Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, November 11, 1897, Image 1

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VOL. X. NO. 39.
June 13, 1897.
(105. 845 9 Jis am, 1 40, 2 34,3 20, 5 25. 6 10, 707
l> m, l'or Drifton, Jeddo, Foundry, H.,zle Brook
und Lumber Yard.
ti 05, M 45. 935 u m, 1 40.320, (525 p m. Black Dia
mond) lor Weatherly, Mauch cbuiiK, Alien
town, Eastern. I'hiladelphiM and New York.
7 07 p iu for Weatherly, Munch Chunk, Allen
town, Huston and intermediate stations.
(105. 9 .15 a til, 2 34, 5 25, 707 p tu, lor Hazle
ton, Untune, Muhanoy City, Shenandoah, Ash
land, Mr < armel, Shamokin and Pottsville.
7 3s, 10 51, 11 64 a ru, 535 p m, tor Sundy Run,
White Haven and Wilkesbarre.
8 38, 10 50 a m for Sandy Hun, White Haven
and Wilkesbarre.
10 50 atu and 138 pin for Jeddo, Foundry,
lla/.le Brook, Stockton ami Hazleton.
In 50 a in for Unzieton, Delano, Mahanoy
City, Shenandoah, ML. Curiae!, Shainoktu and
1 38 p in for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Allen
town, Easion, Philadelphia and New York.
5 50. 7 28, 20, 10 61, 11 54 am, 12 58, 2 20, 3 56,
515, <lOl, i 01 p in, from Lumber Yard, Hazlc
B nok. Foundry, Jeddo und Drit'ton.
7 2r, 20, 10 51, 11 54 a m, 12 58, 2 20, 3 50, 535
p m. from Hazleton.
9 20, in 51 a m, 12 58, 0 01, p in, from Phila
delphia, New York, Euslou, Allentown, Mauoti
Chunk and Weaih- rly.
7 03 p m from Mauch Chunk ami Weatherly.
935 a in, 2 34, 707 pm, troiu Wilkesoarre,
White Haven and Sundy Hun.
7 28, 0 20, 10 51 a in, 2 20, 5 35 p in, from Deluuo,
Mahauoy City, Sheuai.doah, Ashland, Mt. Car
mel, Shamokin und Pottsville.
8 38, 10 50 a m and 12 55 p in, from Hazleton,
Stockton, Lumber Yard, llazlo Brook, Foun
dry. Jeddo und Drifton.
10 50 u in, 13 55 p m, from Philadelphia, New
York Euston, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk,
10 50 a m, from Pottsville, Shamokin, .Mt.
Caimel Ashland, Shenandoah, Mauauoy City
ami Delano.
10 50 a in, from Wilkesbarre, White llavcn
and Sandy Hun.
For further information inquire of Ticket
CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Aorent,
Phila., Pa.
HOLLIN 11. WILBUR, C.en. Supt. East. Div.
A. W. NUN N EM AC 11 EH, Ass't G. P. A.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Time table in effect April 18, 1897.
Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eokley, Hazlc
Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meudow Road, Hoan
and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, 600u m, daily
except Sunday; und 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for Hurwood. Cranberry.
Tomhickcn and Dcringer at 530, 6 ttO a m, daily
except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m. Sun
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
ilarwood Houd, Humboldt Hoiul, Oneida and '
Hhoppton .it 600 a m, daily except Sua- i
duv; and 7 (13 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Ilarwood,
Cranberry, Tomhickcn and Dcringer at 635 a i
m, daily except Sunday; und 8 53 a in, 4 22 p m,
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Garwood Houd, ilumlHildt Road,
Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32, 11 10 a in, 4 41 p m,
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 3 11 p in,
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhlcken, Cran- |
berry, Ilarwood, Hazleton Junction and Hoan
at 2 25, 5 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and 9 37
u m, 5 07 p in, Sunday.
Trams leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt.
Road, Hurwood Head,Oneida Junction, Hazle
ton Junction aid Hoan at 7 11 a in, 12 40, 522
p in, duily except Sunday; and 8 li a in, 3 44
p ni, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
Houd, Stockton, llazlo Brook, Eckley, Jeddo
and Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday;
ami 8 11 a m, 3 14 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Road, Stockton, Huzle Brook, Eckley,
Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 026 pin, daily,
except Sunday; and 10 10 a m, 5 40 p in, Sunday.
All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with
electric cars tor Hazleton, Jeauesville, Auden
ried and other points on the traction Com
pany's line.
Trains iouvina Drifton at 5 30, 6 00 a in mHkc
connection at. Dcringer with I'. It. H. trains for !
Wilkesbarre, Suubury, llarrisburg and points
For the accommodation of passengers at way
stations between Hazleton Junction ami Dcr
inger. a train will leave the former point at
350 p iu, daily, except Sunday, arriving at
Dcringer at 5 (X) p m.
LUTIIEH C. SMITH, Superintendent.
J'ersonully Conducted Excursions.
Commencing Wednesday, November
17. I] in Lehigh Valley Kail road will in
augurate a through ear servlco to Cali
fornia and Colorado points, leaving
Philadelphia and points iu Pennsylvania
and Now York statu every Wednesday.
The route of this tourist ear lias been
selected through tlie most picturesque
region 111 America, including sueli beauty
spots as Niagara Falls, the. St. Clair tun
nel, over the Great Rock Island route,
through the Royal Gorge, the Grand
Gannon, over the Rocky Mountains to
SaJk Lake city, along the shores to the
principal cities of sunny California—
Bacreninnta, San Francisco. Los Angeles
and San Diego. For particulars as to
time of train, riftcs, etc., inquire of
ticket agents or address Clias. S. Lee,
general passenger agent, Lehigh Valley
Railroad, Philadelphia.
A New Conn Son if.
••Do Your Iloney Do" Is the title of
llie latest musical composition of Theo
dore A. Mett. tlie famous author of "A
Hot Time in the Old Town." The Phila
delphia Vrrst has secured tlie lirst two
hundred thousand copies of Motz's new
song and every reader of next Sunday's
J'ltut (November 14) will receive a
copy free. It would l:e well to make
no mistake about getting next Sunday's
j'rens with this piece of music. After
IIIH issue which lias been secured by tlie
P/'ena is exhausted, it will not be possible
to secure "Do Your Honey 11 1 for Ims
than 40 cents, which will be Its regu
lar price at the music stores.
Beauty Is lllood Deep.
Clean blood means a olean skin. No
beauty without it. Cuscurets Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, be
stirring up the lazy liver und driving all im
purities from the body. Begin today to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by tuking
Cascurete—beauty for 10 cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, iOp, 2&o 50c.
California Tourist Excursions.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Commencing Wednesday, November 17,
1897. a palace tourist car will leave
Freelßnd at 11.54 a. m on train No. 1
every Wednesday, running through the
most pietuie que region of America, to
Colorado and California. See Lehigh
Valley ticket agent for particulars.
Synopsis of Local and Miscellaneous Oc
currences That Can lie Read Quickly.
What the Folks of This and Other
Towns are Doing.
Miss Ella Shovlin returned yesterday
to Montana.
Miss Maggie GUI lias returned from a
visit io Philadelphia.
Mrs. Jane Marshman left yesterday to
visit her brother-in-law. Win. Hughes,
who w as seriously hurt-in the mines at
Plymouth on Tuesday.
The twenty-sixth anniversary of the
organization of the Hurrii Garri lodge
of town will be celebrated at Valines'
hall on Saturday evening.
W. R. Flad lias purchased the inter
ests of his associates in the Press Print
ing Company and will conduct the busi
ness himself in the future.
Do you' want to Bell furniture? Consult
Neil Ward, purchas'gagt., Ward's gallery.
John McDonald, of Centre and South '
streets, has accepted a position as clerk j
in tlie Waldorf hotel. New York city,
and left today to begin his duties.
James McCollum was seriously hurt
about tho legs and back on Monday by a
barrel of cement falling on him from a
cart near the Lehigh Valley station.
Thomas Scott, of West Hazleton, and
Robert Kay, of Jeddo, have tied a match
to play a series of three games of quoits.
Both men are experts. The time and
place will be agreed upon later.
