Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, October 24, 1900, Image 4

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    1186—THE ELECTION-i i
If You Think You Know How It's Going,
Cut This Out, Fill It In and Preserve.
'M > r (ll' I in: I XITKD sivi i: ■ ts^^F' j;goo" 111 , I 1,, >. '
The Results In i 896. || Estimate of Vote In 1900.
With Number of , Elect. Popular Elect. Popular Electoral Popular Plu- Electoral Popular Plu-
Electoral Votes. v otee. Plurality. Votes. Plurality. | Votes. rality. Votes. rality.
ALABAMA.... 11 11 75.570
ARKANSAS... 8 8 72,591
CALIFORNIA.. 9 8 2,797 1 '
COLORADO... 4 4 134,882
GONNECTIC'T. 6j 0 53,545
DELAWARE., s| 3 3,030
FLORIDA 4j 4 21,448
GEORGIA 13 13 34,141
IDAHO 3 3 10,808
ILLINOIS 24 24 142,498
INDIANA 15 15 18,181
IOWA 13 13 05,552
KANSAS lo] 10 12,209
KENTUCKY.. .13 12 281 1
LOUISIANA... 8 8 55,138
MAINE o] 0 45,777
MARYLAND., sj 8 82,224
MASSACHU'S..IS| 15 173,205
MICHIGAN... ,14 ! 14 50,808
MINNESOTA.. 9| 9 53,875
MISSISSIPPI .. oj 9 58,729 j
MISSOURI 17 17 58,729
MONTANA..., 3| 3 82,043 ~
NEBRASKA... 8 & 13,570 I
NEVADA a| 3 6^439~j
NEW HAMP... 4l 4 85,794
NEW JERSEY.IO 10 87,092
NEW YORK, 80 30 I 208,409
N. CAROLINA. 11; n 19,200
N.DAKOTA... 8 3 5,049
OHIO 281 23 47,497
OREGON 4! 4 2,117
PENNSYLV'A 32; 32 295,072
RHODE ISL'D. 4I 4 22,978
S. CAROLINA.. 9 9 49 517 I
S. DAKOTA.. 4 4
TENNESSEE.. 12 17495
TEXAS isj 15 202,914
UTAH 3 3 51,033
VERMONT.. . 4 4 40,490 ~
VIRGINIA ia| 12 19,841
WASHINGT'N. 4 | _ 7 ~~
W.VIRGINIA. fl| 0 11,487
WISCONSIN.. .13 12 102,012 ~~~
Wyoming .... ~ I r
T(,)r -\L 447 271 j 1,568,848 170 006,24G
Hon. T. R. Martin
Additional Law Judge.
John Parsonage, of Plymouth, has re
ceived notice from the war department
of the death of his son, William J. Ho
belonged to the cavalry service, and
was stationed in Cuba. About six weeks
ago, through Congressman Davenport,
lie was discharged and was on his way
Jioine when he died on board the United
States transport Crook within a few
hours after leaving Havana. Deceased
was 31 years ago and is survived by a
widow and two children; also by his par
ents and several brothers and sisters.
The remains will be sent to Plymouth
for interment.
Do not get scared if your heart trou
bles you. Most likely you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat and gives the worn out
| stomach perfect rest. It is the only
preparation known that completely
digests all classes of foods; that is why
it cures the worst cases of indigestion
and stomach trouble after everything
else has failed. It may be taken in all
conditions and cannot help but do you
good. Grover's City drug store.
An accident in Sugar Notch resulted
in tho death of a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony Sweeney, of that place. The
little one was 5 years of age. He with
some other little boys wandered down to
the railroad and were playing about
| some cars when tho train started. The
Sweeney boy was trying to crawl out
when the wheel of a car caught him and
ran over his chest, almost cutting his
body in two.
Dr. \V. 11. Lewis, Lawrenceviile, Va.,
writes, "1 am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe casos
of indigestion and find it an admirable
remedy." Many hundreds of physicians
depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in stomach troubles. It" digests
what you oat, and allows you to cat all
the good food you need, providing you
do not overload your stomach. Gives
instant relief and a permanent cure.
Grover's City drug store.
Tho body of Claude Walker, a young
man whose home is in Nicholson, was
found on the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Railroad tracks at Nortli
Scranton. It had been run over by a
train and was horribly mutilated. It is
the belief of Coroner Roberts that the
man was murdered and then placed on
the track. There are a number of
wounds which seem to have been made
by a knife.
It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop
tho pain at once. It will cure eczema
and skin diseases and ugly wounds and
sores. It is a certain cure for piles.
Counterfeits may be offered you. See
that you get the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. Grover's Citv drug storo.
Judge Rechtol in an opinion lias re
fused the injunction of the Lehigh Coal
and Navigation Company against the
school board of Rahn township, Schuyl
kill county. The complainants paid
eight of tho ten mills school tax, and
asked the court to enjoin the board
from collecting tho rest on the ground
that it was excessive.
