Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, August 13, 1900, Image 3

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    ?IJ ?§ 2-S I 2o 2? 3-5
pjj Iflll j jll I
(S-J t I sftl* II If
The risks of death faced by a soldier
in battle are more than six times as
great as the dangers of railway service.
Medical Book Free.
••Know Thyself." a book for men only
sent tree, postpaid, sonled, to any male
reader mentioning this paper ; Gc. for post
age. 'lhe Science of Life, or Kelf-l'reser
yation, the Gold Medal Prize Treatise the
best Medical Book of this or nny
pp., with eugravines and prescriptions.
Only 25c., paper covers. Library Edition,
full gilt, $ 1.00. Address The Penbody Med
ical Institute, No. 4 Bulfinch St.. Boston.
Mass., the oldest and best In this country.
Write to-day for these books; keys to health.
Boston will utilize sea water to ex
tinguish fires. An experiment with salt
water has proved successful.
Are Yon I'sing Allen*. Foot-Knee
It la the only euro for Swollen, Smortine,
Tired, Aching, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corns
and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease,
a powdor to bo shakon into the shoos. Cures
While you walk. At ull Druggists uuil Shoo
Stores, 25a Sample Bent FItEE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. I".
Has Five Knighthoods.
Sir George White, who has been
made a G. C. V. 0., has now no fewer
than five knighthoods. He is Sir
George White, G. C. 8., K. C. 8., G. C.
S. 1., G. C. I. E.. G. C. V. O. Only two
other British subjects, not of the blood
royal, have five knighthoods. They are
the marquis of Dufferln and Lord Rob
erts, and they have but four each,
without their K. P.s. Among com
moners, who cannot be K. P.s, Sir
George White stands alone. Indeed,
he is the only commoner with more
than three knighthoods.
Conjuror Outwlttod.
At a country fete a conjurer was
performing the old trick of produc
ing eggs from a hat, when he remarked
to a little boy: "Your mother can't
get eggs without hens, can she?" "Of
course she can," replied the lad. "Why,
how Is that?" asked the conjurer.
"She keeps ducks," replied the boy
admist roars of laughter.
"I doctored wtih two of
the best doctors In the city
for two years and had no
relief until I used tho
Plnkham remedies.
"My trouble was ulcer
ation of the uterus. I suf
fered terribly, could not
sleep nights and thought
sometimes that death
would be suoh a relief .
" To-day I am a well wo
man, able to do my own
work, and have not a pain.
" I used four bottles of
Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound and throe
packages of Sanative
Wash and cannot praise
the medicines enough."—
634 Pine St., Easton, Pa.
Mrs. Plnkham advises
suffering women without
Lydla E. Pinkhara Med. Co., Lynn, Mass.
It Injures nervous system to do so. Dinfl HIIRO
If. theonlv cure that IGnlly Cain DfIUU-LUnU
aod notifies you when to atop. Sold with a
guarantee that three lx.xes will cure any cane
Dion OiIDH i vegetable and harmless. It has
DAUU-uUnU ,-ured thousand*, it will cure YOU.
At all druggiltg or by mail prepaid. fel.OO a IHIX;
8 boxes. *2.50. booklet free Write EUREKA
CHEMICAL CO.. La Croatia, Wis.
P. N.U. 27, *OO,
L/riVrO V quick reliaf and cures w.-ra
•Ares- Boo* of tast.nmnfala and lOdaT*' tteatmeui
Free. Dr. H. H. ORKEMB BOMB. BOX B Atlaata. Oa.
Ho a ™oyu h I Thompson's Eye Water
Tho Profound Tmpregftlon Mndo bv n
Magician'* Lucky (iuen-Wliy a Firm
Attached a Plantation—A Telephone
Helps Out a Newspaper Man.
"Luck and coincidence explain away
many a mystery," said one of a group
of late workers the other night. "I
remember a queer story along that
line," he continued, "which I ouee
heard from the elder Herrmann. In
his earlier performances, as you may
recall, he made a great feature of a
very clever 'second call,' or mind-read
ing act. He would request people m
the audience to select small articles,
which would then be described by a
blindfolded assistant on the stage. As
a matter of fact, Herrmann really
gave the cue to the descriptions in the
way he framed his questions, but it
was very dextrotisly done and not one
person out of a thousand 'caught on.'
