Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 22, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XIII. NO. 141.
for the little fellows as
well as for the men and
youths. A large assort
ment has just been re
in abundanee. No house
in the county can olfer
you a greater selection.
Clothing and Shoe House.
LadicH; Have you tried the Queen Quality?
j Are You
i New 8-day oak Striking
Clocks, $2.50; guaranteed.
New 8-day hanging Clocks,
'' with calendars, $3.25; guar
s' teed.
Alarm Clocks, 75c.
J Cor. Front and Centre Streets.
Sheet Music ut Cut-Uato Prices.
t r - T- T
dealer In
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
All kinds of household utensils.
A. \V. Cor. Centre and Front Ft*., Freeland.
dottier in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
Centre ami Main streets. Preoland.
Groceries, Provisions,
Green Truck,
Dry Goods and Notions
are among the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J. Curry, South Centre Street.
are here in abundance. We
have the latest products of
the largest manufacturers,
and are prepared to furnish
Men, Women and
with footwear at prices as
low as any dealer in the
county, quality considered.
We handle
Nothing but Shoes,
therefore, we can sell to
better advantage and guar
antee you better value for
your money than can be had
elsewhere. When you want
footwear, come to the
w ~ , n Comer Centre and
Hugh Malloy, Prop. walnut suet.
Store Order Tax Bill Is Re
ported Favorably.
Advocates and Opponents
Given a Two-Hour Hear
ing on the Merits of the
Tho Ferrobct company stor tax bill
was reported out from tho finance com
miteo to the state sonata last night after
there had been a two-hour hearing of
the advocates and opponents of this
measure, which places a tax of 25 per
cent upon ail orders upon company
stores giveu to laboring men in lieu of
cash for wages. The committee adopted
an amendment offered by Congressman
Olmsted, aud the bill so amended was
reported out to the senate.
William Wilhelm, Esq., of Schuylkill
county, representing tho miners 1 union,
and Representative Ferrebee, author of
the bill, addressed the committee in op
positiou to company stores. "Where
the company stores are operated," de
clared Mr. Wilhelm, "the minor does
not act like a free human being. His
individuality is struck down and he
practically bocomes a serf.
"This bill," said Mr. Wilhelm, "was
passed in 1887 and again in 1897, but
both times It was vetoed on the ground
that it was unconstitutional. It is not.
for the legal representatives of the
company store to say whether or not
this bill is constitutional. Let that
question be met in the proper place, the
supreme court." Mr. Wilhelm closed
with a declaration that the bill should
bocomo a law in the interest of many
thousands of workingtnon in Pennsyl
Attorney Guy E. Farquhar, of Potts
ville, representing the Mill Creek Coal
Company, led the fight against the bill.
110 denied that the miners are compell
ed to buy at the company stores. He
asserted that ho could purchase whore
he pleased. He charged that the bill
was not in tho interest of miners, as its
passage would only add to their ex
"I do not hesitate to say," remarked
W. K. Woodbury, representing the Dob
son Coal Company, "that should this bill
become a law tho miners would be the
first to come to Harrisburg and ask for
its repeal." He said there was no de
mand for the passage of the bill coming
from the miners of his section.
E. I). Smith, of Pottsville, represent
ing the J. C. llright Company, pictured
the company storo as a blessing. He
said miners could got goods cheaper from
tho company store than they could else
Representative Ferrebee made an
earnest plea for the passage of the bill.
Mr. Ferrebee said he was informed
that Governor Stone Is in sympathy
with the movement against the company
store evil and that in the event of the
passage of the bill the governor could
be countod upon to sign it. He told of
a strong sentiment among the miners
in favor of such legislation and of the
hardships they have had to endure
under the present system.
Ferry Won on a Foul.
One of the hottest glove contests ever
begun in this part of tho state came to a
sudden stop in the fourth round on
Monday evening, when the fifteon-round
bout between "Kid" Ferry, of Allen
town, and Jack Donohue, of Philadel- !
phia, was awarded to Ferry on a foul.
Tho exhibition was witnessed by
sporting men from all parts of the re
gion. Allentown also sent a very large
delegation. When tho curtain went up
shortly beforo 9 o'clock the opera houso
was well filled. The opening exhibition
was between the Paul brothers, of
Ha/.lcton, followed by Joseph Walsor,
of Hazleton, and John McCarron, of
If people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be
used in nearly every household, as there
are few people who do not suffer from a
feeling of fullness after eating, belching,
flatulence, sour stomach, or water brash,
caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A
preparation such as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which, with no aid from the sto
mach, will digest your food, certainly
can't help but do you good. Grover's
City Drug Store.
JjXHt SALR.—Healoy property on South
I Centre street. Apply to Tho*. A. Buckley.
of Ha/.leton.
Subject to the decision of the Republican
primaries of Luzerne county.
The contest of the evening began with
the following men being appointed to
the various positions by the master of
coromonies, Wilty Dougherty, presi
dent of tho Sterling Athletic Club:
Referee, Patrick Burke, Wilkesbarre;
timekeepers, Morgan DeFoy, Freeland;
William Fensterinacher, Allentown;
club timekeeper, John C. Boyle, Free
land. Donohue's interests were lookod
after by Jack Ridgway and Mike Camp
bell, Philadelphia, and George Franklin,
Slatington, and Ferry's by John Galla
-1 gher, Ed. Clancy and Fred Schwartz,
Allentown, and Peter Shoehan, Bethle
The men started in at the sound of
I the gong. Donohue was apparently tho
favorite of tho audience, but tho unex
. pected talent shown by Ferry soon
- brought many people to his side and in
, a short whilo tho enthusiasm of the
. house was unbounded. Both boxers
. seemed determined to win the decision,
- and everything favored a scientific con-
I test such as seldom seen when the bout
! came to an end through Donohue for
, getting himself and striking his oppo
nent while in a clinch.
M. & M. Closing Exercises.
' The closing exercises of the Mining
and Mechanical Institute will be held
i at the Grand opera house on Wednes
day evening, June 5. The following is
i the program:
i Selection, St. Ann's band, Mr. May
i berry, conductor.
Salutatory, Condy Gallagher, "The
i Study of the Rocks."
Oration, Arthur Lewis, "Life of Dr.
Benjamin Franklin."
Oration, James Gallagher, "Tho Bene
i fits of Education."
Oration, John Levan, Benefits
i of Mechanical Drawing."
i Selection, St. Ann's band.
Oration, Frank Gallagher, "Porsover
ance and Success."
Oration, Edward Mcllugh, "Life of
Thomas Jefferson."
Oration, James Bonor, "Tho Miner
and Civilization."
Oration, John Ondeck, "Tho Constitu
tion iu Territories and States."
Oration, Charles Yock, "Mine Gases.''
Selection, St. Ann's band.
Valedictory, Patrick Dover, "Achieve
ments of the Nineteenth Century."
Selection, St. Ann's band.
Founder's Day address, Hon. John
Fiold, of Philadelphia.
Awarding of prizes, Edward F. Han
lon, principal.
Closing remarks by tho chairman,
Hon. George D. McCreary, of Philadel
Selection, St. Ann's band.
Death of B. J. Mooney, Esq.
At 2 o'clock yesterday morning Ber
nard J. Mooney, Esq., passed away at
i Mercy hospital, Wilkesbarro, from the
effects of a severe attack of tuberculosis.
He was stricken with grip some tfme
ago and entered the hospital iu the
hope'of overcoming tho disease. In
stead, his condition steadily grew more
serious and a few weeks ago his eyesight
failed him.
Mr. Mooney, though not a resident of
this section for some years past, was
well known here, as the early part of
his life was spent in the vicinity. He
was born near Hazleton. For several
years ho taught school in the lower end
and later accepted a position in the
Indian schools conducted by tho gpvern.
niont. Afterward he was engaged in
newspaper work, whero he displayed
much talent. Seven years ago he was
admitted to tho bar in this county.
The remains will arrive here this
evening from Wilkesbarro and will be
taken to the residence of his mother,
Mrs. Hugh Gallagher, on Chestnut
street, from which place tho funeral
will take place at 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning. The remains will bo iuterree
i at St. Ann's cemetery.
• 'The decoased is survived by his wife
i and one daughter, in Wilkesbarro; also
i by his mother and these' two sisters,
r Mrs. John McDonald, Freeland, and
Mrs. John B. Keeuan, Lost Creek,
' Schuylkill county.
Pan-American Exposition.
Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Itail
! road to the Pan-American Exposition.
, Five-day tickets, good only in day
coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and
, Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from
Freeland at the rate of $7 for the round
L trip.
Ten-day tickets will bo sold from Freo
- land cvory day, May 1 to October 31,
; good on any train, except the Black
Diamond express, at the rate of 510 for
: the round trip.
"I have been suffering from dyspepsia
1 for the past twenty years and havo been
1 unable after trying all preparations and
physicians to get any relief. After
, taking one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure I found relief and am now in better
health than I have been for twenty
years. 1 can not praise Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure too highly." Thus writes Mrs.
, C. W. Roberts, North Creek, Ark.
Grover's City Drug Store.
Mrh. Andrew Curney, of South Street,
Held Up by Trump* Till* Morning.
