Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, February 25, 1901, Image 3

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| fH Bunyadl J&nos
i jS Endorsed and used by the most prominent physicians
I V * n as the best and safest remedy for dls
°^ ® biliousness, liver troubles, gout and
It Cures Constipation!
>?<& 2 Take one-half glassful on arising in the morning and
you will feel the remarkableeffects in half an hour.
Bfftffprfpl*yw V\ A Cf/" For the I f /"v/~v ¥/" •* the label.
Miff fl AMI <ullnmf I I II IK Blue with Red
..Hunyedi janos."| Centre Panel.
|jjay& 1 Sole Exporter, Firm of AndrcasSaxlehner, 130 Fulton St.,N.Y.
Dr. Bull's Cougii <
Cures a cough or cold nt oner. #&■■ i**
Conquers croup, bronchitis. SV| M |_l
grippe and consumption. 25c. J K
pern * 6t~*M-mrmrx:w-*rM msa
This Is i\ daring statement, butß.-U- L
- sar'g seeds boar it out ©very Uuie. r
Comblnat'on Corn. B
Ureatestcoriionoarth. wlllposltlvely 1
revolutionize coru growing. * |
S* V s \ Billion Dollar Grass. /n*v ■
- syV. Orentest marvel ol tbe
oronplx wecits alter sowing I
gßr Iffjl
Mid thlit NOTICE w mull ■•jjjjj-' Q
(SO l.u. i-r A.)j 'uU,
H 11art.y,(173 Su.parA) I'taual, elc. \V ortUslQ. V> gt stallP
H John A. Salxcr Socd Co. h' Crwta, Wis. P
M~T -BT-BI I B i H M M ■ m M il
gi<Sy' it-"*j.*3- TRIAL hi your own home, t.o
(BaUCa'j-.kitkak-ffiKi&l'-gMturnih the genuine and
EdA; i?3vV IM I > an T readorof this paper. j
rest! snnrnntw. COSTS
_ w k w ALMOST I!3TriISQ compared
with most all other treatments. Curra when .11 r.ihircleo.
trls bolts, sppilmr n snrt r. ne. Ir. fsll. QUICK DURE for
inorothunfiOallmonts. OSI.V HURKCt'RE for ult nervous (
diseases, weaknesses and disorders. For complete i
i"nlt'll confidential catalogue, enttblsntiont snd msiltoua. ;
ISEARS. ROEOUCIt & CO.. Chicago. |
fffr \ L lh '" Urino Spolnllst (Water
\ Doctor) cuu detect mid explain
f> T m |t'"' most coniplionlcd chronio
U disease by the urlno; if curable,
M saffi/ treat it successfully by mall.
Bend 4 cents for niallingcaso ,
'Cv f"r urino. Consultation, annl
' M f lir,n '"' r "l ,ort M d book
: V jjjk v . "jj.'ip. L'oiVnilAvo,
-hirst Floor, Pittsburg,Pa.
E|y q v I 1 10 i t fi ;j|
■ M I!.(! 11. STKVI'NS a'T'II".? 1 7 at "ISS."
Llv. Hl7—Hth Street, WASH INCTON. D.C.
Br.moh ofticos: Chicago. Ciovelaud and Detroit.
caacts- tJo-.H a.l tf-toii'inui.. | 0 ttu> h* trcitmn .t
Frou. Dr. U. H. QUEEN B SONS. Sox B. Atlanta. Ua
®l o^gan'i am '"s | Wreck® fifo®
strong enough to stand H AT 1 *57
sgeSSrJStSr'itU I
plain that nothing in the g] m ** **
world can possibly take m
the place of restful sleep, ||
yet many try to eke out E ,R+t&S£E9t&*S
an existence without this ra E&aU & S3 v&v ij \&je tikp u & w&r tiwJ
sustaining power. Their ra
lan impossibility, or at H „
dreamn? Ttisnotstrafe I ££GS&EtHm
weakness,' amounting
soon to complete prostration, follows inability to sleep. There is no
let-up to the strain. Vital forces are drawn upon, confirmed invalid
ism results.
The recuperative power of natural sleep is wonderful. Complete
physical and mental exhaustion gives place, after a few hours of
quiet slumber, to a full renewal of energy. The fatigue of body and
mind disappears entirely while
1,11 "" 111 3 * BcmmmaarMm^*X!B;aB * ms all the muscles are strong and
<n*n ***, n the nerves absolutely calm,
or® SMi 9 een& y s eep is the indication given
by Nature as a guide to human
NERWURA fc thatTherc
FOR THE BLQQO A ft£2 \ oVutmTowerlof recupera"
> ! w ff g— raisr"e* I tion which must have oppor
tltenv£L*Jm B tunity to assert themselves.