Feelings of safety pervade the hous -
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat and
lung troubles. It will prevent consump
tion. Grover's City drug store.
Franklin Hoffman, who died in South
Allentown, although only 12 years of
age, had a record of having served as
pallbearer at 150 funerals. The boy
was committed to the Allentown hos
pital two weeks ago suffering with an
abscess of the liver. An operation was
performed, from the effects of which he
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and
sores arc soothed at onco and promptly
healed by applying DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counter
feits. Grover's City drug store.
The main bar to the happiness of
Solomon Snyder, a farmer near Taina
qua, appears to be rats. Recently he
awakened from his slumbers to find
that one of his fingers was being
chewed by a rodent. Last night he was
awakened by a sharp pain and found
that a rat had bitten a piece out of his
right eyelid.
This is tho season when mothers are
alarmed on account of croup. It is
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like to take.
Grover's City drug store.
George 11 inkle, aged 9 years, at
tempted to climb over a high picket
fence at Mt. Carmcl. When on top he
slipped and fell, his abdomen being
pierced by a sharp rod. Ho may die 1
from tho injuries.
Smoke and chew Kendall, Clock &
Co.'s XXXX union-made. Mnftd by
tho Clock Tobacco Co.. Scranton, Pa.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature iu strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gaus. It Is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
allother results of imperfect digestion.
PrlccSOc, and St Lnrieslo contains 2H times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia malledfree
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT ACO'<Cb'cago-
Grover's City Drug Store. '
|=n As usual, we are read}' to meet your needs, s
Is We have Men's and Boys' Underwear in all [i~
IN Weights and Qualities, from the ordinary to
[fcl the best in the market, and we guarantee to pll
k§| give you full value for your money in any IS]
Sj kind you buy. S
pj Stylisli IHall Hats.
|e| Our Hat department is stocked with the f§|
[EB latest styles of the Famous Hawes Hats. If pi
rj2J you are not supplied already, come to us and we raj
Sj will offer you something that is bound to si
please you. In addition to a full line of the S
15 Hawes, we carry a large assortment of other |E
P makes of Hats and Caps. P|
|| IFall Keckwear.
M Seldom, if ever, has there been shown rS)
pi fi ner or larger lots of Neckwear, Furnishing i~ji
Goods and Hosiery than are now on sale in S
S our store. We claim to have the very latest |E
P in these lines and ask you to look them over H
Ira before you purchase the season's requirements, pi
Ovtr Pcotwear Lines. ||
gl The Shoes sold by us are steadily gaining |Sn
s]j the favor of the public. Those who buy once S
S invariably come again, and this is a sufficient [E
P testimonial to prove that the goods we sell P
Fp=| give satisfaction. It is needless in this space jrSJ
[id to enumerate all our styles and qualities. We p]
r3j carry large stocks of Shoes of several grades, pi
En and can fit Men, Women, Boys and Misses at jl—l
S any price or with any style desired. Our P
,£j prices are lower for the same quality of foot-
P wear than any store in the region. " pi
1 Cents' Furnishing, Kit and Shoe Store. jf
C,e^ Ltre St^ eet *
What is Celery King?
it 1h a scientific combination of rare roots,
herbs, barkr and seeds from Nature's inhoru
tory. It cures constipation, nervous disor
ders, headache, indigestion and liver and kid
ney diseases. Jt is a most wonderful medi
cine, and is recommended by physicians gen
erally. Remember it cures constipation.
Celery King is sold in 25c. and 50c. packages
by druggists. 1
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX tlour
always in stock.
Latest Hats and Caps.
All kinds of household utensils.
iV. W. Cor. Centre and Frontßts., Freeland.
Corner of Centre and Front Streets.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufcr Club,
Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h vo
Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne,
Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
_ Centre and Main streets. Frcelnnd.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer In
Tin? finest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Mil on- ,
andoah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap.
Centre street.
Roliee in " Inventive Age " la Iff jjJS Sb 4
book "How to obtain Patents" | H S Bra nv 1
Charges moderate. No fee till patent ia secured. 1
Letters strictly confidential. Address, 1
' E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, p. C. 1
May J7, ISJUO.
G 12 u in lor Wuutliefly, .Muurli Chunk.
Alluntuwu, ileUilctiuiu, liuston, i'liiiti-
Uciplllu Itlld NOW I OI K.
740 ii in lor Suiidj Kitii. White Haven,
' . Hiies-Burre, i'ills ton and Scrunlou.
t o lb u in lor Huzleton, Muhuuoy Lily,
bhciiuuuouh, AHhi aII cl, Weutlioriy
Munch (Tiuuk, Aiientown, Ileihleheiu,
| Fusion, l'hiiuiiclphlu and New Vork.
■ 9 30 am lor liuzletou, Muhuuoy City, ehcn
umlouh, ■i. bunuoi, Shumokin und
| 1 1 45 a m lor Sandy Hun, White Haven,
** Hkes-Hurre, derail ton ami ull points
• 1 30 Pat lor Weatlioriy, Alnueh Chunk, Ai
ientown, Jicihichcui, baa to n, I'luiudci
piuu ana a\ov k ork.
| 4 42 pin lor iiuzictuu, Muhuuoy City, Shcn
.tiidtiuh, Mi. Lannol, Mialaokin und
I olisviHe, v\ euiUoriy, Muucli Chunk,
Allcutown, beiuiohcin, bus I on, I'lnlu
i dolphin und Mow 1 ork.
0 34 p in lor ftandy itun, While Haven,
' Wilkes-HIUTO, Soruntou ami ulf points
. i 7 29 i> in lor Hazleton, Muluinoy City, Sheu
uudouh, .Mi. C'anuol und Shaiuokiu.
7 40 a in Iroin Wealhoriy, Pottuvillo, Asli
luiid, ahonuudouli, Mahuuoy City aud
II a/dot on.
; 9 17 u in lrom I'hilmlolphia, Huston, Hcthie
> hem, Aliontown, Munch i hunk, \\ eatli
iTly, iiiizlolon, .Muhuuoy City, ohcuuii
douh, .dt. Carinoi and siiaiuoKin.
9 30 a ui iroui Soruutou, Wilkos-iiarre und
M into lluvon.
1145a in lrom l'ottsvillc, Shamokiu, Mt.
tunnel, Shouandouii, Muhuuoy City
and Uuzlcton.
12 551> ui iroui Now York, Philadelphia,
bustun, Bethlehem, Aliontown, Muuch
Chunk and Wouthorlj.
4 42 p in t'roiu Seranton, Wllkos-Harre und
White lluvon.
0 34 |* in from .Now York, Philadelphia,
bits ton, iiethlcliem, Aliontown, Potts
villo, Shuinokiu, Mt. Curinol, Sheuuu
„ __ doiih, Muhuuoy City und Huzleton.
white llrtvon.
For lurcher iiilormiitiou inquire of Ticket
nubblN H.WI LBUK,GeneralSuper! titer dent.,
~0 Cortiandt stioot, New York City.
C'HAS. S. Jibb, Genera; i'asKcngcr Agent,
:.'ii Cortiandt Street. New Vork Cit.v
J. T. KEITH, Division Superintendent,
liuzletou, Pu.
Tune table in elleot April IS, 1897.
Trains leave Drifton lor Joddo, Eekloy, Hazle
Brook, Stockton, lieavor Meadow ltoud, Koun
mid Huzleton Junction at 6 JO, SOU a m. daily
except Sunduy; und 7 Oil u m, 2 lib p ui, Sunday.
l rains leave lint ton lor Harwood,C run berry,
lomhieken und Deringcr ut 6 JO, UUU a m, duilv
except Sunduy; uud V Oii a m, 2 iio p m, Suu-
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
Uarwood itoud, Humboldt Head, Oneidu und
0 u U1 ' duily Sd"-
daj, und i Ui u m, 238 p m, Sunduy.
lrains leavelinzletou Junction lorHarwood,
cruulierry, lomhieken und beringor at u35 a
Sunday' oXcept W a m, 4 22 p m,
Trains leave Hazlcton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Hurwood Hoad, Humboldt itoud,
Oneida aud Shepptou ut 0 W2 y 1110 am,441 pm,
daily except Sunday; und i 87 u m, J 11 p m'
Sunday. K '
1 Trains leave Deringer for Tomhick -n, Cran-
i r .V 1 Huzleton Junction und 'touu
at 2 20, 5 40 p in, duily except Sunday; una :♦ 37
a m, fiOi p m, Minduy.
1 rains leave rmeppton for Oneida, Humboldt
ltoud, Hurwood Hoad, Oneida Junction, Huzle
tou Junction ad itoun at 7 11 am, 12 4U, 61 2
: p m, daily except sunduy; and 811 a m ii 44
p m, Sunduy.
Trains leave Shepptou for Bearer Meadow
Hoad, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eokiey, Jeddo
2I M IONI ON ut 5 p IM ' tJtti, >'' except Sunday;
and 8 il ft m, J 44 p in, Sunday.
; Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver
! Meadow ltoud, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley.
Jeddo and Drifton at 5 4., u&i p m, daily,
| e *eept Sunday; and 10 10 u m, 5 40 p m. Sunduy.
i AH truins connect at iluzleton Junction with
electric ears lor Hazleton, J cones vilie, Auden
ried and other points on the '1 ruction Com
| pany's line.
Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 6 00 a m make
connection at Derluger with T. It. H. trains for
we t 8 re ' Sunbury, Hurrisburg und points
1 For the accommodation of passengers ut way
stations between Hazleton Junction and Dor-
I j ''lK ol ' 14 train will leave the former point at
LUTUEK G. SMITH, SuperlntondouL