Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, November 02, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XIII. NO. 54.
A Congress of Styles
From tie
Leading Shoe-Makers.
Our great gathering of High-
Class Fall Footwear will en
gage the attention of Fashion
able folks. Never have we
shown so many beautiful styles
—never has our stock been so
replete with everything desir
able in Boots and Shoes. Our
new lines are true marvels of
grace—gems of thought from
the brightest minds in the
world of shoe-building. We
want you to call on us and
examine this magnificent stock.
We have received several
hundred dollars worth of goods
during the past few weeks.
All the latest styles in slippers,
warm-lined shoes and ladies'
mannish shoes.
Hugh Malloy, Prop. c " e X^.
Me ami Clew
Manufactured by
The Clock Tobacco Co.,
Scranton, Pa.
Hello! Send That Postal
right ulontf and have your laundry done
up at the Freeland Steam Laundry.
Our Chicago domestic finish or the Buf
falo high gloss is the most stylish for
gentlemen's linen.
Get your soiled shirts, collurs, cud's, etc.,
done up in u bundle and send them here,
liougli dry family wash 5c per pound.
Freeland Steam Laundry.
Anthracite Telephone 1082.
Clifford 11. Heller, .Mgr.
135 South Centre Street.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen
undoah Boer and Youngling's Porter on tap.
H Centre street.
Several Serious Accidents
This Week.
Resumption of Work Fol
lowed by Many Fatalities.
Dockage, Semi-Monthly
4 Pay and Other Matters.
More lives have been crushed out as
the result of mine accidents. This time
the victims are William Shepherd and
his stepson, Calvin Conner, well known
residents of Hudson, a little town in the
upper end of the county. While the
men were working in their chamber in
the Pine ltidge mine of the Algonquin
Coal Company, near Minors' Mills, there
was a sudden fall of top coal and the
men were buried under it. Other work
men were at once put to work to clear
away the fall and in a few hours
they came upon the body of Conner, and
that of Shepherd was found soon after
wards. Both were badly crushed. Shep
herd was about (17 years old and was a
prominent resident of that vicinity.
His stepson, Calvin Conner, was 45 years
While telling a story to a party of six
men, George Osborne, a driver boy, was
instantly killed in the Cayuga mine at
Scranton. The men were in a circle
around him listening to Osborne's story,
when a "bell"' of rock fell. None of the
men wero injured.
Frank Macalosky, who was burned by
the explosion of gas in Kingston colliery
on Tuesday, died yesterday.
Matthew Freeman, aged 55 years, a
lire boss employed at Luke Fiddler col
liery, Shamokin, was fatally injured.
While making his rounds ho came upon
a mine car which had been derailed.
He tried to lift it on the rails, with the
assistance of several other workmen.
In doing so his body and head .were
caught between the car and the top and
side of the gangway, and before ho
could bo released from his perilous posi
tion his skull was fractured, his back
horribly crushed and several ribs broken
by the car starting to run.
Want the Law Enforced.
Tho mine employes of VanWickie's
colliery at Coleraine and Pardee's col
liery at llarwood have presented de
mands to the operators for tho enforce
ment of tho semi-monthly pay law. It
is stated that the law will be complied
with without legal compulsion.
Similar demands are being prepared
throughout the anthracite region wher
ever tho employes are paid only once a
Excessive Dockage.
In some of tho mines in the Wyoming
valley where tho men have returned to
work there is much complaint of exces
sive dockage. The docking question
was not settled in tho agreement be
tween tho operators and the men, al
though the evil has been a crying one
for years.
At Hudson tho employes at the Dela-
ware and Hudson Company mine, to the
number of 300, struck because of ex
cessive dockage. The company ollicials
say the men attempted to cut down tho
size of the cars they sent to tho break
The miners of tho Dorrance and
Prospect collieries of the Lehigh Valley
Coal Company struck yesterday against
excessive dockage.
New Coal Prices.
The new tidewater circular of the an
thracite mining and carrying companies,
issued yesterday, annouuees an advance
in the price of coal of 50 cents a ton over
that demanded by tho July circular.
