WITH TONGUE OR TOOTH. How Snfe Burclaro Can Tell When They Striken Combination Figure. Iu the county jail yesterday after noon John Atkinson, the alleged rob ber and "pal" of O'Xeil, who is now serving a long term In the penitentiary for one of the most daring "hold-ups" hi the history of the city, did not know that the Leader reporter tvas a news paper man, consequently talked more freely than is his wont. The conversa tion drifted from one subject to anoth er, and all the while Deputy Barry was playing with the combination lock on the door of the "bull pen." "That's a pretty good lock," said At kinson. "Did you ever work any of these kind of locks?" asked the deputy. Atkinson smiled. "That lock on a safe would be easy," said he. "Come out and let us see how yon would go about anything like that," said the deputy, at the same time open ing the door. Atkinson did as he was bidden, and at once commenced to ex plain tlie mechanism of the lock. "Well, let's see yon try It," said the deputy, becoming interested. Atkinson hesitated for several minutes, saying that he could not "work" that combina tion because it dkl not have the same hacking as u safe jock. Deputy iiari-,' insisted upon being shown how it was done. Atkinson got down upon his knees and went to work. lie kneeled as close to the lock as possible, and put his tongue upon the metal ring around the knob of the combination. Then he slowly turned the knob of the combina tion. Deputy Barry watched him in tently, and suddenly stopped Atkinson in his work. lie had made the first move in the combination correctly, and the deputy thought this enough. At kinson was willing to stop, and then explained his work. "You perhaps know," said Atkinson, "that the nerves iu the end of the tongue are very delicate and sensitive. Well, when the combination gets to the right point, the minutest click is sent at once to the brain. That's how we know we are right." The deputy was astounded. William Clark, the alleged murderer, was standing near at the time, lie seemed to be perfectly familiar witli Atkin son's methods, and Immediately pro posed another and better method. lie said: "It is much easier if you have a darning, needle, place it on the tum blers and put the other end in a hollow tooth. If there is a nerve in the tooth the first click, no matter how slight, sends a thrill through your head." "I've tried that scheme, too," said Atkinson, "and have found it to be a good one."—Cleveland Leader. During the jubilee festivities in London niters ure to receive as much as 17s 64 a >y. Warmth for Comfort. An old cat loves a sunny corner and a long nap, and this is naturul and wise. The genial warmth of the sun lulls to rest, uud while asleep, it may be curative to the cat's few ailments. Soreness and stiffness come upon us suddenly uud put the machinery of the body out of gear. St. Jacobs Oil goes suddenly to work upon the trouble, and with Its warmth, like warmth to the old cat, It lulls the pain to sleep, drives out the cold, solteiistho stiffened muscles, lubricates the machinery, and iu a short time puts the whole body in good working order. Sore ness aud stiffness are not much to euro by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, but, If neglected, they tuko the form of rheumatism, which gives a great deal more pain. When bilious or costive, oat a Oasoaret, candy cathartic; cure guaranteed; 10c., Csc. Shake Into Your Slioes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting feci, and in stantly takes tbo sting out of corns uud (.un ions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes light-lil ting or new shoes feel easy. It isai ertuin cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach ing feet.. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for .'loo. in stamps. Trial package I'BEE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Boy, N. i. Fits permanently cured. No filsor nervous ness after lirst day's use of Dr. Kline's (treat Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dm it. 11. KUNI;, Ltd., Wl Arch bt.,PhUu.,Pa. Only 30 per cent of the railway stock in this country pays a dividend. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Over 400,000 ourpd. Why not let No-To-Bao regulate or remove your desire for tobacco? Saves money, makes health and manhood. Cure guaranteed. 60 cents and SI.UU at all druggists. Tho Military Academy at West Point has 67 professors and 200 students. There Is a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there lias been placed in all the grocery stores u new preparation called (fmin-O.made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most del ienie stomach receives it without distress, and hut few can toll it from coffee. It does not cost over one-quarter as much. Children may drink it with grout benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per package. Try it. Ask for ii rain-O. Piso's Cure is a wonderful Cough medicine. Mrs. W. I'M 'K KUT. Van Kit-lon and Blake Aves., Brooklyn, N. v., Oct.Bß, 1804. If afflicted with sore eyesuse Dr. Isaac Thomp son's Eye-water. Druggists sell ut;isc.per bottle. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest iver and bowel regulator ever made. Impure Blood "I have found Hood's Snrsnpnrilla an ex cellent medicine. My little girl was afflicted with eczema for seven years and took many kinds of medicine without relief. After taking a few bottles of Hood's Harsaparilla she was cured." Mns. EMMA FRANKLIN. Houeoye, New York. Get only Hood's because Hood's oarilla Isthebest—infactthoOneTruo Blood Purifier. MAA#I'A DSIIA aro th( ' ljost after-dinner 9100(1 S r IIIS pills, aid digestion. 26c. ONLYTHREEORPOOR Absolutely First-Class Scale Makers in the conn fry. of which JON ICS stands at the heu ) I health / A than I have had for the / past ten years. I wish to say I f toall distressed suffering women, do not suffer longer, when there is one so kind and willing to aid you."—MRS. F. S. BENNETT, Wcst- Dhalia. Kans. A Boiled Dinner. "I wlfih/'salil the artist who had heex so absorbed in bis work JUS to neglecl his eating, "that you would send out and got a nice large head of cabbage.' "Certainly," replied his wife; "hav* you an inspiration for a new still lifeV" "No; I merely want it for a poi boiler."—Washington Star. M. L. Thomnr-on A.- c • .. Drugglatp. Couderp- ! port. Pa., say Hall's ('aiurrh ('"re is the la st and only sure cure fur catarrh they ever sold. I Druggists sell it, 75c. Mrs. Winslow's Sool liiug Syrup for children ' teething, softens the guins.rednetng i nflum inu tiuu, allays pain, cures wind colic. "sc.a bottle. { CABCARETS stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c. lL~ nn< * making ' TSaPx arc included in the x\ t\ wSff making of HIRES j v\ far Rootbccr. The prepa \\ W ration of this great tcm- I)Pranee1 )P ranee drink is an event If' 1] of importance iu a million MP?-S regulated homes. Rootbeer f mil V' full of good health, ffi j 'j® Invigorating, appctiz- W iiM iug, satisfying. Put ttj 1 some up to-day and 1 I 'Sj p: have it ready to put : '•j down whenever you're I | thirsty. |: v-lilt" I' j Made only by The iLitlrlCharles E. Hires Co., ! liß llnßr Philadelphia. A pack- i lliPffli a gc makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere. I REASONS FOR USING | | Walter Baker & Co.'sj I rja I j , r . Breakfast Cocoa, | f Because it is absolutely pure. X $ 2 - Because ii is net made by the so-called Dutch Process in | 1 fwVa \ which chemicals are used. | X Sf Because beans of the finest quality are used. ♦ 1 iS i-V' Vu 4 * Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired z X gn j. i". \,i ft the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. 1 t lira ' i f- 'tVl Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent ♦ | |l! £. } L ■]] a cup ' t I ♦ MmL: I t'ii {'■ tm " c sure t,lut v° u fret the genuine article made by WALTER t * * ii SS?iVnibVfr*trT° BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. Established 1780. oeoo <<►<.♦<►♦ c veoo-s o *<>♦♦•♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦o* *?<>* l >♦+<& rmmmmmm * ■^■otwwwmwa——————o——ooo* CATHARTIC I I CURE CQtISTIPATiOH 1 I 25* 50* DRUGG!STS j i 2 ABSOLUTELY ffnSPBNTFpn ,0 ccr ® any case of const ipntion. Casf.nrrts are the Ideal Lnxa-J , f OUGULUIIJIJI UUHGMUuEiU ti Tf .. rrT cr crrip or gripe, lint ratine enr.j natural reioltg. 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