Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 25, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. VIII. NO. 95.
!;j Tlxis "Weed's
r \ | Calico
.jj Our specialty for one week
X from today. It's not an irnpor-
W tant article, but it's something
ill that is constantly in need. The
ijj shelves are full of it, and we in
. ;a tend to make-it go fast.
Jjj We give you 10 yards of an
(l- unsurpassable quality for 69c.
JB HOW is that for a bargain?
\\( . .
if Dimities
w A glance at the beautiful line
dj of these goods is convincing
•Jt that our lot is complete. We
•ji expect the buying to he done
U rapidly. Kindly call and make
fp your selections now.
tjf Prices very low—from 5c up.
Ladies' Hose
yj/ Two pairs of seamless best
|j black for a quarter would he
. -jj called a big reduction in some
. ' }jj stores.
}> We give you three pairs of
Ky the latest make, quality guar
uj anteed, for 25c.
;Jj See the difference?
|| Spool Cotton
An elegant line of Cotton
*j came into our hands a few days
ty since. We got it cheap—it goes
Vj! the same way.
yjf A spool of the best costs 4c.
| For Gents
yj| We have a hot weather spe
•Jj cialty in the shape of a French
Percale Shirt.
Jj'' Your choice for 49c.
i< J. P. McDonald.
Centtc and South streets, Frecland.
I PROPOSALS.—UntiI Monday, June 1, at 7
.1. p. in., tlio Froolaiul school board will re
ceive sealed proposals for the purchase of the
Washington street school buildings. The
property must be removed by the buyer.
The board reserves the right to reject all bids.
Send proposals to James It. Ferry, secretary.
1). J. McCarthy, president.
lYOlt SALE.—Boot, shoe and gents' furnish
_F ing store at a bargain; has done excellent
business for eight years; good locution. Apply
to Hugh Malloy, Centre ami Walnut, Freeland.
T/UJIt SALE.—Two fresh cows, with calves.
J' Thos. Brown, Washington st., Freeland.
Employes at No. 5 Jeddo are afraid
that the water in tlio old Pinkash work
ings inay be tapped at any moment.
They are going directly for this vast
underground sea, and tlio thoughts of
their danger make the most courageous
vinon timid.
Much trouble is had at some of the
l breakers in cleaning coal properly.
The large amount of stripping "stulT"
i causes 20 per cent of the coal ready for
■ market to he condemned. This has to be
I run through the breakers a second time.
The railroaders of tlio Lehigh valley
I are preparing to observe Railroaders*
I Memorial Day in a becoming manner.
rTlie date is June 14. The exorcises will
ho hold at Mauch Chunk under the aus
■ pices of the brotherhoods.
Superintendents Marley and McMenn
mln, of Jeddo, are pushing the work at
Ehervale, and will soon have the main
colliery there ready to resume opera
tions. The water lias nearly all passed
1 out through tlio big tunnel.
William Hayes, of Providence, who
r| recently succeeded Thomas Reed as
I assistant mine foreman at Jeddo, is re-
I commended by Lackawanna miners as
an official who can be depended upon
treating the employes justly and fairly.
L The Fearnots Athletic Association,
P which will conduct a ball in Cross Creek
■fc hall on the evening of May 29, lias every-
B tliing # coinpleto. It promises to heat all
■ records as a social event.
MB G. A. Brenckman, operator at the
■ Western Union office, lias resigned. On
June 1 ho will accept a position in
I Philadelphia.
John Bechtloft moved his household
I efleets to Weatherly last week, having
I secured a position in a blacksmith shop
■ at that place.
William Gallagher left last week for
H New York, whore he had accepted a
I position.
Mrs. Scott, one of Coal Dale's most
h respected residents, is spending a few
weeks here as the guest of Mrs. Samuel
■ Davis.
f William Malloy, of town, has accepted
a position as miner at Throop.
Hugh llanlon, of Mahanoy City, called
ft friends here last week.
Griffith G. Roberts, of Aurienrieri, Found
Wounded Near a Railroad Track at
Ila/.leton Thursday Night— Died Before
Regaining ConscioiiHUCHS.
(inlVith G. Roberts, of Audenried,
the assistant superintendent of the
Leliigh and Wilkosbarre Coal Com
pany's collieries on the South Side,
died at 9 o'clock on Friday morning at
Ha/.leton hospital. It is supposed that
he was foully dealt with during tin; pre
vious evening, having been found un
conscious alongside the Lehigh Valley
tracks near the Hazleton shops.
