MICROBE OF THE GRIP. PECULIARITIES OF THE LECLESS AND WINGLESS CONQUEROR. k Dftngerou* Deadhead ami Stowaway Which Lends a Vagabond Existence— 11h Promised Land in the Respiratory Organs of lluiuan Beings. THE influenza, like most other pathological abominations, has a microbe, and a microbe (. distinguished, unfortunately, for its vagabond proclivities. It is ever on the inarch, and any mode of locomotion—it is wingless and legless and requires to be carried—serves its turn, from ocean-going liners to the winds of heaven. According to an American scientist Turkey was tho headquartors of the [nuisance last winter. Following the [lines of the international traffic, it .has since found its way to innumera ble localities, but in particular to New York, London and Paris. The promised land which the influ enza microbe has in view throughout its wanderings is the respiratory or gans of human hoings. Elsewhere it >egetate3, it exists as best it can; but [in these essential regions of our or ganic economy it flourishes and is for [the first time thoroughly at home— (especially if the ground has been pro [pared in advance by chronio bron chitis rr consumption. Tho oxygen jof the lungs is necessary for its ;healthy and normal development, and .when deprived of this elixir it mopes, ibeoomes torpid and eventually gives [up its tenacious ghost, i Indeed, the idiosyncracies of the it'ning are all of them of such a nature [as to induce it to regard our bodies las the most eligible residence on of fer. For instance, a bath of twenty four fours' duration is ordinary water, 'however stagnant and inviting to tho average bacillus, is fatal to the in fluenza microbe, whiie, on the other hand, it will exist for weeks in per fect bliss in human saliva. ' It is not the miciobe itsolf that does tho harm, but a poisonous liquid it! excretes. A measure of consolation I .is afforded by the fact that this poison I 'is even more deleterious to the microbe I than to the human being in which it I is deposited, for the microbes end by j being destroyed by their own horrible : i exhalations, whereas their victim, of j course, has many chauces of recovery. The microbe is an egg-shaped thing, | but gifted, in spito of its roundness j and smoothuess, with an extraordinary 'capacity both for adhering to any coii- j ceivable surface and for passing from one resting place to another. ' It 3 goal is a human nose or mouth,' land once in tho vicinity of these I organs its future is assured, for the mere act of breathing is sufficient to I chaw it into tho system. Arrived there it propagates itself with amaz ing rapidity. It lengthens out, and, after twenty minutes of this process, it breaks in twain, and there are two fully-fledged microbes iu the plnce of one. In twenty-four hours the origi nal iuvader will, in this way, be sur rounded by a progony of over sixteeu millions of his poison produoiug kiu dreil. Iu short, the doctors know almost everything about the influenza microbe except an eft'octivo method of exter minating it. Dr. Albert Prionr gives some de tails in regard to the whims of influ enza and the peculiarities of its mi crobe. Here is what Dr. Prieur says: " 'lnfluenza,' that queer and ugly word with which the grip clothed it self in 1802, when it was raging in Italy, was first and, unfortunately, brought into the medical vocabulary by Professor Huxham. It is true that he was never very proud of his invention, and up to a comparatively recent date doctors and patients con tinued to .employ the good old word, 'grip,' invented iu the last century by Sauvages do Montpellier, doubtless to depict the peculiar oxprossion oi countenance which belongs to tlioso who are nnlucky enough to contract the disease. "Without going into tho de tails of a pathological chapter I on the subject it muy be necessary i to call attention to the fact that . the word grippo or 'influenza' is (too often carelessly nnd erroneously omptoyod. Of Course, for a doctor the grip, striotly speaking, is difficult to diaguose at its commencement, nnd it often happens that the modi cal man cannot tell whether heis deal ing with a catarrhal or hay lever, or with a serious infection, like angiua, smallpox or typhoid. But, neverthe less, the grip has an appenrauoe pe culie.r to itself, which, at a given mo ment, outside of all bacteriological ex amination, at best, vague in tho be ginning, facilitates itu diagnosis. , J > ."But to attempt to describe the various and capricious symptoms of tho grip outside of medical literature, properly sponking, would bo to at tempt the impossible. Sometimes it starts with a furicus attack, and some times it begins with little indisposi tions that last three or four days. With the grip all sorts of forms are possible. But there are three forms which are noteworthy: First, the uer 'vous form, with its terrible head aches, nouralgia, lumbago and alter , natives of physical and mental de pression, followed by excitement that later reaches delirium; secondly, the respiratory form which localizes itself in one or several of the organs, the nose, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea, tho bronchical tubes and the lungs (indeed, it may spread itself through them all); thirdly, the diges tive form, sometimes accessory, but more frequent and more tenacious than people commonly believe it to oe, nnd reaching from simple gastrioj trouble to the most intense gastrc-iu lestinal manifestations." In 1899 tho iron import i of Germany 'misused $3,000,000 in value. What Do ilie Children Drink 9 Don't give them tea or coffee. Hare you tried the new food drink called Giiain-O? It is delicious and nourishing, and takes the place of coffee. The more (irain-0 you give the children the more health you distribute through their sys tems. Grain-0 is made of pure grains, j nnd when properly prepared tastes like ) the choice grades of coffee, but costs about ( as much. All grocers sell it. 15c. aud 35c. Mexico is one of the United States' best customers in the sewing machine lire. What Shall Wc Have For Dessert? This question nrisos in the family daily. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared in 2 mtu No boiling! no baking! Simply add a little I >t water* sot to cool. Flavors: Lemon,Oraiiuo, Raspberry and Strawberry. At grocers. 10c. I>ad pencil* or Old. Ancient writers mention the use o£ lead and graphite for ruling papyrus, l and pencils fashioned rather crudely inj the manner of those now In U3e werri made In the sixteenth century, tho graphite coming from the Borrowdalej mine at Cumberland. England ! Cleanse Your Blood The thing most desired of a Spring Medicine is thorough purification of the blood. With this work o* cleansing going on thore is com- ! ' plete renovation of every part of your system. Not only is the cor- j rupt blood made fresh, bright and lively, but the stomach also re i sponds in better digestiou, its readiness for food at proper times I gives sharp appetite, the kidneys aud liver properly perform their allotted functions, aud there is, iu i short, new brain, nerve, mental and digestive strength. . Hood's , SarsspariHa : j Possesses the peculiar qualities— Pci-aliar to Itself —which accom plish those good things for all II who take it. An unlimited list of wouderful cures proves its merit. :' Dr n By I S's SSiSi Cough Syrup S h at y ™n?c r ldThe sufferer will soou be cured, Price ouly 25 cts. - I C. • I The care needed to be given to our ' eyes is yearly becoming more apparent, j The first step in caring for tho eyes Is Ito use them hut sparingly. The strain I of steady and continuous work ia gen erally injurious even to strong eyes. I The woman who has to use her eyes steadily should give them frequent, even if brief, vacations. If she has to write all day, or if she sews continu ously, she should give her eyes live 1 minutes' resting spell every two hours. Dropping the work, closing tho eyes, and keeping them closed for even this brief time, rests not only tho eyes but the brain, and the work Is easier and more inspiring afterward. Those who are obliged to use the eyes all day at business should not use them more than is necessary in the evening. Fine sewing, reading and writing should be quite eschewed. Marriageable women often go to thd seashore in anticipation of a tltl*j wave. Nothing j m tiw Wortd has such a rrxiord for ab solute ly curing female ills antf kidney ireuSsSes as has LytMsa Pinkham's VogsfjtL •£e Sicsngsomulm Mafcices tksi aro ad vertised to cure every" ! thing cannot to specifics for anything. Lyd.is E. PZnkham's [ Vegetable Cszzpcwnd vxill net cure ovary kind of sit" \ ness that may afflict mat, v/omzn and chSidroa, nut proof is monumental that it will and decs en re all the His peculiar tc women. ; This Is a fact indisput- \ able and can ho verified ' by more than a million [ women. ' Sf you are sick don't ex. perin take the medi cine that has the record of the largest number of cures. I.ydlaE Plr':i-~ v-d rw. T.vna. Mais. [A S&v&IIouu ;; la one of tho earliest harbingers of spring—an < equally sure Indication Li that feeling or lan- i guid depression. Many hwoJlows of , HIRES Rootbeer j nro bPKt for a spring tonlo— and for a summer j 1 Thompson's E| Water | 1 South Africa's Lafayette. Col. de Villebois-Mareuli, Gen. Jou bert's chief of staff, the Frenchman to whom undoubtedly the Boers owe a large measure of the success that has : attended their campaign against the I British, is 52 years old. He was gradu j ated from the military academy at St. 1 Cyr in 18G8, and began his career n a lieutenant of the marine infantry, serv i ing in Cochin-China. Later he was transferred to the chasseurs, and as captain took part in the Loire battles in 1870. He was severely wounded at i Blois, and for gallantry displayed in that action he received a decoration. 