Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, November 09, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XIII. NO. 57.
A Congress of Styles
From the
Leading Shoe-Makers.
Our great gathering of High-
Class Fall Footwear will en
gage the attention of Fashion
able folks. Never have we
shown so many beautiful styles
—never has our stock been so
replete with everything desir
able in Boots and Shoes. Our
new lines are true marvels of
grace—gems of thought from
the brightest minds in the
world of shoe-building. We
want you to call on us and
examine this magnificent stock.
We have received several
hundred dollars worth of goods
during the past few weeks.
All the latest styles in slippers,
warm-lined shoes and ladies'
mannish shoes.
Hugh Malloy, Prop. c " r "^v c :,tt C,, 9 .
Site and Chew
Manufactured by
The Clock Tobacco Co.,
Scranton, Pa.
Hello! Send That Postal
right along and have your laundry done
up at the Freeland Steam Laundry.
Our Chicago domestic finish or the Buf
falo high gloss is the most stylish for
geutlemen's linen.
Get your soiled shirts, collars, euirs, etc.,
done up in a bundle and send them here,
ltougli dry family wash 5c per pound.
Freeland Steam Laundry.
Anthracite Telephone 1083.
Clifford H. Heller, IVlgr.
135 South Centre Street,
Geo. H. Hartman,
Meats and Green Truck.
Fresh Lard a SjKcialty.
Centre Street, near Central Hotel.
B. C. LAUBACH, Prop.
Choice Broad of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas
try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked
to Order.
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to aU parts oj
town and surroundings every day.
Embalming of female corpses performed
exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty.
South Centre street, Freeland.
dealer In
Rebate Checks Given for Cash.
Blrkbeck and Walnut Streets.
Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A.
Oswald. lie has a nice variety.
Attention of School Board
Called to It.
Principal Houck's Report to
Directors Treats on Laxity
of Parents in Relation to
Scarlet Fever.
The November meeting of the borough
school board was hold Wednesday even
ing. Those present wore Directors
Kline, Trevaskis, Hell, Isaac, Hrown,
Everltt and McCJolo.
One of the principal matters before
the hoard was a reference in the month
ly report of supervising principal Houck
to the carelessness shown by the parents
of many pupils In allowing their chil
dren to visit and frequent houses where
scarlet fever exists.
The principal supplemented his report
with verbal statements relative to the
subject, and the directors were unanim
ous in their opinion that the laws of the
Hoard of Health should bo strictly obey
ed. There are a number of cases of
scarlet fever in town, and, unless the
parents of pupils carefully follow out
the health laws, an epidemic will natur
ally follow.
The pricipal's report for the second
mouth showed an enrollment of 891.
The average attendance was 92 per cent.
The building and grounds committee
was authorized to have duplicate grates
for the furnaces in the Ridge street and
Washington street buildings cast at the
Salmon Iron Works, so that no school
time may be lost should either grate give
out during cold weather.
Principal Schmidt, of Hirvanton
school, made application for a better
system of ventilation in his buildiug.
The matter was discussed and several
members offered suggestions which if
acted upon will overcome the present
The insurance on Washington street,
Second ward and Third ward buildings
having expired, it was decided to renew
the contracts with Mrs. S. E. Hayes for
three tnofe years and to increase the
amount on the Second ward building
SSOO. The insurance carried on these
three buildings will be as follows:
Washington stroet, $15,000; Second ward,
$1,500 on building and S3OO on furniture;
Third ward, SSOO on building and $l5O
on furniture.
The report of the county superinten
dent showed that all the Freeland
teachers attended institute five days,
with the exception of George McLaugh
lin, who was absent the last day on ac
count of illness.
Tax Collector Malloy's report of taxes
collected and money paid the treasurer
during th 6 lirst sixty days was read and
An agent of the Melodian Music Com
pany, of New York city, addressed the
board on the subject of introducing
music in the schools and stated he would
be hero before next term begins to
demonstrate the merits of his system.
He complimented the members upon
the business methods they show in con
ducting their alTairs.
These bills were ordered paid: Wil
liam Wood Si Co., books, $8.08; Fisher
tfc Schwatt, books, $29.91; American
Hook Company, books, $44.70; Hutler,
There is no pleasure in life if you
dread going to the table to eat and can't
rest at night on account of indigestion.
Henry Williams, of Boonvllle, Ind.,
says he suffered that way for years, till
he commenced the use "of Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure, and adds, "Now I can eat
anything I like and all I want and sleep
soundly every night." Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure will digest what you eat. Glover's
City drug store.
OHEKIVF'S SALE.— By virtue of a writ of
O Lev. Fi. issued out of the court of com
mon picas of Luzerne county, there will be
exposed to public sale at the arbitration
room, courthouse, Wilkesbarre, Luzerne
county, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, Decem
ber 1, 11KJ0, at 1U o'clock a in.