The circumstances leading to the
death are involved in mystery. Mr.
Roberts was found Thursday night
between in and 11 o'clock near the rail
road track. Engineer Greby, of an in
coming passenger train, noticed the
body lying alouside of the track, stop
ped the train and the body was taken to
the depot for recognition, but the
features were so much covered with
blood that it was not identified by those
present. There wore yet signs of life
and he was immediately taken to the
miners' hospital, where ho lay in an
unconscious state until he died.
Detective Bnuidage, of the Lehigh
Valey Railroad, visited the spot where
he was found, and about twenty feet
from where lie lay the detective picked
up a piece of guspipe about two feet
long and two and a half iuclns in
diameter, with traces of blood on it and
some human hair, and it is believed the
deathblow that killed Roberts was
struck with the section of pipe.
The police and detectives, while be
lieving that Mr. Griffiths was mur
dered, are at a loss to assign a motive
for the deed other than revenge for
some real or supposed wrong. The
money in his pockets, §26, and the watch
had not been touched. Mr. Roberts has
been in the region for years and was
very popular, not only among the em
ployes under him, but among the people
in general.
Deputy Coroner McCoinbs cmpanneled
the following jury': K. G. Russell, fore
man; Joseph Edwards, clerk; Harry
Stout, store manager; L. L. llabcock,
laborer; C. Glicm, mechanic, and Philip
11/ Gilbert, braketnan, who visited the
scene of the murder. The skull was not
fractured, but each of the three cuts on
the head wore produced by a blunt in
strument. Under every one a clot of
blood, causing concussion of the brain,
was discovered. Coroner McCoinbs is
convinced that tin? superintendent was
the victim of foul play.
Mr. Roberts was born in Wales in
1854, and emigrated to America in 18Gb
and settled at Slatington. In 1878 he
assumed the position of lire boss for the
Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal Company
at Ashley, lie was transferred to the
South Side eight years ago and since
1802 has been assistant superintendent.
He was a member of the Welsh Congre
gational church, Audcnricd, the
Knights of Pythias lodge of Rangor and
the Royal Arcanum of Wllkesbarre.
0<11 Fellows' Meeting.
The Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania met
at Pittsburg last week. The new officers
are: Amos 11. Hall, Philadelphia, master:
W. Gaylord Thomas, Scranton, deputy
master; James 11. Nicholson, Phila
delphia, secretary: M. R. Mucklc, Phila
delphia, treasurer; Robert E. Wright,
Allentown, representative, and Samuel
McKcever, Philadelphia, warden. The
plan to raise the per capita tax from 10
cents every half-year to 12 cents, in*
order to meet tho running expenses,
which the past year were #B,OOO ahead
of the receipts, was settled by com
promising on a raise to 11 cents.
Williamsport was selected for the next
The seventh session of the Daughters
of Rebckah was also held in the same
city. The officers Installed are: Presi
dent, Mrs. S. L. Erdmann, Philadelphia:
vice president, Mrs. Rose Uevan; secre
tary, Mrs. Mary M. Joslyn, Philadelphia:
treasurer, Mrs. Jane M. Lyon, Maha
uoy, City; grand warden, Mrs. Charles
Marron, Philadelphia. The secretary
said in her report that there were last
year 104 lodges in Pennsylvania, and
that now the number is 105. There are
11,311 members.
A. <>. 11. St'HhiitnK Kndml.
The state convention of the A. O. 11.,
11. of E., closed at Carbondalo on Friday.
Joseph McLaughlin, of Philadelphia,
was elected state delegate; Patrick J.
McDonnell, of Carbondalo, secretary,
and Michael Murray, of Wilkosbarre,
treasurer. Pittsburg was selected with
out opposition as tho place in which the
next convention will be held. It was
decided to divide the state into ten dis
tricts and appoint a paid organizer in
each district t> dovoto his time to in
creasing themeaiborship. The competi
tion of organizers was lixed at #5 a day
and three cents a mile for traveling ex
penses. In addition to this they will be
given #25 for organizing divisions in
counties where there are none now. It
was also decided to levy an assessment
of 5 cents per member annually to pay
the salaries of those organizers.
A Foster Township Teacher Arrested on
a Serious Charge.
The recent light for the superinten
doney of the Foster township schools
has been the means of causing consider
able bad blood, and soino startling de
velopments are promised in the near
future. On Friday afternoon, says the
Ilazleton Standard, Constable Duser,
armed vvitli a warrant sworn out by
Superintendent Gabrio. arrested G. N.
