FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. X. NO. 3. WARM WEATHER WEAR. Underwear. Men's Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers. Really worth 35c, at 24c. Men's Summer Merino Shirts and Drawers. Soft and Light, 24c. Best Quality Balbriggan Un wcar, 45c. Keep A Cool Head. Men's Dress Straw Hats at 25c and 40c, hut our won derful selection of latest novel ties at 50c takes the lead. Be sure and sec our Boys' Straw Hats, particularly the Straw Tain O'Shantcrs for Boys three to eight years; and the line fit 25c find 50c for the larger fellows. Globe Brand Percale Laun dered Shirts at 50c are sell ing fast. Fancy Bosom White Shirts for particular dress. The right ideas are found here. OLSHO'S Clothing & Hat Store, 57 Centre street. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. QHKKIFF SALE.—The following real estate 0 will he sold at sheriff Rale ut the Court House, Arbitration Room, Wilkesbarre, I'ri., on Julj' 24, LBB7, at 1(1 a. in., at the suit of J. Giovonnl Anson, et. al. vs. Vincent Eutuiiu and Emma Knama. All that, certain lot or piece of ground situate on the west, side of Ridge street in the Wood side addition (now Freeland borough) to the borough of Freeland, in Luzorne county, state of Fennsylviiuiu, bounded and described as follows, to wit: licKimiitur at a point on said Ridge street, ! one hundred (I0U) feet south of the southwest t .corner of the intersection of said Ridge street svitti Luzerne street; thence west on a line parallel witli said Luzerne street one hundred 4iiul thirty (130) feet more or less to an alley oi small street; tliunee south along said alley or ' small street on u line parallel with said Kldgi street fifty (50) feet; thuuee east on a liiu parallel with said Luzerne street one hundred j and thirty (130) feet more or less; thence north j along said Ridge street tiftv (50) feet to point of beginning. Ilcing lots Nos. 21 and 22 of f .of Itlock 11, on the inup or plan of the said 4L'rosH ('reek Coal Company deed of tho said Woodsidc addition. Together with the improvements thereon, nstisisting of u two and one-half story frame, •bite roof business block, with large burn in 1 rear and outbuildings, and a two and one-ball story frame, slate roof dwelling and outbuild- ; lugs. Also, the undivided one-half interest of de fendant in ail that certain lot or piooo of land j situate in Rcmiisoii township, Luzerne county, j state of Pennsylvania, bouuded and described •s follows, to wit : Itegiuniug at the northeast corner of lands - 01 tho estate of Rudolph Ulauz, deceased; Alien ce along lands of Jesuit I2t) porches to a corner; thence along ; (hiiiulsof William Dorse t)3| perches to lands of fetor Tlmotiy; thence along said lands of Peter Tiinony west (53 perches to a corner; thence south along lands of the grantor hereof 681 perches to a corner; thence west along other lands of William Dorze 03 perches to a corner; thence north along said lands of Rudolph Glanz aforesaid 127 perches to the placo of beginning, containing 75 ucros more or less. Together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a two-story frame dwelling, fgrge barn and outbuildings. /IMIS. Orion Stroll, James Martin, Attorney. Sheriff. 7S THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS No. 145, October term, 1H97. Notice is hereby given that an application will lie made to the court, of common picas <<l Luzerne county, or one of the law judges thereof, on Monday, July 11), 1897, at 2 p. n.. under (lie act of the general assembly of t lie commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "HII act to provide for the incorporation and n iation of certain corporations,*' appro -J April 29, 1874, and its supplements, for tin charter of an intended corporation to be called •''St, Kaziiniero Lithuanian llenetleiul Socieli mi Freeland, Pa.," the character and object o! vwhkdi is a lodge or body corporate for tin* tuiaiiibenanee and encouragement of bonevo jlciioo mul charity and for that purpose to col lect mouthJy or other dues from its members, oiid for Ufcutto purposes to have, possess and AMI Joy all THE rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the said act and its supplement- Chas. Orion Stroll, solicitor 1 AST ATE of William Bechtloff, late of Fret JI J laud. <loceased. Letters testamentary upon the above name estate luiving grunted to the undersigj ml, all persons indebted to said estate are r< quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the sumo with /j*tt delay, to George Bechtloff. ()rion Stroh, attorney. BALE.