CASTORIAI for Infants and Children. THIRTY years' observation of Castoria with the patronage of millions of persons, permit us to speak of it without guessing. It is nnqnestionahly the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has evor known. Itjs harmless. Children like it. It gives them health. It will save thoir lives. In it Mothers havo something which is absolutely safe and praotioally perfect as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverlshnoss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Diarrhooa and Wind Colio. Castoria relievos Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria nentralizes the effects of carhonio acid gas or poisonons air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other narootio property. Castoria assimilates the food, rognlates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put np in one*size bottles only. It is not sold in hulk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is " jnst as good" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-simile ~ is on every signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ■SSBaHBSBHBgHBSSHSBBSnWBBS IMTRELT SEWING """"JFPIKS M™ WE OR OUR DEALERS can BCl! j you machine* cheaper llian you can ! get clacwliore, The NEW IIOMB In | our bent, butwemako cheaper kliida, ; such ah tlie GLIKIAX, ED&AK< and other High Arm Full Nlcßci Plated l Sewing Machines for $15.00 and u;. Call on our agent or V.TISO NU, Y/E want your trade, and if priccw, tcrntN and nquarc denllng will uiUf we \vil have It. We challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sowing Machine for $50.00, or a. belter S2O. Sewing Machine for $20.00 than yon can buy from ns, or cur Amenta, THE HEW HOME SEWING MCIIIEE CO. OAAIRTK, MASS. BOSTON, M.'.FS. 23 URROY S t r • v.v, N. Y. . CAICAOO,TM.. ..I . •. . ' ISANFEANRI VO, C'AU. CU. FOR SALE HY I). S. Swing, general agent, 1127 Chestnut street, Phila., Pa. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? lorn Rrompt answer and un honest opinion, write to 1 (> N N tv CO.. who have had nearly fifty venrs' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A II undlionli of In formation concerning Patent* and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific hooks sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receivo special notice in the Scientific Ann-limn, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in tbo world. 8# a year. Sample conies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, a year. Singlo copies, 25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, und photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho latest designs and secure contracts. Address „ MUNN A CO., NEW YOUK, 801 BUOAUWAY. -—-■feillJ. -- A 16-Page Weekly Newspaper ILLUSTRATED. W. E. BROKA W, - Editor. It gives the single? tax news of tho world 1 besides a large amount of the best propaganda matter. Every single-taxer, and all others who wish information regarding this world wide movement, should fake the Sinuh-Tur Courier. Price, $l5O per year. Sample copy free. Address: JOHN F. FOIlI), Business Mgr., 507 Fagin Building. Ht. Louis, Mo. ! BooEESjiiDg. | I'AI.HIH I T S! th Yp Ir tedSL'l and all the I * OlihhGK, I Instruction. Commercial IM" Chestnut St., I Situations liranclu-M. | Philadelphia. | Furnished. The maximum of knowledge at the minimum of cost. Wrile/or circular*. TIIKO. W. PALMS, Prcat. f Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ' Sent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. O B, 847 pm, from lla/Jeton, Stockton, Lum ber 5 aid, Jeddo and Drifton. 7 20, 9 2<, 10 56 am, 2 18, 4 84, 6 58 p m, from i Delano, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah (via New Boston Branch). 847 p m, from New York, Easton, i Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allcutowu and Muuch Chunk. 27, 10 56 a ra, 12 58, 5 33, 6 58, 8 47 p m, from £ B .tV , V Phha., Bethlehem and Maucn Chunk. 9.13, 10 41 a in. 2 27,0 58 pm 1 rom White Haven, Glen Summit, \N i Ikes-Bur re, Pitts to u and L. ant 13. Junction (via Highland Branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 31 a m and 331 p in, from H&zleton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 11 .'3l a in from Delano, Hazlcton, Philadelphia i and Easton. ' 001 P m from Delano and Mahanoy region, i For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. CHAS. S. LEE, Gcn'l Pass. Agent, HOLLIN 11. WILRITH, Gen. Supt. A. W. NUN'NBMACHEK, Ass't G. P. A., j South Bethlehem, Pa. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANL SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table In effect January 20, 1895. Trulns leave Drifton for Jeddo, Ecklcy, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Boad, ltoan and Ha/Jeton Junction at 6 00, 6 10 a in, 12 09, 4 15 p ra, dally except Sunday, and 7 08 a in, 2 88 j) in, Sunday. Trulns leave Drifton for Harwood. Cranberry, Tomhieken and Derlngcr at 600 a in, 12 09 p in, dully except Sunday; and 708 a in, 2 88 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Ilarwood Boad, Humboldt Boad, Oneida and Khoppton at 6 10 a m, 1209, 4 15 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 08 a m, 2 88 p in, Sunday. Trains leave liuzlcton Junction for Ilarwood, Cranberry, Tomhlcken and Derlngcr at 6 85 a in, 1 58 p in, daily except Sunday; uud 8 58 a ni, 4 22 j) ni, Sunday. Trains leave Ha/Jeton Junction for Oneida Junction, Ilarwood ltoad, Humboldt