RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. June 13, 1897. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FKEELANI). 0 05. 8 45, 0 35 a in, 1 40, 2 34, 3 20. 5 25, 0 10, 7 0". p in, for Drifton, Jeddo, Foundry, Huzlc Drool and Lumber Yard. 0 05. 8 4",. it :t" a in, I 40,3 20. (5 25 p in, Black Dia mond) for W'euthcrly, Muuch Chunk, Allen town, Easton. I'liihulelphia and New York. 7 07 p in for Weatlierly, Maucli Chunk, Alien town, Easton and intermediate stations. 6051035 am, 234, 525, i "7 p m, for Basle ton, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ash land, Alt. Carrael, Shumokin and l'ottsville. 7 2s, 10 51, 11 54 a in, 5 :5 p in, lor Sandy Run. White Haven and Wiikesbarre. SUNDAY TRAINS. B.'lß, 10 50 ain for Sandy Run, White llavei and wiikesbarre. 10 50 am and 138 pm for Jed do, Foundry Ilazle Brook, Stockton and Ha/.leton. 1050 am for Ha/.leton, Delano, Mahano> City, Shenandoah, Alt. Carmel, Shamokm and Potts ville. 1 38 p m for Weatlierly. Mauch Chunk. Allen town, Easton, Philadelphia and New York. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. ft 50, 7 28, 9 20, 10 51, 11 54 a m, 12 58, 2 20, 3 56. 5 35, 6 01, 7 0:1 p in, from Lumber Yard, Hazh 11 ook. Foundry, Jeddo and Dril'ton. 7 2s, 020, 10 51, 11 54 a m, 12 58, 2 20, 3 56, 535 p m, from Ha/.leton. 9 20, 10 51 a in, 12 58, 6 01, p in, from Phila delphia, New York, Kastoii, Allcutown, Aluucl Chunk and Weuiherly. 7 03 p m from Alauch Chunk and Weatlierly 5135 am, 234 , 7 07 pm, from Wiikesbarre. White Haven and Sandy Bun. 7 28, 9 20, 10 51 a m, 2 20, 5 35 p in, from Delano. Alahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ashland, Alt. Cur mel, Shumokin and l'ottsville. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8 38, 10 50 am and 12 55pm, from llazleton. Stockton, Lumber Yard, ilazle Brook, Foun dry, Jeddo and Dril'ton. 10 50ain, 12 55 pm, from Philadelphia, New York. Easton, Allentown, and Maucli Chunk 1050 am, from l'ottsville, Shainokin, Mt Carmel Ashlund, Shenandoah, Mahanoy Citj and Delano. 10 50 a in, from Wiikesbarre, White Haven and Suudy Run. For further information inquire of Tickei Agents. CHAS. S. LEE, Qen'l l'uss. A Kent, l'hilu., Pa. KOLLIN 11. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. East. Div. A. W. N UN N EM AC JIER, Ass't (i. 1. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. ' | ML E DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANL L SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18,1897. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckloy, Hazh Brook, Stockton. Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and llazleton Junction at SW, 600a m, dailj except Sunday: and 7 03 a m, 2 ;i8 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for liarwood,Cranberry. Tomhiekeii and Deiinger at 5 6 00 a m, dail> except Sunday; and 703 a m, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, liarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 600 a in, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave llazleton Junction for liarwood. Cranberry, Toinhickcu and Deriuger at. 635 u in, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 1 22 p in. Sunday. Trains leave llazleton Junction for Oncidu Junction, liarwood Road, Humboldt Koud. Oneida and Sheppton at 6 32, 11 10 a m, I 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 311 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Deriuger for Tomhicken, Cran berry, liarwood, llazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and 9 37 a ra, 507 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, liarwood Road, Oneida Junction, llazle ton Junction and Boan at 7 11 am, 1240, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Ilazle Brook, Eckloy, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 11a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Ha/.leton Junction for Beavel Meadow Road, Stockton, Ilazle Brook, Eekley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 626 pm, daily, except Sunday; and 10 lo a m, 5 40 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at llazleton Junction with electric cars for Ha/.leton, Jeanesville, Auden ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's lino. Trains leaving Drifton at 5130. 6 00 a m make connection at Deriuger with P. R. R. trains foi Wiikesbarre, Sunbury, llurrisburg and point.*- west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations bet ween Ha/.leton Junction and Dcr ingcr, a train will leave the former point at 350 p in, daily, except Sunday, arriving ut Deriuger at ."> UU p m. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. P. F. McNULTY, Funerai Director and Embalmer. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. Notions, Carpet, Roots and Shoes, Flour atul Feed, Tobacco, Cigars, Tin and Queensware, Wood and Willowware, 'Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. My motto is small profits and quick sales. I always have fresh goods and am turning my stock every month. Every urticle is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland. The Victor Yapor Engine manufactured by Thus. Kane X Co., Chicago. .Steady spend, easy In start, always re liable. absolutely safe, all parts Inter changeable, adapted for any class of work requiring power. J. D. MYERS, Agt, FREELAND, PA. Call or send for catalogues and prices. Royul makes the loud pure, wholesome and delicious. Rfl POWDER Absolutely Pure FREELAND 11 Established 18S3. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY IIY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STHKET A HOVE CENTRE. Mnl.c nlt money order #, check#, etc., payable t< the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Year $1.51' Six Mouths 7f Pour Mouths 50 Two Months 27 The date which the subscription is paid to i on the address label of each paper, the cluing:! ol' which to a subsequent date becomes v. receipt for remittance. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report prompt ly to this office whenever paper is not received Arrearages must be paid when subscription is discontinued. FREELAND, l'A., AUGUST 19, 1897 Spain nnl the Death of Canovas. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. While the policy which actuated tin late Senor Canovas was a reactionary one and opposed to all modern ideas ol political liberty, yet his assassination is widely regretted, and his untimely tak ing off has probably bestowed upon him a prestige which might not have been his had he been permitted to carry out his work. Rut now that ho has gone, natural thought is as to what effect his death will have upon Spain. Within the past two months there were ex i donces of opposition to his methods even among the members of the Conserva tive party, and it may be, that a politick' readjustment will follow. Both Sagas t; and Field Marshal Campos are men oi humane and enlightened views, anil they have great influence with Un people. It was the masterful and domi neering will of Canovas that dictated tin policy in Cuba. The Queen Regent, win is without force of character, felt hei indebtedness to him for his share in the restoration of the Rourbons, and it ma) be that now those who are called upon to assume the reins of government will succeed in impressing her with the noces sity for a complete change in the coun try's colonial policy. For there must assuredly come a change. Each day the conditions that exist in Spain are becoming more seri ous. Shi; Is without allies, without resources. There is the fear of a revo lution at home, and in Cuba the insur gents arc striking terror to the heart of the capital. The indomitable spirit which possessed Canovas might have enabled him, had he lived, to postpone the inevitable catastrophe, but there is no man who can doit now, nor does thor • seem to be any one who wishes to see the policy of blood and iron perpetuated The time is undoubtedly opportune for the Republicans. Spain must humble her pride and seek to go forward. To grant liberty to u brave people need not be looked upon as a humiliation, hut rather as an evidence that she has seen her folly and realizes that the burden which she is bearing will ultimately crush her. It may be that the death of Canovas, although the manner of it cannot but he execrated, will work good for the cause of liberty. Censured by an Ally. From tin- Philadelphia Record. The party of protection has had an almost uninterrupted control o f the dis bursements of the treasury for the last thirty years, and they have made a riot of wasteful and unnecessary expendi tures hut in the meantime the interna tional carrying trade of the country has fallen into alien hands. As an illustra tion of protective methods, the city of Philadelphia years ago made a gift to the federal government of a remarkably advantageous site for the establishment of a naval station, with adequate facili ties for docking, repairing and safe harborage of all the vessels constructed for national defense; but the gift lies neglected and nearly unused in the hands of the donee. The battleship Indiana is now lying in the dock at Halifax for necessary overhauling because there is no safe and sufficiently capacious dry dock on our Atlantic coast where the required work could he done. We are thus dependent upon the courtesy of our Rritish neigh bors for tlni means of keeping our larger war vessels in a seaworthy condition. Could it be possible to furnish a more complete or a more shameful illustration of slovenly administration? CASTOniA. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, August 17, 1897. lloss Ilunna's man, Dick, may be re lieved of the management of the Ilanna campaign in Ohio, lie has got himself the ill will of the Republican magnates for having bungled ids work in bribing certain Ohio Populists. Instead of using cash, lie was thoughtless cnougli to have used chocks and these disagreeable proofs of bribery have gotten into the wrong hands. The magnates aforesaid expected Dick to arrange for the nomi nation of a straight Populist state ticket in Ohio, and for other Populist assistants to the Republican state and legislative tickets, especially the latter, but tin?) didn't expect him to do it so clumsily as to be caught at it. As no explanation has been or can be put forward by Dick that will satisfy an intelligent and un prejudiced mind that ho lias not been engaged in wholesale bribery, it is be lieved in Washington that Ross Ilanna will seek to escape responsibility for the bribery by pretending to rebuke Dick by taking the management of the cam paign out of his hands. Dick's bribery lias greatly strenghtened Democratic hopes of defeating Ilanna. It. is a fact of more than passing im portance that the bitterest public attack over made on the present civil service system is contained in a lifty-column speech in one of the belated numbers of the Congressional Record, which was oc casionally published up to last week for the purpose of giving members of con gress a chance to talk to their consti tuents through the medium of ••leave-to print" speeches which purport to have been spoken on the lloor. This attack on the civil service system was prepared by Representative Grosvonor, of Ohio, the bosom friend of Mr. McKinley and one of the lieutenants of Ross ilanna. In it lie claims to have the records of '.'7 l men who were criminals, but who secured offices under the civil service rule, and accuses the civil service coin mission of violating the law daily. "Teddy" Roosevelt has shown that the limit of his versatility has not yet been reached by assuming t he role of official vvhitewasher. His letter exonerating Constructor Howies, who has charge of the Brooklyn navy yard and who was charged with political and other favorit ism in- running that yard, gives Mr. Bowles an unusually thick coat of white wash. Rut there is one black streak that "Teddy" may have put in as a sort of tip to Mr. Howies. It is in the fol lowing language in "Teddy's" official letter: "The attention of Constructor Howies will be especially called to that part of Commander Davis' report (Davis was the officer detailed to make the in vestigation) warning him as to being sometimes ovcrharsh and following too implicit)' the recommendations of lead ingmen and quartermen." Ex-Secretary Carlisle and Ex-Assistant Secretary Hamlin made arguments be fore the attorney general against the application of the 10 per cent discrimi nating duty imposed by the Dingloy tariff upon importations from Canada to importations from other countries which come into the United States over a Cana dian Railroad. Messrs. Carlisle and Hamlin represent New England railroad and business interests. Secretary Cage asked the attorney general for an opin ion and will withhold his ruling until he gets it. Mr. Carlisle still has an idea that the Hold Democrats should keep away from the regular Democrats and lie has advised the putting up of a Gold Demo cratic ticket in every state in which an election is to be held this year, and announced his intention to drop his law practice long enough to go to Kentucky and speak for the Gold Democrats. The regular Democrats smile at Mr. Carlisle's talk and say their can he no future for a Gold Democratic organization. How's This I Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured nv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIEN'EY it CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney for the last iifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEST & TP.UA x, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, KIXXAN IT MARVIN, Whole* sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the host. I.ebigli Valley Kuilroud. Low excursion rates to Ruffulo. ac count of national encampment of the G. A. R. Single fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale at ali Lehigh Valley of lices August '3l to 24. good for return leaving Buffalo after August 24, to and including August 31. Extension of time limit to September 20 may be secured by payment of 25 cents and deposit of tieket with joint agent at Huffalo. Re duced rate tickets for side trips to Ni agara Falls (50 cents) and other points <>f interest on sale at Hulfalo during en campment. CASTOniA. Tbefac- /J Dr. N. MALEY, DENTIST. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVER BIRKBECK'S STOKE. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Wednesday, Aug. 11. The body of Senor Canovas del Cas tillo was taken from Santa Agueda, where he was assassinated, to Madrid, where it will lie in state. Golli, the as sassin, has been identified as Michel Angiolino, the son of a tailor and a na tive of Foggia, Italy Dr. How, the bishop of Wakefield and author of the Jubilee hymn, died in England A sea captain reports seeing a collapsed bal loon, believed to be Andree's, on July 13, two days' sail east of North cape Frank C. Conroy was executed at Clin ton prison for murdering his wife at i Ogdensburg, N. Y. The Russian town of Mstislavl was destroyed by fire The Republicans of Kentucky held their state convention in Louisville Secretary Bliss