RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.' May 27, 1900. AMAVCEMEIRR or PASSBMOH TRAINS. LIATI FK IS BLAND. I ■ tor Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Bauton, Phila delphia aad New York. T 40 a m fer Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Plttston and Scrantoa. 0 18 a m for Hazleton, Mahauoy City, Bhenaedoah, Ashland, Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem, Basten, Philadelphia and New York. 0 80 a m tor Hazleten, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah. Mt. Carmel, Shamokin and Pottsville. 1 1 45 a m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and all points Weet. 1 SO f m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia and New York. 4 48 pm tor Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shainokiu and Fetter 1 lie, Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastou, Phila delphia and New York. 0 84 P m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and all points Weet. 7 88 P ns for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel and Shamokin. ARRITB AT FREELAND. 7 40 a m from Weatherly, Pottsville, Ash land, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 0 17am from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Weath erly, Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, Mt. Carmel and Shamokin. • 80 am from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 1 1 45 a m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 18 65p m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Muuch Chunk and Weatherly. 4 48 P m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. • 84 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Potts ville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Sheuan deah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 7 29 p m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. Fer further information inquire of Tioket Agents. KOLLIN ■. WILBUR, General Superintendent, tS Cortlandt Street, New York City. ClAfl. 8. LBK, General Passenger Agent, 28 Cortlandt Street, New York City. J. T. KHITH, Division Superintendent, Hazleton, Pa. THI DCLAWARK, SUSQUBBANNA AND SCKUTLKILL KAILKOAD. Time table in effeet April 18, 1897. Trains lenve Drlfton for Jeddo, Bckley, Hasle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Hoan and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, 800 a m, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drlfton for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhioken and Deringer at 6 30, 8 00 a m, daily •xcspt Sunday; and 703 a m, 238 p m, Sun *!!• Trains lsavs Drlfton for Oneida Junotton, Harwood Hoad, Humboldt Road, Oneida and •heppton at 800 am, daily except Sun day; and 7 08 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tom hie ken and Deringer at 6 36 a m, daily except Sunday; and 163 am,422 pm, •unday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Juaotlon, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 8 32,11 10 am,441 pm, dally except Sunday; and 737a m, 311 pm, Sunday. Trains ledts Deringer for Tomhlok *n, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Hoan at S 26, I 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and 3 87 , Dlpn, Sunday. _ Tr * , n; lsve Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Hssd, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ten JuaoUen and Moan at 7 11 am, 1240, 622 p m, dtily exoept Sunday; and 8 11 a as, 844 p m, Sunday. 'Trains leavs Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Raad, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckloy, Jeddo and Drlfton at 6 22 p m, daily, except Sunday; and 111 am,3 44 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazfc Brook, Bckley, Jedde and Drlfton at 6 46, 828 p ra, daily, exedpt Sunday; and 1Q 10 a m. 6 40 p m, Sunday. All trains oonneot at Hazleton Junction with eleetrte oars for Hdzloton, Jeapesville, Auden ried and dfher points ph the Traction Com pany's line. r Trains leaving DflTton at 6 30.6 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. R. K. trains for Wllkesbarre, Suabury, llarrisburg and points west. • Bor the acoenunodhUoii of passengers at wsy stations between Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at pm, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deriager at 5 00 p 14. r LUTHER C. SMlTH..Superintendent. afKBCWLLANKOUS A DVKItTISKM KNTH. Sikii OF VALUABLR R®AL ESTATE. ■ 'The undersigned, attorney iu fact for all the- helri and legal representatives of Sarah Gallagher, deceased, will on Thursday, the twelfth day of July, 19U0, at 10 o'clock a. m., oh tbe premises, Main street, Freeland, Pa., sell the following property at public sale: All that certain lot of land situate on the south side of Main street, in the borough of Freeland, bounded and described as follows: Begluning at a corner on the south side of Main street, and fifty (50) feet east from Ridge •treet; thence" by land of William Higgius, south three degrees thirty minutes west, one hundred and fifty (100) feet to a corner on a ten (10) foot allh>; thence by said alley south eighty-six degrees thirty minutes east fifty (50) feet to a cornrel*; thence by land of Thomas A. Buckley, north three degrees thirty minutes east one hundred aud fifty (160) feet to a corner oo Main street aforesaid; thence by Main street north eighty-six degrees thirty minutes west fifty (80) feet to the place of beginning. Being lot Number 24, MH surveyed by Samuel Benner, w for Joseph Birkbeck, Jr., in October Improved with a double two-story frame dwelling and kitchens, and a large stable on the rear of the lot. Terms of salo will be made known on the day of sale. Thomas A. Buckley, attorney. "CX)R BALB CHEAP.—For cash, a house and X 1 lot on Chestnut street, Ilirvanton. west of Ridge street, property of John Walitzky. Also a house and two lots on same street, the PTvpotty of Philip Moyer. For terms apply to T. A. Buckley, J. P., TRIBUNE building. JpOR SALE.—Several good lots on Centre, 1 Ridge, Washington, South and Adams streets; also several good dwellings; easy terms. Apply to Andrew Zemany, real estate dealer, 111 South Centre street, second iloor. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Excursions to Chatutauqua, N. Y. Tickets on sale July 7, for all trains, except the Black Diamond express, limited for return passage to August 5. Fare 810 from Now York. From Inter mediate points, one fare and a third, not to exceed 810. Convention National Educational As sociation, Charlestown, 8. C., July 7 to 13. Tickets will be sold July 3, 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8, for all trains, except tho Black Diamond express, limited for re turn passage to September 1. One fare fer the round trip, plus 8" membership fee. Going portion of tickets must bo used through to destination on or be fore July 10. For further information rogarding above excursions consult Lohigh Valley ticket agonts. Independence Day nt Niagara Falls. 88.12 for the round trip via Lehigh Valley Railroad. Tickets on sale July 3, limited for return passage to July 5 Inclusive, and will be honored on any train except tho Black Diamond express. For further particulars consult Lehigh Valley tlekot agents. Sonoke the John Smith. At Helper's. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JpOIt"DISTRICT ATTORNKY VOTR FOB CHARLES E. KECK, of Ashley. Republican primaries, July 7, i to? p. m. FREELAND TRIBUNE. liUkliiktA UN. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, j BY TUB TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFI-ICB: MAIN STIIKET ABOVE CENTRE. LONQ DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. FREELAND,—The TRIBUNE is delivered by carriers to subscribers in Freeland at the rate of 12 X cents a mouth, payable every two months, or $1.60 a year, payable in advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of town subscribers for 81>50 a year, payable in advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The date when the subscription expires is on the address label of each paper. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Make all money orders, cheeks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., JULY 2, 1900. First Tri-Weekly Issue. The Tribune today appears to its' readers as a tri-weekly for the first time. The response on the part of the people to the advantages offered has been showu by a heavy increase in tho number of subscribers and a decided improvement in its advertising patron age. Owing to our inability to canvass the whole town since the change from a semi-weekly was decided upon, the full effects of this timely move have not yet been folt. The evidence at hand, how ever, is overwhelmingly in favor of the fact that the people are ready to give generous support to the newspaper which endeavors to keep pace with the town's demands. For the benefit of our new readers and patrons It may be stated here that the Tribune takes no backward steps and makes no experiments. The deci j sion to publish tri-weekly was made i after a careful survey of the field, and ' this, the first issue ef the new order, is not placed on the market as a trial number. The appearance of Its successors is assured until such time as the people of the Tribune's field aro ready to sup port a more frequent publication—and when that time comes the Tribune will be found ready to meet thoir wants. Our readers should take advantage of the bargains offered by our adver tisers for tomorrow. Patronize our merchants and see if you cannot save money. Bargains are offered tomorrow by Wennar fc Sons, Hugh Malloy, Thos. Brown, W. J. Eckert, Kushnerick Bros., Silas Woodring, McMenamin's, S. Senle and B. C. Laubach. See ad vertisements on pagos 1 and 4. Brim Full of News. The Semi-Weekly Tribune will com mence Monday to be issued as an after noon tri-weekly. This is welcome news to all its readers as the Tribune was always one of the foremost publications and brim full of news. The Standard joins with the Tribune's subscribers in wishing the publishers continued suc cess.