Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, July 29, 1897, Image 4

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June 13, 1897.
r> 05. 8 45, U 35 tt 111. 1 -to, 2 31, 3 20, 5 25, •> 10, 7 07
p m, for Dril'ton, Jed do, Foundry, llazle Brook
und Lumber Yard.
0 05, 8 46. 0a m, 1 10,3 20, (5 25 p in. Black I Mu
luoud) lor Weutherly, Maucli chunk, Alton
town, Euston. Philadelphia and Now York.
7 07 pin for Weathorly, Munch (.'hunk, Allcn
town, Huston and intermediate stations.
0 05,0 35 a in, 2 34, 5 25, 707 p in, lor lluzlc
ton', Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ash
land, Mt. (-'uriucl, Shuinokin and Pottsville.
7 38, 10 51, II 54 a in, 5 35 p m, lor Sandy itun,
Whito Haven ami Wilkcsbarro.
8 38, 10.50 a m for Sandy ltun, Whito Haven
and Wilkosburro.
10 50 um ami 138 pm for Jcddo, Foundry,
lla/.le Brook, Stockton and Ha/.leton.
10 50 a in for llu/.letou, Delano, Mahanoy
City, Shenandoah. Mt. Curmol, Shuinokin and
1 38 p iu for Weathorly. Muueh Chunk, Allon
town, Huston, Philadelphia and New York.
5 50, 7 28, 20, 10 51, 11 54 am, 12 58, 2 20, 3 50,
5 35, 001. 7 0-3 p in, Iroin Lumber Yard, lla/.le
11 ook. Foundry, Jeddo and Dril'ton.
7 28,0 20, 10 51, 1154 a in, 12 58, 2 20, 3 50, 5 35
p in, from Huzleton.
0 20, 10 51 a 111, 12 58, 0 01, p in, from Phila
delphia, New York, Easlou, Allcutown, Muueh
Chunk und Weathorly.
7 03 p m from Muueh Chunk and Weatherly.
035 a in, 2 34, 707 pm, Iroin Wilkosburro,
White Haven and Sandy Bun.
7 28, 0 20, 10 51 a in, 2 20, 5 85 p in, from Delano,
Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ashland, Mt. Cur
mol, Shuinokin und Pottsville.
8 38, 10 50 am and 12 55pm, from Huzleton,
Stockton. Lumber Yard, llazle Brook, Foun
dry, Jeddo and Driftoii.
10 50 a in, 12 55 p in, from Philadelphia, New
York. Euston, A lien town, and .Muueh Chunk,
10 50 a m, from Pottsville, Shuinokin, .Ml
Curmol Ashland, Shenandoah, Muhunoy City
und Delano.
10 50 u in, from Wilkosburro, White llaven
und Sandy ltun.
For further information inquire of Ticket
CHAS. S. LEE, GenT Puss. A Kent,
.. „ . Phiia., Pa.
ROLLIN 11. WILBUB, Gen. Supt. East. Div.
A. W. NONNEMACUEU, Ass't G. I*. A.,
Soutli Bethlehem, Pa.
Time table in effect April 18, 1807.
Trains leave Driftoii for Jeddo, Eokloy, Hnzle
Brook, Stockton, Beaver .Meadow Bond, Bonn
and Hu/lcton Junction at 6 30, t> Uu a in, duily
except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for llarwood. Cranberry,
Tonihickou and Doringer at 5 :J, 0 00 a in, daily
except Sunday; and 703 a m, 2 lib p m, Sun
Trains leave Dril'ton for Oneida Junction,
llarwood Bond, Humboldt Bond, Oneida and
Sheppton at 000 a m, daily except Sun
day; and 7 Oil a ra, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Ha/.lctou Junction for llarwood.
Cranberry, Tonihickou and Dcringcr at 035 a
iu, daily except Sunday; und 8 53 u m, 1 22 p m,
Truins leave Huzleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, llarwood Bond, Humboldt Build,
Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32, 11 10 a in, I II p in,
dully except Sunday; and 7 37 u in, 311 p m,
Trains leuve Deritiger lor Toinhicken, Cran
berry, llarwood, Hu/lcton Junction and Bonn
at 2 25, 5 10 p in, daily except Sunday; und 'J 37
u in, 5 07 p iu, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt
Itoud, llarwood Bond, Oneida Junction, Huzle
ton J uiict ion aid Bonn at 7 11 am, 1.2 40, 522
p iu, daily except Sunday; and 8 li u m, 3 44
p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckloy, Jeddo
and Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday;
und 811 a m, 344 pm, Sunday.
