Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, January 06, 1898, Image 4

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Corner of Centre and Front Streets,
Freeiand, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Koseubluth'a Velvet, of which we have
Mumin's Extra Dry uiutmpugne,
Heunessy Grundy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc
Imparted and Domestic Cigars.
Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
Ballentine and Hazleton beer on tap.
Baths, Hot or Cold, '25 Cents.
Funeral Director
and Embaimer.
Prepared to Attend Calls
Day or Night.
South Centre street, Freeiand.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Centre Street, Freeiand.
Confectionery § Ice Cream
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj
town and surroundings every day.
Contrary Effect* of the Absence of
One oil u Friend of Col. Calliper.
"1 knew a man once," said Col. Cal
liper, according to the New York Sun,
"a young man who had everything that i
heart could Wish for, who, notwith
standing that fact,wasaprettysaneand
sensible sort of young man, but who,
nevertheless, did at times, in his young- '
tr days, before he had learned tflie
philosophy of life, occasionally have
periods of depression. In one of these
on his way home once from Europe
be came to the conclusion that life
wasn't worth living, and he made up
his mind to end it all right there by
jumping overboard. As he looked over
the rail and realized how wet the wa
ter was, and how much there was of it,
be knew that he ought not to go out
in it without a mackintosh.
"Going below he discovered that he
had neglected to bring one. On this
occasion of all others when he wanted
one most lie had none. But lie couldn't
think of encountering the wet inap
propriately clad, and s-o he deferred
jumping overboard until he could do so
an proper form. Next morning, with
the resiliency of youth, liu was feeling
better, and he arrived in New York j
buoyant, hopeful and strong.
"And, curiously enough, while in 1
other respects he remained as punctili
ous as ever about his dress, he never
after that wore a mackintosh; and he !
went out in all sorts of weather with- :
out hesitation. It was his-carelessness
in this regard that led finally to death.
Out without a mackintosh in a heavy
rain at the age of 07 lie caught a cold :
that settled 011 his lungs, developed into 1
pneumonia and carried him off, and so
it may be said of ray friend that he
owed his long life, and his death, to the
same cause."
Character \N bo Had a Way for Cir
cumventing Inspector*.
Citizens of the Second district of the
Fourth ward, says the Rochester (N.
Y.) Democrat and Chronicle, are having
considerable fun with a well-known
character of the vicinity who developed
a novel idea of the blanket ballot sys
tem of voting, 011 election day. For the
purposes of this narrative the char
acter may be called Tom. Tic was given ;
a ballot by the election officers, and re
tired into one of the compartments to
make his little cross marks. After re
maining in the booth for a time Tom
emerged with a self-satisfied air, but
empty handed.
"Where's your ballot?" asked an elec
tion officer.
"Oh, that's all right," replied Tom.
"I put it In there all right."
"You haven't voted yet; go back and
get your ballot."
"Yes. 1 have; you can't fool me; 1
voted it in there; you can't get a sight
at my vote."
After a little more argument on the
same line an investigation was begun,
which resulted in the discovery that
Tom bad carefully marked his ballot,
to his own satisfaction, folded it up and
slipped it through a crack inlheback I
of the booth. From there it had slipped
down into a pile of agricultural imple
ments stored in the place, and it. was
with no little labor and some difficulty
that it was "fished" out and returned to
the would-be voter, who, much against
}.is will, was obliged to permit the in
spectors to handle it before it was de
posited in the box.
Estj':ii3had ISSB.
Mil,e all money orders, checks, etc., payable t<>
'he Tribune Printing Company, Limited.
One Year SI.SQ
Six Months 75 I
Four Months 50 j
Pwo Months >45 ;
The date which the subscription is paid to is
• n the address label of each paper, the change
of which to a subsequent date becomes it
receipt l'or remittance. Keep the figures in
idvanee of the present date. Report prompt
ly to this olHce whenever paper is not received.
Vrruuragcs must be paid when subscription
is discontinued.
Sunday I'ulcer Chips.