Mrs. Andrew Curney, of South street,
was held up and robbed this morning.
She was searching for her cow along
the road loading into town from White
Haven. She was a few hundred yards
east of the new South Heberton school
building when she met two men who
asked hor for money. Refusing to com
ply with their demand, she was struck
several blows by one of the men, while
the other relieved her of all the money
in her possession, amounting to
The men appoared to be tramps, and
after robbing her commanded hor to
walk a mile eastward, for tho purpose,
no doubt, of giving them time to make
good their escape.
Mrs. Curney obeyed the men, fearing
that she would be again attacked if she
refused. She walked to the junction of
tho road leading into Sandy Run, and
thore turned and came back to town by
the Carbon streot route.
Upon her arrival here the police were
notified of tho outrage, and Chief O'Don
nll and Patrolmnn Welsh and Molik
loft at 1 o'clock for Upper Lehigh tank,
whore a band of tramps have made their
headquarters for some time past. Tho
ollicers have good descriptions of the
Recovered the Bodies.
The accident In Silver Brook mine,
which was briolly mentioned in Monday's
Tribune, was as serious as the meagre
reports at hand at that time indicated.
Tho three men entombed by tbo rush of
coal and water from an abondoned
working were Foromau Samuel Kllnger
man and Drivers Alex. Uallagher and
Fred O'Donnell.
Mr. Klingorman was a married man
and leaves a large family. He was a
former resident of Eckley and was well
known in this vicinity. John Klingor
man, of North Washington stroet, was
his brother.
Tho other victims wore single men.
They were also known to many Free
land people.
Shortly after the accident occurred a
force of workmen began to try to rescue
their unfortunato fellow-men. Three
eight-hour shifts steadily labored with
this end in viow.
At an early hour this morning the
work of tho searchers was rewarded by
tho finding of the bodies of tho three
men. All had boen drowned.
Back In the Grave.
After grappling in Orassy pond for a
couple of days the men who were search
ing for the body of Ralph J. White,
stolen from tha Sweet Valley ceuiotojy,
had their boat halted by the grappling
hooks becoming fast in some object at
the bottom. Tho objoct was hauled to
tho surface and it proved to bo the
coffin containing the body. It had been
dumped into about the middle of the
pond. The coffin had been weighted
with chains such as are used in a well.
The coffin was soinowhat broken, but
it was not opened and was taken back
to tho cemotnry and placed In the gravo
from which It had been taken. The
perpetrators of tho outrage havo not
yot been caught.
Some of White's relatives are now
guarding the grave. Those who are op
posed to tho body rosting in the burying
ground say it will be stolen again the
first opportunity. White's relatives say
if tho grave Is again interfered with
some one will be shot.
A. 0. H. Smoker.
A smoker will be given by Division 19,
A. O. H., at tho Grand opera house hall
this evening. The committee in charge
of the affair has prepared a program
which promises to give a great deal of
entertainment to the members. All who
aro connected with the organization In
this vicinity havo been Invited to attend
and accommodations for 350 inon have
been made.
Going to Europe.
James S. McDonald, of Now York
city, notified the Tribuno yesterday that
ho will loavo on his European trip the
latter part of July. Letters sent to him
beforo August 15 should be addressed, in
care of J. McCabes, to Dundalk, County
Louth, Ireland, and after that date to
Hotel Cecil, London.
John .1. Kelly and Miss Mary A.
Taylor were to havo been married last
October at Tamaqua, but on the day
provious to the dato set for tho cere
mony Kelly's left leg and arm were cut
off by a train. A fews days ago Kelly
left the hospital. Yesterday he and
Miss Taylor were married. {
"Our little girl was unconscious from
strangulation during a sudden and terri
ble attack of croup I quickly secured
a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure,
giving her throe doses. The croup was
mastered and our little darling speedily
recovered." So writes A. L. Spafford,
Chester, Mich. Grover's City Drug Store.
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeland Recorded With
out Waste of Words.
The title of Division 41, A. O. U., of
town, has been changed to Division 19.
The latter was the original uumber of
the division, but was changed a few
years ago by tho county officials of the
order. Last evening the first number
assigned to the society was rcassuraed
by the inorabers.
Tho Slavonic Dramatic Association
produced a thrilling drama at the Grand
opera house last evening. The acting
was vory good and deserved better pat
ronage from tho Slavonic people of town.
Kolb's Mothor's Bread, fresh every
day, at M. Merkt'9. Try a loaf.
The residence of Paul Edwards, on
Ridge street, was entered some time
yesterday morning, and while the in
mates slept two watches and 87 in
money were stolen.