Vananker, teacher of the Jeddo borough
school, on the charge of malicious libel.
The libel referred to was in a letter
written to Charles W. Barton, one of the
school directors of Foster township, in
which he charged Prof. Gabrio, among
other things, of drinking a glass of beer
in the Central hotel, Freeland; of keep
ing company with a lady instead of one
of his own teachers, and many others
offenses, some of which cannot be put in
Constable Duser brought Mr. Van lin
ker to this city, and immediately took
him"before Alderman Schutter for a
hearing. Mr Vanuuker acknowledged
having written the letter, but was of the
opinion that it was confidential, and
would not be circulated further.
This was all that the prosecutor, who
was represented by Attorney Jones,,
desired. Alderman Schutter placed the
accused under SSOO bail for his appear
ance at court. Fred Ilillor, Jesse Aiden
and a Mr. Fisher became Mr. Vanau
kcr's bondsmen. It is stated that sev
eral other arrests will follow shortly.
Reel Men's Convention.
Four hundred delegates, attended the
state convention of Red Men at Colum
bia last week. The report of the chief
of records, Thomas K. Donnelly, showed
the membership to bo 32,410, a net gain
during tin; year of 2,165. The officers
for the ensuing year are: Sachem, Wal
ter B. White; senior sagamore, Walter
It. liodgers; junior sagamore, Jerome
I lite; prophet, John E. l'ooro; chief of
records, Thomas K. Donnelly; keeper of
wampum, George W. Kroamer; repre
sentatives to great council, Rcah F. Wil
son, Harry E. Shaw, Thomas A. Beyer
and Clement 11. Smith. It was I'ecom
mendod that the salary of the great
chief of records bo increased from §1,200
to §1,500 and that he be given an assist
ant. The hall trustees reported having
sold the hall at Philadelphia for §12,270.
Munch Chunk is the next meeting place.
The auxiliary body of the Degree of
Pocahontas presented the following re
port: Receipts for year, §20,384; relief
expenditure, §7,034; funeral benefits,
§1.412; other purposes, §9,416; total
worth of councils, §20,252. Membership
this time last year, 4.461; suspended,
842; expelled, 5; withdrawn, 45; deceased,
30; admitted, 1,185; present membership,
4,597; net increase of 130.
Fred Horlacliui-'a Failure.
Fred Horlaclier, the bottler, with es
tablishments at Allontown, Slatington
and Lchighton, and who was in thai
business here a few years ngo, has failed
for -Ji large amount. The failure was
precipitated by the issuing of three ex
ecutions by John F. Botz & Son,
brewers, of Philadelphia. One of them
is for §10,300.39, another §5,585.57 and
the third for §5,000, a total of nearly
In addition to Bctz & Son's claims
there are on record in tlio prothonotary's
office executions for nearly §19,000 more
against Mr. Horlaclier, as follows:
Magnus Beck Brewing Company, Phila
delphia, §3,272,15; Prospect Brewing
Company, Philadelphia, §IO,OOO, and
Edward Harvey, Allentown, §5,500.
Mr. Horlacher's failure was hastened
by the recent failure of the Carbon Im
provement Company, of Lchighton.
Young: Man's Horrible I>oatli.
An accident occurred at Flnbcrg's
store in Wilkesbarre last wook. Am
brose Morgan, aged 19 years, employed
as a clerk, wanted to take a ride on tin?
elevator, and after ringing the bell pro
truded his head into the elevator shaft.
Ho looked down tlio shaft, evidently ex
pecting the elevator to come up. The
elevator came down and the bottom
struck Morgan a tcrriblo blow, dragging
him tiirough the aperture on to the
elevator lloor and killing him instantly.
The head was almost severed from the
Bright iiiul Capable.
From the Shiekehinny Echo.
Frank DcPiorro, of Freeland, who
announces his candidacy for the Repub
lican nomination of county commis
sioner, is making a vigorous canvass for
the place, lie is a bright and capable
young business man and a worthy rep
resentative of his race. He stands well
whore lie is known and if hard work
will count for anything will not be pass
ed at the convention.
Itrt Appeairnncc Improved.
The force of men employed by Bur
gess McLaughlin in cleaning the Public
park finished the work on Friday, and
the grounds now present a much better
appearance. There is, however, room for
the expenditure of more money in
beautifying this spot, and council should
appropriate for that purpose every
dollar not otherwise needed.
The Wear Well has just the kind of
shoes you need for this weather.
