always Bought
"rr '
All outgoing and incoming mail matter
is being fumigated at Luzerne by the
postal authorities on account of the
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
remove the cause of disease. Grover's
City drug store.
Bears the J* The Kind You Have Always Bought
Former Select Councilman Peter F.
McCann and Select Councilman J. J.
McAndrew were rearrested yesterday at
Scran ton on the charge of bribery pre
ferred by the Municipal League.
Skin affections will readily disappear
by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look out for counterfeits. If you get
DeWitt's you will get good results. It
is the quick and positive cure for piles.
Grover's City drug store.
Bear, the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Lehigh county divorce mill this week
ground out eighteen divorces, making
the total for tho year eighty-five, or
about one-eighth of the numbor of
marriages in tho same period.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers search
the remotest parts of the bowels and
remove the impurities speedly with no
discomfort,. They are famous for their
efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. Grov
er's City drug store.
Try Keipor's 5-cent cigar—best made.
j. D. creignton nas purcrrasen ihe
well known Orchard Park farm, at
Lexington, and will establish Ashland
Wilkes, 2:17*4, there. Robert McGregor
and other famous horses have stood
there in past years.
Pan-Ainerii'itn Ex position.
Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Rail
road to tho Pan-American Exposition.
Five-day tickets, good only in day
coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and
Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from
Freeland at the rate of $7 for the round
Ten-day tickets will lie sold from Freo
land ovory day, May 1 to October 31,
good on any train, except the Black
Diamond express, at the rate of §lO for
the round trip.
Koduced Raton to Kaiisun City.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ac
count of the meeting of the Imperial
Council, Nobles Mystic Shrine. Tickets
on sale .June 7, 8 and Inquire of
ticket agents for particulars.
Low Karen to Detroit.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ac
count of the meeting of tho National
Educational Association. Tickets on
1 sale July 6, 7 and 8. See ticket agents
j for particulars.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
j riennftiK Carpet* an<l Ran:*—A Sap
plemeiital Xllrror Ho 11 I'.kk*
In Cold Water.
Those who have heavy brnssels and
moqnette carpets often timl it conven
ient to clean them without taking them
from the floor, and this can be very
easily and satisfactorily done. Tear
some old newspapers into small pieces,
soak them in water, then roll them be
tween the hands until they form soft
little balls. Scatter them thickly over
the carpets, then give It a thorough
sweeping with a broom. The paper
will collect the dust and keep it from
flying about. Prepare a cleansing mix
ture by dissolving two bars of white
soap in half a gallon of hot water ami
adding four ounces of borax. Add
enough of this mixture to a pan of wa
ter to make a strong suds and scrub
the carpet with it, using a brush
and taking only a small place at a
time, just as you would scrub\a floor.
When the place you are washing is
clean, wipe it with a soft rag wrung
out of clean water and proceed in this
way until you have gone over the en
tire carpet. If only a small portion Is
soiled, this may be washed and the re
mainder left as it is. The borax is a
great help in cleaning the carpet and
(locs not Injure the colors. When the
work is done, open the windows and
doors and let the air have free access,
| so it will dry quickly.
A Supplemental Mirror.
The invention illustrated below has
for its object to provide a supplemental
mirror having an adjustable connection
with the hmttiu and adapted to be set
at a different angle to the large glass to
aid In showing a rear view of the per
| son dressing at the bureau. Of course
it is a woman's invention, as it would
take one of the gentler sex to appreci
ate the merits of such an arrangement.
The invention is formed of a light
framework of either metal or wood and
Is so arranged that the several parts
will fold in small compass when not in
use, the sections being hinged together
' to facilitate both the folding and ad
-1 justiucut of the mirror in relation to
the main glass. Much latitude is al
lowed in the movement of the glass,
and it will give a view of the bottom
of the skirts equally as well as a view
of the arrangement of the liair, thus
doing away with all the craning and
twisting to obtain a view of the back
of the dress. The advantage over a
hand mirror used for the same purpose
is that it leaves both-hands free to ad
just, the hair or garments and also
give a steady view when once set.
floll KKK* In Cold Water.
"This egg tastes as if it had been
! boiled in hot water," said the emanci
, pated young woman with the short
j liair. "I can always tell in a minute if
J an egg has been cooked in that way."
Her companion bad not learned quite
so many tilings and was quite satisfied
with her egg. Sin? only murmured
"1 never heard of an egg boiled In
cold water; did you?"
"It is high time you were introduced
i to this Institution," her wise friend
continued, "and I am delighted to illu
minate you even at the risk of arousing
more of your sarcasm. An egg to be
boiled properly for human consumption
should be put into cold water and then
placed over the fire. Then it cooks
witli the water. The egg cooks, more
over. thoroughly and from the inside.
"Ask a physician or a trained nurse
how to boil an egg so that its greatest
I nutriment and flavor shall bo preserv
ed. Either of them will tell you to put
it in cold water. The old way of drop
ping the egg into boiling water has
long been given up. It used to cook
the egg suddenly and destroy its flavor.
"So don't be sarcastic because you
haven't heard of the century's ad
I Artistic Portiere*.
i A knitted silk portiere lately exhib-
I | Ited in an artistic studio Is one of the
j most effective of hangings. It is knit
: ted of finely cut silk rags and in an
original fashiolh. It was made in three
sections, so that it could be more easily
handled and joined together afterward.
The lower border is of rod, then there
are several black rows, and the center
' is introduced with a light brown strip.
Then there is another red one and after
■ that black again, with the introduction
of a blue line. The top border of pale
silks Is knitted In points which run into
a black stripe, making a pretty effect.
—New York Tribune.
The following recipe for griddlecnkes
has been used with success by a local
cbok for some years: Take a pint of
stale broad crumb*, finely grated; pour
scalded milk over them and when soft
add a tablcspoonful of melted butter,
the yolks of two eggs beaten separate
ly, a cup of sifted flour, two spoonfuls
, ! of baking powder and a half spoonful
| of salt. If necessary, thin the batter
J with cold milk.
Mnnxy Dlftplnyrd Wonderful Power*
of Perception and Analyaln, Won
the Pool and Saved 111* Opponent
the Anionnt of the Lout liaise.
"Manxy was one of the best poker
players I ever saw. He was a good
winner and a good loser. He played
his cards all the time for everything
they were worth and then some more,
and he played a game that was simply
The board of trade man leaned back
in his chair and smiled reminlseently.
"Manxy not only had Hoyle down so
that he could recite the poker rules
backward and say 'sir* after each
word, but he rose to the higher science
of the game. He made a careful study
; of every man around the board, and he
never played a card but what he darted
a keen, sweeping glance at every play
er and drew his conclusions as to what
they were about to do. If a player had
any little tricks or habits that asserted
themselves in spite of efforts to repress
j them, Manxy knew them by heart.
I "I will never forget tln night he took
Carter into camp. Carter was a good,
i cool, nervy player too. He was an old
player and possessed splendid judg
■ inent. One night we had been playing
j several hours, and as it was getting to
j ward daylight we agreed to have one
more round of Jack pots and then go
home. We had our round of Jack pots,
j three of which Carter won. and then
decided on one last consolation Jack
pot, with no limit but the roof and $5
jto come in. Carter raised the come in
to S2O, and everybody dropped out ex
i cept Manxy and one other player.
Manxy called for three cards, showing
that he had only one pair or nothing at
: all: the other man took two cards, indi
| eating that he must have threes of a
| kind, or else he wouldn't have paid S2O
for the privilege of playing any longer,
j and Carter stood pat.
j "That looked bad. Carter had never
i been known to stand pat on anything
j but something that was worth while.
| lie must have had something pretty
; good to raise the come in to S2O, and
j ids standing pat argued that he either
had fours or else a straight or a flush,
lie had betrayed a nervous start when
he tirst picked up his hand, and it
argued that he had seen something aw
fully good. Now, Manxy had seen the
start that Carter gave and knew his
style of play well enough to argue that
Carter had seen something even bettor
than a straight or a flush, and that was
a straight flush, something that conies
once in a great, long while in a poker
game. In fact, Manxy came to the
conclusion that Carter had a straight
flush, ami the fact of the matter was
that a straight flush in spades, king
high, was just exactly what Carter had
seen in his five cards when he picked
them up.
"Manxy deliberated a long time be
fore he came in with his S2O. but lie
was out $75 or SIOO on the game, ami
as it was the last pot lie determined to
stand a good bit of money in the hopes
of making a recoup. He drew to a pair
of tens and caught one more. Manxy
started the betting with a $lO bill. The
other man dropped out, and Carter saw
the $lO and raised $25. That looked as
though Manxy's surmise about the
straight flush which he thought. Carter
was holding was good, lie deliberated
j for some time. Then he said:
j "'Carter, I think and everybody
j around here thinks you've got some
thing better than fours. I was playing
| you for that. Rut now I'll tell you.
i Carter, what I'm going to do. I've no
ticed that your eyesight is bad and that
tobacco smoke when it is right in front
of your face always Interferes for a
moment or two with your vision. Just
as you picked up your cards 1 noticed
that you puffed a great cloud of smoke
| out of your mouth and that the cloud
of smoke was in your eyes when you
looked at your cards. Now, I believe
that you think you have a straight
flush, but I don't believe that you read
your cards correctly. lam going to do
something that may seem to be awfully
bad poker, considering the hand I have,
but I am going to play you for your
| poor eyesight. I see your bet of $25
! and raise it $25 more on the ground
that your eyes deceived you. You'd
better study your cards before you see
I my raise.'
| "We all waited in breathless silence
for a moment, then Carter quietly
| threw his cards face upward on the
I " 'You're right,' he said quietly. 'I
thought I had a spade straight flush,
king high, in my hand. What I thought
was a nine of spades was a nine of
; clubs. I lose.' "—Chicago Tribune.
Steer Clear of Smoking Car*.
: "I seldom advise my patients to stop
smoking, because I know it's a waste
of breath to do so," remarked ft subur
ban physician yesterday. "In many
cases I do advise moderation in the use
of the weed, ami when a patient has a
weak throat there is one thing that I
positively insist upon, and that is that
he shall not ride in the smoking cars
attached to railroad trains. Breathing
that atmosphere for half an hour will
do a man more injury than smoking
half a dozen cigars in the open air or in
a properly ventilated room that is not
crowded with other smokers. Smoke
| if you must, I say. but steer clear of
smoking cars."—Philadelphia Record.
Mlnrend Sinn.
"How is it," asked the victim, "that
you charge me .'ls cents when the sign
says. 'First class hair cut 15 cents?' "
"But you haven't first class hair," re
, plied the barber.—Philadelphia North
Th* English statute mile is 1,7G0
i standard yards.
The Hawes $3 Hat
lias no superior. It is guar- •>
anteed by its makers to lie p,
the best hat sold anywhere Bp -
for the money. It is equal
to any $5 hat manufactured. ISfe,
Hundreds in Freeland are '■'■•■mßriry
wearing it and all agree that j'l:'t
they get full value for their
money. We also have hats . J
at lower prices, and our lines
the largest in town.
boys are Spring Shapes en Sale.
The Crawford Shoe
style and quality at any fig- Ca " ATLD OFTEN IMITATED.-
ure you wish to pay. We inspect It. NEVER EQUALED,
have an assortment of .Gents' Ladies' and Children's Dress
Shoes, Men's and Boys' Working Shoes and Men's
Gum Boots which is as coin-plete as you can find any
where. We respectfully solicit a trial of our shoes.
Mc Me nam in's
Hat, Shoe and Gents' Furnishing Store,
S3 Solatia Centre Street.
V The Cure that Cures /
f Coughs, Gj
\ Colds, J
I) Grippe, \k
U, Whooping Cough, Asthma, 7
Bronchitis and Incipient A
JJt Consumption, Is fjj
P Cures Wvr rot "awd J
0lits1 its 4
The.... T> t
Wilkes-Barre Kecord
Is the Best Paper In Norllieastern
Pennsylvania.. ■ ■
It contains Complete local, Tele
graphic antl (ieneral News.
