FREELAHD TRIBUNE. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. THOS. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1 50 Six Months <5 Four Mouths 50 Two Months 25 Subscribers aro requested to observe the figures following the name on the labels of their palters. By reference to these they can ascertaiu to what date their subscription is paid. For instance: Grover Cleveland 28June96 means that Grover is paid up to June 28, 1806. Keep the llgures in advance of the present date. Report promptly to this office whenever you do not receive your paper. All arrear ages must be paid when paper is discontinued. FREE LAND, DECEMBER 19, 1895. Why Men Will Steal. In a talk on "Stealing in High Place. —Cause and Cure," on a recent Sunday ®7ening Rev. Dr. F. A. Noble, of the Union Park Congrgational church, Chicago, uttered some plain and simple, yet forceful truths which should be carefully considered by every young man holding a position of trust in this country to-day. Dr. Noble said: "There are facts sufficient before us to make us believe that there are large numbers of people who are willing to convert to their own use much of that which docs not belong to them. This is hurtful to everybody living in such an atmosphere of distrust—thinking that somebody is trying to cheat you in every transaction. There are four causes constantly operating upon men to make them betray confidence, the first of which is u low moral sense—a lack of conscience. It is a fact that there can be cultivation in literature, art, the sciences, in one of low moral organization. The second is the mad desire to make mono}'. We arc living in an age of Impatience. Everything is on the rush. Millionaires spring up in a week—impecunious lords come over here and marry our girls. The man in a bank, seeing the sudden fortune of another, yields to temptation and takes his employer's funds for investment. There is usually but one result—ruin. Then there is the determination of young men on moderate sularies to live beyond their means, which when tin end is reached leaves the ambitious fel low deeply in debt and usually dis graced. The moral delinquencies (if our young men can be expressed in fout words—cards, horses, wine and women The fourth cause for crimes of this stamp is the fact that men do not count the cost, the ruin and disgrace, not only for themselves, but their dear ones as well. A cure for nil this can be found in a reversal of the processes that cause them. If you have a low moral sense, realize it and guard it. Develop the conscience. Be more patient in the matter of accumulating riches. Live within your means and do not spend money to-day with the idea that you can get even to-morrow. Make the sacrifice to-day. Bear in mind what a misstep will cost you and your friend What is wanted is more moral courage Establish a principle and be able to stand by it. When we are afraid of (Jod we cease to be afraid of men." IHE police and educational authori ties of Chicago think that an institu tion for the care and training of incor rigible children who are not criminal?- should be provided in that city, and n movement is on foot to establish a school for such waifs. It is from this class that the great army of criminals is recruited, and every state in the union should take cognizance of the fact and try to make good citizens of the homeless and wayward children of the streets. A RECENT young and much-indulged Philadelphia bride Is reported to have had twenty-six bridesmaids to attend her. Not all stood at the altar, ten occupying front pews, but the proces sion of young women preceded her cn. trance, and sixteen surrounded her through the ceremony. The question naturally arises: "Where were the young men?" A SouTn NORWALK (Conn.) tailor re cently made a wager of five dollars that Ire could eat one hundred and fifty raw tomatoes. The day set for the contest came, and one by one the red beauties disappeared, until his capacious stom ach held the one hundred and fifty to matoes. He probably had never heard that tomatoes produce cancer. MARK TWAIN has been quite a prolific inventor. His first patent, taken out in 1871, was a strap for suspending trous ers. He has been assignee of quite a number of patents, several of recent date. His patent scrapbook has been a auccoss. And yet, BO say the gossips, poor Mark is penniless. When Baby was sick, we gar© her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castor in. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria Ladies, don't forget to see the dress goods at A. t ewaid's. % MpDoni If V Mm iWw * fa W Centre and SotUA ttreeb, (eleelrie ear i„. ' OthCT Specialties fOT the Holidays, • J Plush Bookers, A line of elegant Easels ~W~ "T \ w -1 -w -v -r -k^ aas-rsl ft RWbATL 1 !) * * 0 dw,n D I V . 1)1/1 U) JjjLi ({* Sllft 11 Mt brClIaS fSjtfit Silk Handkerchiefs, Good Black Cashmere V \- a - M - a - W lK UUIIUIUIUUS, FIT SS a IE'L„ j S£?-"- WJM > Largest Store in Town. ,C|& Sttk I>an&hetCbiefß, fat p So^m^rmeoM^osvenasm (Boobs. V/ I f <3? riety and the lowest figures . _K4)£i lit 15W * Everything Suitable for Presents. **.^.. u „ gtaBtr( ~t, Beautiful Things in Miumery. Tfl f* i A % t 67 mrSpzhl Corner Centre and South Streets. p hill Mro THfiMPQfIN'Q zT< '* Hfl. Li, iVEjll Lill Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, g_/L PEESEOT ® Wfl IfS. lflUirwHb •JA Lead . ng j ewe i er For EVERYBODY. H v? MTT f ixtppu B number of pretty SILVER NOVELTIES and For tbt YOQDg Men: LX j jf MILLI i ijR i Contre stroet ' between Fl ' ollt and Main. p™t?. W AI? "tif'MSan^^nSf Y ™ S\££k^owSSf^S&SE JW (S /tff'L , " .' ...* ing a present for him out of our im r —has an excellent repu- V l llUhllJJ I g/7// '/ /oS r y' — I vvl mense variety of Tobacco and Pipes. x,<^J tation among the well- Hf f W; 7/ Smokiag sets, consisting of Pipe and vi sts- th ° \i\v%//(Kr Kr '" v (/ 1' \ \ \V; v \ \ X x.v, I- * >L v- For the Children's Stockings: Exceptional Bargains in %£ i // C?h wYid The choicest candies, AU kinds-w if Fancy Goods for Presents. S®fjQg^|gj]MM 1. tt 4 V jsMr ICa |Q pnnni / HOLIDAY Pretty Motions, Handkerchiefs, ■■ < ivi 10 bUUU. A DINNER Blv Gloves, Mufflers, Ties, Cuff & DRY GOODS \ tj a pair o oYgo°od°lev ff t"s ( —trill be thoroughly en- f\£2sT T Qinll fill Oil'fl BllttOllS, PIDS, EtC., -or the Holidays f.r a New Year's gif, d, ioyable if you use only |H 1 M S JtfW -r ---* •. J sLtahie r And All Other Days a /A v M. m 1 He/me/y 6'/totc 6'ro- UUlbllUiilill U A J appy. YOU get the k cerics. A full line of T />, . 3T and shoos u t".,.u g uiy up-S-aatu. bUp MallOV S ill r ~ | {;ztT"""" tevm ''wle JOHN SXHB, q —- 'j\ C. D. MHRMCH'S I c U /r WK ,rn o C om p ffj fl AHDnnmr AfTnr. IT ; Yr i J Centre street, Blrkbeok brick. ' Centre street, shove Carbon. ft CONFECTIONERY33#■ a*. A ■ Wbolesa" aid Retail. \v FRUITS &Z -- fl I piipil? f, PIIODY Positively ,„e ehe.pes, \UORK A uiLLLoriL a lutiai, m d ?/ H , f■ I'oeers, jMe, SostU Street. S® 7( GOODS - >. jg-~£ Have a large variety of fresh Gro- A im> VYTOTn-ifvricv* wt ceries, containing all the delica- Abmec u ,bo„. CO "\\ cies of the holiday season. V n . J J l 1— r ./zWA.^^r^r X. Xlllllnery Headquarters. V Ji f ™ Everything to dress the tjq svi'itjn "71 n t■ *tm* turkey and make the ipsa £ 3yf yv 3 liLild Jill Pllaiiy Wiflalo B.£LX and the newest designs in Millinery and Trimmings. f for your ft We have hundreds of beautiful Novelties, specially de- V Ihj) great dinner. %J| AT |M a visho°LS?ion presents - which will a,nply pay •/ |! I m Slcates, of ovory description to (111 the children's I inspection. .. > V C cantro SUVOI, - - liolow South. V4| ■ Lamps JSTS AaLSSrAaTja IfeM SPECIAL BiBGAIOT 111 HTT.I.Tmav. SA 81 -"' T ° ys "