Warm Weather Weakness is quickly overcomo by the toning and blood enriching qualities of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medi- I iino cures that tired feeling almost as | quickly as the suu dispels the morning j mist. It also cures pimples, boils, salt Ileum, scrofula and all other troubles 1 originating In bad, impure blood. HOOd'S barilla America's Greatest Medicine. SI; six forss. Hood's Pills cure biliousness, indigestion. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness utter flrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 82 trial buttle anil treatise free. Dr.RII.Ki. INK. Lfrl.Jttl Arch St-Fhila.l'a Mrs. Wins'.ow'sSoothing Syrup forchildren tfetliing, sol tens the gums, reduces fnttammiw- Uon, uliays pain, cures wind colic. 20c.a bottle. Tho Bank of England contains silver ingots which have lain in its vaults since 1696. Beanty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar* tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. The largest enclosure for deer Is said to be the Royal Park In Copenhagen, cf 4,200 acres. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco babit cure, makes weak men strong, biood pure. 50c, 81. All druggist* Marketing Early Pota'o B. To those who arc unfamiliar with po tato growing, the high prices which early potatoes command might seem to make it an object to dig a large part of the crop and market it while the price is up. But there are several drawbacks in marketing potatoes early. The weather is hot, and while the skins of potatoes are tender, they will rub off their jackets if handled freely, and the potatoes are then almost sure to rot. Ilence they are never sent far or In large quantities. In digging potatoes early there Is great waste, as only a few of the largest are of marketable size, and those that will sell would grow still larger If left a few day 9 longer in the hill." How iVlnoti flo'fl He Missed. "Henrietta," said Mr. Meekin, "do you think you'll miss me?" She looked at him in surprise and queried: "When ?" "When I have gone to war." "Mr. Meekton," she answered, "I have had reason for resenting a great many things, but I am willing to own that if Spanish marksmanship is such that you are missed In the war as often as I will miss you at home there won't be any risks for you whatever!" Origin of Goldfish. CToidfish are of Chinese origin. They fwere originally found in a large lake near Mount Tsientsing, and were brought to Europe lu the seventeenth century. The first in France came us a present to Mme. De Pompadour. Warship of Vast Cost. The new British battleship Implaca ble is to cost over $5,000,000, the largest eum ever spent in the building of a man-of-war. The armor plates alone will cost $750,000 and the guns nearly as much SljlU THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is clue not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIO SYRUP Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, C.L UiriSVILI.E, By. NEW YORE. N. T. UNIVERSITY or NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Classics* Letter*, Science, Law, Civil, Me chanical and Electrical Engineering. Thorough Preparatory anil Commercial et catalogue iu hand- K"T5.} e£| painted colors Is yours U'r-L^Tv-s {SSS tor the asking. This >— month we sew Carpets, l*> C? is furnish wadded lining 151." c no \ SI igaT Tree, and nay freight E? S on all $9 Carpet pur chases and over. Ad-F.t? d |S| dress (exactly as below) ' P|| |HI Julius Hines&Son'Pi Dept. 305. BALTIMORE, MI. |B| A PLOT FOR A NOVEL. One Offered Ready-Made for the Des perate Literator. A novelist In Boston—do not laugh, there are novelists In Boston, yes, and actually living here—said to us the other day, "If I could only find a plot!" Here is a plot for him free of charge, and the story is a true oue: In 1739 a lady—a real lady—came Into Birmingham, England, with a handsome equipage, and desired the landlord of the Inn to get her a hus band, being determined to marry some body or other before she left the town. The man bowed, and supposed her la dyship to be iu a facetious humor, but being made sensible how much she was in earnest, he went out in search of a man that would marry a flue lady without asking questions. After many repulses from poor fellows who were uot desperate enough for such a ven ture, he met with au excise man, who said he "could not be lu a worse condi tion than he was," and accordingly went with the Innkeeper and made a tender of himself, which was all he had to bestow 011 the lady, who imme diately went with him to one who gave them a license and made them man and wife, 011 which the bride gave her spouse £2OO, and without