FREELAND TRIBUNE.! PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. THOS. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.50 Six Mont lis 75 Four Months 50 Two Months 25 Subscribers arc requested to observe the figures following the ntuue on the labels of their papers. By reference to these they can ascertain to what date their subscriptions are paid. For instance: (.1 rover Cleveland 28June00 means that Grover is paid up to June 28, 189 G. Keep the figures in advance of the present date. Report promptly to this office whenever you do not receive your paper. All arrear ages must be paid when paper is discontinued. FREELAND, PA., APRIL 23, 1890. The People and the Monroe Doctrine. From the Philadelphia Record. Wo still have discussions of the Mon roedoctrine. It is a waste of intellectual power. The disputants who wrangle over certain words or phrases of Presi dents Monroe and Cleveland seem to have no notion of the dominant idea of the American people, or of those ideas which are but dimly shadowed forth in presidential utterances. Those ideas have existed in the germ in the days of national weakness, and arc full blown in these days of national strength. They are the possession of every true Ameri can. '•The judgment of the whole people," savs the Westminster Review, "does not wait for reasoning, but acts naturally —habit being a second nature—in virtue of ideas and principles which have become a part of the. national con sciousness. Generation after generation the citizens have learned from child hood that certain tilings are evidently right, and others wrong beyond dispute. Judgment in accordance rise of them selves on the slightest occasion, while to reverse them a deliberate and pro longed effort of steady reasoning would be required." And the ideas and principles which iiave become a part of the American consciousness are that there shall be no European interference with American soil. European colonies will be respect ed, their rights of boundary conceded: but no encroachment will be tolerated. This is the sentiment not only of the 1 nited States but of the Spanish Amer can states as well. What vanity, what child's play, therefore, are these disser tations and criticisms upon the Monroe doctrine and Mr. Cleveland's interpreta tion of it! "No encroachment by any European power upon the soil or inde pendence of any American state, whether in the Northern or Southern Hemis phere, '* is blazed upon the. American heart and the American brain. "It is a primary prejudice of indi vidual citizens antecedent to all ambi tion as a nation." It is founded on moral interests, rather then on material interest—the moral interests of our American system of commonwealths. Whatever Euporean government shall challenge it will he met "with the first and spontaneous judgment of the whole people:" and if the challenge shall be persisted in, with the whole martial array of a united and puissant nation. Worse Than a Mother-in-Law. The Detroit Free Press prints an ac count of the singular acq ui si ton of a stepmot her by a young man. The wom an iu the case Is a pretty school inn'ava, without brother or sister, but ■who ILUS developed a wonderful faculty of taking care of herself. Among the swains attracted by her many charms •WHS 011 c particularly attentive. In fact, he was a practical monopoly, and what made the matter more embarrassing to the woman in tlie case was that he jiover gave any definite indications of lis intentions. lie was as persistent as the weather, and twice us steady. but lie never intimated a desire to Kvhlsper the magic words. In the enicr 'jrency the fair pedagogue went to the young man's father and modestly sought his advice. Tlie old gentleman •was up in arms at once. No son of hi: jcould play fast and loose or dilly-dally .with a pretty orphan girl. He had a .conference with the young man, who (seriously resented interference with ill is love a ITairs. There was a scene, and (the youth was induced to change his boarding place. The old gentleman is <1 widower and became so interested in ,1 lie case that lie decided to marry again, and the schoolma'am will be the young puion's stepmother. In which capacity, jf she knows her business, she can get amply "hump" with the former trifler with her affections. ' A SAVINGS bank of New York keeps a record of its depositors. During the year 1394 there was only one actor, while theme were 1,392 tailors; there was but a single editor, while there were 725 laborers; there was but one boarding-house keeper and 337 ped dlers. There were lots of shoemakers, bakers, barbers, waiters, cigarinakcrs, but very few musicians, liquor dealers, lawyers or policemen. Only five po licemen, five lawyers and one soldier. PItESCOTT, the capital of Arizona, (boasts that it is the nearest approach Ito the New Jerusalem as described in the Bible, as its streets are being paved iwith gold. The granite used for pave ,jncnts contain four dollars in gold and 20 cents in silver to every ton. Old newspapers for sale. mm. NAVIGATING IN FOG. It Is Ma