issued a circular calling attention to the difllculties and dangers I of the journey to the Klondike region ! Seth Low is quoted as having said that, in view of the enormous number of signatures to the petition asking him to run for mayor of the Greater New York —more than 71,000 in New York alone —he cannot do anything but ac cept the nomination Upward of 400 members of the Merchants' association arrived in New York to buy goods, and all but one spoke of the favorable out look for prosperity Governor Atkin son of West Virginia, in remitting the fine and sentence of a husband who had shot and seriously wounded a rival, ex pressed regret that the latter was not killed President McKlnley and Vice President Hobart visited the Catholic summer school at Plattsburg and made j a trip through the Au Sable chasm Herbert Willis, who was serving a term i of life imprisonment in the Charlestown J (Mass.) prison, was badly wounded while trying to escape Henry S. Mar ry, president of the Fitchburg railroad, 1 died of apoplexy at his home in Bel- j mont, Mass. A large force of British i troops is being sent from England, it is believed, to re-enforce the Nile expedi- I tion The death by drowning of the | Amazon explorer Fiscarrald is reported i Four French officers ascended Mont Blanc in the Alps of Savoy The Cramps brought suit against the gov- j eminent for over $1,700,000 damages al- i leged to have been sustained in build- [ ing warships Beginning next Octo ber, Japan will have a gold currency. Thursday, Aug. 115. The Virginia Democratic state con- | von tion met in Roanoke and nominated I for governor Major J. Hoge Tyler | President McKinley and Vice Presi- ; dent Hobart made an excursion to Lake : Placid and drove to the grave of John | Brown at North Elba The torpedo ! boat Dupont, on her olficial trial trip, i made an average speed of 28.58 knots | an hour The steamer Mexico, laden with gold seekers, tourists and supplies, j was lost on the coast of Alaska. The passengers and crew escaped in boats Jacob S. Coxey was nominated by acclamation for governor by the Popu list state convention of Ohio in session at Columbus Drunaml, the fugitive king of Benin, surrendered himself to j the British authorities on the west coast of Africa The emperor and empress of Germany said goodby to the czar and , czarina and left St. Petersburg in the yacht Hohenzollern The body of the murdered premier of Spain, Senor Can ovas del Castillo, reached Madrid and lay in state at his late home Two ' Spanish agitators were expelled from j France An uprising of Carlist sym pathizers is alleged to be impending in ; Spain A serious outbreak is reported j in Oporto, Portugal, where 18 army of ficers have been arrested, and martial law is proclaimed Further particulars j of the capture of Abu Hamid by the Anglo-Egyptian expedition have been received Instructions for the enforce- I merit of President McKlnley's recent civil service order were issued by the treasury department The paying tel ler of the Bedford bank, Brooklyn, con fessed to a series of defalcations amounting to more than $6,000 Mrs. Ell Gage, daughter-in-law of the secre tary of the treasury, will brave the ter rors of Chilkat pass to join her husband at Dawson City. Friday, Aug. 1 SI. Owing to the refusal of M. Stolloff. ! the Bulgarian premier, to apologize for an insulting letter, diplomatic relations between Austria and Bulgaria have been severed The obsequies of the t late Premier Canovas del Castillo will i be held in Madrid today. The trial of the assassin Golli will begin before a court martial on Saturday Prepara- j tions for the national regatta on the Schuylkill river at Philadelphia were j completed. Ten Eyck will not row C. S. Mullen and Daniel S. Lamont were ; chosen respectively president and vice j president of the Northern Pacific | President McKinley took a trip to Ver- ' mont as the guest of Senator Rodfield Proctor Thomas Edison is building j at West Portal, N. J., great concentrat- i ing works for the reduction of low ; grade Iron ore by electricity Asa j Charles Jackson, an American, com mitted suicide in England Seditious i placards were posted on the walls ot j public buildings in Constantinople j The Scotch oil combination has col- I lapsed James Young, an engineer, I died on the Ward line steamer Yuca- j tan. His body was taken to Havana for burial The Count of Turin, I nephew of King Humbert, will, it Is said, fight Prince'Honry of Orleans, and ; General Albertone will give way An j injunction restraining the striking coal J miners from assembling near the mines ! of the New York and Cleveland com puny was issued by judges of the coun ty courts in Pittsburg Pom Kwang Boh, formerly Korean minister to this • country and commissioner to the i queen's jybilee, is dying from consunipr | tion in Washington After being on 1 the rocks In Lake Superior for 10 hours, j the yacht Comanche, with Senatoi ; Hanna and a party aboard, was pulled \ off in safety Comptroller Eckels, In j a magazine article, urges the