FREELAXD TRIBUKE. lISTA 121 > 18*8 PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY TUB IRIEUNE PRINTING COMPANY. Limited OFFICE; MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LOHU DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SniSCRIPTIOX It ATE* Fit EEL AND.— J'heTßinuNE is delivered by curriers to subscribers in Frocluud at the rate of I-Uj cents per month, payable every two months or slsoa year, payable iu advance- The TRIBUNE may bo ordered direct form the carriers or from the office, e.'ompluints of lrr. oular or tardy delivery service will re ceive prompt attention. BY MAIL —The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of town subscribers for $1.51 a year, payable ia advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The data when the subscription expires is oil the address label of caoh paper. Prompt re newals must bo made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will bo discontinued. Entered at the Postoftlco at Freeland. Pa., as Second-Class Matter. Make all money orders, c'ierks etc. ,p"y hit to the Tribune 1* Tinting Company, Limited. A vaudeville (rust hai just been or ganized, but there is little reason to hope that it will throw out any of the old jokes. •Tames Defoe's death In London re moves the last male descendant of Daniel Defoe. "Robinson Crusoe" is now a classic unlinked with the pres ent. If fish Is a brain food then the resi dents along tlie Nile should not be short on brains. Not only are fish plentiful in that river, but there are 2200 varieties. England's coal supply, it is esti mated, will be gone In 10G0. But a mnjorl*"7 ot * the present generation of Englishmen will be keeping warm enough about that time not to worry over the fact. Australia does not propose that her light shall bo hid under a bushel. The lighthouse at Sydney is served by elec tricity. with 180,000 candle power, and the light itself can be seen for fifty miles at sea. Mr. Carnegie gave away $3,000,000 Inst year, and a large number of peo ple would be tickled half to death if his profits should not be sufficient to make him feel like giving away more than