Bluebirds, 'the |ha/r>inrjr of sprinir, have already been uoti.ed & New Jersey and Pennsylvania. • Hidden Place*. Why a weasel should hnto a rat is strange, as ho is only an elongated rat himself. Bats and mice love hiddeD places, and a weasel is about the only living thing that can find them out. Aches and pains am like rats and mice. They seek out the hidden places of the human system and gnaw aud ravage the muscles and nerves. St. Jacobs Oil, like a weasel, knows how to go for tllem. It will penetrate to the secret recesses of the pain, and breaks up its habitation and drives it out. ltats and mice shun the corners where a weasel has been, aud pains aud aches once fairly driven out by St. Jacobs Oil are per manently cured aud seldom come buck to ™>r old haunts. There must be palieuce With the treatment; some chronio forms are stubborn and resist, but the great remedy will finally conquer and give heulih and strength to the afflicted parts. WatN bilious or costive, eat a Ca'caret, candy cathartic; cure guaranteed; UX., JGc. tBTATK or OHIO, CITr or YOLIDO, t I.UCAS Cocerrv. 1 M - FnANK J. CPENsr makes that he is the senior partner of tils Arm of V. J. ( -HINST A CO.,doing business in the Cltvof Toledo, Count v and St Ate s foresaid, and that said firm will pay thesum of ONB UUNOKBD DOLLARS for eeco and flvery ewe or CATAHRH that tAnool b eurad by THE use HALL'S CATARRH CURE. _ Frank J. CRINCT. Sworn to before me ami subscribed in my i —' — i pretence, tiiie 6th . on AujjUHt 28tl, IMU. He was also present when Professor Morse sent iho first telegraphic message over the B. & O. wires between Multi more and Washington. Each salmon produces about 20,000,000 NowlowHac for Fifty Cents. Over 400,000 cured. Why not let No-To-Bar regulate or remove your desire tor tobacco? Saves money, makes health and manhood. Cure guaranteed. 50 cents and tI.OU, at all druggists. Bet toads are sold ut 8 pence apiece iu Paris. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an A. No. 1 Asthma medicine. \V. K.WILLIAM*. Antioch, Ills.. April 11, 189+. CASCARKTS stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting feet, ami in stantly takes the sting out of corns and bun ions. it's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Kane makes tight-fit. ting or new shoes feet easy. It is a cjrtaii cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach ing feet. Try it to- lay. Sold by alt druggist; and shoe store.-. Kv mail for 2v\ in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Ro>, N. Y. Life and Health Happiness and usefulness depend upon pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla mikes pure blood. This is the time to take Hood's Sarsap-irilla. because the blood is now loaded with impu rities wh'ch must be promptly expelled or health will be in danger. Remember, Hood's parilla Is the best—in fact theOneTrue Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. sl, six for DSIIM net harmonious'v with Hood S HIIIS Hood'sManaparUla. 1 who opened that o- * S - bottle of HIRES M Root beer? The popping of a IBr cork from a bottle of I Hires is a signal of r good health and sure. A sound the old folks like to hear K —the children can't ft HIRESM Root beer ? Is composed of the ". * very ingredients the JV era tern requires. Aiding v the dlgestfou, soothing the nerves, purifying the blood. A temper a nee drink for temper- The Charm 1° "HIVM Co., Phil*. [ PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHNW. MORRIS,WASHINGTON,O.C. Lota Principal Examiner 0 8. Pension Bureau. Syri. in last war, 15 abjudicating ulauux, atty. gin.;. CI KT RICH quickly: semi for ":\ menstruation, backache, pain on top of my li head and ovarian trouble. I concluded to 923 bank St., Cincinnati, O. For years I had suffered with painful men* //£ struation every month. At tlie beginning of /4 menstruation it was impossible for me to stand up / / hHL for more than five minutes, I felt so mis erable. One day a little book of Mrs. Pinkham's was thrown into my , \ v Imv house, and I sat right down and read it. I then got some 4|iP ' of Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com pound ami Liver Pihs. 1 can lieartily say that to-day I feel like a newwoman; my monthly suffering is a thing of the past. I * / shall alwaj'S praise tlie Vegetable t'ompound for what it has / - done for me. MRS. MARGARET ANDERSON, 303 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound lias cured me of painful mnn struation and backache. The pain in my back was dreadful, and the agony I suffered during menstruation nearly drove me wild. Now this is all over, thanks to Mrs. Pink ham's medicine and advice.—Mas. CARRIE V. WILLIAMS, South Mills, N. 0. The great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is a safe, sure and almost infallible remedy in cases ot irregularity, suppressed, exeessive or painful monthly periods. 1t *1 1 lii f direct i|)fciMl atten- J7 XV rViJ I n to the Inllowinc re. murkable statements: mend the Moore treatment 1 ju because Hiave tried it, and j>ays I was cured by jjEh£\.V eight yearn ; huve known of othe|fl h^ f n * cured Ifftn BURKKA SPRINGS, ARK. wr '* ,en by the late Rev. W. Ut, to Mrs. w! Fl. Watson. New Albion, N. Y. Restored His Hearing in S Minutes. r.SK Catarrh 111 years. Had intense head- tjF ache, continual roaring **' w i and singlug in ears, took 0 cold easily. My hearing | dffßr)PS Sfe began to tail, and for W three y®* r9 as almost x W tiuually grow worse. A Everything 1 had tried , -jr railed, lu despair I com menced to use Aerial Medication in 1888, aud the effect or the tlrst application was simply wonderful. Tn leas than ttvo minutes my hearing was fully re stored, and has been perfect ever sine, and in a few months was entirely curod of Catarrh. En IIKOWN, Jacksboro. Tenn. "Whereas I was deaf, now I hear." At the age of 89, after hav lag suffered from Catarrhal ' I \ Deafness twenty years, am , truly tnankful to state that 1 1 am entirely cured by Aerial : Medication; my hearing. : which had become so bad that I tyV* vSmBK\ 1 could not hear u watch ti.■ k. JSml or conversation. Is fully re stored. I will verify this Derby Center, Vt. Medicine for 3 Months' Treatment Free To introduce this treatment and prove be yond doubt that Aerial Medication will cure Deafness, Catarrh. Throat and bung Diseases. 1 will, for a short time, send Medicines for three months' treatment free. Address. J. H. Moore. M. D., Dept. K. 7, Cincinnati, 0. JONES SCALE GUARANTEED A ecu racy-Du rabi I ity, LOWEST PRICES. JONES--BINCHAMTON. N. Y. Beat Cough Syrup. Taatea Oued. Cse M T H E S T A N Pamphlet, "Suggestions for Exterior Decoration," Sample Card and Descriptive Trice Met free liv mall. Aebeelue lleeUiia. It.illilliiK Kelt, Strum Parking, Holler Coverings, Firr-Prool Paints, Kan. Aeui'NtuM Non-Coudnotiug and Electrical lnenliitliig .tlnlrriuls. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. CHICAGO: 210 A 242 Randolph Ht. PHILADELPHIA: 170 ft 171 North 4th St. BOSTON: 77 A 79 Pearl Sk. ~/g>ANDY CATHARTIC vobcaAtitb.- CUM CONSTIPATION,j 50* DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED !° """ "" r *?<">'<2" u P. s, ww Wa -ta Wa.-ra - I INDORSED BY OVER 1,000,000 WEARERS • as THE BEST in style, fit and durability of | • any shoe ever offered at SVOO. J IT IS MADE Ilf ALL THE LATEST SHAPES t and STYLES and of every variety of leather. l I OWE DEALER IN A TOWN given exclusive y sale aud advertised in local paper on receipt | •of reasonable order. Write for catalogne to ! | fW. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. P N U 14