Boad, Oneida and Shcppton at 6 17, 9 87 a in, 12 10, 4 46 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 87 a IU, 308 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhlcken, Cran berry, Hurwood, Ha/Jeton Junction, itouu, Beaver Meadow Boad. Stockton, llu/.le Brook, Ecklcy, Jeddo ami Drilton at 2 55, 607 p in, daily except Sunday; and 9 87 a m, 507 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Oneida, Humboldt ltoad, Ilarwood Rood, Oneida Junction, liuzlc ton Junction aud ltoan at 8 18, 1015 am, 1 15, 5 25 p ni, daily except Sunday; aud 8 U! a iu, 8 44 p m, Sunday. TruiiiH leave Shcppton for Beaver Meadow Boad, Stockton, llu/.le Ilrook, Ecklcy, Jeddo and Dril ton at 10 15 u in, 5 25 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 09 a m, 8 4-1 n in, Sunday. Trains leuve Ha/.leton Junction for Beaver Meadow ltoad, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Ecklcy, Jeddo aud Drifton at 10 88 a in, 8 26, 5 47, 6 40 p m, dully, except Sunday; and 10 OHu m, 5 8b p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Ilazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazlcton, Jcunesville, Audcn riod and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 6 10 a m, Hazlcton Junction at 9 87 a in, and Shcppton at 8 18 a m, connect, at Oneida J unction with Lehigh Valley trains east and west. Train leaving Drilton ut 600 a in makes con nection at Deringer with I'. B. B. train for Wilkes-Burre, Suubury, llurrisburg and points west. DANIEL COXK, Superintendent. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION, in accordance with the resolution passed at a meeting of the Democratic executive com mittee on July 2, 1895, I hereby give notice that the Democrats of Pennsylvania by their duly chosen representatives will meet in state convention iu Wililumsport on Wednesday, September 11. IXl*s, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing iu nomination candidates for the office of state treasurer ami Judges of the superior court, ami for the transact ion of such other business as may be presented. In accordance with ruled,section 1, iiuaniiiiouHly approved by the state convention September 19, 1898, representatives shall consist of repre sentative delegutes, one lor each 1,000 votes cast at the last preceding presidential election or tor a traction of such vote amounting to 500 oj; more, iu the respective representa tive districts, provided thateach representa tive district shall have at. least one delegate. __ B. E. Wright, chairman. Matt Savage, secretary. T Eli IGII TRACTION COMPANY. J Freeland Branch. First car will leave Freeland for Drifton, Jeddo, Japan, Oakdulc, Et>orvale, Burleigh, Miluesville, Lattlmer and Ilazleton at 6.12 a. ni. A iter this cars will leave every thirty minutes throughout the day until 11.12 p. m. On Sunday first car will leave at 6.40 a. ni., the next car will leave at 7.35 a. in., and then every thirty minutes until 11.05 p. in. ALEX. SHOLLACK^ BOTTLER. Beer, Sorter, Wine, and Xjiq.-u.ors. C'or. Wabiut and Washington streets, Freolaud. GEORGE FISHER, ~ dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Cull at No. 6 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Arc the only HIGH GRADE and strict ly first class pianos sold direct from the factory to the filial buyer. Are the only pianos on which you can save the dealers profits and enor mous expenses, agents' salaries and music teachers' commissions. Arc the only pianos every agent condemns, for the natural i eason that NO AGENTS are em ployed by us. Are the only pianos which are not sold in a single store in the United states, because we closed all our agencies over a year ago, and now sell only to the final buyer, at the actual cost of production at our factory e have no store on Broad street, hut the factory ware room is open every day till <; p. m. and Saturday evenings from 7 to lo! Kellmer Piano Co. M | lull, nil! PIUS | FACTORY: CUBBTNUT ETREET, BETWEEN CHURCH ANV LA UIIEL, II AXLE TON. Grand Opening of Black Dress Goods. 50-inch French Diagonal Wide Wale, cheap at $1.50; or price vp I. 20 50-inch Jacqard, very stylish; prico I.IU 50-inch All Worsted Wide Wale Serge; we have it Intnavy and r>r\ black, at OU 45-inch Storm Sorgo, navy and t--7 black, at 0 / 45-inch Storm Serge, navy and A 0 black, at .4o 45-inch French Novelty, in silk - or and wool mixed 1.00 A Full Line of Colors. We have them in Green and Gold, Drown and Gold, Nary and Gold. 50-inch All Wool Sacking, usual r-£> price, 70c; our price OOC 50-inch All Wool Sacking, usual A c price, GOc; our price 40C We have a full line of 27-inch All Wool Tricot Cloth, very line quality, at .2*2*o Blankets. The first ram of our All Wool, Ilome- Made Dlankctshas arrived, and is now ojwn for your inspection. Sizes, 10x4, 11x4, 12x4. Colors, Scarlet, Gray and White. COTTON RLANKETS at 47, 55c, 80c, $1 and $1.20. Extra good value. PETER DEISROTH, Mansion House Block, 41 W. Broad St., HA.ZLETON. PHILIP : GERITZ, LEADING Jeweler and Practical Watchmaker In Freeland. Corner Front and Centre Streete. T7 CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and. Shoes. Also PURE WINES rnd LIQUORS Fult FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Cor. Centre and Main Streets, Freeland. Harness! Harness! Light Carriage Harness, $5.00, $7, $9 and $10.50. Heavy Express Harness, $16.50, sl9, S2O and $22. Heavy Team Harness, double, $25, S2B and S3O. GEO. WISE, Jeddo and Freeland, Pa.