Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 05, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. X. NO 89.
February 20, 1808.
7 40 a > ,or Sandy Run, White Haven,
Wilkes- UUITC, Pittston and Scranton.
R 45 a m lor Woutherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lciittwn, Bethlehem, E.iston, Philadel
phia and New York.
9 35 am for Hazleton, Mulmnoy City, Shen
andoah. Mt. funnel, Shuuiokiti and
Potts vino.
1154 am tor Sandy Run, White Ilavcn,
Wilkes-Barro, Scranton and ull points
2 30 Pin for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah, Mt. funnel, Sliainokin ami
0 34 p in for Sandy Bun, White Haven,
Wilkes-Bane and Scranton.
7 25 Pill for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen
andoah, Mt. funnel, Shumokin and
7 40 a m from Pottsviiic, Sliainokin, Mt.
funnel, Shenaudouh, Mahanoy City
and Hazleton. , ,
o 25 a m from New \erk, Philadelphia.
Huston, Bethlehem, Allentowii and
Mauch Chunk.
9 35 a in from Scranton, M iikes-Barre and
White Haven.
11 54 a m from Pottsviiic, Shamokin, Mt.
Carinci, Shenandoah, Mahanoy Citj
and Hazleton.
2 30 p m from Scranton, V\ ilkcs-Burre and
White Haven.
0 34 P from New York, Philadelphia,
Huston, Bethlehem, Allentowii, Potts
viiic, Shamokin, Mt. funnel, Sheiian
doah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton.
7 25 P m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and
White Haven.
For further information inquire of Ticket
Agents. , ,
KoLLIN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent.
('HAS. S. LEE. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Phila., Pa.
A. W. NUNNEMACHEK, Ass't G. P. A.,
Philadelphia, Pa
Time table In effect April 18,185*7.
Trains leave Drifton lor Jeddo, Eckloy, Hazle
Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Rood, Roan
and Hazleton Junction at 5 JO, BUU a m, duT>
except Sunday: and 7 03 a in, 2 :i8 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for Harwood, Crauoemr.
Totnhickon and Doringer at 5 30, 0 00 a m, daily
except Sunday; and < 93 a m, 238 p in, Sun
%ains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction.
Harwood Roud, Humboldt Road, Oneida and
Sheppton at 000 a in, daily except Sun
day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood.
Cranberry, Tom hip ken and Doringer at 035 a
in, daily except Sunday; and b 53 a m, 4 22 p m,
Sunday. „
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Komi.
< meida and Sheppton at 0 32,11 10 am,4 41 p iu,
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 aw, 3 11 p m,
Sunday. „ „
Trains leave Doringer for Toinhicken, Cran
berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan
at 2 25, 5 40 p m, duily except Sunday; and 9 37
a in, 5 07 p m, Sunday.
Traius leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt
Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction. Hazle
ton Junctiou aid Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 523
p iu, duily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m, 344
p in, Sunday. _ ...
Trains leuve Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo
and Drifton at 522 p in, daily, except Suuduy;
and 8 11 a ra, 3 44 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Hood, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eekley,
Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 020 p m, duily,
except Sunday; and 10 10 a iu, 5 40 p in. Sunday.
All trains connect at Hazleton Junction witn
electric ears for Hazleton, J canesvilie, Auden
ried and other points on the Traction Com
pany's lino.
Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30,0 00 am make
connection at Deringcr with I*. K. R. trains for
Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, ilarrisburg and points
For the accommodation of passengers at way
stations between Hazleton Junction and Der
lugcr, a train will leave the former point at
350 p in, dally, except Sunday, arriving at
Jioriugci- at 5 00 p in.
LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent.
SHKUIFF SALE.—The following real estate
will be sold at short IT sale at the court
house arbitration room, Wilkesbarre, Pa., on
Saturday, Muv 7, 1898. at 10 a. 111., at the suit ol
Fred Horlaeher to use of Fred Schwartz
vs. Michael Potochny and Mary Potocliny.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situ
ate in Freeland borough, county ol Luzerne,
state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, viz. Beginning at a corner on
west side of Ridge street, and by iaml adjoin
ing Mrs. August Donop, thence by same north
so degrees, 30 minutes, west 150 feet to a cor
ner on line of land belonging to the Jeddo
Coal Company, thence by land of same south
2 degrees. 20 minutes, west 40 teot to ti corner,
thence by land of Michael Dwyer south 80
degrees, i minutes, east 155 5-10 feet to a cor
ner on west side of Ridge street aloresald.
thence bv Hue of said llldge street north 3
degrees, 30 minutes, east 40 feet to place ol
Together with the improvements thereon
erected, consisting of a two-story dwelling,
large barn. Ice house and bottling plant.
(finis. Orion Stroll, James Martin.
Attorney. Sheriff.
TjMJR KENT. Large HMire room in McMena-
JP mill building: possession given June 1.
Apply on the premises or to J. J. McMeiiainin.
Small Demand for Anthracite.
The May letter of tho Anthracite Coal
Operators' Association says there has
been little Improvement in the anthra
cite market during the month of April,
though near its close a little activity was
displayed In New England. Prices have
remained firm throughout the mouth.
During tho first two weeks there was a
tendency towards low prices, but this was
followed by a firmer market, though the
demand remained very slight. \\ ith a
light demand in the interior and a small
consumption in the large cities, there is
little reason for lipping that the move
ment of coal to Western points will bo
sufficient to permit of mining at a greater
rate than 2,000,000 tons during the
coming month.
Ten Thousand Carrier rigenn*.
Baltimore, Md.—President Baker, of
the National Association of Homing Pigeon
Fanciers in the United States, has issued
telegraphic instructions to local officers of
the association in different cities to imme
diately put ten thousand birds in training,
in accordance with Secretary Long's ac
ceptance of the association's offer.
I'ncle Ham liny* Sixty Torpedoes.
Vienna.—The torpedo factor}' at Finine
has sold to the United States Government
sixty torpedoes vliich were ordered by
Brazil. The sale was made with the con
sent of the Brazilian Government. Thirty
of the torpedoes have already been de
Boara the /) The Kind You Have Always Bought
SynopHiK of Local and Miscellaneous Oc
currences That Can He Head Quickly.
What the Folks of This and Other
Towns are Doing.
Patrick Lynch, Esq., of Wilkesbarre,
was a visitor here on Tuesday.
E. W. Roberts was appointed post
master at Luzerne borough on Monday.
Rev. E. A. O'Rieily, of Wilkesbarre.
called on Freeland friends on Tuesday.
John Yoch. of town, has enlisted in
the navy, and at present is on tho ''Min
The large grocery store of Oswald A
Co., at Lehighton, was gutted by fire on
John M. Oarman, Democratic state
chairman, arrived in town oil Tuesday
evening and met several of the local
No quorum being present, tho bor
ough school board failed to meet lust
evening. It was agreed to meet Satur
day evening.
The funeral of Frank Mcllugh at
Hazleton on Tuesday morning was at
tended by a considerable number of
Freeland people.
Charles Rowland, of Drifton. and a
half dozen of Hazleton young men.
joined the Governor's troop, at Mt.
Gretna, on Monday.
A. Oswald sells three bars of grand
ma's butter milk soap for the small sum
of sc.
David Lentz, of Weatherly, a carpen
ter, on Tuesday fell from a roof of a
house which he was repairing. Tho fall
broke his neck and ho died in two hours.
The Lehigh Valley train due hero ai
6.35 p. m. was two hours late on Tues
day evening. Three attempts were
made to get up the hill at Drifton before
it succeeded.
Seats for "The Noble Outcast," at the
Grand opera house tomorrow evening,
can ho secured at Wood ring's store.
Orders by mail or telephone will be |
promptly filled.
Michael Klyucsar and Miss Lottie
Malcnkv, both of Fern street, were
married at St. Mary's Greek Catholic j
church on Tuesday morning by Rev.
Joseph Martyk.
The Polish societies of town creditably
celebrated the anniversary of the adop
tion of the constitution of Poland with a
street parade on Tuesday evening, fol
lowed by a ball at Van lies' opera house.
A meeting under the auspices of the
United Mine Workers will be held to
morrow evening at Valines' opera house. (
Prominent speakers will address the
meeting and all miners are invited to
Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy
25c skirts ut A. Oswald's, lie sells lots
of them and they are dandies.
