Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, August 13, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. IX. NO. 13.
Synopsis if Local and M isccllancoim Oc
currences Tliat Can Be Bead Ouickly.
What the Folks of This and Other
Towns are Doing.
West Hazloton school directors are
deadlocked over the oppointment of
i several teachers.
The date of opening Foster township
schools has been changed from Monday
next to the 31st inst.
The post office building, which is own
ed by A. Uocppert, will bo enlarged by
raising the roof three feet.
John llama, of Lattimor, and Ilona
Lukac, of Upper Lehigh, will bo mar
ried at Ilazloton on Saturday.
llunting's railroad circus will exhibit
here on Friday of next week. Watch
for the advertisement on Monday.
The May berry band serenaded Thomas
Oberrondor and wife at their Ilidgc
street residence on Tuesday evening.
The Tigers ball club play at Mauch
Chunk on Saturday afternoon. The
game ought to be an Interesting one.
Adam Sachs 1 throe-story building at
Centre and Fronts streets lias had its
appearance improved by the painters.
Mrs. Lydia Shelhamor, aged 33 years,
died at Eckley on Saturday, and was
buried on Monday in Conyngham valley.
The Plymouth Hoard of Health re
ported thirty-four new cases of typhoid
for .Inly, but the epidemic is now de
James J. Sweeney, of Summit Hill,
has presented Candidate Bryan with a
handsome watch charm made of anthra
cite coal.
Old newspapers for sale.
Tax Collector Hugh Malloy is gather
ing in the taxes as rapidly as possible.
On Monday ho paid SIOO to Treasurer
Ferry, of the school board.
The members of the Lorretta Camp
ing Club were tendered a serenade last
evening by the St. Patrick's cornet band.
The music drew hundreds of people to
the Public park.
Street Commissioner Moore is pushing
the work on tin; man-hob? at Centre and j
Main streets, and expects to uiake much
bettor time in completing it than was
made at Centre and South streets?
Andrew Bronnan and Thomas Galla
gher, of Freeland, will play a game of
alley hall on Saturday at Hazloton
against John Welsh and Thomas DulTy,
of the latter city, for a purse of S2O.
M. C. Gallagher and .J. T. Danaker,
of White Haven, are preparing arrange
ments to run another bicycle race.
Each has now won one race, and the
third will decide who is the better rider.
Thomas J. Murphy, postmaster of
Ashley, died on Sunday of intermittent
fever, at the age of 45 years. He leaves
a wife and six children. The deceased
was one of the leading Democrats in
that part of tin? county.
The members of the Sunday school of
the English Baptist church will bold their
annual picnic ut Birvanton on Saturday,
August 29. This event Is usually a very
pleasant one, and tin? children look for
ward to it with pleasure.
Foster township school board is dead
locked on the question of purchasing
eight tulluriains at a cost of 4M?.soeach.
The teachers recommend the purchase,
but some of the directors desiro to
economize during this term.
The third annual state convention or
the American Protective Association is
in session at Wiiliamsport this week.
Between 300 and 400 delegates arc there.
Beading and Scranton are in the Held
for the state meeting of next year.
K. & G. corsets are sold at Oswald's.
The largest coal train that over ran
east over the? Lehigh Valley Railroad
passed through Bethlehem the other
morning. The train was made of 240
loaded four-wheeled coal cars drawn by
one of the big new Baldwin locomotives.
The postal department has made an
explanation regarding Its order against
allowing railroad or trolley cars to carry
letters. The order, as now construed,
allows newspaper correspondence to be
carried without being enclosed in stamp
ed envelopes.
The Good Templars of Upper Lehigh
will give an entertainment on Saturday
evening at the English Baptist church.
Freeland, entitled "A Temperance
Drama." to be? followed by an ice cream
and cake social in the basement. Ad
mission to entertainment, !() cents.
A collection was taken up in town
this week by Ollicer Mollick to procure
funds to pay the funeral expenses of the
Hungarian who was killed by lightning
at, Upper Lehigh last week. The de
ceased had no money at the time of his
death, and was not a member of any of
the societies.
At Drifton ball park on Saturday
evening of next week a picnic will be
held by the Progressive Club of that
town. Picnics have not bo qui to so
numerous this season as in previous
year*s and the young men in charge of
the coming one prupofo to make it a
notable affair.
