Foundation FOP a Romance. About the time John Bull was getting histinal lesson from Uncle Sam, in 1812, a letter was written by a repentant Pennsylvania father to the discarded eon, who never received it. The ro mance-freighted document has just been discovered at Lenni, Delaware County, Miss. Catherine Mahon, daughter of an old resident of that town, was looking over some old fam ily papers and came across a package of letters that had belonged to her grandmother. Among the collection was a sealed envelope, yellow with age, which bore the superscription: "For my son, Iliram, should he ever return." This was signed 44 Thaddeus Mahon." Miss Mahon showed the letter to her father, who remembered having heard his father speak of a brother who had left home suddenly and had never re turned. It was decided to break the big red seal with which the envelope was fastened, and within it was found the following pathetic letter, address ed to "My son Hiram," and dated July 13, 1812: "Since you have left I see my mis take. I pray that you may come back in time to forgive me. Thank God your mother is not living to know that I cast her son off. Willingly would I give my consent to your marriage with Nell, for I now see that she Is a good woman. Forgive your father, who has broken his heart through his headstrong ways. God bless you." This was signed "Tkaddeus Mahon," but there was nothing to throw any light on the old-time romance that end ed so unhappily. No one in Lenni knows who "Nell" was or what became of her, aud it can only be conjectured that her lover went to the war under an as sumed name and was killed In one of the naval engagements from which this country won glory and money from En gland. It Is entirely superfluous to tell peo ple that you are getting old; ypu show it l'layin' Possum. "Playln' possum" comes from the fact that the possum will feign sleep or death when pushed iuto sudden danger of being cap tured. But pains aud aches never play that kind of a game. They never try to fool any body, and go to work to wake up people, lenving no chance to feign sleep. On the other ban 1. there is a remedy known JUS SR. Jucobs Oil that will lull a pain or an uche so that it won't wake up again iu the cure that follows its use. Pjiins aud aches are great or less in inteus ty just in degree as we treat them. Prompt treatment with the best remedy—St. Jacobs Oil—prevents their in crease ami by curing prevents the r return. Everything is gained by taking pains aud aches in time for a prompt and permanent cure, and there is nothing better than the use of tit. Jacobs Oil. JUST try a 10c. box of Cascaret*. the finest liver and bowe reeu'ptor ever made. The SIOO,OOO pjissenger station that the Bal timore Ar Ohio Huilrcad company is erecting in Baltimore, to take the place of t lie old Cam den station, is being rapidly pushed to com pletion. The train shed will be ready for use. probably, by the first of May, and the rest u deli" tto stomach re ceives it without. distress. One-quarter the price of coffee. 15 ct*. and 35 eta. per package, bold by all grocer*. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. softens the gums, reduce* inflamma tion, uiluys pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; lUc. A man in a balloon four rai'es above the earth can plainly hear the barking of a dog. t SILENT SUFFERERS. Women do not Liko to Tell a Doctor the Details of Their The reason why so many women suffer in silence from the multiple disorders con nected with their sexual system is that they cannot bear to broach the subject to a man, even if he is a physician. No one can blame a modest, sensitive woman for this reticence. It is unneces ' in these times, however, for a woman :es to all afflicted women a most generous Mrs. l'inkham of Lynn, Mass., bids every who suffers to write to her and confide mptom that annoys her, and she will give ice without charge, and that advice is pon the greatest experience ever possessed 3r woman in thiscountry, and extends over of twenty-three years, and thousands upon isof cases. Why