Tho prices quoted for a ton on board
are as follows: $1.05 for stove and nut,
$4.40 for egg and $4.15 for broken.
Tho city retailers will reduce their
prices to the following figures on Mon
day: $5.75 for white ash, $0 for pink
and $0.25 for red ash. These prices,
while averaging $1 a ton less than was
demanded during the strike and 50
cents less than Is now being asked, are
still 75 cents higher than those quoted
prior to the strike. There is no likeli
hood of a further reduction during the
There has been no general advance
In prices at the mines for local con
sumers, hut an increase is among tho
probabilities of tho near future.
Deputy Shot by Comrade.
Captain Daniel Christian, of the coal
and iron police, has discharged ail of
the deputies. One of the number,
Walter Phillips, of Pottsvllle, is a patient
in the Pottsvllle hospital, where he was
admitted early yesterday morning with
a wound inflcted by Charles Unneweilor,
one of tho force. Tho bullet entered
the cheek bono and lodged on the back
of the neck. Tho surgeons failed to
r.emovo tho missile.
Unneweilor deliberately pointed his
revolver at Phillips and lired. He said
that he did not know his revolver was
Mr. Mitchell's Itinerary.
Presidont Mitchell, of tho United
Mine Workers, and headquarters
stall have about ended their business in
tho anthracitu region. On Wednesday
night Mr. Mitchell addressed tho Mc-
Adoo miners and left next day for New
York city, where he made an address in
Cooper Union in the evening. This
j evening he will address a mass meeting
at Nanticoke, and on Saturday ho will
leave for his headquarters at Indian
apolis. Next week he will go to his
home at Spring Valley, 111., for a few
days of rest.
Incorrect Reports.
"No accidents during October" is
the report of Minn Inspector Davies, of
this district. While it is true that com
paratively few men were at work in the
Lehigh region last month, there were
mine accidents in October and some
serious ones at that.
The incorrect reports furnished each
month by Mr. Davies have boon noticed
by the mine employes and others for
some time past, and what purpose is
being served by theso untrue statements
is a matter of speculation among people
who keep tab on mine statistics.
McHughs Return to Work.
School Director Frank Mcllugh, of
Foster township, who was employed on
the survey corps at Eckley and who was
suspended by Coxe Bros. & Co. presum
ably because he granted the use of the
Eckley school bouse to the United Mine
Workers, has been re-instated. His
brother, John, who had charge of the
miners' supply store at Eckley and who
was discharged because ho refused to
pick slate during the strike, has also
been re-instated.
Gentlemen, for bats and caps go to A
Oswald s. He has a nice variety.
dealer in
Rebate Checks Given for Cash.
Birkbeck and Walnut Streets.
B. C. LAUBACH, Prop.
Choice bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas
try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked
to Order.
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj
town and surroundings every day.
Silk Mill Strike.
The female employes of the Freeland
silk mill struck on Wednesday for an
increase in wages and the removal of
the forewoman, Miss Johnson, of Jeddo.
About two-thirds of the 150 girls em
ployed at the mill joined the strike.
Strenuous efforts are being made
to induce the balance of tho force to
join them, but they are only partially
successful, and tho mill continues work
ing, although badly handicapped by the
The girls claim that Miss Johnson's
methods of overseoring are obnoxious
and unbearable. They dony the report
that her removal is asked for on ac
count of her step-father having worked
during tho miners' strike. Tho wage
question is a secondary matter, although
tho girls claim they are entitled to
higher pay.
The scenes in the vicinity of the mill
are exciting every morning, noon and
evening, and hundreds of people line
along Birkbeck street at tho hours when
the employes go to and from tho mill.
Those who are working aro jeered, and
every new rocruit to the strikers' ranks
is applauded.
Yesterday at noon a scrimmago oc
curred which looked serious for awhile,
but in the end no one was badly hurt
and the borough police prevented any
harm being done.
Four out-of-town special officers are
mill today and escorting
tho workers from their homes and re
turn. Tho Jeddo and Drifton employes
were brought to the mill today in busses.