John Sultis, of Hazle Brook, Met With u
Horrible l>eiitli Yesterduy.
From tlio Hazloton I'lain Speaker,
John Sultis, a Polandor, aged 21 years,
employed as a boss in the Ilazle Brook
breaker operated by John S. Lent/. A
Co., met with Instantaneous death yes
terday afternoon shortly before 3 o'clock.
The unfortunate young man who is
single and without relatives in this
country was attending to some matters
about the grinders when tin; grime
reaper made its harvest.
His clothing was caught in a revolv
ing shaft and the helpless form was
dashed to eternity before the machinery
could be stopped. Nearly every bone in
the trunk and appendages weflfc broken,
while the accident was made far more
dreadful by the fact that both feet were
torn off, striking against a beam while
in rotary motion.
Deceased has resided in that little
mining village since he was a small boy
and having won the confidence and good
will of the colliery officials as well as his
associate employes he was promoted to
the, rank of boss in the breaker, lie
was known to every person in the town
and had the good wishes of all. 11 is
remains wero a ghastly sight to look
upon. A large number of the little
follows employed in the breaker rushed
excitedly from the sight of the mangled
remains and wept as only children can
A .Sclicnm to Di.npote of Culm.
Messrs. Van Horn ami Wagner, prac
tical miners, of WllUesbarre, have com
menced work to drive a ten-infh hole
Into the abandoned workings of the
York Farm colliery, near Minersville.
The hole will be sunk nearly 400 f;ot.
The objoct of the hole is to wash
culm into the interior of the disused
portion of the colliery. There is so
much culm constantly on hand that it
cannot be disposed of on the dirt bank,
so this scheme has been devised by tin;
colliery oilicials to get rid of a big por
tion of it. The culm will bo run into
the abandoned workings in a wet condi
tion and will harden there, making the
surface above safe from all cave-ins
which might be likely to occur.
(iottliiK Schools in Shape.
The borough school term will begin
on Monday morning, and the teachers
and pupils are getting ready to resume
their books. During the week the
school buildings and grounds have boon
undergoing a general cleaning and will
bo in good condition before the opening
day. The Coxe Memorial school is being
cleaned by Mrs. Frank Sweeney, the
Washington street building by Mrs.
Doulin, of* Ridge and Main streets, and
the ltlrvantou school bv Mrs, Marshmuu.
LocUjuw Caused Death.
Albert lloston. of Plymouth, who has
been working as a lather, jumped from a
seatTolding and thrust his foot into a
rusty nail. The accident occurred on
Monday of last week and no serious ef
fects were anticipated, but last Friday
evening the young was taken with symp
toms of lockjaw. Doctors rendered all
the assistance possible, but in spite of
their efforts he succumbed to the dis
Kxcui*ioii Abandoned.
The Hoard of Trade at its meeting
last evening passed a resolution direct
ing the subscribers to silk mill bonds to
pay the second Installment of 10 per
cent to the Citizens' bank by August UO.
The excursion which was to be held on
September to Uittcrsvillo park was
abandoned, and a picnic will be held
here instead on the lot it of that month.
Murritnl Yestenliiy.
Hugh Connor and Miss Eliza McCann,
of Sandy Run, were married yesterday
afternoon at Eckley by Rev. Thos. Hre
hony. Miss Lizzie Gallagher, of Free
land, and Joseph Gallagher, of Sandy
Run, were bridesmaid and groomsman.
The wedding festivities took place last
evening at the residence of the bride,
where the couple will remain for awhile.
AHYcted by tlio Sun.
Michael Sweeney, an aged resident of
Drifton, was prostrated by the heat
while walking down Centre street Mon
day afternoon. When opposite the store
of 11. P. Malloy the old man fell to the
ground unconscious. Physicians were
summoned and he was kindly cared for
by Mrs. Malloy. and was removed to his
homo in I lie evening.
A Farewell Party.
A farewell party was tendered Miss
Hannah Wilson on Monday evening by
a score of her lady friends of town.
The Cottage hall was enguged for the
occasion, and all enjoyed themselves
merrily until a late hour. In departing
for their homes they wished Miss Wilson
much happiness at her future home in
Sugar Notch.
For bed bugs roaches and moths, buy
••Tebtioy," the best Insect destroyer iii
the world. Sold at A. Oswald's.