N. B. Peters, of Sandy Run, who
leaves in a few days for Allentown to
engage in business there, will be tender
ed a banquet this evening at tlie rooms
of the Union Club, Birkbeek Brick.
Audenried slate pickers struck on
Tuesday because the advance which
! had been promised them a month
| ago was not granted. Tho trouble was
| adjusted yesterday and the boys resum
j ed work.
| Anthony Domborski, of South Ridge
j street, who lias been sick for several
months, will be taken to Laurytown
hospital this afternoon for treatment.
He resides witli his brother-in-law, John
A pretty line of fall dress goods can
bo seen at Oswald's, latest patterns
and lowest prices.
A new national building and loan
association is being formed at Mauch
I Chunk. Hon. John Leisenring, of Up
per Lehigh, is one of tlie projectors.
Branches will be organized throughout
the country.
A new time-table will go into effect on
the Lehigh Valley Railroad on Sunday
next. The time of leaving for several
Froeland trains will be changed and tlie
train arriving hero at 7.03 will probably
bo discontinued.
John B. nanlon lias returned from
Philadelphia, where he was taken after
tho accident to his eyes. The sight of
the left eye lias been fully restored and
there are hopes that the right eye will
in time improve.
James M. Morris, Esq., who some
years ago was one of tlie owners of the
Hazleton Plain Speaker , lias purchased
tlie plant of tlie Pitts ton Item. A stock
company is being formed and tho paper
will be started again.
The Wyoming and Pond Creek Rail
road Comyany, of Luzerne county, capi
tal $60,000, was chartered at Harrisburg
on Tuesday to build a line six miles long
from Sandy Run Junction to White
Haven. A. J. Lathrop, of Plttston, Is
Tlie Natalie Coal Company has made
an assignment to tho Pittsburg Trust
Company, and it is expected that the
mine, near Shamokin, which closed
down last April, leaving 1,500 men and
boys in idleness, will speedily be put in
For overcoats and made-to-measure
suits you should call on Hart, the Eng
lish tailor, if you want the best quality
of goods at lowest prices. Make no mis
take. Refowich's old stand. Just re
turned from New York with an immense
assortment of cloth.
Andrew Jovionsky, charged with mur
dering Charles Melchitz at Duryea.
pleaded guilty in court on Tuesday and
was sentenced to ten and one-half years
in the Eastern penitentiary. The gen
eral opinion is that a verdict of murder
in tho first degree could be had if the
trial went on.
Jack Orgill, a former resident of Latti
mer and for several years a constable of
llazlo township, is in Lackawanna
county jail and must answer tho charge
of murder. Last week lie stabbed
Robert Elliot during a light over a game
of dominoes in a Providence saloon.
The blade entered the abdomen, tearing 1
the Intestines badly.
For Infants and Children.
The faa. sy
Noted from the Courts.
In court yesterday John McGlynn.
Jr., was called to answer tho charge of
breaking into Lehigh Valley cars at
Froeland station and stealing beer
therefrom. He entered a plea of guilty
as indicted, and received a sentence of
four years in the state reformatory at
Huntingdon. It is expected that this
sentence will cause the dishandiuent of
the gang of which he was a member.
Gotner Jones, of Audcnried, superin
tendent of certain South Side collieries,
who on the first day of the recent labor
troubles attempted to whip an Italian
for striking, and was later placed under
bail, has settled the case by paying all
costs, $2lB, and giving the man his job
Ilarry .Hughes, a ten-year-old boy of
Jeddo. pleaded guilty to the larceny of a
horse and buggy, the property of Dr. O.
F. Pierson, of Hazleton. The boy said
he took the horse and carriage for u
ride. The plea was accepted and Judge
Dennett suspended sentence.
Detectivo Charles R. Holland, of
Wilkesbarre, employed by the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western Railroad, has
sued the Wilkesbarre Times for $5,000
for publishing that he is addicted to
drunkenness, night brawis and coward
Eben F. Meyer has been appointed
clerk of Foster township by the court to
fill the vacancy caused by the removal
of John M&lcliitzky, of Eckley, to Ruck
A special term of court will be held at
Wilkesbarre, beginning Monday, Decem
ber 6. Tliis term of court has been
specially called for the purpose of trying
Sheriff Martin and his deputies.