P—m-——a—mmm Based on this clear demon-
stration, Dr. Greene's Nervura
HHBBHkW.IAFI'k, 1 ¥!!',! 1 I V 1 ?chh blood and nerve remedy was
J t ''4 *• * constructed by Dr. Greene to
fl* *. r\V, | VVVAu V! H help Nature combat the ills
11, ** ill \ I -'' -1 H that attack men and women.
' K What no amount of powerful
j i tf Wl v| ill Ht li\| "tfc drugs could possibly accotn-
I!"\\V' 5' ii iH pßsh, can be successfully and
i N fepfl promptly effected by healthy
Blood and nerves, the kind of
blood which flows in strength
t T ening flood to every portion
■ "V*T ; iU of the body, tlie condition of
w■- ' ' serves which permits awak
msl i&W \\' '* eucc * Nature to seize its op
' rtunit y to restore to perfect
fl Airs. FLORENCE TAYLOR, of 4
'yfe .'■■ | Courtland Place, Bridgeport, Cone.,
BgaJ 1 ' M. I i Bil ftW; "For four years I was troubled
i( 11 r fj' ' j R ')■ p}' I 5 i ,i ervoua debility and hysteria
111 V UKwfwvni If iI l\ip ! deepWssnM* and meutal depression,
■6m \ \&*riilv I////! Jtlra 1 D 'in >'• ; and for months I was confined to my
ft\ \ f 1 Sjf/l myppetu"ih > dtariSJM*n'|Mh"d
■lk 1 y/Ij ifflariiptfff Ufc°nmf made CntW f d " 1>; in,erest
Mwis\leh.J 'V 71 K another peraon. After'"eking ix
' )!// bottles I thankfully proclaim* a my-
W W SlSlKi ? C '. f „ ' tr ?.", K , ; ' nd wc " Those six
In U do'lnrs a!:d° r w hundreds of
I Br, Greene's Nir-
L A/1 ..•J vura is the Remedy
' vA"t R^'< , that Cures,
/ '4. 1 \[\l| 1W Xcl PntJ explanation of these matters
r /) ,1 \ ,\\Y tl ,?,B Or °"ono on rique.t, wlth-
II J \\vn KvS!®ftv#y/a i^ h V?fv Dr - aretn >'' address Is
iV 1 IV I I* £ ?} f Street, New York City.
£ " ft <Sv/ V* Consultation wi'h him either by call
m 1 ViH or ' etter 1* free.
The chief sanitary inspector of Chi
cago has discovered that all the churches
of that city are full of bad air, and
says the more you steam and heat foul
air the more unwholesome it becomes.
FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the tirm of F. .J. CHENEY
Co., doing busiuesMiitheCity ofToledo.Counfcy
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLL/JIB for each
and every case of CATARRH that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATAKUII CUKE.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
I - i prosenco, this ilth day of December,
< SEAL)- A. 1). 1880. A. \V. GLKASON,
I—,—) Xularii I'iilillc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intornnlly, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. < HENRY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7. r ic.
llail's Family Pills are the best.
The foreign population of Shanghai
last May was 6,774, °f which 562 were
Best For the Bowels,
No matter what ails you, headache to a
caucer, you will never get well until your
bowels are put right. CAHCAIIETS help
j nature, cure you without a gripe or pain,
I produce easy natural movements, cost you
just 10 ceuts to start getting your health
; buck. OASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the
genuine, put up iu metul boxes, every tab
let has C.G.O. stamped ou it. Beware of
, imitations.
Russian gold mines average an an
nual yield of 86,668 pounds.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
druggbts refund tho money If it fntlH to cure.
E. W. GIIOVS'S signature Is on cacli box. 25c.
j Cincinnati is the greatest hardwood
market in the United States.
?leadanteH and Norvouaneaa Curcil
bv a remedy compounded of simple Herbs.
Physicians have had the most signal success
in prescribing Garfield Headache Powder* !'•
Nervousness and Headaches.
In 1835 Indian elephants fetched $225,
now they run up to $4,000 apiece.
Throw physic to the dogs—if you don't
want tho dogs ; but if you want good digts
: tion chow Beoman's Pepsin Gum.
I The planet of Neptune was discover
ed with the telescope in 1846.
Plso's Cure cannot bo too highly spoken of
an a cough cure.—J. W. O'BRIEN, 322 Third
Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, 11)00.
The silk-worn? is liable to over 100
No wonder the flsk crop is neve*
••short." The flounder lays 7,000.000
eggs annually; several others from
1,000,000 to 3,000,000, while the turbot
Is credited with depositing from 11,-
000,000 to 12,000,000 during e>".ch breed
ing season.