A team was also sent to Upper Lehigh,
but the striking girls of that town pre
vailed upon all who live there to keep
out of tho bus and it returned empty.
Election Ballots Burned.
The Kaoder printing, lithographing
and binding establishment, Wilkesbarre,
was totally destroyed by lire last night,
causing a loss of over $150,000. The
ballots for tho First, Third and Fifth
legislative districts of this county,
about 50,000 in all, were destroyed, and
the county commissioners are busy
today making arrangements to have
them reprinted. There is barely time
to have tho work done, and they will
not be distributed before Monday.
The lire started from the oil room in
the cellar and spread up the elevator
shaft to all the eight floors, burning
them all after a stubborn blaze of three
Clergymen Ordained.
Seven young men were ordained as
clergymen in the Central Pennsylvania
diocese o( the Protestant Episcopal
church yesterday, the ordination ser
vices being conducted in St. Stephens'
church, Wilkesbarre, by Bishop Ethel
bcrt Talbot. Tho candidates were Rev.
Herbert 11. Powell, Wilkesbarre; Rev.
William Evans Kunkie, Milton; Rev,
Norton E. Houscr, Bloomsburg; Rev.
Francis .larnall, Condersport; Rev. Sid
ney Winter, Stroudsburg; ltev. Frederick
A. Lyno, Mt. Carinol, and Rev. tlcorge
A. Green, Catasauqua.
Poverty Causes Suicide.
Despondency rosulting from poverty
and ill health brought on by her over
exertions in trying to support her six
fatherless children, drovo Mrs. Emma
(Jarvis, a miner's widow, to suicido, at
Scranton. She was found yesterday
suspended from the hinge of a door with
a stout wrapping twine noose about her
nock. An overturned chair near by
told how she accomplished the deed.
Klectlon lleturnH.
The Bell Telephone Company has
made arrangements to receive the elec
tion returns on the night of Tuesday,
November 6, and will distribute the
same to subscribers.
The local exchange will be closed to
the public on that night, but all sub
scribers and others calling from any
station for information will be cheer
fully and promptly supplied.
It. B. Tinner,
Dr. W. 11. Lewis, Lawrencevilie, Va.,
writes, 4 T am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe cases
of indigestion and find It uu admirable
remedy." Many hundreds of physicians
depend upon tin? use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in stomach troubles. It" digests
what you eat. and allows you to eat all
the good food you need, providing you
do not overload your stomach. (Jives
instant relief and a permanent cure.
(1 rover's City drug store.
Sweeney for the AHMeiulily.
From the Plain Speaker.
There is no man in the Fourth district
who has the experience or is better
qualified for tho assembly than Hon.
James A. Sweeney, Democratic candi
date for the legislature. Mr. Sweeney
is committed to tho peoplo's interests
and if elected can be depended upon to
do his duty toward his constituents.
Geo. H. Hartman,
Meats and Green Truck.
Fresh Lard a SjteciaUy.
Centre Street, near Centrul Hotel.
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeland Recorded With
out Waste of Words.
The six remaining companies of tho
Fourth regiment and tho Governor's
troop broke camp at Tamaqua and left
for home. The men had been on duty
since September 22 and they were glad
of the opportunity to return to their
Florist li. W. Montgomery, of Ilaz.le
ton, filled a large number of orders In
town yesterday. East week he decorat
ed the home the Century Club in Phila
delphia, and his work has been highly
complimented by the members.
No other pills can equal DeWitt's
Little Early Risers for promptness,
certainty and efficiency. Grovor's City
drug store.
A Christmas box for Richard M.
Roberts, who Is serving In the United
States army in tho Pbillipines, left
Drifton this morning from his mother,
Mrs. Thomas Roberts.
An Anthracito telephone has boon
placed In tho grocery store of George
Krommos on Birkbeck street.
Tills is the season when mothers are
alarmed on account of croup. It is
quickly cured by One. Minute Cough
Cure, which children like to take.
Grover's City drug store.
Clifford 11. Ilellor, manager of the
Freeland Steam Laundry, visited his
parents at Stroudsburg this week, going
and coming awheel.
"Tho Gunner's Mate," which played
here last January just before its New
York presentation, will ho the attrac
tion at the Grand opera house on the
Kith inst.
The best method of cleansing the
liver is the use of tho famous little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Easy to take. Never gripe. Grover's
City drug store.
Machinery for the Freeland Browing
Company has begun to arrive. Work
on the buildings is being pushed as
rapidly as possible.
John Cunnius, at one time a Freeland
contractor, came up from Long Island,
N. Y., yesterday to visit relatives here.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and
sores are soothed at once and promptly
healed by applying DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Halve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counter
feits. Grovor's City drug store.
Tho candidates of the Workinginen's
party will deliver addresses this evening
at the Grand opera house.
The poor directors liavo awarded the
contract for a largo addition to Laury
town asylum to a Ilazleton Arm.
Tho work of changing tho building at
tho southeast corner of Washington und
Walnut streets to a double dwelling is
under way.
Feelings of safety pervade the house,
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is Infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat and
lung troubles. It will prevent consump
tion. Grover's City drug store.
A large barn, the property of Harry
Drumheller, was destroyed last night by
lire at Conyngham. Tho loss is esti
mated at $2,000.
Jeddo borough night school will open
on November 12.
Mrs. John Kelly and daughter, Miss
Katie, arc sorlously ill at their homo on
South Washington street. Both are
afflicted with pneumonia.
It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will hoal a hum and stop
tho pain at once. It will cure eczema
and skin diseases and ugly wounds and
sores. It is a certain cure for piles.
Counterfeits may bo offered you. See
that you got the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. Grover's Citv drug store
A patent for a device for repairing
and patching pipes lias been granted to
Charles Murrln, of Jeddo.
James J. Cannon, of Allontown, spont
yesterday with Freeland friends.
William Ilayes has resigned as lire
boss at No. .1 colliery, Jeddo, to accept a
similar position in Schuylkill county.
Patrick Green, of Jeddo, has been ap
pointed to succeed Mr. Hayes.
Do not get scared if your heart trou
bles you. Most likely you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digosts
what you eat and gives the worn out
stomach perfuct rest. It is the only
preparation known that completely
digests all classes of foods; that is why
It cures the worst cases of indigestion
and stomach trouble after everything
else has failed. It may be taken In all
conditions and cannot help but do you
good. Drover's City drug store.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
This is great weather for Top
Coats. Every man who has a
presentable one left over from
last season is in luck, and
those who haven't want to be
furnished with one. If you
are one of the latter we want
to see you at our store. A
call will be to our mutual ad
vantage. It will lead to busi
ness for us and satisfaction to
you. We have Top Coats and
every stylish kind of
In light, medium or heavy
weights and have them priced
so they are easy to buy.
Phila. One-Price Clothing House.
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.
Office: Rooms 1 and !J, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland
All legal business promptly attended.
Postollice Building, ... Freeland.
Legal Business of Any Description.
Broiinan's nulldlng, So. Centre St. Freeland.
Legal Business Promptly Attended.
Campbell Building, - - . Freeland.
Legal Business of every description, Firo
Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt
McMonamln Building, South Centre Street.
All business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building. . Main Street.
Second Floor, . ■ Birkbeck Brick.
Washington Street.
None but reliable companies represented.
Also agent for the celebrated liigb-grado
Pianos ol llazi'ltun Bros., Now York city.
37 South Centre Street.
Second Floor Front, ■ ltefowich Building.
Wm. Wehrman,
W atolimalcer.
and Clocks for sale, and repairing
ol all kiuds given prompt attention.
Centre street, below South.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
All kinds of household utensils.
A. W. Cor. Centre and Front tits., Freeland.
Groceries, Provisions,
Green Truck,
Dry Goods RUJ Notions
are among the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J, Curry, South Centre Street.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
Centre and Main streets. Freeland.
Try Koiper's ico cream soda.