Special Council Meeting.
The members of the borough council
met on Monday evening in special
session for the purpose of conferring
with J. Sharon McNair, who is making
profdes of some of the streets in the
northern part of the borough. Mr.
McNair explained the system proposed,
and the lines of tho streets were adopted
as laid out by him. The disposition of
the $37.87 received from the state treas
urer was left over until some future
Street Commissioner Boyle was au
thorized to extend tlie sewer north from
Chestnut street on Centre as far as the
grade will allow, and have the same laid
with ten-inch pipe.. It was also agreed
that the eight-inch sewer from Luzerne
street along the alley be extended about
iifty feet north. Tho secretary was in
structed to draw an order on the treas
urer for $35.53 in favor of J. A. Hutchlns
& Co. to pay for the pipe already laid on
the above alley.
Council agreed to convene in special
session whenever Mr. McNair is prepar
ed to meet them again and go over John
son, Walnut and Carbon streets.
Complete State Returns.
Complete returns, most of them official,
from all the counties in the state show
tiie vote at last week's election to have
been as follows:
State. Treasurer.—Beacom (Itep.), 371,-
022; Brown (Dem.), 243,268; Swallow
(Pro.), 118,525; Thompson (Ind.), 15,507.
Beacoiu's plurality over Brown, 128,354.
Auditor General.—McCauley (Rep.),
411,270; Hitter (Dem.), 265,933; Lathrope
(Pro.), 58,326. Mc Can ley's plurality
over Ritter, 145,237.
Fifteen counties are returned without
recording any votes for Thompson (Ind.).
County Must Pay tlie Costa.
Judge Bennett has givon a decision
of great importance to criminal practice,
The act of iB6O made all costs payable
by the county, but in 1874 the legisla
ture passed another act covering all
costs except "acquittal in felony." Con
troller Lloyd, by advice of his attorney,
refused his approval of all costs In
felony cases where the defendant was
acquitted. A case stated was taken be
fore .Judge Bennett and ho has decided
that the county must pay the costs.
The costs held back for tho past four
months will amount to about $2,000.
Deer Keg Causes Trouble.
While viewing the alley between Wal
nut and Chostnut streets on Tuesday,
Street Commissioner Boyle found a beer
keg there and placed it near the rear
fence of Josoph Latz's lot, out of the
way of passing teams. Joe objected to
this, and a wordy war ensued, which
resulted in the saloon man and the street
commissioner "mixing up." Mr. Boyle
carried off the honors.
Latz had a warrant issued in Hazleton
yesterday for the street epmmissjonor.
The latter waived u hearing and enter
ed bail for his appearance in court.
Looking for Hit* Horse.
Tlie horse captured and impounded by j
High Constable Molik a month ago and
sold by bin) has been claimed by Michael
Loss, of Wilkesbarre, w|io alleges tlie i
animal was stolen by a man named linr
ron. The horse was found roaming on
Frecland streets. After the sale it
passed through several hands and at
present Is owned by J. C. llerner. Loss
was hero this week, but went home!
without the horse.
It. ha- /f
Hoard of Trade Member* Lat Evening;
j tliofe Official* for Another Year.
The Board of Trade, met last evening
jin the council room. H. E. Sweeny,
chairman of the committee on nomina
tions of new officers, reported that they
had met several times and decided unan
imously to recommend the election of
the present officials. President Price
wished to step out and give some one
else a chance, as he lias served two
terms. After a discussion on the with
drawal, the following officers were
President—William Williamson.
First vice president—ll. I. Price.
Second vice president—N. J. Owens.
Secretary—W. I). Kline.
Treasurer— W. 11. Butz.
There being no important matters
likely to come before the board during
the winter months, it was decided to
hold the next meeting in January.
Mr. Sweeney reported that thore was
yet $2,500 unpaid on the $15,000 issue of
silk mill bonds. The company expects
that some of this amount will be
taken by parties with whom arrange
ments are being made, but there will
still be some left for any who desire
The order having been placed for
machinery to double the present capa
city of the mill, the silk company will,
by January, be ready to employ at least
fifty additional girls.. About SBOO was
paid out for wages last month.
