Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 11, 1896, Image 3

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Anxiously watch declining health of
their daughters. So many are cut off j
by consumption in early years that
there is real causo for anxiety. In 1
the early stages, when not beyond j
tho reach of medicine, Hood's Sarsa
parilla will restore the quality aud
quantity of tho blood and thus give j
good health. Head the following letter:
"It Is but just to writo about my
daughter Cora, aged 10. Bbo was com
pletely run down, declining, lia.l that tired :
feeling, and friends said sho would not
live over throe months. She had a bad
ind nothing soomod to do hor any good.
I happened to road about Hood's Sarsapa
rilla aud had hor give it a trial. From the
rory first doso sho began to got batter,
Iftor taking a few bottles sho was com
pletely euro 1 an 1 hor lioalth has boon tho
>o3t ovor since." Mas. ADDIE PECK.
15 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
"I will say that my mother has not
jtatod my caso in as strong words as I ;
would havo done. Hood's Sirsaparilla
has truly cured mo au.l I am now well."
CORv PECK, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Bo sure to got Hood's, because
fstheOneTruoßlood Purifier. A (druggists. SI
Vrupared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills salaams
You are wasting money
when you buy cheap binding
instead of the best
Remember there is no "just
as good "when the merchant
urges something else for
"Bia3 Velveteen Skirt Binding.
Look for 41 S. H. & M.," on the Label,
anil take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you
wc will.
Send for samples showing labels and materials,
to the S. H. & M. Co.. P. O. Pox 699, New York City-
Kaphael, AiißPto, Kiibci'.g, Ttuuto
The "LINENE" are the Best and Most FconomW
Ml Guitars and Cnfftt worn; they are niadtf of fun
cloth, both stiles flniebed alike, ami lxvni< rrveraV
bio. one collar i> equal to two ot any olbor J.ind.
Iheu tit well, vrnr well awl look well. A box ol
"Ten Collars or Fivsl'atrsof Cuffs for Twenty-Firs
A Hf.mple CoPar and Pair of Cuffs by mall far Hi
Qnta. Name stylo and sire. Address
H VtaaUia Bt.> New York. S? Killur St.. Bortaa,
r n u i.i oo
"jB IMfllji
U. T. HOIIUAI. Saii'iarr. tT It Ol JOI UIUUK!
0 & D GfRMAN D ant
for Skin and S£iood Diseases
vSuccessfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal Exnininet U 8 P-HHIOII Burouu.
3.vielu lust war, luadjudicatingdniuirt, utty ttiuco.
Cripplo Croek— 'eMh'tohlHtryof thOßre t
Kohl ramp, with our Id : <'• <o\ nuper :l mos. for
In stamp*. I llusl ruicl WfHtli. I). liver Colo.
✓O What's your
husband's work?
Does lie have to do anything as hard as your
// washing and scrubbing? It can't be.
/ \w Ajk What can a man do that's as hard, for most
IIV vV/ l\r" s - - men, as this constant house
\\\ -\ drudgery is, for most women?
' If he has any sympathy for
j .' you, tell him to get you some
\iX /W r Pearline. Sympathy is all
' very well, but it's Pearline,
not sympathy, that you want for washing and cleaning.
Nothing else that's safe to use will save you so much down
right hard work at the wash tub or about the house. It saves
money, too —saves the ruinous wear on clothes and paint
from needless rubbing.
a 11 I'M if i'-w WnU Panrr i* Insni.ltaiy. KAISCHIIM: IN \
i ■ For Kale by Faint Dealers Everywhere.
\paper 1 s havo £PPF A Tint Card showln* 13 desirable tints, also Alabastlne f
Athraeliom. Ha by may recover MILL Souvenir Rock Rent.freo to any one mentioning this paper. A
fbut.annotthrive • ALARANTI\F. CO.. tirand Rapid*. Tnlelt. f
per acre upwards, with buildings, fruits, timber, wator, etc.; boat climate In U. 8.;
good market.'', great variety of crops, vegetables and fruits; noted for health fulness;
future prospects bright. Address PYJLK fc DcIIAVJbLN, Heal instate Agents, Petersburg, Vu.
Popo Lfto's RnyhooJ.
| He spent his childhood in the simple
surroundings of Carpineto, than which
J noue could be simpler, as every one
knows who has ever visited an Italian
I country gentleman in his home. Early
I hours, constant exercise, plain food,
and farm interests made a strong man
I of him, with plenty of simple common
sense. As a boy he was a great walk
er and climber, and it is said that he
was excessively fond of birding, the
! only form of sport afforded by that
j part of Italy, aud practised there in
j those times, as it is now, not only
with gnus, but by means of nets, it
lias often been said that poets and
lovers of freedom come more frequent-
J ly from the mountains and the sea
j shore than from a flat inland region.—
i Century.
What Neglect May I)o.
There are some infirmities that only a
surgeon's knife will relievo, and mostly
strictly beoause of neglect. A neglected nerve
pain may becomo so chronic as to cripple,
and this is often the case with Sciatica. If
taken iu time, it is easily subdued, like other
nerve pains, aud vigor ami health are re
stored. Thousands of cases have been treated
by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, with the result
of a prompt and permanent cure ami restora
tion to health of tho afTectod nerve. People
cannot bo too careful with their nerves.
Thoie is too much to suffer to admit of fool
ish neglect, and tho simple thing of gutting
a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil aud applying
promptly may save years of misery and per
haps years of crippled condition. Let t!ii=
warning servo to show what can be an 1 what
ought to be done without dc(ay in an attack
of this disease.
FITS stopped free by Dm KLINE'S GREAT
NERVE RESTORER. NO fits after first dav'a
use. Marvelous cures. Treatiso and £2.00 trial
bottle free. I)r. Kline, fffil Arch St., Pldla., Pa.
Piso's Cure is a wonderful Cough medicine.
—MRS. \V. PICKKKT, Van Sirlen and Blake
Aves., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 'Ut.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inllamina
tiou, allays pain; cures wind colic. 2Cc a Lottie.
Should Watch tho Physical De
velopment of Their Daughters.
Information They Should Furnish nt the
Proper Time—Knowledge by Which
Suffering May Do Avoided.
Every mother possesses information
of vital value to her young daughter.
When tho girl's thoughts become
sluggish, with
headache, dizzi
a mystery to herself aud friends, then,
her mother should come to her aid.
Lydia E. Piukhain's Vegetable Com
pound will, at this time, prepare the
! system for the coming change. Sec
I that she has it, and Mrs. Pinkham, at
, Lynn, Mass., will cheerfully answer
any letters where information is do-
I sired. Thousands of women owe their
i health to her and the Vegetable Com
| pound, and mothers are constantly
! applying to her for advice regarding
j their daughters.
| W
W. 13. I'*ATT. Sac. °'tit ktit,'led! '* C *
Mrs. Lillian B. Pardee, although a
wifo and mother, has found time to
distinguish herself in muny ways. Sho
has the unique honor to be Secretary
ol tho Souatofor the new Stale of Utah.
Sho is an ardent suffragist and was
nominated for a scat in the Senate,
but on tho decision of tho Supreme
Court of the State that it was illegal ior
women to vote, voluntarily withdrew
her name. In recommending her for
her present post tho President of tho
Senate stated that ho did BO in the con
viction that sho was eminently well
fitted for tho place, her previous rec
ord as Secretary of the County Com
mittee having been a brilliant and
satisfactory one.
"One of tho sad things in our busi
ness," said an auctioneer, "is to sell
oat tho contents of boarding houses.
There are a number of women who
open up a boarding house without tho
the slightest experieneo whatever in
the business, and it very frequently
happens that they fail. They think
that because tbera are a number of
other women who make boarding
houses a success that they can do so.
So they get together tho necessary
monoy to make a start, aud in they go.
It does not tako long for them to dis
cover that there is a seienco in hoop
ing boarders of which they are ignor
ant. Their boardors find it out also.
The result is that they hnvo to give
np, aud we are called in to sell them
out."—Washington Star.
Considerable ingenuity is displayed
nowadays in coining new names "for
women's clubs and societies. Much
of it follows the system invented by
Lewis Carroll in "Alice in Wonder
land," a system of portmanteau words,
of which chortle nud galumphing are i
the most popular. In Washington
they have Wimodaughsis, which looks
like an ludian name, but is really
coined from tho first syllable of tho
four words of wife, mother, daughter
and sister. Iu Jersey City is Phil
itseipoma, which stands for philoso
phy, literature, soienee, poetry,
music and art. Brooklyn towers over
the rest with Chiropean, which stands
for Christianity, honesty, independ
ence, resolution, obedience, patriot
ism, energy, ambition and newness.—
New York Mail and Express.
When the restaurant of the Margaret
Louisa Home, an institntion patron
ized exclusively by women, was iirst
opened, its sugar bowls were filled
with lump sugar. This was some years
ago. Enter tho restaurant to-day ami
you will find tho bowls all filled witb
soft sugar. Why? Well, tho cause is
quite natural, even if it is something
of a reflection upon woman and her
ethics. It was found necessary tosub
stitute the soft sugar becauso tho pa
trons stole so much of tho lump. Only
two or thres lumps by each individual
nt a time, to bo euro, but tho practice
was so general and so unremitting,
that the linuuces of tho "Home" soon
began to feel it sorely. Even now,
under the soft sugar regime, it is said
t hat the women carry oil a by no means
inconsiderable quantity, tying it un
iu coixors of their pocket handker
chiefs aud evon bringing envelopos for
tbo purpose. Eat tho amount hasn't
yet equalled that of tbo former dep
redations, and, as "a conseqneneo, tho
grocer's bills of tho "Home" have been
reduced to a normal size.—New York
A chemist who is nearly as learned
as tho Modicii in all the subtle secrets
of scent, said not long ugo : "I wonder
when the world nt large will come to
realize that there is very much more
in perfumes than meets the nose. I
mean scents havo other properties
than those of which tho olfactory
sense takes cognizance. For example,
the smell of roses, thyme, borgamot,
clove pinks, some of the honeysuckles,
grapes, both blossom and fruit; peach
and pium blossoms, are both tonie
and prophylactic. They add to the
ozono of environment, either by giv
ing it off themselves, or liberating it
from other elements of tho atmos
phere. Contrariwiso, nearly ull tho
lily family, tuberoses, ueroli—which
is oil of oraugo fiowers —violets and
nearly all the artificial perfumes are
depressants aud iiritant to the nerves
and the mucous membrane.
"Musk is to many constitutions
slow poison—henoo the danger of
cheap perfumes. Musk is tho basis of
thorn all. It must be, since it has so
great a quality of fixing other odors.
A very little of tho scent substance
goes a long way, if lixod with musk.
Do you know a grain of musk was
weighed, then left exposed in a rooni;
lor five years. Throughout that time
tho odor was almost insufferably
strong in the place, yet at the end of
it the woight of tho musk had not)
diminished a particle. Hut that is!
beside the mark. What I set out toi
say was: JBewaro of tho Uowor or the
substance whose scent gives a sense of)
oppression. Nature is a pretty safoi
guide, and the smothering is her dan-i
ger signal."—New York Journal. j
There are 37,000 women telegraph),
operators iu the United States.
Tho Princess of Wales has had
printed for private distribution some
songs which she has composed for tho
Princess Helena of England (Prin
cess Christian of Sclileswig-Holstein)
is writing a book of etiquetto for wo
men in good society.