more delay left the town and the bridegroom to find out who she was or unriddle this strange adventure. Soon after she was gone two gentlemen came into the town in full pursuit of her; they had traced her so far upon the road, and, finding the Inn where she had put up, they examined into all the particulars of her conduct, and on hearing she was married gave up their pursuit aud turn ed back. Truly a noble dame, one worthy of a full length portrait in the gallery con structed by Thomas Hardy. Why did this noble dame offer her self to the first comer? And why were the respectable males of the town so backward? There was no hint of scan dal. Who were the pursuers? Did she wish by one sudden marriage to escape one deliberately contrived and repug nant? Was the excise man a potty fellow in spite of his abject condition? Did she ever see him again? Did she (ever regret that she had not braved the world and lived with him? Per haps the memory of her apparition haunted him; perhaps it roused him to j doughty deeds. It's a pity that Mr. I Hardy has uot accounted for her action and her fate with his grim irony.—Bos ton Journal. ... Ever Have a Dor Mother You When rifling a wheel, making you wonder for n few minutes whether or not you are to get a fall and a broken neck ? Wouldn't you have given a small farm just then for some means of driving off the beast? A few drops of am monia shot from a Liquid Pistol would do it • •ife. nially and .-till not perneinent.lv in jure the animal. Sucli pistols sent postpaid for fifty cents in stamps by New York Union Supply Co., i; Leonard St., New York City. Every bicyclist at times wishes he had oue. The bicycle croze has decreased the consumption of cigars in America by about 1,000,000 a day. The decrease since the craze set in has actually been 700,000,000 a year. Don't Tobacco Spit and Sraoko Your Life Array, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To* Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or fi. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address StcrliDg Remedy Co., Chicago or New York The Chinese have devoted themselves for nearly 4,000 years to the artificial propagation of fishes, shellfishes; fowls, pearls and sponges. To Cure Constipation Forever. TakeCascarets Candy Cathartic. 100 or 25a It L. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. A huge sundial made entirely of plants and flowers adorns the South l'ark, Chicago. The standard which casts the shadow is also decked with flowers, and Is made to resemble a gi gantic ear of corn. 6% COLD BOi^DS, Payable semi-annually at the Globe Trust Company, Chicago II! r~ ,a - j - 1 lie Company has been established for many years is well L-nnvn n*wi w increasing business. y 7 ' known and doing a large and sssx. # s. r £ k wss a .mons O U,Xt y "" I * in 'f reSt r! " e lI,CS ° Bond, are recommended m brin |/ramA| , - ....... ho,u "' u,,d " ccurl,ic " r •"<•* and .old. KENDALL & WHITLOCK, BANKERS AND BROKERS 62 Exchange Place. New York. f YTlicro i injers Are C)cmy. Tlie countries where the long linger nail is most affected are Slam, Assam, ■Cochin China and China. The ap : .proved length varies from three or four to twenty-three inches. A Siamese ex quisite permits the nails 011 his lingers - .to grow to such an extent that his ■hands.ore practically useless. The ar ■ Jstocrats who affect these nails cau 'not write, dress themselves or even ■feed themselves. • The Siamese hold the long finger nail In the same reverence we hold the •family tree. Many of them never have their nails cut from the day of their birth. On the first finger the nail Is of ■ moderate length—three or four inches —while on the other fingers the nails grow occasionally to two feet. The thumb nail, which Is also allowed to grow long, nfter reaching a certain length curves around like a corkscrew. In both China and Slam the owners of long nails wear metal cases over them to preserve them, made of gold or silver, and jeweled. While long ualls are not regarded as singular In China, they are rarely met with except on fanatics and pedantic scholars. Among the fakirs In Hlndoostan a peculiar custom Is that of holding the hand tightly clenched nnd in one posi tion so long that at last the nails grow through the palm, emerging at the back of the hand and growing thence almost to the wrist. When the wasted muscles refuse to support the arm any longer it is bound in position with cords. In Nubia the long nail is regarded as Indicative of good breeding. The aris tocrats constantly subject their flngor- Upß to cedar wood fire to insure a good jrowth. The inhabitants of the Marquesas kilands are nuiong the most