Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, November 30, 1900, Image 1

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See Our Large Lines of
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Winter Suits and Overcoats.
Our Lines of Oxfords
and Raglan Overcoats
Positively the
Finest Selections to Be Seen Anywhere.
Refowich's Wear Well
Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, Freeland.
Largest Stock of Footwear in Lower Luzerne County.
Sib ill to
Manufactured by
The Clock Tobacco Co.,
Scrantcn, Fa.
"V\7"illia,m. Schwartz,
Sole Agent for Hazlcton and Vicinity.
dealer in
Rebate Checks Given for Cash,
Bh-khock and Walnut Streets.
B. C. LAUBACH, Prop.
Choice Bread of All Kinds. Cakes, and Pas
try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked
to Order.
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj
town and surroundings every day.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Centre and Main streets. Freeland.
Nothing But Shoes!
Star Shoe Store!
Buy your footwear
where you won't have
to pay interest on
other goods. We
sell shoes, boots and
rubber goods—noth
ing else—and you
eau be accommodat
ed here with any
thing manufactured
in these lines.
Hugh Malloy, Prop. Corne V°S siluJ
Tlie use of luce is increasing day by
Jay. He vers, collars, guimpes, boleros,
garnitures, every possible application
Is seen.
The new collars of the ready to wear
variety are extremely convenient and
pretty. One style has a black velvet
top with three folds of colored satin
The craze for velvet has reached the
lowest ebb—the feet. Boots made of
colored or black velvet to match the
velvet costume Is the extremest flight
of fashion.
Empire jackets of guipure, with the
designs outlined in creamy chenille, are
among the dainty novelties of the sea
son. Fringes of steel and jet beads are
seen on some of the newest wraps.
One of the new Paris modes is the
use of printed panne or foulard as
trimming for cloth gowns. The soft
printed fabric Is applied in folds edged
by pipings of velvet the shade of the
cloth skirt.
The Cuban military heel Is the estab
lished favorite In women's high class
shoes. It is a much more sensible and
comfortable heel for walking, say those
who wear it. than the extremely low or
the Louis XV.
Green promised to be one of the fa
vored colors for winter, but the prom
ise has not been kept. One sees little
of it even in millinery. Black, gold,
brown, beige, pearl gray and deep red
are decidedly in the lead.
Resolutions of Condolence.
At, a regular stated meeting of St.
Ann's Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps,
of Freeland, held at their hall, Novem
ber 24, 1000, the following resolutions
were adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty
God to remove from our midst our late
brother member, Patrick Kennedy;
therefore he it
Resolved, That while we bow with
humble submission to the decrees of
Almighty God we sincerely lament the
loss of a valuable member, and the
society of one who, by his kind and
gentle disposition, won the respect and
esteem of those around him.
Resolved, That in the death of Pat
rick Kennedy St. Ann's Young Men's
C. T. A. B. Corps has lost a useful and
worthy member, and we a kind and
faithful companion.
Resolved, That we inourn his loss,
and tonder our heartfelt sympathy to
his relatives and friends,
Resolved, That these resolutions be
entered on the minutes, and a copy bo
presented to the brother of the deceased,
and that they be published in the Free
land Tribune.
Chas F. Me El wee, i Committee
Alex. Mu I beam, on
Edward McCole, \ Resolutions.
December 25.—Fair for benefit of St.
Mary's Catholic church at Eckloy.
December 31. —Twentieth Century
Ball of Tigers Athletic Club at Yannes'
opera house. Admission, 50 cents.
Gentlemen, for bats and caps go to A.
Oswald. He has a nice variety.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It,artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It isthe latest discovereddigest
aut and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestiofl.
Prlcesoc. and It. Large size contains 2'-i time,
small size. Book all aboutdyspepsiamulledfree
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO' Cfc>caflO.
Grover's City Drug- Store.
Geo. H. Hartman,
Meats and Green Truck.
Fresh Lard a Specially.