suffer in silence any longer, my sister, when you can get help for the asking? Don't fear to tell her every thing. The case of Mrs. Colony, whose letter to Mrs. l'inkham we publish, is an illustration of the good to be received from Mrs. I'inkham's advice; here is a woman who was sick for years and could get no relief—at last in despair she wrote to Mrs. l'inkham —received in return a prompt, sympathetic and inter ested reply. Note the result and go and do likewise. " I was troubled with such an aching in my back and hips, and I felt so tired all the time, and had fcr four years. For the last year it was all I could do to drag around. 1 would have such a ringing in my head by spells that it seemed as though 1 would grow crazy.. I ached from my shoulders to my feet and was very nervous. 1 was also troubled with a white discharge. I wrote to Mrs. l'inkham at.Lynn, Mass., received a prompt reply and followed her advice, and now I have no backache and begin to feel as one ought; in fact* I never felt bet ter in ten years than Ido now. I thank (lod that I went doctoring with Mrs. Finkhcm when I did, fcr if I had not I know 1 would have been in my grave." — MRS. NELLIE E. COLONY, Nalima, Mich. I j 2b* SO DRUGGISTS j j ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 'FIJL and booklet free. id. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago. Montreal, Can., or New York. tn.| a , Improvements patented 1890 in the IT. S.. Canada and Europe. FIR F PROOF—l J roof against sparks, cinders, burning brands, etc. NTKONCJ-A lieavy cni vas foundation. ' I T Weighs hut s*. ]!>*. per UMi sq. ft. when lni.l complete. j" a'L i, V- T. ( i". n ; a .L n '" " ' '"V 4 ' ,a :4ntl ind-flnitely i's leather-like pliabili' v and touehneM. ligeut workn i DillN—Requires no kettle or other wapensive apparatus. Can be laid by auy intel- SEND FOR SAMPLE* AMI DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. H. W. JOHWS MFC. CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. CHICAGO: 240 4 342 Randolph Si I'HI LADELPHIA: 170 k 172 North 4th St. BOSTON: 77 k79 Pearl St. lAfef ALABASTINEJ t IT WON'T RUB OFF. i d ? fei! h iteij*. JIB AD AOTiUIT * pm*. peraumeut and artistic g } ILWK ALADAO 1 Itih BRUSH J 1 L- ——J For Mttlo by Paint Dealers Everywhere. \naqMTlt oocb, you havo PRPF A Tint Card 13 dwlrable tinfe, also Alabastine f fbut cannot thrive." ALAHASITIXR CO.. Grand Itapide, Hlch. f When You Want to Look on the Bright Side of Things Use _ SAPOLIO : 1 day Aires J . V Rootbeer SJ JJ f tands be " % St tween you ■ < y>/,, i w and the dis- v j ft tressing ef- ' //''\ ! 9. fects of the heat. (j> i n I Rootbeer § ft cools the blood, 5H r "tW toues the stom- K I ach, invigorates (It the body, fully ill \j2 " J&\ satisfies the thirst. X \ \ I A delicious,spark- ffl Vy\ I ling, temperance y S~~'Pi( r ' n ' c l ' le high" 111 11 I est medicinal value. IP I i TbtetuuSK.'SSmi,.. rMU. SS J Li 11 on! ■ montty, hut enclose ntitnip to V ■ IV W C.aaolldalrtl WhQia.aU 8. C0..*16K. tliaUa Bt.,lUpt. ti< Veapo AfIENTS. To'^TLIX."22ISEES P** article on carlli uv nil m|icu>o Aldrs GiYZA C li IUI. CO*. W ush.iKtioiu 11. < . r N V 18 07 PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAiMS. JOHN W. MORR tS, tVASHINGVOfJ, 0. C. Lu Printipal Examisnr iJ. B Panalon Bureau. 3yra. iu luet war, luaJjudicati&a claim* atty. tin GFT It It'll quickly*, snrut for "300 invent iont Wanted.' KUOAK TATE & Co., 246 11'way, N. Y. A Distinction. 1 Maud—What are dukes worth, papa? ! Struckoll (after his trip abroad)— Not a darn cent. Maud—l mean what are they selling for? i Struekoll—Oh. about a million, spot I cash.—Uu-to-Date. Fits permanentlycured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great ! Nerve Restorer. B'.' trial bottle and treatise free. L)u. K. H. KLINE, Ltd.. 931 Arch bt., Rhilu., Pa. General Manager Greene, of the Baltimore A* Ohio railroud. has issued an order roquiring all live stock to tie watered and fed at least once every CI hours. Yard masters are to be held strictly accountable, and the penalty for violation is rather severe.