Tho Empress of Austria walks twelve
raile3 daily iu tho open air. A male
attendant accompanies her, reading
Homer aloud in Greek.
Lady Parry, widow of tho famous
Admiral Parry, of Arctio fame, died
in London tho other day at the age of
eighty-eight. Her husband died in
Chicago society has decided that
miniatures are tho correct thing and
tho miniature painters are gathering
sheckels. Photographs uro so com
mon, you know.
The academic education of women
in Germany las made such progress
that it is now proposed to sot aside
ouo important university for their
chief if not exolusive use.
The Senate of Cambridge, England,
by a voto of 18G to 171, has rejected
tho proposition to appoint a commit
tee to consider tho question of con
ferring degrees upon women.
Sarah Bernhardt's houso in Paris is
always kept in order for her by her
retinue of servants, and when she re
turns 6he finds flowers in all tho vases
and things just as she left them.
Mr 3. Hinchliff, of Rockford, Ul.
has received two patents on improved
methods of knitting hosiery and un
derwear. Her father has largo knit
ting establishments iu Rockford,
Lady Eva Quin i 3 tho most noted
6hot among modern ladies; her tiger
destroying exploits are renowned in
India. This lady has killed six full
grown tigers from the frail protection
of tho howdah.
In Troy, Ala., there is a woman who
is a more than ordinarily successful
farmer. She is Mr*. Buck Hathaway.
Her husband died, leaving hor iu debt.
In one year she paid nearly SBOO on
her debts, aud now she is ono of the
happiest women to bo found.
Princess Lotitia, dowager Duchess
of Aostu, has hud a $20,000 necklace,
a wedding present from King Hum
bert, stolen from her. Several per
sons belonging to her household iu
Turin have been arrested. Tho neck
lace has been sold in France.
Octave Thauet (Miss Alice French)
is a very cultivated Bostonoso kind of
a hottse furnisher. Her Arkansas homo
is gotten up in a style to provoke the
admiration of artists. Fine photo
graphs, plaster casts, engravings, are
the forms of art she most indulges in.
Bavrcs aud Tanagra figurines are
especially prominent.
Miss Jeunio Hilton, formerly of
Kansas City, is said to bo the only
active woman gold miner and pro
prietor in the Southwest. For several
years she has been engaged in prospect
ing for gold in the mountains of
Arizona aud Now Mexico, and has in
vented a number of useful appliances
iu mining engineering. She sold her
share in an Arizona mine the other
day for 835,000 iu cash.
Black velvet ribbon in conjunction
with white luce is promised great
The Drosden patterns are particu
larly suitablo for the Louis XVI. coats
and for evening gowns.
Checks are to be very fashionable,
and somo smart costumes are mado
with a short black jacket, the checked
shirt black aud white.
Black will ngaiu bo worn, but t'uo
newest costumes are relieved with
colors, nnd all show in the linings aud
trimmings that black is not of neces
sity mourning.
Tho print warps, so popular in silks,
and the Persian designs, which are so
popular in both wool and silk goods,
are brought out in the wash frbrics in
charming etleets.
Black silks aud black and white are
to be worn this season. All black have
fancy patterns, and black with white
and white with black, which are quite
distinct, are at all prices.
Brown and white checks are made
up to wear with the covert coats, and
aud tho colorings are very effective.
Novelty goods show cheeks in cheviot
effects a bewildering variety.
A green cheviot has shades of red
und whito alt through it, and, made
up with jacket nnd skirt lined through
out with silk to match, has an air of
style that makes it quite new.
India dimities in every variety, fig
ured in black, are novel aud effective.
Somo of the striped baptistes and
organdies have the stripes up and
down iu the body und running around
the sleeves.
Tho embroidered crepons are being
mado up for summer gowns, while tho
weaves that are no longer fashionable,
aud consequently have been marked
down iu price, are being eagerly pur
chased for house gowns and for spring
gowns also.
A dark blue 6erge, so dark that it
looks almost black, would be far too
somber for a spring costume were not
I the coat made to wear open iu front
and show a full vest of white satin,
| while a narrow piece of white pique,
i with tiny brass buttons, shows beyond
) the edges of the coat.
He Wan In the llattle With tlio Apacliee
When Geronlmo Wan Captured.
From the Press, Neio York City.
Worn with tho oxposuro of army life on
tho frontier, and poisoned by tho continual
drinking of alkali water, Joseph Flegauf
returned to Philadelphia eight yoars ago,
broken down in health and unable to do any
He had served Ave years with the Ninth
United States Infantry in many a desperate
flght with the Indians in Arizona and other
frontier Btatos and had won an enviable
record. In tho florcoconOiot when Ceronimo,
the famous chief of tho Apaches, was cap
tured, Mr. Flegauf was among the brave
soldiers who, forgetful of everything but
duty, charged upon tho hostile Indians.
Life on tho plains sont to an untimely
death many soldiers who were never touched
by a redskin's bullet or arrow, and Mr. Flo
gnu f came near such n fate as that. Along
time before his time was out ho was taken
seriously ill, but he stuck to his post until
an honorable dischnrgo was Anally given to
When ho reached Philadelphia, the Indian
fighter was scarcely more than skin and
bones, and for three weeks he lay desperate
ly 111 in a hospital. He foil dizzy and his
stomach folt as ir it had dried up. These
symptoms were accompanied by bloody dys
entery, which no medicine seemed to relieve.
After two years of suffering Mr. Flegauf
came to New York aud was treated by sev
eral physicians. Those did not agree, some
calling his disease catnarh of the stomach,
und others chronic diarrhoea.
In speaking to a reporter about his Illness
Mr. Flogauf said ihn doctors hoi pod him. but.
with all the money ho spent for advice and
medicine, ho was .ble to work only a small
part of tho time. Since moving to his pres
ent homo. No. 517 West Forty-second Street,
in Now York, about a yoar ago, Mr. Flogauf
has boon so ill that his voice and hearing al
most loft him.
Then all modioinos failed and the sick man
had little hope of recovery. At this critical
time Dr. Williams' Pink Pills f<~r Palo Peo
ple wore recommended to Mr. Flogauf, and.
almost as a last hope, ho began taking them.
"Tho beneficial effect of tho medicine was
felt at once," Mr. Flogauf told the reporter,
"and before I had taken a box I began to
oat with relish. Three boxes made me so
much bettor that I began work and hnvo been
ablo to keep at it since, for 11 vo months."
I)r. Williams' Piuk Pills for Palo People
nro not a patent medicine in tho senso that
name implies. They were ilrst compounded
as a prescription and used as such in general
practice by an ominent physician. 80 groat
was their efficacy that it was deemed wise to
plaooihem within the reach of all. They
are now manufne'.urod by tho I)r. Williams'
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., and
are sold in boxes rnever in loose form by the
dozen or hundrou, and the public are cau
tioned against numerous imitations sold in
this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
f'2.50, and may be had oT all druggists or
direot by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine
It Iu a Favorite Mcdiciuc in tlic West
Benjamiu (Joocli, in his "Medical and
Surgical Observations," published in
1771, gives a summary of different an
cient therapeutic methods, based 011
the use of unlmul poisons. One of his
observations relates to a ease of severe
pains, spasms, etc., of long duration.
Cloocli says, after speaking of the pa
tient's sufferings: "Not to appear in
human to so wretched a being, after
telling him I could do nothing, I sent
him a bottle of rattlesnake wine, to
take a glass of frequently. This was
in the West Indies drank as the high
est cordial. Three nights after tho
patient walked in. 'Sir,' said he, 'you
cannot be so much amazed as I am, nor
half so much pleased; I am come to
thank you, and, if not criminal, to
worship you.'" Hooch's account of
how he learned the virtues of rattle
snake wine is as follows "A very
wealthy old gentleman in tho West
Indies had long been afflicted with
leprosy to a high degree, which was
deemed incurable by liis physicians.