Centre Btrcet, near Central Hotel.
The two dwelling houses at the upper
end of Highland, known for many
years as "Castle Garden," are in danger
of being destroyed by cave-ins. The
ground is gradually sinking and the
occupants of the houses are alarmed.
The remains of George Edward, the
live-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Setzer, were taken on the 1.20
o'clock train this afternoon to Weather
ly, where they wore buried.
Wilty Dougherty, who arrived here
from St. Louis last week, is making
preparations to repair and remodel the
saloon property now occupied by 01 lie
Koch, on Nortli Centre street, which ho
will occupy in the near future.
Thanksgiving Day passed off very
quietly in town. Beyond the services
held in some of the churches and the
closing of business housos, there was no
formal observance of the holiday.
David James, of Eckley, and Patrick
McGuire, of Upper Lehigh, will serve as
common pleas jurors next week.
An enjoyable evening was had by all
who attended the ball of the Jeddo Base
Ball Club on Wednesday evening. The
alTair was well attended.
The Durno-Emmet Combination,which
appears at the Grand opera house to
morrow evening under the auspices of
the Mining and Mechanical Institute, is
rated one of the best of the series.
Mrs. James Brennan, of Coxo addi
tion, is seriously ill.
Rev. J. W. Bischoff, of Upper Lehigh,
will conduct the memorial services for
the Hazleton Lodge of Elks in that city
on Sunday evening.
Tho I). S. & S. Railroad depot at Roan
Junction was broken into last night,
but as the building contained nothing of
value the thieves had their labor in vain.
The funeral of tho late Edward
Timony, of Wyoming, a former Free-
Twentieth Century Ball
New Year's Eve
land resident, passes through town on
the 4.42 o'clock train this afternoon on
its way to Hazleton, whore the inter
ment will be made.
Foster township politics are becoming
interesting, although tho election is
many weeks off.
Owing to the demand for anthracite,
a majority of the collieries of the Le
high region worked yesterday.
A minstrel entertainment will be
given on Christmas Eve at tho Grand
opera house by the Good Wills Athletic
When you want prompt acting little
pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Little
Early Risers. Grover's City drug store.
The Dougherty property, at the cor
ner of Washington and Walnut streets,
was sold yesterday to Timothy J. Riley,
of town.
Tho members of the Tigers Athletic
Club began today to advertise their ball
on New Year's Eve. The annual ball
of the club is tho leading social event
each year, and the coming one Is to be
known as the Twentieth Century Ball,
which means that it will bo up-to-date
In every particular.
Both makers and circulators of
counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men
will not deceive you into buying worth
less counterfeits of DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. The original is Infallible
for curing piles, sores, eczema and all
skin diseases. Grovor's City drug storo.
Comedy That l'leused.
"Down on tho Farm" at the opera
house last evening pleased a fair sized
audience. Mr. Manley as "Seth Muck
ins"and Miss Lester as "Roxy" were very
satisfactory. C. O. Mack, the tall man,
was amusing as "Sleepy." The special
ty of "Davis and Hurd" in the second
act was one of the features of the even
ing. They both had excellent voices
and their comedy work caused much
laughter. They are artists In ovefy
sense.—Danville News, November 20,
At the Grand tonight.
if you have over seen a child in the
agony of croup you can realize how
grateful mothers are for One Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief as soon
as it is administered. It quickly cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. Grover's City drug store.
A Happy Circumstance.
They who think there are no kind and
sympathetic hearts in Freeland would
bo obliged to counteract their opinion if
they were at the Primitive Methodist
preacher's home on Thanksgiving Eve,
for it was literally invaded, carried by
storm. Young and old sallied forth to
the home, and their implements of war
faro were those things which every
hungry person likes to see. To add to
its good cheer a nice purse of money
collected by Misses M. O'Donnell and F.
Carter was presented to the pastor.
The social feature was not the least,
for the friends with eagerness liked to
listen to the many anecdotes related by
the much esteemed brother, George. Bird.
The pastor and family extend many
thanks to all who helped to make the
occasion what it was, and hope to con
tinue to enjoy the sympathies of so many
Thanksgiving Weddings,
Ilarvey Shelharner, of Allentown, and
Miss Tinnie Dittbrenner, of Hazle
Brook, were married on Thanksgiving
Eve by Rev. J. B. Kerschner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shelharner,
Coxc addition. They will reside in
At St. Ann's church yesterday Denis
Welsh, of South street, and Miss Katie
Tully, of Adams street, were married.
At the same place yesterday August
Zimmerman and Miss Maine McGinley,
of South Centre street, were joined
in the bonds of matrimony.
Degree of Monsignor.
Rev. Eugene A. Garvoy, one of the
two vicar generals of tho Scranton
diocese and rector of St. John's Catho
lic church, Pittston, has received a
notable honor from Pope Leo, having
had conferred upon him the title of do
mestic prelate. The brief containing
tho appointment has just been received
from Rome by Bishop Iloban and yes-
terday ho handed to Father Garvey the
evidence of the Vatican's favor.
The oflice carries with it the degree
of monsignor and the title of right rev
erend. In the new oflice Father Garvey
will be vested with the purple robes of
the episeopacy. Father Garvey's new
oflice gives him no new powers, the
oflice being simply an honorary one.
The honor Is conferred by the Pope as a
mark of learning or high qualifications.
Monsignor Garvey\s exalted position
among the priests of the Scranton dio"
ceso has twice been brought to the at
tention of tho Pope, having been twice
submitted as worthy of elevation to the
oflice of bishop. His friends in tho
diocese will bo pleased to learn of tho
honor ho has received.
Pastor Appointed
Bishop Unban has acceded to the pe
tition of the congregation of St. Kasi
mer's Polish Catholic church for a
pastor. He has appointed Rev. Thomas
Misicki, of Reading, a Polish priest, to
temporarily fill tho vacancy, and the
new pastor is expected to arrive and
take possession of his charge; before
Rev. Misicki will act as pastor until
such time as Bishop Hoban can secure"
for the congregation a Lithuanian
The Finnegan Case.
Tho application of D. L. O'Noll, Esq.,
attorney for Jamos Finnegan, asking
that tho court order tho proper ollieors
of Foster township to levy a special tax
to pay tho Indebtedness of tho township,
has been granted by the court, and at
tachment was awarded against I'atrick
Campbell and Patrick Swoonoy, super
visors, and Joseph Roberts, treasurer.
Street Parade Today,
Tho "Down on the Farm" Company
arrived in town this morning from
Shamokln, and shortly before noon tho
band carried by tho show paraded tho
streets and rendered some good music.
The company has been playing to big
houses since entering tin; coal regions.
Best 5c cigar in town at Helper's.
Scranton street car men say that they
do not wish to go on strike, but they
have grievances which must be re
dressed. They wish a straight ton-hour
day, instead of twelve and sixteen hours
for a day, and a flat wage rate of 20
cents an hour. At present new men
receive 13 cents per hour and the oldest
hands only get lO.'u cents an hour.
Unless these three wrongs are righted
there will surely be a strike and twenty
eight miles of trolley line will be tied up.
The school children of Ilazleton on
Wednesday contributed enough provi
sions and household necessaries to sup
ply every poor family with three hearty
Thanksgiving meals.
Thomas Williams, aged 14 years, of
Wyoming, was on his way to a pigeon
shooting match yesterday afternoon,
when he slipped and fell in some brush
wood. His gun was discharged, the
load entering his groin. Ho was taken
in a dying condition to the hospital.
Watch repairing at Kelper's.
Robert Hunting, who, with his circus,
made several tours of the coal regions,
is broken down financially and was ad
mitted this week to the Soldiers' Home
at Erie, where he intends to spend the
balance of his life.