IToney dew has been a subject of re
cent investigations which show it to
be a sugary substance obtained from
the juice of the trees—such as syca
more, ash and lime—on which it is
found. The statement that lioney dew
Is sometimes produced by other insects
than aphides seems to he ill founded,
as reports indicate that the insects no
ticed arc prisoners that have been
caught by the sticky honey dew.
The largest hothouses in the country
devoted exclusively to the cultivation
of orchids are in New Jersey. Four
hundred varieties may be found there,
from Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ec
uador, Bolivia, Costa ltica, Guatemala,
Honduras and Mexico, the principal
supply sources; also from every other
tropical and sub-tropical country, in
cluding one from the Philippines,
which has taken kindly to American
A new nethod has been discovered
whereby balloonists may communicate
while at an altitude of over GOOO feet
with those on the ground. The method
consists of a huge drum placed some
fifty feet below the car which is beat
en by electricity. The dots and dashes
of the Morse telegraphic code have
been adopted with complete success.
This will prove a great advantage in
warfare. Hitherto balloons have been
limited to an ascension of 1000 to 1500
feet on account of their telegraphic
wires, and have thus been unable to
escape the range of fire.
Between Formosa and tho const of
China lies a group of twenty-one isl
ands, interspersed with innumerable
reefs and ledges, which are called the
Pescadores Islands. According to the
investigation of a Japanese geologist,
these islands have suffered in a re
markable manner from the northeast
winds, which blow with savage vio
lence there during nine months of the
year. The original area of the islands
has been greatly reduced by erosion,
and their surfaces are barren and des
olate, so that the wind whipped group
forms "a quasi desert amidst the green
Island world of Southeastern Asia."
Several years ago members of the
Geological Survey suggested that in
former times the Tennessee River, in
stead of joining the Ohio, as at pres
ent, flowed into the Gulf of Mexico
through the channels of the Coosa and
Alabama Rivers. This conclusion has
recently been corroborated in a singu
lar manner by Mr. Charles T. Simp
son, of the Smithsonian Institution.
The original suggestion was based on
the appearances of the land, hut Mr.
Simpson's continuation depends upon
the distribution of a particular form
of fresh-water mussel which, although
It is peculiar to the Tennessee River,
is also found in the Coosa and Ala
bama. As these creatures cannot tra
verse the land, the inference is that
formerly the waters of the Tennessee
flowed southward into the streams
above named.
The White Wings' Drinking Cup.
Some thirsty "white wing" has in
vented an emergency drinking cup the
knowledge of which s spreading
among the city laborers rapidly. It is
not an uncommon sight, now to see a
street cleaner taking a long and satis
fying draught by the use of an ordin
ary paper hag as a drinking cup. The
bag is begged from any peanut vender
who happens near. The thirsty one
opens and fills the hag in the usual
way with water from one of the street
hydrants. Lifting the bag full of
water so that one corner of the bottom
rests in his mouth, tlie drinker simply
bites out the corner of the bag and
the drink begins. He can make tho
flow as slow or as fast and as long as
he pleases. But it takes a new bag
for the second drink.—New York Sun.
Tho Odor of tho Kudzu Vine.
The kudzu vine, which has become
iso valuable in rapidly covering trel
lises, pillars and buildings, has been
esteemed mainly on this account. Its
growth of over 100 feet in a single
season is truly amazing. It was dis
tributed at dolichos japonlca, though it
is new said its proper baptismal name
Is paehyrhizuß tliuiibergianus, derived
from Its enormous roots. It appears
that where the plant has become
strongly established all the branches
of the last year do not die back to the
ground. From these enduring stems
spikes of bright purple, beanlike flow
ers issue. They are so hidden by the
foliage as to be unobserved, but soon
make themselves known by a delight
ful odor that is wafted to long dis
tances around.—Medians' Monthly.
Five Acres In Cotton.
Mr. William Love, on Judge John
Youmans's plantation, made on tt/o
acres four bales of cotton, netting bin
2100 pounds of lint and 800 bushels
of cotton seed. The cotton at ten
cents brought $2lO, and the seed, ?:t
twenty-five cents a bushel, bringing
S2OO. Thus it will be seen that the
seed the farmers used to throw away
in this country are bringing nearly or
quite as much as the lint.—Swainsboro
Pine Forest.
Wilt Be Found Out.
If ycu have a habit of speaking light
ly of your acquaintances you may rest;
assured that they will hear cf it.—
Atchison Globe.
Xa the most important period in a wo
man's existence. Owing to modern
methods of living, not one woman in
a thousand approaches this perfectly
natural change without*experiencing
a train of very annoying and some
times painful symptoms.