Prints only the News that's fit to
50 Cents a Month, #c,|)RE6a '
$6 a Year by Mail 'flic J{ ccorc i,
or Carriers - - - WILKES-BARRE. PA.
J-' March 17, 1901.
0 12 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk,
Allciitowii, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila
delphia, New \oi k and Deluno and
7 40 h in for Sandy Rim, White Haven,
\S ilkes-Harre, J iiteton and Scnuiton.
8 18 a in lor Iluzlctou, Weatherly, Mnuch
Hethlehcm. Fusion,
Puiladelphia, Now Vork, Delano and
9 30 a in for Huzlcton, .Mahanoy City, Shcn
andoali, a.t. ( unnol, Shamokin.'
1 <-.0 pin for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
ien town, Bethlehem, Eaaton, Philadel
phia ami Now York.
6 34 P m for Handy Hon, White Haven,
Wilkcs-Burre, Suruntou and all points
7 29 p in for Hazleton, Delano mid Potts
7 40 a in from Weatherly, Pottsville and
9 17 a ni from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle
hem. Allen town, Mauch Chunk, Weath
erly Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shenun
"'-'uh, Alt. Caliiiel and shamokin.
9 30 a in from Sorantoii, Wilkes-liarre and
NMute Haven.
1 12 P in from New York, Philadelphia,
Fasten, Hcthlehein, AUentown, Mauch
Chunk and Weatherly.
6 34 P ni trom New York, Philadelphia,
■ I Easton, llcthleheni, Allentown, Potts
ville, shamokin. Mt. Carmel, Shcnan
doali, Mahanoy City uud Hazleton.
|729 Pin from Scrantou, Wilkes-lift no and
White Haven.
For further informatiou inquire of Ticket
KOLLIN II.WILHUK. General Superintendent,
i ~.. . „ Cortlandt street. New York City.
; CI! AS. S. LEE. General Passenger Agent,
L, . „,, . ( 'pytlandt Street. New York City.
G. .). GILDROI, Division Superintendent,
Hazleton, Pa.
Time table in elfeet March 10, 1001.
Trains leave Drtfton for Jcddo, Eokley, Ilazle
Urook, Stockton, Heaver Meadow ltoad, Roan
and Hazleton Junction at HOO a m, dull*'
except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 2 :i8 p m, Sunday
Trains leave Drifton for Hai wood, Cranberry*
lomhickcn and Deringcr at 600 a m daily
except Sunday; and 707 a m, 2 38 p m, Sun-
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and
! hoppton at U (K) a m, daily except Bun
| lay; and t (ha ra, 23* pm, Sunday.
I 1 rains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood,
Cranberry, Tomhickeu and Deringcr at. 685 a
u, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m.
I Sunday. ' *
I Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road.
Oneida ami Shoppton at 0 32, U 10 a m, 4 41 p m,
daily except Sunduy; and 7 37 a m, 311 pin.
i Sunday. K '
| Trains leave Deringcr for Tomhickon, Cran
berry. Hai wood, Hazleton Junction and Roun
at 500 p m, daily except Sunday; ana 337
' 11 V' m ' Sunday.
1 rains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt
Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle
ton J unci ion and Roan at 7 II am, 12 40, 526
p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11a m, 3 14
p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Heaver Meadow
Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckloy, Jeddo
ami Drifton at 5 26 p in, daily, except Sunday;
and H 11 a m, 3 44 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley.
Jeddo ami Drifton at 540 p ni, daily,
except Sunday; and 1010 am,s 40 p ni, Sunday.
All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with
meet l it cars for Hazleton, Jeaneavlllc, Audcu
rud and other points on the Traction Cora
i pßiiy'sline.
Train leaving Drifton at 600 a m makes
connection at Doringer with P. R. K. trains for
Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, Horrisburg and points
TJT'I'HKR O. SMITH. Superintendent.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
I ~.T! k ' tt'iwt brands of Domestic and Imported
M hlßkey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Sben
nndouh Beer and Youngling 1 * Porter on tup,
V 8 Centre street,