Trains leave lla/.le ton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Bond, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckiey,
Jeddo und Drifton at 5 45, 020 pin, daily,
except Sunday; and 10 iu a m, 5 40 p m, Sunday.
All truins connect at llazleton Junction with
electric cars for Hu/Jctou, Jcuucsville, Auden
rled and other points on the Traction Com
pany's line.
Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30,0 00 a m make
connection at Derliigcr with l\ U. B. trains foi
Wilkcsbarro, Sunbury, llurrisburg und points
For the accommodation of passengers tit way
stutions between Huzleton Junction and Dcr
ingcr, a train will leave the Conner point uc
350 p m, daily, except Sunday, urrivlng at
Doringer at .5 uo p m.
LUTIiEU C. SMITH, Superintendent.
Funeral Director
and Em^ah^er.
Prepared to Attend Calls
Day or Night.
South Centre street. Free-land.
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
Notions, Carpet, Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed,
Tobacco, Cigars,
Tin and (jueensware,
Wood and Willotoware,
Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc.
A celebrated brand of XX Hour
always in stock.
Roil Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
My motto is small profits and quick sales.
1 always have l'resh goods and am
turning my stock every month.
Every article is guaranteed.
N. W. Cor. Centre and Front tits., Freelnnd.
additional • - j&f JfeSy
had by using
The Victor Vapor Engine
manufactured by
Thos. Kane & Co., Chicago.
Steady speed, easy to start, always re
liable, absolutely ale. all parts inter
changeable. adapted for any class of
work roqniring power.
J. D. MYERS, Agt,
Cull or send for catalogues and prices.
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and lieilltlifiilm ss. Assures • lie
food against alum and all l'ormsol adul
teration common to the cheap brands.
Sctatliahod 1823.
Make all money orders, t7n el,n, elv., payablcto
the Tribune I'rintlnu Company, Limited.
One Year $1,130
Six Months 75
Four Months 50
Two Months 25
The date which tin* subscription is paid to is
on the address label of each paper, the change
of which to a subsequent date becomes a
receipt for remittance. Keep the ligures iu
advance of the present date. Report prompt
ly to this ollice whenever paper is not received.
Arrearages must be paid when subscription
is discontinued.
Defense of the New Tuiill".
From tlio New York Journal.
The new tariff, framed by the trusts
for their own profit, having by President
MeKinley*s signature become a law, the
Republican party stands prepared to de
fend the work iu which it has so wil
lingly and gratefully assisted. The de
fense will not be tiiat the t.arilT is a good
tariff, that it makes life easier for the
millions who work hard for very little,
>r that it deals fairly with business men,
and is as bonelicial to manufacture and
commerce as a lower and honester tarili
would he. Indeed, it will be admitted
that tlie tariff is a swindle from begin
ning to end, but it will lie contended
that all one lias to do iu order to prove
himself a public enemy is lo suggest
changes in it, iu the common interest.
To plead for mitigation of the robbery
of the people by the trusts will lie de
nounced as a si nisi "r onslaught upon
"established condition." Every protest
ing squirm of the sheep in the hands of
the shearer will he interpreted as a
wicked and wanton purpose on the part
of the hapless animal to "disturb busi
ness." And the Republican party is not
without hope that this sort of defenst
will avail. It trusts that everybody is
so tired of uncertainty that a known
amount of blackmail, however large,
will be paid quietly in preference to In
viting the chances of change. The
game has been set to run for three years
at shortest, and the: banker addresses
his victims thus:
"It is a brace game, gentlemen, of
course; as an honest dealer 1 won't deny
what you ail know. Rut you'd better
come up with your money and lot me
.-teal the advertised percentage than go
to all the trouble and worry and expense
of neglecting other business to get a
square game. set. You know just what
you are hound to be cheated out of here,
and can make your arrangements in
your affairs accordingly."