John Yakowski, tho Ashley Pole who
killed John Markwa and attempted to
kill Mrs. Jennie Soloman at Ashley last
December, lias been sentenced to spend
twelve years in solitary confinement in
the Eastern ponitontary.
A joint meeting of the members of the
Legion of Honor, of Freeland and Hazle
ton, will be held at tho P. O. S. of A.
hall on Monday evening. J. E. Ileartt,
of Now York, deputy supreme comman
der. will address the meeting.
John F. Barber, Charles W. Barber.
Arthur L. Kerbaugh. William C. Ker
baugli and George G. Wottrau, of Hazle
ton, have formed tho Lehigh Coal and
Land Company. It is claimed a paying
vien of coal lias been found in Black
Creek township and that the new com
pany will work it.
New Democratic Weekly.
The State is tho title of a now weekly
which lias been launched at Milton, and
its publishers aim to give the Democrats
of Pennsylvania a newspaper which will
stand squarely upon tho state and
national platforms of tho party and
unequivocally support the doctrines of
Democracy. The State lias a field which
will pay to cultivate, and judging from
the first issue the men behind it will
make it worthy of the support of all
Democrats who wish to keep informed
from rcliablo sources of tho party's
actions and intentions.
Decoration Day Kxcuritiou.
To Niagara Falls. The Lehigh Valley
Railroad will sell on May 28 tickets
from Freeland to Niagara Falls and
return at the rate of one fare for the
round trip. Tickets good to return to
and including May 31. Consult Lehigh
Valley ticket agents for particulars.
Reduced Kates To Lancanter.
On account of the meeting of the
Medical State Society May 17 to Hi, the
Lehigh Valley Railroad announces spe
cial rates to Lancaster and return. See
ticket agents for further particulars.
Removal of Lehigh Valley Officers.
Oil and after Monday, May 9. tho
traffic department of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad will lie located at 20 Cortlandt
street, New York city.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
BiEn r^^^7
Ileal Gold in Carlion County.
The rumors of gold finding in Carbon
county are becoming more general overy
day. The latest discovery is said to be
a genuine Klondike strike. The for
tunate men who struck it rich are
brothers, John J. O'Donneil, commis
sion of Carbon county and Neil O'Don
neil. The latter is an experienced gold
miner, having spent the past twenty
years of his life in western mining
catnps. Ills knowledge in this respect
bids fair to make him a rich man by
digging gold from their mine at Mauch
Chunk. Mr. O'Donneil made numerous
tests and examinations of the mountains
Recently and last week with a force of
men began to tunnel into the mountain
near the Valley station. Tests of the
ore already assayed gives SBOO of gold to
the ton besides a great deal of copper.
The town is much excited over the
discovery and hundreds eagerly watch j
the men at work, while blasting the ore.
Mr. O'Donneil is positive the asay will
be increased as the vein be increased, j
He says it is known in the gold mining !
region as the Fisher lode and usually
turns out very productive. Tho broth- I
ers have secured a lease of the land .
where the mine is located from the \
agents of tho Steadiuan estate and will '
soon have a crushing mill erected.
Leaving the Coal Region.
The exodus of Hungarians, Slavs and
Poles from the anthracite region, which
began about two months ago. still con
tinues. and those of the English-speak
ing residents who can secure employ
ment elsewhere are now following them.
Some are going to other parts of the
coal fields, but the majority are settling
in the larger cities, as far away from
their former oppressors as they can get.
In addition to the large number who
have already been mentioned in these
columns, the following have removed
lately: Henry Rudolph and family to
Reading; James Harvey to Philadelphia:
John Wilson and family to YYeatherly;
William McFarlane, of Drifton, to Scran
ton: John Gallagher to Wilkesbarre;
John Mochamer, of Eckloy, to Chicago:
Edward Allen and Bernard McDevitt to
Three Men KIHV a Narrow Cscape.
From the Hazleton Sentinel.
While a steam shovel was being re
moved between No. 3 and No. 1 mines..