Grand mid-summer clearing sale now
in progress at the Wear Well Shoo House.
Summer shoes cheap at the Wear Well.
$1.50 a year is all the TKIIIPNK costs.
Pretty dress goods ut Oswald's.
Freeland sent a good representation
to the seashore yesterday morning. To
Sea Isle City wont Chas. Orion Stroll.
Esq., N. J. Owens and 11. W. Fackler,
each accompanied by his wife, and B. F.
Davis and A. A. Bach man and their
wives went to Anglesea.
William Wilson, who was drivel*boss
for several years at No. 2 colliery, Drif
ton, removed his family from Freeland
on Monday to Sugar Notch, he
lias accepted a position under Superin
tendent P. M. Boyle.
Miss Mollie Huggorty, of Ashley, \>
visiting the family of Hugh Malloy.
Centre and Walnut streets.
James .McGettrick lias accepted a
position as bartender forCondy O. Boyle.
Rev. John Stas attended to busbies?
at Wilkesbarre yesterday.
There is more catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to bo incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescrib
ed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment, pro
nounced it incurable. Science lias
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's ('atari b (Jure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
euro on the market. It is taken in
ternally in doses from ten drops to a
teaspoonful. It nets directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
by druggists, V">c.
\Yli:it lie Needed.
"You need a change of scene and air,*
said the physician, with the air of n
man who knows what lie is talking
aboil t.
"Thank you,** returned the patient.
"Would a trip to Winnipeg do me any
good ?**
"Certainly. A trip almost anywhere
would do you good, and the sooner you
staro the better. Can you go at once?"
"Why, yes,*' replied the patient.
"You see I just stopped over in Chicago
for a day or two on my way to Winni
peg from New Orleans. I live in Winni
peg, you know."
Then the doctor smiled in a sickly
sort of way and said there would be no
charge.—Chicago Post.
No Hotter Needed.
Customer—l don't know about buy
ing any sausage this morning. I've
got tired of always seeing a great, big.
worthless dog banging about here. It
doesn't look just right for ci meat mar
Butehcr—You needn't be suspicious
about my sassidges, ma'am, onlessyou
come in here some morning and find
that dog inissin'. —Cfiieago Tribune.
A Croat llead.
B'Jones—That was a good scheme I
worked on my neighbor Bugly last
B'.Tinks—What was that?
B'Jones—l got him into an argument
about lawn mowing, and insisted he
knew nothing about it; he got so ex
cited that in order to prove his point
lie lit in and mowed my whole yard.—
Town Topics.
Perils or Wealth.
Jinks—Every day i read in the
papers about some great man being in
jured by smoking. The last one is the
prince of Wales. The doctors have
stopped him. Now I must say, us lam
a smoker myself, such things trouble
Winks—Oh, don't worry. All those
men arc rich, and can afford to smoke
real tobacco.—N. Y. Weekly.
IlaldncHK Accounted For.
"What makes your whiskers thicker
on the right side of your face?" asked
(lllholy of Ilostetter McOinnis.
"Oh, that tomes from always sleep
ing on the left side of the face; that
rubs away the hair."
"If that's the rule, I suppose these
hold-headed men must sleep while
standing on t heir heads."—Texas Sifter.
R.rlctly Truthful.
Marie—Jack, you told mamma a f.b.
You said that while you were in Monte
Carlo you spent all your time bicycling,
when I know positively that j'ou were
gambling at the Casino.
Jack--Bicycling? Who said any
thing about bicycling? 1 told her that
I spent the most of my time on the
wheel. —Town Topics,
Favorable Progress.
"Have you heard from your daugh
ter since she started on her wedding
tour? Ts she happy?"
"Very much so. Only think, In Ven
ice she commenced to have her own way
in everything, and ever since they left
Borne she bus carried the purse!"—
Tlio Mind Cure,
"Yes, Dr. Dobbs saved my husband's
life when ho had typhoid fever."
"How did he do it?"
"Ran n lawn mower upnnd down out
side the window and threw him into a
profuse perspiration."—Chicago Rec
Opposed to It on Principle.
Miss hnogene—Do you think it is un
lucky to get married on Friday?
Miss Fortitude (coldly)—I think It
in unlucky to get married on any day.
- -Somervillc Journal.
I'liiludolpliinnrt Fought for PoMseMhiou of
a Shaded/Alloy.