The country wants rest, unquestion
ably, and business men an* anxious for
certainty, hut the Republican party will
bo disappointed in its calculations,
nevertheless. The argument that it i.-.
better to put up with piracy rather than
to face tho exertion and cost of sup
pressing the pirates, might be addressed
with effect to thieves or slaves. the
American people are neither, they will
rise at the very first opportunity and
free themselves from this robbery. The
price of good government is disturbance
until it lias been obtained. The house
of representatives which passed the Me-
Kinley hill was sent Hying, and the con
gress which has passed this Dingiey
tariir will not escape.
To believe that the people of this Re
public will endure gross spoliation at
hands of one political party for fear of
what another political party may possi
bly do as to something else if given
power and it is on that assumption the
Republican party has gone off on a de
bauch with the trusts —is to believe thai
Americans are cowards and fools.
There will be no peace for manufac
turer, ni' or consumer of tD• •
United States while the tariff is what we
see it now—a compact bet ween the part)
of protection and the greed of the coun
try to give the license of law to taxation
for private profit. The Dingiey tariff
is thief, thief on a gigantic scale, and
as the people are the victims, and know
it, they will take all the disturbing con
sequences of putting tin; Turpins of the
trusts to light with their ballots, lie
publican toui-tommiug will be noisy, to
be sure, but it will not scare.
The. first cfTect of the new tariff bill
was noticed this week in the advance in
price of sugar. The great trust which
controls this necessity is protected
against all possible competition, and the
price is likely to go higher.
Washington, July 27, 1807.
Neither lhiss 11 anna nor Mr. MeKin
ioy arc entirely satisfied with the work
of the extra session of congress just
closed. The tariff (till pleased tliein all
right, it more than repaid tholr campaign
obligations to the trusts, not to mention
the. $33,000,000 made by the Sugar trust
and its friends while the bill was pend
ing. Rut their elTorts to repay their
campaign obligation to the banking
interests were a failure. Mr. MeKinley,
in his special message sent to congress
only a few hours before adjournment,
asking for authority to appoint a cur
rency commission, quoted the Indianap
olis bankers' convention as though it had
been the assembled financial wisdom of
the world, but that didn t bring the legis
lation asked for. The house railroaded
through iu sixty minutes a hill granting
Mr. MeKinley the authority asked for,
( although nearly every prominent Repub
lican in that body is really opposed to a
currency commission, hut the senate was
not soaccomiiu dating, and there Is noth
ing in sight to indicate that it will be
more obliging next winter.
Senator Teller's arraignment of the
Republican tariff bill, now the law of
the land, was one of the bitterest pills
the Republicans have had to swallow in
a long time. Mr. Toller, who is a pro
tectionist, characterized this bill as
vicious, unfair, extravagant, and un
satisfactory; and as having boon framed
entirely in the interest of trusts and
syndicates. Mr. Teller also took occa
sion to criticize in the strongest language
the gold standard policy of forcing pro
fessors out of educational institutions
because of their belief in the froo coin
age of silver, lie denounced the forced
resignation of President Andrews, of
Rrown university, as one of the most
"shameful acts of abasement" the world
lias seen, and sal ' in tinging tone..:
"Thank (rod that President Andrews
.was big enough to refuse to be stilled."
A pertinent question often accomp
lishes more than argument. One des
troyed the scheme to authorize Czar
Reed's pets who have been made chair
men of committees toigive their favorites
sinecure positions during the congres
sional recess. When Representative
(irosvenor tried to push a resolution
through authorizing that waste of public
money, he was asked if the house could
get along while congress was in session !
without these clerks, why they should ,
he considered necessary during the i
recess. The laugh which followed killed
the scheme.
Refore the Ohio Republicans do any
shouting over the result of the colloquy
between Senators Allen and Forakor
concerning the charge; of the former
that the Republican vote of that state
was fraudulently increased for Mr. Mc- .
Kinley, they should arrange for Mr.
l oraker. or somebody else, to accept
the challenge with which Mr. Allen
closed the little spat —"1 will meet the !
senator any time and will undertake to ;
convince any unprejudiced man that
there was fraud in Ohio."