A vote of thanks was tendered Messrs.
Price and Kline for their attendence
and work in behalf of the board.. Both
gentlemen thanked the members and
promised their best endeavors in the
future. The former, although having
vacated the president's chair, has no de
sire to sever his connection with the
board, but will work on quietly in the
future as the past.
The I). S. & S. Company is experienc
ing much trouble with its engines lately.
Nearly all had to be overhauled within
the past few months. The hard work
which they do, together with the burn
ing of bituminous coal in the; fire-box.
wears out the flues more rapidly than
when the locomotives were new.
The hop of the Cross Creek Club at
Cross Creek hall last night was well at
tended. The a Hair was ably managed
and the club members made tho evening
a pleasant one for their iuvittd guests.
Ilazle township politics are causing a
a stir among the local statesmen and
aspirants for the oilices to be. filled next
spring are seen in town quite frequently.
Rowland Walbert, a clork in the gen
eral ofiice, and Miss Emma Hanig will
marry in the near future.
Hardinn.—At Frceland, November 10,
Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Mardine. Funeral at 2
o'clock this afternoon. Interment at
St. Ann's cemetery.
Lakata.—At Frceland. November 10,
George, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Lakata. Funeral at 2 o'clock
this afternoon. Interment at St. Ann's
Shambora.—At Freeland, November 10,
Annie, wife of Peter Shambora, aged
47 years. Funeral at 10 a. m. Satur
day. Requiem mass at St. John's
Slavonian church Interment at St.
Ami's cemetery. McNulty.
lllftliop Talbot Clioxen,
Right Rev. Dr. Ethelhert Talbot, LL.
1)., was chosen bishop of the Protestant
Episcopal diocese of Pennsylvania at
Bethlehem yesterday. Dr. Talbot suc
ceeds the late Bishop Rulison. His sal
ary was placed at $4,000. The diocese
will probably be divided next June. Dr.
Talbot at present is missionary bishop
of Washington and Idaho.
November 22. —Ball of St. Stanislaus
Society at Valines' opera house. Ad
mission, 25 cents.
November 24.—Seventh annual ball of
Jeddo Progressive Club at Valines'
opera house. Admission, 50 cents.
November 25.—Turkey dinner and sup
per by the Ladies Aid Society in base
ment of St. Paul's P. M. church.
Tickets, 25 cents.
Interstate Firemen's Carnival.
Trenton, X. .1.. November 10. The
Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell tickets
from Freeland to Trenton, N. J., and
return at the rate of one fare for the
round trip. Tickets on sale November
0 and 10, good for return to and in- j
eluding November U, on all trains
except the Black Diamond Express. |
Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for !
Two M illious a Year.
When people buy, try and buy again, it'
means they're satisfied. The people of the I
United States are now buying Cascarcta
Candy Cathartic at the r-ato of two million j
boxes a year and it will be throe million be- j
fore New Year's. It. means merit proved,
that Casearots are the most delightful bowel
regulator for everybody the year round. All
druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c a box. cure guaranteed. '
Kducate Your Bowels With Ca*carets* 1
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forovir. |
10c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money, j
T! leve* lluvo Ili£ Time.
The South Side towns wore visited
this week by a gang of thieves who hold
high carnival and ran things to suit
themselves. Starting out on Sunday
night at Jeanesville they began by house
breaking and committing depredations
all along the road. The Jeanesville
supply store was lirst broken into and
what material they could not conven
iently take away they destroyed.
The telephone system of the Lehigh
Traction Company they then attacked
and cut off all communication south.
KooiTs powder house, at Treskcow, was
next visited, and a largo quantity of
dynmitc was scattered about. The tele
phone station there was also destroyed.
The cigar store and office of Squire
Robinson was broken up and tobacco
and cigars stolen.
From there the gang went to McAdoo.
breaking into the other telephone sta
tion. The office of the McAdoo Siftingß
was broken open. The furniture store
of Abraham Levinton was entered and
shoes and wearing apparel amounting to
SSO stolen.