Ebervalc, on Tuesday, a bridge broke
down and precipitated the workmen
Into the canal. The shovel is still in
tho trench and it will cost considerable
money to remove and repair it. Chris
Grieving, of Jeddo, fell into the water
and was nearly drowned, as were two
Hungarian laborers who were also
thrown into it. The excitement in the
vicinity for tho time was intense. The
prompt response of other workmen
saved those who hud been thrown from
the bridge.
Appealing from tli* AanrHHinent.
If a recruiting station had been opened
at the Central hotel yesterday morning
the rush of applicants could not have
been larger than the crowd which
gathered there to demand that tiieir as
sessment valuations be reduced. The
county commissioners, with tho asses
sors of Freeland, Foster, White Haven
and Hazle, had their hands full all day
long. The large increase in all valua
tions required considerable explaining
to many, and sotno reductions were made.
Kntertainmcnt nt Raptl*t Cliuroh.
An entertainment will be given in the
basement of the First Baptist church,
on behalf of the Sunday school funds,
on Saturday, May 7, commencing at
7.30 p. m. Mr. William Davis will be on
hand with his graphophone, with re
cords of songs, speeches, band music, etc..
of a very novel character. There will j
be other numbers of interest, including
solos, quartettes and recitations. Ad
mission. 10 cents; children under 12,
half price.
Early Morning Eire.
A lire was discovered between 5 and 0
o'clock this morning in the residence of
Mrs. Andrew McDevitt, at Alvintowu.
The alarm was rung and with the as
sistance of Bottler P. M. Sweeney s team
the hose cart was run to South Ilcber
ton. Tho blaze was confined to a chim
ney and an examination showed that it
was unnecessary to turn the hoso on the
building. The fire was drowned with as
little damage to the property as was
Patent* Granted.
Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Wash
ington, D. C.
O. 11. Hall, Wilkesbarre, manufacture
of carriage-axles.
G. 11 igli field, Scranton, non-relillable
If. O. Reich, Lattimer Mines, hand
Reality IK Rloud Deep.
(.Mean blood means u clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin today to
banish pimples, b tils, blotches, hluckhcuds,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets—beauty for 10 cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Bear, the Kind Van Have Always Bought
President McKinley has selected Gener
als Fitzhugh Lee, James H. Wilson, Joseph
H. Wheeler and William J. Jewell, each
with grand records for valiant deeds in the
civil war, to lead the one hundred and
twenty-five thousand men who have of
fered their services in freeing Cuba from
the bondage of Spain.
! Inventor Hudson Maxim wants the Gov
ernment to build a cruiser at a cost of $50,-
000 and arm it with his torpedo gun, the
use of which, with his plans, patents and
services, he offers free, which would, he
says, "be sufficient to destroy the entire
Spanish Navy."
1 Inventor Holland lias proposed to the
Strategic Hoard to throw a dynamite bomb
from his submarine boat into Morro Castle
without Government aid, if successful the
boat to be purchased for $175,000. The
offer will probably be accepted.
| John Wanamaker will be given a Col
onel's commission and his regiment mus
tered into the new Pennsylvania National
Guard to be organized in place of the
present guard, which goes into Federal
The Emperor of Austria, as an individ
ual, gave SIOO,OOO to Spain's naval fund,
let Spain have the use of several Austrian
naval officers, and will protect the present
dynasty in case of an attempt on the throne.
By an order of the President telegraphed
to every military and naval station in the
country, all officers of both services will
lierafter be required to wear their uniforms
when on duty during the time of war.
John Waltz, arrested as a spy at Port
Fads, La., will be tried by a military com
mission. Major Quinn says he has evi
dence sufficient to cause Waltz to be put to
More than 50,000 men have signed the
volunteer rolls in New York City, and re
cruiting will now probably be suspended
while the newly enlisted are organized.
The St. Petersburg correspondent of the
Muenchener Allgemeine Zeitung quotes a
high Russian official as saying that Russia
won't look with favor at intervention.
The President is determined not to order
the army to Cuba until it is proved that
the insurgents, armed by the United States,
cannot drive Spain off the island.
Weyler made a long speech in Hie Span
ish Senate. He justified his atrocities in
Cuba and called on the Government to take
the offensive in the war with us.
