Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, December 21, 1899, Image 3

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Rules for Making Graceful Curves
Take the Place of Sharp Angles—
Diet and Sleep—Care of Hands and
Feet—Simple Remedies.
You cannot make fat and produce
the adorable curves so beautiful In a
woman's form If you fret and allow
jour strength, both mental and phy
sical, to be exhausted In fussing and
worrying. There's a wise old saw
that says a sweet temper and a Ihmtv
woman never dwell under the snipe
Itest all you can—get long hours of
left celling sleep. Keep In, but
don't exercise violently; don t do any
thing exhausting. Ten hour's sleep
out of every twenty-four Is not too
The very reverse of the rules for fat
people are suited best for the emacia
ted woman who wishes to coax flesh
upon her attenuated figure. Given n
woman without an organic ailment
and free from real heart-breaking
trouble, the road for making curves is
a path of flowers compared to the hard
lines laid down for obesity patients.
Eat a little at a time, but often, and
as much as possible avoid the food
especially advised for fat people.
Summed up briefly, the rules for
thin people are: Absolute freedom
from care and anxiety. At leust ten
hours' sleep out of the twenty-four.
In addition to this, naps during the
day If possible. Tills sleep must al
wajs be natural. Nothing is so bad
for the appearance nud general health
us sleep induced by anodynes or nar
oMlcs in any form. The diet should
he liberal and should consist largely of
food containing starch and sugar; po
tatoes, tresli sweet butter, milk,
cream, fruits cooked and served with
sugar, ail vegetables containing starch
anil sugar, such as corn, sweet pota
tees, beans, pons, foods of the nincar
tni and spaghetti kind; llsli anil oy
rttrs. ice cienm, desserts without pas
try; pit nty of outdoor life and a mod
erate amount of exercise. Sleep In
a well-vcntllnted room. No one can
gain flesh if there Is an internal ill
seas. • certainly not If there is any
tendency to dyspepsia or liver trouble.
When plump in one part of the body
anil lacking in another, n gymnastic
coinre is advised. There is nothing
belter than moderate bicycling, unless
It may lie a regular gymnastic course,
wldcl*. is not advisable in the sur. iner.
Where the development Is meagre In
tin- upper part f the body, swlmuiu g
is also an excellent exercise. Walking
is always wholesome.
if mi else 1h recommended for lioth
rttlui lie and gaining flesh.
The care of the nolle Is what few
women understand. They have a lot
of silver scissors nud polishers thni
are I'.t fj<r ornament only, as a rule.
They torture the cuticle, cut anil tear
It with dull Implements. It should
not be touched, except to be pushed
down gently wltli nn orange stick.
"o soften the cuticle, hold the fingers
In n howl of hot water nud soap suds,
ill which n few drops of almond oil
have been poured. Then file the nails
round or oval, never pointed. Sandpa
per the edges. After this Is done push
hack tlx- cuticle till as much a-s possi
ble of the half moon at tlic bottom
shows. The gentlemen who selected
beauties of the harem In ancient Per
set rejected all who did not have tills
lull? moon well defined.
Then apply the red salve, dust with
powder, and lie sure to use a good one
that is not gritty anil will not scat
the i-.'i-l. Apply more snlve, as tills
gives a L-lgli polish. Then dust with
powder and polish again. Then wash
the hands in warm water anil wipe tin
nails by pushing hack the cuticle with
a towel This will take off nil the
salve nud powder.
Then polish with n polisher that has
not been dipped in powder. Tlir t
polishers should be used. Vaseline 01
(old cream rulilied on the nails at
night Is beneficial ami absolutely nec
essary If one dabbles In disinfectants
such as trained nurses must use, ot
the chemicals of photography.
A talilespoonful of common salt add
eil to the water in which the feet are
lietlieil will sometimes do away with
the disagreeable odor entirely. A tei
cupfnl or strong vinegar is effective In
malty eases. Where the vinegar ol
salt is used, the use or soap should be
dispell-oil with, in very ob filiate eases
of excessive pe; spirittion try tliis reme
dy: Betnnnpthol, 1 drain: distilled
witch hazel. 8 ounces. This may be
used as well for excessive and otlortii
perspiration in nth r parts of t lie body
A well known physician Is responsi
ble for the statement tlrnl women ruin
their linir by excessive washing. lie
claims that only an occasional sham
poo is necessary. The lialr should be
brushed regularly and at least, an
hour a day. This will remove dust
mid dandruff, make the hall- glossy
anil soft, while washing renders the
hair brittle and lifeless, and eventual
ly destroys the natural oil which is es
sential to a healthy condition.
Accidents With Lamps.
Any table on which lamps are placed
should lie of Arm construct lon, large
top, ami of sufficient weight nt the
base not to tip onsily or Jar when
touched. A great many so-called ac
cidents with lamps are caused by
placing them on light, rlcketty tab) s.