—Two pool tables, sizes 4xß and * 41*9; will be sold cheap. John Shlgo. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. *CpQfft PROTHONOTARV— ' PAUL DASCH, of Upjier Lehigh. Sfftbjeot to tho decision of the Democratic r*>aiuii.y convention. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ])( GIIOUNDACCEPTED. CR(J 3REEK COMPANY'S OFFER IS IREEABLE TO COUNCIL. Who I M Any Other Part of the i.n- ,ut the Regular DumpH Will De l'i4> <teJ Other Important RuHinoaA TAn-' 1 ted on Monday F.vening. Tj,. nembers of tlie borough council helft ' July session on Tuesday evon- Inglv Messrs. Meehan, Davis, Mul he.iii Miller and Zemany present. The foilii ( bills were ordered paid: Eloc triiJ lit Company, $24,1.60; Water Coil) rout of plugs, S9O; TRIBUNE, pnl •: Hugh Hoyle, janitor and feel pr soners, $26.25; John Fisher, teas. ■ r > ,) ; John Molick, burying ani iinls, I 50. T. A. Huckley, bill-file, $1 #■ w imunicatloii was presented by iSnjie umdent John Wagner, repre sent!. the Cross Creek Coal Company, oftiri to give council a dumping groui fur garbage, upon condition that thi "ell observe certain regulations as to '"are and leveling of tho same. Thl iheil accepted the proposition and 1 solicitor Is to prepare an agree ment l"'i members of tho street eoin m tt '-Hid the street commissioner, with 'i Wagner, viewed tho ground ye A -turning. It. is the same loca ting ately described in tho TRIBUNE. is to prevent as much as possi bl #t dlimping of garbage by parties fpAt P borough on lands of tho Cross Cr! 'al Company, and to co-operate wit.*li em ill the prosecution of any per soilf-'od violating tlie agreement. '■h- street commissioner's bill for Jui-\as read, amounting to $232.64, foiffv k on streets. It was approved a'd .ered paid. Tl nirgess made his report as fol lows Received from all sources during .lulu '1.25; foes and commission, $18.60; italat - due the borough. $45.65. l'o- Ir© pen si-, $28.75. Tho report was j tiled d tlie police ordered paid. t 1 - reusurer's report was as follows: H.iln last meeting, $258.85; received frcpii ugh Malloy. $35.89; orders paid, sjfo balance $3.99. The report was acptv d. k oiuunication was read from the H<pr of Health, asking council to en f -re in ordinance passed relative to COD u tions with tin- public sewer, and sugg ing that, the health officer be in * ru -I to make a registry of all houses *rd iperties connected with the pub lics •. r as well a> to note those not Hii ted. It was agreed to compile a list the houses as suggested. The J TIE- II as to who should make tlie re#b y and bow he should he compen sate was discussed at great length, anl Mas decided that the president a|Mi t. a committee to meet tlie Hoard ofai itii and discuss the mutter. The - nt appoint'-d Messrs. Mulhearn, X#i y and Davis. Ik Wonner and James Mcllugh wpr elected members of the Hoard of I fin i. T burgess was authorized to Issue a pw mation requiring that all dogs rfti -ig at large through the borough •b 17.71 ed from July 15 to September it. iA .11 from tlio Imliigh Traction Com l. for SIM), for stone placod on Cen tfc root, was road. A statement was its ocol v.'d of tlm time worked by the f- er for tho Traction Company, 11 !•,' at #."> per day. It was referred to W imitie,. consisting of Messrs. Mul . Miller, Zeinnnr. Davis and Gut •r together with Attorney Carr, to -< Mr. lless of the Traction Company at ,011100. of Solicitor Carr on Friday •v og, to see about tho dainago done B< lacbinc by hauling It from bore. e secretary presented a check made V > I lie borough of Freeland, by the & al Pennsylvania Telephone and Sly Company, for advertising ordl fceo. it was decided to return tho $i a to Attorney Carr, and have tho 9< any Issue individual checks to the ii enl papers which published the or iauce. $ e report of the committee which vi "(I tho streets of tho borough was P- m i l, but owing to tho lateness of tl .our tho only recommendation made b; lie committee that was acted on was 'tl n : relating to