1 Some years later he was made a major j and acted as chief of the staff in Al giers. After 30 years of service he re signed. but was only out a short time when he resolved to use his experience in behalf of the Boers, who call him the "South African Lafayette" and "the Von Moltke of the Boers." He is said to have personally commanded the troops at Colenso. and is now with the j Boers who are confronting Lord Rob- I erts. Koumliolil Hint*. 1 If there i 9 one thing on which the house wife prides herself, it is that of having hor laundering done nicely, so that the wear ing appnrel may be the admiration of all. The washing Is a small matter, anyone nl ( most enn do thnt. but to have tho linens present thnt flexible and glossy nppenr nnce after being irouod requires a flno ; quality o f starch. j J. C. Hubinger*s now lnundrv starch, i "Rod Cross" nnd "Hubinger'a Best" brands nro his latest inventions nnd tho finest stnrch ever place 1 on the market; not a new starch made by a new manufne i turer, but a new starch by tho lending and Only manufacturer of fine laundry starch in the United R'ates. His new method of introducing this stnrch with the Endless Chain Starch Book | ennhlnn yon to Ret one lures 10,'. faoknßo ' of "Rod Cross" starch, one largo 100. pack npi of "Hubinger's Best" starch, with the ; premiums, two beautiful Shakespeare panels, or one Twentieth Century Girl cal endar, all for sc. Ask your grocer. i A case 102 years old has just been ' settled ill the court of claims at Wash ington. The Best Prescription for Chills and Fever is a bottle ' er ' s Sarsaparilla. and its effects were magical. Two bottles of jf? > f iM t put n> e on my feet and made a well woman of me."—Jane M. Brown SS& Kji Bentonsport, lowa, Jan. 19, 1900. A KLON DIKE NOTE Ever y druggist from Klondike to Cuba sells Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets tor Colds and Grip. In fact it is the only Cold and Grip prescription sold throughout thi? vast territory which is striking evidence of its virtue and popularity. This signature e Cured With local npplicatinuß,nsthey cannot reach the feat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must Like internal remedies. Hull's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quark medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puri fiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi ents!? what produces such wonderful results i? curing Catarrh, for testimonials, free, F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O. Pold by Drmpric o, 75c. Hull's Familv P ills are the best. A pelican's pouch is large chough contain seven or eight quirts water. J Don't Tohncro Spit and Smoko Tour Life Away* To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men 6trong. All druggists, GOc or ?I. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. Few people in India eat more than j twice a clay, and thousands only once. | To Cure H Cold In One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS. All druggists refund tho money If it fails to cure. E. W . GROVE'S signature Is ou each box. 25c. Toledo carpenters refuse to work on jobs with non-unionists. H. H. GREEN'S SONS, of Atlanta. Ga., are the only sucoe-slul Dropsy Specialists in tho world. Sec their liberal offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. During the year iS(J7 the United States manufactured 80000 pianos. Mrs.Winslow'p Soothing Py rap for children teethine, softens the gum-, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 250 a bottle. There arc in Belgium 10,800 teachers, about the same number as in Kentucky. I do not believe l'iso's Cure for consumption has an equal for coughs and colds—JOHN F. iiovEit, Tiinity Springs, lud., Feb. 15. 