Powder works and magazines in the vi
cinity of St. Louis and Carpenter's Steel
Works at Reading, Pa., have been put un
der guard against Spanish spies.
The War Department has assumed all
necessary expenses of the volunteer army
between the time of enlistment and muster
ing into the Federal service.
President McKinley has determined to
at once seize a seaport town east of Havana
and fort ify it as a baso of supplies and ope
rations for 10,000 troops.
The President's plans for the conduct of
the war disclose the intention to try to
force Spain to terms by starvation and
long-time worriment.
The marksmanship displayed by the
United States fleet at the bombardment of
Matanzas excites the admiiation of British
naval experts.
The American ship Shenandoah, report
ed captured by the Spanish, arrived safely
at Liverpool with a cargo of wheat worth
Our battleship Oregon, dynamite cruiser
Nictheroy and gunboat Marietta are said to
be coining north from Rio de Janeiro to
The converted yacht. Scorpion has joined
the flying s<fuadron and Commander Schley
regards her as a very valuable acquisition.
Proclamation was made at St. John's,
N. F., forbidding the sale of coal to war
ships to enable them to attack an enemy.
Spanish sympathizers at Montevideo have
threatened United Slates Minister W. R.
Finch and tiie legation has been guarded.
Admiral Sampson's plan to make the
war short, sharp and decisive is to attack
Havana byway of Mariano Bay.
Several Spanish warships have been
sighted in English waters, evidently on the
lookout tor American vessels.
Comptroller of 'lie Currency Dawes says
the national banks will subscribe largely
to the proposed war loan.
Charles 11. Allen, of Massachusetts, will
succeed Theodore Roosevelt as Assistant
Secretary of the Navy.
Portugal's Secretary-General of Foreign
Affairs has cabled that Portugal will de
clare her neutrality.
A Spanish fleet of three ironclads and six
torpedo vessels is said to be about to sail
from Cadiz.
Captain-General Blanco declared a state
of war in Cuba and revoked all the pacific
Orders were issued to recruit the regular
army to its full war strength of 01,000
A Spanish gunboat captured the Ameri
can bark Saranac, coal-laden, near Manila.
Spain is said to be preparing to seize
American yachts in the Mediterranean.
The regular army has begun moving
from Chattanooga to Tampa.
Major-tlenerul Fitzliugli Leo.
Richmond, Va.— General Fitzhugh Lee
received a telegram from Adjutant-General
Corbin congratulating him on the fact that
the President had just officially announced
the fact that he had decided to commission
him a major-general. The nomination will
be sent to the Senate at once.
Kducate Your liowlos Willi CascarctM.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever
10c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund uiouuj.
Pennsylvania'* Volunteer*.
I This week the National Guardsmen of
! the state went through the ordeal of
saying "yes" or "no" to the question:
"Will you volunteer iu the service of the
United States' government?" The re
plies wi re overwhelmingly in the affir
mative. and the mustering in iiumedi
| ntoly followed. On Monday the First
j brigade, consisting principally of Phila
! dolphin troops, was catechised, and out
of 2,080 officers and men on tho field
! 2,241 volunteered, 43b refusing. On
; Tuesday the Second brigade, from Pitts
burg and western points, was examined.
Out of 3,143 men and officers favorable
replies wore received from every officer
and 2.816 men. 3,038 in all, only 105 men
refusing. Tho Fifteenth. Sixteenth and
Eighteenth regiments and Battery B en
listed to a man, and whole battalions
and companies of other regiments did
t lie same thing,
j Yesterday tho Third brigade, compos
ed of the guardsmen of this and the
| central parts of the state, went through
the form of transferring theira.Regiance
from the state to the nation. ' The offi
cers and men in the brigade numbered
2.723; of these 2.460 volunteered and 263
refused. The showing made by Lu
zerne's regiment, the Ninth, was fair.
Out of 504 men under Colonel Dougherty
4 17 enlisted for Cuba, the Philippines or
wherever Uncle Sam wishes them to go.
Company 11, of Pittston, Captain John
11. Flannery, took the honors when the
Ninth was mustered in. Every officer
and private in tho company, which is
composed exclusively of members of the
A. O. 11., answered "ves." and Governor
Hastings personally complimented them
upon their showing.
Schuylkill'* Terrible Officer*.
Ex-County Commissioners Frank;
Rent/ and John P. Martin were on
Monday sentenced at Pottsville by Judge
Buchtel to pay a fine each of $250 and
costs for misdemeanor in office. Their
colleague, Charles F. Allen, is to ill to
leave liis home at Tamaqua, consequent
ly his sentenced is suspended. Commis
sioner Charles Meyers, who was also
convicted of misdemeanor iu office, re
ceived the same sentence, together with
removal from office.
Schuylkill County Taxpayers' Associa
clation, who are causing a shaking up
among tho court house officials for
irregularities, have brought charges
against James li. Deogan. prothonotary,
surcharging him with $2,335.24, illegally
paid or allowed him by the county com
missioners as li is salary for the year
1897; against Alex Scott, sheriff, sur
charging him with $4,897.70 for the same
xear; against John T. Schonor, clerk of
the courts, surcharging him $2,584.91 for
tho same year, and against Frank C.
Reese, register of wills, surcharging
Itim $1,398.70 for tho year 1897.
SIOO Howard, SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded diseaso that science has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh* Hall's catarrh cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
i rat. rnlty. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional
treatment. Jlall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system,
i hereby destroying the foundation of
tho disease, ami giving the patient
Hrength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its worn,
i'he proprietors have so much faith iu
its curative powers, that they offer one
: Kindred dollars for any case that it fai.s
o cure. Send for list of testimonials.
F. J. CQENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
I by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
llatr Kate* to Scranton.
(Mi May 9 and 10 the Lehigh Valley
Railroad will sell tickets to Scranton
and return at one fare for the round
trip, on account of Parade Day of
Knights of the Golden Eagle. For the
meeting K. G. E., May 10 to 12, rate of
two cents per mile on card orders will he
made. Tickets sold May 7 to 12, good
to return to and including May 14. See
ticket agents for full particulars.
Txvo Million* a Year.
When people buy, try and buy nguiii, it
means they're satisfied. The people of tho
United States are IUIW buying Cascarets
Candy Cathartic at the rate of txvo million
boxes a year and it xvill be three million be
fore New Year's, it means merit proved,
that Cascarets are tlie most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists, li a-. .Vie a li<\. tore guaranteed.
75th Anniversary.
State Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
special tickets to Wilkesbarre. and re
.'urn on May 16 and 17 at rate of one
fare for round trip. All tickets xvill bo
good for return on May 18 Consult
Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further
partictiia rs.
Dapti*t Anniversaries— Rochester.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell
tickets at rate of one and one-third fare
on certificate plan May 13 to 24. See
ticket agents for particulars.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature) of
Detailed Report** of the IlulneKH Trans
acted at Thin Week'** Meeting of the
Local (inventing Body of the Town.
Many Important Matter** Considered.
The regular monthly session of the
borough council was hold on Monday
evening. The following bills woro read
and approved: I .S. Express Co., $1.40;
Geo. 11. Schwabo, lumber and stones.
$14.75; Thos. Hi rkbeck, stones, $3.50;
M. Powell, janitor and feeding, $11.75:
John Molik, burying animals, $0.50; J.
J. Ward, salary as health ollicor, S3O:
Progress, printing for Hoard of Health.
£3; Tiiiiir.NK, printing for Hoard of
Health, $3.
Mr. O. F. Pincknoy, representative of
the Climax Road Machine Company, ap
peared before council relative to supply
ing the borough with a revolving screen,
bin and road roller. After discussing
the matter it was laid over until some
future time.
Resolutions were read three times and
agreed to, appropriating S2OO for the
purchase of six feet of ground on Ridge
street for sidewalk, from Rose GalTnev
and Patrick O'Donnell.
Street Commissioner Hurton's report
was read, showing an expenditure of
$212.03 for work on streets last month.
Tho report was approved.
Rurgess Gallagher reported his re
ceipts at S3O; expenses, $10.45; due treas
urer, $12.55. The following were the
amounts of police expenses. Peter
Gallagher, $0.45; Patrick Welsh, $4.85:
Frank McGroarty, $.3.00; Charles Galla
gher. $4: Stanley Novak, $5: .lames P.