consoli- j dation of banks The English players j met with defeat in the international tennis games at Chicago Two thou- ! sand gold seekers are camped at Dyoa ! and Skagguay unable to get across the i passes to the Klondike fields. Saturday, Aug. 14, The marches of the strikers at the j De Armitt coal mines were stopped by , the sheriff and a large force of deputies. | A riot was narrowly averted The f\p. ! nerql pbsequics of Wepor Canovas del • Castillo were held In Madrid Ar- ; rangemonts were completed for the. i duel between Prince Henry of Orleans and the Count of Turin which la ex pected to take place this morning | Commissioner Powderly instructed im migration officials to watch for the ar rival of anarchists in this country Prince Pom Kwang Soh, former minis tor from Korea to the United States, tiled at Washington. His death was hastened by excessive exertion In an at tempt to ride a bicycle An Italian landed in Paris proclaiming that he meant to imitate Santo, who killed a president of France. The police of Mil an seized some bombs and documents which they consider proof of an anarch ist international plot It is reported from Cuba on what seems to be the best authority that Captain General Weyler has sent his resignation to Mad rid Annie Garrison Is missing from the home of her foster parents in Rhinebeck, N. Y., and it is believed that a boarder kidnaped her Labor leaders in Fairmont, W. Va., dared deputy marshals to serve an injunction against them An outbreak resulting in the killing of 73 insurgents took place at a military prison in the Phil ippines Lord Kelvin and the Mar quis Ito arrived on the steamer Cam pania The difficulties in the way of reaching the Klondike fields are dis couraging the gold seekers on the Pa cific coast The president visited the Vermont state camp at Chester and re viewed the troops Sir Isaac Holden, M. P.. inventor of the luclfer match and of a carding machine for wool, died In England, aged 91 The helper on the lighthouse on Whale rock, near Narragansett Pier, suddenly became insane and nearly killed the keeper with a knife Rich gold finds report ed in California. Monday, Aug. 10. Prince Henry of Orleans and the Count of Turin fought a duel with ! swords at Paris. The prince was j worsted, getting wounded in the shoul- 1 der and abdomen, while the count was wounded in the hand Great excite ment prevails on the Afghan-Indian frontier, and firing is reported from Fort Shabkadr Nearly a thousand gold seekers sailed from Victoria, B. C., bound for the Klondike region. The Canadian government has issued an order for claims in the Klondike region to pay 10 per cent royalty on products up to SSOO a week and 20 per cent on greater yields A Wichita (Kan.) Sun day school superintendent is arranging to conduct the exercises by telephone from his home Six of the crew of the French steamer Ville de Malaga were drowned when the vessel was wrecked on the shore of Alderney island The body of Pom Kwang Soh, formerly Korean minister to this country, was cremated in Washington Miss Minnie Glbb, daughter of Millionaire Howard Glbb of Brooklyn, is reported to be engaged to be married to Count Henry de Moy, son of Marquis de Moy of Paris Samuel C. Reld, a well known lawyer and son of Captain Samuel C. Reid, hero of the naval battle of Fayal, died in Washington Frederick Vedder of Utica, N. Y., and Miss Rose May of New York eloped from Long Braneh and were married——Dispatches from Wheeling say the striking miners In that state are making progress toward the closing down of the mines Re ports from Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, are to the effect that during the last four weeks 300 persons have died in the town, and smallpox has been reported Frederick D. Stone, librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, died suddenly of heart disease at German town, a suburb of Philadelphia Sen ator George of Mississippi died at Mis sissippi City, Miss. He was born in Monroe county, 6a., on Oct. 26, 1826 F. S. Dibble died at the New Haven hospital from injuries received by div ing off a bathing railing at Savin Rock. Conn. He struck on his head in shal low water and sustained a complete I concussion of the spine Special Seal Embassador Foster has information that a treaty to protect the Heals will be signed by Great Britain. Russia, Ja pan anil the United States at the seal ing conference James McNamara, a Jersey City member of the American 1 Legion of Honor, has engaged counsel to apply to the United States Circuit ! court in Boston to appoint a receiver ' and to enjoin the order from enforcing Its new rules of assessment The cor | nerstone of the Henry McCaddin Me i mortal building was laid in Wiillams- I burg. N. Y.. in the presence of thou sands of parishioners and friends of Father Malone. The day also marked the fifty-third anniversary of Father Malone's ordination. Tuesday, Aug. 17. President McKinley reviewed the i Twenty-first regiment of infantry at Plattsburg and received the officers and ladies Charles Compton, the actor, is dead In London —Michael AnglolUlo, alias Golli, the assassin of Senor Cano vas, was sentenced to death by the | court martial which tried him- Two I prisoners escaped from the penitentiary J on Blackwell's island. New York Storms did much damage around New York. Lightning struck In many sec -1 tions of New Jersey and Connecticut There was a rumor in Paris that the wound of Prince Henri of Orleans was not healing satisfactorily A special gold medal was presented to Sir Wil frid Laurler, premier of Canada, by the ; Cobden club In London The Oerluche antarctjc expedition sailed from Ant- I werp An officer and four men were dangerously wounded and three other men badly hurt by the bursting of a 1 gun on the British cruiser Champion At least seven persons were drowned by the capsizing of a ferry steamer at Dresden Frank Hinkey, formerly a prominent football player at Yale, res cued eight men from drowning in the Niagara river at Edgewater, N. Y. Miss Mary Bates, only daughter of Levi M. Bates, once a New York dry goods ' prince, caused the arrest of John J, ; Carr, whom she charged with having I stolen $2,000 worth of her diamonds President polan of the Miners' union testified at a hearing on an injunction in Pittsburg that operators had urged him to call a strike Joseph Goldberg 1 was arrested upon suspicion of poison i ing Mary Brodsky, who died at Gouver | neur hospital in New York on Sunday j In the ease of John Watez, charged ' with the murder of Jacob LwHton in Forest City, Pa., the jury has returned j a verdict of myrdei' In the second de j gree—locomotive at the government | works at Tybee island, near Savannah, fell through a trestle and killed several I persons In New York cash wfye&t wa ; sold at 98 cents. Silver wstabßshed a : new lo\y price, and stocks ad i vaiiced Senator Hansbrough of North | Dakota and Miss Mary Berri Chapman, rhe authoress, were married \i\ New York Wllljfim O. Wilson, proprietor of Wilson's circulating library In Phil adelphia, was murdered at his place of I business by robbers, who made their es cape after committing the murder and luuUng the ufiiee. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has home and does now ——-- on every hear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought — r —• on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Clias. 11. Fletcher is President. /? - . March 8,1597. .p. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind Yon Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. wTL q ijf 1$ Style, lit and Wear Of could not be improved for QBOIA 1 Mmm Double the Price. ™ ' \ w h. Douglas $3.50, $4,00 and $5.00 Shoes are the \ • A productions of skilled workmen, from the best ma mllUlM \ terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. "Y\ We make also $2.50 and $2.25 shoes for men, and HHfff, \ $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 for boys, and the W. L. \ Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for i(j| \ , (; letter-carriers, policemen and others having ''' '' much walking to do. V.-'\ We are^ constantly adding new style* to our Merchants, TOIL// , \ son why you cannot bo suited, so insist 011 Hankers, Hp . \ having W. L. Douglas Shoes from your ami a'ii ,JU,S wl K Wo uaoonl > I,lol>est Calf, Russia Calf economical " ' \ '"1!,-,'r,'i" V, ,1"''" \ , '''r'-'i lnenwear \ gntded to correspond with'prices W. L. Douglas -.1 11.l- shoo.--. Shoes because they *re the best. Ns. If dealer cannot supply you, For sale by writo W. Brockton, Mass. JOHN BELLEZZA, Centre Street, Freeland. ra LHE^LTMJ BsSfol;; Hires Rootbeer is health HH ■ soothcd, the stom achi l||jj| ggjg J benefited by this delicious WR] B HIRES I Ml Quenches the thirst, tickles H the palate ; full of snap, sparkle \1 M and eiTervesceucc. A temper- m aucc drink for everybody. ■ VIENNA T BAKERY J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CUOICE BREAD OF ALL KIND 4 In time. Sold bv ilrnnU. Id BEEBaSBQEB|s j 2™! Wheels, K ' | V; STYLES: \ | Ladies', Oentlemen's & Taudeia. J Tlio Lightest ltunnlns Wheels on Earth. ' I TIE ELUEDGE [ , § ....AND.... THEBELVIDERE.j Wo always Mado Good Sewing Machines! , '>• Why Shouldn't wo Make Good Wheels! >' I National Sewing Machine Co., \ £ 339 Broadway, Factory: '* New Yor!:. Celvidcrc, Illc. ? I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-J 4 cnt business conducted for MODERATE FEES. £ JOUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE * J and we can secure patent irt less time than those £ A remote from Washington. £ j Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- * £tion. We advise, if pater table or not, free of J # charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. £ J A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with* scost of same in the U. S. and foreigu countries t gsent free. Address, J jC.A.SNOW&COJ PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON. 0 G. HORACKT^ Baker k Confectioner. Wholesale and Retail. CENTHE STEEET, FUEEI.AND. Read - the - Tribune.