Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, September 25, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. XII. NO. 25.
February 5, 1899.
6 20 a in i'or Weathorly, Muuoh ChunL,
Allcntown, Rclhlclicm, Fusion, Plulu
dolphin and New York.
7 40 a in tor Handy Hun, White Haven,
Wilkes-Bane, i'ittston und Scranton.
8 20 a in lor Wuatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lentowu, lletlilehcin, Enston, Philadel
phia, New York and Ru/.lcton.
9 33 a in lor Ha/.leton, Mahunoy City, Shen
andoah, Alt. L'urmel, Shiunokiu und
1 1 45 a m l'or Sandy Run, White Iluven,
Wilkes-JiaiTc, Scranton ami all points
4 36 pin for ilazleton, Muhunoy City, Shen
andoah, Mt. Gunnel, Slminokin und
6 34 J> in for Sandy Run, White Haven,
Wilkes-Itarre und Scruiiton.
7 27 pin for Huzleton, Muhunoy City, Shen
umlouh, Mt. Curmel, Shuniokiu.
7 20 a in from Ashland, Shenandoah Muhu
noy City und llu/.leton.
7 40 a in from Pottsville, Ashlund, Slienun
doah, Muhunoy City uud Ilazleton.
9 17 a in from Philadelphia, Easton, liethlo
hein, Allcntown, Munch Chunk, Weutli
erly, llu/.leton. Muhunoy City, Shonuu
douh, .Mt. Carinel uud Shutnokin.
9 33 a in from Scruiiton, Wilkcs-Rurrc und
White Iluven.
1145a m from Pottsville, Slminokin, Mt.
Curiucl, Shenandoah, Muhunoy City
und Huzleton.
4 30 P in from Scranton, Wilkes-Rurre und
White Iluven.
6 34 P ni from New York, Philadelphia,
Eustou, Hcthlchcm, Allcntown, Potts
ville, Shuniokiu, Mt. Curmel, Shenan
doah, Muhunoy City und Ilazleton.
7 27 P ni from Scranton, Wilkes-Durre und
White Haven.
For further information inquire of Ticket
A fronts.
ItoLLIN 11. WlLßUß,General Superintendent.
CIIAS. S. LEE, Gen'l l'ass. A Kent.
20 Cortluudt Street, New York City.
Time tuble in effect April 18, 1897.
Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle
lirook, Stockton, Heaver Meadow ltoud, Roan
und Ilazleton Junction at 5 30, OUO u m, daily
except Sunday; und 7 03 a in, 3 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for 11 urwood. Cranberry,
Tomhiokou uud Doringcr ut 5 30, 0 UO a in, daily
except Sunduy; und 703 a in, 3 38 p m, Sun-
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
Hurwood Road, Humboldt ltoud, Oncidu und
Sheppton ut ti 00 u in, daily exeept Sun
day; and 7 03 a in, 3 38 p in, Sunday.
Trains leuve Huzleton Junction for Harwood,
Cranberry, Toinhieken und Deringer at 035 u
in, daily exeept Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 33 p in,
Trains leave Huzleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Harwood ltoud, Humboldt ltoud,
Oneida und Shepptou ut ti 32, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p in,
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a in, 311 p in,
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhick >n, Cran
berry, Hurwood, Huzleton Junction and Roan
ut 3 35, 5 40 p w, duily except Sunday; ana 3 37
u m, 5 07 p in, Sunduy.
Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt
Road, Harwood ltoud, Oncidu Junction, Huzle
ton Junction aud ltoun at 7 11 a m, 13 40, 533
p m, daily except Sunduy; aud 8 11 a in, 3 44
p iu, Sunduy.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
ltoud, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo j
uml Drifton ut 5 33 p in, duily, except Sunday;
und 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m, Sunduy.
Trains leave ilazleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley,
Jeddo uud Drifton at 5 45, G3O p m, duily,
except Sunday; und 10 10 a m, 5 40 p in, Sunduy.
All trains connect ut ilazleton Junction with
electric cars for Huzleton, Jeunosville, Auden
ried und other points oil tho Traction Com
pany's line.
Trains leaving Drifton ut 5 30. (i 00 am make
connection at Uoringer with P. 11. R. trains for
Wiikesbarre, Suubury, llarrisburg and points
For the accommodation of passengers ut way
stations between Huzleton Junction uml Der
ingor, a train will leave the former point at
350 pm, daily, exeept Sunduy, urrivlng at
Deringer ut 5 00 p ra.
LUTHER C. SMITH. Superintendent.
VJ dobtcdnesß of Rutler Township.
The undersigned, u commissioner, appointed
by the court of quarter sessions of Luzerne
county to marshal the indebtedness ol Rutler ,
township, will attend to the duties of his up- I
poiiitment on Monday, October 9, 1899, at 10
o'clock a. in., at Churles Rrightliaupt's store,
Rutler township. All persons having claims
against said township will legally prove them
at that time, or be ucburrcd from ever after
collecting the sumo.
John J. Mcßrcurty, commissioner.
FOII SALE OR KENT.—Owing to his in-
J' ability to give the business Tiis personal
attention, the undersigned offers for sale or
rent his meat market, consisting of one first
class refrigerator, blocks, scales and ail other
appurtenances necessary iu an up-to-date es
tablishment; also two good horses, two butcher
wagons, one buokboard, one truck wagon, one
two-seated carriage and one eight horse-power
engine and grinder; good trade has been es
tablished; possession given on October 1. Ap
ply to George Fisher, 0 East Walnut street.
ITOR SALE.—Three Freeland Silk Mill Coin
_F puny 5 per cent gold bonds; par value SSO
each. For price apply at Tribune office.
Frank Fritzingor, of Mllnesvlllo, aged
25 years, dropped dead on Thursday
while walking along tho street. He
was stricken with paralysis several
years ago and never fully recovered.
Fields & Hanson's Minstrols gave two
fair performances at tho opera house
the closing nights of last week. Tho
attendance was good on Friday evening.
Mrs. John Shaffer died yesterday at
Lattimer, aged 05 years. She resided
at Eekley, Highland and Upper Lohigh
some years ago.
In a hotly contested football gamo
yestorday a Freeland team was defeated
by Drifton boys. The score was 2to 0.
John G. Saegor, aged 69 years, a
prominent and well-to-do resident of
Ilazleton, died this morning.
flow's This 1
We offer One Hundred Dollarv Re
ward for anv case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo,
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
believe hira perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. Price,
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggist*.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
Synopsis of I, -ohl ni Miscellaneous Oc
currence- Hint *'Jin Ho Head Oulckly.
Wliat tlio F"iks *f This and Other
Towns Are Doing.
There are 1,070 pupils nnrolled in
Hazle township public schools.
Richard Miller, of Wilkosbarro, and
Miss Katie Landtnosser, of town, were
married by John G. Davis, J. P., on
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John
Duddy died yesterday at Upper Lohigh
and will be burled this afternoon at St.
Ann's cemetery.
The picnic held at Drifton ball park
Saturday evening by St. Patrick's i
band was well attended and the even
ing was enjoyed thero by thoso present.
Patrick Sharpo and Miss Lizzie
Maloney, former residents of Highland,
wore married at Reaver Meadow on
Thursday. They will reside at Oneida.
A. Oswald sells Arbucklo's, Dills
worth's, Lion and Lovering's coffee at
10 cents a pound.
Joddo Mandolin Club will play at the
anniversary exercises of the Christian
Endeavor league of Zion Evangelical
church, Ilazleton, next Monday even
Patrick Mulreany, of town, was In
jured in No. 5 mine, Jeddo, on Saturday,
by being squeezed between a car and a
prop. Nine stitches were required to
close ono cut on liis head.
Maj. C. R. Coxe Post is making ar
rangements to attend tho annual con
vention and parade of the Grand Army
Association of tho Lehigh Valley,
which will bo hold at Slatlngton October
James J. Iliggins, a Tatuaqua boy,
died in tho Philippines on tho 3d Inst,
from pneumonia. He was a member of
Company C, Twenty-first regular in
fantry. Ho 'enlisted at Pottsville last
Tax Collector Daniel Kline has pur
chased a residence on Johnson strooi
from tho Citizens Rank and is having
tho same remodeled. When tho im
provements are completed Mr. Kline
and family will occupy it.
A. Oswald sells Dellcatosso Baking
Powder at 5c per pound can. Every
can is guaranteed as to its purity. Give
it a trial.
Freeland firemen propose to make a
showing that will be a credit to the
town In the parade of tho state firemen
at Scranton on October 5. They expect
to havo fifty uniformed men In line and
will be accompanied by ono of tho local
The seventeenth annual convention
of the Luzerne County Sunday School
Association will be hold in Dallas, upon
tho invitation of the Methodist Epis
copal Sunday school of that place, on
November 10. Each school Is entitled
to two delegates.
Governor Stone has reappointed Dr. J.
T. Roth rock, of West Chester, state
commissioner of forestry. Dr. Rothrock
was originally appointed eight years ago
by Governor Pattison, and ho was re
appointed by Governor Hastings at the
expiration of his first term.
The lithographs, posters and other
advertising paper with which Mor
rison's "Faust" Is billed are attract
ing much attention in Freeland and
surrounding towns. It is by far
the most elaborate and brilliant ever
placed for a show in Freeland.
John Brusak, of Drifton who was con
victed *at Wiikesbarre on Tuesday of at
tempting to wreck a I). S. & S. train
near Jeddo last July, was sentenced on
Saturday to tho state reformatory at
Huntingdon. He will remain thero un
til ho becomes of age.
Every day this week will bring forth
exceptional values in now fall goods in
clothing, overcoats, ladies' and misses'
cloaks, dry goods, shoos and furnishings
at Neußurger's.
Owing to the cool weather, the picnic
of tho Citizens' Hose Company on Satur
day was taken to Yannos' opora house
and conducted there instead of tho
Public park. Tho attendance was very
large. It Is likely that another hop will
bo held next Saturday evening.
A case that has been ponding in the
Schuylkill county courts for twenty
three years was again continued last
week until tho next term. Notice was
given that if tho plaintiffs are not ready
with their case at tho next term of
court tho suit will be dismissed.
After an examination of the patents
owned by R. R. Cross, of Oneonta, N.
Y., the Commercial Club, of Wilkos
barro, has approved of them and a com
pany has been formed to manufacture
tho articlos in that city. A plot of
ground has been donated and work
upon tho buildings will soon begin.
Among tho exhibits at tho Harvest.
Home services in the I'. M. church this
evening will be ono of the famous Mexi
can cucumbers grown by Solomon
Bittnor, of Joddo, a description of which
was given in the TRIBUNE recently.
I Tho specimen was brought to this office
on Saturday and measures 4 feet 534
' inches in length.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaincs Burke and
daughter, Miss Rose, Mrs. Jauies Gal
lagher and Miss Rid Horron, of Wilkes
barre, and Daniel Herron, of Sugar
Notch, visited relatives here yesterday.
John Gillespie, one of Mauch Chunk's
ball players, arrived home on Friday,
lie is still suffering from the severe in
juries ho received iu a game a few
weeks ago.
Miss Beatrice McElweo, of Freeland.
is spending a few days with her uncle,
Daniel McElwee, Sugar Notch.— Wilkeu
baire Record.
Revival services will be conducted by
Rev. Nichols at St. Paul's P. M. church
two weeks next month, commencing
October 15.
Miss Jennie DoFoy has roturnod home
after an extended visit to friends in
Lackawanna county.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rachman attend
ed the funeral of the former's father al
Catasaqua last week.
Miss Johnson, of Freeland, Is!
visiting her cousin, Mrs. Jano Gormley. s
—Lansford Record.
Miss Annie O'Donnell, of Philipsburg,
Schuylkill county, is the guest of the :
Misses Timony.
Mrs. Patrick Shovlin and family have
removed from Sugar Notch to Washing-,
ton street.
Miss Mary McGill, of Wilkosbarro. J
spont yesterday with Freeland friends. |
Statu Council 1m Suspended.
The state convention of the Junior
Order of United American Mechanics
came to a sensational end shortly before
noon on Thursday. The national or
ganization has revoked the state charter,
after preferring charges of insubor
dination. Deputy National Councillor
Robert Ogle, of Raltimore, put an end
to the wrangle which had been going on
between the two factions for two days,
and divested the state organization of
all power to do businoss. There had
been a lively war waged among the
delegates over the national per capital
tax, and the climax was reached as
above stated.
The state council is an incorporated
body and can operate under tho title
of tho Junior Order Unitod American
Mochanics without consulting tho na
tional council, aud as the Pennsylvania
membership comprises nearly two-thirds
of tho whole national body it is a ques
tion in their minds whether it is not ad
visable to remain independent.
Death of a Young Lady.
At an early hour Friday morning
Miss Bella O'Donnell died at the home
of her mother, Mrs. John O'Donnell, on
South Rldgo street. The deceased had
been ill but a few days and her death
camo as a surprise to her many friends
in tho community. She was aged 23
years and was highly estcomed by all
her acquaintances. Besides her mother
she is survived by two brothers, Edward
and Thomas; a sister, Miss Maggie, and
a step-brother and step-sister, 11. A.
Shovlin, Esq., of town, and Mrs. Daniel
McGtnness, of Kingston.
The funeral took place this morning,
in charge of tho Daughters of Mary
Sodality, of which Miss O'Donnell was
an activo member. A requiem mass
was read at St. Ann's church and tho
remains were interred in the cemotery
Stockholders Now Have Hope.
Hon. Josiali Adams, tho Republican
candidate for superior court judge, has
been ousted from the position of receivor
of tiie National Building and Loan
Association, of N-w York city, by the
Federal court. It was claimed that
Adams' appointment was secured by col
lusion witli the men who had wrecked
the company and some of the Pennsyl
vania stockholders went to tho United
Statos court and Mr. Adams was re
movod. This is welcome news to the
people of this vicinity whoso money is
tied up in tho association.
Taking Care of the Young Men.
The Upper Lehigh Coal Company has
given the Upper Lehigh Social Club the
use of a vacant dwelling house for club
purposos. The organization was re
cently formed by the young men of tho
town and tiiey proposo to furnish tho
dwelling at once.
A committee of Ebervale young men
was granted tho same privilege by
Superintendent W. 11. Smith, Jr., of G.
B. Marklo & Co., last week. The Eber
vale boys will also begin the work of
furnishing their homo without delay.
Organized Ladies' Auxiliary.
Division No. 13, of the Ladies' Auxil
iary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians
of Luzerne county, was organized here
yesterday by tho county president of
tho organization, Miss Bessie Gearhart,
of Wilkosbarro. Miss Bid O'Donnell, of
.Coxo addition, was chosen president.
The society starts out with a fair-sized
membership and tho promoters expect
to increaso It rapidly.
October 10.—Picnic and ball of Young
Men's C. T. A. R. Corps.
October 10. -Cosmopolitan Concert
Company and Niver's Animatoscope at
Grand opera house. Admission, 15c,
• 25c and 35c.
Sheriff Ilarvey is on guard at tho
Stevens colliery, I'ittston, whore the
shooting occurred three weoks ago, und
ho lias thirty deputies armed with re
volvers and Winchesters to aid him.
The strikers have boon threatening to
make trouble of late, and tho officials
sent for the sheriff. The strikers, how
ever, made no move to interfere with
the work. The sheriff lias had riot
notices posted at the mi no.
The Lehigh and Wiikesbarre Com
pany shut down the Lance colliery, at
Plymouth, Friday, because tho Hudson
mine, adjoining, is being flooded to
quench tho fire which has been raging
there and tho officials fear the danger
of tho water breaking through into tho
Lance workings.
Firearms have been stored in the of
fices of the Susquehanna Coal Company
at Nantieoko. Tho strikers there have
been exceptionally orderly and quiet,
and the action of the company in this
respect is condemned by tho people of
that locality.
Tho Lehigh Valley road lias closed a
contract with tho American Car and
Foundry Company for 200 box cars and
the Pennsylvania road for 1,000 forty
ton cars.
The strike of the miners at Morea was
settled on Saturday by the employers
granting the demands of the men.
Work was resumed this morning.
It Is said that G. B. Markle & Co. on
Saturday paid out over $55,000 to their
Jeddo, Highland and Ebervale employes
for work done In August.
In coal circlos it is believed that the
anthracite companies will add another
25 cents a ton to the cost of coal on
October 1.
Firemen Elect Office re.
At tho annual mooting of the Citizens'
lloso Company on Thursday evening
tho following officers wore chosen for
the ensuing year:
President—John J. Welsh.
Vice president—George 11. Ilartman.
Secretary—J. D. Myers.
Treasurer—James M. Gallagher.
Foreman of hose—Patrick Welsh.
Assistant—Daniel McGarvoy.
Foreman of hook and ladder—Frank
Assistant—Henry Luhman.
Directors—John M. Powell, Hugh
Donnion, Roger McNeils.
Tho name of James P. McNeils was
selected to present to council as tho
company's ciioico for chief of the de
President Welsh named the following
standing committees:
Finance—Richard Scott, W. J. Slat
tery, Francis Moonoy.
Relief—Thomas A. Buckley, W. J.
Morgan, George 11. Ilartman, Manus D
The Case of Clurence Rates.
The case of Clarence Bates, wiio was
charged with manslaughter, came be
fore Judge Lynch on Friday. Ho was
charged witli shooting and killing a
young boy named Lewis during a
pigoon shoot at tho county seat a few
woeks ago. After tho jury was called
Assistant District Attorney M. J. Mul
liall stated to tho court that the pris
oner was indicted for manslaughter
whicii, in contemplation of law, means
voluntary manslaughter, a felonious
killing without malice, but that the
facts of the case ascertained would
raiso the offense no higlior than In
voluntary manslaughter, which is a
misdemeanor. He, therefore, was satis
fied that a verdict of not guilty would
bo rendered. This was done.
Mr. Bates then was rearrested on
a warrant issued by Mayor Nichols on
a charge of involuntary manslaughter.
He was at once given a hearing bofore
the mayor and hold in S3OO bail for liis
appearance at court.
Two Murderers Convicted.
Frank Nowhart was on Thursday
found guilty at Wiikesbarre of murder
in the second degree for tho killing of
his wife at Edwardsvillo. After testify
ing In a manner directly contrary to tho
lino of the dofonso expressed In his
lawyer's speech, it was thought there
was no chance of a second degree ver
dict. The jury had a doubt, however,
and after staying out all night and
taking sixteen ballots they agreed on a
second degree verdict ten minutes be
fore court opened.
Tho jury in the case of Charles
Vargerson, on trial for murder, after
being out for twenty-throe hours, re
turned Friday afternoon with a verdict
of voluntary manslaughter.
Greek Cross Dedicated.
At tho Greek Catholic church on tho
the Hill a beautiful largo cross was
dedicatod yesterday with imposing cere
monies. The cross is fully twenty feet
in hoigth and from its location shows
up well. Previous to tho dedication a
street parade in lienor of the event was
held, in which societies of Freeland,
Eekley, Ilazleton and South Side towns
participated. Music was furnished by
the Citizens' band, Freeland; Junior
band, Eekley, and Slavonian band;
Ilazleton. Over 1,000 men were in line.
' Subscribe for the TRIBUNE.
Was Ordained to the PrlcMthood in Phila
delphia Cathedral on Saturday Morn
ing—Will Domain at His Home Here
for a Few Days.
Iligh mass was celebrated at St. Ann's
Catholic church yesterday morning at
10.30 o'clock by Rev. Daniel Ilorron, O.
S. A., who was ordained on Saturday at
the Philadelphia cathedral by Arch
bishop Ryan. This was the young
priest's lirat mass and the large church
was crowded with friends of tho young
man and his family. '
Father Horron, as celebrant, was as
sisted by tho following: Rev. R. J.
O'Donnell, O. S. A., of Dryn Mawr, as
deacon; Francis O'Donnell, of Drifton,
as sub-deacon, and Rev. M. J. Falliheo,
of St. Ann's church, as master of cere
At tho conclusion of the mass the con
gregation received Father llorron's
blessing. Previous to this an appro
priate sermon was preached by Rev.
Falliheo, in which tho duties of a priest
were ably pointod out.
I Rov. Horron is tho second of the many
young men of town who are studying
for tho priesthood to attain tho goal,
and his success is a source of much
satisfaction to his friends here. As in
dicated by his titlo, ho is a member of
tho Order of Augustlnes, having pursued
all his studies at tho college of the
order at Villanova.
For a few days ho will remain with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horron,
on Front street. Ho will later be
assigned to one of tho churches in charge
of the order.
Death of Mrs. Anna E. Kline.
Mrs. Anna Eva Kline died 011 Saturday
at 1.30 p. m. at her residence in South
Heborton at tho age of 74 years, 3
months and 20 days. Death was
due to general debility. Tho de
ceased was in good hoalth until a week
ago, when her health began failing and
she sank rapidly. She was tho widow
of the late Frederick Kline, who died
about sovon years ago, and was
among tho earliost resldonts of this
vicinity, having residod at Joddo some
yoars before coming to Freeland. She
was a native of Germany, and camo to
Amorica on Septornber 1, 1850. Mrs.
Kline is survived by four sons, William
D., president of Freeland school board;
Daniel, presidont of Freeland borough
council; Fred P., of Wilburton, Colum
bia county, and Samuel, of Michigan.
She was a woman who was respected by
her neighbors and acquaintances.
The funeral will take place Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services
will bo held at the residence by Rev. J.
15. Kcrschner and Rov. J. J. Kuntz.
Tho interment will be made in Freeland
cemetery, beside tho remains of her
Minors llurnetl by Gas.
•Evan Phillips, Ncal McNeils, of Lans-!
ford, and Richard Hogan and Francis !
Friscola were soriously burned in the
mines at Tamaqua on Friday by tho
explosion of gas. Friscola is the most
seriously hurt, 110 being burned from
head to foot. The explosion was caused
by a minor trying to blow out his lamp
iustead of smothering the light.
On a Scale of Grandeur.
A presentation of unusual magnitude
is promised on Wednesday evening,
when Lewis Morrison's "Faust" makes
its appearance here. We are assured
that the scenic investuro is entirely
new and the electric embellishments
more startling and surprising than ever.
The costumes will be on a scale of
grandeur seldom heretofore witnessed I
and the company presenting this
masterpiece is this season exceptionally
Last Grand Excursion to Niagara Falls.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad an
nounces tho last grand excursion of the
season to Niagara Falls at $5. Tickets
will be sold from Freeland on October 7,
good going 011 all trains on that date
except the Rlack Diamond express,
limited for return to and including
October D.
Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents
for further particulars.
••Hotter Thau a Sermon,"
The new "Rrocken" scene, that has
been prepared for tho farewell tour of
Lewis Morrison's "Faust" this season,
is pronounced to bo the most weirdly
beautiful ever placed upon tho stage
and not alone a mastorpieco of the
stage mechanic's skill, but a revelation
also in tho art of electrical eiTocts.
Never havo there been unfolded such
intricate and amazing surprises in
electrical forces as are displayed in this
scene. Owls Vioot and llap their wings,
vampire bats Hit by in hideous silence,
huge green slimy snakes float through
space, monster dragons appear omitting
lire from their dilated nostrils, myriads
of scintillating lire-llies illumlnato the
chasm, satyrs sit in stoical silence,
sirens sing seductive ditties and goblins
gyrate in demoniacal revelry.
Mephlsto in satanlc majesty views
with ghoulish glee this labyrinth of
weirdness and from the summit of the
"Rrocken" hurls thundorbolts at the
poor mortals who have been banished
to everlasting torment. This scene
ends with the most novel and imposing
pyrotechnic display ever presented on
any stage.
Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees.
Wednesday, Sept. 27.
One Night Only.
First Production
in Freeland of
Sixteenth and Last Season
of the
Great Dramatic Success.
Music by Dcl'ierro's Orchestra.
Parquet, - - 75c
Dress Circle, - 50c
Balcony, Ist two rows, 50c
Balcony, 3d uml 4th rows, 35c
Gallery, - - - 25c
Free List Entirely Suspended.
Scats on sale throe days before show at
McMeuamln's store, tfO South Centre street.
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
" !
A celebrated brand of XX tlour
always in stock.
Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
N. W. Cor. Centre and FrontSta.. Freeland.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Centro Street, Freeland.
Confectionery § Ice Cream
supplied to bulls, parties or picnics, with,
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts o]
town and mrroundings every day.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
The tim st brands of Domestic) and Imported
\\ hiskcy on sale in ono of the handsomest sa
loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan
doah Beer and Youngling's l'orter on tap.
Eating House and Oyster Saloon.
No. 13 Front Street, Freeland.
i Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Familes
supplied with oysters direct from the shore.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Merchant Tailoring!
We have a very handsome and com
plete line of Piece Goods, from which we
can make you u suit or a pair of trousers
at a very low figure. We are devoting
considerable time and money to this brunch
of our business and we propose to make it
one of our leading departments.
All our goods are new and direet from
the manufacturers. We give you a special
invitation to cull and examine the lines wo
carry. Every branch of Merchant Tailor
ing is now given prompt attention in our
large establishment.
Clothing tor Everybody.
Should you prefer to be fitted with a
suit from our large stock of Fall and Win
ter Clothing, we can accomodate you ut
less cost to you than any other dealer. Wo
have very large assortments in Clothing
for Men, Boys aud Children, also Gents'
Furnishings, Underwear, Huts, Etc.
Phila. One-Price Clothing House,
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
OHlcc: Rooms 1 aud 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland
All legal business promptly attended.
Postoflico Building, - Freelund.
Legal Business of Any Description.
Brennan's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland.
Legal Btuinm Promptly Attended.
Campbell Building, - Freeland.
Justice of the Peace.
All business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, - - Main Street.
Second Flour, - - Uirkbock Urick.
jyjRS. S. E. IIAYES,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
None but Reliable Companies Represented.
37 South Centre Street.
Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building.
dealer In
Dry Goods,
Boots and
Centre und Main streets, Freeland.
Corner of Centre and Front Streets,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Roseubluth's Velvet, of which wo have
Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne,
Hennessy Hrandy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
11am and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches.
Sardines, Etc.
Ballentliie and Ilazleton beer on tap.
Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cunts.