FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO 20, RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. May 16, 1898. Ahiianokmknt of Passhnokk Trains. LEAVE PUB ELAND. 6 20 a in for Wcuthorly, Mauch Chunk, Allcntowii, llothlohom, Easton, Phila delphia nod New York. 7 40 a in for Handy Run, White Huvon, Wilkes-Bar re, I'ittstoii and Serantoii. 8 32 ain for Weatherly, Maucli Chunk. Al lontown, Bethlehem, Eistoii, Philadel phia and New York. 9 30 a in for ilazleton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Hhaniokiu and Pottsville. 1 1 56 a m for Sandy linn, White Ilavon, Wilkes-Barro, Horanton and all points West. 4 32 P ui for Ilazleton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carincl, Hhaniokiu and Pottsville. 6 39 |> m for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and Heraiitou. 0 57 | in for Ilazleton, Muhanoy City, Shcu utiduuh, Mt. Curmcl and Shumokin. ARRIVE AT FRKELAND. 7 40 ft ni from Pottsville, Shumokin, Mt. Carmel, Slieuuudouh, Muhanoy City and ilazleton. 9 17 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Munch Chunk and Weatherly. 9 30 a in from Serautou, Wilkes-Barre aud White Haven. 1 1 56 a in from Pottsville, Hhaniokiu, Mt. Curiucl, Shenandoah, Mahauoy City uiid llazlcton. 4 32 p in from Seriuiton, Wilkes-Barre and White Huvon. 0 39 P ni from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem. Alleiitown, Potts ville, Hhaniokiu, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahauoy City and Jiazluton. 0 57 p ui from Serautou, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 8 32 P m from Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Munch Chunk and Weatherly. For further luiorinatiou inquire of Ticket AKcuts. KoLLLN 11. WlLßUß,General Superintendent. (JiIAS. S. LEE, Uun'l I'asa. Agent. 'AS Cortluudt Street, New York City. Dklawauk, Susijubhanna anh 1 Schuylkill Railroad. Time table in effect April 18,1H7. Truifis leave Drlfton lor Jeddo, Eekley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Roud, Roan aud Haziutou Junction at 630, OUU am, dady except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for llarwood.CranlHjrry, Toiuhiekeii and Deriuacr at 6 30, U0 a in, daily except Sumluy; and 7 03 u in, 238 p in, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood ltoad, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Hhepptou at 000 a iu, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 u ni, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave ilazleton Junction for Harwood, t'ranlierry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 036 a in, dtiily except Sunday; uud 8 53 a ui, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Ilazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood ltoad, Humboldt Road, (meida and Sheppton ut '> TJ, II 10 a in, 4 41 p in, daily except Sumluy; uud 7 37 a in, 3 11 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Ilazleton J unction uud ltonn at 2 25, 5 10 p m, daily except Sunday; and U37 a in, 007 pm, Sunday. Trams leuvo Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Huzic ton Junction and Roun at 7 11 a m, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; aud 8 11 u in, 3 44 p ui, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, lluzlu Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Driltou at 5 p in, daily, except Suuduy; uud 8 11a m, 3 41 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Ilazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, G2O pin, duily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p ui, Sunday. All trains connect at Ilazleton Junction with oleotrio ears for Hazleton, Jeanesvillo, Auden ried and other pointa on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 0 00 a m make connection at Deringer with 1\ R. R. trains for Wilkcsburro, Suubury, Jlurrisburg uud points west. For the accommodation of passengers at wny stations bet ween Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a tram will leave the former point ut 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving ut Deringer at 5 00 p m. LUTIIER C. SMITH, Superintendent. Playing to Crowded Houses. At the Grand opera house, Ilazleton, Elmer E. Vance's phenomenal success ful company Is playing to crowded houses this week. Tho company is of the best,, each and every member being specially selected for tiieir parts, and the productions are given under the personal direction of Mr. Vanco. The wonderful Beatrice, ever so popular, is still witii tho company, and this season is introducing new and up-to-date special ties, including buck dancing, Spanish, fancy and acrobatic dances. Tho prices are only JO, 20 aud 30 cents. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try and buy again. It melius they're sutisUed. The people of the United States are now buying Cas carets Candy Cuthurtie at the rate of two million boxes u year and it will be throe million be fore New Year's. It iiieuns merit proved, that Cosoarete are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the your round. All druggists, 10c. 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Rlt of Advice to Beer-Drinkers. Reward of the great dangers that lurk in improperly mado beverages. Take no chances in drinking beer of which you know nothing. Insist upon getting the pure, unadulterated and wholesome lager brewed by the famous Bartel. No other can surpass it in health-giving and system-building. Barrel's stock ale and porter also lead. Charles Boczkow ski, agent. Ileauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No tieauty without it. Cusenrets Candy Cathar tic elAun your blood and, keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples, bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets—beauty for 10 cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Merchants' Association Excursion. To New York, September 10-14. Fare and a third—fifteen days limit, via Le high Valley Railroad. Half Kates to ludianapolls. Via Lehigh Valley. Knights of Pythias, August 20-Septembor 10. An Interesting Trip To Niagara Falls via Lehigh Valley Rail road, September 9 —<s. CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought FREELAND READY TO HONOR THE 0. A. R. PREPARED TO GREET AND ENTER TAIN THOUSANDS OF VETS AND THEIR FRIENDS. Lehigh Valley Grand Army Association Will He Royally Welcomed on Natur duy by the People of This Town—Order of Exercises as Arranged for the Hay Parade, Convention, Camp Fire, Etc. Distinguished Visitors to Re With Us on This Occasion. Preparations for tho annual parade, convention and camp firo of the Lehigh Valley Grand Army Association at Free land on Saturday next have been com pleted, and nothing but fair weather now remains to he had to make the day ono of tlie most successful ever celebrat- i ed in our borough. It is estimated by tho correspondence committee that at least 900 members of tho Grand Army will be in line, twenty- j ono posts having agreed to take part in ; the celebration. In addition, at least throe large camps of tho Sons of Veter ans will be here. Hazleton's military organization will make its lirst appear ance in public on Saturday, and two ladies' brigades, uniformed and drilled, will help to swell the ranks and add to the variety of tho line by their presence. The majority of theso organizations will be accompanied by music. Tho committee has had a handsome areh erected in front of the headquar ters, the Central hotel, and tho people of town have been generous in availing themselves of the services of profes sional and private decorators, and If all goes well the visiting veterans and their friends should return to their homes with a good opinion of our town. Besides tho parade, in which the greatest interest is centered, the asso ciation will hold a business session at 3.30 o'clock and a camp liro at 7.30 o'clock. Botli events will bo hold in the Grand opera houso and admission will be free to tho public. Distinguished visitors and speakers will be present., as shown by the program. Tho selling of tlekets at one-fare rate on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at all stations between Wilkosbarro and Phil ipsburg, N. J., will be an inducement to visit our mountain city which many will take advantage of. and it Is conserva tively estimated that 8,000 strangers will seek Freeland's hospitality on Sat urday. Quite a number of these people will remain over night, the railroad company having promised to run special trains from Freeland on Sunday to take them to their homes. These excursion tickets are also good on all trains on Monday. By orders of tho borough council the streets are receiving some extra atten tion this week, in order that walking over them may be mado as comfortable as possible for tho voterans. The Electric Light Company has also decided to contribute to the appearance of the town after dark. Tho arc lights recently removed from the intersection of several streets will bo replaced and lighted on Saturday evening, and the old-time brilliancy of tho town will again be with us. Business people and private citizens, without an exception, are anxious that the town should show up well on Satur day. Representative men from all parts of the lower coal Holds, tho Lehigh val ley and some of tho larger cities will bo hero on that day, and If favorable im pressions are made upon them this will redound to the credit of Freeland in future years. VETERANS TO MARCH \GAIN. Order of Formation and the Route of Parade Decided Upon. Nothing lias boon left undone by the committee of Post 147 to make tho pa rade a crodit to tho Lehigh Valley Grand Army Association. President John Wagner has completed the appointment of tho officers of the day, arranged tho program of exorcises, etc., as follows: FORMATION OF LINK. Chiof Marshal, W. R. Longshore, Post 20, Ilazleton. Senior Aide-de-Camp, Stephen Drashor, Post 147, Freeland. Aides, John Fisher, Post 113, White Haven. Christ Sanghardt, Post 01, Mauch Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only ono way to cure deafness, an<l that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlumed con dition of the mumus lining of the eustachian tuho. When this tnbe gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed deafness is the result, and un less tho infiamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be dtstroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrnh, which is nothing but an in tlumed condition of the mucous surfacos. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ISTSoId by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1898, Chunk. Ellas Reidy, Post 284, Slatington. First Division. Marshal, Lieut. Calvin Pardee, Jr., Co. D, Sovonth Rcgt., P. G. P., Ilazloton. Citizens 1 Hand, Freeland. Company D, Seventh Regiment, Pro visional Guard of Penn'a, llazlcton. Camp 95, Sons of Veterans, Lehighton. 41 210, 44 Slatington. 44 2 07, 44 Ilazloton. Eli T. Connor Ladies 1 Brigade, Lans ford. llazlcton Ladies 1 Brigade, llazlcton. First division will form on East Front street, right resting on Washington. Second Division. Marshal, David Powell, Post 43, Ash land. Liborty Band, Ilazloton. Post 20, G. A. 11., Ilazloton. 44 43, 44 Ashland. 44 01, 44 Mfetich Chunk. 44 87, 44 Allontown. 44 92, 44 Mt. Carmel. 44 110, 44 Mahauoy City. 44 113, 44 White Haven. 44 133, 44 Audenried. 44 144, 44 Port Carbon. Second division will form on West Front street, right resting on Washington. Third Division. Marshal, Bonj. G. Hess, Post 140, Shenandoah. Shenandoah Band. Tost 140, G. A. R., Shenandoah. 44 177, 44 Summit Bill. 44 189, 44 Tain aqua. 44 273, 44 Weathorly. 44 284, 44 Slatington. Third division will form on West Wal nut street, right resting on Washington. Fourth Division. Marshal, James It. Henry, Post 378, Catasauqua. Catasauqua Drum Corps. Post 378, G. A. It., Catasauqua. 44 484, 44 Lehighton. 44 527, 44 South Bethlehem. 44 503, 44 Conyngham. 44 ' 217, 44 Easton. 44 23, 44 Pottsville. Junior Band, Eckley. Post 147, G. A. It., Freeland. Fourth division will form on Washing ton street, right resting on Walnut. Carriages containing citizens 1 com mittee, officials and other invited guests will take position on Chestnut street, right resting on Washington stroot. lIOUTK OF I'AKADK. The organizations will form in lino at 1.30 p. in., and the parade will move at 2 o'clock over tho following route: From Front and Washington streets down Washington to Carbon, to Centre, to Walnut, to Birkbeck, to Hess 1 corner, countermarch on Birkbeck to Front, to Contro, to headquarters, where it will bo dismissed. COLONEL STONE TO SPEAK. Immediately after tho dismissal of the parade, Colonel William A. Stone, tho Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, will deliver a short ad dress from the steps of tho Central hotel. BUSINESS SESSION. Annual Convention of the AKMoolutlon at 3.30 O'Cluck. At 3.30 o'clock President John Wag ner will call to order the business ses sion of the association in tho auditorium of tho Grand opera house. Delegates have been elected by all the posts In the district to meet here, and matters pertaining to the welfare of the organi zation in tiiis part of the state will be considered. At this session officers of the associa tion for the tcrin 1898-99 will be chosen, also the town in which Grand Army Day will be observed next year. It is understood that several places are putting forth extra efforts to cap ture tho veterans for September, 1899, as their demonstration is becoming the leading event of the year and moans much to the town chosen by the dele gates. THE CAMP FIRE. Evening Exorclnes for the Ohl golillern Are Arranged. At 7.39 o'clock the Grand opera house will again be crowded with veterans and visitors to listen to tho oxercisos ar ranged for them by Maj. C. B. Coxo Post. Tho program of tho evening Is as follows: Music by Citizens' band. Prayer by ltov. J. B. Kerschner. Opening address by Burgess James M. Gallagher. Introduction of Chairman George 11. Troutman, of Ilazloton. Singing by Park M. E. church quar tette. Address by Colonel William A. Stqno, of Allegheny. Duott, 44 The Wounded Soldier," by John Price and Miss Mabel Missnier. Drill by Ladies 1 Brigade, of Lansford. Remarks by Corporal Thomas Kay, of Philadelphia. Solo, "Cuba," by Miss Alborta Sodor. Address by Hon. Jeremiah Snyder, of Allontown. Drill by Ladies' Brigade, of Ilazloton. Selection by orchestra. Educate Your Howlah Willi CtißcuretH. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 11C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. LOCAL WAR NOTES. Captain Danison Stearns, of Company B, Ninth regiment, died at his home in Wilkesbarre on Tuesday morning from typhoid fever contracted in tho service. Captain Stearns is tho son of Major I. A. Stearns, who holds the position of president of Coxo Bros. Co., the Cross Creek Coal Company and the D. S. S. Railroad. He is the seventeenth man of tills regiment to die. The captain came from one of tho most prominent families in the coal region. His great great-grandfather, Colonel Nathan Den nison Stearns, was one of the command ing officers in the battle now known as the massacre of Wyoming, and his other great-great-grandfather, Elijah Shoe maker, fell in the battle. Captain Stearns was 23 years old. lie was edu cated at Philips academy, Andover. Mass., and at Yale college. He was u man of magnificent physique, six feet in height, symmetrically built and weigh ing 185 pounds. He joined Company B as a private In March, 1897. On May 5, 1898, just after the regiment was muster ed into the service of the United States, ho was elected captain and efficiently discharged his duty until Incapacitated by his fatal illness. Captain Stearns en joyed the distinction of being the young est captain in the United States aruiy. The Ninth Penn'a may soon bo added to the list of regiments to be mustered out of tho service, as a result of repre sentations which Congrossman Morgan B. Williams mado to President McKin ley on Tuesday. The Ninth is made up largely of miners, whoso familios, he told the president, are suffering greatly becauso of their absence. The presi dent promised to give the matter con sideration, and it is understood ho talked it over with Secretary Alger, who will announce his decision tomorrow. It is believed he will order the Ninth from tiieir present camp, at Lexington, Ky., to Cainp Meade, where they will be mustered out. A dispatch from Wash ington states that the Ninth has beon ordered to Wilkosbarro to be mustered out. An Austrian by the name of John Hudock, employed as a laborer at Colo raine, enlisted in the regular service at Hazleton last week and took the oath of allegiance. Ho requested a leave of absence from the lieutenant in order to draw his back pay, and on receiving per mission ho applied at the offico of tho company at Coloraino. The sum due him was paid and Hudock departed ostensibly to join his squad. The fact remains however that ho has not been soon since and his proscnt whereabouts are unknown. An effort will be made to find him and his offence punished, he being according to tho regulations a deserter. PERSONALITIES. Condy O. Boylo returned homo last evening from BayonnoCity, N. J., where lie has opened a handsome saloon at the corner of Twenty-second street and Av enue C, in that city. Mr. Boyle's friends are pleased to seo him brandling out in his business anjl hope his Jersey vonturu will meet with Condy's usual success. Rev. W. A. llartman and family re turned yesterday from a two weeks' vacation. Rov. Hartmau preached the sermon on Epworth League Day at the Huntington Valley camp meeting. Miss Annie Wood and Mrs. Barringer, who spent a pleasant week with F. 11. Albert and family, returned home to Wilkosbarro this week. Misses Sarah Dover and Ella Ilaiiey, of Philadelphia, aro visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. Edward Gallagher, Main street. John Boylo, a son of Daniel Boyle, of Carbon 9troet, has entered a business college at West Chester. Supt. R. E. Meyers, of tho Eloctric Light Company, is soriously ill at his homo on Front street. Rev. Thomas Brohony, of Eekley, is on a recreation trip to Niagara Falls and Canadian cities. Miss Carrie Widdick, of Washington streot, is visiting her uncle aud aunt in Philadelphia. Mrs. P. F. McNulty and son Robert are visiting tho former's father at New port. Misses Ellio O'Donnell and Maine Mc- Garvey are visiting friends in Allontown. Dr. N. Maley is spending the week with relatives in Toronto, Canada. Con Carbon, of Wilkesbarre, is visit ing Freeland friends. In Memory of Labor's Martyrs. The local unions of tho United Mine Workers of America located at Free land, Upper Lehigh, Highland, Eekley, Sandy Run and Jeddo will meet at the Lehigh Valley station Saturday morn ing and take the 8.45 o'clock train for Hazoton, where they will participate in the Mine Workers' parade in memory of tho Lattlmer massacre. St.. Patrick's band will furnish the music for tho local unions of the North Side. CASTOniA. Bears the Kind You Hate Always Bought {School Hoard Meeting. The borough school board met last evening. The minutes of tho previous meetings wore all approved with the exception of the last meeting. Mr. Sweeney took excoptions to a discussion as stated in tho minutes as having taken place in regard to the janitor taking care of the grounds. The minutes wore ordered to be corrected. Tho interest on bonds were paid as follows: Mrs. Peter Timony, 8500; John Molly, $75; Mrs. P. Lawlor, SSO; Tribune Printing Company, Limited, 81"). A request from tho young men attend ing tho evening school which was con ducted in the Mechanical Institute rooms during the summor for tho use of a room in the Eekloy B. Coxo building was ordered granted, provfded it moots tho approval of tho solicitor. Hills of all kinds wore referred to the finance committee. It was decided to pay part of William Johnson's and Al. Hachuian's bills which are drawiug in terest, tho former $l2O and tho latter $135. It was decided to retain $5 on Mr. Lentz's bill and pay the balance. The secretary was ordered to give the solicitor authority to collect money due tho board at Wilkesbarre. Tho building committee was Instruct ed to have repairs made on the Hag-polo and fences erected at Hlrvanton and South Hoborton leading to closets. Tho teachers and pupils committee reported in regard to tho course of studies. Tho report of Principal Ilan lon gave the number of enrollment in the Daniel Coxe school as 342, showing a crowded condition. The matter of their distribution was left in his hands. The text book couimittoe reported a list of books and miscellaneous articles needed. These were ordored purchased. Tho same committee stated that the printing of 200 manuals had been awarded to the Press at 820, the bids being: TRIBITNK, NO. 1 papor, 100, $23; No. 2 paper, $22; $5 additional for 200. PrebSy No. 1 papor, 100, s2l; No. 2 paper, s2l, $5 additional for 200. Mr. Sweeney referred very pointedly to some statements made by a publisher of town that tho previous board gave out their printing on a political basis. Fire Company Ofticers. The members of tho Citizons' Hose Company met last evening and nomi nated oflicors for the onsuing year. The election and installation will take place at the annual meeting on tho 17th Inst. The ollicors nominated are: Prosidont—John J. Welsh. Vice prosidont—Frank McHrierty. Secretary—J. I). Myers. Treasurer—James M. Gallagher. Directors—Patrick J. Boyle, John M. Powell, P. M. Sweeney. Foreman of hoso—James Brennan. Assistant—James J. Kennedy. Foremen hook and laddor—ll. M. Hreslin. Assistant—Timothy Boylo. Henry Ilincor and James P, McNeils were recommended to council as selec tions from which to appoint a chief of the department. James Welsh was elected delegate to attend the Stato Firemen's Association convention, which meets at Heading. Invitations from tho tho Diamond Company, of Hazleton, and tho West Hazloton Company to attend picnics on September 14 and 17 wore received. John Welsh, 11. M. Hreslin and T. A. Huckloy were appointed to audit the accounts of the secretary and treasurer. A Memorial Service. From the Hazleton Standard. A solemn high requiem mass for tho repose of tho souls of the. victims of the Lattimer shooting will be celebrated in St. Stanislaus' Polish church, at 10.30 next Saturday morning. Rev. E. S. Phillips will be celebrant; Rev. Lepisn skl, of Hopevllla, deacon; Rev. Tomiak, of Mt. Carmel, sub-deacon, and Rev. R. A list, master of ceremonies. An Eng lish sormon will bo preached by Rev. Francis Mack, of Freeland; a Polish sermon by Rev. Chajinskl, of Mt. Car mol; Slavonian at St. Joseph's cemetery by Rev. Novartsky, of McAdoo; a ser mon for the Greek Catholics at the Polish cemetery by Rev. Martyak, of Freeland. Tho Republican convention of Carbon county was held at Mauch Chunk on Tuesday. A full Quay ticket was named, that faction having everything their own way, as follows: Assembly, Dr. W. W. Robor, of Lohighton, asso ciate judge,Jonas Sondhelm; district at torney, I). W. Sittlor, of Lansford. Walter Evans and W. R. Stroll were elected stato delegates. There is some difference 'of opinion in regard to the output of anthracite coal for this month, and it seems as if tho companies cannot agree. Some want the amount to bo fixed at 4,000,000 tons, while others think 3,500,000 will be more than plenty, and they state that if more than this Is mined It will work against the business. $5. Nfiitfani Falls. September i) —Lehigh Valley Railroad. CABTOniA. Boars the yp ll,B Kind Y™ Have Always Bought BRIEE ITEMS 0E NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SynopHix of Local and MlHcellaneoiiH Oc currences That Can He Ouickly. What the Folks of This and Other Towns Are Doing. Byron Hahn, of Wilkosbarro, has been elected chairman of the Republican county committee. The services of Forty Hours' Devotion will be hold at St. Ann's Catholic church tills month, beginning Sunday, the 25th. Farmers report that, this year's potato crop is almost a total failure; High prices aro predicted as a result of the shortage. Tho borough council mot on Monday evening and adjourned until tomorrow evening, on account of Monday being a legal holiday. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for tho small sum of sc. It is reported that Tax Collector Ely Crawford has resigned the appointment and will not accept. Othor applicants aro now coining to tho front. Park M. E. church, Rev. W. A. Hart man, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Evorybody is cordially welcomed. The Tirolese Dramatic Company will render "Monte Christo" at Sheppton on Saturday evening. Tho drama was recently played here and the company scored a big hit with their people. Ten thousand visitors witnessed the annual demonstration of tho United American Association of Central Penn sylvania at Tamaqua on Monday. It was decided to hold the next demonstra tion at Hazleton. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. He soils lots of thoin and they are dandies. While spitting wood on Monday High Constable Molik struck the thumb of his right hand with tho hatchet. A gash an Inch long was mado in the lnomber. but the olllcur had the wound sewed up and will not lose any part of it. Tho Mining and Mechanical Institute opened for tho torm of ISItS-'.i!) on Tues day evening, l'rof. Pennington replaces Prof. Schmidt as one of tho Instructors, the latter having enlisted in the United States service during the summer. The building which Is being erected in Drlfton ball park by tho coal company for tho uso of tho Fearnots Athletic As sociation Is nearly completed. The structure is one and one-half stories in heighth, well built, and will bo furnish ed as a club-house by tho Fearnots. Tho St. Patrick's cornet band will open dancing school at Yannes' opera house tomorrow evening. Clouts, 35 cts. Louis Shoar, of Hunlock township, was lodged in Wilkosbarre jail on Mon day, charged with tho murder of his brother, Frank. It is alleged that Louis struck his brother on tho head with a pitchfork, fracturing tho skull, from the effects of which ho died. Tho prisoner says he is innocent. Matt Macharavich, who was sent to the county jail last Saturday by Alder man Ileidonreich, of lfazloton, on a summons in trespass, resulting from a horso trade with Samuel Rosenthal, of llazleton. was released yesterday under the Insolvent law. Attorney Carr pro cured Macharavich's discharge. Cubans llOßln to Disarm. Santiago do Cuba, Sept. 8 The first volutary surrender of arms on the part of the Cubans since the Americans oc cupied Santiago occurred to-day, when 2(10 men belonging to Gen. Cebreco'g division came In from their camp near El Cobre and turned their arms over to Gen. Lawion. The men said they were hungry and desired to go to work. The band was composed of whites and negroes and was headed by an officer belonging to Gen. Cebreco's staff. Kxiiruss Triiln Striken Trolley Car. Troy, N. Y., Sept. B.—The blue lino motor car No. 11)2 of the Troy City Hallway Company, was struck by en gine 2111 of the Delawure and Hudson Rullroad, attached to the steamboat express, duo in Troy at 7:3 d o'clock Mon day. The accident resulted in the death of fourteen persons. Twenty more are In jured, some of whom will die. The ac cident occurred at P. M., at the end of the Lansingburg bridge In Co hoes. OA.STOIIXA. Bears the J* Kind You Hate Always Bought _ Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY, STOMACH - AND LIVER TROUBLES. Dr. N. MALEY, DENTIST. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVER Bl UK BECK'S STOItE. $1.50 PER YEAR £MIAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Oflice: lloomsl and 2, Birkbcck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARR, Attorncy-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffice Building, ... Freeland. Mclaughlin, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. iladesty's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland. npiIOS. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. [ Tribune Building, - - Main Street. jyjliS. 8. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. Q* D. ROHRBACII, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, and tinware. Bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. South Centre street. YOU MAN, SHOEMAKER. and shoes repaired with best white oak leather. Cheapest, and most reliable place in town. All work fully guaranteed. End of Trolley, Centre St., Next to N. Capeoo. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Fruclmid. FINEST LIQUOR, J!HER, POUTER, CIGARS AND SOFT PRINKS. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESII BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 6 Walnut street, Freeland, or wuit for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 118 Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in ()}!•<> rei'les. Hoots hud HUoeftU Also PURE WINES i LIQUORS FOR FAMILY ANP MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. " Al j Hm® i V BROTHERHOOD HATS U U 0 A celebrated brand of XX tlour always in stock. Roll Butler and Eggs a Specialty. AMAUDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cm'. Centre and Front Ste., Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers