Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, February 04, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XIII. NO. 95.
selling at
Clothing and Shoe House.
LnJlo#' Queen Quality Shoes.
p dw
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
All kinds of household utensils.
H. W. Cor Centre and Front Sts., Freehind
Corner of Centre sod Front Htreets.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Kosonbluth's Velvet, of which wo h
Mucin's Rxtra Dry Champagne,
Hennessy Hrandy, Blackberry,
Gins. Wines, Clurete, Cordiaid. Ktc.
Ham and Frhweitz&r Cheese andwichen,
Sardines, Ktc
B. C. LAU ;ACII, Prop.
Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Fas
try. Daily. Kuncy and Novelty Cukes liuked
to Order.
supplied tn ball*. parties or picnics, wit I
all tiecesary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj
(aim and <*>irroit ruling* every dau
Ol' SliOJfi !
is neglecting his duty to his |
purse if he fails to learn our i
prices and examine our
qualities and styles before
investing money in footwear.
We Sell Shoes
and nothing else. You can
buy to better advantage here
than in stores where shoes
are carried as a side-line,
and if you give us the op
portunity we will prove to
you that this is true.
SH33 STOtESfc.
>i „ „ n„._ Corner Centre and
MitHOy, Pi P. Walnut Street,. 1
Mrs. Jerry McCarthy and
George A. Beisel.
Former Dies After Long Ill
ness at Her Home on
South Centre Street—The
Latter at Hazleton.
Annie, the wifo of Jerry McCarthy, is
dead at her home on South Centre
street. For many weeks past she had
boon a sufferer from a lingering illness
and no hopes of her recovery were en
tertained for the past few weeks. Mrs.
McCarthy was an estimable young
woman who enjoyed the friendship of a
a large number of people and her death
is regretted by all who knew her.
The deceased is survived by her hus
band and three small children, also by
her mother, Mr*. Hugh McGroarty, and
the following brothers and sisters:
Frank, John, James and Hugh and
Misses Mary, Maggie, Agnes and Katie
The funeral will take placo tomorrow
tnornlng at 9 o'clock. A requiem mass
will be read at St. Ann's church, after
which the remains will be taken to
Laurytown Catholic cemetery for inter
George A. Beisel, a former resident of
Freeland, died on Saturday evening st
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Nathan Beisel, Hazleton, at the age of
31 years. A week ago the young man
was brought to liis father's home from
Baltimore, where lie was employed as a
carpenter. He was suffering from con
sumption, but it was thought the change
of climate would do him good; this, how
ever, proved untrue and lie rapidly
Mr. Beisel was born in Butler town
ship, but at an early age removed to
Drifton and later to Freeland. A year
ago he was married to Miss Maggie
Farroll, of Coxe addition, who survives
him. Besides his parents he is also surviv
ed by his brothers, John, William and
Arthur, and his sisters, Mrs. Harry
Yoch and Mrs. George Boyle, ail resi
dents of Hazleton.
The funeral will take placo at 1.30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Carriages
will convoy the relatives and friends to
Freeland, and the interment will bo
made in St. Ann's cemetery.
Foster School Board.
Directors Lesser, Keller, Doudt and
Zoistloft were present at the Foster
township school board meeting Satur
day evening.
Principal Hoffman reported an item
ized account of the pupils in each school
in the township. Tbo total enrollment
in the day session is 1,035, while the
night session has 112.
A communication from Joseph Hand
long was read and created much merri
ment. At the last meeting Mr. Hand
long had a hill for cleaning the school
building at Fast Foster. Not having
been authorized to do the cleaning, the
secretary was ordered to notify him to
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
11. artificially digetß the food and aids
Nature iu strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gaus. It istlie latest discovered digestr
aut and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prlcesoc. and sl. Lftrpo site contain! 1% times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO' Cb'cago.
Graver's City Drugf Store.
Wm. Wehrman,
TA7" atchmaker.
Watches, from 84 to 825.
Cloaks, from 81 to SB.
Centre street, below Sontta.
ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
I'J F'iven thut ar the elect ion to bo hold on
tin- third Tuesday in February. WOl, boimr the;
nineteenth day of the month, the following of
th Middle Coal Field Poor District are to ho
elected to wit:
One person for director to serve throe years
from April I, 1901, whose residence must be
in that part of the district known as the
Weatberly or Middle district.
. l M ' rson lo . r auditor t< serve from April 1.
