FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 74. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. November 19, 1899. AHHANORM MftT or PASSUMDBTT TBAIMS. LEA V B FREKLAND. 0 IS a in for Wsatherly, Mauch Chunk. AI leu town, Bethlehem, Baston, Fhil*- delphin and New York. 7 40 a iu fw Sandy Run, Whit® Haven, Wilkes-llsrre, Pittston and Scrautoa. 8 18 a in for Hazieton, Weatherly, Mauch ('hunk. Allent 'wn, Bethlehem, Baston, Philadelphia and New York. 0 30 a in for Hazieton, .Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, at. Curuiel, Shatnokin and Pottsville. 1 1 45 a rn for Sandy Run, White Ilavon, Wilkoa-Barre, Scrauton and all points Wost. 1 30 p in for Weatherly. Mauch Chunk, Al lentowu, Bethlehem, Baston, Philadel phia and New York. 4 42 p in for Hazieton, Mahanoy City, Bhea undoah, Mt. Carinol, rtharuokln and Pottsville, Weatherly, Mauch ('hunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Baslou, Ptiilx deipbiu and New York. 0 84 P m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Scran ton aud all points West. 7 29 p m for Huzleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Caruiel and Sharaokia. ARRIVE AT PftBELAND. 7 40 a ra froin Weatherly, Pottsville, Ash lund, Mienandoaii, Mahanoy City and Hazieton. 9 17am from Philadelphia, Raston, Bethle hem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Weath- , orly, Hazieton, Mahanoy City, Shenan doah, Alt. Carmel ami Shamokin. 9 30 a in from Scrautou, Wilkes-Barre and Wnito Haven. 1 1 45 a in from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Curiuel, SheuandoMii, Mahanoy City aud Hazieton. 12 55|> in lroru New York, Philadelphia, Baston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk und Weatherly. 4 42 P in from scrautou, Wilke*-Barre and White Haven. 6 34 p in from New York, Philadelphia, Raston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Potts ville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City and Hazieton. 7 29 p in from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further iniorinafeion inquire of Ticket , A fronts. KoLLIN li. WI LBUR, General Superintendent, 2C Cortlaudt street, New York City. CM AS. S. Lfahi. General Pai*o;iger Ateiit, 28 Cortlaudt Street New York City. J. T KBITH. Division Superintendent, Hazieton. Pa. 'THE DJCLAWARK, HUHQITBHANNA ARD X SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, l*ft7. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazl® Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan ; and Hazieton Junction at ft 30, AQu H m, daily : exrppt Sunday; and 7 08 a ni, <4 88 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton tor Harwood,Cranperry, 1 onifttcken and Doriuger at ft 80, 6 00 a m, daily except Sunday; and . 03 a in, 238 p m. Sun- . day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and ttieppton at AOO am, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazieton Junction for Harwood, t ranberry, Tomhickcn and Deringor at ft 3ft a M. dally except Sunday; and Sunday. Trains leave Hazieton Junction for Oneida Junotion, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shepptou at 8 32, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p m, dally except Sunday; and 7 87 a m, 8 11 pin, Sunday. Trains leave Dorlnarer for Tomhiok n. Cran berry, Harwood, Hazieton Junction and Roan at J 6 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and :> 37 a m, ft 07 p na, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazie ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, hi 40, ft 28 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 li a as. IU p as, Sunday. Train* leave Sheppton for Reaver Meadow Read, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at A 22 p m, daily, except Suuday; and 8 11 a ra, 8 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazieton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckiey, Jeddo and Drifton at 8 40, A2B pas, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a ra, ft 40 p as. Sunday. All trains connect at Hazieton Junction with electric cars for Hazloton, Jeanoeville, Audsn ried and other point* on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at ft 30. 8 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. It. R. trains for Wilkesharr®, Banbury, Harrisburg and points ! want. For the accommodation of passengers at way sfntMons between Hazieton Junction and Der inxer, a train will leave the former point at if>o p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Doriager at o OP pre. LOTH EE C. SMITH. Superintendent. MIICILLANIOUft ADVRRTItRMEHTg TESTATE OF BRIDGET BOYLE, lats of Jli Freeland, deceased. Letters of administration upon the above named esttte having been granted to the nndersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay, to Salvator DePierre. C. O. Stroh. attorney. STRAYED.— Proin Jrdde, March 13, a brown cow, white on hind leg* H"d white tall; straight horns. Finder will be paid all ex penses by notifyingtheowner, Andrew Makus, Jeddo, or sending notico to Jeddo ofttce. ••A Milk White Flag." Herts "A Milk White Hag" will wave tomorrow evening for the amuse ment and gratification of theatro-goers. It comes to us this season rewritten and np to the Mines replete with military hits, and containing good natured satire in profusion. A new dress of scenery has been provided and the costuming Is spick and span, and a* for musical numbers and specialties. It Is promised that many novel surprises will bo £i Vft n. For the past few seasons '"A Milk White Flag'' has won the approval of a large clientage, and the management has always kept faith with the public by providing them with a first-class enter tainment and one of novel and surpris ing features. A blithesome array of pretty females appear as vlvandie'rres. messenger boys, standard bearers, and other picturesque adjuncts to military life, as illustrated bv tho Ransom Guards, and assist materially In forming stage pictures and completing ensemble work of a delightful character. The military band still remains a pleasing feature and Is ever ready to add its share of harmony to the performance. The company of fifty people Is a strong one and contains a large number of farce favorites, and Includes several members who have become fast favor ites in their respective roles. To the Pnbll®. The business heretofore conducted by the late Joseph Neu Burger, of Freeland, Pa., will be continued by his children under the same honorablo and trust worth) methods as heretofore. Trust ing to he favored by tho same liberal patronage In tho future as we have been in the past, we are, Yours must respectfully, Simon Noußurger. Matilda Lewis. Harry J. Neu Burger. Jennette Noußurger. Minnie Neu Burger. 0. Merd Neu Burger. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPH# •ATHIIRED FROM ALL FARTS 6F THR REGION. -T l.*l i.t Mlae.ll..ii..a, 0.- That < K n. H..4 Qal.kly What it. F.ik. -f Tkla ail Otkar Taaa. Aatt Being. H. C. Knone la having an addition built, to bia raaldanca at Front nd Centra stroma. The Inanelal statement of Foster township appear# ou the fourth page of the TRIRUNK today. J. A. Christy HAS sold a handsome organ to the Highland Social Club, and the Instrument has been placed In tha club rooiu. A large brush fire on thn mountain northeast of Upper Lehigh was an un usual March spestacle ou Tuesday aud Wednesday. The TRIBUNE it Indebted to John Conahan. of Battery H. Sixth United Slates artillery, for copiea uf all the papers published lit Manila. A hop will be held on Saturday at the Much Mountain hotel. Tbu proprietor, Petrlek Dougherty, will have a firit class orchestra present to accommodate all who attend. The Sisters' piano will not be dlapos ed of fur a short time, owing to the fact that the tickets are not yet all sold. The dste for the disposal of said article will be given later. The report circulated that all the desirable seats for "A Milk White Flag" have been sold Is not true. There are a numbor of good seats yet to be bad In all parts of tbe house. Gentlemen, for hafs and caps go to A. Oawali t. He has a alee tarlstv. C. O, Stroh last evening sold his property on Washington street, consist ing of a house and lot, and now occupied as a saloon by Mike Chervarik, to Condy McElwee, of Burton street. According to the returns made by the assessors to the county commissioners, Luzerne has 52,141 school children. Frealand Is credited with 1,181, Foster 1,811, Jeddo 89, flazle 3,163 and Botler 352. P. H. Conahan, of Jeddo, was Injured by falling coal after firing a blast In bis breast at No. 5 colliery yesterday. Ho sustained a fractured leg and was In ternally Injured. Ho was taken ta tho Miners' hospital. The performance given by Fltz Jfc Web ster • "A Woman In the Case" company at the Grand on Monday evening was witnessed by a small audience. Some of tho specialties were fair, but the ehow as a whele was nut satisfactory. Hazleton's alstsddfod will take place on Saturday and It promises to bs suc cessful, as many entries have been re ceived. Prof. Harry Harris, of West Pittston, will bs an adjudicator and Miss Anna O'Neill, of Wllkesbarre, will be accompanist. Thomas Martin, mall rarrlor bstween Conyngham and Seybertsvllle, whose salary It S2OO a year, went on etriko for more wages, and as a consequence the people of Seybertsvllle received no mail for fonr days. Yesterday a new mail earrler was appointsd. Eugene Smith was shot by Henry Dubois, of Wllkeabarro, In the letter's pigeon coop. Before dying he refused to divulge tha namee of tha two men who were with him. Dubois was taken before Judge Halsey, who released hltn on furnishing SI,OOO ball. See Daubach's windows for a beauti ful display of shamrocks, four-leaf clovers,snakes and other pretty novelties. Austin Kllnger, of Lattlmor, and Mies Virginia Gaston, of Northumber land, were married on Tuesday at the parsonage of Rev. Snyder In Jeddo. They loft on a wedding tour to New York city and on thnlr return will take up tholr residence In Latlliner. Lewis Williams, of McAdoo, aged 70 yeara. died Tuesday morning. Before his death he anxiously Inquired whether the body of his son, David, a member of the First Montana regiment, who fell In tho Philippines, had arrlvod home, and was disappointed that It had not come. The funoral of tho late Michael Klytt csal, of Fern street, which took place Tuesday morning, was the largest that has ever entered the Greek Catholic cemetery. St. Michael's and St, Jos eph's societies, numbering over 500 members, attended, also hundreds of friends and acquaintances. The Republican convention of the Fourth legislative district will be held at tha Cottage hall, Freeland, on Mon day, April 0, at 3 p. m., when a candi date will be named for the legislature and two delegates will be elected to represent tho district In the Republican stato convention, Delngates to district convention will bo choson on April 7. PLEASURE CALENDAR. March 17 —Entertainment under aus pices of St. Ann's Parish hand at Grand opera house. Admission, 10, 15 and 25c. March 17.—Hop at Dougherty's hotel. Buck Mountain. ] March 23*.—"Lynnwood" by the Free land Dramatic Company under the ans | pices of St. Patrick's cornet band at tke Grand opera house. Tickets, 35c. FREELAND, PA, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1900. Fatal Accident to * Brakouaan. Bernard McNeils, a young uian who was raised at Upper Lehigh and who was well known throughout this region, was killed ou Monday morning at Lans ford. lie was employed on the Jersey Central road on a freight train. He had eta switch at the end of the Lans ford tunnel and walked out to mount the lank of the engine. He had reached the handle on the side of the tank, when the fireman saw him slip and fall. The engineer Immediately stopped the trai l, but the tank wheel had crushed in the top of the brakomaiFs skull and his brains were oozing out. A physican was summoned and made him as com fortable aa possible, but be died an hour lator. The deceased was aged about 30 years. He rosided at Tamaqua, to which place he removed from Mauch Chunk a few months ago, and besidea two small children is survived by his wife, former ly Miss Mame Wilson, of town, also by two brothers, Patrick, of South Wash ington atreet, and Frank, of Mauch Chunk. He was a member of thn Trainmen's Brotherhood. The funeral took place this morning at Tamaqua, and many relatives and friends from lower Luzerne attended. Central Methedlste Assemble. The thirty-second annual session of Central Pennsylvania conference uf the Methodist Eplecopal church opeoed at Hazieton joatorday and trill continue until next Tuesday. The couforance embraces 247 pastoral charges and covers about one-fourth of tho state. The gathering will represent a member ship of 63,205 persons and church and parsonago property valued at over 83,000,000. In connection with the ministerial conferonce there Is a mooting of the lay electoral college, composed of ono dele gate from each pastoral charge within tbe bounds of the conference. This body, which meets but once every four years, will olcct delegates to the nation al conference. Bishop Godaell, of Chat tanooga, Tonn., Is presiding. Among thn prominont men In attend ance is Rev. Dr. Swallow, of Harrisburg. whose activity in political circles has given him a national reputation. The case of Chaplain D. 11. Shields, late of the United States army, who was court-martialed for unbecoming con duct, will be considered by tbe confer ence. Fatal Dynamite Accident. By an accident at a stripping near Hazieton on Monday one man lost his life, another will probably lose the sight of both eyes, and a third was also In jured. A numbor of sticks of dynamite which bad been placed on a stove to thaw exploded ant) the three men were close by. Tho shanty was demolished. Frank Ward, one of Hazleton's best known residents, was the man killed. He was 50 years old and his wife and ten children survive. Dominlck March ard was so badly hurt that it Is feared he will lose the sight of both eyes, while Edward McGoohan, who placod tho dynamite on the atovo, was able to walk home. Denth* of Infnnt*. Clotla, thn Infant ton of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, died yesterday afternoon at the family home on Walnut street, near Ridge. Tho funeral will take place at 2 o'clock tomorrow. Inter ment at St. Ann's cemetery. Dennis, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty, of Highland, died yesterday, aged 1 year and 4 months. Funeral on Friday at 2 o'clock. Interment at St. Ann's cemetery. For one week, beginning yesterday, the Jewish people will observe the Feast of Purlin. The occasion Is the commemoration of the freeing of the Jews by Queen Esther and Mordacal from the plots of Hainan, as told In tho book of Esther. It la the great holiday season of the .Jewish people throughout the world and is marked by masking and merrymaking. The double team of the Freeland B ef Company became frightene.dat amoving trolley car on Alter street on Monday and before the horses could bo brought to a standstill they had collided with a trolley pole, ono horse on each sido. Tho wagon was damaged considerably but both tho driver and the horse* •scaped Injury.— -Speaker. A son of John Young, of Conynghain, 0 years of age, died on Tuesday from the bite of a dog, which It is supposed was mad. The child, died In great agony with symptoms of hydrophobia. It Is said that a number of mad dogs ha/e been seen In tho neighborhood. A suit in trespass for SIO,OOO damages for Injuries received has been entered by Peter Smith, of Hazieton, against the Lehigh Traction Company. A simi lar suit against the same company for SI,OOO damages has been filed by Wil liam Schmidt, of Hazieton. In the United States court at Scr&n --j ton yesterday true bills were returned 1 against James Seahlon, Luzerne county, : passing counterfeit coin, and Charles Moran, breaking into the Nanticoke ' postoffic#, LOCAL LABOR NOTES. The supreme court has aftirmed the judgment of the Lackawanna court allow ing the Pittston and Scranton Street Railway to lay tracks In Old Forgt, Lackawanna county. The com pany will at once begin work tilling the short gap between the lino of that com pany and the Wilkesbarre line to Dur yea. It la the Intention when this is completed to run cars from Wilkesbarre to Scranton. Matters hate now reached a crisis on the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and the officials must reinstate Chief Engineer John R. Trocb, of the Scranton Brotherhood, or a strike will he declared over the ontlre system. As the machinists, car builders and mine workers are now solidly organized over the system, the strike would involve fully 10,000 men If the latter decided to go out. The United Mine Workers of the Shamokin district havo blacklisted about twenty merchants of Shamokin who are said to be antagonists ol" or ganized labor. The names of these merchants have been published in the newspapers by direction of the Mine Workers with the understanding that friends of the labor unions refuse to patronize them. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Is pre paring plans for enlarging the Coxton yard, making it the largest on the system and perhaps the largest In the East. When enlarged the yard will be six miles long in some places, ten tracks wide and will be capable of holding 5,500 cars. The Anthracite Telephone Company will apply to Governor Stono for a charter of incorporation to erect and maintain wires in Susquehanna and Lackawanna counties and make con nection with other similar lines in other counties in Pennsylvania. The railroaders on the Jersey Central and the Lehigh Valley are making poor time at present, owing to the dullness in the coal trade. Some men are only making three days a week and others not that much. The United Mine Workers have a strong hold in Nantlcoke. They have succeeded in having council adopt the eight-hour day and havo secured the early closing of the stores for the bene fit of clorks. The Springdale colliery breaker, Ma hanoy City, owned by Lentz & Co., of Mauch Chunk, was completely destroyed by fire Monday morning, entailing a loss of $50,000. On Monday an order went into effect at the Cross Creek Coal Company's mines placing all company men on eight hours a day. Funeral of Joseph NeuHurger. The remains of Joseph Neußurger, who died on Saturday, were taken to Wilkesbarre at 11.45 a. m. on Monday. Previous to the funeral servicos wore hold at the residence, Rabbi Salzman, of Wilkesbarre, officiating. The Hazle ton Elks attended in a body and con ducted brief services. The floral trib utes wero beautiful, among them being a large pillow of roses, carnations and lilies bearing the inscription "Father," a wreath from H. H. and Mrs. Ulman, of Wfiliamsport, and a boquet of lilies and carnations from the Elks. The remains arrived at the county seat at 1.20 p. m., a large number of relatives and friends and delegations of the Elks and Odd Fellows accompanying. Interment was in the Jewish cemetery at Hanover, where services were also hold, Rev. Salzman officiating. The pall bearers were Hiram P. Kuntz, S. M. Hermann, Hazleton; Charles Mchu makor, White Haven; D. J. McCarthy, Henry C. Koons and Calvin Lelchtman, Freeland. Wllktibarr* end Freeland. Evory night next week the Nesbitt theatre will be open, and there will be some excellent attractions. The list is as follows: Monday and Tuesday, Jef- ; fries and Sharkey prize fight pictures; Wednesday, "Milk White Flag;" Thurs day, lime. Fiararion in "Fi Fi;" Friday, Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin;" Satur day, "The Moth aud the Flame."—lT. I). Record. Freeland Is a long way behind Wilkes barre in the matter of population, but when it comes to keeping Its opera house open this town can make a fair showing. For the wook beginning tomorrow the Grand will have "A Milk White Flag," Friday night; St. Ann's band entertain ment, Saturday; Mining and Mechanical Institute entertainment, Tuesday; Stet son's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Wednesday, and "Lynnwood" two nights lator. Patents Granted. E. G. Slggers, Washington, D. C., re ports the following patents granted to inventors: 11. A. Frantz, Tamaqua, motor ve hicle. P. L. Sylvester, Scranton, machine for mixing and preparing plastic ma terial. P. L. Sylvester, Scranton, machine for making buttons. John P. Ilein, who for a number of years was master mechanic for A. Par dee & Co., diod yesterday at Hazleton, aged 72 years. PROGRAMFORSATURDAY. CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF IRE LAND'S PATRON SAINT. Cafhellu Buiti. of Freeland aud Vicin ity Will OhiarTH Salat Patrick's Day With Church Service* and a Parade. Katartalnmaat in the Evening. There will be no departure this year froei the custom which has been fol lowed in Freeland for many years past In the manner of observing St. Patrick's Day. Mass will be read on Saturday at St. Ann's church at U a. in., followed by a sermon appropriate to the day. At 1 o'clock all the Catholic societies ol the parish will be ready to proceed from tho church in the following order: ORDER OF I'ARADE. Chief Marshal—Rev. M. J. Fallihee. Aides—John Meohan, James Rronnan. First Division. Carriages Containing Clergy. Horsemen and Carriages. Maid of Bria Float. St. Patrick's Cornet Hand. St.. Patrick's Beneficial Society. Greenrnen aud Parishioners. St. Joseph's Slavonian Society. St. John's Slavonian Society. St. Stanislaus Polish Society. St. Vlglllo's Tlrolese Society. I. R. Reglmento Beneficial Society. Second Dlvlelon. Goddess of Liberty Float. St. Ann's Parish Band. Children of Mary. Boys Temperance Society. Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps. Shamrock Drum Corps. St. Mary's T. A. B. Cadet Society. St. Mary's T. A. B. Society. Division 20, A. O. H. Freeland Drum Corps. Division 0, A. O. H. Jeddo Drum Corps. Division 41, A. O. H. ROUTE OF PARADE. Parade will proceed from church to Ridge and Luzerne streets, up Ridge to Walnut, to Washington, to Carbon, to Centre, to Walnut, countermarch on Centre to Luzerne, to Ridge, where parade will be dismissed. IN* THE EVENING. On Saturday evening an entertain ment will bo given at the Grand opera house under the auspices of St. Ann's Parish band. The program contains the names of all the leading artists in this section of the county, and among the special features will be the appear ance of Lewis Littleton Randolph, a famous colored comedian, of Jersey City, N. J. The prices of admission are within the reach of all, viz., 10, 15 and 25 cents. The program Is as follows: Address of welcome, R. 'J. O'Donnell, Esq. Overture, "Racket at Gllllgan's," St. Ann's band. Recitation, "What Happened to Mur phy," Francis Welsh. Cornet duet, Charles and Miss Lizzie Wolllver. Vocal duet, Misses Mime and Rose Boyle. Zither solo, William Glrshldcl. Song and dance, Lewis Littleton Ran dolph. Clarionet solo, "Air Varie," Master Leo McDonald. Recitation, Miss Lizzie Furey. Selections, Si. Cecilia's Mandolin Club. Baritone solo, Thomas Quigley. Selections, Mlxod Choir, A. P. May berry, leader. Graphaphone selections, William Sands. Buck and wing dancing, Lewis Little ton Randolph. "Banddldn't9trlke," St. Ann's band. Grand finale, "Stars and Stripes." PERSONALITIES. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fowler are cele brating today the seventeenth anniver sary of their marriage. Miss Maine Stritm&tter, of Wilkes barre, Is visiting Mrs. Jane DeFoy. Hugh Boyle, Jr., returned yesterday on a visit from New York city. Thomas Campbell, of Villanova col lege, Is homo on a vacation. Miss Katie Haggerty, of Ashley, is visiting friends In Freeland. Miss Jennie Barton Is the guest ef relatives at Ashley. P. J. Breslln has returned to Bay on ne, N. J. William Gallagher is home from New York city. Liberal Rewards for Ingenuity. Anna Catherine Green Is one of the most famous of American writers. It would seem, thereforo, tho announce ment of the Philadelphia Sunday Press that It proposes to give free in Illus trated book form, beginning with next Sunday's Press, her greatest novel, would create a sufficient furor. It is the rule of the Press, however, not to do things by halves; consequently, In addi tion to giving free this great novel, an nouncement is made that SSOO In cash prizes will bo distributed among readers on a very simple plan. Read Anua Catherine Green's story in the Illus trated booklet which will be given free with next Sunday's Press, aud you will learn how to secure one of the cash prizes. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. IJ ▲ celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, If. W. Cor. Centre and Front fit*., Freeland. DePIEBRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner mt Csntre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Roaenbluth's Velvet, of which we hire EXBLUBIVE SALE IE TOWN. Ifuram'a Extra Dry Champagne, Hennensy Brandy, Blackberry, Gin§, Winoa, Clarots, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Rrhweitter Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentine and Hazloton beer on tap. Baths. Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. T. CAMPBELL, denier in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES B LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Meat streets. Freeland. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. Handsemc stock of JVO VELTIES for EATSER Babbits, Eggs, Baskets, Etc. Fancy Candy Eggs. Chocolate Iggs with your name on a specialty. Confectionery, Ice Cream. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Fainlles supplied with oysters direct from the shore. ' - URIOWNI >UIIAIIF. GRAND OPERAIIOUSE. rreeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Friday Even'g, March 16. fjflL First Appearance in Freeland of linVT'C Spectacular Hill I \ FAR CE COMEDY LjgM 4X IIU 1I A Carnival, wfj® ENTITLED £, | \J|FL "A IB Win Flat" Hi INTRODUCING 18 J FA SO Farcical Entertainers 50 K ij|gp A Regiment of Funmakers. m l|| PRODUCED UNDER A TOL IN Bonded Guarantee of $350 1 i Music by DePierro's Orchestra. I| p| Prices: Lower Floor, 50c, 75c, sl. jM Jff Balcony, 35c and 50c. Seats on sale March 12 at MeMeuamiii's. THE NEW PRIVATE. $1.50 PER YEAR For a Few Dollars We Will Dress You Like a Millionaire. j To be well and stylishly dressatl is no longer the advantage of the rich. It would do your heart good to hear the expressions of surprise I and satisfaction from our visitors when they inspect our goods and j learn our prices. I We don't ask you to come and I j buy; we only ask you to come and satisfy yourself. You will find the imprint of superior quality on all our pieces. We invite you to bring an expert to test the quality, and another expert to examine the tit and mak ing. We invite you to sompara our goods with what you have been paying $25 and £3O for. We will have nothing to say, we will leav* it all to you and your friends. Phila. One-Price Clothing floisj. S. Senie, Prop., Birkbock Brick, Prceland. £MIAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Blrkbeck Brick, F reel and JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. J All legal business promptly attended. | Postoffico Building, ... Freeland. | Mclaughlin, Attorney-at-Law. | Legal Business of Any Description. j nrennnn's Building, So. Centre 84. Freeland. R. J. O'DONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Bueiimi Promptly Attended, Campbell Building, - Freeland. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peacs. All busintu giten prompt attention. Tribune Building. - ■ Muln Skwt. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVBli BIItKBICK'g STORE, Second Floer, . . Birkbuk Brl.k, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented, Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos of Hazel to n tiros.. New York city. S. 8. HESS, DENTIST. 87 Soutk Cntr. ftrMt. Scoond Floor Front, . It.fowi.k lulUl.i.