M. 11. Ilunsicker is preparing to
sprinkle tho streets. The sprinkler has
been missed this summer and the
patronage accorded should be sufficient
to continue it In operation until fall.
Try Keipor's 5-cent cigar—best made.
At St. John's Reformed church on
Friday evening Rev. C. F. Droyer will
deliver an address on "My Escape from
the Boxers." Rev. Dreyer 9pout con
siderable time in China and his address
will be of interest to all who attend.
John Shovlin, a resident of Sandy Run
for many years, is preparing to remove
to Midvalley.
Thomas Slattcry, of South Centre
streot, has been assigned to the position
of conductor on the I). S. & S. passenger
Rev. James Brehony, of Mauayunk,
Philadelphia, is visiting his brother,
Rev. Thomas Brehony, at Eckley.
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and bowels do not act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
remove the cause of disease. Grover's
City drug store.
Rev. J. B. Kerschnor, of town, will
preside at tomorrow's session of the
Wyoming classis, at Wcatherly.
Tho services of a night operator at
the I). S. & S. station at Driftou have
been dispensed with.
Louis Young and family havo remov
ed from West Walnut street to Blrkbeck
Arrangements are being made to run
an excursion to town from Pittston and
other upper end towns on Sunday. The
attraction will be a ball game between
Pittston and Edwardsville clubs.
The least in quantity and most in
quality describes DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Grover's City
drug store.
A movement has been started in
Hazleton to erect a monument to tho
memory of Rev. E. S. Phillips. The ex
pense is to be defrayed by popular sub
scriptions. The raonumont will be lo
cated on the church plot.
May 30.—Picnic of Eckley llase Pall
Club at Cycle Path grove.
May 30.—Annual picnic of Tigers
Athletic Club at the Public park.
May 30.—Annual dinner and supper
under auspices of Ladies' Aid Society in
the basement of English Baptist church.
Tickets, 23 cents.
Juno 15.—Picnic of Highland Social
Club at Highland hall park.
Low Kates to Pan-American Kxponltlon.
Via the Lehigh Valloy Railroad. Fivo
day tickets will ho sold 011 Tuesdays
and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31,
from Freeland at the rate of $7 for the
round trip. Tickets good only In day
Ten-day tickots will bo sold from Free
land every day, May 1 to October 31,
good on any train, except the lilack
Diamond express, at tho rato of $lO for
tho round trip.
llmluced Kitten to Kannun City.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ac
count of the meeting of tho Imperial
Council, NoUJes Mystic Shrine. Tickets
on sale June 7, 8 and 9. Inquire of
ticket agents for particulars.
Low Fares to Detroit.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ac
count of the mooting of tho National
Educational Association. Tickets on
salo July 0,7 and 8. See ticket agents
for particulars.
Beginning with Monday, April 15, A.
Oswald will CIOHO ill* Htore at 8 o'clock
every evening except Saturday* and the
general pay ulghts.
Phila, One-Price Clothing House.
Birkbeck Bi-ick, Freeland, Pa.
Office: Rooms 1 and 3, Birkbeck Ilrlck, FreclanN
All legal business promptly attended.
I ostoffice Building, - - . Freeland,
. Legal Business of Any Description.
Brennau's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland.
Campbell Building, - Freeland.
„ w . hl if Haven Olioo, Kane Building, Opposite
1 ostoffice; luesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Legal Business of every description. Fire
attention* 1 H Co,lve rancing given prompt
McMeuamlu Huilding.South Centre Street.
Second Floor, - . Birkbeck Brick
jyjRS. S. E. HAYES,
Washington Street.
None but reliable companies represented.
Also agent lor the celebrated high-grade
I ianus of Har.eltou Bros., New York city.
rjli. S. S. HESS,
97 South Centre Streot.
Seoond Floor Front, - Rofowich Building.
All business given prompt attention•
Tribune Building, - . Main Street
Boyl sad Girli, we uill Trust you. No Vlniiey la striate.
yeujo jeweled Top i -'".'t'
MtCßbt SIPPLY CO., 179 Broadway, New York.
Wm. Wehrman,
"V\7" atctLTnalsier.
Clocks and Watches for Sale.
Repairing a Specially.
Next to Neußurger's Store.
Geo. HL Hartman,
Meats and Green Truck.
Fresh Lard a Specialty.
Centre Btreot, near Central Hotel.
Corner of Centre and Front Street..
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Roacnbluth's Velvet, of which wo have
Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne,
Henucsay Brandy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Eto.
11am and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
B. C. LAUBACH, Prop.
Choice Hrcud f All Kinds. Cakes, and Fas
to6rdor y UU<J Novu,t y Cakes Waked
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and sup/Ay wagons to all parts of
town and surroundings every day.