IIAXDSLIDE TO BRYAN, REPUBLICANS FLOCKING TO THE DEMOCRATIC STANDARD. Wellington, Euan, Davis, Monett, Sehurz, Olney, Wilson a n years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to curry out any obliga tion made by their firm. WEST AS THUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. WALI>INO, KINNAN A' MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo i* talren internally, act ing directly upon tho blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials seut free. Price. 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hull's Family Pills are tho best. The nlace of honor at a Chinese ban quet is at the host's left hand. A Very Bad Combine .6 that of A Very Bad Sprain A Very Black Bruise • It often happens, but Just as often St. Jacobs Oil makes a clean, sure, prompt cure of both. Show us a fault in our busi* ness and we stop it at once, no matter how profitable. We don't believe a fault can ever be really profitable. They said our Ague Cure was too bitter and powerful for the weak digestion of malarial illness. We have corrected the fault. It's cost us thousands of dob lars to do it, but we have cor rected it. And there is no better medi cine under the sun for every form of malaria than this new Malaria and Ague Cure. J. C. AVER COMPANY, Practical Chemists, Lowell, Maw, Aver'a Sarsaparilla I Ayer's Hair Vigor Aver'a Pills Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Ayer's Ague Cure | Ayer's Comatone liftrS SKOES ™ jS -r UNION MADE The real worth of our S:i.OO nnd fiL. M ahoeacompared with O AAff othoruiMkesieSi.OO §W7 t> We fyj or JE.talilUhed in im. *— I 1 —. ■■ w.n/ /... w- do you pay 01 to mi A*VA $5 for i:oes wlien yon if TRIAL YfXcanliuyW.li.Douglai IF WILL \ok siioes for $3 and THE KEASOX more W. L. Douglas *3 nnd 13.50 shooa arA sold than airy other make Is THEY AIIK TlKld BENT FOJt HI EX. THE THE ! manahip is unexcelled. *1 hi style ™ BEST Mh U mk°.'Vb"y flt Ukc'cilw BEST loin made ihoji. They will out -53.50 $3.00 SHoE.lS|sill~iilsHoE. Your dealer should krep them j we give one dealei exclusive sale in each town. Take no substitutef IneUt on having W. L. Pouglas ahoea with name and price atnmped on bottom. If vour dealer will not get thein for yon. aend direct to fartorv. enrloring price and 2flc. extra for carriage. State kind of leather, sire, and Width, plain or can toa. Our ahoea will reach you anywhere. Catalogue free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mast. [531 H 23353 STOPPED FREE 64 3 ft" Permanenll, Cured Hi [ S M OR- KLINE S GREAT 9 9 NERVE RESTORER u fxT'nmr i"i: piu^E" 1 SSii.vT.LS, to t i>k ii'Vi'.K i. i.V'r.id. 831 Arch Street. Philadelphia. touuduj uai.