an extension of tho •' i to tho silk mill, and the grading :0I ,|r lie, k street from Front to John f i tin, placing of curbing, ditches a sidewalks. It was decided to coin s'- ii, work at once and that the sower h if twelve-inch pipe. Tho secretary * ordered to writs for plpo and con n tleiis, tho same to ho approvod by t street committee. lit Citizens' llose Company asked t t. lb -inn imposed on the parties who ; v rested some time ago for cutting t tho Public. Park, when paid, be * tied over to the lire company. This * s granted. It 'ax rato for 18-.17 was fixed at 15 - is uid is as follows: liorottgli, 5 Is -Inking fund, 2 mills; light and tor, x mills. ; l'|i' count I will meet In special ses *tl ti xt Mi tday evening to act on the f .ort of thi eowmlttos which viewed 1 b, ottghn t-'n It eggs and genuine butter ean be ]I" cry da at Oswald's grocery. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1897. How the Ilay Was Celebrated* For tho first time in many y.-ars i i'in land failed to observe the Fourth with a parade. Neither wat there ai* tier kind of celebration that wo ud lttract people to town, nevertheless :i< full <liioto of visitors worn on the s reets during ami eve In;- l'|. picnic of the St. Patrick's band at the 1 blie Park was tho objective point u many, and the grounds at one time contained the largest crowd of people that has yet gathered there for any purpose. Num erous amusements had been provided, and the day was pleasantly spent in tin delightful grove. The boys bicycle race from Freeland to Pond Creek and return, a distance of over six miles, was won b) John McDonald, who covered the course in 27 minutes and 15 seconds. Henry llindson, of Sandy Valley was ids op poncnt, but in going down Sandy Hun hill Hindson's chain broke ai d delayed liiin nearly half an hour. At St. Paul's church basement several hundred people took advantage of the opportunity to procure meals, which were furnished by the .mg i t p! Society. During the evening fireworks were set off in all parts of town Among those who aided in making a noise and giving some fine exhibitions were J C. Heritor, S. Wood ring, M. M - rkt, J 11. Daubach and 11. W. Jlawoi.h. Centre street, from Main to Front, was covered with debris from the Hi crackers. There were many narrow escapes, both from accidents and (ires, but fortunately nothing happened in Freeland to mar tho enjoyment of the day. The only arrest made was that of John Lukasli, of Highland, a three-center, who was accused of acting ii disorderly manner at Centre and arbon streets. He was giving the prlvl go of paying a fine of $5 or spending live, days in tho lockup. He choose tho litter. Tire shooting match at South lleber ton between Philip Guenthor, of Hush Valley, and Henry Kroi was won by the former, Krouse failing •■ shoot in his usual good style. Guenthor killed four of the sevon birds he slit it, while his opponent lilt only two The contest I was for $25 a side. Anotiu r match may be arranged. Krouse's friends feel confi dent that lie can win next turn Thriven on Liquid Food. From the Wilkosburro Newsd- i. Many people are of the inioii thai i person cannot keep alive i s on solid food, but this theory has ui,ashed higher than a kito in the ca m of Mrs. Loomis, who resides on bidder street. . at the Bast End. About Mrs. Loomis became afllict 1 with a po I culiar malady, presumably stomach ; trouble, and from that in* on he) | stomach has refused to retain solid food • of any kind, whatsoever. Sin is able j to partake of solid food, however, but as soon as she swallows it the stomach refuses to do its duty . i fin- food is ejected, causing Mrs. U omis severe coughing spoils. Her physician thereupon prescribed liquid food and that is t!i- only nourish ment she has subsisted . tor twrlye long months. She is una' o to partake of water, as tho stomacl so refuses to retain it. Her main dh has been milk and she has thrived on i <>f late, how ever, she lias tired of culk and mild coffee lias been substltn She is get ting along nicely and ;o friends hope she will fully recover from the ailment. She is able to be about the house and take short walks, but at ns she in com pelled to lie down for a imp. It is a strange case; to say the I-• ,t Found Deud lu Din llotl. From Wednesday's to Sentinel Patrick Murphy, one o t.hc oldest and best known residents of tlih option, re siding at 201 South Pine strut . this city, was found dead in his r< iui by his wife at 5 o'clock this morning He wa- first taken sick on Sunday with dysentery, and had been ailing since hut lie re fused a physician's scrvi- u a vitig that the attack was not >uri"ti. and would soon pass away. Last night he was ap parently in the best of health and spirits and retired early, which was tho last seen or heard of him until this morning, when his wife found hisidead body on the bed. Deceased was 68 years old and was born in Ireland. He emigrated to America in 1851, settling in Jeanosville, living there continuously until six years ago, when ho removed to Ilazleton. Mr. Murphy was generally ostwnind for his excellent qualities and indness of heart, and made an admirable record during bis long sor\ ce as watchman at Jeanosvillo. Ho is survived by a wife, four sons and two dangh i-. Mrs. Philip J. Ferry, of this city; James, Hornard Anthony, of Wilk sham . Edward of Freeland, and Miss Annie, if So ran ton. Funeral tomorrow at, 9. a. ?n Lehigh Valley Railroad. For international convention of Ep worth League, at ' o, Jul) 15-18, the Lehigh Valley Hailroad will make low excursion rat - from all sta tions. Faro one w;iv fo- . round trip. Choice of either ai' rail or eater routes from Lawiston or Pi Da hnui* ♦. Tickets on sale July 14 ai d 1: good for return until .July 2-f, with pri\ lege f stopover at Niagara Falls on the mturn trip, within final limit * f Icl u[ FRESH AIR CHILDREN. Freeland Committer llhh Secured Homed for 130 Little New Yorker*. Tho local committee selected by J. Prank Dochant, special apont of the Now York Tribune Fresh Air Fund, has performed Its work of providing homes for a carload of little ones from the groat metropolis, and the list of families which have so generously agreed to assist in this charity is now in the hands of those who have charge, of the sending out of the children. Considering that this Is the first time that Freehand people have | been favored with a request to accom- I modato the city children, and there | being some doubt as to the class of little ines who are coming, tho committee lias done excellently. Homes for 130 hoys and girls have been secured, of which number 109 will spend their two weeks in Freeland, 15 in Jeddn, G in Fpper Le high, 4 in Driftou and 2 in Ehurvale. Tho children will arrive hero from New York city next Thursday at 0.01 p. m., and will return at 9.35 a. m. on the '39 th Inst, Below will he found a correct list of the persons who have agreed to take charge of the young people, also the number to be taken by each. Each committee member's name is at the head of the list of persons who made applica tion to him: Kov. J. J. Kuntz— I He v.M.J. Fullihec— George ItechtlotT.... 2lJohn A men 1 Jaco.i Beclitloff 3|Mrs. T. (,'iiiiinhell 3 Lewis HcohtloN' 21A tig. ELslinchur 3 (.'harks Hraueli I Ikv.M. .1. Fuliiliue-. 2 A. Briton ingsen 2 George McGuo 2 Win. itui'knurdt 1 Mrs. John McG00.... 2 James L). Couly 2'Mrs. J. MuMumtiniii. 2 Charles Gulp 2 Mrs. IV 11. Murphy.. 2 Albert Gross 2 Mrs. Win. Ward, S II 2 George llydenreich. I Mrs. Hose Herns, II L 2 D.O. Kroiiinics 2 Miss J. Keouun, " 2 Mrs. .lohn Krouse... 1 Mrs. Patk Murrin, " 2 Hev. J.J. Kuutz 2| Mrs. John Mclliigli, J 2 Otto Li Hurt 2 Mrs. J. McLaughlin." 1 A. Marshmuit -' Mrs. Chas. Mu rln, " 2 Oscar Metchier l|JohnllotTiiieier,l>rirt W. A. New hart 2 Mrs. John Kilkelly," 2 Owen Peters 2 Win. Williamson— \N in. Helm 2 Samuel Forrest 2 Cyrus Hiefcnburg... 1 Mrs. M. Lindsay 2 John Hippie 2,Mrs. I). Lloyd 2 Fred Koll 2 \V. K Oberrondor.... 2 Henry Cclimidt 2 A. W. Hoheris 1 Peter Sehnee 2 Mrs. Jessie Sneddon.. 1 John Stanton 2 Mrs. Thoinas 1 Henry Steward I Win. Williamson .... 2 L. V. Steward 2 Hev. J. C. Hickcl— Kdwnrd Stiehliiig.... 2; Kov. J. C. lliekel.JeU 2 L. A. Suiidmachor... 2 Mrs.Wm. Culp, Bb'le 2 John Volkeiiaml.. .. 1 Mrs. Iloiisnn, Jeddo 2 J as. J. Mrobst— Mrs. Ixswis, " 2 A. A. Hachmuu 2 Mrs. T. I'uiidy " 2 Iru C. Berger 1 Frank Hay, " 2 Jus. J. Hrobst 31 Hev. S. Cooper— Hub Doudt 1 .Mrs. J. Cnrtwright... 2 Geo. S. Drasher 11 Mrs. Goo. Johnson... 2 Win. Gross 2 Mrs. Mowry 3 John llydenreich-... 