I No more will the ratil. of.the peker
ohip be heard in the land where laws
against gambling are enforced. Sun ■
genius has invented chips that d not
"speak to each other in passing." '1 .aw
are made of soft rubber and look and
feel like discs of jujube paste. \Yh n a
man "calls" you with a stack of them
you must look, for you cannot.hear
them rattle on- the table. The noiseless
I übips are a boon to players who in
j dulge iii' a little game in a boarding
house room of a Sunday afternoon,
says the Kansas City Star. And they
are a boon- to hotel proprietors who have
a room set apart for poker-playing
guests. A detective could hold his ear
to a keyhole all nlglit without determin
ing whether it was a game of whist or
{H>kcr that was going oil' inside. The
new poker chips come in red, white and
blue colors, and are as flexible as a
loser's conscience. The poker room
proprietor and Sunday afternoon play
ers have all laid in a supply, and the
j noisy ivory and celluloid chips, with
j holes bored in them, will soon begin to
! do duty as dress buttons.
| Such a fundamental question in litera
! ture as the following, says Z ion's Her
ald, should not long remain unan
swered: "it beats me," he said, as he.
j laid down his newspaper, though fully.
1 T dllano's 1 ever thought of it before.
I but wow theti it does come tor my mind,
it certainly beats me." "What air y
talking about ?" asked his wife*, anxious
ly. "Literaitoor," he answered. "Course.
1 we've seen it showed up in the newspu
. pers time and ag'in how all an editor
1 is ter sit. down weth a pot o' paste an' a
. pair of scissors, an' cutout things to put
| inter 'is paper." "Certainly. I don't
j see nothin' so beat in' 'bout that." "Rut
. this is the question: Some feller liez
ter git them pieces up in- the first place.
It never struck me afore, but I'm blest
of I wouldn't like tor know who the IV!-
j ler is that starts in ail' gits u:p them
there things fur the editors ter cut out."
New Orleans estimates its less from
the yellow fever epidemic at $25,00<>.c00,
j and it is doubtful if this corns all the
incidental damages. A twentieth of that
sum spent in-san itation would be called
excessive, yet there are
that would make it a most profit::lde
j investmenft. Owe particular fact about
this year's outbreak of yellow fever in
New Orleans is that the normal average
aiortaliiy of the city has been but slight
| >' increased. The rate, with the cp!-
! domic at its height, was but a fraction !
i over 25 per 1,000 annually, -which i
; about the same as that of New Yorl.
j city during the same time.
On a small bulletin board fastenc I
10 the exterior of a.North side (Chicago)
•:aloon, and illustrated at the top by j
; !l portrait of an emaciated young worn -
| an—done in linseed oil and tomatoes
—looking through the bars of a jail,
| appears beneath this display this
j legend: "Justice for all. Legal ad
vice on all matters one dollar per ease."
| Query: Quarts or pints?
I One theory advanced in regard to I
football is that the students need just
such a sport to discipline their animal j
spirits, and that formerly many found !
a safety valve in chopping wood aind
gardening to pay expenses at college.
Rut it does not appear that the old
time students flourished the ax and
hoe so vigorously as to produce fatal
The full name of the smallest state
in the union is "The State of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations."
a 1 iid the legal title of its chief officer
! is "Governor, Captain, General and
A Georgia girl who was told that
! eating tallow candles would make her
complexion white tried it. and succeed-
I ed. The neighbors say she made a
; beautiful remains.
That St. Louis court which decided
that smoke is not a nuisance at com
mon law assuredly did not include
i cigarette smoke in its opinion.
It is told of two men of RreWer. Me.,
i thnt one of thorn ate a bushel of peaches
and the other ten pounds of grapes at
one sitting.
Tie fac- ,
Watch the date on your paper.
Wpdr.piitny, Dec. 20,
Twenty British warships and a Jap
anese fleet of 30 vessels have arrived
j at Port Hamilton, an island south of
Korea. There is much alarm in China
over the complications that involve
that country The British Indian
campaign lias been concluded. It is ex
pocted that the rebellious tribes, hav
ing been severely punished, will submit
tions between the United States and
I Germany have been broken off Em
bassador Hay had p. conference- with
permanent secretary of the British
foreign office on the sealing question
A cablegram from Paris says that
the Countess Caetellane (neo Gould)
pave birth to a boy, her second son
Peepl who left Dawson City between
Nov. 22 and 25 and have reached Seat
t! • declare that there will bo no starva
tion on the Klondike and that the pro
l • <1 relief expedition is unnecessary
MVasur s for relieving the distress
in Cuba were.discussed at the meeting
- ' the oiiui t The Canadian minis
ter of the int- nor arrived in Washing
tun to confer with Secretary Alger in
r< ,eid to the Klondike relief expedi
tions Judge Garrison, in Camden, N.
J.. flxcl Jan. 3 us the date for the trial
of Ell Shaw, charged with killing hk>
mother and grandmotlw r, to begin
The will of Charles 11. Contoit, filed
with the surrogai !n New York, shows
him to have hi • 11 Die hist of his family
so far as known. His property will go
mainly to 10 charitable organizations.
It is estimate i to be worth over $1,000,-
00 Martin Julian, manager of Rob
ert Fitzsimmons, the champion pugilist,
announced that the latter had recon
sidered bis determination to retire and
would meet Corbett and McCoy under
certain conditions The Orange Free
State lias ratiii d an extradition treaty
with the United States, and the docu
ment has been returned to Washington
Six sailors lost their lives 011 the
British ship Yanloo, owing to the fall
of a spar while on a voyage from Car
diff to St. John. N. B. Comptroller
Eckels approved the plan for settling
t!v affairs of the failed Chestnut Street
N: ion 1 bank of 1 ... . Iphia.
Thursday, Doc. liO.
The trustees of Princeton university
have prohibited students from fre
quenting places where intoxicants are
sold France has occupied Hainan
island, between '.he China sea and the
I gulf of Tonquin. Russia is said to have
obtained the concession of Port Arthur
in October The trustees of Sailors'
Snug Harbor in New York finished
1 tneir investigation of the management
of Governor Trask and voted unani
mously that an immediate change was
sar> for ti: • benefit of the institu
tion, and agreed that the governor
should be given a few days' time in
which to resign Captain George R.
llogdon, proprietor of the Tremont
House, New Haven, was arraigned in
court, charged with hiring Frederick
Cooke to set fire to the Tontine hotel,
■ conducted by a rival, George T. White
Command" r Booth-Tucker of the
Sahation Army said in Chicago that
Mrs. Ballingtcn Booth's illness was a
sham. This was indignantly denied at
the hospital in New York where she is
a patient A fire destroyed 800 houses,
1 hotel and a church in Port au Prince.
A few hours later an earthquake oc
curred, which created a panic, hut did
no great damage It was reported in
London that the Marquis of Hertford
would succeed the Earl of Aberdeen as
governor general of Canada Presi
dent MoKinley signed the bill prohibit
ing pelagic sealing by citizens of the
United States, which was passed by
congress before the holiday recess
Captain General Blanco issued a decree
announcing the lines <>n which the home
rule gov mment is to be established
M. Patenotre, the new French embas
sador to Spain, was received by the
queen regent in Madrid There has
been a recrudescence of the plague in
India, especially In the Mandvie dis
trict. where the people are seeking
safety in flight Robbers got the sav
ings of Lawrence Walters, buried on his
farm near Wayland, Mich. The own
ers of the asphalt beds in the Uncom
paghre Indian r. : rvation nre negoti
ating with a Chicago trust company
for a loan to develop the deposits
Five passengers were injured in a col-
I lision on the Wabash, near Palos
Springs, Ills., among them State Sena
tor John Humphrey of Illinois
Threats <>f lynching were made against
Barney Flanagan, an alleged wife beat
, at Saratoga.
Friday, I>cc. 31.
Joseph Lack ley, a trusted clerk of the
American K-'ates as. >ciation, in New
York, has lied after stealing several
thousand dollars by means of raised
hecks and taking with him all the
;tle deeds, books and papers of the con
in that he could lay his hands on.
Owing to the absem-e of the books the
imount of Lockley's peculation is not
known, but ; t will reach into the thou
amis— James A. Jordan, formerly a
•peciul pension examiner in Washing
i ion, was arrested in New York on
harges of forgery and bribery in cun-
I n> tion with a pension case on which
,e had report, d favorably A wealthy
oloruil contractor of New Roehelle. N.
