FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 15. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 5, 1899. AHKANGKMKNT OK PASSKNGKK TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 20 a in for Weatherly, Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Hclhieheiu, Easton, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-liar re, Pittstou and Seranton. 8 20 a in for Weatherly, Maueh Chunk. Al lentown, Hethlehein, Easton, Philadel phia, New Vork mid Huzlelon. 9 33 am for i(a/.letou, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, .Ui. funnel, Siiumokiu and Pultsvllle. 1 1 46 a m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Uurrc, Seranton mid all points West. 4 36 pm for Iluzleton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Curiuel, Shuiuokin and Potts vi lie. 6 34 P m lor Sandy ltun, White Haven, wilkes-Harre aud Seranton. 7 27 p IU for Hazleton, Muhuuoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Caruiol, Shamokin. AItIUVK AT FKKKLAND. 7 20 u m from Ashland, Shenandoah Muha noy City aud lluzletoii. 7 40 a in from Pottsvillo, Ashland, Shetiun douh, Muhanoy City and lluzletoii. 9 17 a m from Philadelphia, Easton, Hethle hein, Allentown, Maueh Chunk, Weath erly, lluzletoii, Muhanoy City, Sheiian deuli, Mt. Carmel and Shuiuokin. 9 33 a in from Seranton, Wilkes-liarre arid White liuvon. 1 1 45 a m from Pottsville, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Sheuuudouh, Mahuuoy City uml Huzletou. 4 36 p ni from Seranton, Wilkes-Harre aud White Haven. 6 34 p ni from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Hethlehein, Allentown, Potts villo, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mulmnoy City and Hu/.letou. 7 27 p in from Seranton, Wilkes-Harre and White Haven. For further luluriuation inquire of Tieket Agents. HuLLIN 11. WILHUH, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen'l Puss. Atfetit. 20 Cortlaiidt Street, New York City. R PIIK DKLAWAKE, SUSQUEHANNA AND A SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in ulfeet April IH, 1897. Trains leave Driiton forJeddo, Eekiey, Hazle Hrook, Stockton, Heaver Meadow Head, lloau and Huzicton Junction at 5 :*), 0 Ot) a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 (J3 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry, Tomhlcken and lJerinjrcr at 5 30, 0 00 a m, daily except Suuduy; and 7 03 a m, 23a p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llurwood Head, Humboldt itoad, Oneida and Miopptou iit 000 a m, daily except Sun duv; and 7 00 a ni, 2 08 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Huzicton J unction for llnrwood, Cranberry, Tomliicken und Deriuger uto 35 a in, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a in, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazloton Junction for Oneida Junction, Garwood ltoud, Humboldt Hottd, Oneida mid Shcppton at f> 32, 11 10 a m, 1 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 3 11 pin, Sunday. Trains leave Derlnjrer for Tomhick -n. Cran berry, Harwood, Huzicton Junction and 'toun at 2 25. G 40 p m, dally except Sunday; ana 'J 37 a in, 507 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Siieppton for Oneida, Humboldt Goad, Harwood Koud, Oneida Junction, Huzle ton J unction and Hoan at 7 11 a in, 12 40, 522 p in, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m. 3 4-1 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shoppton for Beaver Meadow Itoad, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 11a in, 3 43 p iu, Sunday. Tniins leave Ha/.ieton Junction for Heaver Meadow ltoud, Stockton, Huzle Hrook, Eekiey, Jeddo and Drifton at 6 45, 620 pin, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a m, 5 40 p iu, Sunday. All trains connect at llazlcton Junction with electric ours for Ha/.ieton, Jeuiiesviile, Auden ried und other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains louviiiK Drifton at 5 30. 0 00 a iu make connection at DeriiiKer with I*. It. It. trains for Wilkes bar re, Suubury, llarrisburK and i>oiuts West. For the ueeominodation of passenKersut way stations between llazleton Junction and Der iuger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p in, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deriuger lit 5 00 p m. LUTIIEH C. SMITH, Superintendent. M 18CELLANKOU8 ADVJSRTISKMKNTH. OIIEHIFK SALE. By virtue of a writ of O fieri fueias issued out of the court of com mon pleas oi Luzerne county, now assessed to John Arnold, George Arnold and H. W. Jacobs as the iirin of John Arnold vs. John Stasko, will be exposed to public sale ou Saturday, September it. IMW, at <0 o'clock u. ui., in the courthouse, VViikesbarre, Fu. All that lot of land situute on the west side of Arthur street, between Third and Fourth streets in the Diamond addition to the city of liuzloton in lluzlc township, lic.iiitf lot niarked llll tnlter seven (7), square number one hun dred und thirty-live (BIS), in plan of sail Diamond addition, described as follows: Heuinniiik at u point thirty-two (32) feet south from the southwest corner of Fourth and Arthur streets, thence south IIIOIIR west side of Ariliur street thirty-two (32) feet to corner of lot number eight (Bj, thence west along northern line of lot eight (H) two hun dred i2(W> tout to an alley, thence north along said alley thirty-two (32) feet to corner of lot niiiiH er six (6), thence east along southern lino ot lot number six (0) two hundred "2UO) feet to place of beginning. Improved with a lurge two-story double frame dwelling house, a small stable, neces sary outhouses, fences and fruit trees thereon. James G. llarvey, shcritr. Frank Nccdliam, attorney. I N KK-INDERTEDNEBS of Hutler Town _l ship, No. 411, June sessions, 18W). Notice is hereby given t hut an application will le niude to t he court of quarter sessions of Luzerne county, on Tuesday, iSootember 5, lHRtt, for a hearing in the matter of Die indebt edness of Hutler township, and if no cause be shown against the application, and it shall un it -ur to be necessary to enable the court to make a proper decree, the court will then appoint a commissioner to ascertain and re port the amount and nature of the indebted ness of the said Hutler t jwnship. John M. L'urr, solicitor. WANTED.— A girl or woman for general housework; fair wages, good place; no washing. Apply to S. Senic, Hirkbeck Brick. Watch the date on your paper. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon, No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Fniniles supplied with oysters direct from the shore. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE BREAD OF ALL KINDS, OAK US, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery 9 Ice Cream supplied to balls, parlies or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and mpply wayone lo all parte oj town audi unrounding* every day. POOR DISTRICT AFFAIRS. COMPLAINTS WHICH NEED THE AT TENTION OF MR. LIEB. Report* of the Incapacity to Grasp llie Spirit Thai Should I'OSHCH* One in His Position lnstance Given of the Direc tor's Alleged Inhumanity. Things arc running along swimming ly in this end of the Middle Coal Field Poor District if one were to judge it by the fat and sleek appearance of Poor Director Lieb, of Ilarleigh, says the Ha- TTeton Sentinel. Mr. Lieb's self-satisfied siuile as the embodiment of ease and serenity does not shine so brightly with the conditions of the subjects whose ap peals to him for public aid are coldly re ceived or insultingly sneered at. The contrast lias excited public attention on several occasions and the time has ar rived for calling Mr. Lieb's attention thereto. The man Tilling the office of poor di rector in this district must make up his mind that the meek and lowly are en titled to as much respect as the influen tial patronage distributor, and that the duties of poor director are best perform ed by recognizing the charity precept. On Tuesday the Sentinel printed a story of misery that casually came to the attention of a reporter. A Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, who had been desert ed by her husband, Andrew Jacobs, ap peared before Mayor Meyers and HEGOEI) FOR BUMTKNANCK for herself and two children. One child, 12 months old, was suffering from cholera infantum. The other, a little four-year-old girl, held the mother's skirt. For five weeks this woman has been going from place to place endeav oring to find food or shelter for herself and little ones. Tho night previous to appealing to the mayor she spent in tho woods. Her father lives at Upper Lehigh and her sister lives at Cranberry. Tho latter it seems lias had little sympathy for her and tho father is already orer-burdenod. Tho story told by tho woman was ex tremely pathetic, but her tears and ap peals, her wan features and despairing expression could not add to the picture of helplessness and hopelessness which the hungry babe on her breast and the innocent tot at her side presented. It was one of the incidents of misfor tune and misery that surround us at all times, but it was not sufficiently striking to impress tho august poor director. HIS ADVICE TO HER WAS I "(let a house and we will supply you witli an order." People passing out North Wyoming street yesterday noticed a woman sitting on tho sills in front of tho electric light station. During the otjtiro afternoon she sat there. A babe she held tightly to her breast and a tot gamboled gaily about the pavement. It was Mrs. Jacobs. She had been told that the poor director would likely be seen in the vicinity of llazle hall, and it was to make another appeal that she stationed herself there. The afternoon passed and the expect ed succor failed to appear. The shad ows were deepening when a reporter again accosted her and learned that during the entire day neither herself nor children had tasted food. She was IN THE DEPTHS OF DESPAIR and saw nothing ahead but to tramp to Upper Lehigh when assistance was of fered to carry her to Freeland. We would like to ask Mr. William Leib why the condition of this woman has not received his attention? At the same time wo cannot neglect noting that complaints made by other applicants for aid are becoming numerous and that a VThe Cure that Cures I (y Coughs, & \ Colds, J & Grippe, ik W. Whooplrig Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A cl Consumption, Is g [ottos] jy The GERMAN remedy g. IT Cures WTOA -ar\4 A'vatases. J B\\ Now Is The Time To Go To The The Black Diamond SHOE REPAIRING HOUSE To Have Your Shoes Repaired. They employ two men ami nre better pre pared than ever to turn out work in the shortest possible time. Lowest Prices In The Town. H. MOWER, Prop. Hadesty Building, 109 S. Centre Street. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1899. change in the disposition of Mr. Loib is needed. One widow whose relief was cut, from $8 to 95 was told that representations bad been tnado reflecting upon her character. Out of the support thus received, a family of weak children is to bo maintained. Efforts to learn the AUTIIOIT OK THE SLANDER were unavailing. Others have com plained in like manner and it is about time to remind our poor director that he lias not been placed in high position to either insult or humiliate applicants. The talk indulged in by thoughtless directors about publishing the list ol outdoor relief shows about how far these men understood the tharity system placed in their hands. Destitution is relieved from public and private funds, not with brass bands, bragging or bombastic acclaim, but in a manner that becomes the dignity and self-respect of sincere donors. If Mr. Lieb and his associates feel that they cannot discern the fraudulent from the worthy cake they should resign. Mr. Lieb in particular should be the last man to go around blowing about parasities living off the the public. As an office-holder he ENJOYS AN UNVIABLE RECORD. The public does not give its charity for the purpose of degrading the recipi ent such as is proposed by printing the, list of outdoor relief. This Mrs. Jacobs could not get milk for her babe and it is monstrous to ask that she rent a room before food is sup plied her. Thero are people assisted from place to place on railroad trains, could not this rule, apply to Mrs. Jacobs? In the cause of justice and humanity we call attention to this here, and no political iiilliieuce or bone-hunting pres sure will deter us from making a full and complete expose if these wrongs are not righted fully and promptly. Tlie Outing of the Tigcrn. The trolley excursion and outing of the Tigers Athletic Club on Saturday evening at llazle park fulfilled all the expectations of the members of the club aud of those whose had looked for ward to an evening of pleasure at the Traction Company's resort. The special trains which run from Freeland and McAdoo wero crowded, every sec tion having more passengers on before the cars started than the Traction Com pany dooms a safe load. The third section leaving here was very heavily loaded, aud owing to the inability of the trolley road officials to supply more cars over 200 people at Freeland, Drif ton and Jeddo were unable to take ad vantage of the excursion rate and had to go on the regular cars, all of which were also crowded entering the park. At tho park the Tigers made it as pleasant as possible for tho vast throng whieh had gathered from all sections of tho region. The night was an ideal one, and socially and financially the affair was one of the largest and most successful yet held on the grounds. St. Ann's band furnished the dancing music at the park. Returning, ail were safely landed at their homes by 1 a. in., and beyond tho derailing of a trailer while passing over a safety switch near Ilarleigh, which did not injure any one, there were no accidents. This wus the first affair of the kind hold by the club and the members are grati fied at the success attained. Tho reputa tion of the organization had much to do with the large attendance, nevertheless tho members believe tho people wore attracted by tho original advertising methods adopted. Printers* ink and newspaper publicity wore used unstint edly, and all these, combined with individual efforts, resulted iu tho success of tho outing. Heiviire of Ointments for Catarrh that contain mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as the damage they will do is ten-fold to the good you can possi bly derive from thein. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made iu Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. KSTSoId by druggists; price, 75c a bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ••Tl© H UHtler" Coming Thin Way. That tho charms of farce comedy are as potent as ever is atttested by the continued remarkable success of "The Hustler," which with Its funny scenes from real life, tuneful music, contingent of pretty girls and famous singers, dancers and comedians, will be seen here during September. Local theatre-goers have a pronounced penchant for musical farce, and in "The Hustler" their tastes will undoubtedly be gratified to the extent. Tho play is a conglomeration of comedy, music and high-classspocialty work, and it possesses an interesting, compact little story, some skilfully drawn characters and a superabundance of "go." A. Oswald soils Arbuckle's, Dllis wortli's, Lion and Loverlng's coffee at 10 cents a pound. PERSONALITIES. Edward Garis, of Sandy valley, return ed on Friday evening from Philadelphia, where Mrs. (Jaris is recuperating from the effects of a successful operation per formed at St. Joseph's hospital. Jerc Woodring and family have re moved from Sandy Run to Minersville, whore Mr. Woodring will assume the duties of superintendent of M. S. Kem inerer & Co.'s collieries. John J. Gillespie, of Drifton, attend ed the funeral of William Hums in Philadelphia on Friday. The deceased was at. one time a resident of this section. Mrs. J. H. Lauhach and Miss May Roth will visit their sister, Mrs. Joseph Hoclilander, tin's week, at Hartford, Conn. Harry Christall has accepted a posi tion as traveling salesman for a Pitts burg clothing and shoe firm. Mrs. Daniel Krommesand family have returned from a week's visit to Lake Shawnee. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Boyle, of Kingston, called on relatives in this section last week. Miss Annie McMenamin is visiting relatives at the county seat. J. W. Everitt called on Monroe county friends last week. MINES AND RAILROADS. B. F. Davis, who purchased tho old Lehigh Valley station on tho upper track, has torn down the structure and will use the lumber for other purposes. The tracks are also being removed, the rails and sills of quite a distance al ready having been taken away by the j company, and soon nothing but the roadbed will remain of the original rail road into Freeland. The conference between tho officials and engineers of the Lackawanna Road, which began Friday, is still going on. About the only tiling discussed was the mileage system, but at 11.45 o'clock Saturday night no agreement had been reached and tho conference was ad journed until Monday morning. Miners' supplies are steadily advanc ing in price, but wages show no signs of moving upward. At the company store houses miners now pay 7 cents per foot for blasting barrels which a year ago sold at 3 cents a foot. Increasing business lias made it neces sary to convert tho men's waiting room of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad station at Juddo into a freight and baggage room. A now railroad station will be built at Whfto Haven by the Lehigh Valley Company. National Convention Hold. The thirty-sixth annual convention of the Irish Catholic Benevolent Union, of which St. Patrick's Beneficial Society, of Freeland, is branch No. 103, was bold last week at Philadelphia. One of the most important questions before tin; delegates wa* an amendment dropping the; first word from the title of tho or ganization. This was overwhelmingly defeated, even the German and colored delegates voting to keep tho name In tact. A resolution denouncing the pro posed alliance with Great Britain was unanimously adopted. The following officers were chosen: President, Daniel Duffy, St. Clair, Pa.; iirst vice president, J. F. Fogorty, Prov idence, It. I.; second vice president, Agnus Con very, Cauiden, N. J.; secre tary, John E. Davis, Philadelphia; treas urer, Thomas J. Foley, Gloucester, N. .1.; executive committee, Mary A. Casey, Richmond, Va.; N. J. Tierney, St. Mary's, Pa., and J. M. llaryey, of Blairsville, Pa. The Sunday Selling Crusade. Up to the time of going to press tin; TRIIIUNK was unable to learn whether or not the ministers who have interested themselves in tho Sunday closing crusade Intend to prosecute any of the people wlto disregarded the warnings given last week. The town differed nono from past Sundays, some mer chants and dealers having their places of business open for a few hours, while others remained closed as in the past. People who aro in sympathy with the closing movement predicted a few days ago that arrests would follow every violation of tho law, but none have yet been made. A Joddo Wife llcater. From Today's Huzieton Standard. In order to keep abreast of tho times the lively little town of Jeddo also comes to the front with a wife beater. His name Is Charles Bonner, and but for tin; arrival of Coal and Iron Policeman Gott lieb Filler there might be a more serious story to tell. Bonner was just wanning up when tho officer arrived. Consider able of tho household furniture had boon reduced to kindling wood and Bonner was in the act of administering a second beating to his wife when tho officer halted him. He was brought to the'lock up in this city and will be given a hear ing tliis morning. The residents of old Buck Mountain have again petitioned the government to reopen the postofficc at lliut place. How Minei-H' StrikoH Are Faring. The developments hi tho strike of the miners of the Susquehanna Coal Com pany at Nantlcoke and Glen Lyon have been few during the past few days. The merchants upon whom the blunt of the strike is falling have not yet com plained. but it is beyond their power to withstand the drain upon them many more weeks. Some of tho merchants believe that if a meeting of a committee from the two sides woi'u hold a settle ment could be reached. The employes have received their last month's pay. Unless work is soon re sumed the men will have no pay to receive in September. Some of tho men at the Itainlnn mine of the Temple Iron Company, the mine being situated at Duryea, aro again out. Olio of tho foremen had trouble with one of the miners and the miner was discharged. Then the shaft and tunnel men went out. Tho dispute is in regard to topping. There has been no settlement of tho dispute at tho Stovens colliery at Pitts ton. Tho miners on strike have pre pared another set of grievances to lie presented to tho colliery officials. It reiterates the request for an increase of 30 cents per car, which had previously boon refused, besides minor grievances in regard to rock and dockage. A number of Italian laborers employed at a stripping near Audenried struck on Friday for the ro-instatemont of a work inginan who left tho work some, weeks ago. Tho labor unions have refused to sanction this strike. Wrrant IHHIMMI for ttluperH. John A. .lones, of Parsons, has sworn j out a warrant charging Ids wife, and John Stevenson witli forgery, and the j police of Liverpool, England, have been notified by cable to arrest tho two upon their arrival. They sailed from New York last week. Jones is a well-to-do miner, and Stev enson boarded at Ids homo. A week ago today Jones, returning homo from work, found his house locked up and Ids wife and tho boarder missing. The next day lie discovered thoy had gone to New York. He was at a loss to know where they got tho necessary money, and it was not until Tuesday that lie discovered that they had borrowed tftJOO and given a mortgage upon Ids house, Stevenson, it is said, representing him self as Jones in tho transaction and sign ing Jones' name to the mortgage. Jones then went to New York and dis covered the couple had sailed for Liver pool. lie at once swore out a warrant, and if Stevenson and tho woman are arrested, Jones will ask for extradition papers and bring thorn back hero. Mrs. Jones is 45 years old and Stevenson about 35 years. Chief of Police Kline, of Wilkosbarre, yesterday received a cable message stating that Mrs. Alice A. Jones and George Stevenson wore arrostod upon tho arrival of tho Campania at Liver pool, England. Proof of their alleged guilt will be sent to England at once and extradition papers will be asked for. Convoulion and l'urude. Preparations are being euergtically carried out for tho P. O. S. of A. state convention to be held in YVllkosbarre this week. It is expected that there will be upwards of 1,000 visiting dele gates and the number of visitors may bo expected to run up into many thous ands. In the parade on Thursday it is expected that there will bo between 10,000 and 12,000 men in lino. Tho arches about Public Square are rapidly going up and the decorators arc at work. The arches will be trimmed witli red and blue clotli on a white back ground and a number of shields and I*. O. S. of A. emblems. In the centre of tho arches will be historical paintings and the whole will bo surmounted by numer ous flags. The chief marshal of tho parade will bo Coroner F. L. McKee. His aids will be It. It. Vanllorn, Dr. Wolf, S. H. Anderson and Commissioner A. I). Hay. Miner Hurt Saturday Afternoon. Patrick O'Dounell, employed as a miner in No. 5 mine, Joddo, was seri ously hurt by a fall of clod in bis breast late Saturday afternoon. After firing a blast Mr. O'Dounell returned to view the work when a largo chunk fell upon him, striking his head, where it indict ed a severe gash. It then struck his side, again cutting him, and from there; glanced along his leg, ripping his clothes in its doscent. He was brought to his homo at the corner of Ridge and Main streets, where his injuries were examined. His wounds are quite pain ful, but no dangerous turn Is expected. Milmay Circular Wanted. Milmay, N. J., August 17. EDITOR TRIIIUNK. —Any one in that region having one of the South Jersey Land and Transportation Company's land circulars advertising the land as free from incu inherence; and, having received that circular through tho mail, will confer a favor upon the Protective Association of this plaeo by sending it to me at once. If you have the envelope that it was sent in. forward that also. Yours, J. R. Doty, secretary, Milmay Protective Association. BRIEF ITEMS OF KEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SynopHia of I.octtl and MiHcelluneoiiH Oc cur renenn That Can 11c Head Quickly. What the FolkH of This and Other Townt* Are Doing. A picnic was hold at the Public park Saturday afternoon by the scholars of the Presbyterian Sunday school. Hugh Malloy, Jr., while at work in Drifton shops on Thursday, was struck in the eye by a piece of steel. No seri ous result is anticipated. The beef trust has advanced prices 30 per cent to the retailers and a general advance of from 2 to 3 cents a pound may bo expected any day by the con sumers. Two postulants took the white and thirty-five the final vows at Mallinck rodt convent, YVilkesbarro, on Thurs day morning, with the usual impressive ceremony. Guy M. Powell, of Johnstown, and Miss Elizabeth I). Powell, of Freeland, were granted a marriage license on Saturday and will be married shortly at Johnstown. A horse driven by John Boylo on South Centre street last evening took fright at the trolley and plunged to the i side, breaking the shaft and slightly injuring the animal. The Citizens' band held a successful picnic at tiie Public park Saturday evening, llazleton Liberty band was present and rendered a number of selec tions during the evening. Yesterday is said to have boon the warmest day that has come this summer. Owing to the demand created by the heat the stock of ice cream dealers was exhausted early last even ing- James llofTornan, of Plymouth, last night received a telegram from Butte, Montana, informing him of tlx; death of his son, Michael, ut that place. He formerly resided in Plymouth. Death was the result of an operation. Judge Dunham, of Bradford county, lias refused to grant a new trial to W. J. Henry, the llazleton man who was convicted of killing George Rutlodgo at Sayre, last winter. Henry has twice attempted suicide since his imprison ment. A. Oswald sells Delicatesse Baking Powder at 5c per pound can. Every can is guaranteed as to its purity. Give it a trial. i'zal H. Fowler, of Berwick, died Fri day. Forty-five years ago lie ran a merchant's boat bewcun Pittston and Havre de Grass, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other points and at one time hauled boatloads of coal to tidewater for the late J oil n Jacob As tor. The seventh annual catalogue of the Mining and Mechanical Institute lias appeared. The names of the students in 1898-01) are published, together with considerate general information re garding the institution. The fall term will open on September 4. Thomas J. Joyce, who until a year ago wus one of Schuylkill county's best known editors, hut who since that time has been serving a term in the Eastern penitentiary on the charge of perjury, will locate in Philadelphia when his sentence expires in the poar future. Miss Viola Houser lias brought suit against John F. Arncr, also of Tamaqua, for breach of promise. They wore to have boon married last July, hut the I prospective groom was too bashful to go through the ceremony and refused to marry the girl. Miss Houser claims §5,000 damages. An alley ball match has been arranged between O'Rourko and Gotzkia, of Har wood, on the one side and the Gallagher brothers, of Freeland, on the other side. Thoro will be a series of two games for a I purse of §SO a side. The first game will be played at Garwood on August 27, and the second game at Freeland on September 3. Since the llazleton Sentinel lias bo come an anti-Quay journal, the talk of starting a Quay organ in that city has been revived. The latest reports havo it that the plant of the defunct Quay organ, the Pottsvllle Tribune , will hi; sent to llazleton and a daily issued to boom the political interests of the ex- United States senator. Jacob Morock, a resident of Sheppton, lias boon sent to jail by Justice of the Poace Horn, charged with committing an act of cruelty, the prisoner having, it is alleged, torn out by the roots, the tail of a cow. The animal belonged to Daniel Miller, against whom Morock had a grudge. The case excited the utmost indignation and Morock narrow ly escaped being roughly handled. Hon. R. 11. Koch, of Pottsvllle, who was defeated Tor the Republican nomi nation for judge of Schuylkill county, has announced his opposition to the chosen candidate, Lawyer Uennings, and will advocate the election of the Democratic nominee, Lawyer Wadllng er. Koch says he was unfairly beaten for the nomination. His stand lias surprised the politicians of his county. 81.50 PER YEAR. FALL GOODS ARE HERE! Come and See Them. Then when you want to buy you will know we have the most com plete stock of Clothing, Toot wear, Furnishings, etc., in town. We are crowded, and until the sur plus is gone, we will sell all Summer Goods at Cost Price. This is a bona fide sacrifice sale and will end as soon as summer stock is sold. Come immediately and get bar gains. PHILADELPHIA ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, S. SENIE, Prop. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland. r~MiAs. oitiuN srnon, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms land 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended, l'ost office Building, ... Freeland. qeorge Mclaughlin, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Brcnnan's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland. -R. J. O'DONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Bimineee Promptly Attended. Birkbeck Brick, - Froelund. "piIOS. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. AU business given prompt attention. Tribune liulMiiig. . . Muln Street. T~yi N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVISIt BIItKBECK'S STOItB, Seenml flour, - . llirkbeek Ilrlek. JyfUS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. JJIt. S. S IIESS, DENTIST. 37 Sauth Centre Street. Second Moor Front, - Uetuwieli Building. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer. Porter, Etc. The finest liriimls of Domeatie anil Imported ™ i i "I"-' "> IIUIKIh est Hit i l l. v ": ,J'refii Rochester ami Shenan doah Beer and loungling's I'orter on tap. 98 Centre st reet. GEORGE FISHER, deuler in Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. FOIt A GLASS OP FRESH BEER, PORTER OR ALE call at NO. o FAST WALNUT STREET. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES | LIQUORS foil FAMILY ANI) MEDICINAL I'UIiruSEH. Centre and Main streets, Freelnud.
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