1 Mrs. Geo. Sweet 1 1). P.Jones Mrs. S. Wallace 2 Sal lie Wolfe 2 M. Wool Hey 2I Total 130 BASE BALL DOTS. The Stars will meet Ilazlcton Athletics at Freeland park on Sunday afternoon. The home club intends to get off tho toboggan, if possible, as considerable depends on this game. According to an agreement between the clubs, the game will count for three in the league sched ule—the one played that day, the game played on Juno 13, and afterwards con tested, and the first game of the season, which was postponed on account of rain. With so much at stake tho battle should he a hot one. At Driftou park the Fearnots and Lattimer will play on Sunday. Lattl mor Is making strong efforts to get out of last place in the league, and the Drif tou club is quite as anxious to remain at tho top of the list. Anthracite league clubs stand as fol lows: Clubs Won Lost Percentage Driftou 0 3 .007 Hu/Jeton 5 3 .025 Free 111 ml 3 5 .375 Lutti liter 3 0 .333 PERSONALITIES. Ed. F. Gallagher lias returned after a two months trip through the West. He went out as far as Mountana, but failed to find work any more plentiful than in tlio Fast. Misses Sarah I)odson and Ellon P. Stewart are spending their vacation wltii former schoolmates in Columbia county. Patrick 11. O'Donnell, of Newport News, Virginia, is spending his vacation with his father on Kidge street. Thomas and Timothy Hoylo, of Phila delphia, are spending a few weeks witli their aunt, Mrs. It. Thompson. Miss McGlnloy, of Bristol,,ls the guest of Miss Mary Ferry, South street. Miss Gorda Olsho is on a visit to friends in Scranton. A GOOD BEGINNING. Hubltuul Toper—What you eliay, ehir, lab very true; but thlsh lah the first time I have ever had too much. Parson—Then allow mo to congratq ! Intcyqu, sir, pp a innrvelopa Bupccse for a first attempt,—Pleli-Me-Up, School Hoard Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the borough school hoard was held last evening with Messrs. McCarthy, Timony, Sweeney, Ferry, Johnson and Schaub present. Condy Furoy, Chas. O'Donnell and J. D. Myers, auditors, prcsontod bills of 35 each, which were ordered paid. A communication from the street com missioner commanding tho hoard to pave the sidewalk in front of tho Coxe Memorial School was received. The board decided to pave the front seventy live feot deep, with concrete. Win. Williamson appeared before the board and asked if they had decided on the kind of plumbing they would have in the new building, as ho would like to give them a hid on the same. President McCarthy informed him that the hoard had not yet decided that matter. The statement of the school district was road and accepted and ordered pub lished in two town papers. Director Sweeney made a motion to publish tho audit in the Tuiiiunk and Progress, which was defeated. Director Schaub then made a motion to appoint a committee of two and got rates from tho different papers and give it to the two lowest bidders. The motion was not seconded, and President McCarthy, after calling their attention to business, which the directors failed to heed, adjourned the meeting and left the room. Children',, ItotlieN Found. 011 Monday aftnrnnon wliilu a party ot huckleberry pickers wore wending their way through the swamp between Ilazle lirook and Eckloy, one of tho men came 'across the body of little Mary Sholtes, a six-year-old girl, who, witli four-yoar-old August Staueker, had boon missing since April 21. The man hurried to ilazle Hrook and notified the girl's parents, who identiliod tho remains by the cloth ing. A search party was organized to look for tho boy, and ids body was dis covered a short distance from his com panion. Tho remains were tenderly conveyed to tho homes from which they strayed last spring, and on Tuesday tho two funerals took place, Tho girl was buried in St. Ann's cemetery and the boy in Ilazlcton Catholic cemetery. Tho parents are Tyrolers, and had suffered considerable mental anguish over the disappearance of their children. It was supposed that the little ones had been kidnapped, as tho swamp in which they were found iiad been travolcd fre quently by searching parties. Favor the Ortno Hill. A meeting of the most progressive business men of Hazlcton was held last ovenlng to discuss the Ormo bill, which places a