"One evening, as he told me the
story, lie was giving an entertainment
in an Ohio city and was just return
ing to the stage after the mind-reading
specialty, when an elderly man sud
denly jumped up at tue other end of
the house. 'lf this thing is genuine,'
lie called out in a loud voice, 'I want
you to tell me what card I am think
ing about at this moment.' The man
was a wealthy merchant and known
as somewhat of a crank on spiritual
ism. Of course, Herrmann had no
Idea what he was thinking about, but
lie replied without hesitation: 'lt is
the deuce of clubs,' liis intention being
to turn the Inugli on the old fellow
by some bit of repartee when he de
clared that the guess was wrong. But,
to the magician's intense amazement,
the man raised both hands in the air
and bellowed, 'Correct! by thunder!'
Tills miraculously lucky and wholly
unexpected hit made a profound im
pression on the audience and no doubt
converted many people to a belief In
tho reality of mind reading. Herr
mann told me that the proprietor of
the theater, who was an old personal
friend, was very curious to know how
the thing was done, and when he was
finally informed in eoniidenee that it
was mere luck he declined to credit
the explanation. It was too simple to
suit him."
"Coincidences certainly do play an
important role in every-dny life," com
mented another In the party, "and I
dare say they have been the pivot on
which many an event of the first mag
nitude has turned. One case of the
kind came under my personal observa
tion when I first went into business in
New Orleans. At that time there was
a large mercantile house, located on
tiie same block, that did an extensive
business with planters up the river.
As usual, in that trade, they operated
on a credit basis, and ocasionallly they
carried some formidable accounts.
The largest of these at the period cf
which I speak was against a planter
who had formerly been very prompt
pay, but who had latterly pleaded bad
luck and allowed the majority of his
hills to run over for several seasons.
The firm believed him to be good, and
although the amount involved mount
ed away up into the thousands tliey
decided not to press him, in full con
fidence that the money would ulti
mately be pnid.
"One day the planter came to New
Orleans on some business, and while
he was still in town a member of the
firm elinnced to go over to a notary's
office to get an aekuowledcgment of
some legal papers. As he entered the
office he overheard one of the clerks
in an adjoining room ask another
whether he had completed 'that plant
ation transfer' to Col. 's mother.
'You know lie wants to take it with
him when he goes home to-niglit,' ho
added. Col. was the delinquent
debtor, and the accidental was
like tile" revelation of a flash of light
ning on a dark night. The merchant
said nothing, but transaeted bis own
business as speedily as possible and
hurried back. Then lie wired liis local
attorney to institute proceedings, and
when the planter arrived home lie
found everything tied up with ail at
tachment. He was forced to make
a settlement in full, and doesn't know
to this day how his plans were so
suddenly checkmated. Five seconds
sooner or later in that visit to the
uotary's would have made a difference
of many thousands of dollars to the
"I think I can tie that story my
self," said one of the party. "Do you
remember the recent death of Lewis
Redwine, a noted bank defaulter of
Atlanta, Ga., whose case created an
immense sensation some years ago?
Weil, when he was placed on trial,
Redwine maintained a stubborn si
lence, and lie was convicted and sen
tenced to five years in the Federal
I'enetentiary at Columbus, Ohio. It
tvas generally believed that he would
break down when he actuallly started
for prison nnd Implicate some people
who stood high socially, and the pa
pers decided to send reporters with
him to the train. For some reason
the authorities didn't approve of the
plan and arranged to slip him out
of town a day in advance of the time
officially given out. The train was to
leave at noon, and about twenty min
utes before that hour a reporter, out
on other business, happened to use a
telephone in a downtown store. While
he was talking the wires became
crossed and he heard a voice say: 'We
have arranged for the train to stop
at the outskirts of the town to-day to
take on Redwine.' He recognized the
voice as that of a deputy Marshal
talking to the jailor, and realized in
a flash that a scheme was on foot to
get the noted prisoner out of the city
twenty-four hours ahead of time. He
dashed away from the store and got
to ills office to draw some money and
caught the traiD. Redwine didn't con
fess, after all, but that doesn't affect
the marvelous luck or coincidence of
the 'plione episode."