All the rip-lit, title and interest of the de
fendant in and to the following described
piece, uarcel v or tract of land, viz:
All that certain tract of land situate in the
city of Wilkesbarre, county of Luzerne, state
ot Pennsylvania, beginning at a line of Black
mail street 60 feet north Hi degress 41) minutes
trom stake at intersection of the southerly
line ol Biackuiun street with the westerly line
ot a llfteen-feet alley leading into Beach
street, said point of begimiinv, being north
corner ol lot heretofore sold to one Alfred
Cheritt: thence in same direction along Black
mail street 50 feet; thence south 44 degrees 8
minutes west 5H and 0-10 feet to line of lot No.
8L on plot of Harding Mayer and McLean, re
corded in said olßce iu deed book No. 158, page
1, and now owned by Mrs. Mary Ayers; thence
along tiie same south 45 degrees 40 minutes
east uO feet to the west corner of suid Cheritt
lot; and thence along the line of same north
4i degrees 8 minutes east 57* feet to the place
of beginning. Being part of lot No. 2, of the
survey ot same made by Alfred Hand, Oc
tober 28, 1801.
Improved with a two-story frame dwelling
house, outbuildings and fruit trees.
Late the estate of the defendant in said
writ named with the appurtenances.
£8 isM \? '. in . d taken in execution at the suit of
Wlllard Athertou vs. Chus. P. Sampson.
r* c r a. James G. Harvey, sheriff.
D. E. Baxter, attorney.
Sheldon & Co., books, $117.00; Silver,
Burdette &. Co., books, $120; 1). C.
Heath & Co., books, $52.73; Ginn & Co.,
books, $74; E. L. Goersh, drawing plans
for alterations in Washington street
building, $10; James Mcllugh, freight,
express and cartage, $25.07; A. A.
Bacbman, paint supplies and labor,
$0.25; E. B. Shelhamer, hauling coal,
$9.00; J. C. Ilammett & Co., ink, $5.50;
Coxe Bros. & Co., coal, $43.50; W. E.
Martin, repairs and supplies, $0.13;
William Birkbeck, repairs, $2.80; L. 11.
Lentz, brick and labor, $2.01; William
Williamson estate, glass, $7; total,
No Celebration.
Freeland Republicans have as yet
taken no steps toward arranging for a
celebration of Tuesday's victory. It
was understood that if either the
national or county ticket won that the
event would bo commemorated by a
demonstration, but tho magnitude of
the sweep, it would seem, has been so
great that even the Republicans are
dazed and cannot arrange a fitting
celebration. A number of tho party
workers will go to Ilazleton this even
ing and participate in the parade in that
On account of the inclement weather
the parade and demonstration in honor
of the Republican victory, to be held
this evening at Ilazleton, was postponed
this morning to a date which will bo an
nounced later.
Some, evening next week will be
chosen by the committoe in charge of
the celebration.
Will Pay Semi-Monthly.
(. 11. Murkle & Co. have notified their
mine employes that the firm will pay
semi-monthly. Tho Tribune has not
learned the date when the change from
monthly payments will be made, but it
is said the now rule will go into effect in
the near future. This action of tho firm
is voluntary.
It is understood that petitions con
taining the namo of almost every em
ploye of the firm are about ready for
presentation at Jeddo. These petitions
relate to tho semi-monthly pay law, and
when presented it will be compulsory on
the part of Markle & Co. to pay tho
employes their wages twice a month.
The employes of the Delaware and
Hudson Company have demanded that
tho company comply with the semi
monthly payment law. The employes
of tho Kingston Coal Company have
made the same demand.
Toadstools Caused Death.
Joseph Turkon, of Throop, Lacka
wanna county, died this week and his
death Is supposed to bo tho result of his
having eaten several of those deadly
fungi, toadstools, while under the be
lief that they were mushrooms, On
Monday afternoon his wife wont into
the fields near the house and picked a
largo number of mushrooms, which
grow plentifully thereabouts. Together
with these she must have gathered
several toadstools, for after the evening
meal Turkon, his wife and two of their
children became violently 111.
Mrs. Turkon and the children were
relioved and soon felt no ill effects from
the meal. Turkon, howovor, grew
speedily more and more sick.
Warrants for Three Men.
Warrants wore sworn out yesterday
for the arrest of three young men of
Audenrled, on tho charge of assault,
preferred by Mrs. Ilalaman, of Gar
wood. The affair occurred on Monday
night, as tho woman was roturnlng from
McAdoo, where she had been on a visit
to her home. A number of prominent
citizens discovered the young men in tho
woods, and attempted to capture them,
but they escaped and have not been
seen since.
Work Resumed.
