NOW. Follcr what shirks an* is lazy Ain't no uso llvln', I vowl But I tell ycr who Is the daisy— The feller thet does things new He's never procrastlnatln' An' tollln' ye "why" an' "how," When the doln' on't 'a what he's hatln'i He jost goos and docs it now. Ef the cordwood calls for a tussle Thet'll bring the sweat to his brow, lie gits out his saw with a hustle, An' tackles the job right now. The chap that talks of ter-morrer Is crooked somewheres, I 'llow; In payin' what he may borrer, Ho never gits round ter now. But the feller thet starts on tho minute— Tho crows don't roost on his plow— Ef't rains he ain't workin' out in it, 'Cause he gits his hay In now. Ef yer lookin' fer what'll suit yer, Yer kin take off yer hat an' bow Ter the chap thet's short on the future] An' ekerly long on now. —Frank Roe Batchelder, In Life. A LOCAL COLOR TRAGEDY. BY EDITII SESSIONS TUPFER. nEN Violet Lin toWVn g" ar d announced 6 * ie was * n * or literature there were those among us who kvV? 'VV scoffed. Violet \'Vy was so alarming t'/// ly pretty, one (9 would never sus pect her of pos sessing brains. She was one of those girls with alluring faces —the sort of beaute-du-diable of which Ouida is al ways writing, eyes of most unholy blue and lips which could smile a man's 6onl away. A fascinating minx with the most graceful and winning man ners; a being of moods, tender, rcpel lant, kindly and icy by turns, she had created havoc and strewn devastation wherever her daiuty feet had trod. Suddenly she wearied of the endless round of gayety and fashion to which from her teens she had been accus tomed and amazed her coterie by de claring her intention of writing real istic novels. Of course everyone said it was merely a fad and would soon blow over. But it didn't, that was the astounding part of it. Ifer first novel attracted more than passing notice. She was commended for her original and audacious style, her clever plot and a certain dainty feminine touch. She was written about, interviewed, her beauty and talent were praised by tho paragi if Do Felice Was Not Rolcuscd. Palermo, Sept. •">.—The police of this city have dissolved a socialst electoral society which had 400 members. The society was organizing disturbances for Sept. 20, the twenty-lifth anniversary of the occupation of Rome by Italian troops, if the government did not accord amnesty to I)e Felice, Barbato and other socialists now in prison. DURRANI'S HARD FIGHT. Sixty Witnesses Will Re Called l>y tho Defense. San Francisco, Sept. o.—The Durrant trial went over last night until Tuesday next, Monday being a legal holiday. Tho defense has given an idea of the long fight it will make by the announcement that it will put sixty witnesses on tho stand. The nature of the defense, how ever, has not been disclosed. Father Nash Dead. Troy, N. Y., Sept.. 7.—Rev. Michael Nash, a priest of the Jesuit order and for thirty years in charge of St. Joseph's parish in this city, died yesterday after noon from a stroke of paralysis. Father Nash was chaplain of the "Billy" Wil son zouaves during the civil war. Medico-Legal Congress Adjourns. New York, Sept. 7.—Tlio Medico- Legal congress, which has been in ses sion for the past three days iu the Fed eral building wound up last night with a reception and a bAnquet at the Press club. To Meet at Saratoga in 'OO. 1 Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 7.—The Master 1 Car Builders' and Master Mechanics' i associations have decided to hold their annual convention in this village dur ! ing the second week in July, ltjlMi. Adams Will Re Hanged. Columbus, ()., Sept. o.—The state board of pardons has rejected the appli cation for clemency for Martin Adams, a Cincinnati murderer. He will be exe cuted on Sept. 27. Peppermint Supplants II A jr. Niles, Mich., Sept. s.—Owing to the scarcity of hay, the farmers in this | ity are curing peppermint plants. Grow- I era of peppermint have realized more than SIOO,OOO this season from the oU, ICASTORIAI for Infants and Children. THIRTY years* observation of Castoria with the patronage of millions of peraong, permit us tojtpoak of it without guessing. It is unquestionably the host remedy for Infants and Children the world has over known. It is harmless. Children liko it. It gives them health. It will savo their lives. In it Mothers have somothing which is absolutely safe and praotically perfect as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Fcverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. Castoria cures Dinrrhoon r.nd Wind Colio. Castoria relievos Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizes the effects of carhonio acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and kowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is putjap in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in hulk. Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the pica or promise that it is just as good " and " will answer every purpose.'* Seo that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-uimilo i. on every .ienatnre of (r&tS'yfywrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Printing antl Paper! The TRIBUNE'S job printing! department now contains the best facilities in the region for | turning out first-class work. | The office has been entirely re-< furnished with the newest and neatest type faces for all clas- j ses of printing. "YVe have also ' added recently an improved fast running press, which en ables us to turn out the best work in the shortest time. Our prices are consistent with good work. We carry at all timesa large stock of flat papers of various weights and sizes, as well as colored, news and cover papers of good quality, cardboard, cut cards, etc., which we will sell blank at low rates. Our enve lopes, noteheads, letterheads, billheads and statements are made from the highest grade stock used in commercial print ing, whilst our prices on this kind of work are as low as any. Having a large and pow- j erful cutter, we are in a posi tion to do paper cutting of any kind at a low figure. MANS! IELD ' T Intellectual and manual tiainitig for teachers Three courses of study besides prcpaiutni y. Speiial attention given to preparation f, Ibis 111 ess Mgr., OUT Fagln Building. St. Louis, Mo. BnokkMping, 1 PAI. tls I Trail. Your. Arithmetic, I ... -si NESS I rhorough. ind , Mi n th l > P * I < OLLEOE, I tintroctlSn Commercial I 1710 Ghent nut St., I 'XtuntuZ Branches. | Philadelphia. | Furnished. The maximum of know ledge at tho minimum of cost. Writ*/orcircular . 11l FO. W. I'ALMS, PreiL J 1.1 vi .its, and Trade-M arks obtained, ami all Pat-1 5 ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. * J OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U S. PATENT OFFICE' J and we can secure patent in less time than those? # tenrote from Washington. > j Send model, diawing or photo., with descrip-' 5 lion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of? * charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, a ? A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with' £ cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries? #scnt free. Address, # jO.A.SNOW&CO.j OPP. PATENT OFFICE, *