McNeils, $0; William Doggett, $5.75:
John Molik, $1.25; total, $30.00. The
report was approved.
It was decided that the street com
missioner, as well as other borough otti
cers, divide the borough work among
the different applicants.
Treasurer Rut-ter reported having re-
I ceived from all sources $7,418.50: paid
| out on orders, $3,045.04; balance, $4.-
| The street committee made a report
as to the number of poles erected in the
j borough. They also made several re
commendations and were authorized to
proceed with tho work which they re
commended, viz.. mud on Centre street
to bee scraped oil* and all holes to be Idl
ed with crushed stone,
j It was agreed that any person having
| clay to be hauled to the public
! dumping ground, that tho street eoni
j missioner be authorized to have it taken
j to the Public park and spread around
j the roots of trees.
Tho light and water committee report
ed having submitted a proposition to the
Electric Light Company, offering $3,000
a year for forty arc lights, on a one-year
j contract. The proposition was rejected
| by the company. They reported having
; mot the officers of the Water Company
and would present a report later on.
| The lockup committee recommended
| that they be authorized to procure a
draftsman to make an estimate of the
| remodeling of the council room. They
were authorized to engage some person
to do the work. They were also in
structed to see the adjoining property
owners and see if tho alley cannot be
The street committee reported having
visited the site for a sidewalk at Ridge
and South streets, and could procure
the same for S2OO, the owner to make
the necessary improvements. The solic
itor was authorized to search the
: records and find out bow much ground
i there is fronting on Ridge street belong
ing to Mrs. Catharine McDonald,
j The sanitary committee reported a
I nuisance in rear of house formerly own
!od by Vincent Enama. Tho matter was
j left in their hands with instructions to
i consult the solicitor.
On motion it was agreed to lay a ten
! inch terra cotta sewer pipe west along
| Luzerne street, from Washington street
to alley, the street commissioner to have
1 the work done at once,
j Complaint was made that tho outlet of
I the sewer was in a had condition,
j Council agreed to examine the site, with
, a view of constructing a culvert under
! the Lehigh Valley tracks and the exten-
I sion of the outlet.
j Dr. F. Schllchor was reappointed a
I member of the Hoard of Health for live
, years.
i The ordinance commit too was instruct
j ed to see the solicitor in reference to tho
; burying of dead animals, with a view to
i having an ordinance drawn covering
| the same; also to consult him about the
' assessment of clogs.
j The ordinance known as the pole or
dinance was referred to the ordinance
' committee to have it. amended.
| An ordinance to open, lay out and
dedicate Third street, and North street
: east from Third to Ridge, was read, but
no action was taken on it.
Another meeting will be held next
Monday evening.
May 0. —"The Noble Outcast," under
I the auspices of Maj. <. H. Coxe Post,
I G. A. R.. at the Grand opera house.
' Admission. 15, 20 and 25 cents.
81.50 PER YEAR.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
• Office: Rooms I and 2, Birkheck Brick. Freeland
All logul business promptly attended.
I'ostolllco Building, . . . Freeland.
Legal Business of Any Description.
Modesty's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland.
; jyjRS. S. E. HAYES,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
None but Reliable Companies RejrretenUi.
General Hardware.
Builders' supplies of every kind alwars in
stock. \\ all paper, paints and tinware, bicy
cles and repairs of all sorts.
South Centre street.
Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick.
Eating House and Oyster Saloon.
No. 13 Front Street, Freelaud.
Temperance drinks, cigars. etc. Families
supplied with oysters direct from the shore.
Baker & Confectioner.
Wholesale and Retail.
151 Centre street, Freeland.
dealor in
Call at No. 6 Walnut street, Freeland,
or wait for the delivery wagons.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
Tin- tlnest brands of Domestic and Imported
W hislu-> on sale in one of the handsomest sa
loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan
doah lleer and lcungling's Porter on tap.
98 Centre street.
dealer in
I)i\v s*oo<Ls,
Hoot® aM
Centre and Main streets. Freeland.
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
A celebrated brand of XX flour
always in stock.
Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
N. IK. Cor. Centre and Front SO., Freeland,