Maud Ooune, the beautiful Irish pa
I riot. Is reported ns wnnllng to go tt
the Transvaal, to fight nt the head ol
the Irish troops. They say she is nctu
ntet! not so much by sympathy with
the l'-"srs ns hatred ftr lite Kngllsk.
fi Our big store is crowded Y
uiuuuiiuw tions for the holiday season, /r / O
and and if you are not a regular I I|Hj|fJ| Jjj I Infllnllv! mraill '%b
Dhnirioinne feP can be found In our store. J||
rl U VlolUllO. So?, e h°b?l :, a r"s. r r°e,. fl Taboore.tes Fancy Tables
„ Morris Chairs - - India Stools fafa\ fa/ °
11K Music Cabinets - - Tea Chairs }\V * fa/
Fancy Chairs - - Easeis
/fa- - and many other seasonable articles.
/fa Delay Your Holiday Buying Y ° U 17 TT AII>I7 I> r CENTRE
111 SXWIi '• 'I. \I ll libit 1 . Z&k r*
II We Have an Extra 30 1| rn -J-. 1 "g -fc • i i l C — ~
i | Large stock of \\ William Birkbeck, g to- ig
\ \ 3 /i vites you to examine his Fine Lines of HcCrdware S g
\i w Also a hme Line Of -q /> and Other Novelties. He has a large assortment of s jFor Fresh Imported Candy and Confectionery. 3
\\ ± MILLINbr-z*. 2// articles suitable for gifts and no prices in town are s§| —wV/pn"™ n!i bw^nmVnf'i^ 11 ' Don't for-j|g
\\> O / / , ~ 7 . ' T s m get to caff ana try some ot it. r 22
\\ Dressmaking and a . a-- i 3 // lower than Jus. Immense stock of Stoves, Heaters B IS
Promptly Executed at the // and Ranges always on hand. Store is located in the Best Be Cig-a,r in. Pieeland.[
\ \ Lowest Prices. / / 1> * 1 1 1 1 1 > • 1 -
Grover's City Drug Store j SM ' ™ [
ten when pretty and appropriate articles for H Kft ppWk JmfflT I Reclinin 8 Chairs, Leather Chairs, l!
the holidays are wanted. Toilet Goods and |9 Q Js fep * If Morris Chairs, Odd Rockers, J
Toilet Supplies, Fancy Articles of all kinds WL | EdX £& I
and an exceptionally line line of Novelties. |j 11 < II Couches, Onyx Tables, Carpets, II
Perfumes in the Market. Prices right. . W | Hou^ e ds * I
j j j y Tp nniniil ol' Trolley 1.i1 1.*, Cc'iitrp an<l Suiitli Streets.
Groceries and |
Flour, Feed, Etc. .MjfcliSO S. WENHER k SONS.
Heinz' Pickled Goods i% stroe "- I
SIW3VS 111 OtOCK. i /Tfaf. *J*yyrt, !■ ! ifiJR I which comprises many pieces in Dress Goods and
V y/o 'm FSB U\yJ wSillilMillH I Novelties, any of which would mako an appro- 1
n I, n , 1 I aJ ( 1 priato holiday gift. VVennor's goods are always
South Centre Street. p>| I
- g-Mjl I Prices Are Very Reasonable. 1
hz=z:: _
1 :4 |j
Fancy - Bread - and - Cakes. J, double store of M. Merkt, opposite the Central hotel, is the /U A I TTVIV TV T\ nU U ltl m W
JOHN RIPPEIj PROP. 171 r\ leading establishment in town for holiday goods. Immense stocks of Candy, '(IH()li II) A | IHT SP n Vl\
' ii—r,/t Ira ' Confectionery, Toys, Ornaments for the Tree, Presents for the Young, the Old U lllJjkJUivl All
and the Middle-Aged. An unsurpassable assortment of Fruits and Nuts. I|| . j| ■
Sl T I 1,000 Doll Babies tor Sale. D your HOME HAPPY J!
41 Candy and Confectionery Mm. MiUfamson| .Tolxix'siiisyo TfeX,. STAR SHOE HOUSE/7
Jy § QC StOT© S©ll Only o\ 7 I 7 # has a handsome stock of XV has the finest line of jy fa
M z Pure# Fresh Goods. §\%l _ x . ___ _ starts..Hats, caps, Footwear, f
I ///fi ~ to go when fou want m H Money Ordora and Drafts to all Countries. ' \ ZN^*Z2Sss~ ,l
11| £ the best at low prices. Q 1 All Sizes. AH Styles. Btoam.hip liekot. Bold. A @T|fe^O
\M 2 Tree Ornaments, § M UllllO SUPPLIES j BH Store Was Never Better Pre
w Q Toys of Every Kind, m/M of every description. flf 1 W' 1 | ( pared to accommodate holiday
\\ \U Do not fail to see our ///I Pl-H ITI IMI 1t 1 shoppers. Presents for ladies,
u \ v n r y i a, K e stock he- ~< Sy/y Select your presents from our j| SBfIHiSBH gentlemen, misses and chi ldren.
\ fore buying. Jn I large stock and you will have ar- K I' y\ n endless variety ot Coats, Capes, Gloves, Umbrellas,
Vk\4v R c I anhnrh Pmn / *w rim? tic !f s that " e us^ ul haH(lsome i Lace and Embroidery, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Furn
c - Laubach, Prop. ,„d . =S^ MM j _ jßhing Coods , jewelry, Fancy Novelties, Dress Goods, etc. ,
Front and Washington Streets. Daniel Gill, Centre Street, Near South.