Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, February 27, 1901, Image 1
FRE ELAN D TR IBU NE. VOL. XIII. NO 105. Leave Your Measure for your Next Suit of Clothes at Freeland's Leading Tailoring Establishment. Spring Stock Is Now Ready For Inspection. lefowicli'sWearWel Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. F RIE ELAND. Have You Seen Our Queen' Quality Shoes? AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. N.W (lor Ventre find Front Sts., Freeland DePIERRO - BROS O^IFEJ. Corner of Centre and Front Mtreets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaut'er Club, Kosenbiuth's Velvet, of which we h EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumill's Extra Dry Champagne, iieunessy Brandy, H lack berry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordiaio, Eb Ham and Srkweitzer Cheese Sandwiches Sardines, Ktc MEALS AT ALL HOURS LAUBACH'S YIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAU iACff, Prop. Choice Dread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Fas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. HfECTIIIHY @ ICS (Mill supplied to balls, parties or picnics, witl all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day EVEItY BUYER OF SHOES , is neglecting his duty to his i purse if he fails to learn our prices and examine our qualities and styles before investing money in footwear. We Sell Shoes and nothing else. You can buy to better advantage here than in stores where shoes are carried as a side-line, and if you give us the op portunity we will prove to you that this is true. STAR 313:013 3TOEE. si a • Corner Centre and Hllgll Malloy, Pi op. Walnut Streets. FREELAND, PA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1001. MINERS WANT MORE LAWS Union Officers Confer With the Lawmakers. They Agree Upon Certain Measures Which Will Be Pushed in the Legisla ture. Senators and representatives from the anthracite coal region held a conference at Harrisburg yesterday with a commit tee representing the United Mine Work ers, for consideration of various propos ed bills affecting the interests of the miners. These measures will be intro duced In a few days. Their adoption is expected to remove many of the points of difference between miners and em p'oyers which have caused trouble for years. One provides that the mine inspectors shall be elected by the people for a period of three years and fixes their salary at SIOO a month and expenses. Another provides that all anthracite coal mining shall be paid for by weight, at 2.240 pounds to the ton, and fixes a penalty of from 8100 to 8500 and ninety days' imprisonment for violation. A bill was agreed upon which author izes tho placing of check-weighmen at each anthracite colliery, to be elected and maintained by the men. The weigbman shall be present at the weighing of all coal, shall weigh the coal If be chooses, and shall have the privilege of balancing the scales. If there is a dispute between the men's weighman and the company's weigbman It shall be referred to the mine inspector, whose decision shall be final, the loser |to pay the costs. Any company inter fering with the check-wcightuan shall be subject to a penalty of from SIOO to SSOO. Another bill agreed upon fixes a pen alty of SSOO or three months' imprison ment. for violation of tho semi-monthly pay law. The b'ill provides that no as signment of future wages to be paid semi-monthly shall be valid, and no agreement to rolieve the employ er from the provisions of tho act will be legal. T. J. Nicholls, of Nanticoke, president of District No. 1; J. J. Kearney, of Archbald, and Henry Collins, of Carbon dale, members of the executive commit tee of District No. 1; Adam Pulaski, of Mt. Carmel, president, and George Ilart lein, secretary, of District No. 9, repre sented the United Mine Workers in the conference. Representative Garner's resolution de manding tho removal of James E. Rod- ■ erick, chief of the bureau of mines and mining, because of his alleged declara tion that "the miners' hands are against: every man and every man's hands are against them," was the occasion of a meeting of the house of representatives committee on mines and mining. Representative Haworth announced that Mr. Roderick was ill, and suggest ed the appointment of a committee to j confer with him as to whether be had , anything to say for himself. This was agreed to, and Messrs. Paul, of Philadel-! phia; Hartman, of Luzerne, and Ilaag, of Schuylkill, were appointed. The committee found Roderick in his room at the Lochlel hotel, suffering with symptoms of pneumonia. He said he was too ill to discuss the matter, but promised the committee that as soon as he is able he will furnish a sworn denial of Garner's statement. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach; neither can we stop the human j machine to make repairs. If tbastom-j ach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such u preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply j can't help but do you'good. Grover's City drug store. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Frceland Opera House Co., Lessees. Wednesday Evening, Feb, 27. The Edwin Young Dramatic Co. IN "Wicked London" . ANI) AN OLIO OIF High-Class Vaudeville Features. BIG DOUBLE SHOW. Prices: 10, 20 and 30 Cents. THEATRICAL I The Edwin Young Dramatic Company gave a creditable presentation of "In the Heart of the Sierras" last evening. • The company is composed of competent people and their presentation of this ex citing melodrama was appreciated by the large audience. The vaudeville features of the show are very good, es pecially the work of Harvey, the equili brist and chin balancer. Ills marvejous feats made a big hit. Tonight "Wicked London" will be given. X X X "Quo Vadis," as presented at the Grand opera house on Monday evening, was greeted by one of the largest audi ences of the season. The play, notwith standing its length, held the attention of the house from beginning to end, and the excellent dramatization of the famous novel was a treat to even those who have not read the book. The com pany was a fairly capable one. t X X Clinton Vidor, Charles Gilson and Eugene Ordway, three members of the Lorraine Hollis Company, which appear ed here last week, have been arrested at Pottsville on the charge of conspiracy to ruin the company's business by having attachments issued against tho box office receipts for their salaries. At a hearing yesterday the accused were discharged. t t t An entertainment under tho auspices of St. Ann's band will be given at the Grand opera house on March 17. Died From Their Injuries. Richard Williams, a son of Mrs. Henry 11. Williams, of Upper Le high, died this morning In the Miners' hospital at Hazleton. On the Bth Inst, the young man was seriously hurt in No. 5 mine, Upper Lehigh, by being squeezed about the head between a car and a prop. He was taken to the hospi tal. where he showed signs of improve ment. and his recovery was taken for granted. The news of his death was a shock to his relatives and friends. The deceased was aged 17 years, ft months and 18 days. Ho Is survived by his mother, two sisters and throe broth ers. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The re mains will be interred at Preeland cem etery. John Sager, a Freeland Slavonian, was seriously Injured about the back early yesterday morning by a fall of coal In No. 5 mine, Jeddo. Ho was taken to the Miners' hospital, where he died last night. The deccasod resided on Adams street. New County Up Again. A new county bill was introduced in the house yesterday by Mr. Haworth, of Freeland. Tho bill provides that when ever any county shall attain a popula tion of 250,000 or more, or that has al ready reached that population, it may be divided and a new county erected therefrom upon consent of a majority of the qualified electors of tho proposed new county district voting at an election to be called for such purpose. Married in Montana. Cards have been received in Freeland announcing the marriage of James Rogan, a son of Patrick Rogan, of South Centre street, to Miss Cecile Alice Ducommon Gastigor, at Anaconda, Montana, on tho 14th inst. Mr. Rogan is a well known young man and his friends here will wish the couple many years of happiness. They Kefuned Hiui a Drink, Claiming he was minor, .and by no amount of argument could he pursuade them that he was close to thirty until he finally removed his hat, and by his bald head satified them that he was not only entitled to the drink, but also to a front seat at the ballet show. Wo think this young man would bo willing to lose the drink and the front seat if he could over come the disfiiiremeut and aged appear ance of his head. Therefore, we advise him to send for a free samplo of "Luxura." and start his hair growing. "Luxura" is the only honest hair grower on the market. It stops itching, cures dandruff, prevents hair from falling out, and promotes a new growth. A written guarantee accompanies "Luxura," pro viding for the return of your money if it fails. Price SI.OO, postage paid. Send for a free sample, enclosing 2c. stamp. Hoston Drug and Chemical Co., 590 Pel hatn Building, Boston, Mass. Tobacco of all kinds at Keiper's. Wm. Wehrman, Watchmaker. Watches, from $4 to $25. Clocks, from $1 to SH. Centre street, below South. Come and Examine our new line of Kicli's Fiuupus Julia Marlowe Ladies' Shoes. Every Pair Is Guaranteed. JOHN BELLEZZA, ROUND THE REGION With a roar like the rattle of musketry several acres of land and one dwelling in Laurel Run borough sank into the earth over the Red Ash Mine workings last night. The real result of the cave in will not bo known until the spring rains remove tho frost from the ground, when, it is feared, the ground will settle many feet more and involve tho entire town. The house which was partially wrecked was occupied by John George and Owen Owens and their families. A needle Is likely to cause the death of Miss Agnes Horan, of Mt. Cariuel. Last evening she felt a sudden pain, which increased until her body became numb. A physician found a portion of a needle protruding from her side. A vain attempt was made to remove the needle. Miss Horan is suffering in tensely. It is feared that tho noodle will reach a vital spot. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may he completely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely digests what you eat. As it is the only com bi- a nation of all the natural digestants ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. Grover's City drug store. The 800 employes of the Dolph Coal Company, at Wlnton, Lackawanna county, have struck because the com pany had failed to pay tho 10 per cent increase in wages to a number of Its miners. The company is said to have aggravated the matter by discharging the men who served on the grievance committee during the late strike. Mrs. Carrie Nation, the Kansas joint smasher, has sent word to temperance workers in Sera 11 ton that she is going there, and will prosecute a liquor dealer of that city who Is advertising "the Carrie Nation cocktail." Mrs. Nation says she will demand SIO,OOO damages for the unwarranted use of her name. For the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Mitiule Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly. Grover's City drug store. Word has coiue from Philadelphia of the death in that city of John McDon ald, formerly of Pittston. Death oc curred In a hospital thore after an operation for the removal of a bullet from the brain. The deceased was for years a member of the United States marines. During an engagement in the Philippines lie was wounded. The license court has refused fourteen applications to soli liquor, ten in Ash ley and one each In Butler, Black Creok, H&zle township and West Hazleton. Remonstrances against tho applications had been filed by the Anti-Saloon League. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneu monia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difficulties. It Is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Children like it. Grover's City drug store. The contest of the cemetery authori ties at Sweet Valley to prevent the in terment of the body of Ralph J. White, the convicted murderer who committed suicide in the county jail, ended yester day. The body was interred with tho aid of the sheriff's deputies. There is always danger in using coun terfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salvo for sores and all skin diseases. Grover's City drug store. The Investigation of the origin of the Mansion House fire, at Ashley, in which Eugene Fenner lost his life, and $40,000 worth of property was dostroyed, has resulted In the arrest of four men, sus pected Incendiaries. Persons who can not take ordinary pills find It a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are tho best little pills ever made. Grover's City drug storo. Scranton silk mill strikers have is sued an appeal to organizod labor to as sist them financially in the contest for higher wages. George Mcßride, foreman in Walter Henry's saw mill at Conyngham, was drawn against a revolving saw yester day. Ho was cut. and torn in a horrible manner and lived but a few hours. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve aro worth less. The original quickly cure piles, sores and all skin diseases. Grover's City drug store. Return tho Overconts. On Saturday evening two overcoats were removed from the figures standing In front of my store. The parties who participated in this alleged joke are known, and unless prompt restitution Is made they will be prosecuted. If the overcoats are returned in good condition without further delay no questions will be asked; if not arrests will follow. S. Senie, I'UII*. One-l'rice ClcJthlng Houuei LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN UP Short Items of Interest to All Readers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. On Tuesday evening next there will be a preliminary meeting of those who in tend taking part in the "Story of the Reformation." All who desire to co operate, and especially those from the various churches, are invited to be present. This meeting will be hold in tho P. M. church, Fern street, at 8 o'clock. Letters of administration upon the estate of Michael Basinski, late of Drif ton, who was killed at No. 4 Jeddo on the 11th Inst., were granted to his brother, John Basinski, of Drifton, at Wilkesbarro today. The estate Is val ued at SOUO, consisting of money in bank. The bond of Paul Andrews, treasurer of Local Union No. 1652, of the United Mine Workers, located at Highland, in the SUB (if S3OO, with Joseph Virutzky as bondsman, was tiled in the prothono tary's office today. All the applications for new liquor licenses applied for by Attorneys Stroh and O'Donnell were granted today. Thomas McGraw, of Ebervale, was severely Injured yesterday in Oakdale colliory by a tall of coal. The Ilalpin Manufacturing Company is building a new ambulance for use at Morea colliery in Schuylkill county. The marriage of Benjamin Eckbart, of Freeland, to Miss Minnie Lelller, of Sugarlouf township, has been announced. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. He has a nice variety. Coxe Bros. & Co.'s employes at Drifton and Eckloy were paid today. On Satur day tho mine workers at Jeddo, High land, Ebervale, Sandy Run and Upper Lehigh will be paid. The will of the late Mrs. Catherine roily, of Coxe addition, was probated last evening boforo Deputy Register Kuntz in Attorney O'Donneil's office. Her son, William, is named as executor. John C. Mulligan, of West Virginia, Is the guest of Upper Lehigh friends. Tomorrow at 3.30 p. m. there will be a ! public wedding at the P. M. ehurch. Hot temperance drinks, at Keiper's. ' Active preparations are being made for the big mass meeting of workingtnen at the Grand opera house on Friday evening. Coasting on the streots of town has ceased, duo to the melting of the Ice during the past few days. Station Agent McHugh has purchased a handsome book case of seven sections. It has a capacity of IGO lineal inches, exclusive of top and base, and is one of tho neatest book cases in town. The Conyngham Herald began its fourth year on Saturday. Editor Hunt er publishes a newsy paper which is apparently well supported by the people of his section. Millions of people are familiar with DeWltt's Little Early Risers and those who use them find them to be famous little liver pills. Never gripe. Grovor's City drug store. Representative Haworth has present ed a bill in the legislature appropriating $415.71 to Charles H. Knelly for the lumber used and destroyed by the Twelfth regiment, N. G. P., at Hazle ton, during the autumn of 1897. At a meeting of the Democratic county committee on Saturday Judge Lynch's candidacy for renomination was endors ed. Mrs. Robort Mellon and children, of Elizabeth, N. J., are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Qnigley, on Main street. J. C. Sneddon, of Walnut street, is placing neat door plates on many resi dences in town. The plate Is illnminous encased in plate glass and neatly taper ed, so as not to bo affected by exposure to any kind of weather, He also places bouse numbers of the same kind. PLEASURE. March 17. —Musical entertainment by St. Ann's band at Grand opera house. March 18-19.—"Story of the Reforma tion," under tho auspices of St. Paul's P. M. church, at Grand opera house. Tickets, 25, 35 aud 50c. JPJEIIJXrTTIsrGr Prtmi4itly Don* UT the THtmtrt* OOKJO. TRI-WEEKLY WANTEID ! 1 II Men ami Women to attend our special sale of ' Underwear for Men "and Boyaj now going on. Special prices to all, special privileges to none. | Come and View Our Immense Stock and if you don't see what you want, ask for it. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SEN IE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. • £MIAS. ORION STROH, , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and 1 NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Rooms 1 and 'J, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CAItR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' All legal business promptly attended. Postofflee Building, . Freeland. ■ Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Aug Description. Brcnnan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. i D J. O'DONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building. - Freeland. White Haven (mice. Kane Building. (Inposite Postoffiee; Tuesdays. Thursduys, Salurdays. JOHN J. McBREAR'i' Y, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every dt- rlptlnn, Fire Insurance, und Cotlvuyaneiug given prompt stteutiou. MeMeuamin Building,South Centre Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER Bi UK BECK'S STORE, • Second Floor, - - Birkbeck Brtck jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, | FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None lint reliable companies represented. Also agent, for the celebrated high-grade Pianos of Hazelton Bros., New York city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Hefowich Building. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - . Main Street Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Truck. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Street, near Central Hotel. T. CAMPBELL dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Slioes. Also PURE WINES & LIQUORS FOB FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOBHB. i Centre und Main streets. Freeland. P. F. MCNULTYL FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMSALBEB. Embalm in? of female corpses performed exclusively By Mrs. P. 1-'. McNulty. PREPARED TO ATTEND CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. South Centre street, Freeland. CURRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. | E, J.Curry, South Centre Street. i MISCELLANEOUS AI)VEHTISE>INTB. LOST. —8 on day ovenintr, on <Vntr street, a tfflk muWcT. Flvutjo return to this ollleu.