From Yesterday's Philadelphia Times.
It is safe to say that there wero many
persons, usually regarded as law-abid
ing, who yesterday wished that they
could use a weapon of some sort upon
acquaintances assailing them with, "Is
it hot enough for you?" and the like.
There was one who went further than
merely to" look daggers. Ho is Peter
Markowisky, of 125 Church street, whose
ire was aroused by Edward Thomas, his
next-door neighbor. There lias long
lioon a dispute between tliein as to who
has the more right to an alleyway be
tween their houses, and when Thomas
came homo early yesterday morning,
tnd found that Markowisky had turned
the disputed territory into a sleeping
place he decided to enter a formal re
This took the shape of two kicks, and
the question, "Ain't it cool enough for
you in the house?" Peter sprang upon
ids assailant, who pulled out a knife,
and tried to plunge it into him. Manag
ing to get awav for an instant Peter got
a big fork from the edge of a table close
to one of t he front windows of his house.
Then a duel began that ended in the de
feat of Markowisky. who fell upon the
pavement with a wound in his right side.
Thomas, whose scalp had been torn up.
by Peter's fork, ran down the street into
the anus of Policeman Kennedy.
Tho inhabitants of tho thickly-popu
lated street had been aroused, and it re
quired a good deal of very vehement
diplomacy by the blue-coat to keep the
adherents of tin- house of Markowisky
from attacking those of the house of
Thomas. The rudely awakened man
was taken to the Pennsylvania hospital,
where he remains in a serious condition.
Thomas was held in ssou bail for a hear
Fatal Powder Fx plosion.
A serious accident occurred at tin l
Washington colliery of tho Lehigh and
Wilkesbarre Coal Company, at Ply
mouth, on Tuesday, in which two per
sons were seriously burned. The injur
ed ones are .John (lerbski, a laborer,
and William 15amrick, 15 years old.
Joseph Bevan, a minor, had just taken
the powder out of the keg, made a cart
ridge and walked up to the heading to
lire it off, when young Itamrick came in
asked (lerbski for some oil. Tho two
wont to the tool chest to get it. (lerbski
was leaning over and a spark from his
lamp dropped into the open keg, caus
ing a terrific explosion, which hurled
the two back and burned them in a
frightful manner, liamrlck was remov
ed to the home of his parents and Gerb
ski was taken to Wilkesbarre hospital.
Neither will recover.
Knights of PytliiiiH Htnte Ofllvurtt,
The committee of grand lodge oili
cors of the Knights of Pythias has
finished its count of the votes cast
for grand lodge ollicors, and they have
declared the following men elected:
Chancellor, * 11. N. Dunnoll, Scran ton:
vice chancellor, Charles P. Undo, Phila
delphia; prelate, John S. Graham, Lan
caster; keeper of records and seal,
George llawkes, Philadelphia; master of
exchequer, Julius Mountuey. Philadel
phia; master at arms, Scott Dibert,
Pittsburg; outer guard. C. M. Deen.
Heading: trustee, William 15. Hunt.
There was no election of inner guard,
as no one of the candidates received a
majority of all the votes cast. This con
test will, therefore, have to be deter
mined by the grand lodge, when it con
venes in Gettysburg next week.
New Merle* of Stuck.
The Locust Mountain Saving and
Loan Association of Ashland, Pa., will
issue the eighteenth series of stock on
August 19, when the first instalment of
$1.50 per share will lie received, said
installment being SI.OO for dues and 50
cents for initiation fee.
This association Is in existence since
August, 1870, and has matured seven
series of stock and offers special induce
ments to parties desiring to build or pay
off old mortgages.
For further information call on or
address ('has. Orion Stroll, E<q., who is
fully authorized to receive subscriptions.
Py order of the hoard of directors,
Attest: Frank Kent/., secretary.
A Pointer on Neckwear.
The assortment of neckwear curried
by L. Olslioat. his store, 57Centre street,
is as large, as neat and as pretty as you
can fiml within a radius of twenty miles,
and the important feature of this great
assortment is the low price at which it
is sold. Our readers should know by
this time that Mr. Olsho does just as ho
advertises to do, and when he says in
his ad that his neckwear is line yon can
depend that it is so. All the latest
fashionable stylos and designs in com
plete lines,
When Baby was sfck, we gave her Costoria.