—Freeland Corr. Hazleton Stand ard. Now a Tri-Weekly. The Freeland Tribune yestorday ended its twelfth year. Hereafter the Tribune will be published as an after noon tri-weekly. Tho Tribune is an excellent paper and contains columns of spicy reading matter. We wish the editor unbounded success in his new venture. —Freeland Corr. Hazleton Sen tinel. One of the County's Best. The Freeland Tribune, one of Lu zerne county's brightest and bost edited papers, makes the announcement that after July 2 tbe papor will be Issued tri-weekly. The Tribune Is a good paper and we hope the new venture may prove successful.—Woathorly Ilerald. Wishes Us Success. The Freeland Tribune makes the an nouncement that after July 2 the paper will be Issued tri-weekly. We wish them success.—Lansford Leader. Werld Wide DlfTasioa of Sunshlno. Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden is the latest addition to the editorial staff of the Laiiet' Jloim Journal. She will apply her energies to a department that will be called "Sunshine," which Is to be published In the interest of an organ ization already having a membership of eleven thousand. "The International Sunshine Society," as it is called, alms to put sunshine and good cheer Into the lives of all. It has neither creed nor rules; its membership fee Is a single act of kindnees, and dues are paid In the same ' currency. Mr>. Alden Is founder and pretldentrgeneral of the society, and it ie lior purpose to eitend Its well-doing to every section of our country —In fact, throughout the whole world, for Its yast Held is International. BREVITIES. The cold wave on Saturday evening Interfered somewhat with the atten . dance at the Good VVIIIa picnic. How ever, a large crowd was present and spent a pleasant evening. The German Social Club and Its friends will picnic at Dusheck's grove, Sandy Valley, on Wednesday of next week. The proposition of Mrs. Eckley B. Coxe, of Drifton, to build a new chapel at Laurytown, at an estimated cost of SIO,OOO, has been accopted by the poor directors. The Tribune has a greater circulation In Freeland than any paper published. Advertise In It and save money. St. Ann's band gave a delightful con cert at tho Public park yesterday after noon. The music was excellent and was highly appreciated by the large , audience. Adam Doist and Miss Ida Llndeman, prominent young poople of Butler, were married on Thursday. Samuel Soiwoll, of West Walnut street, a voteran of tho civil war, has boen granted a pension of $lO a month. Daniel J. Boyle, of Drifton, has been appointed assistant mine foreman by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company and will be located near Mahanoy City. He will remove to his new place of employ ment this month. Try Keiper's Ice cream soda. Tho Good Wills base ball team de feated the Manhattan team by a score of 25 to 17 yesterday. An Intoxicated man, kept on his feet by the strong arms of his wife and daughter, was a sight that graced our streets yesterday. Attorney John M. Carr has placed a Remington typewriter In his office. Samuel M. Buck, a former resident of town who recently returned froui ser vice In the Philippines, was married at Weathorly Thursday aftornoon to Miss Jennie Shiner. vScarcely a day passes that does not bring two or more Republican candi dates to town soliciting votes. Miss Gertrude Maue, who taught school at Upper Lehigh, Butler town ship, last term, has been appointod to a similar position in West Hazleton. The Good Wills will play ball at White Haven on the Fourth of July. Tho second offering of the parochial pupils' entertalnmont, at tho Grand Thursday evening, was attended by an audience almost as large as was present the first evening. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald's. Ho has a nice varletv. Yesterday Mrs. John Ilartranft, of North Washington street, celebrated her twenty-fourth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagnor aro re moving today from Walnut street to Drifton. John Kuschnerlck assisted In tho grocery store of George Shambora tho past weak, during the absence of the latter at Johnstown. PERSONAL. John McDonald, who fills the Import ant position of private secretary to George C. Boldt, proprietor of tho Wal dorf-Astoria hotel, New York city, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald. Miss Maggie Sullivan, of Mountain Top, Is visiting Freeland relatives. Miss Marie Brown, of Allentown, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Francis ltronnan. Peter O'Donnell, of Elizabeth, N. J., Is at his parents' home on North Ridge street for the Fourth. Little Paul Ilartranft, of North Washington stroot, Is recovorlng from a long Illness. Paul is a bright and promising little fellow, and is a source of much pleasure to tho neighborhood. Calvin Schcldy, of New York city, Is in town. Master John Rlrkbeck, who attended school at Glrard college, Philadelphia, is horns on his vacation. John Trimble, of Elizabeth, N. J. is In town for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Gallagher, of Jtrmyn, Lackawanna county, are visit ing the latter's parents In South Hebsr ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle, of Bethle hem, arc the guests of the former's father, Timothy Boyle. Oeorgo Doggett has resigned Ills posl -1 tlon with C. O. Boyle at Bayonne, N. J., ' and returned to his home here. W. W. Stevens and family have re turned from Pottsvlllc, whore they at tended the graduating exercises of tho r high school, their son being one of the I graduates. : PLEASURE. I July 4. —Picnic of Citizens' Hose Com i pin v at Public park, i July 14. —Trolley excursion of Chester Base Ball Club to Hazlo park. Round ' trip tickets, 25 cents, i July 4. —First annual picnic and I tournament of sports by the Transvaal t base ball club at Cycle Path grove. ; Eckley. , July 21.—Trolley party of Highland 1 Social Club to Ilazle park. Round trip tickets, 35 cents. WANT CERTIFICATES. Candidates for Mine Foremen's Papers Examined by the Board. Twelve applicants for mine foremen's certificates and eight applicants for assistant mine foremen's certificates wore examined at Hazleton on Friday by the mine examining board of the Fifth anthracite district, composed of VV. H. Davis, inspector; A. W. Drake, mine superintendent, and Robert Monroe and Patrick Kelly, miners. Following are the applicants for fore men's certificates: Peter McMonigal, Jeddo, Ed. Winwood, Jeddo; Patrick Green, Jeddo; John Aubrey, Summit Hill; Morgan L. West, Lansford; Jamos Kennedy, Drifton; Jeremiah May, Lattimer; Thomas J. Jenkins, Nesque honing; Hugh Gallagher, Sandy Run; Peter Dougherty, Harwood; Manus Mc- Fadden, Eckloy; William Frey, Rock Glen. Those taking the examination for assistant foremen's certificates are: John McCann, Sandy Run; James R. Thomas, Jeddo; Patrick Conagton, Hazleton; Jamos Powell, Summit Hill; Henry Polgrean, Hazleton; Adam Cluck, Stockton; Neal Gallagher, Jr., Sandy Run; Matthew Miller, Silver lirook. Young Men's Officers. The following were chosen yesterday as officers of the Young Mon's C. T. A. B. Corps: President—John J. McNeils. Vice president—John White. Recording socretary —Chas. McElwoe. Financial secretary—Hugh Kennedy. Assistant—Harry Gallagher. Treasurer—John McCole. Sergeant-at-arms—William F. Ward. Directors—Ale* Mulhoarn, Michael Burns, John J. McNeils, Hugh Ken nedy. The society Is stoadlly gaining In mem bers and finance and is In a very healthy condition. Good Wills' Officers. At a meeting of the Good Wills Athletic Association yesterday the fol lowing officers were elected: President—J. M. Carr. Vice president—J. Gillespie. Recording secretary —John Meehan. Financial secretary —P. J. McGowan. Treasurer—Noll O'Donnoll. Seargant-at-Arms—J. O'Donnell. Guard—George Conahan. Trustees—John McCole, M. John sen, C. E. Broslin, Patrick Gallagher, Francis McDwyer. Married at St. John's. At St. John's Reformed parsonage Thursday evening Rev. J. B. Korschner perforinod the marriage ceremony for George Yoch and Miss Ida Greeby. Both arc popular young people of town and are kindly remombered by their many friends. They have commenced bousokeoplng on Walnut street. Fell Down a Slope. Petor Smith missnd his footing on Saturday while walking down Pinkash slops and rolled over 100 feet before he could stop himself. Ills escape from death was miraculous. As it was, he sustained several severe injuries about the body. He was taken to his home in Oakdale. Next Convention Here. The Greek Catholic Union of Pennsyl vania, In session at Mahanoy City, elected Andrew Hudak, of town, treas urer and decided to hold Its next con vention. during the Inst week of June, 1901, at Freeland. ELECTRICAL NOTES. Electrical traction will be used oil the Berlin elevated roads. An electric trolley will be laid be tween Milan and Varese, Italy. A resident of Philadelphia has re cently obtained a verdict of $15,000 through the Instrumentality of the X-rayß. The plaintiff was Injured on a street railway car. The work of the signal corps of the army in the Philippine Islands has been excellent. The corps has handled an average of 2,500 dispatches each day since the American army landed at Manila, and the maximum was 4,000 on November 6. The British War Office has been test ing for the past two years a new elec trical range finder. It was Invented by an Australian. It will give the range or bearing of a fixed or moving object and will give Information to any number of fortress guns attached by wire to the Instrument. The plans for the new Philadelphia Mint call for a large equipment of electrical machinery, including . four teen forty-five horse power motors for the coining department, sixteen five horse power cutting motors, six twen ty-live horse power finishing motors, and one five horse power hydraulic motor. An electro-refining equipment Is desired for the melting and refining departments. t. V. R. B. Special Fare Excursion*. B. Y. P. U. of America annual con vention, Cincinnati, 0., July 13-15. One faro for tho round trip. Tickets on sale July 10 to 13, for all trains, ex cept the Black Diamond express, limit ed for return passage to July 17 Inclu sive, but by deposit of ticket with joint agent at Clncinattl on or before July 14 and payment of fee of 50 cents return limit will bo extended to August 10. National Democratic convention, Kansas City, Mo., July 4. Tickets on sale July 1 to 3, for all trains except tho Black Diamond express, limited for re turn passage to July 9. Ouc faro for round trip. For fnrthor information concerning above excursions consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. , nfißn I itiffil CrJ Yo i need it|B |p Yo are looJjing )r it. |li| We fee l th'Serefoie, it is Jf our dity to I t yot knov w IP that v e have it—tfe beft 111 line of Unde wear of tfee fl't summer kind i the inarkft. gip ||| It ii the be t for cpmfort. w It is the be ;t for quali/y. w Cil It the be t for make, |H It i$ the be t for pricei l It is our ain to keep only J|| |jj| the mpst reli ble goods in w IP the market; ycbu can depiend Ciil ||| upon it we donj't handle ijny |Y| thing else, beclause we khow J|| that you and the other leo- W pie who buy from us Jon't CP |p want it. ' ||| | McMEMMIN'S g Gents' Furnishing, I | w i 0% Hat and Shoe Pa S6 Soutli Centre Street. / W(0 I I IP 7 fliwCurelhaHiureslj W Coughs, ik \ Colds, J |) Grippe, §J Whooping Cough, Asthma* I A) Bronchitis and Inotplaht /L -l CZ. Consumption, is foHoi f evmzf $ THE GERMAN REMEDY" \ 'ah A ixhehses. ixhehses. j ! j\S®\4\u}\\ DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. i Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentine and Hazleton beer on tap. Baths. Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. j ~P. F. MCNULTYT" FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed \ exclusively by Mrs. P ft F. McNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. FRANK YOUMAN, Boot and Shoe Repairer, Men's Soles and Heels, 550. Women's, 40c. Children's (10 yrs up), 30e. Children's (5 to 10 yrs), 25c. First-class leather used and all work guaranteed. Nicholas Capooe Building, Centre Street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in I Dry Goods, Groceries, and Also | LIQUORS j FOR FAMILY Aly., MKDICIN<IL PURPOSES. I (' Centre and Main streets, Froeland. if dealer n Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, lite. P(i; lini'dt brands of llnlicstlc and Jmportpd "ik..yon sale In one <>i Mio handsomest sa- I u,ln town. Fresh Rdhostor and Mhonan ( Whlleer nd Yeungliug* Porter on tap. H ' rf ' at roct. PATENT*! rAI EN I5 AND o ra His j m;VICE.AS TO PATENTABIIi Y PIIPP U>tice in "Inventive Age 1 plcli ■ J £k>ok "How to obtain Patoiii" | IIEBIH j f (target moderate. No fee tE patent Is secured, j \ l etters strictly confldetlal. Address, 1 IJ C SIQGEBS, Patent Lawyt Washington, 6. C. j I UFA •'K> YEARS'ST EXPERIENCE! J DESIGNS" CAYRIOHTS AC. Anyone sending n sketch nil (Inscription may 1' my nacertnln our opiniq free whether an rvnntlnn Is probably pntenll.le. Communlca " Hst rictly conOdentlol. Had book on Patents *'-. i free. Oldost ngency forlcurlng patents. I'liteptg takeit through Jim & Co. receive <at ixotiu , without cqargftn the • Scientific flfcrican,: handsomely Illustrated wfcly. Largest olr "atlon of any scientific Jmiial. Terrus, $B a tear; four roonths, $L Sold rail newsdealers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers