Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, December 29, 1898, Image 4

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    You Know Us Weil
I'.tiougli to feel that whatever you
mt in our lino cannot bo bought
any bettor advantage than of us.
More than that, there is nothing
here that you cannot buy with per
fect safety. Our bargains are
uility and price bargains, consist
ing of an elegant lino of woli tailor
ed. well trimmed, perfect fitting
copies of the fashion plate.
our lines ot llents' Furnishings. I
li'iois. Shoes, etc., are also the iinest in
tuwu, and our prices are surprisingly
Clothing House.
There Is No Gift
So Much Welcomed
by Lady or Gent as a
t'. We have tlieni in Solid Gold,
(/ hilled and Silver, with Elgin !
■| Movements. All sizes and new-j
( , t j)attcrns at prices tliat will
surprise you.
' mif. look ;ii our stock. Wc have t
uiiih liing i liiii will suit you.
Jewelry Store.
. < oruer Centre and Front Streets,
l! _ 1
Watch Repairing a Specialty. |
OlilOX ST 110H,
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
oii>. <• Rooms land 2, Mi ik beck llrick, Freeiand I
\ll legul business promptly attended.
I -tollice Building, - Freeiand. i
MioiKJH Mclaughlin,
I."jal Business of Any Description.
Mi ' iiuan's Building, So. Centre St., Freeiand.
Justice of the Peace.
. I It business given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, - - Main Street.
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
V c but Reliable Companies Represented.
J y\l. X. MALEY,
d Fluor, - - Birkbook Brick.
General Hardware.
; lilders' -upplies of overj kiud always in
i-.. Wallpaper, paints,and tinware. Biey
• :i- and repairs of all sorts.
South Centre street*
Candies! Candies! Candies!
Nothing is more appropriate for n
Christmas PRESENT
than a
iiiablu for your sweetheart, your mother,
•oi -i-.tei\ your brother, your friends or your
ii< abhors at reduced prices
We have tons and tons of
IP cure FFresib. 0an.d.37-,
iit greatly reduced rates.
10-Cent Candy
is now sold:
1 lb 8c
'A lb- 15c
5 lb 35c
15-Cent CarLd.37-
is now Bold:
1 lb 13c
2 lb 23c
5 lb 50c
Give Us Your Orders
if you want the
Churches Supplied
witli their
' ill upon u- before placing your order, as
v ooike special prices for churches and give
urn No. J goods. Muxes furnished free.
Karkampasies & Karampas,
80 Centre Street, Freeiand.
The borough school board met in l
special session last evening. The secre
tary stated the object of the mealing ,
was in regard to the heating of the j
Ridge struct school atid a proposition j
from the Freeiand Water Company, j
Bids were read for the placing of two
extra radiators and necessary pipes as
follows: William Williamson, $31.53: j
Joseph Birkbeck, 959.75; Scott and Ash- j
man, 904.19.
Mr. Scott was present and being ques
tioned by members of the board stated
tliat lie would place a new main, change
the systom of return, with plugs for
additional radiators, and guarantee the
system to work, all for 35 cents per houi !
for two men and the cost of pipe: !
but would not guarantee to heat the I
building. The proposition met the ap- ;
proval of the directors and he was order- j
ed to do the work.
The building committee was instruct- !
ed to look up prices on placing largei 1
doors, also placing paper behind wain
, sooting in the Ridge street building.
A proposition was received from the !
Freeiand Water Company to supply the ,
schools with water at 12. 1 -*' cents pe: )
1,000 gallons and provide meters, tin j
board to furnish the boxes and locks
The proposition was accepted, provider I
that after one month's trial last year*,
bills be computed at the same ratio.
The board will meet Wednesday even- j
ing noxt.
Novel Tailoring.
An English war correspondent in a ,
Cuban prison sent for a tailor to make
him a suit, of clothes, but on the ar
rival of the man of the shears the I
prisoner found he could only consult I
with him through the bars, and had to I
stami quite close to them to be measur
ed. In a few days, however, the tailor
again appeared on the scene with the
garments cut out and pinned together
for titting on, and this he accomplished !
by stretching his arms through the
window bars as before until the "tit''
was to liis mind correct.
When tlie correspondent came to
wear this extraordinary suit a short
lime after he found it most satisfne
! Tory and well fitting—so much so that
it is being worn iu London now with
. much pride.
A Moving Stairway.
A moving staircase will be a novel
feature of the Paris Exposition. H
will consist of an endless belt in per
petual motion, upon which it will he
necessary to step to be transported
from floor to floor.
Not Stupidity.
A distinguished professor says that
what is culled stupidity is simply the
indication that a certain brain area is
not properly nourished, or is without
communication with the nerve fibre.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Clarence Hoover and Miss Leal.
Metzger, both of Foster township, have
b i en granted a marriage license a!
Wilkes bar re. and will soon marry.
Boar, the _j) 11,8 Kind You Hate Always Bought
The Hazle Brewing Company will be
represented 011 the North Side by Petei
Magagna, the popular proprietor of the
Tiroiese hotel.
Bears the /t The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dry Goods, Groceries
! and Provisions.
S" H eflOT'^^^o'HATS ' 0
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
N . IF. Cor. Centre and Front St*., Freeiand.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale iu one of the handsomest sa
loons iu town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan
doah Beer and Youngling's Porter 011 tap.
08 Centre street.
Eating House and Oyster Saloon.
No. 13 Front Street, Freeiand.
Temperance drinks, cignri, etc. Families
supplied with oysters direct from the shore.
IDOR RENT. A large, well located store
I" room; rates very teas liable; immediate
possession given. 11. M. Mreslin, South Centre
street, Freeiand.
Read - tlie - Tribune.
Nevrnpaper* In the School*.
! From the Philadelphia Press.
' Senator-elect John A. Went/, addressed
tlie school directors of Montgomery
I county on the topic "Should Newspapers
be Used as Supplementary Reading in
| our Public School*?" He opposed the
I innovation ou the claim that there are
i not 10 per cent of the daily papers pub
! lished in the Uiiited States "whose every
' line is suitable, as far as good editorial
; judgment can make them, to be read by
! children."
] The new senator from Montgomery
views the daily press narrowly. The
character of the reputable newspapers
is directed by thoso skilled in judging
what is proper to publish and what is not.
There is a strict observance of the moral
1 tone and an elimination of much of the
news that would be harmful if given
publicity. But the dally press reflects
the real world in whicli we live, not the
ideal, and it is a question for Senator
Went/, to consider whether more children
are not ruined through an ignorance of
constantly pictured lessons of the trans
gressors 1 ways than to leave them obliv
ious to consequences until after they
awaken to the results of wrongdoing,
i The school teachers of Pennsylvania,
i as a class, for example, bear evidence of
; the integrity and high moral stamina
that comes of education.
Played With Dynamite.
i To celebrate the arrival of the ltoli
; days, a crowd of Mt. C'armel boys pro
j cured a lot of dynamite, and wont to
i the mountain near Reliance colliery,
j John Miller, aged 15, picked up a stick
I of the explosive and held it over a lire
to thaw. Then placing the dynamite
on the ground he stamped on it with his
I left foot. The concussion caused the
j dynamite cap to explode. The foot was
j terribly mangled above tlio ankle and
had to be amputated. His face was cut
j by pebbles, while his eyesight was des
: troyed by sand. lie is not expected to
to recover.
Must, Buy New Watches.
"The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com- |
pany lias issued an order which will
necessitate abo':t 50 per cent of its em
ployes purchasing new watches, the
movements of which will cost from 917
upwards," says the Mauch Chunk News.
"This is the result of a change in the
time limit, which took effect 011 Ist inst.
Reforo that time a railroader might own
a watch that would not vary more than
thirty seconds in a week. Now, under
the new rule, the men must be provided
with a seventeuu-jnweled timepiece ad
justed to three positions,"
ltoanted on u Stove.
John Condish, of Jeddo, is being treat
ed at the Hazle ton hospital for severe
burns about the limbs and body. John
celebrated Christmas by filling up 011
whiskey, and when passing through the
kitchon of his boarding house 011 Sunday
fell backwards upon a red hot stove.
He was so helplessly drunk that he could
not got off the stove. His screams
brought assistance from upstairs, but by
the time it arrived John was frightfully
roasted. The flesh stuck to the hot
furnace and great chunks are torn from
bis body.
Christmas Niglit Tragedy.
Michael Mallack after quarreling with
John Laduc, at Sturmerville Sunday
night in a saloon, started home with
him. Half an hour later he was dead,
and Ladue returned to the saloon and
said Mallack had been struck by a train
ou the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad. The single wound
on the back of the head looked so un
like an Injury received by being struck
by a train that Ladue was arrested and
sunt to Luzerne county prison.
I'ermanoDt Certificate Committee.
County superintendentof schools, Prof.
T. B. Harrison, has been notified by Dr.
N. C. Schaffer, state superintendent,
that the following have been chosen as
a committee on permanent certificates
for Luzerne county: F. E. Flickinger,
Plymouth; J. (). Hermann, Edwards
; villa, and Edward F. Ilanlon, Freeiand.
! The appointment of the latter on this
important committee is pleasing to his
Dinner at tlia Poor House.
"The inmates of the almshouse at
Laurytown" says the Hazleton Blain
Speaker , "have reason to remember the
Cuxe ladies of Driftou for their kindness
in affording each man, woman and child
j at the institution the opportunity of par
taking of a bounteous Christmas dinner.
Everything that was to be desired was
furnished and all the inmates are thank
ful for the kindness bestowed."
There will be a shooting match at
Milton Eckroto's hotel, South llebortou,
on Monday next at 1 p. m., for 925 a
side, between Jacob Eckrote and A.
Workler, of Upper Lehigh. Each man
will shoot at five birds.
The executors of the estate of the late
A. S. VanYVickle have brought suit
against the United States Casualty Com
pany, of New York, to recover 910,00?)
; insurance money which the company
refuses to pay.
"The World Against Her" met with
j the approval of a large audience at the
| Grand last evening. Agnes Wallace
; Villa has a good company and, with the
specialties introduced, the play is well
worth seeing.
J. R. Shaw, of Rochester, N. Y., and
Miss Bertha Thomas, of Oakdale, were
! married yesterday afternoon by Rev. R.
M. Snyder iu Jeddo M. E. church.
They will reside at Rochester.
Reese Davies, aged 00 years, died this
week at Priceburg, Lackawanna county,
i Some years ago ho filled the position of
I ipine forcmau at Touibicken.
I,elilKli Valley's New Cars.
The new cars Spartan, Trogan, Gre
cian and Corinthian, recently placed in
service on the Lehigh Valley, between
Huffalo and Nw York, are the latest
productions from the Pullman Works,
and they are considered superior to any
heretofore constructed. Several special
features have been introduced which
will undoubtedly make them popular
with the traveling public, the most im
portant of which is the commodious la
dies' boudoir, which is provided with a
The cars are seventy-eight feet long
over platforms, and contain all the
latest improvements, including wide
vestibules, Piutsch gas system of light
ing and safety system steam heat. They
are finished in carefully selected Ver
million wood, secured in the East Indies,
and are plainly yet handsomely decorat
ed with the latest dosigu inlaid marque
try work.
The upholstery on the seats and
backs, which is a moquetto of a Persian
design, with green border and centre
pattern of bright colors, was specially
imported for these cars. The ornamen
tation of ceiling harmonizes with the
upholstery and other interior finishings,
giving the car an Arabesque effect.
The carpets are of rich velvets, and
passengers entering the cars at once
note the elegance and at the same time
the simplicity of the ornamentation of
the finishings, which give them a deli
cate appearance, difficult to describe,
and which must be seen to be appre
Preparations fop tit* Hall.
The members of the Tigers Athletic
Club have about completed the decora
tions of the interior of Yannes' opera
house, and electricians are now at work
rewiring the building for the additional
lights which will shine tomorrow night
during the tenth annual ball of the club.
Tho decorations this year are very
handsome and add greatly to the ap
pearance ot the dance hall.
The cloak room, ladies' toilet room
and the lunch room will be located on
the third floor. Kntranuc to these can be
obtained from the side door west of the.
main street doors, also from the gallery
of the opera house, (ientlemen's re
freshments can be had at the hotel bar
of Mr. Valines, which will be in charge
of tho club, aud smoking rooms will be
found in the rear of this bar.
DoPlerro's new and enlarged orches
tra will supply the dancing music to
morrow evening. Music for the New
Year's Eve Hop on Saturday evening
and the Itusiness Men's Dance on Mon
day evening will bo furnished by St.
Ann's Parish hand.
The ball will open at 0.30 o'clock to
morrow evening with a march.
SIOO Keward, SIOO,
The readers of this paper will be
pleused to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to care in all its stages and that is
catarrh. Hall's catarrh cure is the only
positive euro now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, noting directly upon the blood
it ml mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation o'
the disease, anil giviDg tho patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer one
hundred dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of testimonials
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
ESySold by druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Tlie Wife and Her Husband'* ItiiHinenn.
"It is a cause of amazement to me
that a man can go on, year in and year
out, toiling for a family whose members
show no Interest in his work further
then to spend the money he makes, aud
who look upon him as the family mint,'*
writes Francis Evans in the January
Ludien' llome, Journal. "My firm belief
is that had lie, in the first Hush of mar
ried life, talked over his business and
ambitions with his wife, she would
have become interested in both, first for
his sake, and afterwards for her own
and their children's. Think of the gulf
that lies between a man and woman
united in marriage when he never
speaks at home of the affairs wMftch
absorb his entire day! Mutual interests
will bind people together indissolubly
even when indifference, that dangerous
bridge of sighs, has swallowed up affec
Cutth Upon Delivery.
Battel's famous beer, ale and porter
will hereafter he sold strictly for cash
upon delivery. The pure, unadulter
ated beverages manufactured by this firm
are the best in the markot, and in order
to successfully compete with tho infer
ior products of other broweries the casli
upon delivery system has been adopted.
Battel's drinks will be found most nu
tritious and refreshing, healthful and
stimulating. Sold at ail up-to-date ho
tels and saloons. Chas. Boczkowski,
wholesalo agent.
A. Oswald sells three bars of grand
ma's butter milk soap for the small sum
of sc.
December 20.—Fair of Young Men's
C. T. A. B. Corps at (Jrand opera house
hall. Admission. 5 cents.
December 30.—Tenth annual hall of
Tigers Athletic Club at Valines' operu
house. Admission, 50 cents.
.January 21.—Annual fair of the Citi
zens' Hose Company at Yanties' opera
house, closing January 30 with a ball.
Bear, the 11,0 Vou Have Always Bought
131 WBBP+
Beat Cough Syrup. Ta*tea Good. DM IJI
In ttm*. Sold by drugglttc. W
What does this mean?" lie asked.
"Keuben " •.
She hesitated.
"I fear—that nil obstacle has arisen
to our marriage."
"What obstacle could arise?"
"Two hundred thousand dollars have
been bequeathed to uie on condition
that I should not —*
"And you, choosing between the two
hundred thousand and me, prefer the
"It Is such a fortune and 1 have such
a desire for it."
Itcubcn Austin turning away, ieft
her without a word. It was certainly
a strange will, hut Benjamin Griltiu
was a strange man. He died u bach
elor with 110 particular love for any
body and no one had any particular
love for hi 111. Benjamin had divided
Ills fortune equally among seven mar
riageable widows ill tlie town of Itatli
lione, where he resided. He schrcely
knew tlieiu. for lie avoided the sex In
general, hut lie knew that tliey wore
all anxious to he married again at 110
distant day.
The condition was that each should
come into possession of her two hun
dred thousand in six months, niul
snotild continue ill possession of the
same as long as she remained unmar
ried; and in the event of the marriage
of one, her share should lie equally di
vided among the rest.
The seven widows walked out of the
.house. That evening there were seven
miserable men in Itatlibone. Six re
ceived peremptory orders to cease their
attentions. Tlie seventh, a good look
ing young mail with bright eyes and
honest countenance, called on Mrs.
Douglass with what result we have
The six other widows watched her
house to see ir lie repeated his visits.
They were wishing he would, for her
share would then iall to them. The
hist week but one before the six
months had passed, Keuben Austin
was busy in the shop whistling at his
Work, trying to he merry, though lie
had lost twenty pounds since he lost
his love.
He turned ami saw Mrs. Douglass
s.anding in the doorway.
"Iteuhen, I shall not take the
"Do you prefer me?"
Before the week was out they were
married and t..e other six rejoiced.
In a day or two, according to notifica
tion. the heirs would hear from the
Mrs. Austin, bite Mrs. Douglass, was
summoned with the rest. They found
exactly the same company present as
on the former reading.
"A codicil to the will read six months
ago," said the executor, "then scaled
and not to he opened until now was at
tached. That codicil it is now my
business to read to you. It is to be
hoped that no one will be unpleasantly
disappointed in view of the terms laid
down in said codicil, which reads thus.
" 'Whereas, I. Benjamin Gritfiu, hav
ing thorough disgus 4 for money con
siderations in matrimonial projects
and entertaining a high respect for
matrimonial affection and fidelity,
have made my last will and testament
in writing bearing date, etc., and have
hereby bequeathed the value of my
fourteen hundred thousand dollars to
seven widows of, etc., named respec
tively, each, on condition that each
shall remain permanently unmarried;
now I do by this, my writing-which I
hereby declare to lie a codicil to my
said will—l do hereby order and de
clare that my will is that the sum of
one hundred thousand he under the
provisions stated divided among said,
etc.. provided each shall, notwith
standing the temptation 1 have set in
her way, remain true to her matri
monial engagement with the gentle
iiiun she now lovingly professes to be
the choice of her heart.
" 'ln case one or any of the said, etc..
should discard or lail to marry said
man of her choice, I do hereby order
and declare that the said sum or sums
shall to her or them lie forfeited, and
if one or any of tin said, etc., remain
true to said, etc., share or shares fall
ing to the lot of those who proved un
true shall be given to her or thetu in
equal shares.'
"The hundred thousand dollars then
falls to Mrs. Austin, who, I believe
is tlie only one among the within
named parties who has adopted the
course which secures a title to the
money bequeathed."
Six disappointed women filed out of
the room. The rest of the fortune was
divided among relatives.
~~"I was so glad that Mrs. Morley, a
second cousin of his, got a good share,
for I know she lias a family to support
and is quite poor," said Mrs. Austin to
her husband, hut I aiu still more glad
that I was true to you, dear."
$1.50 a year is all the TRIBUNE costs.
I. FOR ]
7 We have an abundance of
r Beautiful Articles j
Which will make suitable ■'■ l
L New Year's Gifts. Every- J
f thing in the Jewelry Line. )]
< See Our Display Window. J
: WM. GLOVER, JR., j
The Ktiul You Have Always Bought, and which has been
i in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
jS-yj? and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
• S/. -Co<CAyC/l4 Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
.Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and nnturul sleej>.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
: The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Corner of Centre and Front .Street*,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club.
Rosenbluth'a Velvet, of which we h ve
Mumm'B Extra Dry Champagne,
Henuessy Draudy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordiau, Etc. .
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
11am ami Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
Ballentine and Hazleton beer on tap.
8.-itliH, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.
Embalming of female corpses performed
exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty.
Prepared to Attend Calls
Day or Night.
South Centre street, Freeland. j
Laubach's Bakery
Is hetadquurtcrs for
All goods sold hero are warranted to be pure '
and free from adulterations. Buy your candy |
aud confections at
Bellezzi's Shoe Store
is the proper place to
Buy Winter Footwear
An immense stoek of ladies*, gents' and
children's shoes await your inspection.
Only reliable goods ore carried on our
shelves, and if we can't suit you there we
can take your measure for a pair of our
great and cheap custom-made shoes.
Douglas and other standard goods are sold
far below prices charged elsewhere. We
luivcull the famous makes of gum boots
also l übbers, felts, etc. Come and see the
store. Baby Shoes, 30. 40, 50, 0c and 05c.
John Bellezza, Timony's Brick.
Centre Street, near South.
dealer in
Call at No. 8 Walnut street, Freeland,
or wait for the delivery wagons.
181 Centre street, Freeland.
November 13, 1898.
0 20 a M for Weatliei !y, Maueh Chunk,
AIU utowii, Rethlebem, Lastou, Phila
delphia iiiid New \ oi k.
7 40 a in to- Sandy Run, Whit© Haven,
Wilkes-LL IRRO, Pitts ton aud Serantoii.
8 20 a M for Wuatlierly, -Maueli Ciiunk. AL
lent WII, iletlilelieui, EAS on, Pbiludel
phiu. New York ami Ha/.lcton.
9 33 a ill HA- Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah. Alt. tunnel, Siiauiokin and
1 1 5. R I a in for Sandy Run, White Haven,
; Wilkes-Bane, Soruiiton and all points
4 30 pin for Hazleton, Mahanoy City. Shen
andoah, Mt. Canned, Shaiuokiu and
0 37 P M for Sandy Run, White Huvcii,
Wilkes-Rarre and Seranton.
0 59 p NI for Hazleton, Mahanoy Cilj', Shen
andoah, Mt. Ciirmel, Sliamokiu.
720 a in frouij TPottsville, Delano* Tand
Uazietou. j
7 40 A M from Pottsville, Sliamokiu, MI.
Curmel, Shenandoah, Mahanov Citv
and Hazleton.
9 17 a M from New Vork, Philadelphia,
Easton, Rethlehem, Alleiitown, Maueh
Chunk and Weathcrly.
9 33 a m from Seranton, Wilkes-liarro and
White Haven.
1155A in from Pottsville, Sliamokiu, Mt.
Carmcl, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City
and Hazleton.
1 30 ) m from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and
White Haven.
0 37 |> m from New York, Philadelphia,
Easton. Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Potts
ville, Sliamokiu, Mt. Carmcl, Shenan
doah, Mahanoy City and Hazletoii.
I 3 59 ]> in from Serantoii, Wilkes- Bur re and
J White Haven.
For lurther information inquire of Ticket
\ gents.
I ROLLIN 11. WlLßUß,General Superintendent.
! CHAS, S. LEE. Gen'L Pass. Agent,
J 26 Cortland t Street. New York City.
I Time table in effect April 18. !87.
Trains leave Drlftou for Jeddu, Eekley, Har.le
liruok, Stockton. Ileavor Meadow lload, Koun
ind Hazleton Junction nt 5 JO, (I 00 a in, daily
| "Kept Sunday; and 7 Ilia m, ii U8 p m, Sunday.
1 rains leave liritton tor Garwood. Cranlicrrv
! lomhieken and Deringer at 630, 600 A in, daily
J J*OOPT Sunday; and 703 a M, 238 p M, Suu-
leave Drifton for Oneida Junction
i darwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida ami'N
at 600 a UI, daily except Sun
■ lay; and 706 a in, 238 pm, Sunday.
I frains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood
'runberry, Toniiiieken and Deringer at 635 A
n, daily except Sunday; aud 8 53 a in. 4 22 N M
Sunday. 1 '
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
function, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road
Oneida and Sheppton at 6 32, 11 LU A M, 4 41 D M
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a M, 3 11 nm'
Sunday. V '
Trains leave Deringer lor Tomhicken, Crau
???& Harwoiid H,, Junction and Koun
' ? £RIW P J Y X CEPT Sunday; and U37
A M, 6 07 p in, Sunday.
i iiJ.rA in .'T l !;' uve ?t ~)p , ton f <y Oneida,
Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Huzlc
ton Junction and Roan at 711 am 12 W 522
p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 li a nil 3 44
i pm, Sunday. ' on
ttoild'"lrinW < !.. Sh M P,, i to " n t " r . Dcavcr Meadow
and lIrSSS. ii i J " c r V, ok ' K vklcy, Jcdilo
and 811 u\u,j f'im.'sunday*' eXCt '"' SU """ J;
IK. £'£, IZY?
Jeddoand Drifton at 5 4.,, 026 p m, daily
except Sunday; and 10 10 U M, 5 40 pm. Sunday.
I\NVPI, U C .V UN J ; , (:L ' Hazleton Junction wii'll
elcctrk cars for Hazleton, Jeanesville, Audeu-
°^ LER POINTS on the Traction Com-
POII) s line.
Trains leaving Drifton at SIX), 600 a m make
connection tt Deringer with P. R. it. trains for
west H TT> ' SUNBUIY ' Uarlibbuig and points
For the accommodation of passengers a! way ,
stations between Hazleton Junction and Dei- *
•T"S o !.', A TR I TT, N WILI ,UTTV ® 1,10 FORMER point at
blSKat6&p e m.° P undlly ' urriv "" f ,il
LUl'll LB C. SMITH, Superintendent.
dealer in
Bry V*
Hoofm and.
Centre aud Muln street*, Frccluud,