IWI. whose residence must he in that portion
ol the district known as the Mauch Chunk or
Lower district.
8. w. Gang were, )
Wi|Uuraß. Liel>, . > Directors. I
Uso'n S. Carapbtll, j
do no more.
The letter stated that election officers
were allowed to do the cleaning and as
he scrubbed before he intended to scrub
The committee authorized to have
the buildings insured reported having
performed that duty and turned over
the policy to the secretary.
Director Keller was instructed to
have the outhouse at Hazlo Brook re
Washington's birthday will be observ
ed as a holiday.
Director Lesser was allowed to make
necessary repairs at the Upper Lehigh
Tax Collector Lentz was present and
in his report to the board stated that the
amount still due is $1,520.23.
Treasurer Doudt reported a balance
on hand of <51,184.43.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Coxo Bros. & Co., coal. $11.75; John W.
Davis, wood, 91; E. J. Edwards & Co.,
supplies, $3.44; Silver Burdette Si Co.,
books. $22.40; Upper Lehigh Co., coal,
$3.40; G. B. Markle & Co., 'coal, $8.30;
White Haven school district, tuition.
$23.58; Mrs. S. E. Hayes, insurance,
The present promises to be one of the
quietest February campaigns the town
has had in several years. The Republi
cans, having no candidate for justice of
the peace, which is the principal office to
be filled, are not disposed to take much
interest in the general result. In the
wards the Democrats are unassailable
in the Fifth and Sixth, while the Repub
licans have majorities in the others.
Under the circumstances the voters will
likely be spared the annoyance which
has been given them in previous local
Charles C. Boczkowskl, who was given
the empty honor of a Republican nomi
nation for justice of the peace and who
could not have his name printed on the
ballot because the convention was held
too late, announced himself on Saturday
as an independent candidate for the
office, but has since reconsidered the
matter and has withdrawn.
Stanley Albright, one of the Republi
can nominees for council in tho Sixth
ward, states that his name was placed
on the ticket without his consent and
that be is still a Democrat.
Bind Officers Elected.
St. Ann's Parish Band yesterday
elected the following officers:
President—Edward Brogan.
Vice president—Frank McDonald.
Recording secretary —Condy Johnson.
Financial secretary —Frank McKin
Treasurer—Patrick J. Duffy.
Leader—Leo McDonald.
Teacher—A. P. May berry.
Trustees—James Quiun, Thomas F.
Welsh, Frank McKinley.
Librarian—Frank Gallagher.
Sergoant-at-arins—Leo Quigley.
Organization of Clerks.
The clerks of Freeland and vicinity
perfected an organization yesterday
afternoon at the Grand opera house hall. |
Officers were chosen and the new union
starts out with a good membership and
with prospects of increasing in strength.
The promoters believe that with the aid
of an organization such as they have
formed that their hours of service can
be shortened and their positions made
more satisfactory than at present.
This season there is a large death rate
among children from croup and lung
troubles. Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrible diseases.
We know of nothing so certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure.
It can also be relied upon in grippe and
all threat and lung troubles of adults
Pleasant to take. Grover's City drug
Advice of a Fttuioun Phynlcian.
First and foremost, REST.
Take care of yourself. Your already
weakened nerves want rest, and must
have It. If the attack is severe, go to
bed and remain there. More fatalities
result from neglect of this precaution
than from any other cause.
Eat sparingly. Your digestive organs
are in no condition to take care of large
quantities of food.
Drink plenty of pure, cold water. It
allays the fever, stimulates the kidneys
to action and opens up the pores of the
skin. Keep tho bowels open with Dr.
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills.
Take three dose 9 of Dr. Miles' Nervine
per day, and If you cannotsleep take an
extra dose at bedtime. To further con
trol the fever, and to overcome tho pe
culiar aches and pains of the grip, use
Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. They act quickly
and effectually, and no bad effects result
from their use. These remedies have
been thoroughly tested more than a
million times, and their efficiency is
thoroughly established. They never
fail to give relief.
Dr. Miles' Remedies can be found at
any drug store, and they are sold 011 a
positive guarantee that flrst bottle or
package beobiJtS Or money refunded.
At the bedside of his dying mother,
whotn he had nursed for seven months,
John Dinan, a soldier, was arrested at
Wilkesbarre, placed in irons, and sent
to Fort Slocum to stand trial as a desert
er. Dinan, soon after joining the
regular army last June, learned of his
mother's serious illness, and asked for
a discharge. He received no reply, and
therefore deserted last October. Since
his desertion Dinan has nursed his
mother, and the physicians say she has
suffered a severe relapse since the ar
Persons who suffer from indigestion
can not expect to livelong, because they
can not eat the food required to nourish
the body and the products of the undi
gested foods they do eat poison the
blood. It. is important to cure indiges
tion as soon as possible, and the best
method of doing this is to use the pre
paration known as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It digests what you eat and re
stores all the digestive organ* to perfect
health. Grover's City drug store.
Edward Snell, of Weatherly, who
took part in the recent Chinese cam
paign, has been honorably discharged
from the service and returned houie
today. Immediately upon his return he
was married to Miss Ella Flannagan,
of Philadelphia, to whom he became
engaged before he enlisted iu the
marines five years ago.
Prosecuting Attorney Charles L. De-
VVaele, who has passed the three-score
milestone, had a time with the grip; but
when seen at bis home in Roscommon,
Mich., the other day, ho said Dr. Miles'
Nervine was what cured him.
Paymaster Bernstein, of the Temple
Coal and Iron Company, wounded John
Dougherty with a revolver bullet, be
cause, it is alleged, the latter tried to
break into the office of the Harry E.
colliery, after having been refused pay
which was not yet due.
Pepsin preparations often fall to re
lieve indigestion because they can di
gest only albuminous foods. There is
one preparation that digests all elasses
of food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It cures the worst cases of in
digestion and gives instant relief, for it
digests what you eat. Grover's City
drug store.
William McGarvoy, Thomas Burns,
James Early and James Gallagher, of
Beaver Meadow, who struck at Evans 1
colliery last fall and who, it is alleged,
interfered with workmen, were fined
$25 on Saturday by the Carbon county
court, ordered to pay the costs of the
suit and spend three months in jail.
"Grip made me very weak and nerv
ous with tightness of chest and head
ache. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nervine
gave me quick relief. "—Mrs. Clarindu
Butler. W. Wheeling, O.
Two hundred liquor sellers in Schuyl
kill county who failed to lift their
license, which expired Friday night,
were compelled to close their places of
The official count of McAdoo's popu-;
lation was announced yesterday. It is
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin diseases acquired
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led
to the making of worthless counterfeits.
Be sure to got only DeWitt's Salve. Gro
ver's City drug store.
Because driver boys refuso to take
cars to non-union miners, and thereby
interfere with the operating of the col
liery, the Delaware and Hudson Com
pany has shut down its Marvine mine
at Scranton.
"After suffering for two months from
a severe attack of grip I found quick re
lief and a lasting euro by using Dr.
Miles' Nervine, Pain Pills and Hi/irt
Cure."—Harry Abbott, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ralph White, of Sweet valley, who
was convicted of murder iu the second
degree for the killing of his nephew
last October, was sentenced 011 Saturday
by Judge Lynch to fifteen years Im
prisonment in the Eastern penitentiary.
Tobacco of all kinds at Kciper's.
Several girls of town who are yet In
their teens are causing their parents
much uneasiness by remaining from
their homes until late at night. They
are frequently seen In company with
young men who are known to bo Im
proper associates for these little ones.
A sleighing party of married ladies
left town on Saturday.
Mrs. David Thomas is visiting Wilkes
barre friends.
Workmen are engaged rebuilding the
trestling of the C. K. of N. J., at this
place, so as to permit the running of the
"Klondike" engines to the breaker.
Two sleigh-loads of young people left
town Saturday evening.
February 8. —Ball of Local Union No.
1499, U. M. W. A., at Yanne*' opera
house. Tickets, 50 cents.
February L'O.—Cantata, entitled "The
World for Christ," at P. M. church, I
Fern itreet. Tickets, 15 cents. I
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeland Recorded With
out Waste of Words,
A sleighing party consisting of Mr
and < Mrs. August liurkhardt. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Sands, Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Faltz. A
DePicrro and daughter, Mr. and Mrs
J. W. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
and others will spend this evening and
eat a chicken supper at Relsenweaver's
hotel, Conyngham.
Richard Williams, aged 18 \eart, a
son of 11. 11. Williams, of Upper Lehigh,
was badly squeezed about the head this
morning between a car and a prop In
No. 5 mine at that place. His injuries
are considered serious.
The friends of Mrs. L. Denison will
be pleasod to learn of her recovery from
grip, at her homo in Hay City. Mich.,
through the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine
and Pills.
The fair of the Young Men's Corps at
Yannei' opera house closed on Saturday
evening. The attendance on the last
night broke alt records, 560 admissions
being recorded. All the articles were
disposed of.
Quality and not quantity makes De-
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little II vur pills. Grover's City drug store.
St. Ann's band has engaged sleighs to
convey the members tomorrow evening
to White Haven, where they will enjoy
themselves for a few hours.
Isaac Ashman, of the Third ward, Is
confined to his home with an attack of
the grip.
W. E. Nlhells, of St. Louis, Mo., who
was down with grip, is reported much
improved. He used Dr. Miles' Nervine
and Pills.
Mrs. John Molly, of South Washing
ton street, is suffering from a severe
attack of pleurisy.
P. J. Ferguson, of Shenandoah, claim
agent for the Lehigh Valley Railroad, is
attending to business here today.
George J. Flannery was relieved of
the awful pains in Ills head in fifteen
minutes by the use of Dr. Miles' Pain
Pills. Now he is rapidly recovering at
his borne in Huffalo, N. Y.
A meeting of the borough council will
be held tonight.
Robert Portzer, of Greensburg, is vis
iting his brother, Dr. I. M. Portzer.
P. 11. Ferry, of North Ridge street, is
visiting friends down the Lehigh valley.
Such little pills as DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are very easily taken, and they
are wonderfully effective in cleansing
the liver and bowels. Grover's City drug
Mrs. John Swlsko, of Adams street,
gave birth to twins—a boy and a girl—
on Friday night.
A six-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Raiser lloss, of Butler valley, died
this morning.
"I had grip three months; could not
sleep; pain all over and headache very
bad. Dr. Miles' Nervine. Pain Pills and
Liver Pills made me well."—Mrs. E. C.
Bowlby, Waterloo, Ind.
James Lewis, of Walnut street, is on
an extended visit to relatives at Cbal
font, Bucks county,
Gontlemen, for hats and caps go to A.
Oswald. He has a nice variety.
John M. Carr, Esq., left last evening
for Erie, where he will represont Ilazle
ton council of the Knights of Columbus
in the state convention of the order.
The most soothing, heating and anti
septic application ever devised Is De-
Witt's Witch Hazle Halve. It relieves
at once and cures piles, sorei. eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imita
tions. Grover's City Dreg stora.
Miss Susie Haggerty, of Scranton, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. James li. Ferry,
South Washington street.
Hot temperance drinks, at Helper's.
Edward Wagner, of Hazleton, has
purchased the hardware business of W.
J. Eckert on South Centre street.
"Failing to find relief from the grip
with old methods, I took Dr. Miles' Pain
Pills, Nervine and Nerve and Liver
Pills and was permanently curod."—
Gust. Egan, Jackson, Mich.
Mr. Ground Hog saw his shadow very
distinctly on Saturday and six more
weeks of severe weather will follow, if
there is any truth in the reported ability
of the animal to size up atmospheric
conditions of the future.
When threatened by pneumonia or
any other lung trouble, prompt relief
is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay.
We would suggest that One Minute
Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica
tions of having taken cold are noticed.
It cures quickly and its early use
Srevente consumption. Grovor's City
'rug store,
A.l-ways 2>Te-w
a,ixd. TTp-tc-IDate
Come In und bee Them.
Phila. One-Price Clotliing House.
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.
OHco: Rooms 1 and g, Hirkbock Brick, Frcclunil
All legal business promptly attended.
Postofflce Building:, - Prccland.
Legal Business of Any Description.
Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland.
Campbell Building, - Freeland.
White Haven Olllce, Kane Building. Opposite
I ostufllee; Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Legal Business of every description, Fire
Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt
McMcuamln Building,South Centre Street.
Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick
jyjRS. S. E. HAYES,
Washington Street.
None but reliable companies represented.
Also agent for the celebrated high-grade
Planus of lliuelton Bros., New York city.
rjit. S. S HESS,
37 South Centre Street.
Second Floor Front. - Rofowich Building.
AU business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building. Main Street
Geo. H. Hartman,
Meats and Green Truck.
Fresh Lard a Specialty.
Centre Street, near Central Hotel.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
Centre and Main streets. Frcolund.
Embalming of female corpses performed
exclusively by Mrs. P. F. MeNulty.
South Centre street, Freeland.
Groceries, Provisions,
Green T ruck,
Dry Goods and Notions
are among the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J.Curry, South Centre Street.