expert tiit iooers on earth, and not even the crown if the head, the fingers nnd the toes ire exempt front the needle. The hands ate ornamented with utmost ►are, all the fingers having their own pattern, so the hand would look as though incased in a tight-fitting glove were It not for the finger nails of enor mous length which complete the hand adornment of the wealthier natives. Washing Milk Vessels. All through the warm weather, par ticular care is needed to cleanse ves sels that have contained milk. If any particle of milk Is left iu the crevices or corners of vessels, it will sour and affect any milk that Is afterward add ed. Many people In cleaning milk front vessels wash them first with scalding hot water. This Is a mistake. The hot water only coagulates the albumen, causing It to stick more closely to the sides of the vessel. If It he of tin, the souring of the milk soon eats through the coating of tin, and causes rust ou the irou beneath It. What we call tin Is merely Iron with a very thin tin coat ing. No such vessel Is fit for long use, as the tin will wear through, and all the more quickly If the coagulated al bumen, made by hot water aud milk, requires hard rubbing to remove It. The right way to clean milk vessels is to rinse them well with cold water, and then scald them, to destroy any germs that the cold water may have left. SIOO Howard. *IOO. VIIO readers 'if this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science lias been able to cure in all its stage- and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh ileitis a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Cat irrh Cure is taken internally, anting directly 011 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by butldingup the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have somtteh faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. .1. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Hold liy Druggists, 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The embroidered coat worn by a French Academician costs eOOf., the white cloth waistcoat Lof. and the striped trousers lOf. The plumed hat and box are down for isr., and the sword, with scabbard, for 49f. Total, Stiff. To Cure A Cold lu One Oay. Ttike I.axative Hrotno Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. Ac. Nearly all lions are "left-handed." A famous explorer says that when one desires to strike a forcible blow the animal almost always uses the left paw. Educate Your Rowels With Casearets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c, Ac. If C. C- C. fail, druggists refund uiouey. The ancient Mexicans used wooden swords in war that they might not kill their enemies. Piso'sC'ure for Consumption lias no equal "a Cough medicine.—F. M. Anuorr, r:i Seneca St., buffalo, X. V., May 11, i'-.H. Do YGU Know That There is Science In Neatness ? Se Wise and Ose COULD NOT SLEEP. ' Mr 3. Finkham Relieved Her of Al] Her Troubles. r > Mrs. MADGE BABCOCK, 170 Second St., Grand Rapids, Midi., hail ovarian * trouble with its attendant aches aud pains, now she is well. Ilore arc her own words: i A " Your Vegeta- J blc Compound has | and P it all troubleshave gone. My monthly sickness used to he so painful, hut have not had the slightest pain since taking your medicine. I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound too much. My ' husband and friends see such a change j in me. I look so much better and have some color in ray face." Mrs. IMnkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is freely offered. j HEADACHE 3 "Hotli my wife and my Nell liave been 3 using; CASCARETS unci they are the best medicine we have ever had in the house. Last week my wife was frantio with headache for 1 two days, she tried some of your CASCARETS, and they relieved the pain in her head almost immediately. We both recommend Casearets." CUAS. STEPEFOKD, Pittsburg Safe Deposit Co, Pittsburg, Pa. ~ M CATHARTIC MARK REOISTERED^^^^ • nS!S aS -fPil.?? , S tabl S> Taste Gona. bo , Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, sic. 00c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ? Sterling Itfinp.lj (Ampin,. Chics,a, Montrf.l, K.w York. 31ft I NO-10-BAO dnig i n II v MMM -IMS U) cx CD Tobacco Habit ■ _ "" : ! POPE MFG 0). HARTFORD. CONN. ART CATALOGUE Of COLUMBIA BICYCLES BY MAIL T0 E ANY ADDRESS FOR ONE TWO CENT STAMP. QOOD AS COLDf.nr'o",' everyone needs them. Circular, KOivi.ANl) j EAION & CO., -7 Unit n Square, New York' City TIT ANTED-Case of bad health Hint R I P A N S I v> will not benefit Send 5 ot. to lilpanc Chemical LfO.. heiv Fork, for lu eamylos and luuo testimonials. P. N. U. 33 'l)3 ju'oN Thompson's Eys Watei