Tho trouble botweon the Drifton mine
employes and tho coal company at that
place, which resulted on Wednesday in
a lockout, was amicably adjusted yes
terday and the whistles blew last even
ing for work. The employes responded
this morning to the call, and everything
is moving smoothly at tho collieries
DeWitt's Little Early Risers aro the
best liver pills ever made. Easy to take
and never gripe. Grover's City drugstore.
HorHett for Sale.
Five horses and three colts are offered
for salo cheap at tho farm of W. 11.
Hosier, two miles north of White Haven.
Animals can be seen on tho farm. All
must bo sold before November 20.
You can't afford to risk your life by
allowing a cough or a cold to develop
into pneumonia or consumption. One
Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and
lung troubles quicker than any other
preparation known. Many doctors use
it as a speeific for grippe. It is an in
fallible remedy for croup. Children like
it and mothers endorse It. Grover's
City drug store.
Election Echoes
The Freeland friends of Bernard
Ferry, of Butte. Montana, were gladden
ed yesterday by the receipt of a tele
gram announcing his election to the
legislature of that state on the Demo
cratic-Fusion ticket. Two years ago
he was defeated by a small majority.
The young man is a son of Mrs. Morris
Ferry, Washington street, and was a
visitor here last spring. Mr. Ferry is
the second Freeland young man who
has been chosen to represent Silver Bow
county in the Montana legislature.
The other was Charles Boner, a son of
Mrs. Patrick Boner, South Washington
street, who served a term in that body
some years ago.
The Republicans in Lackawanna
county elected everything but their
candidates for judge, sheriff and register
of wills. There was remarkable inde
pendent voting. McKinley lias a ma
jority of 1,200, and John P. Kelley, the
Democratic nominee for judge, has a
majority qf 4,100. Judge Kelley Is the
only Democrat on the Lackawanna
bench. lie was appointed some time
ago to the vacancy caused by the death
of Judge Gunster.
The Republican committee of the
Fifth legislative district claims to have
discovered overwhelming evidence that
wholesale frauds at certain voting pre
cincts have been committed, so that it
would be made to appear that Burke
had been elected. A thorough investi
gation has been ordered, and the com
mittee claims a contest will show that
William Strange, Republican candidate,
has been elected.
Timothy Hayes, at one time a resident
of Freeland, went down with his fellow-
Democrats on Tuesday. He was a can
didate for the legislature in the First
district of Lackawanna county. Hayes
received 3,538 votes and his opponent
Silas E. Jones, of West Ilazleton, the
defeated Democratic candidate for pro
thonotary, is In the field for the nomi
nation for sheriff next year.
Explosion of Powder.
A peculiar explosion occurred in No.
5 colliery, Jcddo, yesterday. A box of
dynamite and a quantity of common
blasting powder went off In some un
known manner in the gangway worked
by Thomas Elliott. The latter and his
laborers happened to be absent from tho
Immediate vicinity at the timo. While
they escaped danger from the explosion,
they wore in peril of being suffocated
by tho Intense smoke It created. To
obtain pure air they had to pass through
tho smoke, which they did with great
difficulty and were completely exhausted
when they reached a safe spot.
The cause of the explosion is un
known. No person was near tho pow
dor at the time, and why It exploded is
a mystory which will probably remain
No Change in Strike.
There is no change of any account in
the strike at the silk mill. Tho plant
continues to run with tho force which
remained at work, but the lack of help
has badly handicapped the management
and there are rumors that tho mill will
close down for an Indefinite period un
less sufficient help is soon procured.
Tho striking employes are less demon
strative of lato than they were during
the early part of tho trouble. They
claim, however, that there are no de
fections from their ranks and that they
will stay out until the mill owners com
ply with their demands.
Sheriff Harvey was prosent at the mill
on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons
at quitting time.
Teachers' Institute.
The semi-monthly institute of the
teachers of Freeland borough schools
was held Wednesday evening In the
Washington street building. There was
a good attendance and all tho teachers
evinced a great doal of Interest in the
papers read. A number of tho subjects
on educational matters which camo bo
fore tho teachers during the county In
stitute at Wilkesbarro last month were
discussed In an able manner. These
will also bo a basis for discussion at
future local institutes.
Miners Threaten to Strike.
There is a threatened strike at tho
coal washery of the Philadelphia and
Reading Company at Wadesvillc, and at
tho Kaska William colliery, operated by
tho Dodson Coal Company, near Middle
port. Tho trouble has boon caused by
tho discharge of union men. The United
Mine Workers of America have demand
ed that tho tnon bo reinstated at once or
they will all go out.
If you have ever seen a child In the
agony of croup you can realize how
grateful mothers are for One Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief as soon
as it is administered. It quickly cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. Grover's City drug store.
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeland Recorded With
out Waste of Words.
Patrick McFadden. another of the
old residents of Eckloy who was com
pelled to leave the town because his sons
would not give up good jobs at Jeddo
and work for the paltry wages paid by
the Drifton corporations, removed to
Freeland this week and has taken up
liis residence on South Washington
A local union of the United Mine
Workers is being formed by the me
chanics and machinists who are employ
ed in and about the mines in the vicinity
of Freeland.
Spillman Riggs will lecture at the
Grand opera house on Tuesday evening
on "Musical Misfits." This is the sec
ond of the Mining and Mechanical In
stitute series.
Sunday services in old M. E. church,
Hirkbeck street, as follows: Sunday
school at 9.30 a. tu.; English preaching
at 10.30 a. m. by Rev. A. R. King, of
White Haven. Everybody invited.
Huy your ico cream at Iveiper's.
A son has been born to Rev. and Mrs.
W. W. Hartman.
Owing to the absence of a quorum no
meeting of the borough council was
held last evening. Messrs. DePierro,
Moerschbacher, Moohan and Ruto were
the only members present.
Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert W. Fritz, of
Rockport, wore visitors to town this
Freeland had its first flurry of snow
this morning.
Mrs. Charles Ilarvey, of Eckloy, is
suffering from a wound caused by
stepping on a rusty nail on Wednesday.
The injured foot has swollen very much
and her friends fear the result.
Roth makers and circulators of
counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men
will not deceive you into buying worth
less counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. The original is Infallible
for curing piles, sores, eczema and all
skin diseases. Grover's City drug store.
Misses Mary and Sarah Campbell re
turned yesterday to Philadelphia after
a month spent with their parents ou
South Centre street.
P. A. O'Neill, Esq., of Wilkesbarre,
attended to business in town yesterday.
Rov. A. R. King, of White Haven,
spent Wednesday in town.
Charles Leo lludewick, agod 3 months,
a son of Councilman and Mrs. A. llude
wick, was buried this afternoon in the
Independent Polish comotory on the
The Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal
Company has advanced the price of xoal
50 cents a ton to consumers in the
Wyoming region.
Peter Magagna is attending to busi
ness in New York city.
De Witt's Witch Ilazol Salve will
quickly heal the worst burns and scalds
and not leave a scar. It can be applied
to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt
and soothing effect,. Use It for piles
and skin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. Grover's City drug store.
The striking minors at the Hollen
back and Pettebono collierios, near
Wilkesbarre, returned to work yester
day, having agreed to put six incho9 of
topping on the cars, as the companies
Old newspapers for sale.
Philip F. Dindinger, of Wilkesbarre,
died in the Philippines on October 20.
He was a privato in Company M, Nine
teenth infantry.
The Luther League held a largo con
vention at St. John's on Wednesday,
and will meet again next May at Auden
Patrick Breslin, of Jeddo, and Miss
Bridget O'Donnell, of llarlelgb, were
united In niarriago at St. (iabrlcl's
church, Hazleton, VVednosday after
noon. The groom was attended by his
brother, .fames, and the bride by Miss
Kli/.abetli Fallon. Tho young couplo
will probably make their borne In Free
Many people worry because they be
lieve they have heart disease. The
chances are that tholr hearts aro all
right but their stomachs are unable to
digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
gests what you eat and prevents the
formation of gas which makes the
stomach press against the heart. It will
cure every form of indigestion. Grovor's
City drug store.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
This is great weather for Top
Coats. Every man who has a
presentable one left over from
last season is in luck, and
those who haven't want to be
furnished with one. If you
are one of the latter we want
to see you at our store. A
call will be to our mutual ad
vantage. It will lead to busi
ness for us and satisfaction to
you. We have Top Coats and
every stylish kind of
In light, medium or heavy
weights and have them priced
so they are easy to, buy.
Phila. One-Price Clothing House.
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.
Olllce: lipoma 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland
All legal business promptly attended.
Postollice Building, ... Freeland.
Legal Bxieineee of Any Description.
Brennan's Building. So. Centre St. Freeland.
Legal Business Promptly Attended.
Campbell Building, - Freeland,
Legal Business of every description. Fire
Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt
attention. CM
MeMenamin Building,South Centro Street.
All business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, Main Street.
Second Floor, - ■ Blrkbock Brick.
Washington Street.
None but reliable companies represented.
Also agent for the celebrated high-grado
1 lanes ol Ha/.clton Bros., New York city.
37 South Centre Street.
Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building.
Wm. Wehrman,
TX7" atclimaker.
W utehes and Clocks for sale, and repairing
of all kinds givon prompt attention.
Centre street, below South.
dealor in
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always In stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
All kinds of household utensils.
If. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts.. Freeland,
Groceries, Provisions,
Green Truck,
Dry Goods and Notions
are among the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J. Curry, Soutli Centre Street.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
Centre and Main streets, Freeland.
Try Ivolper's ico croam soda.