Caesar's reformation cf the calendar was really madoby Bosigones, 11. C. 40. Sound Sleepers. Borne very hurdv, warm blooded peoplo forget that summer is gono and sleep sound ly under light covorlng, oven while Jack Frost is painting weird pictures ou tho panes. But we alt learu by experience, aud thoy And themselves- In the morning suffer ing with stiffness, soroness, lamebaek, stifi nook or muscular cramps. Still, experienco teaches. Like everybody else, the'y got n bottle of St. Jaeobs Oil, rub well with it nnd aro cured. Warmer clothing, and the frost Shut out, thoy snore again happily, white from the towers of winter's storm clouds tho Bentry cries, "All's well." England bus ono doctor to every 1,450 peo ple. Your Happiness Depends upon a healthy body anil ft contented mind Your Health Is seriously in danger unless your blood is rich, red and pure. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Ono Truo Blood Turiflor Prominently in tho Public Eyo. Hood's Piils 11 DSN, headaches.' 'r. Isaac Thump ton's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c per bottle | 1 Nineteen centuries ngo the world had only ; , one translation of tho Bible. Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for children 1 teething, softens the gums, reduces inflama tion. allays pain, cures win 1 colic.Sic. a bottle Tho cat gives rise to more superstitions than any other animal. JPr. Kilmer's SWAMP-HOOT cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and consultation free. Laboratory Binuhanipton, N.Y. Tho ancient Moxiuans had a year of 18 ! months, of 20 days each. 44, 9"> FITS stopped free by DH. KMNF.'S f JURAT ' NERVE HESTOHER. NO fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and S2.uo trial hot- | , tic free. Dr. Kline, 031 Arch St., rliilu., Fa. Somo butterflies lay over 100,000 eggs. When Nature Needs assistance it may bo best to render it promptly.but one should remember to use oven the most porfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy Is the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the Call- 1 (oruia Fig Syrup C'o- Timely Warning. r~J\ The great success of the chocolate preparations of Wt the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market misleading and unscrupulous imitations their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter ii ;■ \Baker &. Co. are the oldest and largest manu al) m\ facturers of P ure and high-grade Cocoas and m ! Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are 111 l{ 51 used in their manufactures. mil i J Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker 8t Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. COL. BEN J. 8. LOVELL* TRF.AS. JOHN P. LOVEI.L AHMS CO. COL. LO YELL'S successful fight foe the Councillor nomination in t/ie Second Massachusetts District was the subject of editorial com ment in the Boston Journal as follows: " That animated and stubborn contest in (he Second Councillor District ends in the selection of an admirable candidate, Col. Benjamin Lovcl! of Weymouth. Col. Lor cll is one of the best-known and best-liked men in the State. A gallant soldier, an energetic, man of business, a stalwart lie publ'ican, he deserves wed of his party, which has honored him with more than one conspicuous honk of its confidence, oud has made no mistake in giving him this present nomination. Col. Lovcll has an army of warm personal friends, lie should be carried into the Executive Conned by a record-breaking majority. 1 ' Is Like a Good Temper. "!i Sheds a Brightness Everywhere." AH Y,™ L jz. a health signal. Mf * The baby's mission, its /TV work in life, is growth. To \ t ' iat " tl ' e ' Juru -" c °f love, 1 b'ick, half dream, every M' l ; >S added ounce of flesh means fort. Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good-nature, baby-beauty. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the best fat-food baby can have, in the easiest form. It supplies what lie cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the. full grown, new life. Be surf you get Brett's Expulsion rt /en you want it and not a cheap substitute Scott & Bowne, New York. AM Druggists. 50c. and Si. * A Marvelous Pond. 1 There la a pond iu Ottawa, Kan., that is a mystery in that, notwithstand ing the fact that it contained no water during the protracted dry weather of last season, it Is now well supplied with sun perch and mud catfish. It Is claimed that no fish have been planted there, and it is a matter of conjecture where the present supply came from. It Is not at all unlikely that before the pond went dry last season it con tained fish and that they had deposited their spawn, which remained fertile un til the pond was again tilled with wat er, when the fish which now inhabit it were hatched. Both tho mud cat and the sun perch are rapid growers, which fact would account for their being of medium size now. How to Stop a Sneeze. A medical paper says a sneeze is in stantaneously dispelled bv pressing the finger upward against the division of the nose at the joint where the upper lip inside joins the gum. Another plan Is to expire all the air possible from the lungs the moment you perceive in dications of a sneeze. The Whistling Pigs. C. V. Hooper, A1 Van Epps and 11. Smith returned from the Icicle range Saturday, where they had been fishing, rusticating and prospecting. They dis covered a new lake on the apex of one of the mountains, and listened to weird and luxurious music of the whistling pig, of which there are many in that high range. This peculiar animal re sembles a fox more than a pig, and weighs from 25 to 40 pounds. In color it ranges from a dark or iron gray to nliuost white. Its whistling propensi ties are marvelous and many a time has it fooled the lonely prospector into the belief that he was not entirely com panionless in the mountains. Mr. Van Epps declares they are musical won ders, and that they often give open-air concerts of the most entrancing nature. —Leavenworth Times. THE LOVELL DIAMOND AND EXCEL LINE 01 " BICYCLES Will lead the World In 1896--The LOVELL DIAMOND easily takes this po sition through its past glorious record, but with IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION insuring light ness, durability and finish it will stand out alone without a rival. tlig EXCEL line is designed to meet a popular notion that calls for a lower priced wheel. It is durable, nicely finished and good value. Our BICYCLE CAT ALOGUE sent free on appli cation will quote prices. The new LOVELL CATALOGUE of Guns, tilt's, Revolvers, Bieycies ami Sporting Goods of every description, is mailed for 10 certs in stamps or sil- JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., BOSTON, MASS. AISKNTN\V.\NTHO in till Ciiic* niitl Ton us tvlien- nc Imvo none. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS.