Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, March 16, 1899, Image 1

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VQL. XI. NO 74.
February 5, 1899.
6 20 a m lor Wentherly, Munch Chunk,
Alloutown, Bethlehem, Eustoii, Khiltt
dclphiu una New York.
7 40 a m for Sandy ltun. White Haven,
Wilkes-Burre, Pitts to u und Scran ton.
8 20 a in for Weutheriy, Mauch Chunk. Al
lontowu, Bctiilclieiu, E.tsion, Philadel
phia, New Yqrk and Huzlcton.
9 33 u ui for Huzlcton, Muhanoy City, Shen
andoah, .at. Caruiel, Shaiuokiu und
1 1 45 U IIL tor Sandy Run, White Haven,
W likes-liar re, Suruutou and ull points
4 36 P ni for Huzleton, Muhanoy City, Slicn
uudoah, Mt. Curmei, Shuinokin and
0 37 i) m for Sandy Hun, White Haven,
Wilkes-Baric aud Scranton.
0 59 P ui for Huzleton, Muhanoy City, Shen
andoah, Mt. Carinel, Shuinokin.
7 20 o m from Ashland, Shenandoah Muha
noy City and Huzieton.
7 40 a ni from Pottsville, Ashland, Shenan
doah, Muhanoy City uiul Huzleton. .
9 17 a in lrom Philadelphia, Fusion, Bethle
hem, Allcntown, Mauch Chunk, Weuth
eriy, Huzleton, Muhanoy City, Shenan
doah, Mt. Cariuel und Shuinokin.
9 33 u in from Scrauton, Wilkes-Bar re and
White ilavcu.
1 1 45 u m from Pottsville, Shuinokin, Mt.
Caruicl, Sheuandoah, Muhanoy City
and Huzleton.
4 38 P in from scranton, Wilkes-Burre and
White Haven.
6 37 P m lrom New York, Philadelphia,
Euston, Bethlehem, Alloutown, Potts
ville, Shuinokin, Mt. Curmei, Shuiiun
douli, Muhanoy City and Huzleton.
6 59 p ni from Scranton, Wilkes-Burre and
White Haven.
For further information inquire of Ticket
ItuLLIN 11. WlLßUß,General Superintendent.
CHAS. S. LEE, Wen'l Pass. Areni.
2G Cortlandt Street, New York City.
Time table in effect April 18, 1897.
Trains leave Drifton for.leddo, Hekley, Hnzlc
Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Koad, Houn
and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, G 00 a ra, daily
except Sunday; and 7 03 a ni, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for Harwood, Cranberry,
Toinhieken and Deringer ut 5 30, G 00 u m, duiif
except Sunday; and 703 a m, 2 38 p in, Syn
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
Ilarwood ltoud, Humboldt Koad, Oneidu aud
Shepptou at GOO a m, daily except Sun
day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Huzleton Junction for Harwood,
Cranberry, Toinhieken and Deringcr ut 036 a
ai, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m,
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneidu
Junction, Harwood Koad, Humboldt Koad,
Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32,11 10 am,4 41 p in,
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 u m, 3 11 p in,
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhick n. Cran
berry, Harwood, Huzleton Junction und Houn
at 2 25, 6 40 p m, daily except Sunday; ana 3 37
a m, 6 07 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt
Koad, Harwood Koad, Oneidu Junction, Hazle
ton Juuction and Roan at 7 11 a m, 12 40, 522
p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 u m, 344
p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
Koad, Stockton, Ilazle Brook, Eckley. Jeddo
and Drifton at 5 22 p in, duily, except Sunday;
and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Huzleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Koad, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley,
Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 62G p ra, daily,
except Sunday; und 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m, Sunday.
All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with
electric curs for Hazleton, Jeunesville, Auden
ried and other points on the Traction Com
pany's line.
Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, G 00 a m make
connection at Deringer with P. K. It. truius for
Wilkesbarre, Suubury, llurrisburg and points
For the accommodation of passengers at way
stations between Hazleton Junction and Der
inger, a train will leave tiic former point at
350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at
Deringer at 5 00 p m.
XUTHEK C. SMITH. Superintendent.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Centre Street. Freeland.
Confectionery'S Ice Cream
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Detieery and supply wagons to all parts o]
town and surroundings every day.
TI-IM RENT.— Double block on Pine street;
_P four rooms in each dwelling: cheap rent;
stable attached. Apply to John Cannon,
Centre street, or TM HUNK oliiee.
April .1. —Annual ball of St. Patrick's
cornet band at Valines' opera bouse.
Admission. .10 cents.
FBANE J. CHENEY makes oatb that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
CHEEKY & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
'id, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of CATARRH that
cannot be cored by the use of HAUL'S
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
ny presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1866. L
) [,- Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acta directly on the blood and
mucous aurfacea of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Uf Bold by Druggists, 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
(teduseil Hate, for Merchant* to N. Y.
The lashigh Valley Railroad announces
a rate of one and one-third fare for the
round trip on certificates of Merchants'
Association of New York from Freeland
to Now York city and return. Tickets
will be sold March HI tu 31, inclusive;
return tickets to be issued on properly
validated certificates within fifteen days
from date of Issue. Full information
may be obtained froui ticket agents.
Catholic SocictiflN of Frelan<l and Kcklcy
I'aritiheH Will Observe tli Memory of
St. Patrick With a Parade Here In the
All the arrangements for a befitting
observance of St. Patrick's Day here
have been completed, and a creditable
demonstration may be expected, provid
ing the weather and streets are favorable
for walking. Below Is given the order
of formation and tho route of parade,
as prepared by the grand marshal.
This is the only correct program that
has been published:
Chief Marsha/—Rev. M. J. Falllhee.
Aids—Paul Dunleavy, Edward Doggett.
.Clergy in Carriages.
First Division.
St. Patrick's Cornet Band.
St. Patrick's Beneficial Society.
Hibernian Drum Corps.
Green Men and Parishioners.
Second Division.
Slavonian liand.
St. John's Slavonian Society.
St. Michael's Greek Society.
Garibaldi Beneficial Society. .
St. Vigilio s Society.
Tlrolese. Beneficial Society.
Kosciusko Guards.
St. Kasimer's Polish Society. *
Third Division.
St. Ann's Parish Band.
Division 41, A. O. H.
Shamrock Drum Corps.
Division A. O. H.
Freeland Drum Corps.
Division 0, A.(). H.
Fourth Division.
Eckley Drum Corps.
St. Mary's Cadets. I
St. Mary's T. A. B. Society.
St. Aloysius T. A. B. Socuitty.
Young Men's Drum Corps.
Children of Mary.
Young Men's C. T. A. B. Society.
Horsemen and Carriages.
Societies not assigned to positions
will report to tho aides immediately
after their arrival at the placo of for
The parade will form in the above
order at St. Ann's Catholic church at 1
o'clock sharp and proceed over tho
following route: From church to Lu
zerne street, to Ridge, to Carbon, to
Washington, to Front, to Pine, to Wal
nut, to Washington, to Chestnut, to
Ridge, to Carbon, to Centre, to Chestnut,
countermarch on Centre to Carbon, to
Ridge, to Luzerne and dismiss.
There will bo no other observance of
the day here, except in tho forenoon,
when mass will bo read at St. Ann's
church at 9 o'clock.
llallot Reform in tlie Legislature.
The Keator ballot reform bill has
passed second reading in the house, and
will pass finally in that body. When it
reaches tho senate it is expected it will
be violently opposed by Senators Martin
and Fllnn, tho bosses of Philadelphia
and Pittsburg, as its provisions are too
strict to suit these ballot corrupters.
Martin lias a snide "reform" bill of his
own before the senate, which lie will
substitute for tho house measure. The
Keator bill provides absolute secrecy in
voting. Under tho proposed law no
voter shall have a helper unless he is
physically incapacitated or unable to
read. His helper must first declare
under oath, subscribed to, that lie will
not attempt to influence the voter, but
will give hi in tho help ho desires, and
that he will not disclose the contents of
the ballot except in legal proceedings.
The bill does away with the circle and
the name of the candidate shall he
printed but once on the ballot for the
same office. The bill also reduces the
ballot to one-sixth of its present size and
enables the voter to avoid the risk of
mistake in voting. There is only one
way to mark a ballot according to this
bill, by putting a mark opposite the
name of each candidate, the candidates
being in groups, within party names
and appellations following thorn. The
bill was drawn to remedy tlie defects In
the ballot laws of 1891 and 1893, so as to
make it conform more nearly to the
Australian system.
Must Tell What He Knows.
_M. J. O'Toolo, associate editor of a
Scranton Sunday paper and who has a
large acquaintance in this vicinity, has
been subpoenaed to appear at Harris
burg before the committee that is in
vestigatng the charges of bribery in
connection with the McCarrel bill. For
the last two weeks Mr. O'Tooic has
contributed articles to his paper setting
forth that Judge Archbald endeavored
to Influence Dr. N. C. Mackoy, the
member of the legislature from the
Third district of Lackawanna county,
in favor of McCarrel) bill, usfng a poor
board appointment as tho moans to the
end. Mr. O'Toolo will bo asknd to
furnish the proof of these charges,
Engle & Co., one of the oldest estab
lished dry goods houses in Hazleton, will
retire from business onyAprll l.
Special Council Meeting.
A special meeting of the borough
council was held Monday evening. The
bonds of Treasurer S. DePierro, High
Constable John 11. Sbovlin and Street
Commissioner Benhard Dlnn were read
and referred to tlie borough solicitor.
Louis Hess was elected and sworn in
by Secretary Davis as a special police
man in placo Jenkins, re
Burgess Gallagher stated that lie
would turn enough equipments over to
the new police officers for their use
until such time as he would be able to
give them the balance.
A report from Chief of the Fire
Department William Mincer, to the
effect that he had tested the water plugs
and found the same in good order, was
President Kline read an address to the
council in which lie offered suggestions
as to the best ways to go about the
various problems which confront coun
Membership on the different com
mittees was then announced by the
president. Each councilman \p on three
committees, one of which he is chair
man, as follows:
Light—Median, Davis, Scbwabe.
Streets—DePierro, Rute, Rudewick.
Fire and water —Sehwabc Bute, Mul
Laws and ordinances—Mulbearn, De-
Pierro, Kline.
Park—Davis, Schwabe, Mulbearn.
Sanitary—Smith, Mcehan, Davis.
Police—Rudewick. DePierro, Keck.
Printing—Keck, Rudewick, Kline.
Finance—Kline, Smith, Keck.
Supply—Rute, Median, Smith.
The secretary was authorized to con
fer with the printing committtee aud
secure such printed matter as he may
The council then adjourned to meet
on the lirst Monday in April.
Six Year* of Silpnino.
Edward J. Cunningham wnh releas
ed from San Quentin after serving a
sentence of six years for burglary,
and with his liberation there, passed
from the prison walls one of the
strangest characters that ever wore
striped garb of the penitentiary.
When Cunningham was landed with
in the walls of San Quentin prison he
turned to the sheriff who hud con
ducted him thither and swore u heav
ily solemn oath that no word would
escape his lips during the perlotfof
his incarceration. Cunningham stoqd
by his oath through the long, weary
years of his sentence, and his tongue
never loosened until lie stepped with
out the prison walls a free man.
Whenever it became necessary for
Cunningham to communicate bis needs
or wants to others, he did so in writ
ing or by motions. After being con
fined in the prison a short time be was
thought to he insane and was sent to
the Ukiah Asylum. Here he was con
fined but a short time, for it was soon
ascertained he was in his right mind
and merely acting in a stuhbron man
ner. Word was sent to the prison of
ficials and Guard Miller was sent to
the asylum to bring the prisoner back.
When near Santa Rosa he jumped
through a car window, hut was capt
ured after a hard chase. After his
return he still preserved an inviolable
silence .and was put into what is
known as crank alley. Here all kinds
of influence were brought to hear up
on him to cause him to speak, hut
without avail. He also refused to
have his hair cut, and when released
his hair was measured aud was found
to be fifty-four inches In* length.
When relieved of his prison garb a
smile overspread his countenance.
Several people spoke to him. but he
only grinned. Once outside the prison
gate Cunningham made up for lost
time. He condemned every one around
the prison for his confinement When
asked how he managed to control him
self and preserve* an unbroken silence
for so many years, he angrily replied
that he had uo explanation to make.
mindful Ignorance.
Bobby I say. Miss
sister Maud's going to marry your
brother Dick; but don t say anything
about it, because he doesn't know it
himself yet.
Dr. William Paul Owen Thornason, of
Freeland, registered as a practicing
physician on Monday in Prothonotary
Dasch's office. He is a graduate of Jef
ferson Medical college of Philadelphia.
He Is an assistant to Dr. H. M. Neale.
Luzetno county's representation in
the next Republican state convention
will he seven—a loss of four delegates,
Mun to tho Kina 11 vote given to Governor
Lackawanna county's indebtedness of
$70,000 to Luzerne, says the Wilkesbarre
Time*, has never been settled. This
Ifability grew out of the erection of the
former county out of Luzerne. Year
after year since then the commissioners
of Luzerne have not pressed the claim,
and the matter dragged'along until
1805, when the legislature repealed the
act of 1878. under which the indebted
ness of a new county to the old was pro
vided for and the taxables of the new
county made liable. The Tiintt ques
tions the province of the legislature to
pass a law to deprive any men or com
munity the right to recover a legal
Wllkesbarreans have a special inter
est In Major General Otis, now In com
mand of the land forces in the Philip
pines. It was at Wilkesbarre. in 1877.
that General Otis made Ills first greal
conquest, capturing the heart of Miss
Bowman (a member of one of that city's
leading families), who subsequently be
came the soldier's bride. General Otis
was stationed In the coal legions during
the riots of 1877.
Active preparations arc under way
among Luzerne county P. (). S. of A.
camps for the state convention of the
order, which will be held in Wilkes
barre on August 22. 23 and 24. Nearly
1,000 delegates will be in attendance
and over 5,000 members will participate
In the parade.
The state encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic is to convene at
Wilkesbarre on June 7 and 8 and 2,000
delegates arc expected to attend. It is
seventeen years since the Pennsylvania
veterans met there.
Every love has infatuation in it, but
every Infatuation hasn't love in it.
A woman is never quite so happy as
when she can be happy in a sad way.
loot's wife probably looked back to
make sure she hadn't forgotten to lock
the back door.
There never was a woman who look
ed anything but red-eyed and snuffy
when she cried.
A woman never trusts a man she
doesn't like, but she often likes a man
she doesn't trust.
You can generally tell about how a
girl felt when she got up that morn
ing by the way her hair looks.
Every girl thinks some man would
be surprised if he only knew how she
could love him if she only tried.
When a man makes up his mind that
he has married the wrong woman, the
trouble generally is that he is the
wrong man.
A girl's idea of politics is generally
shaped like something to beat eggs
When a girl is so anxious for a man
that she will take up with anything,
she is said by the women to be very
Hope is the gas in the balloon of
The greatest man is he who chooses
the light with invincible resolution. —
Difficulty is a nurse of greatness—a
harsh nurse, who rocks her foster chil
dren roughly, but rocks them into
strength and athletic proportions.—
A nation may establish a system of
free government, but without the spirit
of municipal institutions it can not
have the spirit of liberty.—De Tocque
If you lend a person money it be
comes lost for any purposes of your
own. When you ask for it back again
you find a friend made an enemy by
your own kindness.—Plautus.
Hatred is the madness of the heart.—
Fidelity is seven-tenths of business
success. —Parton.
Haste trips its own heels, and fet
ters and stops itself.—Seneca.
There is an oblique way In reproof
which takes off the sharpness of it. —
The mind is its own place, and in it
self can make a heaven of hell, a hell
of heaven.—Milton.
In Russia there are about 3,000,000
houses. This is nearly half of the en
tire number in existence.
Oysters are such nervous creatures
that a sudden shock, such as a loud
thunderclap, will kill a whole boatload.
It has been ascertained that cne of
the mountains in the moon is 36,006
feet high, while several are upward of
30,000 feet.
Barbers In Paris are compelled by
law to use only nickel-plated combs,
and to wash their hands after attend
ing upon any customer.
It is stated that nearly two-thirds of
the total number of children under 10
years of age in the United Kingdom
are insured in one form or another.
Bats in the Philippine islands are as
big as cats, and with the wings spread
measure three feet from tip to tip. A
bite from one of them is said to be
81.50 a year is all the TKIULXK costs,
Gained Freedom and l>lr<l.
Barney McCue, who was pardoned
and liberated frutn tlio Eastern peni
tentiary December 24, after being In
carcerated for twenty-three years, died
at the home of his son in VVilliamsport
on Tuesday night., McCue was con
victed of the killing of Edward Deeter
in the fall or 1874. and was sentenced
to he hanged March, 17, 1875, but the
sentence was afterward Commuted to
Imprisonment for life.
He was pardoned December 24, 1898,
and at once went to Williaiusport to
visit his old friend, Patrick McEadden,
whose tireless efforts went far toward
securing his freedom. About a month
ago Mr. McEadden died, and on the
day ho was hurled McCue was taken ill
and steadily grew worse. McCue was
118 years of age. and it was his fondest
hope to go back to his native land, Ire
land, before he died.
Amlitiiig Itorough Accounts.
Ho rough Auditors Condy Furoy, Wil
liam E. Martin and .lesse A. Alden'
began the work of auditing the borough's
accounts on Fuesdav evening. A session
is held at the ofhoe of ex-Secretary
Hockley every evening. 1). J. McCarthy
has been present, at eacli session held
so far and has filed objections to the
approval of many bills. He objects to
the borough paying police service bills,
burgess fees, several electric light bills,
several printing bl|Js, all the expense
the borough paid on account of the death
of Councilman Butz, several street
labor and coal bills, flag-raising bills
atrd many others. Nearly one-half of
the orders Issued have been objected to,
and as this will require an Inspection
of each bill of expenso the audit will
not bo completed for some time.
Knight* of Malta ONtcer*.
The following have been installed as
officers of (iarlield Coinuiandery, No. (I,
Knights of Malta, of Ereeland:
Commander—John T. Thomas.
Generalissimo—Curtis Kocher.
Captain general—Robert Deutz.
Prelate—William Ashman.
Recorder—John Bell.
Assistant—Archie Keers.
Treasurer—Samuel Salmon.
Senior warden—A. J. Ensinger.
Junior warden—Archie Carpenter.
Standard bearer—Milton Zeistloft.
Warden—J. W. Everett.
Sentinel—Rowland W. Jones.
Representative to grand lodge at
Scranton, May, 1889—Stephen Page.
Court Decisions on Local Affairs.
The application for a rule to show
cause why the petition for a review of
the proposed division of the South ward
of town should not bo dismissed was dis
missed by Judge Halsey on Monday. It
Is not likely, however, that the petition
for a review will be granted, and the
legal light over the division of this
ward will likely bo fought on the origi
nal report of the commissioners.
By order of Judge Ilalsey the case of
the commonwealth against Councilman
A. Rudewiek has been stricken from
tlio argument list. Mr. Rudewiek was
charged with illegally holding his seat
on council.
Township Supervisors Organize.
Foster township supervisors, Patrick
McGuire and August Horn, organized
on Monday evening by electing Clias.
Orion Stroll, Esq., of town, and C. E.
McHugh, Esq., of Wilkesbarre, as at
torneys for the township during the year
1890-00. The township treasurer's com
mission was placed at 5 per cent on all
moneys paid out. which is an increase
of 2 per cent. This was done oil account
of the meagre compensation received
the past two years by the treasurers.
Firebugs Destroy a School,
The people of Ashley are terror
stricken over the work of a gang of
incendiaries. On Saturday the firebugs
touched off valuable property, causing
a loss of 820,001). an account of which
was given in Monday's Issue, and early
Monday morning they lired tbe large
public school building. The building
was entirely destroyed, together with
two dwellings. The loss is 825,000; In
surance, 814,000. Six hundred children
are without school accommodations.
The borough council was banquetted
at DePlerro's cafe by Borough Treasurer
S. Del'ierro on Monday evening, at
Rudowick's hotel by Secretary John G.
Davison Saturday ,evening and will be
tendered another at Eberts' hotel by
President Daniel Kline tomorrow even
Lackawanna county's representation
in the L'nltod States army, the Thir
teenth Penn'a Volunteers, was mustered
out of the service In Georgia on Satur
day and arrived home on Monday.
Scranton and neighboring towns tender
ed the soldiers a grand welcome.
Postmaster Bogert, of Wilkesbarre.
was given a preliminary hearing yester
day on the charge of tampering with
the mails. He was placed under 84.000
bail for his appearance for trial at the
next term of the United States district
A little three-year-old daughter of
John Lisko, of Driftou, died on Tuesday
from diphtheria and was hurled yester
day in St. Ami's cemetery.
Synopsis of Local and Oc
currences That Can Ue Read Quickly.
What tlie Folkx of This and Other
Towns Are Doing;.
A contract lias been given for tlie
erection of ten new dwellings at old
Buck Mountain.
Frank' Marshall ami Miss Hattie
I Sevan, •both nf Hazle IS rook, will be
married on April :i.
Charles Dusheck will relini]hisli the
Freeland agency of Stegmaicr's brewery
of Wilkesbarre on April 1.
Reuben ISelshline, a retired Hazleton
photographer, died in that city yester
day at the age of UO years.
Another unsuccessful attempt was
made at Nautlcoke Sunday night to bum
down the large Smoulter business block.
William Pinquish, aged 18 years, was
eaugbt yesterday In the machinery of
Yorktown breaker and was whirled to
his death.
An addition is being built to tho prop
erty of George Fisher. The new part
will be occupied by the saloon which i
Mr. Fisher will open 011 April 1.
Joseph W. Gabrio, superintendent of
Foster Township schools, will be a can
didate for county superintendent at tlie
annual meeting of the direeturs in May.
Marbara E.. widow of tlie late Jacob
Schoeshe, died at the residence of her
son-in-law, George Snntee, In liutler
valley, on Sunday and was buried yes
James F. Welsh was appointed con
stable of the First ward by I lie court
yesterday. Mr. Welsh and John M.
Powell were tied for this ollice at the
late election.
A reproduction of the Sharkey-Mc-
Coy light was given at the Grand opera
house Tuesday evening. The attend
ance was not large and the show gave
poor satisfaction.
Lite "Uncle Turn's Cabin" Company
which appeared here on Friday evening
disbanded at Hazleton Tuesday night.
Disbandment was too easy a death for
that crowd of impostors.
Dr. li, L. Wright, who was formerly
a physician at Eckley, is now located in
Brooklyn, where he holds the position
of naval surgeon on tlie United States
receiving ship Vermont.
A. Oswald has just received a carload
of Lehigh county potatoes. They are
excellent stock. If in need of any give
him a call.
Manus Carl 1 11 has been appointed
breaker foreman at Drifton, succeeding
J. J. McMenainln, who has resigned in
order to dovoto all his attention to his
storo, which opens today.
Governor Stone lias given notice that
soveral of the new National Guard regi
ments will bo disbanded, as tlie return j
of the old regiments from the war has
made the new ones unnecessary.
John Krapf, a Lehigh Valley brake
man, fell from a freight ear at Freeland
station yesterday. One leg was broken
and ho was seriously hurt about tlie
body. Ho was removed te his home in
Tlie annual statement of the financial
condition of Foster township appears 011
the fourth page of tho TRIBUNE today.
The auditors give the figures in away
that every taxpayer can roadily com
prehend them.
John Dully, of Upper Lehigh, had Ills
right hand caught between cars in tlie
mines at that place 011 Tuesday. Several
stitches were required tu sow up tho
wound, and the young man will be idle
for some time.
At an after-meeting session of Foster
township school board 011 Saturday
evening it was decided to closo the even
ing schools throughout tlie township, as
the finances of the district do not war
rant their continuance.
At a meeting of tho Citizens' Hose
Company last ovoning the style of uni
forms to be purchased was changed.
Instead of a blue coat and blue cap the
members adopted a coat to he made of
boitled-green material and a green cap.
The Coxe companies' employes at Drif
ton and Eckley were paid 011 Tuesday,
the D. S. A-. S. men will be paid toduv
and the mine workers nf Markle it Co.,
Kent merer it Co. and Upper Lehigh
Coal Company will receive their Febru
ary wages 011 Saturday.
All persons who have been granted I
liquor licenses by Luzerne county court
must tako them out not later than
Saturday or tlie same will be forfeited.
Tomorrow is the last day of Freeland
licensees to pay the money, as the cash
must bo paid to the treasurer at Wilkes
barre 011 Saturday before noon.
Hon. John Lolsonring is confined to
his homo in Upper Lehigh with an
attack of pneumonia.
Mrs. James P. McNeils is visiting rol- I
atives in tlie Wyoming region.
Bernard Boyle, of Jeddo, has removed
his family to Philadelphia.
Mrs. Edward Murphy is visiting
\Y i 11<ebbu rre relatives.
To make room for the Merchant
Tailoring Department which we
will open in tfho near future we
are selling out our entire stock of
shoes at less than cost. The en
tire stock must go. Don't delay
in securing some of our bargains.
Clothing House,
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
| OlViee: Rooms I and 2, Dirkbcck Brick, ITecland
All legal business promptly attoudrd.
I'ostoilkc iiiiililiiiß. . . . Freeland.
Loyal Business of Any Description,
Urcniiiiii's t<u. Centre St., Freslatid.
Justice of the Peace.
■All business given prompt attention.
! T 'i'"llir Hiilliliiiif. . . Maln strc , u
jyjns. S. E. HAYES,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street,
j None but Reliable Companies Represented.
Second Floor, - , Hii kberk Brick.
General Hardware.
Builders' supplies of every kind always in
.steel.. Wall paper, paints, and tinware. Bicy
cles and repairs ot all sorts. '
South Centre street.
Eating House and Oyster Saloon.
No. 18 Front Street, Frooiand.
Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Fmnilea
supplied with oysters direct from the idiom.
dealer in
Call at No. 6 Walnut street, Freoland,
•or wait for the delivery wagons.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
Tile finest brands of Domestic and Imported
\\ liiskt \ on sale in one ot the handsomest sa
loons In town. Fresh Rochester and Slienaa
doah Beer and V oungling's Porter on tap.
'-'ft Centre street.
Corner or (Viitra and Front Street.,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gils* w, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Rosmo.iuth s Velvet, of which we hive
Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne,
Henuessy llrandy, BlacKberry,
Uiuß, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches
Sardines, Etc.
Ballentlne and Hazleton boer on tap.
Baths, Hot 01- Cold, 25 Cents.