Will Not lie a Candidate for ('onjjrps
hiooal Honors This Year.
Congressman Lctsenring lias informed
his friends of the twelfth congressional
district that he will not be a candidate
for rcnomination at the next Luzerne
county convention. His reason for
withdrawing at this time, he says, is
that important personal interests will
demand his continued attention for
some time and will not permit him to
engage in active politics this year. At
the adjournment of congress he will
prepare for a trip to Europe.
Mr. Leiscnring had no opposition for
rcnomination. His withdrawal will pre
cipitate a lively light in the district, as
many prominent Republicans have been
anxiously waiting his decision in the
matter, not curing to enter the field
until something definite was known.
The following are mentioned for the
nomination: Morgan B. Williams.
Colonel Will Harvey, Wilkosbarre;
George Ferris, Pitts ton; Gains L. Hal
soy, White Haven, and Charles Wilde.
Attorney Ilalsev has given notice that
lie will not be a candidate.
Muyberry liantl Concert.
The concert given on Saturday even
ing by the May berry band at Valines'
opera house was poorly attended, but
was highly appreciated by the audience.
The following delightful programme was
rendered in a masterly manner:
Overture, "Zuinpu" (F. Herold
Cornet solo, "Lucia" (Donizetti
Morgan DeFoy.
Waltzes, "Daughter of L0v0"...(C. W. Bonnet
CI rand selection, "II Trovutoro" (G. Vordi
Jupanese march (Chus. Pruoner
Clarinet solo, "La Traviata" (fj. Verdi
V. Petri Hi.
Overture, "Morning, Noon und Night"
(F. von Suppc
llot stufT (Scott Snow
Stur Spangled Banner
In addition to the above, Master
Freddie Stubor, of Bothlchcm, rendered
a number of charming selections, which,
with the solos of Messrs. DeFoy and
Pctrilll, were loudly applauded.
Wounded After Ills Marriage.
George Gowitz was married at Plym
outh and a reception followed at his
now house. About 9 o'clock the party
was interrupted by the presence of Wil
liam and John Lewis. They made fun
of the Polish people and their dance
and wore very annoying.
Finally Cowitz went over to the men
and requested them to stop. They made
fun of him, and ho ordered them from
the house. One word brought 011 an
other and a light ensued.
William Lewis drew a revolver and
(ired, the bullet striking Cowitz in his
side, lie dropped to thogroiind and the
Lewis boys ran away. They have not
been captured. Cowitz was seriously
Hmviiro of tlic Itug Men.
Swindlers arc operating in the lower
Lehigh valley. The plan is to offer
rugs at 50 cents each and when a sale is
made the agent proposes that the pur
chaser accept the agency of the article
in that particular locality. A supposed
contract is signed as an application for
the agency, then the rug man departs.
Next day his confederate appears 011
the scene, and the paper signed is
proven to be a promisary note. The
swindlers arc very slick and have on
trapped sovoral people. The face value
of the note Is usually #IOO.
Fire Company Matters.
The Hose Company has ap
pointed a committee of throe to assist
Janitor .1. M. I'owoll in taking care of
tin; Public park. The directors have
boon instructed to request council to
pay over to the company the annual ap
propriation of #IOO. A special meeting
will be held 011 Wednesday evening to
complete arrangements for the Memorial
Day parade.
The attendance at the park yesterday
was ample testimony of the popularity
of the. game in this town. Nearly 1,000
people, including all classes, nationali
ties, ages and sexes, spent a delightful
afternoon there, and not a word was
said nor an act committed to which the
most fastidious could take offense. The
sentiment of the community is that tin-
Tigers, by playing Sunday ball, art
doing more to maintain order and
genuine rsspect for the day than any
other lay agency in Frcelaud.
McFadden and McGeehan had special I
reasons for playing brilliantly yesterday.
They not "fast" enough for Hazle
ton, so it was said, but their ability to
outshine any two of that team is appa
rent to all. The former accepted sev
enteen chances and the latter nine
without an error.
The scarcity of money is quite a
drawback to the attendance at games
all through the coal region this season.
Carbondale, it is said, is about to go
The Stars had an off-day yesterday.
They were defeated by the Juniors in
the morning by a score of 7 to (J.
Easton State league club will be given
an opportunity to show what it can do
next Sunday against tin; Tigers.
A. Oswald sells spring and summer
dress goods at reduced prices.
