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S BROTHERHOOD HATS C 0 A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Ste., Freeland. 75 BOX RAIN COAT A RKGI LAU *6.00 WATS.HI'UOOK "SAIkIMOSII FOR $2.75. snd No Money, and wndtouSl! Bend jrou this coat jand equal to any coat youcnnjmy hSmpl" n ff Men's] MackUitoiilieH up STi.OO, and Mftile-tO-Meaaure Suits and Overcoats at'from fc.TO to IM.W, writo tor fee 6EARSvROEBUC K h CO., CHICAGO, ILL. (Dun, Roebuck Co. .re thorounblj r.—Editor., ' 50 YEARS'! TRADE MARKS DESIGNS 'tflTt 1 COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketrh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether un Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free, oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir dilation of any scientific journal. Terms. 9:1 a rear: four months. |L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 3e,Broadway ' New York Branch Office. t125 F St., Washington, D. C. DATCUTQ tra d d e e si S n A s ßKS ] i rA I tli I o and O c B o T p alN r ed hts l ► ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY < Notice in " Inventive Age " Bi KBIHH i Y Book "How to obtain Patents" | ■ ■■■ln i T Charge s moderate. No fee till patent is secured. 1 i Letters strictly confidential. Address, [EG. SIQGERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C.J FTIXNTTNGr Promptly Done at the Oflice *1 se n n o d money cr, T ,i T tJ, lB AD ' gl ° t ! * 15 li body at bunt and arrk, . ■" vWI Beautiful IMu.h ( ape to by ,n $ silsVtloa. *Youo'm ti \ ir'found perfectly satisfactory, ez actly as ru'fi'jt nM charges fnprrt* rbanraawlllatarat6otl6 /JP I catafor 1,000 lallM. Thit Circular Plush Cape Half. Seal Plu.b, UO inches long, cut full Hweep. lined throughout with Hllk la bl ek, blaeor red. Very elaborately embroidered with aoutaeh* braid and black beading as illustrated. 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