Alderman James McGroarty, of
Wilkesbarre, died suddenly at noon yes
terday from apoplexy.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
best liver pills over made. Easy to take
and never gripe, drover's City drugstore.
Scran ton will make a decided effort to
have the next convention of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor held in that
The mother of ox-Prothonotary George
J. Llewellyn died Wednesday evening at
West Pittston, aged 07 years.
Margaret Kelly, a sixteen-year-old
school girl, is believed to have been kid
napped by two strange men late Wednes
day afternoon from Miner's Mills, where
she resided.
Many people worry bocause they be
lieve they have heart disease. The
chances are that their hearts are all
right but their stomachs are unable to
digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you oat and prevents the
formation of gas which makes the
stomach press against the heart. It will
cure every form of indigestion. Grover's
City drug store.
George L. Wolff, of Cincinnati, com
mitted suicide yosterday at Wilkesbarre.
Ho was a member of Ilowson's band,
which is playing with a theatrical com
pany at one of tho theatres in Wilkes
By a stove upsetting in James De
laney s house, at Locust Gap. yesterday,
four residences were burned to tho
ground before tho flames were extin
You can't afford to risk your life by
allowing a cough or a cold to develop
into pneumonia or consumption. One
Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and
lung troubles quicker than any other
preparation known. Many doctors use
it as a specific for grippe. It Is an in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
It and mothers endorse It. Grover's
City drug store.
Standing in a trench buried to his
chin, the blood spurting from his nose,
mouth and ears, Dominico Dcgiiimo, an
Italian laborer, died yesterday morning
with a thousand persons watching his
last agonies. 110 and two other laborers
were caught by a cave-in of tho sides of
a Scranton sewer, on which they were
at work. The other two were dug out
alive, but Degilituo was squeezed to
death before he could be extricated.
Freclund Opera House Co., Lessees.
Friday Evening, oft
November J U
Charles Manley,
The Musical ltural Comedy Drama,
6 'Dow 11 on
the Farm"
in Three Acts, by C. W. Hancock.
Mipporteri u Talented Company.
A Metropolitan Production.
New Songs, Music
and Specialties.
150 Laughs in
150 Minutes.
Noonday Street Parade.
Prices: 25,35 and 50 Cents.
Scata on sale at McMcnainin's store.
$1.50 PER YEAR
Don't Miss the
Great Opportunity.
It's the Chance of a Lifetime.
Now or Never.
A sure 20 to 30 per cent saving
011 every purchase. Railroad
and trolley fare paid on all
purchases over $5.00.
Phila. One-Price Clothing House.
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.
Offlec: Rooms 1 iinil 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland
All legs] business promptly attended.
PoßtofHce Building, - Freeland.
Legal Business of Any Description,
Hicnnaii's Building. So. Centre St. Freeland.
Campbell Building, . Freeland#
White Haven (Mice, Kane 11 wilding. Opposite
Poßtofflce; Tuesdays aiul Thursdays.
Legal Business of every description, Fire
Insurance, and Conveyancing' given prompt
McMeuamin Building,South Centro Street.
All business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, - . Main Street.
Second Fluor, - . Rlrkbock Brick.
jyjRS. S. E. HAYES,
Washington Street.
None but reliable companies represented.
Also agent for the celebrated high-grade
I lanes ot Hazelton Bros., New York city.
37 South Centre Street.
Second Floor Fruut, - Refowlch Building.
Wm. Wehrman,
atchos and Clocks for sale, and repairing
of ull kinds given prompt attention.
____ Centre street, below South.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
Ail kinds of household utensils.
JV. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts., Freeland.
Groceries, Provisions,
Green Truck,
Dry Goods ami Notions
are aniongf the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J. Curry, South Centre Street.
Embalming of fomulo corpses performed
exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty.
South Centro street. Frecliilld.
Frank Savage was killed instantly,
Wednesday night, at Midvalley colliery,
Mt. Carmel, by a fall of coal. He leaves
a widow and large family.