Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, April 13, 1899, Image 4

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is to be remodeled and altered to suit the demands of the
steadily increasing trade of the establishment. Carpen
ters, painters and other workmen are waiting to get to
work, but our stock is yet too large to allow them to
enter. To overcome this difficulty a great remodeling
sale has been decided upon. j
is now going on at the Wear Well. Cost marks have been cast aside, prices will not be considered. We have no
room to store our great stock, consequently we must sell it at whatever it will bring.
AlM)ur Regular Goods Reduced, Nothing is Spared in the Remodeling Sale.
Men's Solid Shoes.
ra Here is a solid,
fd warranted shoe to
which we call your
special attention.
It is known as the
"Winner," one of
our standard grade
fifflHwln shoes. You will
BHH never regret buy
ing a pair of these.
■|Wjyi Former price was
Remodeling Price:
Working Boots and Shoes
Will he found here in all styles
and from the very best makers.
These are also included in our re
modeling sales and we advise
you to lay in a supply of them at
our new prices.
Ladies' Famous! Shoe.
An elegant piece of footwear.
Sells anywhere for $2. Neat
and stylish and has good
wearing qualities.
Remodeling i
WEAR WELL SHOE HOUSE, 55 Centre St., Freeland.
ZsUU'.thel 1883.
Olio Year $1.50 1
Six Mouths
Four Months
Two Months 25
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advance of the present dutc. Report prompt- ,
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Arrearages must be paid when subscription 1
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Make]aU money order*, check*, etc., payable to '
the Tribune Printing Company, Limited.
FREELAND. PA., APRIL 13, 1899. !
The Attempted AsSMSlnatiOll.
From the Wllkesbarre Telephone.
The attempt to take the life of Mr.
Lloyd by Constable Gallagher last week. I
shows to some extent what a feeling
exists toward the controller with thos
who Imagine that they havo been
wrongfully deprived of what they claim
is due them from the county. It is a
sad state of affairs when a public j
officer, for doing what he thinks is
legal, is to be made the target for the
bullets of half-crazed persons who have
been thereby offended. Hut it is possf- J
bio that the controller himself Is some
what to blame for the posltiou of In-;
Ladies' _<£_ LTc. 1 Slice©
_ ;> !his shoe has never before been sold at less than
fro, and has been considered cheap at that figure.
This is a McKay Patent Leather
sewed shoe. It has w': w 1
vesting cloth or leath- \ \S" 1 Or Stock Tips.
er uppers asyou may \ £ 1 Made with
prefer. We have all I cr \
widths, and can suit § >2 \ Narrow, Medium or Coined Toe
you in tan or black, f
A very large line of I X RefflOdeliilg POCe I
these pretty goods is
on hand, and we as
sure you that this is
an unusual bargain. .-—awn
! Our Line of Douglas Shoes
Is complete in every particular.
W are sole agents for this shoe
in Freeland and the latest styles
can be bought only from us. We
guarantee the Douglas shoes to
give satisfaction to wearers.
Former Price of This Shoe Was $1.50. jp\Z_
But We Must Have Room. I jj
Come and Choose Your Style. Jp m
security in which he is standing today.
No honest citizen or taxpaver can
object to the policy adopted by the con
troller to stop the unnecessary and illegal
expenditures of their money, but this
same policy could be carried out with
out, we believe, making the many bitter
enemies that Mr. Lloyd has made. It is
: not always the simple act itself that
displeases a man so much as the manner
in which the act is performed, and it is \
always better for one in authority to ask j
a person to do a thing than to command •
Another factor which has been a
power in intensifying the bitter feeling
| toward the controller has been his iiT-
I cllnatlon to go into public print, being
| careful to get a commendatory line or J
j two for himself, and at the same time a ■
I few lines condemnatory of those who
j present claims against the county. The
justices and constables have, without
, exception, been denounced fur and wide,
as the most unprincipled men on earth.
; and in nearly every case whore a man
i differs with him in regard to a lull, lie
considers that man dishonest, and be
| lieves be is trying to rob the county.
! Again, the controller is not altogether
j alone to blame for the Indiscretion he
lias manifested in the administration of
! the affairs of his office. There have
; been a fow men, who, to avenge person
al and political wrongs, and others high
in official places, who desire to make
themselves popular witli the voters,
have advised Mr. Lloyd to pursue the
course he. has, and encouraged him, in
every way, and if they could tom
| porarily injure the reputation of a man,
through his office, tliey were, happy.
• And some of the newspapers have
or you will miss the greatest opportunity ever offered to
obtain cheap footwear. Room for the workmen must be
made at once, so our entire stock goes into this, the
greatest shoe sale Freeland has ever known. We must
get rid of our shoes. Come immediately and obtain your
share of our bargains.
Men's, Boys'and Youths' Shoes
of every description are going at
prices far below their value.
Now is your chance to buy shoes
tor the whole family and save
fully 50 per cent by "purchasing
from us at this time.
been too anxious to proclaim to the lax
pavers the great reforms that the con- I
troller has inaugurated, whereby thous- j
auds of dollars have been withheld from j
, the thieves and robbers that have in
fested the court house as county offlcals, i
or have boon serving as justices of the I
peace or constables. All the people ask
of the controller is that lie sees that
, their money is not wasted, or paid out '
1 illegally.
I It is to lie hoped that the unfortunate
occurrence of last week will not deter
the controller from doing his duty, but. I
if it shall somewhat affect his personal !
, manner of doing it, then it is not
altogether void of good effects, however
much it is to be deplored, but this should
not be given the least consideration
A Cure for Constipation.
I have been troubled with constipation for
years. It was ruining my health, my com
fort and my complexion, and I am glad to
say that Celery King has restored ail three, ,
and this after trying many other medicines j
that were supposed to he good, hut which 1
wero of no value whatever. I would like to
tell every suffering woman what ('elery King
has done for me.—Nellie Gould, Medina/)hlo
Celery KlngruresConst.ipallonandalldls
eascsor the Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Kid
neys. Sold by druggists. 25c and 50c.. 8
Men's Russet Shoes.
russet shoe sold in ||f
"honestly made by /gj|\
a reliable firm, and Jr
patrons with our
guarantee. Its
former price was
$3 per pair. Come
Remodeling Price: Wmmssjw
$2.00. ™
when the time comes for meting out the
punishment Constable Gallagher de
serves, and lie should he given the ex
! tromo measure of the law, as a warning to
j others who may have the samo feeling
towards the controller as Mr. Gallagher
5 Kill the Microbe! |
ft Permanent ft
? CUBE *
( Guaranteed
is caused by a specific perm, or microbe, and is
infectious. So says latest medical sclonoe. For
ages it bos been wrongly ascribed to uric or lactic
acid in the blood; hence, usual remedies have
never cured except by accident, leaving millions
of oases "incurable. COKONA RHEUMA
TISM CURE positively remove* the ciiuso
l>y destroying; tlie microbes, and
Cures the Disease
quickly and forever. It is a practical application
of the latest discovery of medical scientists—a
godsend to hopeless rheumatics.
to cure even the oldest and most obstinate cases.
In tasteless tablets, convenient to carry any
where—no nauseuting or poisonous drugs.
One Tablet Immediately Relieves
the excruciating pains of Sciatica, Lumbago,
Gout, and all other Rheumatic affections.
O Trial Treatment, 25 Cents. Postpaid. Q
J Full lO I>ayt* Treatment, £ 1.00. \
At your riruggisC*. or untiled postpaid upon f
4 receipt of price by sole mamifacturers, 4
Bear, th yf The Kind You Have Always Bought
A Dlaotiulon of Yarlona Methrin with n
Fow Siifaflitlitnt By An Export.
Iu considering tree planting In eon
ncctlon with Arbor Day, the tirst ques
tlon to arise Is, Where shall we plant'
| It is obvious that the practical work o:
j Arbor Day can not include fores.
: planting. That Is a work so large am
! special in its nature as to require thi
j combined efforts of persons in an or
I ganized capacity, such as a town
' county, or State, which shall either d<
tlie work outright or give such eucour
ugeuieut and help as will stimulate In
dividual effort to the requisite degree
Arbor Day observances, to be sure
should not lose sight ol' the fact thai
we need some tldug besides planting
trees by the roadside or on tlie lawn, o.
here and there one iu memory of sotm
distinguished person: something more
tluiu tlie landscape gardener's art in
j planting appropriately public parks.
1 liese works of minor Importance
i should lead to such a knowledge of tin
uses of trees In masses—the extensive
forests—ln connection with cllmute
with tlie flow of streams and eouse
! queutly with agricultural operations
! and with manufactures, in short, with
tlie general interests of household and
i business life, that in due time there
will lie developed a sentiment that will
lie powerful to arrest the wasteful and
j unnecessary destruction of our forests
! and insure tlie planting of them in
j places from which they have been re
moved or where tliey are specially
needed, tine tiling is to be remem
bered and is onlculatd to lend effective
| ness to tlie work of Arbor Day. It is
j that trees are living and self-propagat
! iug tilings: that it is their nature to
] grow, and that they will grow and ex
i tend themselves on every baud if not
iuterferred with and thwarted by man.
As an Illustration of this we see nlmn
dolled farms on our hillsides soon till
iug up with a wood growth. It may
not lie of tlie most valuable or desira
ble character, but it. shows what na
ture Is ready to do. and it indicates a
direction in which the influence of
Arbor Day may lie made effective,
j it lie understood that tlie hills
and mountain slopes are worth more
. for tlie growth of trees than for agri
-1 cultural use, or rather that the tree
| crop is tlie most appropriate agrieul
j turul crop for thi* Dill and mountuin
| slopes, tlie rocky surfaces which re
| sist the plow and the hoe. I.e.' the
farmer learn tlint ir he will but ex
; elude from Ills woodlands (lie browsing
j cattle, which are ready to eat off
every tender tree as it' sprouts from
j tlie ground and to break down with
Jheir heavy bulk those which have al
I ready attained a hopeful size, and if
J lie will cull the Inferior trees instead
j of tlie best, for ids occasional uses, and
| till tlie too wide vacant spaces with a
[ iudieious planting, lie may soon have a
| woodland, though it may not have the
dimensions of a forest which will lie of
manifold benefit to him as well to
others and lie Increasing in value
from year to year. This use of elevated !
j and rocky lands, where ordinary agri
j culture is difficult and coinparativelv
! unreniunerative ought tobcenoonragod
by the Arbor day movement. It may
and should make itself felt in this di
i rectlon .
j The same is true in reference to
many sandy and swampy lands. These
will nourish trees and prove a perpetu
|al source of income. Trees, unlike
ordinary farm crops, continually im
prove the quality of the ground on
| which they grow. The German Gov-
J eminent, in its wise and careful mana
| geinent. is constantly buying up the
| worn-out or impoverished farms of its
j husbandmen and by stocking them
: with trees restoring their fertility and
I fitting them again for agricultural use.
I On a great many of our light, sandy
soils, now left as witld-swept barren
Ileitis or yielding only the most meager
I crops, a growth of that most valuable
tree tlie white pint l (Pitius si robust,
may lie secured iu twenty years and
even less, of marketable size. There is
| great demand for tlie wood of tills tree
in its early stages, for tlie manufacture
of staves, for tubs and small casks, as
well 11s for other uses, anil many lund
[ owners are finding It profitable to raise
I and innket this pine at a comparatively
I early age.
| Tills is not tlie piaee to dismiss
further tlie subject of forest planting
I or forest preservation, unless it lie to
j say that perhaps a greater enemy of
tlie forest than tlie ax is lire, and that
wherever there is regard enough for
trees to occasion tlie observance of
Arbor Day there ought to he also con
sideration -enough for the preservation
if the forests of the vicinity to Itiagur
ate some well arranged and efficient
plan to protect them from file Humes
, which, kindled by accident or careless
ness. are not only a detriment to the
legal owner of the forest but to tlie
whole community, for. in nil Important
I sense, tlie forests are common pro-
I ic-rty. Ity their beauty, their Influence
upon climate and water xupplv, they
ire of benefit to all who live in sight
i :>f them unci may lie to those more dis
i ant from thein. All. therefore, ought
, o be ready to make their preservation
I t common cause.—Department of Agri
PIatAAU I.and. or Spxln.
I -I'nder the reign of the Moorish
i -nliphs the Iliei-tau peninsula rexom
| lied a vast garden, yielding grain and
fruit of every known variety in the
| niosl perfect quality anil In endless I
tbundancc. But then the Sierras and j
II he- mountain slopes were covered
j with a luxuriant growth of timber, \
1 which was afterward wantonly do
lost roved under tlie rule or kings.:
Now nearly ail the plateau lands of
Spain are desert-like and unfit for !
agriculture, because of the scarcity of
•aln and the want of water. The once i
j Delicious climate has become eliang- !
able and rough. The average depth
!if the rivers is greatly diminished,
rite political decadence of Spain has
"ven been attributed to the destrue-
I Hon of the forests.
".Took, when ye line nacthlng else to
do. ,ve may he sticking In a tree; it will
he growing, Jock, when ye're sleep
ing.—Highland Dnlrd of Scotland.
Anil the .Ink* XVA. ItnlneU.
The facetious boarder lind the plot !
laid for a killing joke.
"It's a wonder." he said "that you
lidn't serve up this hen feathers, and
"The next time." said the landlady, I
I with marked emphasis, "I'll serve her I
lill and all."
~— """ r°r Infants and Children.
fftfPflli The Kind You Have
IISjmH Always Bought
AVegefablePreparationforAs- # "
slmilating the Food and Reg ula- M
ling the Stomachs and Dowels of fnA M 4
ness and Rest.Contains neither S p W lp.||^
Opnmi,Morphine nor Mineral, fl 01 /ft /V IT
of Old n-SAItIELP/TCOER n 1 1 AfJ
J'tun/Jem Seed ~ W
| SmlU ~ I jf\ _
3b£L. | f\ ftjfv Jhfl
hirmSted- 1 11 l/l I IIU
) jyw Y • I# * J
ApcrfccfßemedyforConstipa- f \| A/' R I H Ij
tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, I 1-jl'
Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- 1 y ■ ■
nessandLossOFSCEEP. \Jfl |Q |j HQUQ
Facsimile Signature of
>|l|og. Always Bought.
r iii i mil ma i in iHnHßKiinunnHßHHHaiiMa
The Hhlneys and Blood
If you want to be well, see to it that your Kidneys and Blood are in a
healthy condition. It is an easy matter to learn what state your Kidneys are ia.
Place some of your urine in a bottle or tumbler, and leave it stand one (lay and
night. A sediment at the bottom shows that you have a dangerous Kidney
disease. Pains in the small of the back indicate the same thing. So does a
desire to pass water often, particularly at night, and a scalding pain in urinating
is still another certain sign.
Dr. David Kennedy'a Favorite Remedy ia
what you need. It will cure you surely if you do not
dt!a y too long in taking it. Kidney diseases are dan
*S .D gcrous, and should not be neglected a single moment
Read what I'. H. Kirp, of Union, N. Y., a prom-
member of the G. A. R., says:—"l was troubled
with my Kidneys and Urinary Organs and
suffered great annoyance day and aight,
bUt S ' nCe US ' ng ° r ' I,ttvld Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy I have greatly im
proved, and that dreadful burning seasa
r"l&BupP tion has entirely gene. I had en my lip
wllnt was talled a P'P e cancer, which spread
' mo,,t acress my lip, and was exceeding
J-P®" 1 ' 0 '; now that is almost well. I also had severe
lieart trouble, so that it was difficult to work; that ia
* great deal better. I have gained nine ponnde
' . s ' ncc 1 commenced taking the Favorite Remedy;
anl Softly benefited in every wav, and cannot
WjMW&a praise it too much."
H9DpH[ Favorite Remedy is a specific for Kidney,
<P£XB r°W Liver and Urinar y troubles. Ia Rheumatism, Neu
j Tf ralgia, Dyspepsia, and Skin and Blood Diseases, it
has never failed where the directions were followed. It ia also a specific for the
troubles peculiar to females. All druggists sell it at si.oo a bottle.
Sflffilllf RftEJJfP FPff T If you wi " se:!d >' our fu " Postoffice address
miiiic iatc i to thß IJR . r)AVID Kenkedy Co ro.ati. b .
Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper, we will forward you, prepaid a
free sample bottle of-the Favorite Remedy, together with full directions
tor its use. You can depend upon this offer being genuine, and should write at
once for a free trial bottle.
deuicr in
Dry Goods,
Boots and
Cent re and Main streets, Froclund. i
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Day or Night.
South Centre street, Froeland.
Rest (-ough byrup. Tustee Good. Use M
in tirue. Hold bv druggists.
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
N. TV. C<rr. Centre and Front Sit. , Frttland.
Anyone sonding a ketch and description may
quickly Ascertain our opinion free whether
Invention in probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent tree, oldest agency for securing patents.
I atonts taken through Munn A Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
I A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any sclenttflo Journal. Terms. $8 a
k'VVi2i? r "'Ontba. Bold by all newsdealers.
I MUNN & Co. 36iBro,<iw " New York
I Branch Office, 025 V St., Washington, D. C.
of every description executed at short
notice b/jthe Tribune Company.