Senator Morgan handled the confer- ;
once committee without gloves, iu a j
speech made just before the vote was |
taken on tlo- conference report on the !
tariff bill, for its abandonment of the I
tax on bonds and transfers of stock—a
tax that was approved by the finance
committee and by a Republican caucus,
closing with this explicit language,
which no Republican attempted to deny:
"I charge that the abandonment, occur
red under the .command of the sugar
Georgia Democrats are more pleased
with the nomination of Henry Uucker,
an Atlanta negro barber, to he United
States marshal for Georgia than
Major Hansom and his white Republi
can followers from that state are. It is
expected that all of Pucker's deputies
will be negroes, as no white man will
care to serve under him, and lively time s
are likely to follow every visit of the;
dusky oflicials to the moonshine districts
of the state, llanna placed the "coon."
The hearings to determine whether
John Weddorburn A Co. shall be dis
barred from practice before the United
States patent ollice are now on. The
patent ollice claims to have proof to
sustain the numerous charges of fraud
it has brought, against Wedderburn A
Co., and is giving the accused u full
opportunity to controvert its proof.
Secretary Sherman's departure b 'fore
the adjournment of congress for a Dong
Island summer resort was regarded as
additional proof that, he has very little
to do with the official business of the
department of state. In fact, it is hint
ed by some that Mr. Sherman intended
to emphasize that very thing by his
How's ni I
Wo offer One Hundred Doll am Ho
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not bo cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIKNEY & CO., Props., Toledo,
We the undersigned have known F.J.
Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
believe biui perfectly honorable iu all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation inado by
their firm.
WEST A TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, O.
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price,
75c. per bottle, bold by uil druggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family JMHs are the best.
Wuteli the date on your paper.
Wocluesil ly, July 'il.
x Tho conference report on the tariff
t hill was presented to the United States
1 senate, but little progress was made on
, its consideration. The lumber and sug
( ar schedules were attacked by the mi
nority, and Senator Tillman threatened
to filibuster until next winter if cotton
• bagging and cotton ties were not re
r stored to the free list Mrs. Mary
r Hansen, known to the police as Dutch
Mary, surrendered to me Brooklyn po
lice, admitting that she is the woman
wanted for obtaining money from Dr.
Lott and others. She is not Ellen Peck,
the notorious confidence woman, as was
at first supposed. It is thought her
I peculations in Brooklyn and elsewhere
r will amount to fully SIOO.OOO Miss
Jean Ingelow, the distinguished poet
and novelist, died in London. She was
I in her seventy-seventh year Both
branches of the French parliament
adopted the direct taxes bill and a na
val credit of 7.00U.000 francs A monu
ment in honor of Brigham Young and
L the Mormon pioneers was unveiled in
Salt Lake City The fishing schooner
Elmer E. Randall was sunk in collision
. near Boston lightship. The skipper and
crew of the Randall barely escaped
drowning E. H. Sothern, the actor,
and his wife, who is known on the stage
' as Virginia Harned, were rescued from
drowning near Far Rockaway, N. Y.
i Mr. Sothern gave the life saver a check
, | for SSOO September wheat rose to 78V6
! cents on reports of short crops In Eu
; rope and possible demands on America
i from Argentina The Syracuse Even-
I Ing News suspended publication In
honor of the conclusion of the treaty of
friendship between Peru and Spain the?
queen regent has conferred upon Presi
dent Pierola of Peru the cross of Isabel
Catolica Queen Victoria left Windsor
castle by the royal train and started
for Osborne House, isle of Wight The
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
began a three days' meeting at Cincin
nati —The Salvation Army in Great
Britain received the congratulations of
Queen Victoria upon the celebration of
• its thirty-second anniversary.
Thursday, July 22.
The formal reading of the conference
' report on the tariff was concluded in
, the United States senate and the dls-
I cueslon was continued. In the house a
i resolution was adopted requesting the
president to investigate restrictions
placed by foreign countries upon the
, Importation of tobacco from the United
States Seven persons were killed by
an explosion in the Winchester Arms
company's works at New Haven. Sev
eral were injured Arrangements are
being made in the west for running
more steamers to the Klondike gold re
gion. Another steamer arrived In San
Francisco from Alaska bringing $200,-
000 worth of gold dust, and more stories
were told of the marvelous richness of
; the district Count Okuna, the Japa
nese foreign minister, officially an
nounced that Japan will oppose the an
| nexation of Hawaii to the utmost. "An
• nexation must not be recognized."