When she was a Child, slio cried for Custoria.
she became Miss, she clung to Custoria.
j When she had Children, sho guvo thciu Castor ia
There is nothing cheap about tho
Wear Well footwear except the price,
it can't be lower. Try their shoos.
Sliver Sentiment Continue* to Ciuin Re
cruit* All Along tlio Line— Bryan'* Tri
umphal March Into the Home of the
Isold Men— Some Local Politics.
Schuylkill Democrats nominated their
ticket on Monday. The platform heart
ily endorses free silver and the national
ticket, and calls for the resignation of
Democratic presidential electors who
are against Bryan. The nominees are:
Congressman, Watson F. Shepherd.
Pottsvillo; treasurer. (Jeorge Fulmer.
Shenandoah: prothonotary, Harry Hradi
gan, Shenandoah; clerk f courts, Phil .1.
Comic!, (lirardville; recorder. Fred Portz.
Pottsville; commissioners, John P. Mar
tin, Pine Grove, and P. .1. Ferguson,
Shenandoah; register, J. J. Myers, Ma
hanoy City. The party is united in
every respect, and the ticket is expected
to sweep the county by several thousand
Bryan's trip to the East, from Friday
last, when he left his home at Lincoln.
Nebraska, until ho reached New York
city last night, was the greatest tour
ever made by a public official or private,
citizen in this country. Thousands
greeted him at every station, night and
day, and the ovations tendered him at.
the various stopping places were never
equalled in these towns. The demon
stration in New York city last evening,
when he was oilicially notified of his
nomination, surpassed anything of tin
kind ever attemped in the metropolis.
<n the second and third pages of this
issue will bo found his complete speech.
Before this campaign is over the Re
publicans will liud themselves pushed
pretty hard in the fourth district.
They will be invited to participate in
joint debates on the silver question ami
to come out into the open and defend
their support of the gold standard.
The Democrats cannot assure the voters
that the invitation will he accepted, but
nothing on their part will he lacking to
make this ail educational campaign.
In Foster township the silver senti
ment lias caught the Republicans, and a
break of large proportions seems immi
nent. At the last election Highland
polled twenty-four Republican votes,
and seven of these men are now radical
silver advocates. Even Sandy Run, one
of the stilfest Republican towns in tin
state, reports four converts to the cause
of bimetallism.
Since retiring from business Hugh
Malloy has made a special study of the
money question, and the results are
gratifying. He has vanquished the
gold standard men of the North ward
and lias riddled every one of their argu
ments, and is now looking for new fields
to conquer. The ye low metal people,
however, are lighting shy of him.
Thomas McGraw, accompanied by his
son, Chris 11. McGraw, of Beach Haven,
visited friends in town this week. The
latter is a candidate for the enmmission
ership nomination, and is being piloted
through the county by his father, who
was on the ticket three years ago.
At a meeting of enthusiastic Demo
crats on Monday evening at Ba/.leton a
Bryan and Sewall Silver Club was or
ganized with over luo mouthers, .lames |
I\ Gorman was elected president and
1 iauiel BriehofT secretary.
John M. Oarman lias consented to
allow his friends to present his name to
the Democratic convention as a candi
date for congress.
The contest for the nomination of
commissioners has narrowed down to
Dullard, Boons, Rcidelmau, McGraw
and Guiney.
Feruau.—At South Hehcrton, August
11, Laura May, daughter of Walter
and Anna Fenian, aged 1 mouths and
'' days. Funeral this afternoon. In
terment at Frceland coiuetoi'v.
August 21.—-Hunting's circus at Free
laud. Admission, adults, noc; chil
dren, IOC.
August 22. Picnic of the Drifton Pro
gressive Club at Drifton ball pur.c.
M IS( I:LI. \M;OI S A dvkktisemknts. i
| ()T Toll SALE. Situated on east side of'
1 J liidgc street, let ween Soot h and l.u/.criic; !
line location. Apply to Tony Paris or to T. A.
; Buckley, Krerlmid.
, 1 ASTRAY. Lame to the prcmisi sof the un-
I J dcrsigiicd, ii white cow wi-li hluck spots;
hud u hell on lior nock. Owner can have her
I l).\ paying; cost ot keeping uu<| for this udver
ti-eiuciit. Jacob Hurt, Ml. Yeager, Demiison
| township.
V iml Campaign Edition. Ilimetallism and
Monometallism, by Archbishop Walsh: price
2">e. Coin's 11 and Hook, or the Elementary
Principles of Money, b> W. 11. Ilurxey: price
10c. Coin's Financial School, "The liihlc of
t he Silver Cause,'' by W. 11. Harvey; price 2V.
Coin's financial .School Cp to I>;it<by W. ||.
Harvey; price 2;V. A Talc of Iwo Nalioiis, (a
novel) by \V. 11. Harvey: price 2V. Chapters
on Silver, by Henry (i. Miller; price •£ic. The
six tl,(kill pages ami 114 illustrations)sl. Au
encyclopedia of facts and Information on the
national issue from the standpoint of the
Democratic platform. Two million copies
sold to date. Agents wanted. Frank Weir \*
Co., Publishers, Station "<i," Now York City,
| Read - tlio - Tribune.
Fall Hats
Wo are in the field with a
complete stock of Fall llats,
which have just arrived. All
the new fall shapes ready for
early buyers.
In the !J9c Derbies,
In the popular §1.50, 5i.75
and $3.00 Derbies,
In the famous Gotham llats,
the makers' skill is fully dis
Fall Neckwear
Look in our windows and
see tlie finest exhibition of
Fall Neckwear to be seen in
Luzerne county.
Persian Shirts
The latest in Dress Shirts.
You are not in it without one.
We are selling all Summer
Goods at cost prices.
Clothing and Hat Store,
57 Centre street, Freeland.
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
Notions, Carpet, Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed,
Tobacco, Cigars,
Tin and Queen.ware,
Wood and Willowware,
Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc.
A celebrated brand of XX Hour
ulwuys in stoek.
Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
My motto is small nrollts and quick sales.
1 always have fresh goods und am
turning my slock every month.
Every artiele is guaranteed.
N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeland.
Dr. H. W. Monroe,
Located permanently in Frecland, in tin
Rirkheck brick, second Jloor, rooms 1,2 cl* 3.
Gas and ether administered for the ]>ain
less extraction of teeth. Teeth Jilled and ar
tijlcial teeth inserted.
Reasonable prices and all work fully
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa
loons in town. Fresh Rochester ami Shenan
doah lleor and Youngling's Porter on tap.
1W Centre street.
Washington and Main Streets.
HENRY HAAS, - Proprietor,
The best accommodation for permanent and
transient guests, tiood table. Fair rates. Itai
tlnely stocked. Stable attached.
Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick.
dealer iu
I) i'y Goods,
1 tools
and Slioe.s.
• Centiv itiul Mtiiu gtrci'U, I'rt'OluLKl.
81.50 PEK YEAR
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Notary Public.
< iflicc: RoorasSand4,Rfrkbcck lirick,Frecland.
All legal business promptly attended.
Pocfoffloa Building *i - * Freeland.
Wannufucturer oi
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Ac.
Walnut and l'lne-Streets, Free End.
8. E. 11AYES,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
None but Reliable Companies Represented.
Confectionery, Fruits. Cigars,
and Tobacco.
Green truck of all kinds handled in season,
lee cream parlor attached.
Opposite Ihrkbeek lirick, Frccluiid.
d. nonmucii,
General Hardware.
Iliiilders' supplies tl every kind always in
stock. Wall paper, paints and tinware. Bicy
cles and repairs of all sorts.
South Centre street.
Restaurant and Eating Saloon.
No. 13 Front Street, Frecland.
The finest Honors and cigars served at the
counter. Cool beer and porter on tap.
Baker k Confectioner.
Wholesale and Retail.
M. 11. RUN SICK Ell, Prop.
Hates, per day. liar stocKcd Willi fine
whiskey, wine, hcer and cigars. Sale and ex
change stable attuehid.
151 Centre street, KreelunU.
ml -in every Suit you
buy from me. Cor
rect measurements,
correct workmanship produce cor
rect Clothes.
Merchant Tailor, South Centre Street.
Corner of Centre and Front Streets,
Freeland, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kan Tor Club,
Roscnbluth's Velvet, >f which wo have
Muinm's Extra Dry Champagne,
liounessy llrandy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
Hum and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
Bullcntiue and llu/lcton beer on tap.
Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Centre Street, Frecland.
Confectionery 'i Ice Cream
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj
. town and surroundings every day.