tax of 10 per ceut on all orders, pass books, due bills, etc., issued by the company stores. Freeland was repre sented by Merchants Koons, llcrner and Oswald, who, with T. 11. Williams, J. K. lloluian, William Curtis, Harry Silver man, Charles Siegol, Frank Koslowski and Matt Long worn selected to visit llarrlsburg today to see the governor in behalf of tho bill. It is before tho ex ecutive, and the corporations are pro testing strongly against it. An Operation Performed. Thomas MeHugh, Esq., of Coxe Addi tion, who lias hoen in a precarious con dition sinco Monday, was taken to Ilazleton hospital on a special train last night, and an operation was performed early this morning. Mr. Mclliigli was attacked last Saturday with cramps and rapidly grew worse. He is still hover ing between life and death, bet good results arc expected from the operation, lie Is cmployod as station agent by the Lehigh Valley Company at Jeddo. Killer's llrewery Holtl. Clias. 1). Killer, tho Mahanoy City brewer whoso product had a largo sale here at one time, has sold his brewery with all Its wholesale and retail privi leges to an English syndicate represent ed in this country by Now York parties. The consideration was 81.fi00.uou, and does not include tho lvaier House nor Ills private residence. It Is understood that Mr. Kaier will leavo the coal re gions, and will go to Philadelphia to live. tttruck by au Engine. Two young uion named Wagner and Snycier decided to walk from Delano to M&zluton on Tuesday morning, and while walking through a cut on tho Lo high Valley track near Lofty, tho former was struck by au ongine and received a cut on tho kneo and was bruised about tho hips. Ho was taken to Hazlcton hospital, and It will bo some time before ho can resume his work at Jeddo. Fourth of July Accident. A Pond Creek Hungarian was brought to the hospital on Monday in a badly used up condition. He lilled a gas pipe with powder, plugged It and then lighted a fuse. When it went off tho contents wore discharged In Ills face, blowing out an eye and otherwise injuring him. —Speaker. Patents Grunted. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Wash ington, D. C. 11. 11. Dent, Allentown, rim latch-lock, C>. H. llliber, Easton, car-sign holder. J. (1. Sanderson, Scranton.gas-turbino. Shoes for all kinds of feet are sold at tho Wear Well, BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. 8ynopl of Local anil MiKcellnneoiift Oc currence* That Can lie Kcaii Oulckly. What the Folk* of Thin anil Other Town# are Doing. The State Dental Association Is In session this week at Glen Summit hotel. Nathan Tanner has been appointed postmaster of Lansford, succeeding T. 11. Williams. For fashionable tailoring at tho lowest possible prices call at Nipple's. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Zoistloft, of Washington street, died Tuesday evening and was buried yesterday in Freel&nd cemetery. llazloton members of the P. O. S. of A. have obtained a rate, of for all who desire to attend tho state conven tion of the order at Reading on August 20. Henry Fisher, of liirvanton, lias been granted a pension of $0 per month, also arrearages from the date of his applica tion to tho present time, amounting to 8470.00. Oswald's mince meat is pure, clean and guaranteed to be the best. John Unick, a Polish boy, was drown ed in the river at Nanticoko on Friday while bathing. He could not swim and got boyond his depth, where his com panions could not reach him. The body was not rocovorod. P. M. Thornton, a popular young at torney of Wilkcsbarro, and Miss Ella Manillis were married yesterday morn ing. Miss Mary McGili, a cousin of the bride, and a former resident of Free land, was bridesmaid. W. A. Loughroy and I)r. D. F. Smith, of Plymouth, and J. 11. Oplinger, of Nanti coke, were elected delegates on Tuesday from the third legislative district to the Democratic state convention, to be held in Reading August 31. Delicious, wholesome pies can be made from the mince meat sold at Oswald's. Tho Lehigh Traction Company has placed a watchman at Jeanesvillc cross ing, on tiin South Side. This is tho most dangerous point on the trolley line and cars have had many narrow escapes from being hit by locomotives. Miss Ella Shaffer, daughter of Elijah Shaffer, of Mauch Chunk, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. A phy sician was summoned and diagnosed tin; cause of death to bo paralysis of the heart, suporinduced by convulsions. A short wire fence was placed across the foot path through the Public Park last week to prevent it from being turn ed into a wagon road. Several bicyclists while speeding over the path on Monday collided with the fence, but none were; Injured. Don't buy shoddy when you can pur chase shoes made from the best material at lower prices. Ruy at the Wear Well. Richard Hawko, aged 28 years, was found dead In the house of Mrs. Am broso, West llazloton, early Tuesday morning. The circumstances Indicate that he met his death in a foul manner. A post mortem examination has been ordered by Deputy Coroner Bowman. Early Tuesday morning a young man of respectable family was arrested by Chief McLaughlin on the charge of using insulting languago to couples who wort! on their way hoino from the Hungarian ball at Van lies' opera house. After cightcoon hours in the lockup his boon companions appeared with his line, sr>, and lie was released. Strouur Proof. "Do you notice unythiag peculiar übout Tommle lately?" "No; what la It?" "I'm afruid one of those girls In liia class must have fascinated him," "What! Toiniiiio in love? Why do you think so?" "Decuuso he took a bath last night without grumbling."—Clevelaud Plain Dealer. " Her Favorite. "My favorite inareh?" she repeated, shyly. "Yes," he said. "That is what I asked you." "Oh, most any old wedding march," she answered. Shortly thereafter arrangements were made that will result in a wedding march being played a Little later.— Chicago Post. Ho Took tlio lllnt. "Can you play 'The Maiden's Pray er?' " he asked. "Why, yes, I can," she replied, wearily, "but what's tho use? You probably wouldn't answer it." Then It was after a few momenta of deep thought ho decided that he never would have a better opportunity to pro pose.—Chicago Post. No Occasion for Grief. If a scorcher mcot u scorcher Whizzing on tho fly, And u scorcher hit u scorcher No on© needs to cry. — l Chicago Record. Children Cry for, Pitcher's Castoria. $1.50 PER YEAR. QHAS. ORION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Oflleo: Uooms3an.H,Birkbeckßrick,Freeland. JOm M. CABB, , Attorney-aMi* ( All Vol bufcm tnmpttr ItrndlaC PcatoOm fcdWy, X f . tratand, HALPIN, c.m" y.nnnfnctarg at Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Ac. Walnut tad Pin. Strata, IMui jyptS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. £ D. ROIIRRACH, General Hardware. Bulldrn' supplies or every kin.l always 111 stock. Wull paper, puints und tin ware, bicy cles and repairs of ull sorts. South Centre street. R. Did'J EURO & SON, Fine Tailors. Centre street, near South. Wo aim to give satisfaction in workmanship on all our suns ami to give our customers the etioioest selections in Spring material. We are prepared to make suits very cheap. HIIBoF WINTER, Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Streut, Freelund. G. HORACK, Baker & Confectioner. Wholesale and Retail. CENTRE STREET, FREELAND. Dr. N. MALEyT" Second Floor, Birkbeek Brick. OVEtt BIRKUECK'S STORE. CENTRAL : HOTEL LEADING lIUTEI, IN FKEELAND. M. 11. II UN SICKER, Prop. Rates, $2 ior day. Bar stocKed with line whiskey, wine, beer and eigars. Sale and ex change stable attached. GEORGE FISHEX dealer in FRESII BEEF, PORK, VE L, MUTTON, BOLOGNA SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street. Predate or wait lor the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In Liquor, Wine, Be jr, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imperii Whiskey oil sale in 0110 of the hundsomcH . loons ill town. Fresh Rochester and Sher douh Uocr and Youugliug's Porter on top. 1)8 Centre stre-.t. STIESS ! Light Carriage Harness, 15.50, *7, |9 and *10.50. Heavy Express Harness, *10.50, *l9, *2O and *22. Heavy Team Harness, double, *25, *2B and *3O. GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Freeland, Pa. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry <*oods. Boots and HliOeM., Also PURE WINES | LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. ' Centre and Main streets, Freeland
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers