Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, September 04, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. XII. NO. 19.
February 5, 1899.
6 20 a m for Weathorly, Mauch Chunk,
Allcntown, Bethlehem, Eauton, Phila
delphia aial New York.
7 40 a m for Handy Hun, White Haven,
Wilkos-Barre, Pittston and Hcranton.
8 20 a m for Weathorly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lcntown, Bethlehem, Boston, Philadel
phia, New York ami ilazleton.
9 33 a m for Hazloton, Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah. Mt. Cannel, Shaiuokin and
1 1 45 a m for Saudy Run, White Haven,
Wilkes-Uarre, Hcranton and all points
4 36 pm for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah, Mt. Carinel, Shaiuokin und
Potts ville.
0 34 P in for Sandy Hun, White Haven,
Wilkes-Barre and Scruntou.
7 27 P ni for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shuinokiu.
7 20 a in from Ashland, Shenandoah Maha
noy City aud Hazleton.
7 40 a m from Pottsville, Ashland, Shenun
doah. Mahanoy City and Hazleton.
9 17 a m from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle
hem, Allcntown, Mauch Chunk, Weath
erly, Hazloton, Mahanoy City, Hhcnuu
doah, Mt. Carmel and Hhamokin.
9 33 a m from Serantou, Wilkes-Barre and
White Haven.
1 1 45 a in from Pottsville, Hhamokin, Mt.
Carmel, Hheuuudouh, Mahanoy City
and Hazleton.
4 36 P m from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and
White Haven.
0 34 P m from Now York, Philadelphia,
Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Potts
ville, Hhamokin, Mt. Curmcl, Shenan
doah, Mahuuoy City and Hazleton.
7 27 P m lroin Serantou, Wilkes-Barre und
Whit© Haven.
For further information inquire of Tickot
ROLLINII. WILBUIt, General Superintendent.
CHAS. H. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Anient.
N Oortlandt Street, New York City.
Time table In effect April 18, 1807.
Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle
Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan
and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, G IK) a m, dally
except Sunday; and 7 Oil a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for 11 arwood. Cranberry,
Tomhiukcu and Deri tiger at 6IX), 600 a in, daily
except Sunday; aud <O3 a in, 238 p m, Sun
Trains leave Drifton for Onclda Junction,
Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and
Shopptou at 000 am, daily except Sun
day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton J unction for Harwood,
Cranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 635 a
m, daily except Sunday; and b 53 a m, 4 22 p m,
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road,
Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p m,
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 3 11 p m,
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhiek >n, Cran
berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction und Roan
at 2 25, 5 40 p in, daily except Sunday; and 3 37
a m, 5 07 p m, Sunduy.
Trains leave Shopptou for Oneida, Humboldt
Road, Hurwood Road, Oneida Junction, Huzlc
ton Junction aud Roan ut 711 u in. 12 40, 522
p m, daily except Sunday; and b 11 a m, 3 4-1
p m,Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beavor Meadow
Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo
and Drifton ut 5 22 p m, daily, except Suuduy;
and b 11 a in, 3 44 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazlo Brook, Eekley,
Jeddo and Drifton ut 5 45, G2G pin, daily,
except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m. Sunday.
All trains eonuoot at Hazleton Junction with
electric ears for ilazleton, Jeanesville, Auden
ried aud other points on the Traction Com
pany's line.
Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30. 6 00 a m make
connection at Deringer with I*. R. It. trains for
Wilkosbarre, Sunbury, llurrisburg and points
For the accommodation of passengers at way
stations between Hazleton Junction und Der
inger, a train will leave the former point at
350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at
Deringer at 5 00 p m.
LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent.
QHKRIFF SALE.—By virtue of a writ of
O lhsri facias issued out of the court of com
mon pleas of Luzerne county, now assessed to
John Arnold, George Arnold and 11. W. Jacobs
as the tlriu of John Arnold vs. John Stasko,
will be exposed to public sale on Saturday,
September i). 1801), ai 10 o'clock a. in., in the
courthouse, Wilkosbarre, Pa.
All that lot of luud situate on the west side
of Arthur streot, between Third and Fourth
streets in the Diamond addition to t he city of
iiuzleton in Huzle township, being lot murked
number seven (7), square number one hun
dred und t.hirty-flvqL(l36), in plan of said
Diamond addition, described as tollows:
Beginning at a point thirty-two (32) feet
south from tho southwest corner of Fourth
and Arthur streets, tbeuoe south along west
side of Arthur street thirty-two (32) feet to
corner of lot number eight (8), thence west
along northern line of lot eight (b) two hun
dred (200) feet to an alley, thence north along
said alley thirty-two (38) feet to corner of lot
number six (0), thence eust along southern
lino of lot number six (6) two hundred (200)
feet to place of beginning.
Improved with a largo two-story double
frame dwelling house, a small stable, neces
sary outhouses, fences and fruit trees thereon.
James G. Harvey, sheriff.
Frank Need ham, attorney.
WANTED.— A girl or woman for goueral
housework; fair wages, good place; no
washing. Apply to S. Sonic, Birkbeck Briek.
qnX)R SALE.—Three coaches, two buggies
JJ and other vehicles; will sell very reason
able. For prices apply at Campbell's store.
of Wilkcsbarro, Pa.
Subject to tin* docisiou of the Democratic
oouiity convention.
Ksnki Willi the llent.
It is not likoly that any othor comic
entertainment 011 tho stage at tho pres
ent time brings forth quite as loud or as
much laughter as Is evoked by "Tho
Hustler." It Is prominent among these
attractions which seem never to grow
tedious. The piece has hold a very Im
portant place among all big productions
for several seasons, and this yoar Is
making a strong bid for the top soat.
It has been freshened, rejuvenated, and
rendered up to dato, and yet retains all
tho hilarity and highly meritorious
features which originally attracted
theatre-goers of all classes. For Its now
production Manager Thomas 11. Davis
has succeeded in securing a notable com
pany of emlnont and vorsatllo enter
In plot, episodes, and dialogue, "Tho
Hustler" Is a perfect specimen of that
sort of entertainment which Is mado
"for laughing purposes only." The In
cidents that grow out of "Tho Hustler's"
Jmpocunlosity and his wild projects arc
of the most ludicrous sort, and tho char
actors are as droll as it is possible to
suppose. In its newest revised shape
this entertainment is said to bo moro
effective than ever before.
Grand opera house, September 11.
Synopsis of Local and Miscellaneous Oc
currence* That Can lie Head Oulckly.
What the Folks of This aud Other
Town* Are Doing.
The September meeting of the bor
ough council will bo hold tonight.
Democratic delegate elections will bo
held on Saturday between 4 and 7 p. m.
David Thomas, of Highland, was in
jured in No. 1 mine at that place on
Friday by a fall of coal.
The public schools of Freeland, Foster
and Jeddo and St. Ann's parochial
school will open tomorrow.
John Shafor has closed his repair shop
on Main streot and will resume work in
the machine shop at Drifton.
Peter Magagna, local agent for the
Ilazlnton Browing Company, has placed
a now dolivory wagon on the road.
William J. Eckert and Hugh A Shov
lin, Esq., of town, and Alex. Dwyer, of
Hazlo, will serve as jurors next week.
W. E. Oberrender, of Coxo addition,
has been promoted to general manager
of the Millhoppcr Packing Company,
Sandy valley.
Con Gallagher, of North Ridge street,
is undergoing treatment for an injury
to his right eye, and it is feared that the
sight of the organ may be lost.
The hay room which is being con
structed by B. F. Davis at his feed mill,
from the lumber of the old Lehigh Val
ley station, is ncaring completion.
The wages of the miners in the
Schuylkill region for September will be
3 percent below the $2.50 basis, which
is 3 por cent higher than tho men re
ceived in August.
William Gotlln, who was Injurod at
Hazlo Mines breaker on Wednesday,
died at the Miners' hospital on Friday.
110 was aged 55 years and leaves a wife
and six sons and daughters.
William J. Gillospie, who was classed
as a deserter by the army ofllcials for
failing to report at tho recruiting oflico
within ten days after his enlistment,
has been dishonorably discharged from
tho service.
Con J. Boyle has resignod as drivor
for the United States Expross Company
to accept a position at ltirdsboro, Berks
county. Con's numerous friends wish
him suecoss In his now field. 110 Is
succeodod hero by Edward O'Donnoll.
The trust formod by tho milkmen of
Butler and Conyngham valleys to chargo
8 conts a quart to thoir patrons in
Hazloton was disrupted by tho city
councils passing a resolution ordoring
tho solicitor to preparo an ordinance
taxing out-of-town milkmen 850 a yoar.
I)r. C. H. Clowell, of Summit Ifill,
who held tho position of first lieutenant
In Company L, Ninth l'onnsylvanla
Volunteers during the Cuban war, has
been appointed second lieutenant in a
regiment of tho regular army to be
composed of new recruits, who will be
sent to tho Philippines.
Thiovcs and pickpockets had a lively
time on tho Orwlgsburg fair grounds,
Schuylkill county, last week. It is esti
mated that they stole between 81,000
and 83,000. Josiah LI noawoavcr, a prom
inent attorney of Pottsville, had his
pocket ripped out while at tho fair and
8125 and valuable papers taken.
Mrs. Pierce Strong, of Pottsyillo, has
fallen hoir to a largo fortune. She Is a
grand-daughter of the lato Dr. Lamlson,
whose estate at Pittsburg Is worth
81,000,000. Mrs. Strong's share in the
vflst property will bo In the neighbor
hood of 875,000. Her husband Is work
ing at tho Pottsville shops as a common
The 3,000 striking minors of the Sus
quehanna Coal Company at Nanticoko
and Glunlyon havo about reaehod the
end of their resources, and as tho com
pany Is also weary of tho strike, It Is
quite probable that it will all bo ended
boforo very long, that each side will
make concessions and that work will be
A charity hospital, to bo equipped In
a modern manner, is projected for
Seranton, under tho patronage of
Bishop Hoban. Tho site has been
secured and the money for Its eroction Is
in sight. It will be open to every re
putable physician who may wish to use
tho Institution In conducting tho treat
ment of a case.
Sow's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollarti Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo,
We the undersigned have known F.J.
Cheney for the lost fifteen years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
West A Tnuxx, Wholesale Druggista,
Toledo, O.
Waldino, K inn-an & Marvib, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfuces of the system. Price,
750. per bottle. Sold by all drnggista.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Tho Harvest Home services at St.
John's church yesterday wcro very well
attended. Tho interior was profusely
decorated with vegetables, fruits, flow
ers and potted plants. The seating ac
commodations in tho evening were in
adequate. The offerings of the day
wcro $42.75.
Tho late Arthur A. Sharpe, an Ashley
undertaker, who died last week, by tho
terms of his will loaves all his estate,
which is valuod at $5,000, to Miss Mary
Deanoy, of Wilkosbarre, to whom he
was engaged to be married this month.
On account of the inclement weather
on Saturday evening the picnic of
DoPierro's orchestra was changed to a
hop and was held in Yannos' opera
house, where the young pooplo of town
enjoyed themselves until 11.30 o'clock.
At tho expiration of tho Mining and
Mechanical Institute's lease of the third
lloor of tho Birkbeck brick, tho floor
will be remodeled and fitted up for office
purposes. An elevator will bo added to
run from the basement to tho roof.
Tho first half of tho alley ball match
between Gallagher brothers, of Free
land, and Gotzkia and O'Rourke, of
Hazloton, was played at liar wood yes
terday. Tho result was 41 to 20 in favor
of the Hazloton men.
Councilman Anthony Rudcwick and
John G. Davis loft this morning for Mes
hoppen, Wyoming county, with several
cans of fish fry, with which they will
stock tho streams of that region.
Jim Jeffries, of California, and Tom
Sharkey, of Dundalk, Ireland, will
fight for tho heavy-weight champion
ship of tho world at tho Conoy Island
Sporting Club on October 23.
The millinery store of Mrs. R. Thomp
son has boon removed to tho South
Contro streot building vacated last
month by John Cannon, which was
rcmodolod to suit hor business.
Tho Temple Iron Company has offer
ed a reward of $5,000 for ovidenco that
will lead to tho conviction of tho person
who sot fire to tho Mt. Lookout broaker
at Wyoming.
Tho members of the Knights of tho
Mystic Chain paid a fraternal visit to
Ilazleton castle Saturday evening and
wero pleasantly entortainod by their
Captain Libor Winter is ablo to move
about again after his recent illness, but
will be unable to attond the encamp
ment of tho G. A. R. at Philadelphia.
Rev. W. W. Hartman, of tho Park M.
E. church, addressed the Y. M. C. A.
of Hazloton yesterday and held services
in St. Paul's church in that city.
The funeral of the late Patrick Bonnor
on Saturday was attonded by many
friends and acquaintances from upper
Luzorno and Carbon counties.
William Me|Elwoo, aged 2 years, fell
over the new stone wall on West Wal
nut street yesterday and received seri
ous injuries.
Thomas Bronnan, of Carbon streot,
had his hand soverly injured by a slip
of coal falling on it while at work in No.
1 Drifton.
Owing to tho absenco of a quorum
Foster township school board did not
hold its regular meeting on Saturday
Street Commissioner Dinn has a forco
of men engaged in oxtonding Washing
ton streot sewer northward from Main
Bart McClennan, of the First ward,
has withdrawn as a candidate for dele
gate to the Democratic county conven
A state charter has boon grantod to
tho Nanticoke Publishing Company, of
Nanticoke. Tho capital stock is $2,000.
Tho excursion of tho Presbyterian
church congregation to Bear Crock on
Saturday was well attended.
Tho Mining and Mechanical Institute
will begin its fall term this evening.
The chestnut crop this year promises
to exceed tho average.
Ball Game Wan a Tie.
A fair-sized audionco witnessed tho
baso ball game at tho Tigers park yes
terday between Mauch Chunk and the
Crescent club, of Philadelphia.
The result was a tlo, each club scoring
six times. At the end of the ninth
inning it was mutually agreed to call
the contest a draw, as both clubs had to
catch a train for Mauch Chunk, where
the same teams play two games today.
Mauch Chunk led from tho start, and
at tho opening of tho eighth the score
was (> to 0. In this inning some of tho
local rooters began whooping it up for
tho-Philadelphlans. Tho Chunkers be
came somewhat rattled, and errors, a
wild throw and a few hits off Voorhis,
an ex-Wllkesbarro twirlor, netted tho
city men six runs.
Neither side scored in the ninth.
$5 to Nif(ura Fall* and Return
Via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad. On
September 9 tho Lehigh Valley Railroad
will sell tickets to Niagara Falls and
return at the special low rato of $5 for
tho round trip from Freeland, limited
for return passago to September 11 in
clusive. Tickets will be honored on
any train, except tho Black Diamond
Consult Lehigh Valloy tickot agents
for further particulars.
John Trirnblo, of Elizabeth, N. J.,
and John Bronnan, of Brooklyn, camo
to town on Saturday to attond tho
funoral of tho lato Patrick Bonor.
Mrs. Mary Harper, Miss Jessie Boyd
and Arthur Beaton, of Providence, It.
1., spent last week as the guests of Mrs.
Jane Marshman, Birvanton.
Daniel and Peter Timony and William
Lawlor will return on Wednesday to
rosumo their studios at Iloly Cross
college, Worcester, Mass.
Thomas Connors returned to town last
evening and will embark in the mer
chant tailoring business with 8. Senlo!
Mrs. E. S. Wenrlch, of Reading, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Michael Mar
ley, of North Washington street.
Daniel J. McTighe returned on Fri
day to resume his studies at Ottawa
university, Canada.
Miss Lizzie Welsh, of Philadelphia, is
visiting at the home of her parents in
South Ileberton.
Mrs. Edward McNeils, of Pricoburg,
Lackawanna comity, is visiting relatives
in this section.
Hon. and Mrs. John Loisenring re
turned on Saturday from Wildwood
Beach, N. J.
Misses Bid Cunningham and Maine
Haggerty, of Mauch Chunk, are visiting
in town.
David Thomas and family, of Upper
Lohigh, are visiting Seranton relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Poter Timony are on
joying Atlantic City this week.
Anthony Campbell, of South Plain
field, N. J., Is visiting in town.
Miss Ella Kohoo, of Philadelphia, is
visiting Freeland relatives.
Stovo Michael and family aro visiting
at Philadelphia this woek.
Mrs. John Cannon, of Allcntown, is
visiting Freeland friends.
Miss Sarah Dodson, of Wilkosbarre, is
visiting in town.
An Allentown Tragedy.
Brainnrd Ibach was shot and Instant
ly killod on Friday morning by Mrs.
Alico M. Rlttor in the woman's room in
tho shopping part of tho city. Mrs.
Rlttor thon killod horself. Tho bodios
wore not found until 7.30 o'clock that
night. Ibach was singlo and thirty-two
yoars old. Mrs. Rlttor was oldor, and
was tho socond wife of Charles I<\ Hit
ter, from whom sho was separated.
Ibach and tho woman had boon mooting
for several years. Recontly ho tired of
hor and sho became jealous. Once re
cently ho saw Mrs. Rlttor pointing a
revolver at his liuad. 110 knocked the
weapon from hor hand before it was
To Fttrade Tomorrow.
Tho following members of Maj. C. li.
Coxo I'ost loft this morning to partici
pate in the G. A. R. parade at Philadel
phia tomorrow: Commander Thomas
liirkbock, John Wagner, Timothy
lioyle, Stephen Drashor, John Shafor,
Georgo Cutler, Jacob Naglo, Conrad
Ilock, John Flshor, Albert Shivo,
Nathan llolsel, Peter Schnco, J. D.
Oliver, Alex. Allen, Thomas Shcriu.
During their stay in Philadelphia
they will have thoir headquarters at
tho Hlngham house.
No Time For Fenceology.
One of tho best arguments against
advertising in any other way than In
newspapers is contained In tho follow
ing excorpt: A local merchant asked
tho other day, "Havo you noticed the
fine advertisement I havo on tho fence
out near town?" "No," replied tho
customer, "but if you will send tho
fence around to my house some day I
will read It over and soe what you are
dealing In. Fact Is, I'm reading the
newspapers and don't got much tlmo to
study fenceology."
Republican County Convention.
Tho Republican county convention
will bo hold tomorrow. W. J. Morgan,
candidate for register of wills, claims to
have a large number of tho lower end
delegates. Tho following worn elected
to represent Freeland In the convention:
First ward—John M. Powell.
Second ward —Jesse A. Alden.
Third ward—August Lesser.
Fourth ward —William Marshman.
South ward —lienj. Rooso, G. Ilonoma.
Mounter Cucumbers*
Solotnan Bittner, of Jeddo, takes
pride In showing his friends what Jeddo
soil can produce. In his garden he has
growing several specimens of Mexican
cucumbers. The largest of thoso meas
ures (1 feet and 2 Inches. Several are
from 4 to 5 foot In length and others aro
somewhat smaller. Mr. Bittner has
hopes of raising evon larger cucumbers
noxt season. 110 procurod the seed
from a friend in Catasauqua.
The Shamoklu Silk Mill Company,
with A paid np capitalization of 870,000,
has been organlzod. Tho mill will con
tain 200 looms and at least 300 hands
will be employed.
A. Oswald sells Dclicatosso Baking
Powder at 5c per pound can. Every
can is guaranteed as to its purity. Give
It a trial.
Subscribe lor tlio Tiuuuhis,
A Mimical Farce Comedy of a High
Order Will He tlie First Attraction.
Other Flays Which Will lie Here This
Mouth—Opera House Appolntmeuts.
The theatrical season of 1899-1900
will open in Freeland on Monday even
ing, tho 11th insfc., at tho Grand opera
house, with a presentation of "The
Hustler," one of tho most popular musi
cal comedies on tho road. This will bo
tho first appearance in Freeland of the
company which has given this piece a
national roputation, and the theatre
goers of tho community will undoubted
ly show their appreciation by attending
in largo numbers. •
"Tho Hustler" Company this season,
it is claimed by Its proprietor, Thomas
11. Davis, of New York city, contains
more able comedians than over before.
Twenty-one people aro carried, includ
ing "The Hustler" orchestra, which
was added last week in order to hotter
interpret tho melodious music with
which tho play abounds.
In addition to "Tho Hustler" there
will be other good attractions at tho
Grand during September.
J. E. Toole and company will play
hero threo nights, presenting melo
drama, tragedy and comedy during their
visit. Field *fc Hanson's Minstrels are
also booked for ono night.
On tho 27th Freeland people will bo
giyen an opportunity to see Lewis T.
Morrison's original company in "Faust."
This company is coming hero under a
guarantee three times as large as was
ever paid to any company that played
in this town.
"Faust" will bo followed by a spectac
ular production of "Daniel Boone."
Tho bookings for tho balance of the
season contain several noted repertoire
companies, minstrels, dramatic com
panies, musical comedies, etc. To In
duce some of the managers of higher
grade plays to appear hero It has boon
necessary to offer very high guarantees,
but the lessees, the Freeland Opera
flouse Company, believe that good at
tractions will be supported by the town,
and Manager J. J. McMonamin is leav
ing nothing undone to got the host that
can bo obtained for his patrons.
Advertising contracts have been made
with tho Freeland I'rogroen , Vrcse and
TRIBUNE and tho Hazleton Plain Speaker
and Sentinel , and announcements of the
plays to come will appoar in every Issue
of these newspapers.
following pooplo havo been ap
pointed to take charge of tho opera
house in tho positions named:
Centre box office—Miss Fannie A.
Gallory box office—B. J. Koenan.
Ushors—William Anderson, chiof; An
thony O'Donnoll, David Phillips, James
Hrennan, Robert Jenkins, Thomas
Welsh, Nathan Shafor.
Special officer—Lewis lloss.
Stago manager—Patrick Welsh.
Stage employes—Thomas Conahan,
James E. Ferry, Robert Miller, John
Gaffney, Hugh Malloy, James Shovlln,
Hugh McGroarty.
Stage carpenter —Jerry McGinloy.
Electrician —James McLaughlin.
Program boys—Morris Johnson, Peter
McDevitt, Ilarry Gallagher.
Property boys—Leo McDonald, Wil
liam Thompson.
Pianist—M. Capecc.
Advanco sales—McMenamin's store.
More Strikers Shot Down.
The strike at tho mine of the Stevens
Coal Company, at Exeter, near Pittston,
brought death and bloodshed on Satur
day morning. Leopold Volkowski, a
striker, is dead; Samuel Thraro, a
special officor, and Georgo Brandow,
ex-chief of police, who tried to prevent
tho quarrel, are fatally wounded, and
four more strikers are suffering from
bullet wounds.
The mine last woek began caving in,
and the company appealed to the
strikers to help repair it. This was
refused, unless tho original demands
made when the strike was declared
wcro granted. The company refused to
do this.
Sonic of tho strikers offered to work
at tho repairs and wcro oh their way to
the mine early Saturday morning under
escort of coal and iron police when tho
clash occurred,
Wanted Fay fot Water.
From tho Wilkosbarre Record.