On Monday night two terrific explo
sions which awakened all the people in
the neighborhood took place in Arnold's
brewery, Ilazleton. It was found that
two large safes in the office had been
destroyed with charges of dynamite by
the robbers, who operate 1 on them for
the purpose of plunder.
Nothing was obtained from the safes,
as the money was in another safe which |
the thieves overlooked. The robbers
failed to guage their charge of dynamite
and the loud explosion and hurry ap
proach of people scared them off.
Lafferty's hotel, at Silver Brook, was
also entorred by burglars the same night
and considerable money, liquor and
cigars stolen.
Marriage n £IICCCM.
She—My dear, I want SSO to do some
He—My goodness! Why, it's only—
"Do you remember that you came
home last night in a very shaky condi
tion ?"
"Hum! Perhaps 1 did."
"Yes. And 1 didn't say a word, did 1V"
"No, my dear, not a word."
"Well, you know, silence is golden."
"Here's the SSO, my love."—'N. Y.
Merely n Feeler.
The Baron—Did her father acquire
his money honestly?
Penelope—Oh, yes. (Sarcastically)
If he did not 1 suppose you would not
marry her.
The Baron—Not at all. If he acquired
it dishonestly he would probably be too
clever to give any of it up.—N. V. Times.
(•nod Advlee.
Life's troubles are many, Its joys are few.
Yet will we not train with the doleiul
To double each pleasure and rout each
Just pluck every rose and let thorns go
—Detroit Free Tress.
llo—Are you sure you love me, sweet
heart ?
She —Y'es, dearest, even in your bi
cycle clothes.—Chicago Record.
A Murltnl IVeccMnlty.
The man who finds his married life
From th' old too sudden a transition.
Should have, without a doubt, a wifo
Like Caesar's—quite above suspicion.
"That man," remarked an admiring
friend, "has the faculty of saying clear
ly iii a few words what others would i
require pages to express."
"Too bad!" said Senator Sorghum, j
"He'll never get along in politics; not |
unless he learns to filibuster better >
than that."—Washington Star.
An IntcrfKlliiK Speculation*
"My dear," asked his wife, "what are
you thinking about?"
"I was thinking," replied thetheoso
phist, shaking off his tit of dreamy ab
straction, "which make of wheel j will
ride the next time I appear on earth."
Kxpeuteil to Win by a Much Larger Ma
jority Than tho Return* Show—Coal
Corporations, He Baya, Worked for III*
Defeat— His A ppoi lit men ts.
From the Wilkesbarre heniler.
Over in his office T. U. Martin sat on
Tuesday morning with an open box or
cigars on his desk and a cordial greeting
for all comers on tap. He had not been
in Ills offico for several days and this was
the lirst opportunity his enthusiastic
i friends had to congratulate liiiu on his
; victory and wish him well, as Luzerne's
I new district attorney. "The result," lie
said, "was a surprise to me. Not in its
result, but in the smallncssuf my major
ity. Every man who runs for office feels
certain of election, 1 know, for after all
that is human nature, but after a
thorough systematic canvass of the
county I was confident that 1 would be
elected by a great big majorty, which
did not materialize.
"What caused tho change? Why in
many places in this county the foreign
ers who would have voted for ine were
kept in the mines until after 7 o'clock
011 election day, and 1 lost hundreds of
votes by tho operation. I was opposed
by the corporations, which took tiiis
means of defeating me. Then again tin'
Irish Democrats, from whom I expected
much, did not materialize. The irish
man is a born politician, and it isn't
often tliat lie sacrifices an opportunity
to vote, but tlie small vote in many Irish
districts proves that this year tho boys
did not come out.
"And I regret to say I lost many Irish
votes through a story put in circulation
to the effect that I was a member of the
A. I'. A. This is used every year against
some candidates and I had hoped that il
would not bo believed. Had it not been
for the Republican vote I received I
would have defeated. Still I consider
myself the choice of the Democratic
party and their representative.
'*\Yhy did the Republicans support
me?" Ho said with a smile, "why many
were personal friends and many were
witli me because of the stand 1 took on
the water question. This was evident
from the vote I received In this city.