TliycrH Win from tlie Shite Lu,ne Club
In a I'rclty Game Ytorday—A Con
teit fr Supreme..,' Won by tile Local
Team—A Fine I-Jxliihition.
The work of the Tigers yesterday in
defeating the Hazleton State league
club was one of the most notable
victories that tho boys have won since
they undertook to defend Freoland's
reputation in the base ball arena. The
aggregation from over the hill appeared
to think that the defeats given the
Tigers by Carbondale and Lancaster
made them easy marks, and accom-!
paniod by several of Hazleton's rooters
they came here yesterday with the firm
intention of trouncing the amateurs so
well that State league clubs would be
lot severely alone in the future by the
North Side players. Their expectations
were not realized by several runs, and
they departed for home last night the
most crest-fallen and dejected club that
ever lost a game in Frcelaud.
The Hazleton people evidently ex
pected to have a walkover from the fact
that they put Turnbach, who pitched
for the Tigers last Sunday, in the box.
The home players objected strenuously
to this, as they were prepared to meet
the strongest pitcher that Hazleton
could command, but Manager Wcstlake
persisted in putting him in. Before the
end of the first inning they were glad to
take him out, as tho sum total of his
pitching amounted to four bases on balls
and two men bit by pitched balls, which
scored four runs. Centre fielder Cooper
succeeded Turnbach, and off him the
Tigers made their twelve hits.
The game abounded witli circus plays
which were performed mainly by the
home players. McGarvoy 'and Boyle
made sensational fly catchers, and Fois
ler's short-stop work was a feature.
The hitter's coaching also put consider
able enthusiasm in the game and had
the effect of instilling confidence into
every player. The three double plays
executed by tho Tigers were perfectly
done. The last one by McGeehan, Fois
ler and % McFadden, which retired the
side in tho ninth inning, was performed
amid tremendous applause.
Hazleton men played a good fielding
game, but could not hit Groux effectively
at tin? proper time. Vought's home run
was made on a hit to right field which
ordinarily would not have meant more
than two bases, but the ball appeared
to get fast in the grass, which gave the
runner a good start.
Tho Tigers playing was gilt-edged
throughout the whole game.
The score:
K. 11. O. A. K.I H. 11. o. A. K.
M'F'dd'n.lbl 217 0 OJHobright,lf I () 1 0 I
Schincur,c..l 2 0 1 0 Vought, 2b.4 1 2 n
M*Gcoh'ii,2b 1 1 4 5 (l;Cooper,ef,p 1 1 u 2 n
Groux, p 20 0 1 oSmith. 18...1 2HI (J 1
M'Gurv'y.cf2 1 2 0 o.GW'tluke,3bu 1 1 2 0
Boyle, 3b. .1114 1 Wcigund, ss 0 0 2 5 I
Feislcr,sb...3 3 2 7 0 Pliess, r1....l 1 1 0 U
11 or roil, ir..O 0 1 0 OToft, e 0 15 11
Morun, rf...0 2 0 0 1 T"nbYh,p,cl'o bill)
Mat I ecu, 1 11 I 2 (I 11
Total ....11 12 27 1H 2
; Total .... 7 1127 13 4
Tigers 0 110 110 1 0-11
Hazleton 2 1 1 0 3 u 0 0 0— 7
Runs earned. Tigers 2; Hazleton, 8. Three
base hits, Solimear, Smith. Homo run, Vought.
Sacrifice hit, Groux. Struck out, by Cooper,
3. Base 011 balls, off Groux, 2; off Turnbacli, 4;
off Cooper, 4. Double plays, Keisler, McGee
han, McFadden; Boyle, McFadden; McGeehan,
Feisler. McFadden; Weigand, Smith. Ilii In
pitched ball, Groux, McGarvcy. stolen bases,
McFadden, Groux, 2; McGarvcy, 2; Boyle, 2;
Toft. Fussed bull. Toft. Time, 1.40. Umpire,
Anthracite League.
The Travelers came out ahead at
Lattimor yesterday. Tho game was
well-played. Score, 14 to 8.
At Drlfton tho McAdoo team captured
a game from tho Fcarnots by a score of
9 to 0. •
The two Hazleton teams met for the
first time yesterday. Tho Athletics
won, 20 to 5.
The clubs stand as follows:
w. i.. p.c.l w. L. I.C.
Athletics... 4 0 1.000 Pioneers ... 1 2 .Ktt
Travelers.. 3 1 .750 Lnt timer... 1 3 .250
McAdoo.... 2 1 .007 Fcarnots ... 0 4 .000
Additional locals on the fourth page.
Fit for a King.
Some tailors are capable of making good
fits; others arc not. Some spoil cloth; others
don't. Practice makes a man perfect.
There is nothing like it. An experienced
hand in ererg rocation commands attention.
lIKFOWICII, the leading tailor, has
none but experienced men in his enrptog. ft
would not gag him to hare any others. He
makes clothing Jit for a king. Call and see
hie neic spring and summer patterns.
Let the X Rays Alone!
Let the Hot Summer
Rays Come!
We Are Ready for Them !
Our Straw Hats
Are here in abundance.
Latest styles in hundreds
of shapes and prices to suit
everybody—loc to 81.50.
American Beauties
Our Summer Suits in all
the most fetching shades
may well be designated
thus. A perfect fit, well
cut and well made Suits,
at prices you will pay for
commonplace goods else
For Little Fellows
XVe have secured a large
line of first class Hoys'
Suits at very low prices,
and we'll give our patrons
the benefit of it.
Fine Shirtwaists from
25c upwards, well made
and fast colors.
Our Shirts and Neckwear
are unexcelled. New lines
of each just arrived. Come,
see and admire.
Boys' Sweaters, 25c.
Leather Bicycle Belts,
57 Centre street, Freelaud.
Dry Goods, Groceries
and Provisions.
Notions, Carpet, Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed,
Tobacco, Cigars,
2Hn and Queensware,
Wood and Willowware,
'Table and Floor Oil Cloth, Etc.
A celebrated brand of XX tlour
always in stock.
Roil Butter and Eggs a Specialty.
My motto is small prollts and quick sales.
I always have l'resh goods and am
turning my stock every month.
Every article is guaranteed.
N. W. Cor. Centre and Front St*., Freehold.
Dr. H. W. Monroe,
Located permanently in Frecland, in tin
Birkbeck brick, second floor, rooms 1,2 <(• 3.
Gas and ether administered for the pain
less extraction of teeth. 'Teeth filled and ar
tificial teeth inserted.
Reasonable prices and all work fully
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
Liquor, Wine, Beer,
Porter, Etc.
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa
loons in town. Fresh Koehcster and Shenan
doah Deer and Youngling's Porter on tap.
08 Centre street.
Washington and Main Streets.
HENRY HAAS, - Proprietor,
The best accommodation for permanent and
transient guests. Good table. Fair rates. Bar
finely stocked. Stable attached.
Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick.
dealer in
Dry CJoods,
1 >oots
and Slioew.
Centro uuil Mttiu streets, Frecland.
81.50 PER YEAR
Attorney and Counselor at Law
I and
Notary Public.
Office: Itooms3nnd 4,Birkbockltrlek,Frecland.
All legal basinets prwaptly attendod.
Postoffln. Bunding, • Freeland.
Mannufacturer ai
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c.
Walnut and Pine Streets, Frecland.
jyjRS. S. E. lIAYKS,
Fire Insurance Agent.
Washington Street.
None but Reliable Companies Represented.
'T* 11. KNfiKR,
Contractor and Builder.
. Estimates cheerfully given. ISriek build
ings U specialty, fnrrespundeuee solicited.
P. O. Box 411, Muueb Chunk, Pa.
Carpet Weaver.
All kinds of plain carpet, single anil double
warp, woven in best of style. Only the very
best yarn used. Prices reasonable mid work
guaranteed. Pall at shop or residence
Opposite electric car terminus, Centre street.
Baker & Confectioner.
Wholesale and Retail.
M. 11. lIUNSICKER, Prop.
Bates, per day. Bar stocked with Hue
whiskey, wine, beer and cigars, isale and ex
change stable attached.
Restaurant and Eating Saloon.
No. 11l Front Street, Freelaud.
The finest liquors and cigars served at the
counter. Cool beer and porter on tap.
Centre Street, Freelaud.
A large variety of cloths always on hand.
Perfect Jit guaranteed and style up-to-date.
Prices equally as low as any house in town.
151 Centre street, Frecland.,
Corner of Centre and Front Streets,
Freelaud, Pa.
Finest Whiskies in Stock.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Roseublulll's Velvet, of which we have
Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne,
Honnossy Rrandy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc.
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Etc.
Ballentinc and Hazletou beer on tap.
Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents.
J. B. LAUBACH, Prop.
Centre Street, Freeland.
Confectionery <s Ice Cream
l supplied to hulls, parties op picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagon* to all parts oj
l, town and surroundings every day.