An interesting case was disposed of
at Alderman Donohue's court yester
day. A saloon keeper named McCarthy
from I'ittston township was bofore tho
alderman on tho chargo of tresspass, a
peddler being tho plaintiff- McCarthy,
it appears, rocontiy erected a watering
trough in front of his place of business
to accomodate his patrons. Tho pod
dlor's horse drank some of the water in
tho trough and because its owner would
not pay livo cents for the horse's bever
age, he corallod tho animal and kept It
nearly half a day, depriving the owner
of its uso. The peddler valued the half
day's business at 81.25 and McCarthy
was compelled to make good the amount
and the cost of tho proceedings, which
was about 813.
[• Mothers, Bring Your Boy to Us.
f" Wc have not forgotten about him and his School Suits. Only j
[/ one day more and school will commence, and he will need a New j
lj> Suit. He must have a good strong Suit for school, or a neat Sun
day Suit, perhaps. A large new lot of
Boys' Suits, "j
Boys' Slioes, <<
L, Boys' Siiirts, ),
[( Boys' Hats and )
' Boys' Underwear )
f just received. Our Boys' Department is full of interest to parents. )
Bring in your boys and we will treat you right. The goods are 4
stylish and neat, made of dependable cloth. You will acknowledge
[ the prices are lower here than at any other store; )
r There never was a time when you could dress a boy ■
so stylish for so little money.
[( As for the bigger lads or the young men, who want long pants j
(r Suits, we have a big showing of Suits, which have been greatly V
reduced in price to clean them up. Also special line of Girls' <<
LV School Shoes, very low. 1
| Philadelphia : One-Price : Clothier, i
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland.
Freoland Opora House Co., Lessees.
Monday, Sept. 11.
Can't Smile?
Big, Brilliant, Bright, Beaming and Bewilder
ing Buncli of Mirth una Melody.
Prices: 50c,35cand25c.
Seats on sale three days before show at
McMenarahrs store, SO South Centre street.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Contre Street, Freeland.
Confectionery % Ice Cream
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj
town and surroundings every day.
Eating House and Oyster Saloon.
No. 13 Front Street, Freoland.
Temperaneo drinks, cigars, etc. Familes
supplied with oysters dircot from the shore.
Boyle.—On September 3, to Mr. and
Mrs. William !•'. Hoylo, a daughter.
Welsh Brothers' Shown.
A good sized audience and an extra
big one was the state of affairs at
Welsh Brothers' exhibitions yesterday.
For quality and quantity it is ono of the
best popular-priced tented shows that
has visited Elmira in recent years.
The amazing work of the Akimoto
Japaucso troupe is 0110 of the principal
attractions. Another good act is the
canino display introduced bv Professor
Harry Mohn. The balloon ascension
and parachute jump was successfully
gjven last evening at 7 o'clock and was
viewed by thousands of people who
pronounced It the best ever given in
Eltnlru.— Daily Gazette, Elmlra, N. Y.
This up-to-date and moral amusement
enterprise will appear at Freeland, ono
day only, Monday, September 11. Show
grounds, opposite l.ebigli Valley depot.
A. Oswald sells Arbuckle's, llllls
wortli's, Eion and Lovering's coffee at
10 couts a pound.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
Office: ltuums 1 and 3, Bii kbeck Brick, Freeland
All legal business promptly attended.
Postoflloe Building, ... Freeland.
qeoruk Mclaughlin,
Legal Business of Any Description.
Bicmmn's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland.
Legal Business Promptly Attended.
Birkbcuk Brick, - Freeland.
Justice of the Peace.
All business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, Main Street.
' (>con< l 1' loor, - - Birkbcek Brick.
jyT RS - s - E. IIAYES,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
None but Reliable Companies Nejyresenled.
ryi. s. s iiess,
37 South Centre Street,
Second Floor Front, - Refowich Building.
NO Tic El
The Black Diamond
Will Be Closed
From 6 P. M. Today
Wednesday Afternoon.
Corner of Centre and Front Streets,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Rosonbiuth's Velvet, of which we have
Mumin's Extra Dry Champagne,
Hennessy Brandy, Blackberry.
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Imported and Domestic Cigars
Nam and Schweitzer Cheese Saiulwiches
Sardines, Etc.
Ballentiue and Hazleton beer on tap.
Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.