A compressed air drill lias proved
very successful working under water
on the sunken battleship of the Rus
sian navy. The machine works as
well when driling with granite and
hard substances as It docs above
Powdered sugar is said to possess
decidedly inferior sweetening proper
ties to those of the coarsely crystal
ized article. In the process of pulver
ization it is claimed that the heat and
electricity produced transform a cer
tain proportion of the sugar into glu
cose, whose sweetening powers are
two and a half times less than of sac
At Kew, England, at the metoorlog-
Ical observatory, a watch is tested in
every position, anil its rate measured
and recorded by the hour. It is hung
upside down, hung from eacli side,
placed dial down and back down, and
at any number of angles, and to finish
it is linked in an oven and frozen in
a pall of ice. When it is considered
that eighteen thousand vibrations an
liour occur in a watch, and it must not
vary a second a week, it is easy to
see why no watch has ever been per
Something new in fire alarms has
been invented by the Chief of the
Kansas City Fire Department. On a
telephone circuit connected with the
headquarters there are to be placed
the usual thermostats, which give ao
alarm whenever the temperature in
their neighborhood becomes danger
ously high. Tlie new departure comes
from the additou of automatic phono
graphs to the other apparatus. Dy
their agency, when the thermostat
gives an alarm the phonograph pro
claims over the telephone line the ex
act location of the lire.
The English have acquired art
of making balloons lighter and more
compact than those of any other coun
try. Other countries use oiled silk, but
in England gold beaters' skin is used.
An envelope of 10,000 cubic feet ca
pacity weighs only 100 pounds. The
wire cable which holds it to the
ground weighs only eighty-seven
pounds for fiso yards. The total
weight of a balloon that carries two
aeronauts Is less than 200 pounds. Hy
drogen is used for inflation. It is car
ried in compressed steel bottles. It
requires the contents of two and three
fourths bottles to supply one charge
to a balloon.
In Austria a new method of utilizing
sawdust lias been invented and seems
to promise admirable results. At the
sawmills of Joseph Fialla the experi
ment lias been tried of making bri
quettes of the sawdust for domestic
heating purposes. The dust is heated
to dryness and then to the point where
tiie tarry elements begin to exude.
These are used as the consolidating
matter, the hot sawdust passing on
steam-heated tallies to a press which
forms them into briquettes, live by
three by one and one-quarter inches,
weighing about one-half pound. It is
said that they give four per cent, of
ash nnd that their heating power is
equivalent to that of lignite. The
press mnltes nineteen bricks per min
ute, and with 300 days of work, pro
duces 0,000,000 per year. The experi
ment has shown that the cost of man
ufacture Is sixteen cents per thousand,
while the selling price is one dollar
per thousand.
Colony Experiments In America.
Two generations ago, under the in
spi ration of Fourier, a great impetus
was given to the community Idea here
and scores of colonies were founded
in the "Middle West, "most of which
were afterward disbanded. To the
bent which the movement gave to,
social and religious theories, the State
of Utah really owes its existence. The
community idea attracted less notice
ns tiie national interests enlarged, hut
it is still true that America is the
chosen Held of communal experiments.
Colonies of Swiss nnd Pledmontese oc
casionally enter the Tennessee nuil
North Carolina valleys. Small Ger
man sects, following some whimsical
religions tenet, are rising to prosperity
in tiie Middle West. In the Northwest
bodies of Russian peasants whose
strange creeds show the same ferment
working that is seen in Tolstoy's int
er novels, have found refuge from the
injurious discriminations of the Greek
Church.—New York Mail and Express.
President Monroe's
Near Union, In Monroe County, W.
Va., a couple of days ago the plow
of a farmer turned up the greater part
of a historic cannon that was pre
sented to the people of Monroe Coun
ty by President Monroe in recognition
of the honor of having a county
named after him. The presentation
occurred many years before the di
vision of the State of Virginia. Short
ly after the close of the war, one
Fourth of July, the cannon was used
in a county celebration. T4 make its
report louder young men rammed it
full of shearings from a near-by leath
er shop. The gun exploded and in
jured several persons. For more than
a quarter of a century nil trace of
the weapon was lost. Most of the
fragments have been dug up from
the land of Thomas Shaver and they
will be given to the State Historical
Society.-i-N'ew York Sun.
Pay or Italian Mounted Folic.
The mounted police, whose duty It
is in Italy to prevent the illegal fell
ing of trees, get only $8 a month, out
of which they have to maintain their
horses. The result is that many of
them wink at the unauthorized fell
ing of tve-'s and share the proceeds.
nut Ia Now Making of India One Vast
Charnel Pen.