1900. The socialists and Dock Workers* union of London will build a SIOO,OOO hall, capable of seating 1,500 people. To Curo Constipation Forever. Take Can carets Candv Cathartic 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Sweden lias 50,000 telephones and 63.000 miles of telephone wire. IV*" fl o^- I r KEEP IT CLEAN. Nothing is more difficult to keep clean and sweet than a nursing bottle. Yet if it is not thoroughly cleaned, the particles of milk adhering to it become rancid and affect the health of the infant. No trouble will arise from this cause, if, after using the bottle, it is first rinsed in cold water, then filled with warm Ivory Soap suds and let stand for half an hour, and then well rinsed. The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe or unsatisfactory. INSECTS OF AUSTRALIA. Nearly 10,000 Species of Insect I.lfe Discovered on the Inl:tnd. Australia is a veritable naturalistT ! paradise, presenting as it does an evei ! fresh and inexhaustible field for tfct study of the various branches of natural history. The insect fauna is extremely large. The characteristics of the numerous beetles. Hies, wasps, butterflies, moths and other kinds of insects are so marked that European and American experts at once recog nize a specimen from Australia. The Australian insect fauna is estimated at 10,000 species, but it is believed that the actual number is considerably greater. Of these the greatest variety is to be found in New South Wales, the scientific collections formed in Sidney and elsewhere being of singular at tractiveness and interest. In the vicin ity of streams may be found large and beautiful dragon flies, often of con siderable size. Native honey bees are plentiful in many places and are easily recognizable by their small size, being little larger than the common house fly. Mosquitoes are practically un known in the dry interior, but their place is taken by the sand fly, an equal ly mischievous insect. There are spid ers of all sizes, a few being poisonous, but their webs are generally of a most fanciful character. The splendid ap pearance of some of the butterflies riv als that of the most gorgeous insects found in South American forests. Bennty In Illootl Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. ( asrarcts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean bv stirring up the lazy liver and driving all' im purities from tile bodv liegu, today to bams" pimples, bo,la, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly tnbous complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents All drug | gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 25c 50c _ ' | New York coopers want the nine hour day an May I. ThvWashlngton Mutual Mining Investment Co , Mutual Lite Hldg., >eatilv, Washington guarantees!) per vein, interest on all invest l P'lrliripinion in profits rnaU in minim; In Alaska and elsewhere. VVrUo many Minimis in < • 10. t.-r1... 'I he cemeteries around Loudon cover 2,000 acres, and the land they occupy represents a capital of $100,000,000. |SI CU3ES WHERE ALL ELBE FAIIS A gal BostCouu'h Hjrr.p. Tastes (rood. Use J '•After I wttfi Indneed to try CASCA- Jtr.Ttf, I will never be without them in t he houce. My liver was in a very bail tbapu and my bend ached and 1 ha.l stomach trouble. Now. since tnk in Cascarets. 1 feci I'.nc. M> wlfo has also usod '•hem with benetlclnl insults lor sour stomach." Joy KUEHLiKU. l'.a Couyrebb St.. St. Louis, Alo. | Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Jood. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 60r. ... CURS CONSTIPATION. ... Irrllnit llpinril; ( nm|tiiin. Cltlc.siro. Montreal, Men York. SIS iiiC.Tf) Sold and guaranteed by all drug. (.'ists t• > VVitKTobacco llablt: Fsl H 11 y° n bave (rot the PILES, hip H M wt you have not used DANIELS F Bid |~ SLUE PILE CLUE, or you B ■ Una SB would not nave them NOW. '1 he only Guaranteed (Jtiro. No detention from bualnesK. no operation, no opium oi morphine. It' Suppohitorlos 600. or~4 and box of ointment Jl.Ol, postpaid by mail. Send tor book of valu able information on Pile*. ERhlE,whether you tu* our remedy or not. THE DAN IELS SI'RE PILE CURL CO., Atyiuui St., Hurtlord, Conn. W. L„ DOUGLAS S3 & 3.50 SHOES Jjftioji £X£.Worth $4 to $6 compared J\}\ with other makes. / I.ooo,ooowearers, f/SU JQ 1 1 9P( ave ! [ yf) A 1 isl stamped on bottom. 'Sake I \ no substitute claimed to be / s^'u keen them —- J extra for carriage. State kind of leather, C.CT >Sw s ' 7e > a,uJ width, plain or cap toe. Cat. free. (otitYtUTs w - L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mass. I\ N. U. 15, 'OO. r> 'i/- id LLin ki if'il La I'pi-mii no'nt UkS flt HM w i | Sen J n y ,,nc ndfiicted to DWAY, .\ I W YORK. UN IN P>U ratability. Set f?<*r 4 hivwito? 1 rimer i iu.h. n. , it. HTEVENS A CO., L.,taj'.. Ism. SIT I ithx , \\ uniuimioii, 11, C. Dmnchea: Chicago, Cleveland ami Detroit. DRC PS Y srssq E 80..K of teHtimonials and lOilar*' t'oatmoni 1 rr. Dr. H. H. QilEEM'a BONB. Bos . Atlanta, (2a.