V., was perhaps fatally injured by the
•xpUsion of a stick of dynamite he was
trying to thaw out, and his son was se, hurt J. B. Haggin. the
v-althy turfman, aged 74. married Misa
I'earl Voorhies of Versailles. Ky.. aged
'B. a niece of his former wife Secre
| ary Long has prepare- 1 a bill to com
>ei the attendance of civilian witnesses
oefore naval courts martial Floods
n the stnt" of Washington have delay
•d traffic end damaged the lines of the
Northern Pacific and Great Northern
alltoads Brigadier General Louis
Fitzgerald has resigned the command
• f the Fiist brigade, national guard of
w York The Duke and Duchess of
! \!.ir!borough app ai--d in amateur the
atricals at Blenheim palace in an m-
Detainment given for charity Her
t,Rending physicians and an eminent
peclallst said Mrs. Maud Booth will
tever recover health enough to enable
, el- to continue her work Corbett has
hallonged Fitzshr.mons, offering to pay
dm ss.<>ho to fight -The Metropolitan
, itreet Hallway company of New York
ias announced that it may hid for the
1 ontract to construct and operate the
npid transit road- -Five men fell five
topics in n temporary elevator, used
| or carrying workmen and freight, ut
: lie new poition "f the Grand Central
i itation, in New YOIU Four were hurt.
Sntur-l iv, *l.lll. 1.
A report that Prince Bismarck had
1 died was circulat--.] in London, but it
I proved to have no foundation— The
provisional government of Cuba was
formally Inaugurated fn Havana, the
members of the cabinet being: sworn
into office with much ceremony Miss
Lucille Pulitzer, oldest daughter of Jo
seph Pulitzer of the New York World.
died at Par Harbor, Me., aged 17
The yacht-Sylph of Boston was wrecked
on Wailing island, in the Bahama group.
but no lives were lost Governor
Lowndes of Maryland withdrew from
the contest for Mr. Gorman's seat in
the United States senate Heavy
snowstorms prevailed in northern New
York and Pennsylvania A big con
spiracy is said to have been discovered
in Pinar del Rio. Cuba, by which 1.50 C
workers in the tobacco fields were dis
armed and prevented from joining the
insurgents Two women were attack
ed after dark in a street in Pelham. a
suburb of New York, by highwayman,
who seized them by the throats and
made thc-m surrender their pocketbooks
A French expedition has seized Fa
shoda, on the Nile, and the French are
said to be descending the river The
Rothschilds are said to be backing a
company of Russian oil refiners to com
; pete against the Standard Oil in Eng
: land General Sir Henry Haveloek-
Allan's body was found in India, where
1 he was killed "Settlement day" in
the December wheat option on the Chi
cago Board of Trade passed without
I excitement. Joseph Leiter, the leadei
: of the bull clique which controls 8,500,-
j 000 bushels of contract grude wheat,
i expressed confidence that the price
would advance Senator Hanna ar
| rived at Columbus, 0., to conduct his
campaign for re-election .and expressed
| confidence of his success Governoi
Black appointed County Judge A. T.
| Clearwater of Ulster county, N. Y., tc
succeed Judge Alton B. Parker in the
supremo court A Cleveland firm has
received an order for 4.000.000 tons oi
iron ore from Cardiff, Wales It was
reported in Chicago that an English
! company has secured control of the
fisheries on the great lakes Mrs. D
T. Howell of Monticello, N. Y., sued
her husband, the Rev. D. T. Howell
rector of the Episcopal church, for a
limited divorce.
Monday, Jan. 3.
A sensation has been caused in Lon
don by a rumor that the English ad
; miral has fired on a Russian man-of
, war in Chinese waters. More Chinese
' concessions to Russia were reported,
and It was avowed openly in St. Pe
tersburg that M. Alexeieff's duty In
Korea is to combat British and Japa
nese influences. China has yielded to the
demand of the German embassador foi
the dismissal of the commandant at
Kiao Chou British troops have been
ordered from Mediterranean ports to
Join the advance up the Nile. A British i
regiment in India was attacked by rebel ]
tribesmen, and is hetnmed in and cut
off from communication with Sir Wil- '
11am Loekhart Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Reich and four of their six children
were killed by a fire in their cottage at
317 Germania avenue, Jersey City. Twc j
sons who escaped with their lives are
suffering from burns, and Chief Con- |
! way, while exploring the house, fell
through a floor and was injured '
Governor Bushnell of Ohio openly de- j
clared himself a candidate for United j
States senator against Senator Hanna (
The monetary commission appoint- !
ed by the Indianapolis convention re- I
ported in favor of a gold standard, re
tirement of greenbacks through a dlvi- |
sion of issue and redemption, the issue '
of new currency by national banks and ,
the Issue of gold 3 per cent bonds if j
necessary for redemption purposes. A
plan was favored to obtain government
loans, when required, from the people !
in sums of SSO or more, these loans tc j
be entered on the books of the treasury
and interest paid in gold at 3 per cent i
I Miss Bessie Potter, cashier of the
Hot 1 Normandie, killed herself by tak
ing carbolic acid at the Windsor hotel
in New York. She died a few minutes
after being taken to the Flower hos
pital Sixteen paper manufacturers
have entered into a combination, with ,
a capital stock of $50,000,000. Five more i
i companies are expected to come in. j
The price of paper is to be advanced i
and the capital furnished publishers t< J
he curtailed A mattress factory in i
Brooklyn was destroyed by fire, the |
damage amounting to $50,000. Adjoining i
' buildings were damaged The annual j
report of New York State Superintend- ;
1 ent of Banks Frederick D. Kllburn j
' shows a marked improvement in the
condition of the state hanks during the
| fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 1897, the gain j
in resources having been about $55,500,-
000, or nearly 20 per cent.
TtiftKtlay, Jan. 4.
Thirty people were killed and more
than 50 injured by the collapse of the
tloor of the city hall at London, Ont.. |
! where a political meeting was being
I held Tt was announced in a dispatch
| from Peking that Li Hung Chang had
i been recalled to power, and his metno
! rial on the defense of the country was
being considered Democrats, with
the aid of anti-Hanna Republicans,
controlled the organization of both
branches of the Ohio legislature. Ma
son. Republican, was elected speaker
of the house by a vote of 56 to 53 A
counterfeit SIOO silver certificate has
I been discovered which treasury officials
i are scarcely able to detect. In view of
the discovery the counterfeited issue is
to be called in. and Secretary Gage ad
' vises business men not to accept SIOO
I silver certificates E. Triplett, presi
| dent of a colored college in Mississippi,
! was fatally shot from ambush C. R.
I Robert, a New York millionaire, killed
; himself at the Rochelle .apartment
j house while insane A judgment for
i about $400,000 was directed by the ap
[ pellate division of the supreme court,
i in New York, against Amzi 1.. Barber
; in a suit against him and others by
] General W. W. Averill of the American
; Asphalt Pavement company The
| steamer Corona, from Alaska, which
has arrived at Port Tovvnshend, Wash.,
; brings $1,200,000 in gold from the Klon
dike, it is said. She had 45 passengers.
| who say that Dawson City will need
I supplies In the early spring, although
there is food for this winter General
j Blanco has suspended every Spanish
j government employee in Cuba to let the
! offices be filled by residents under au- j
| tonomy The trial of Ell Shaw, wh
! is accused of having murdered his
mother and grandmother in Camden.
N. J., Oct. 12 last, was begun in that
city Samuel Keller, manager, and M.
L. Bernard, president of the defunct E.
S. Dean company, surrendered them
: selves in the Center Street police court 1
i in New York. A warrant had been is
sued for their arrest on the charge of 1
I conspiracy to defraud Speaker Reed
I delivered an oration at the celebration
of the fiftieth anniversary of Girard i
j college, Philadelphia William Allen
Butler was elected president of tin? i
council of New York university,
Hit mult Called.
When the young man called to ask
| for the old man's daughter the lul-ter
naturally thought it was necessary to
put up n good bluff, that being the
usual method of procedure. Conse
quently, lie looked solemn, coughed
once or twice as a sort of preliminary,
communed with himself a minute or
two, coughed again and asked:
"Can you support her in the style to
which she has been accustomed?"
"If I couldn't," returned the young
man promptly, "1 ought to be ashamed
of myself."
The old man's bluff was called.—Chi
i cago Post.
(li'tlliiK Hi* Account Strnlu'ht-
Bob Borrower —According to my
memorandum book 1 owe you ten dol
Lon Lcnditt (nervously)—No, Bob;
—it Is only five.
I Bob Borrower —The deuce you say!
Then just let me have another V to
■ straighten out my book, will you 7 j
: Puck.
Slic Knew 111 111.
j "Yes," said the cmgaged girl, "George |
lis very methodical. lie gives me one ;
I kiss when he comes and two when he |
goes away."
j "That's always been his way," re
turned her dearest friend. "I've heard
lets of girls comment on it."
! Thus it happened that they ceased to
speak to each other.—Chicago Post.
A Simile Fur Fetched.
Priscilln Is my Klondike girl,
At lens'. I call her so.
There's gold in every straggling curl
Alluring In Its glow.
The appellation's naught to do,
Howe'er. with aught of gold:
'Ti3 based on this: whene'er I woo
She's distant and so cold.
—Town Topics
A rural lei Case.
Mrs. Upton—Yes, that is my da ugh- j
ter's piano; but she has scarcely ;
touched it since she has been mar- i
i lied.
Mrs. Downton— .Test the same with :
my darter an' her typewriter.—N. Y. :
Faithful Mike.
Mike, having been directed to go j
flown to the station and see when the !
next train left, is gone about an hour, j
Perkins (anxiously)— Well, Mike?
Mike—Well, sor, I had to wait a long ,
toinie. sor, but it has just left.—Tit
-1 Bits.
The Deadly Offense.
"Beverly, what makes you so down I
on your mother-in-law all the time?" j
"Well—she is so exasperating; she is
the kind of woman that always takes
the very identical hot muflin you in - |
tended to take yourself."—Brooklyn
A Had Lot.
First Man—What's your opinion of ,
. Sharpie?
! Second Ditto—l think he resembles a j
haunch of venison.
I First Man—Jiow?
] Second Ditto—lie would be all the i
better for hanging.—London Fun. j
Somewhat Different.
| "Marriage," said the old bachelor, "is !
j but a lottery after all."
I "There's where you're off." replied
Henry Peck. "If you draw a blank in
I a lottery you cnn tear it up and that's
the end of it,"—Chicago News.
That Terrible Three-Year-Old.
"Papa, what does a rabbit look like?" i
"A rabbit, dear, is a small an'imal j
with great long ears. You can always i
j tell it by its ears."
i "Are they longer'n yours, papa?"— !
I Chicago Tribune.
fiver the Same.
In this world of controversy
It Is human nature quite
To think the other fellow's wrong,
And we are in the right.
—Chicago News.
j // ,I I
i Little Willie—This paper says that
Mr. Hamlet Smithers received an ova
tion. What does that mean?
i Father—The word "ovation," my son,
! is derived from the Latin "ova." which
means an egg. Ovation means a shower
of eggs.—N'. Y. World.
A Reproof.
"You're nil the world to mo." he sighed
She smiled on him with gentle mirth
And when lie said "be mine," she cried:
" 'Tis very wrong to want the earth."
—Washington Star.
A Fatal Proportion.
j "It will souti be sixteen to one out in
| "What do you menu?"
i "Sixteen men to one loaf of bread."—
i Louisville Courier-Journal.
Professional Opinion.
| "When is sleep most refreshing, doc
j "After you're called in the morning "
I —Detroit Free Press.
Only for Trying-,
She—They say your friend has a
great reputation for borrowing money
He—No; only for trying to borrow
j money.—Yonkers Statesman.
Cause nml Effect.
Jack—Have n cigar?
Tom—No. I've given up smoking.
Jack—When does the wedding uikt
place?— Chicago News.
Ji\kec table Preparation tar As- SIG N ATU R E
slmitatmg the food andßegula
ting (tie 5 lomadis andDowcls of OF
Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu
lness andßest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. jg qjj "TjrjJ
Pumpkin Sad" >P |
Alx. Senna * J
Anise Seed *
J\pf.cruunt - /
JJt Cart mate SoJa>* I
USaifyreeti Harnr. J
Facsimile Signature of J
I —-
NEW YORK. Oastoria is put yp in one-size only. It
! j®| Tho fac- /?
- r *. :;z.
Some Notable features
i— —— j THm wmli)lKici ennulttmora tunublUhad lnr hbmn than
| CHAS.A. DANA'S j q;
: hlminiscences | grrsss
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