Those dreadful hot flashes, sending
the blood surging to the heart until it
seems ready to burst, and the faint
feeling that follows, sometimes with
chills, as if the heart were going to
stop for good, are symptoms of a dan-
Serous, nervous trouble. Those hot
ashes are just so many calls from
nature for help. The nerves are cry-
ing out for assistance. The cry should
be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound was pre
pared to meet tho needs of woman's
system at this trying period of her life.
It builds up tlie weakened nervous
system, and enables a woman to pass
that grand change triumphantly.
" I was a very sick woman, caused
\>y Change of Life. I suffered with hot
flushes, and fainting spcllfe. I was
afraid to go on the street, my head
and back troubled me so. I was en
tirely cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound."— MRS. JENNIE
NOBLE, 5010 Keyser St., German town,
There are eight submarine cables of
over 2,000 miles in length.
A Ilcadarhe Cure Not Compote* <>(
Harmful Drugw.
Garfield Ileadachn Towders enjoy the dis
tinction of being Absolutely Pure, Effective
and Harinlcßß ; they are made from Herbs,
Maine has 175 factories in which fish
and vegetables are canned.
The Bent Prescription for Chills
and Fovor Is a bottle of GROVE'S TASTKT.EWI
CHILLTONIO. it la simply iron and quinine tn
a tasteless form. No cure—uopay. I'rlce 600.
There is no poor law in China. There
are no Sundays.
Frey**yv*rniifugc by Tin 11.
Send £ R >O. to E. A* S. I'RKV, BALTIMORE. MD.,
if not lor bale at your druggist or store.
The first anti-slavery society was or
ganized in 1775 at Philadelphia.
Million* Use Cnrter's Inlc
which is sure proof of its excellent quality. Is
made chemically accuruto. Thereioru the best.
The Prince of Wales pays at the rate
of £350 a thousand for his cigars. These
precious weeds arc seven inches long.
WO refund 10C for every pnekago of PUT
NAM FADELESS DYE that fulls to give siitis
fuotioii. Mouroo Drug Co., Uniouvillo, Mo.
Lived Before tho Pharoahs.
There has been brought to the Hall
of the Dead in the British Museum,
says the New Press, the body oi
a man who lived in Egypt in time long
1 .lore the days of Mcnes, the first king
of the United Egypt. It was probably
7.000 years ago that this man roamed
about, hunting 011 the shores of the
Nile with his weapons of flint. When
he died his body was treated to a prepar
ation of bitumen and placed in the tomb
from which the explorers took it. The
tomb was hollowed out of the sand
stone on the west bank of the Nile, in
Upper Egypt, and the body rests in the
British Museum in a model of the tomb.
The mummy lay on its left side with its
knees drawn up and its hands over its
face. The grave was covered with a
slab of unworked stone, and in it, beside
the body, were disposed flint knives and
several vases partly filled with the dust
of funeral offerings. The indications
arc that the man belonged to a light
skinned, fair-haired people. He was of
the race which came into Egypt in the
earliest times, when the setting of the
Nile made a land capable of cultivation.
These people might be called the abo
riginals of Egypt, and remains of their
settlements arc found on the west bank
of the Nile.
Cures Asthma
Do you know what it is to
have the asthma? Or have
you ever seen one suffer with
it ? The hard struggle for air,
the spasmodic breathing, the
nights spent in the chair, all
tell a story of terrible suffering.
certainly cures asthma; also
bronchitis, hoarseness, .veak
lungs, whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night coughs,
and hard colds.
Three sizes: 25c., 53c., SI.OO.
If your druggist cannot supply you. send us one
m £ a wo w '" ®*rr " largo bottle to you,
!. rßeo P r ®P aJfl - He sure nnrt (tlve u yom
Lowell g, P T ; CM ° mC ®' Addro>fl ' J * °- AYKB CO,
And every Distressing irritation
of the Skin and Scalp instantly
Relieved by a Bath with
And a single anointing with CUTICURA, the
great skin cure and purest of emollients. This
treatment, when followed in severe cases by mild
doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool
and cleanse the blood, is the most speedy, perma
nent, and economical cure for torturing, disfigur
ing, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and
pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of hair
ever compounded. i
TJSE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment,'
for preserving-, purifying, and beautifying the sfein, for
cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop
ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red,
rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in
the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too
free or offensive perspiration, in the fcrm of washes for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily
suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can in
duce these who have once used these great skin purifiers and bcau
tifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate
emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin
cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh
fng of flower odors. No other mecicated soap ever compounded
is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautify
ing the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic
toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all
the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines
the BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST toilet and BEST
baby soap in the world.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for fevorv IJumn-
Af* J. • Conltltig of COT! cum SOAP (25C.J, to cl.aiiso tho .kino' HI „'J
ua hra „ d coo. blood.
THE SET, $1.25