Worms as Food. The most curious food product of the fiamoan Islands is the palolo, a sea worm which the natives catch and bako as they would sweet potatoes. The Vow Year Outlook, Tho busiu633 of tko country has becorad bo dependent upon politics, especially the manufacturing and importing interests, that there is again a lull in its activities, wait ing to see what chaogos may tuke place in tariff and other laws bearing upon such im poriant branches of trade. As Congress can not mature such changes much before tho last of summer, the outlook is somewhat discouraging. But at tho same time tho vexations of such a state ol things ought not to bo allowed to fret tho nervous system. Bettor times will come at last on more sub stantial basis. Meunwhile it is well to kuow that worry to the nerves is the prolific source of Neuralgia and kindred ailments, and it is also established that in spito of what Congress may do, or any other cause of vexation to tho nervous system. St. Jacobs Oil will cure Neuralgia iu auy form. It is poor business to worry and grow sick when one can get well and finally prosper. Deafness Cannot Tie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. Therc.is only o:ie way to cur.* deafness, and that is by constitu tional ivmedi:*s. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this lube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflam mation can bo taken out and tliD tube re stored toils normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by c i tarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not 1)0 cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. ,*, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. bold by Druggists. 75c. About one-third tho butter imported into Great Britinn last year came from Denmark. FITS stopped tree by Dit. Kline's Great Nervf Hkstorkh. No fits after first day's use. Maivelous cures. Treatise and $2.00 trial bot tle free. Dr. Kline. 081 Arch St.. l'hila.. Pa. Striking an average, English women wear shoes two sizes larger than American women. Piso'B(/ure for Consumption Ims saved ino ninny a doctor's bill.—B. F. IIAKDY, Hopkins Plico, linltitnoro. Md., December 2, 181)4. ]\l \\ inslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, noftons tho guniH, reduces Influmii tii.ii.ullnj 8 pain, cures wind colic.2sc. a bottle The late Lord Kingsdalo boasted the most ancient peerage in the United Kingdom. The Mont Plcnnnnt Wny Of preventing the grippe, colds, headaches and fevers is to use tho liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs, whenever the system needs a gentle, yet effective cleansing. To bo benefited one must get tho true remedy manufactured by tlio California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by nil druggists in 50c. and SI bottles. Thorn nro 48,000 artists in Parish moro (ban half of them painters. Tnn MOST SIMPLE AND SAFE REMEDY for a Cough or Throst Trouble is "Brown's Bronchial Troches ." Ihey possess real merit. The chief exponents of music in Japan aro KarsaparDla has over and ovor again proved itself the best blood purl fler medical sclonce lias ever produced. It cures when other medicines utterly fail. Its record is un equalled ia tho history of medicine. Its suc cess is bused upon its intrinsic merit. Hooi'd Sarsaparilla Is tho Ono True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills live. All draggtata. 1 26 c. m u 3 00 Morphine Habit Cured in 10 OPIUM arfm"p-HiiSiissßS: Till! AEItMOTOH CO. (tees halt the vorld'a windmill business, because it has reduced the cost of Wind power to l/o what It WAS. It has mauy branch T JM . houses, and supplies Its goods and repairs at jour door. It can r.nd does furnish a bettor articlo for leua uioney than otllt ' rß - ft makes Pumping aud B3r®ss®lSdro Uoared, Steel, Unlvanlzed after- Completion Windmills, Tilting und Fixed Steel Towers, Steol Ihiz/. Haw Frainea, fiteel Feed Cutters aud Feed e somewhat of the nature of a cancer, and ara be lieved to bo contagions. It is a matter of common experience that a person who milks a cow having warty teats will often have warts on hia hands, and that the warts spread from ono place to another is quite certain. This may lie, however, the result of some constitutional tendency to these dis eased growths, hut, as it is best to be ou the safe side at all times, it will bo wise for a person having warts ou his hands uot to milk cows, or one who milks a cow with warty teats should wash the bauds before milking an other eow. To get rid of warts is not a difficult matter. Any kind of caus tic applied to a wart, so as to corrode it to the healthy flesh, uud then au application of curbo'.uted vaseline to the sore, will mako a care.—Xew York Times. Born ia the Tower of Lon !o >. Mrs, John Heaton, historical par sonage of tho Old World, and a highly respected aud early settler of Viiginia, 111., died the other morning, aged seventy-six years. Her maiden name was Mary J. Fullortou, and she was born lu the Tower of London, Eng land, February IS2O, when her futher, Major James Fulleriou, was in command of tbe tower. All visitors to this fatnon3 prison of tho Old World were shown the room and es pecial attention was called to the fact by tho guides that Mary J. Fullerton Heaton was the only female ever born in the tower. She leaves a husband, Captain John Heaton, aged eighty five, and nine children. —Chicago Timos Herald. A fanner's lTcilicainent, A farmer near Eaton Rapids, Mich., recently purchased a suit of clothes ol a merchant there. When half way there ho thought it would be a good scheme to pat them on. Ho took otl his old duds aud threw them iuto the river. But when ha came to feel for his new clothes they had disappeared. He presented himself in negligee at tire. Tho next morning ho fouud hia now suit hanging to the brake of tho wagon. —Boston Cultivator, Tho national instrumout—the "gajda,"' or bagpipe—predominates throughout Bulgaria. Jr. Kilmer's hWAMr-iioo'f cures rll Kidney and Bladder troubles. I'uniphlet ami consultation free. Laboratory Hinghamptou. N.Y. England manufa- luro; perfumes on a very large scale. If afflicted with wore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thorn p son's Kyc-watcr. Urnggisfß • at 25c per bottle to stay. There is more than one food v/hich will cause the body to increase in weight. A free supply of sugar will do this; so will the starchy foods; cream, and some other fats. But to become fleshy, and yet remain in poor health, is not what you v/ant. Cod-iiver oil increases the weight because it is a fat-producing food. But it does far more than this. It alters, or changes, the pro cesses of nutrition, restoring the normal functions of the various organs and tissues. Scolß 6mufeioa, of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo phosphites, is pure cod-liver in a digested condition. So that, when a person gains in weight from taking Scott's Emulsion, it is because of two things: First, the oil has acted as a fat-producing food; and, second, it has restored to the body a healthy condi tion. Such an improvement is permanent: it comes to stay. SCOTT'S EMULSION has been c-dorsccl by the medical profession for twenty years. (Ask your doctor .) This is because it is always palatable— always uniform —always contains the purest Norv. sizes. The small size may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. EVERYBODY IS IT LARGEST PIECE OF iOOD TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR THE HONEY •Absolutely Pis re - Del icious - N iitri 11 ou s - EThe Breakfast Cocoa WAITER RARER & Co. '-s DORCHESTER. MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUP: NO CHEMICALS. ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR WALTER BAKER FCCO'S. BREAKFAST COCOA MADE AT PORCHESTER.MNSS.IT BEARS THEIRTRAO^MRK^ABELI^CHOCOIATIERE "One Year Borrows another Year's Fool." YOU Didn't Use Last Year. Perhaps You Will Hot This Year. Mr. E. M. Cross, a special Associated Press reporter, who livo3 at 1910 Maple Avenue, Huntington, W. Vo., has knowledge of the remarkable cure of Mrs. MarthaGilkison, the wife of a carpenter of tho oast end of the city, who, on tho 23d of Sop tombor, 1895, related her experience as follows: "For a good many years! have been bothered an awful sight with my stomach. I got so I couldn't cat anything at ull without souring ou my stomach. Lots of limes while working I would Bpit up great mouthfuls of stuff bitter as gall. I kept getting worse all tho time and took pilos of doctor raod icine, but I might as well took that much starch for all the good it done me. It run into neuralgia of tho stomach and worked itself all ovor me. Dr. Gardener, the new doctor up on Twentieth Street, told me when I saw him it was my stom ach that caused all the trouble and give mo an order to the drug store. I took it there, and the boy give me a box of Hi pans Tabules. began getting better, and have U3ei a little over two boxes, and am now sound and well. (Signed), MARTHA GILKISON, NO. 1820 Fourth Avenue, Huntington, \V. Vo." Flpans Tabules arc sold by druggist.', or br mtfl It the price (3J eont.s a box) is sent io The flipaos Chemical Company, No. 10 Spruce bt., Nov* York. Sample vial, 10 ceutg. PN U 2 DllPlf^ 8 ' iiook'-'r'v JmtTmvtim mil, gwlallstit Atlanta. Qm, AiUrohV 'ri K*3 * I •'<' I'll A M', x rii wa? i Host Wgh Syr®' CltwrJ .i Uso^T isgi