! A semiofficial announcement was made
that experts on the sealing question will
meet in Washington next autumn to
compare the results of their investlga
j tions The Right Hon. A. J. Mun
; della, formerly a member of the Brit
| ish cabinet, died from paralysis An
| thony Comstock has caused the rear
rest of George H. Richmond, a publish
' er, for selling D'Annunzio's "Triumph
of Death" to three young women
I After a mysterious absence of three
1 days, Mason Hatch, bookkeeper for
I Flint, Eddy & Co., has been found. An
' employee of the firm stated yesterday
i that Mr. Hatch had wandered off while
suffering from dementia D. W. Cald
well. president of the Lake Shore and
Michigan Southern railroad, died in
j Cleveland The sultan has issued an
! trade sanctioning the settlement of the
frontier question in accordance with
j the views of the powers A hurricane
devastated the northwestern portion of
the province of Cher in France Hail
did great damage in the country north
of the lake of Zurich, Switzerland.
Friday, July !i3.
In the United States senate there was
a sharp debate on the tariff, but no
time was agreed upon for taking the
final vote. It the house hills suspending
discriminating tonnage dues on foreign
vessels and establishing a new land dis
trict In Alaska were passed Presi
dent McKinley nominated Rear Ad
miral John G. Walker, U. S. N.; Cap
tain Oborlin M. Carter, corps of engi
neers, IT. S. A., and Lewis M. Haupt of
Pennsylvania members of the Nlcara
guan canal commission Dwight M.
Bruce has been appointed postmaster
at Syracuse A carrier pigeon has
been picked up on the coast of Norway,
near Tromso island, with the message,
"North pole passed, fifteenth." Lon
don experts have doubts, but think it
may possibly be from Andree, the cero
naut now on an expedition to the north
pole Secretary Sherman said that he
and the president were in complete ac
cord on the instructions given to Em
bassador Hay in the sealing contro
versy The Logan monument was
dedicated in Chicago with great pomp
and ceremony Numerous companies
were formed and steamers chartered
to visit the Klondike gold region
Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews resigned the
presidency of Brown university on ac
count of a protest from the corporation
against his activity in the free silver
cause Armed deputy sheriffs were
called on to guard the Hite mines In
VYi'St Virginia from the attacks of
strikers Governor Black has refused
the request of District Attorney Olcott
of New York for a special term of the
supreme court to try the Tobacco trust
this month At Griffin. Ga„ a negro
prisoner on his way to Atlanta for safe
keeping was taken from the train by a
mob and hanged to a tree. At Madison
vile, Ky.. a worthless character was
hanged by a mob "on general princi
ples." At Riverton, Ala., a negro was
either hanged or burned at the stake
Ensign W. R. Gherardi. son of
Rear Admiral Gherardi. retired, plunged
over the side of the battleship Texas
and with three seamen saved two men
from drowning Mrs. Annie Kmetz of
Newark. N. J.. was murdered during
her sleep l>y Andras Mallniak, who de
clared some time ago that he would
take her life. Mallniak is a prisoner
and has confessed.
Saturday, July 94.
The extra session of the Fifty-fifth
congress came to an end. In the senate
the conference report on the tariff Dill
was adopted by a vote of 40 to 30. In
the house a currency commission Dill
was passed in response to President Mc-
Kinley's message. Speaker Reed an
nounced his committee appointments
The now tariff law went into effect,
the president affixing his signature to
the bill within an hour after its final
passage in the senate An explosion
occurred on the steamboat Nutmeg
State at Bridgeport, which killed four
men and fatally injured three others
It was reported that Germany had
made a protest against the annexation
of Hawaii by the United States, and
hod approached Japan to aid her in
vain In an Interview the bishop of
Honolulu says the natives of Hawaii
are opposed to annexation to the United
States The embassadors of the pow
ers ut Constantinople and Tewflk Pasha
have agreed upon the frontier clause
in the peace treaty United States
judges in Maryland handed down two
decisions favorable to the receivers of
the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
About SIOO,OOO damage was done by a
fire in the cracker factory of the Ameri
can Biscuit company, at Hester and
Elizabeth streets, New York A storm
almost cyclonic in intensity swept over
New York city. The display of light
ning was magnificent. The towers of
the Manhattan Trust company's and the
New York Life Insurance company's
buildings were struck. Shipping was
temporarily demoralized. The storm
extended from Connecticut to southern
New Jersey, doing considerable damage
Jacob and Mary Black, 104 and 102
years old, respectively, were rescued
from a fire in a plumbing shop at 148
Clinton street, New York Federal
marshals arrested 25 tramps who insist
ed upon riding free on trains in Ne
braska M. Theebaut, French consul
at Chicago, and M. Weill, president of
the French Benevolent society of San
Francisco, have been made chevaliers
of the French Legion of Honor A
dispatch from Hamburg says that a
boat containing 45 employees of the
I Hamburg Engine works capsized in the
river Elbe. Six persons were drowned
The report of the capture of a car
rier pigeon in the vicinity of Tromso
island, near the northern point of Nor
way. bearing the words and figures
"North pole passed, 15th," is not true.
Monday, July 20.
Data in the treasury department
show that importers saved millions in
duties by rushing in goods in advance
of the signing of the Dingley tariff law
Twenty-three members of the Twen
ty-fifth infantry bicycle corps arrived
in St. Louis from Montana after a run
of 1,900 miles. Many hardships were
encountered, hut an average of 52 miles
a day was maintained Patrick and
Annie Sullivan, cousins, who were en
gaged to be married, but whose union
was forbidden by their parents and the
priests, committed suicide by turning
on tho gas in a room in a hotel at
Westchester. N. Y. William L. Da
! vidson of Bedford avenue, Brooklyn, a
j cripple and out of work for two years,
j committed, suicide yesterday by taking
: carbolic acid. He left a letter addressed
J to his brother explaining his reasons
] Peter McNally, the Boston swimmer,
j swam across the English channel from
Dover to within three miles of the
coast of France in 15 hours. Captain
Webb, accomplished the feat on Aug.
24-25, 1875, remaining in the water 21
hours ,and 45 minutes Two men were
drowned at Coney Island and one at
i Hook creek, near New York Miss
| Alice Barrett, who was reported to have
| been killed by a thunderbolt in Boston,
j was killed by a pistol shot, supposed to
| have been fired by herself General
; Ruiz Rivera was removed by the Span
| ish authorities in Cuba from a hospital
1 to Cabanas fortress A company
1 headed by J. Edward Addicks of Dela-
I ware and having $5,000,000 capital was
said to be In process of formation to
develop the Klondike country A lum
ber mill boiler at tf>unxsutawney, Pa.,
' exploded, killing one man, wounding 10
| and throwing 200 out of work An au-
I topsy proved that the infant daughter
! of a Long Island City man died of star
: vatlon and neglect. The father, who
had turned his family into the street,
was arrested with money in his pocket,
of which he refused to give his little
son 10 cents to buy bread—*-A mob of
! white toughs in Arkansas sot fire to a
j cabin containing 10 negroes and shot at
them ns they endeavored to escape.
! Four men dropped in their tracks. Sev
eral of the assailants were indicted
Work was completely suspended at Bar
celona. Spain, owing to strikes and dis
turbances arising from political dis
putes between masters and men.
Tuesday, July 27.
Former Queen Llliuokalani called on
, President McKinley and protested
against the annexation of Hawaii
President McKinley pardoned Horace
I G. Allis, a convict in the Kings county
penitentiary. Allls was vice president
of the bank in Little Rock that was
, wrecked by bad investments Presi
dent McKinley decided to appoint J.
Tracewell of Indiana comptroller of the
currency. T. V. Powderly was ap
pointed commissioner general of immi
gration. Powderly was nominated foi
this position some weeks ago, but the
senate did not act upon the nomina-
I tlon A fishing party on the schoonei
! Georglana Young ran aground on Ro
mer shoals. New York bay. The cap
tain and 15) others put off in two dories,
leaving six men on board. All were res
cued. and the schooner was towed to
port American Horse, an Indian doc
tor. eloped with 17-year-old Elizabeth
Anderson at Tullytown, Pa. Trenton
police captured the girl and returned
her to her father—-Footpads near Lit
tle Silver, N, J., dragged the Misses
Lillian and Louise' Blackmur from
! their carriage, heat them Into insensi
bility and robbed them In the British
house of commons Philip James Stan
hope naked that Mr. Hawkesley, the at
torney for Cecil Rhodes, he ordered to
attend at the bar of the house and to
j produce the telegrams which he re
fused to show the select South Africa
committee. The motion was lost, after
a spirited debate, 304 to 77 Pope Leo
1 is reported in better health than last
winter The king and queen regent of
Spain barely missed being hit by a hun
ter who was gunning for birds in the
woods at Sun Sebastian Maurice
Grau has been engaged for four years
more as director of the grand opera sea
son at Covent Garden. London The
peace preliminaries drafted by the paw-.
, ers were presented to the peace eonr
: gross at Constantinople, They- provide
for arbitration of any differences that
may arise between Greece and Turkey
jJn arranging a final treaty Henry
Hamlin Evans surrendered himself to
| the Whiteehapel precinct police, Lon
! don. confessing that he shot Arthur
Terry at 44 Canal street, New Orleans,
'on Feb. 22, 1893 Father Tom Sher
man, son of General William T. Sher
! man, has Just arrived In Seattle, Wash.,
' from the east. He Is broken down in
I health and goes to Seattle for recu
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now ...— — r — on every
bear the facsimile signature of wrapper.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,'' which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought on the
and has the signature of wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
President /? - .
March 8, 1897. J>.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind Yon Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Yon.
t SQbOO shoe
Mb , ii'l& \ M The Style. Fit und Wear ""-r"'""
BJB could not be improved far
ipp|:x\, i Double the Price. *■"-*
ipfef \ Y7. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the
\ v\ productions of skilled workmen, from the best ma
||K& \ Y/v\ terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices.
ffe\ \ N\ We make also $2.50 and $2.25 shoes for men, and
WMm> \ ' V . $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 for boys, and tfie W. L.
\ '- e \\ Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for
X ; <Z x letter-carriers, policemen and others having
\ j much walking to do.
V "X. We aro constantly adding now stylus to our
Wfr', ' \ already large variety, and there is no rea-
Merehants, -\ > wliy you cannot te suited, so inniHt on
Hunkers, A having W. L. Douglus ."shoes I'roin your
arc the best. .. ' "X\ T! dealer cannot supply you,
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
JOHN BELLEZZA, Centre Street, Freeland.
Corner of <,'.,11! re ami Front Stroeta,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Slock.
Gibson, Dnuirhorty, Knul'or Club,
Rosunliluth's \ olvot, of which we huvc
exclusive sale is towh.
Mumin's Extra Dry Chumiiinrno,
Honiuwsy llrund.t, llluckbcrrr,
Gins, Wlnus, Clarets, Cordials, Etc
Imported and Domestic Ciyars.
llam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
Bullentlue and Hazloton beer on tup.
Baths, Hot or Cold, 2, Cents.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Centre Street, Free I nnil.
Confectionery # Ice Cream
supplied to bulls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and m]rply mujons to all parts o\
town and. mrrouiidingn tvevy day.
151 Centre street. Freehold.
In lime. Wel,| by Urinm-ista. W
SJ.r() a year is all the TKIUUNK costs.
Tho fao- /J
| Quality r" TOO! |
J Ladies', Gentlemen's & Tandem. |
V 3
j Tho Lightest Running Whools on Earth. J
1 I
% ...AND.... j
4 it
Wo always MadoCoodSowlnflMachinosl |
% Why Shouldn't wo MakoGood Wheels!
J i
J National Sewing Machine Co., %
% New York. tielvikiere, Ills, p
| | Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtain
4 ent business conducted for Moot HATE FEES $
I , and wc can secure patent in less ime than those '
I 4 remote from U usUington.
I J Scad model, drawing or photo. ~ with dcscrip- *
4 t'on. Wc advise, if patentable oi not, free of 0
4 charge. Our fee not due till pat :nt is secured. {
Jj A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with *
of same In the U. S. and ft reign countries t
4 sent free. Address, J
P * C " T Orr,CC . WSHIf QTON, D C.
Baker & Confectioner.
Wfiolesale and ]{ j tail,
Read - tho - Tribune.