FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 27. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 5, 1899. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 20 a m for Weatherly, Munch Clum!., Alloiitown, Butlilelicm, Easton, Phila delphia and Now York. 7 40 u m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Bur re, Pittston and Soruntou. 8 20 uin lor Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Al lentown, Bethlehem, Boston, Pliiludel plda, New York and Ha/.leton. 9 33 a m for liazleton, Maliauoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. C'armel, Shumokin and Pottsville. 1145a m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Burro, Scranton aud all points West. 4 36 i> ni for Hazleton, Muhanoy City, Sheii umlouh, Mt. Curniol, Sliamokiii and Pottsville. 6 34 i> ni for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Burro and Scranton. 7 27 p in for Hazleton, Mahunoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Curniol, Shumokin. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20 n m from Ashland, Shenandoah Muha noy City and Hazleton. 7 40 a in from Pottsville, Ashland, Shenan doah, Mahunoy City and Hazleton. 9 17 am from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle hem, Alleiitown, Mauch Chunk, Weath erly, Huzlotou, Muhanoy City, Shcuun douh, Mt. Carniel and Shumokin. 9 33 a in from Serauton, Wilkes-Burre and White I la veil. 1 1 45 a m from Pottsville, Shainokin, Mt. Carniel, Sheuundouh, Mahunoy City and Hazleton. 4- 36 ]> ni from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 6 34 |> in from Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Potts ville, Shumokin, Mt. Carniel, Slienun- douh, Mahunoy City ami Hazleton. 7 27 | m from Serauton, Wilkes-Burre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. ROLLLN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. 20 Cortlaudt Street. New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect \pril 18, 1897. Trains leave Drifton for Jeado, Eckley, Hazio Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow lioad, Roan and Hazleton Junction at 6 30, 0 Ot) a m, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhioken and Deringer at 6 30, 6 00 a ra, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a ra, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, liarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 IX) a ra, daily except Suu day; and 7 03 a ra, 2 38 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton J unction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 035 a m, daily except Sunday; and b 63 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, i Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32,1110 a m, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a ra, 3 11 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhiok m, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p ra, daily except Sunday; ana 'J 37 H m, ii 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 u ra, 12 40, 622 p m, daily except Sunday; aud 8 11 a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Roud, Stockton, lluzlc Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p ra, daily, except Suuday; and M 11 a in, 3 44 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, liazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 020 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a ra, 5 40 p m, Sunday. All trains contract at Hazleton J unction with electric curs for Hazleton, Jeanesviile, Audcn ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 0 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for W ilkesbarre, Suubury, Uarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p ra, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p ra. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. M ISC ELL AN EC) US A DVEKTISKM ENTS. /COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE?—In Re-In v7 debtedness of Butler Township. The undersigned, u commissioner, appointed by the court of quarter sessions of Luzerne county to raarsimi tho indebtedness ol Butler township, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment on Monday, October 9, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., at Charles Brightliaupt's store, Butler township. All persons having eluinis against said township will legally prove them ut that time, or bo deburrocf from ever after collecting the same. John J. Moflrcarty, commissioner. TJ'OR SALE.— I Threo Freeland Silk Mill Com _l puny 5 per cent gold bonds; par value SSO each. For price apply at Tribune office. PLEASURE CALENDAR. (tatobcr 10.—Ball of Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps at Yannes' opera house. Admission, 50 cents. October 10.—Cosmopolitan Concort Company and Niver's Animatoscope at Grand opera house. Admission, 15c, 25c and 35c. October 27. —Second annual ball of Good Wills Athletic Association at Yan nes' opera house. Admission, 50 cents. Dedication of Soldiers' Monument. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets at tho low rate of one fare for tho round trip to Alleiitown and return, on October 18 and 19; good returning until October 20. The Soldiers' Monu ment will bo unveiled at Ailentown on October 19, and tiiere will be a grand parade commencing at 1 p. in. on that day. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. Last Grand Excursion to Niagara Falls. The Lehigh Valley Railroad an nounces the last grand excursion of the season to Niagara Falls at $5. Tickets will be sold from Freeland on October 7, good going on all trains on that date except the Black Diamond express, limited for return to and including October 9. Consult Lehigh Valloy ticket agents for further particulars. Firemen's Convention, Scranton. October 3 to 0. Tito Lehigh Valley Railroad announces special low rate of one fare for tho round trip from stations in Pennsylvania to Scranton and return. Tickets will bo solfi September 30 to October 0 inclusive, good for return to October 10. Consult Lehigh Valloy ticket agents for further particulars. Grand Array Day and Parade. Slatington, October 7, 1899. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets on October 7. good for return to October 8, at low rate of single fare for the j round trip from Freeland. Consult Lehigh Valloy Railroad ticket agents for further particulars. |TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT. SWEEFING CHANGE 3 IN LAWS FOR FOSTER AND HA2LE. Artpr ITurcli 11W), Tliey Will Be Ruled iti t. Mnniiur Similar to Bor ough.—Tin uo tinier I interne Township, Affected by the New Law. The fivo most important townships of this county will undergo a radical change in their government next spring. A law passed at the last session of the legislature gives to townships having a population of 300 to each square mile of its territory a government as nearly akin to that of boroughs as it is possible to make it, and students of townships, which have suffered many abuses of many and varied sorts in tho past de cade or two, are awaiting with anxiety to soe what tho result of the experiment will bo. The townships that will be effected in this county are Plains, Plymouth, Now port, Hazle and Foster. The first elec tion under the new law will be held on tho third Tuesday of next February and tho new officers will qualify on the first Monday in March, 1900. Tho new law divides township into first and second classes. Those not having a population of 300 to tho square mile will bo second-class townships and will continue to bo governed as at pres ent. FIRST-CLASS TOWNSHIPS. All others are to bo known as town ships of tho first class, and the now act proscribes that first-class townships shall have a board of township com missioners, the number of whom will bo not less than five, and wbero the population is more than 5,000 an ad ditional commissioner for each 2,000 in excess of 5,000. Commissioners shall servo without salary aud shall hold no other township office. Tho first board of commissioners will apportion tho township into districts, giving it as many districts as it is en titled to according to population, and at all succeeding eloctions for commis sioners each commissioner will be elected by the citizens of the district ho represents, as council men in bor oughs are at present chosen. It is not necessary, however, to be a resident of the district in which a commissioner is to be voted for to make him eligiblo. POWERS OF COMMISSIONERS. Tho commissioners will 'organize by the election of one of their number for president. Thoy shall meet at least once a month. A majority shall consti tute a quorum and the following powers shall be vested in the board of commis sioners: To grade, light, pave and re pair highways; to curb and pavo side walks in villages; to establish a system of sewerage and drainage when neces sary for the public health; to provide for costs and maintenance; to contract for tho carrying off of sewerage; to abate nuisances and regulate the running of animals at large; to establish a night watch and police force; to pro vide lockup; to arrest and confine vag rants; to purchase lire engines; to regulate circuses and public entertain ments; to levy tax; to borrow monoy, etc. Tho limit of tho debt shall not ex ceed 2 por cent of tho valuation. CAN APPOINT SUPERVISORS. No indebtedness shall be incurred except by ordinance. All ordinances shall bo published at least twice in a newspaper. Tho commissioners can appoint supervisors and enginoers. Highways must bo kept cloar. Owners of property can petition for sidewalks, the majority of tho owners fronting highway shall make it lawful to have it done. Commissioners can require own ers to grade, pave and curb. If the owners neglect, tho board can grade and pave, and file a lien on property unless paid. The commissioners havo the elocting of a township clerk and the salary shall be fixed by ordinance. TREASURER A GOOD OFFICE. The township treasurer shall be elect ed by tho voters to serve three years. He shall receive as compensation 5 per cent of all taxes received or collected by him, unless a different rato is fixed by the commissioners thirty days before his election. The same person may serve as treasurer of the township and the school board, but no member of the school Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tho iliseasod portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, tmd that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed deafness is the result, and un less the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will lie destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrah, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CH ENKY & CO., Toledo, O. HPSold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. FREELAND, PA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1899. hoard, no township commissioner or township auditor can hold the position of township treasurer. This official Is not eligible to succeed himself. Assessors and auditors shall be elect ed as at present and shall perform the duties now required by law. PURPOSE OF TIIK LAW. The need of some legislation that would put a check on the extravagances and misgovern raeut in existence in most of the richest townships In tho state has long been rccognizod as of pressing importance, but how to best reach tho difficulty was tho question which trou bled state legislators. Whether the proper remedy lias been found for the abuses complained of re mains to bo proven, but there is some little consolation in the fact that the now order of things cannot beany worso than tho existing, and such being the j case, it will bo welcomed by taxpayers as an attempt at least to got at the bottom of tho money-wasting and un scrupulous practices that have boon so burdensome under tho present laws. If some legislator would now devise a better method of governing township schools the people and taxpayers of school districts now suffering from the rule of unscrupulous boards would have just cause to rejoice. Welcome Home for Soldier*. A meeting to make preparations to welcome home a number of young men of the region who served in tho Eigh teenth regular infantry in tho Philip pines was held at Hazleton Friday even ing. Captain Giles was selected as chairman and W. A. Evans as secretary. A largo committee was chosen to solicit subscriptions to make tho celebration a noteworthy one, on which tho following North Side men were appointed: Bur gess J. M. Gallagher, W. F. Boyle, Owen Fowler, B. F. Davis, Freeland; E. A. Oborrender, Drifton; William Mc- Ginty, Ebervale, and William Leib, Ilarloigh. The discharged soldiers arrived re cently at San Francisco and will bo mustered out in a short while. The exact date of their return to this part is not yet known. Futlier Mathew Celebration. At a meeting of tho Young Men's Corps yesterday some changes wore made in tho proposed celebration to bo held here on October 10 in honor of the anniversary of Father Mathew, the, apostle of temperance. Tho parade has boon postponed from 2 to 8 p. ra., and the arrangements for a picnic in the afternoon have been canceled. All tho efforts of tho members will now bo concentrated upon making tho ball that evening a successful affair. Arrangements are now being made with tho Lehigh Traction Company to run cars from Freeland at 4 a. m. on October 11 to all towns on tho trolley line,.there by giving visitors an opportunity to reach their homes in tlmo to work tho day after tho ball. The Firemen'* Farad*. Scranton is making extensive prepar tions to accommodate the members of the State Firemen's Association, whose convention and parade will be held in that city this week. It is expected tho parade will be one of the finest ever conducted by tho firemen of tho state. The Citizens' Hose Company will leavo here at 7.4<) a. m. on Thursday to parti cipate in the parade. Tho company will have fifty uniformed members in lino and music will be supplied by St. Ann's band. Car* Cut a Motoruian in flulf. Calvin Siegfried, aged 32, tho oldest motorinan in tho employ of tho Schuyl kill Electric Railway, was instantly killed on the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Saturday afternoon. lie had just reported off and was going to Mount Carbon. Ho boarded a coal train at Pottsville and was standing on the bumpers of a car, when ho was jolted off and fell under the wheels, twenty-five cars passing over his body, seyering it at tho hips. He leaves a widow and one son. Monument for Hloomsburg;. The grand jury, at tho present term of court, passed a bill in favor of a soldiers' monument, to bo erected by the county in Bloomsburg, in accordance with a late act of assembly. Great in terest is being taken in tho movement by prominent men throughout Columbia county and the erection of the monu ment is now assured. Acting Is Above the Ordinary, Wilkesbarre Record, Sept. 28, 1809. The Bon-Ton Stock Company appear ed to advantage at tho Grand opera house last evening in a dramatization of Ouida's novel "Moths." Tho per formance was interesting and tho act ing was above tho ordinary reportory order. Josio Price as Lady Dolly was natural and effective in this most sin gular character. Jeanotto Ashbaugh as the Duchess looked pretty and dis played hor charms witli graceful abil ity. Emma Bunting as Fuschfa Leach was chic and delightful. Mr. Leyburno appeared to a disadvantage as tho Duke of Mull, tho part not affording him scope sufficient. Bert Merget as Prince ZouraiT and James Durkiu as Lord Jura were pleasing. The company will appear this afternoon in "The Census Taker" and tonight in "Tho Castaways." BRIEF ITEMS. Edward Box, one of Mauch Chunk's best known business men, was found dead in his stable by his driver on Thursday. 110 was hanging by a tie strap from a rafter and had been dead for some hours. It is thought that business troubles led him to take his own life. Mr. Rex was burgess a few years ago and was prominent in Orand Army circles. United Mine Workers' officers say they now propose to organize a union in every anthracite town and get better wages for tho men during tho present wave of prosperity. Tliey will seek to unite the men by their different nation alities and will advise against strikes and in favor of arbitration wherever possible. There aro some peculiar rumors afloat regarding the determined stand taken by some councilman on tho selection of a certain architect for the new borough building. Some men appear to be hankering for a pass to the penitentiary. Tho people are in no mood to tolerate underhand business or boodleism in this matter. ThoDolaware, Lackawanna arid West ern Railroad Company has given orders for the resumption of operations at three collieries in Scranton, the Sloan, Central and Hyde Park. This will mean employment for nearly 2,000 men and hoys. Tho Sloan and Central have been idle for many months. Tho teachers in Mt. Carmol public schools will be given a day's vacation, this month in order that they may at tend the exposition at Philadelphia. It has been suggested that Freeland teachers bo given a day off for the same purpose. Patrick Sharpo, aged 0 years and 8 months, a son of John aud Bridget Sharp, of Joddo, died yesterday. Funeral tomorrow via trolley at 2 p. m. Interment at St. Gabriel's cemetery, Hazleton. Thomas McCole, of South Ridgo street, who graduated last June at Holy Cross college, Worcester, Mass., will enter the Catholic university at Wash ington this week, where ho will study law. William McKelvoy, aged 22 years, a Hazleton boy, is on board the cruiser Oiympia and shared in tho magnificent welcome that grnotod Admiral Dewey and his crow at Now York on Friday. A successor to John Houston, teacher in tho Soutli Tlehorton grammar school, who enters Jefferson college today to pursue medical studies, will be chosen on Wodnosday evening. Bornard Carr, of Eckley, whose thumb was amputated at the Miners' hospital lately and who was receiving treatment at that institution, was dis charged on Saturday. The rato of wages to bo paid employes in the Schuylkill region for the last half of September and the first half of October is 2 per cent below the basis. W. W. Peeler, of town, and Joseph P. Kennedy aud P. X. O'Donnell, of Drifton, have rosumed their medical studies in Philadelphia. MattSeagor, of Hazleton, was visited last wouk by his brother, James, of St. Joseph, Missouri, whom ho did not see for twonty-four years. Eugene V. Debs wili make a tour of tho anthracite region next month and assist In organizing the miners. Hugh Malloy, Jr., viewed the festivi ties hold in honor of Admiral Dewoy at Now York last week. The first snow of tho senson In Free land fell at 4.30 o'clock Saturday after noon. In a garao of football at Drifton yes torday a team from town lost by a score of 7 to 0. J. S. McDonald viewed the Dewey celebration at New York on Saturday. Butler valley farmers predict an early and severe winter. Miss Josophine Campbell is visiting in Philadelphia. Citizens' Hand Officer*. The following have been chosen as officers of tho Citizens' hand: President—Richard Drasher. Vice president—Thomas Jones. Secretary—ll. F. Doudt. Treasurer—S. DePierro. Trustees—Jacob Nagle, G. Bonoino, Ezra McMurtrlo. Leader—S. DePierro. Assistant—Vincent Petrilla. Low Bute KxcurHlon to New York Via Lehigh Valley Railroad, October 11, 18(10. Fare from "Freeland for tho round trip will bo 82.45. Tickets will be sold for all trains, except thoso con necting with Black Diamond express, October 11. Limit for return October 13 Inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valloy ticket agents for furthor particulars. "When passenger trains are tele scoped the passengers are apt to see stars. A woman's Ideal husband Is usually a fool in the eyes of other men. Only his employer ever appreciates the worth of a successful bill collector. Love, like Ice, is awfully slippery and It soon thaws. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SynopKlx of LOCHI and MlHcellaneouH Oc currencflH That Can Bo Head Quickly. What the FolkM of This and Other Town* Are I>oin^. The October meeting of the borough council will bo held tonight and that of the school.board Wednesday evening. The Ilazleton Ifat Manufacturing Company was. granted a state charter on Thursday. Its capital stock is 015,000. G. B. Marklo & Co. arc preparing to open a large stripping between High land and Drifton. A line bed of coal is located thcro. All the anthracite coal companies have announced an advance of 25 cents per ton in the price of coal at all points to take effect immediately. Jos. Neuburger is offering *25 reward for the capture of the' parties who mutilated and destroyed his sign-boards along tlio roads outside of town. John Betlezza's lines of fall footwear have arrived. Call and see them. The officers of Mt. Iloreb Lodge, No. 267, I. O. O. F., will be installed on Thursday evening and those of Drifton Lodge, No. OUS, on the evening of Octo ber 17. The members of Maj. C. B. Coxe Post have everything ready to make a good showing In the annual parade of the Lehigh Valley Grand Army Association at Slatington on Saturday. J. W. Everitt, treasurer of the bor ough school board, has received the state appropriation for the current year, amounting to 84,783.41. The bondhold ers will be paid their interest on Wed nesday evening. If. B. I'rico and family have removed from Upper Lehigh to Philadelphia. Ho is postmaster and secretary and treasurer of the different Upper Lehigh corporations and firms and will continue as such, directing the business from his new place of residcnco. Friday, October 20, has boon chosen by the state authorities as Arbor Day, and preparation for its observance are being made by school children .in various districts. Freeland teachers, pupils and directors mado a good start last spring, but the work should be followed up to insure success. A. Oswald sells Arbuckle's, Dills worth's, Lion and Levering's coffee at 10 cents a pound. The annual entertainment of the Christian Endeavor Society of St. John's Reformed church has been postponed from Thanksgiving evening to Now Year's evening. This was mado nocos sary on account of the Franklin and Marshal collogo gleo club's inability to come here on the former date. At St. Ann's church on Wednesday Thomas Sweoney, of West Walnut street, and Miss Roso Iloffmeier, of Drifton, were marriod by Rev. M. J. Fallihee. Miss Lizzie Iloffmeier, tlio bride's sister, was bridesmaid, and Frank Mcßroarty, of Philadelphia, was groomsman. They have taken up their residence on tlio Ilill. The Bon-Ton Stock Company will open a weok engagement at the opera house this evening. The play tonight will bo "Tlio Black Flag," tomorrow evening, "Tlio Census-Taker;" Wednes day evening, "Moths of Society," a dramatization of Ouida's famous novei. "Moths." A matinee will bo given Wednesday afternoon. Rev. I*'. P. McNally, of Wilkesbarro, and Rev. M. E. Lynott, of Joruiyn, wore the guests of Rev. M. J. Fallihee yester day. On Tuesday Fathers McNally and Lynott, with Ilov. Phillips, of Hazloton; Rev. Molly, of Scranton, and Rey. Coffey, of Carbondalo, celebrated at Hazloton the twenty-fourth anniver sary of their ordination. A. Oswald sells Dolicatesse Baking Powder at 5c per pound can. Every can Is guaranteed as to its purity. Give it a trial. Charles Varguson, the young man of Plttston, who was convlctod of man slaughter in shooting and killing Wil liam Pulver at that place on July 10 last, has been sentonced by Judgo Lynch to pay a fine of ,8100, costs and be Imprisoned in the Eastern peniten tiary to separate and solitary confine ment at labor for ten years. The nine-month-old son of John Rarich, of Hopeville, about six weeks ago began to lose tlesh, owing to Its inability to swallow food. The child's condition puzzled physicians. A criti cal examination of the child's throat revealed the fact that a safety pin had lodged in the uppor part. It was removed and the child is now recover ing. David MacFarlane, of Jeanesville, for many years superintendent of the Le high Valley collieries at Jeanesville, will today assume the supnrintendency of tlio works of the Wyoming and Pond Creek Coal Company, at Pond Creek. The selection is a good one, for few men are better versed in mining affairs than Mr. MacFarlane, and he will render tlio company excolleut service.— Standard. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Free hi ml Opera House Co., Lessees. One "\7v r eelr. COMMENCING Monday, October 2, '99. IMlatixiees Wednesday© Saturday. Mil. CHARLES LEY BURN E and his own big Bon-Ton Stock Co. In u pleasing repertoire of comedies aud comedy dramas. 3vrcnd.a,37- ztSTigrlit, "The Black Flag." Change of Play nt Each Performance. A Curload of Beautiful Scenery. Plenty of Specialties. Popular Prices, 10,20 and 30c. Seats on sale three days before show at McMcuutnin's store, 80 South Centre street. DePIERRO - BROS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Uosenbluth's Velvet, of which we hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumra's Extra Dry Champagne, Hennessy Brandy, Black berry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE, Ham. and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballentine and Hazleton beer on tap. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming or female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. MoNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. VIENNA": BAKERY J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE BREAD OE ALL KINDS. CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery '$ Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. Are Your Shoes Run Down? The Black Diamond SHOE REPAIRING HOUSE Will Make Them Good as New. The quality of our work cannot bo surpassed, and we make repairs quicker than any other establishment in town. Call here when you want the Lowest Prices in the Town. H. MOWER. Prop. Hadesty Building, 109 S. Centre Street. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Fumilus supplied with oysters direct from the shore. A PARALLEL Sometimes adown the city street. Where beauty's a forgotten thing, The voice of some lone bird thrills sweet With tidings of the far-off Spring. So, in my heart, when all is dark, And patience sickens to despair, Hope flutters like a prison'd lark, And pours her rapture on the air. I cannot tell why this should be, While sorrow's cup Is yet to drain, And ev'ry pleasure comes to me, Like storm-strewn roses, flaw'd with pain. But we are one, the bird and I, In suffering and yearning one; With memories that cannot die Of flow'rs, blue ocean, and the sun. $1.50 PER YEAR. MEN'S SUITS That will please your fancy, fit your figure aud sustain your reputation as u good dresser, await your inspection. SUITS FOR YOUTHS Of every description, cut in up-to dute fashions and made by expert tuilors. MEN'S FURNISHINGS A complete line of Men's Furnishings. Some swell goods in this line to select from. ' THE LITTLE MAN Must not be forgotten. Bring him here and fit him out with either a Vo6tec or Double Breasted Suit. Plenty of others too numerous to mcntiou in this limited space. HATS AND CAPS A large lino of hats, every popular block. The Derby, the Alpiue, tho Crushed—in all the new colors. MERCHANT TAILORING Our line of Merchunt Tailoring is tho finest. Latest fall goods und styles. Phila. One-Price Clothing House, S. SENIE, PROP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. £MIAS. OBION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Olliec: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postofllco Building, - Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Bronnan's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland. J. ODONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. Campbell Building, - Freeland. 'pilOS. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. Alt business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street. J~)It N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIKKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, Birkbeck Briek. jyjRS. S. E. IIAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. JJR. S. S. IIESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. * S BROTHERHOOD HATS O A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts., Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, doaler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Alho PURE WINES | LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre aud Main streets, Freelund.