Apparently in a dying state, he mado
his will, leaving a large legacy to a
female servant, who had lived with
him many years. This circumstance
being known to the servant, she and
her paramour studied and contrived
how to make away with him in such
a manner as to raise the least suspicion.
They put the heads of rattlesnakes into
the wine he drank, thinking it would
prove an infallible poison; on the con
trary, he grew better, ami the crimin
als, Imagining the poison was not
strong enough, added more snake ve
nom, whereby the gentleman was re
stored to perfect health. Conscience
finally put this servant upon lier knees
before her master, confessing her
crime. Forgiveness was granted, and
the old gentleman gave her a sum of
money, ordering her to depart and
never see him more."
Mamma—Willie, where are those ap
ples gone that were In the storeroom!
Willie—They are with the gingerbread
that was In the cupboard.—Exchange.
B*ATI or onto, CITY or TOLEDO, I
FRANK J. C'IIKHY mates oath that hats ttia
soutor partner of the firm of F. ,T. CHKNKY &
Co., doing no-in0.,., in tho City of Toledo,
County anil NUtc aforesaid, and that said linn
widl'uy the sum of O.N'lO HUNDRED DOL
., each and every case of Catarrh that
can not be cured by the use of 11 A 1.1.'S CATARRH
aworn to he-ore me and subscribed in my
presence, thiuOlh day of December, A. 1). ltiSU.
i —, A. W. UMASON.
I A r " f Ifulary rub!to,
Hall's Catarrh Cure i. taken internally, and
acta directly on the blood and mucous surface#
of thosystem. homl for testimonials, freo.
. . FJ. OftRNKY .fc Co., Toledo, a
bold by 7ac.
Every year £130,000 Is paid for admissions
to tho Grand Opera, Paris.
Pr. Kilmer's SWAMP HOOT cures
ull Kiduey and Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet nnd consultation free.
Laboratory,Binghumpton,N. Y.
Hopkins county, Ky. is experiencing a
notable religious revival.
When an article has been sold for PI years,
ill spito of Competition nnd cheap imitations, it
Tr tut have superior quality. Dobbins' Electric
Bonp lias been constantly made und sold since
1803. Auk your grocer fur it. Dost of all.
During an eight months' tour Jenny Lind
netted £50,000.
etc., should bo constantly supplied with
"JJrown'e Bronchial Troche* Avoid imitations.
A Baltimore millionaire once *)aid £'2oo
to hear Putti sin;;.
With a better understanding' of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vanish before proper ef
forts—gentle efforts—pleasant efforts—
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge that so many forms of
6ickness arc not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrupof Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with mill ions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed GO highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects arc duo to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness, without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. Jtis therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur- |
chase, f hat you have the genuine article,
which is manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep
utable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, then laxa
tives or other remedies are not needed.
If afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, hut if in need of a laxative,
then one should have the best, and with
the well-informed everywhere, Syrupof
Figs stands highest and is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction. :
®3. SHOE be ¥ol ? n L D the
If you pay 8-1 to ®(> tor shoes, ex- gj*
amine the \V. L. Douglas .Shoe, and " x?
see what a good shoe you can buy for ■
i kinds of the best Belected
leather by skilled work-
pricu is stamped on the' bottom!
Ask your dealer for our 8/5, /jfci ¥ S
P4, 83./50, B'i.oO. 8*4.3/5 Shoes;
(33./ SO, 83 and 81.75 for boys. fiZgSir 1
TAKE HO SUBSTITUTE. If yourdcaler / M
cannot supply you, send to fac- !
tory, enclosing price and 36 cents
to pay carriage. State kind, style f Jar
of toe (cap or plain), size and f jJor
width. Our Custom Dept. will till VJpr
your order. Send for new llluv
bated Catalogue to I Sox It.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass- |
© "No wonder poor Dinnie's so tired, carrying W
all day that great big-piece of M
No matter how much you are m
W charged for a small piece of other }d
S brands, the chew is no better than iff
p>| "Battle Ax/' For JO cents you
£ get almost twice as much as of M
|©| other high grade goods. The 5 0
P cent piece is nearly as large as other ©
H JO cent pieces of equal quality,
A Valuable Book Covering the Whole Subject.
Wort!) rnnny $ B_to lovers of flowers .Send 10 con's. (iOOl) VALI !• OK !WONIiV KKTIinNKD.
blaiups tukou. Uofer to any ltutland bank. - - A. \V. I'IiKKINS & CO., Hox L, Kuilaud, Vu
"fi Fair FaGe May Prove a Foul bargain." Marry a Plain
Girl if She Uses
BAP 0 L 1 o
Mr. William T. C;imo, a grocer
doing bu3iuess at 1522 Norrlp St.,
Philadelphia, recently made the
following statement concerning
Ripans Tubules: "I bad what the
doctors called Nervous Indigestion, 1
from which I suffered day aud night.
I tried several doctors, took electrio
treatment, patent medioino*, and,
in fact, everything that I could hear
oT, but nothing done me any good
and I made up my mind there was
no help for mo, only to grin und bear
it, but one day I was passing a drug
Btoro and stoppel to look at tho dis
play in tho window nud I happened
to see a card with 'Ripaus Tabulos*
on it and I thought, well, here's
another straw for a drowning man,
so I'll throw some more money away,
so I went in and bought a box, aud,
eeemsto me, the first dose took
effect. I have boen taking thorn ever
since and they have surely worked
wonders with mo. When I look back
on tho past and thou ou my presout
condition, soemsto rael am a now
I man. I aui enjoying elegant health
uow, and I feel that I owe many
thanks to Ripans Tabules. I havo
recommended thorn to several of my
friends who say they aro wondorful,
and 1 must say they are a God send
to any one suffering from a disorder
of this nature."
Ripaaa Tabules nrc solil by dmi? jlsts, or by mall
If the prlcj (5U cjiUs a box) In sono to Tho Ulpiitt
' Chemical Comp'tity, No. Spruej St., New Yor<c,
Sample vUI, lucmt*.
ff I ought to think enough ol
Jf. J hi* animal to wish to b
If * T""" able to care for it properly
I In health and sickness. It ia
E money out of bit* pocket II
he does not. Toarcompltsb
P ae Hundred Pago lb
W /iLvWr l' d9tr ated Horse Hook
'///'/,%>Sf ji-< ! / Yk\w* I°'*s cent?. It teaches you
J !o l )ick out a good Horse,
V ir know imp. rfcctions and sw
I & uard . against fraud: do
* / jSnffl "' 1 " (, „ aße flnd •
'rtttJildm /jffil'ii tell the age by the
f'M *" /KWIbM teeth: what to rail the
different parts of the aui
itil/nhm nia ' : bow to shoe a Horse
, Jfmfifc U'M f Properly, etc.. etc.
nilll A '' olhcr va)-
v- >Utnable information ran be
C; XSf&MZll* obtained by reading oar
One Hundred Page Illns
! j) p trated Horse Hook, which
J] we will forward, post-paid,
*' on receipt of price in
stamps. Ar.snred'y the Ilorse is 100 good a friend
to man to be neglected for want of knowledge
which can be procured for only twentv-rtve cents.
r.;rik Pmilisiuno tlovn. 131 Leonard Sr.. N.Y.Oltv.
ceipt of 81. JAMES A. FAULKNER, ltutlaud, Vt.
VN U 1
ftDßlitf anfl WHISKY habits cured. Hook sent
SFNfI fR IJ? D dF' ARr / INE ' Grnvo clt T. HeSoto
I OL.iU u) I C0.,1i5., for box of Assorted £ea Shells.