Then again many Democrats fought
long and faithfully and their good work
told. Men who were against the ring in
years gone by fought tooth and nail for
me because they felt that a victory for
mo now was a slap at the ring.
"Then again my record as a Democrat,
though I sav it myself, is a good one.
In the face of defeats which usually em
bitter a man. I havo stood by my partv
and always will. Had this been a presi
dential year, I would have not been a
candidate. In such a year the ligiit. is
bitter and party patriotism is greater
than personal regard. At such a time
the county candidates suffer.
"My appointments?" lie said as the
smile died away, and he took a firm hold
on his cigar. "Well I have three to
make, you know, and I shall not an
nounce them until lam sworn in. Yes,
I have many applications, but before
appointing anybody I shall give all ap
plications a thorough consideration. I
shall first consider fitness, as I desire to
have as competent a stalf as can be
gathered In Ltuorne. Secondly, I shall
appoint 111011 whose Democracy is pure
and whose faithfulness to the party can
not bo questioned. Thirdly, all things
being equal, I will appoint personal
friends to whom I am obligated, at the
same time recognizing oil branches of
the party, with fitness as the great con
sideration. Although I shall possibly
never again be a candidate for auv
office, yet f shall labor faithfully to
make a record for myself, not for even
tual political reward, hut for my mem
ory's sake. "The evil that men do lives
after them and I shall leave no evil to
SIOO Reward, SIOO.
Tho readers of this paper will bo.
pleased to learn that tbero is at least ono
dreaded disease that science has been
aide to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh. Hall's rntarrh cure is the onlv
positive cure now known to the medical
Iraternity, Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
I hereby destroying tho foundation of
the disease, and giving tho patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faitii in
its curative powers, that they offer one.
hundred dollars for any case that it falls
to cure, bend for list of testimonials.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
CjY'riold by druggists, 7oc.
Hall's Family I'ills are Die h,, st .
Pennsylvania Day.
Dedications ut monuments, Cliicka
uiauga battlefield. Cluittauooga, Tonn
November 1.7, ISU7. The Lehigh Valley
Railroad will sell tickets rrom Freclund
to Chattanooga, Tcnn., and return, both
via Washington and via Iluffalo. at the
rate of #15.1(1 for tl\n round trip. Tickets
on sale November to 111 inclusive, good
foy return leaving Chattanooga to and
including November 3S. (food on all
trains except tho Itlack Diamond Ex
press. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket
agent fur particulars.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
Office: Rooms 8 and 4, liirkbeck Brick, Frceland.
All legal business promptly attended.
Postollico Building, ... Frecland.
iioom 10, Schwartz's Building,
! East Broad street, - . Hazlcton, Pu.
jy|RS. S. E. HAYES,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
Rone but Reliable Companies Represented.
General Hardware.
mn,'L il ' l w^n 8 V, pplles "f cvor >' kil " 1 "'ways in
j >ck. Wall paper, paints and tinware, llicy
: oles and repairs of all sorts. 9
j ___ South Centre street.
Restaurant and Oyster Saloon.
No. 13 Front Street, Frceland.
1 " n Sl,lir w8 an< ?, c'Fnrs served at the
counter. 1 ami lies supplied with oysters.
M. 11. HUNSICKER, Prop.
1 ~.S''! es ' -- l ,cr . 'lay. Bar stocaed with tine
ne, : )ee, i H V d ciar ß. Sale und ex
change stable attached.
dealer in
Call at No. <1 Walnut street, Freeland,
or wait l'or the delivery wagons.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported
. hiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa
loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan
doah Deer uud leuug-ling's Porter on tap.
8 Centre street.
Baker & Confectioner.
Wholesale and Retail.
Dr. N. MALEyT"
Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick.
dealer in
I>i\v ({oodw,
ltools ami
Centre and Main streets, Freeland,
Corner of Centre and Front Streets,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufcr Club,
Resent,null's Velvet, of which wu bavo
Murom's Extra Dry Chamiiatrno.
lleiinessy bluntly, blackberry,
t.ins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
Ballcntine and Haz.leton beer on tap.
Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.