The famine area In India is about
850,000 square miles, and extends over
the central, south and northwestern
provinces, says Leslie's Weekly. No
pen couH describe Its awful horrors
Some of the things proved by pho
tography are too realistically horrible
to bo reproduced In any publication,
and we print only a few of
the less frightful photographs
taken by the missionaries, because
many have not believed that such an
awful condition could exist In this cen
tury of plenty and prosperity. Ema
ciated beyond belief, the starving na-
Uves crawl to the house of the nearest
sahib, usually a missionary, to crave
food; but 60,000 mouths have to be fed.
Fifteen dollars a year will feed a Hin
du, yet even this pitiable allowance
Is not to be had. The causes of the
famine are the failure of the crops, the
refusal of the native princes to allow
their bunting Jungles to be converted
Into fertile agricultural regions, and
the mysterious disappearance of a spe
cial famine fund of $100,000,000, col
lected by the government after the fa
mine of 1877. The Hindu Is a strict
vegetarian. The low-caste Hindu Is s
fatalist.. So, when famine stalks abroad
the Hindu submits uncomplainingly.
Day by day he will aubslst on less food,
until at last, when a mere shadow, he
will drag his bony self to a' relief sta
tion. There he may get food—or he
may not. If not, ho crouches In some
corner, or out In the fields, under God'o
trees, and awaits the coming of death.
The majority of the victims are women
and children.
Leading Political lCoonomist.
Professor de Gustav Schmoller,
whose declaration that Brazil must
soon become a great state under Ger
man influence, has been the rector ol
the University of Berlin since 1897. Ho
Is one of the foremost political econ
omists of Europe, and for years has
lectured In German universities on po
litical science, economics and history.
Professor Schmoller was born at Hefl
bronn In 1838, and Btudled In the Uni
versity of Wurtemburg. In 1864 he
was called to a chair In Halle, and
from 1865 to 1872 he was dean of the
University of Strasburg. In 1882 Prof.
Schmoller was transferred to Berlin as
professor of history of political science.
His opinions upon national matters are
of great weight.
Longest Canal. the Erie.
The longest canal In the world f9 the
Erie, In New York, extending from Al
bany to Buffalo, a distance of 381
miles. _
What Shall We -lave For Deroert?
Tbis question arises In the family dally. Let
us answer It to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious
and healthful dessert. Prepared In 2 min. No
bolllngl no baking 1 Simply add a little hot
water A set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange,
Raspberry and Stru wherry. At grocers. 10c.
It is estimated that about 2.000,000,000
bicycles have been made in Europe and
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
drutrfcclftx refund the muuey If 11 fulls to euro.
E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on each box. 26c.
North Carolina got along all of last
year, ending May 31, without a strike.
Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infalli
ble medlclno for coughs and colds.—N. W.
SAMUEL, Oceun Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900.
Tarantulas are being raised in Aus
tralia for their webs, which are being
used in making threads for war bal
He thinks he lives, but he's a dead
one. No person is really alive whose
ver * s dead. During the winter
most people spend nearly all their time
in warm, stuffy houses or offices or
T &J| workshops. Many don't get as much
exercise as they ought, and everybody
knows that people gain weight in
, / -aisaA ( am \. winter. As a rule it is not sound
we 'Bht, but means a lot of flabby fat
and rotting matter staying in
driven out. But the liver was over-
WE&fSiSBKr?' burdened, deadened —stopped work. There
you are, with a dead liver, and spring is the
"Itime for resurrection. Wake up the dead!
Get all the filth out of your system, and get
ready for the summer's trials with dean, clear blood, body, brain free from bile. Force
is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way, and the right plan
is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels, and stir up the liver to new
life and work with CASCARETS, the great spring cleaner, disinfectant and bowel tonic.
Get a box to-day and see how quickly you will be
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a bo* free Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning advertisement and paper. , :l
L You Look Cross
9 What makes you look that way? There
gjl certainly must be some good reason for it. If IE
9 your tongue is coated, if you are bilious, if |g|
!■ your head aches, if your food rests heavy on HH
39 your stomach, and if you are constipated,
Mj then the whole trouble is with your liver.
H What you need is a good liver pill, an easy
Jfl liver pill, a purely vegetable liver pill. You
H need a box of Aycr's Pills, that's what you
need. These pills cure constipation, bilious- ■■
on ness, dyspepsia, and sick headache.
25 cents n box. All druggists.
" I always keep a box of Ayer's Pills on hand. There is no pill
their equal for a liver regulator. Long ago they cured me of liver
complaint and chronic constipation."—S. L. SPELLMAN, Columbus,
Ohio, May 31, 1900.
Called the Wrong Man.
An Irishman arriving in Cincinnati
one night found It Impossible to get a
bed to himself, but was permitted to
share one which had been engaged by
a barber. Pat noted that his bedfel
low was very bald and proceeded to
chaff him. This the barber endured
in silence, hut when Pat had fallen
into a heavy slumber the other man
got up and shaved every hair off his
tormentor's head. The Irishman hav
ing a long tramp before him on the
morrow, had left instructions that he
be called very early, and, it being still
dark when he rose, he did not notice
the loss of his hair. When some dis
tance on his way, however, he felt
thirsty, and, coming to a spring, took
off his hat and bent down to drink.
Seeing the reflection of his bald head
in the water, he sprang back aghast.
"Be Jabers," he exclaimed wrathfully,
"they've called the wrong man!"
"Akzzzxa!" Sho Gasped.
A boy's magazine had offered an an
agram for competition among its read
ers; the sentence to be transposed ran
as follows; "Kruger's addled policy of
aggrandizement will puzzle a sphinx."
Tommy tried combination after com
bination. but always failed to utilize
all the letters. At last a brilliant
thought struck him, enabling him to
dispose of any superfluous letters.
Here Is the solution: "With a gurgling
cry of 'Akzzzxa!' Miss Nellie Pullen
dropped dead." The editor awarded
Tommy an extra prize for his ingenu
ity. remarking that, if the young lady
spoke only English, her death must
have been most painful."—Stray Sto
Where the Taint Went.
The Philadelphia Press tells a story
of a house painter who seems to have
A very pretty wit. "I thought you were
working on Jay Krank's new house,"
said the house painter's friend. "I
was going to," replied the house paint
er, "but I had a quarrel with him and
be said he'd put the paint on himself."
"And did he do it?" "Yes, that Is
where he put most of it."
Favorable reports have been received
from all parts of South Russia regard
ing the prospects of the coming har
The native hen of New Zealand is an
expert rat-killer.
The chief of police at Erie. Pa., pro
poses to have tramps make bricks ami
construct buildings.
Drugs have their use, but don't store
thern in your stomach. Beemau's Pepsin
Gum aids nature to perform its functions.
The intense dryness of the South
African air is very destructive of leath
er. Hence the soldiers' boots soon wear
Frey's Vermifuge is GO years old. A9 the
years advance it becomes more und more
The imports of crude rubber to this
country have in the last 30 years in
creased 431 per cent.
Jell-O, the Now Dessert,
rjoascs all the family. Four flavors:—
Lemon, Orango, Raspberry and Strawberry.
At your grocers. 10 eta.
The aging of timber, which formerly
required long storage, is now complet
ed by electricity in a few hours.
Fits permanently cured. No fit® or nervous
ness after iirst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat
Nerve Restorer. 32 trial bottle and treatise
tree. Dr. P- ll.Kux E. Ltd. 031 Arch bt.Phila.Pfc
There are 500 hotels and camps in the
Adirondacks receiving guests. They
have a combined capacity of 62.000.
E. A. Rood, Toledo, Ohio, says: "Hall's Ca
tarrh (Jure cured my wife of catarrh fifteen
years ago and she has had no return of it. We
a sure euro." Sold by Druggists, 75c,
A scientific person assess that bag
pipe-playing in the vicinity of a cowshed
causes the cows to yield more milk.
The Best Prescription for Chills
and Fever is a bottle of GitOVß's Tastet.kss
CNII.L Tokic. It is simply iron ami quinine In
a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50c.
The catalogue of the Paris Exhibi
tion will contain the names of neariy
90,000 exhibitors of all nations.
M rs. Window's Sooth Ing Ry t a p for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, ulluysiiuiij.cures wind colic.2sc a buttle.
The cemeteries around London cov
er 2.000 acres, and the land they occupy
represents a capital of £20,000,000.
will I e increased 20 per cent, by using
our aluminum Cream Separators ana
up-to-date churns $4 up. 10 days
trial. Catalogue free. Address, Gib
tfou-Mewart Mfg. Co., Gibsouia, l'a.
nest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. UflO
in time. Sold by druggists. |*f