FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. VIII. NO. 3. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. SyuopHlH of Local hu2 awaiting trial and 1 awaiting execution, in the county prison. There are 0 females serving sentence and 5 awaiting trial. The best is the cheapest in the end. Go to tho Wear Well Shoe House. Their shoes all wear well. It has been learned that the death of John Reese, of Wilkesbarro, whom it was thought had been murdered last week while driving to Bear Creek, was caused by a full from his buggy. The vast Parisian hippodrome, an at traction of the Sands Jfc Astley show, vividly revives the. sports and pastimes of ancient Rome. A terrific explosion of gas occurred at the Glen Lyon mine, near Nanticoke, on Saturday. Seven men were severely burned, and two of them, Richard Loio and Charles Williams, are not expected to recover. Ladies, the best-fitting and most sty lish shoe in the market Is the Vision, sold at $2. Can be had only at the Wear Well, Eberts' old stand. Charles McGlll, aged 18 years, was re moved from his residence on Ridge street near Carbon to Laurytown asylum on Friday. He is temporarily Insane, but Is expected to recover fully in a short while. It would make the managers of our early circuses turn over in their graves could they witness the astounding im provements in tented exhibitions inaug urated and perfected by the manage ment of Sands Sc. Astley shows. Regular correspondence from the sur rounding towns and communications upon local or general subjects are soli cited by the Tribune. The name of the writer inust accompany all letters or items sent to this office for publication. The Sands & Astley\s is truly a "Great World Exhibition." It contains per formers and attractions from eyery country on the.face of the globe. The committe appointed by the school board to request the Young Men's Temperance Corps to exchange lots with drew their proposition yesterday. The sentiment of the society was overwhelm ingly against making any changes in their plans. William Kelper, who purchased the jewelry store of R. E. Myers, has stocked it with a handsome line of goods and will be pleased to supply the people of town with anything in his line. He makes a specialty of repairing, also tests eyes free of charge. Fred T. Blttenbender, one of the most prominent men of Nanticoke and a member of the school hoard, was shot to death by A brain Eckert, the janitor of the high school building, on Saturday. Blttenbender reprimanded Eckert for not attending to his duties. The janitor shot him without a word of warning. Shihlh & Afttley'fl (ileal Nliow*. At last this locality is to have an ex hibition of equestrian, gymnastic and JkhleLic performers, a complete zoologi lection, a hippodrome and museum is worthy of the title of circus, menagerie; and collection of rare remarkable curios. There have many traveling shows claiming this Mle or similar ones of high sounding, Jbut the Sands & Astley"s new and old world shows to exhibit here on Tuesday, Julv 9, will fully substantiate its merit and superority. When Baby was sick, we gato her Castoria.' When aha was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria • Old newspapers for sale. Three Newspaper Men Arretted. Tho attacks made upon D. J. McCar thy, of town, by the Hazleton Sentinel and the Freeland Press have resulted in suits for criminal libel against the man agers of both papers. Mr. McCarthy on Saturday swore out warrants before Al derman Laubacli, of Hazleton, for John McCarthy, of the Sentinel , and 11. L. Edmunds and Ely Crawford, of the Prctts. The three were arrested, and bail was furnished by all for their ap pearance at court. The particular ar ticle published in the Hazleton paper read as follows; FUKKLAND'H FIHEIIHANI). The threat of I). J. McCarthy, the flannel-mouthed firebrand of Freeland, to arrest the Sentinel for libel Is the ri diculous thing in the Quay county light. Nobody could libel McCarthy. His character is such that nothing could hurt it. His conduct in the new county campaign shows that he is a rascal who who would not stop at any lie no matter how mean or contemptible, and his ef forts to make a religious war at Free land shows that ho is a dang< rous man to any community. He is just as bad as lie looks and his looks are justification for all the bad tilings one could say about him. The above was republished by the Freeland paper, which, in addition, printed other items that reflected upon the defendant as president of the school board. Editor McCarthy states that a number attorneys have pro nouneeds tlxrwWicle libelous. There is no diH of IIIh Wound. Martin Ratlgan, of Shenandoah, who several days ago figured in what came near being a triple murder, died a suicide's death in the Bottsville jail on Saturday. On Wednesday morning last, after having been discharged from jail, where lie had served a ten days'sentence for malicious mischief, lie. wont to his home at Shenandoah and quarreled with ; his wife. During the heat of passion he \ stabbed her in the breast with a carving knife and then plunged the bloody weapon into the body of Ills sister-in-law because she Interfered. After the crime he took to his heels pursued by a posse and when he found himself cornered he stabbed himself. PatentM CI ranted. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., solici tors, Washington, I). 0. W. R. Colo, Bottsville, machine for moistening gum on stamps or envelopes. G. W. Cross, Bittston, screen. W. R. Sine, Williamsport, vulcanizing apparatus. The "Wear Well" working shoe for men cannot be found in any other store in town. Refowich sells the best $1.50 and $2 children's suits to be had anywhere. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, JULY 8, 1895. TEACHERS APPOINTED. Hazle Township Directors Select Instruc tors lor the Coming Term. The school directors of Hazle town ship met on Monday evening and made the following appointments of teachers: Drifton—M. .J. (lough, $75; Edward Mnndy, SSO; Maggie Lockinan, SSO; Man Sweeney, s.">o. Jeddo—Clias. Gallagher, $55; Grace McGeehan, $45; Kate Gillespie, SSO. Lattimer—Alex. Dwyer, $55; Man Coyle, SSO; Kate Cannon, SSO. Milnesville—J. J. Elwood, $75; Ma\ Guckivan, SSO; Kate Lannon, SSO. Hollywood—Carrie Grouse, SSO. Stockton, No. 7 —Ella Dougherty, $45. Stockton—Chas. Kennedy, $75; Joseph Boyle, SOS; llaunah Kennedy, SSO; Ellu J. Duffy, SSO; Fannie C. East, SSO. Hazlebon, No. 3—Edward Byrnes, $75; Mary Dugan, SSO; John C. O'Donnell. SSO. Ebervale, No. I—Jaiues1 —Jaiues Dwyer, $75. Ebcrvale, No. 3 —D. J. McGeehan, SSO; Nellie Christy, SSO. Harleigh—Maria McCarron, $00; Rose A. Duffy, SSO. Hazleton, Alter street —Frank Boyle, SSO; Agnes Girard, $45. Beaver Brook—l\ J. Kelly, $00; Mary Gallagher, SSO; Maggie McCann, SSO. Jeanesville—Philip Clark, $75; James Donohuc, SOS; Ella Quirk, SSO; Bridget Ueilly, SSO. Laurel Hill—Mary Campbell, S4O. Hazle Mines—James Costello, *s7s; Ella Boyle, SSO. Cranberry—J. L. Simmons, $75; Annie Conahan, S4O. llarwood—Neil McMonigle, $75; Kate Vaughn, SSO; Kate Brislin, SSO. Humboldt—Maine Barrett, $45. Musical instructor—Peter McKiernan, $0(). DRIFTON ITEMS. The Hustlers ball club will hold a picnic at the park here on Saturday evening, July 30. The committee has engaged DePicrro's orchestra for that evening, and a ball game will be arranged for the afternoon. James llarkins will remove his family to town again today, having resigned his position as foreman at old Buck Mountain. New water mains are being laid through the streets, and a larger and better supply will soon be given us. Henry Ernst has resigned as mine foreman to accept a similar position at Mahanoy City. Mrs. Brinton Coxe and family have taken up their residence here for the | summer. Miss Cora Woodring will be married soon to Valentine Both, of Hazleton. George Merry weather, western agent for Coxe Bros, Co., was here last week on a visit. John McNeils, of Dickson City, Lacka wanna county, paid his friends here a visit on the Fourth. POLITICAL PICKUPS. George 11. Troutman, of Hazleton, is out for the appointment of judge, to suc ceed Judge Bice, resigned. Petitions for signatures are being extensively circulated. Judge ltico will be renominated by the Luzerne. Republicans if he fails to be placed on the state ticket. The con ventions are arranged beautifully for this. Edwin Shortz, W. S. McLean, \V. 11. Ilines and John M. Garman are men tioned as possible selections for the Democratic judgeship nomination. J. K. P. Fenner, burgess of Ashley, will be a candidate for tin; nomination of controller on the Democratic side. Democratic delegate elections will be held on Saturday evening of next week, and the county convention at Wilkes barre the Tuesday following. A great many Democrats are in favor of indorsing a Republican candidate for judge, but whether the leaders and the rank and file of the party will agree to this is a question. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured iv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F.J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Walking, Kinxan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hal l'b Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials froo Lehigh Valley Kail road. Special low rates to Boston account of Christian Endeavor meeting. July 10-14. Tickets sold July Bto 11 inclusive, good for return to July 31. Choice of various rail and water lines from New York. See Lehigh Valley agents for detailed information. PLEASURE CALENDAR. July 30.—Picnic of t he Travelers Athletic Association at Freeland Public park. July 20.—Picnic of the Hustlers Base Ball Club at Drifton park. A Few Fourth of July Reports. Mary, the three-year-old daughter of Jacob Beterson, of Wilkesbarre, found a firecracker and was endeavoring to explode it when tin; match ignited her clothes and before the flames were ex tinguished she was so badly burned that she died in a short time. Samuel Dunmoycr, aged 14 years, had ids left hand blown off by a camion fire cracker at Shenandoah. Amputation was necessary above the wrist, He is the sole support of liis widowed mother. James Harris, of Ashley, fired an un mounted cannon placed upright in tlx ground. The charge struck his face and lie was horribly burned. It is feared his eyes are destroyed. Eight tenement houses were destroyed by fire at Mt. Carmel. Loss, $20,000. is said to have been caused b\ an explosion of fireworks in the hands ol children. 1 )r. Ben jaminßevan,a prom i nent you ng physician of Bittston, ignited a giant firecracker, which exploded before lie could drop it, and his right hand was torn off. Joseph Serricks, Jr., of Sandy Run, was severely burned about the body by a pack of giant firecrackers exploding in liis pocket. While the postoffico clerks wen watching a parade at Mt. Gunnel some one stole SIOO worth of stamps and cash. Burning firecrackers caused a fire Miners' Mills, which destroyed tin grocery store of John Jones, and two dwellings. The loss is SB,OOO. Mine Foremen's Kxaminations. From the Hn/Jeton Pluiu Speaker. The examining committee appointed to examine all applicants in the fifth district of the anthracite coal fields for mine foremen's certificates met in the Bine street school building and had a class of twenty applicants. They are: Henry Jaline, Upper Lehigh; William Edwards, Daniel B. Gallagher, Auden riod;Thomas E. Morgan, Gowen; Maurice Houscr, Fern Glen; Henry G. Koch, Hazleton; John J. Gillespie, James Shovlin, Drifton; George B. Snyder, Sil ver Brook; Edwin Bugh, John Miirrin. Freeland; John J. Stickler, Lansford; Bernard J. Carr, Charles A. Harvey, Daniel Craig, Eckley; Frank Wilcom, Shenandoah; Patrick Kelly, Beaver Meadow; Datrick Marley, Jeddo; C. L. Hoover, Sandy Run; John Evans, Hazle Brook. Paid His Fine, Then Thrashed llim. From the Wilkcsburrc Leader. Joseph Baker, a Bolander who works at the Hazard rope works, was before tho mayor on the charge of assault and battery, preferred by a Bolish woman living as Ii Is neighbor. Joseph bad been drunk and tlx; prosecutrix pre sented enough evidence to warrant the mayor imposing a line of $1 and costs. Joseph's wife was present and told the mayor she had but $3. which she gave up: and her husband was allowed to de piPrt. As the couple went out of the courtroom the wife soundly berated her husband for getting into trouble and with an umbrella belabored him fiercely for liis bad conduct. Quay on His Campaign Tour. Senator Quay will start out from Bhiladelphia next week on a campaign tour of the counties which have not yet elected delegates to the August conven tion. Senator Andrews, of Crawford county, and Sergeant-at-Arms Hurrah, of tlx; senate, will go with him. Their first stopping place will be Hazleton. From Hazleton the campaigners will go to Wilkesbarro, thence to Scranton and other cities and country towns in the anthracite region. I'eoplo'H Party Convention. Tho Beople's party state convention, held at Williamsport on Thursday, nominated the following ticket: State treasurer, George N. Dawson, of Beaver; judges of the superior court, W. C. Khccm. of Franklin; John W. Stevenson, of Bitts burg; J. B. Young, of Beaver; J. W. Alli son. of Erie, and I). O. Coughlan, of Lu zerne;. State Chairman Thomas was re elected and tlx; Omaha platform indors ed. What the Coming Cirrus la. From the Slutingtoi) News, July 6, 18!)". The Sands & Astley circus trains came in oyer the Lehigh Valley yesterday morning from Reading and despite the inclemency of tlx; weather gave a first class parade and two exhibitions which were well attended. If one is to judge from tlx- applause and good words spok en of them after they had left, they gave the very best of satis faction and sur prised everyone with the magnitude and especially the quality and number of their animals and their exhibitions. The show Is given in two rings with aerial acts and ground stage in centre, between the rings. It is impossible to describe the show in detail. Suffice to say, that a first-class entertainment with plenty of novelties and fully up to date was given. Tho racing and wild west features were especially good. The menagerie lias four elephants, seve ral camels, zebras, sacred ox. alpaca and a great number of cages of line foreign animals which are really well worth tho admission price alone to see. The horses witli the show are as fine speci mens as were ever here with any show and there are lots of them. Taken in its entirety the Sands & Astley show was the best value for the money we have had for years and if they come again they can rest assured of having a big business. READING TAKES A GAME. WEAKNESS IN THE BOX CAUSES THE TIGERS TO LOSE. Tli© I'roOsioiiiils from IlerkK County Fall On to llall'H Delivery and Knock the liall to Mi't Tlicin-e!veH—The Lucalu Discouraged ly the Fierce Batting. Fully 800 ardent admirers of the national game assembled at the park yesterday afternoon, with the satisfl d appearance of the man who thinks that, for once in his life he has done the right thing by himself in patronizing a sport that was of good quality and well balanced. The marvelous work of the Tigers last Sunday in defeating Allen town, supposedly the strongest club in the State league, served to attract con siderable attention to their playing, and it was fully expected that they would be ible to cope with Heading in a masterly •*tyle. But as to the manner in which this hopeful expectation was dispelled is best left to be told by the optimist. Reading exhibited the greatest batting streak seen here in a single tuning. They did not fail to take advantage of Pitcher Hall's accommodating little shoots, nor did they despise his slow, easy straights, but ate up everything that was eatable, of the mass that was produced for their delectation. Nine hits for a total of thirteen bases, netting ten runs was tin? amount of damage they did in the first inning alone. Enthusiasm was high for a little while after the first inning, when the Tigers scored the only runs they secured in the game. These were obtained by a few timely hits, with the, assistance of an error. The homo club was demoralized by weakness in the box, and the silence which fell upon the game after the second inning was depressing both to players and spectators. Rrislin succeed ed Hall in the box in the fourth innii g and held the professionals down to seven hits for the remainder of the game. The score: TIGEHH. ' HEADING. H. H.O.A.E. H. H.O.A. E. (iillespic, cf.l 0 4 0 1 Smink, 3b...4 2 n 2 u MMr'liuii, 21 > 1 2 1 a 0 ToiT'vß'n,2b2 a ft a 2 M'G'rv'y, 3bl 0 a a I H'tenn'rc,ct s 2 2 2 0 0 Holier, 88...1 1 1 2 OSchcible, rf.2 a 0 0 0 (lull'ncy, It. .0 0 1 0 0; Wound, C...2 a a U 0 Soli incur, c.O 2 a 0 l);Hcu'in'nt,lb 1 2 13 I) 0 M'Fii'd'n, lb I 110 0 0 Leidy, 58....2 2 2 ft 0 llrislin, rt'.p.O 1 0 0 0i Uutiuon, 11.1 1 100 Hull, p, r1'..0 0 0 0 0 Glvorson, p. 2 3 12 0 Totals ... ft 7'23 8 2| Totals ...18 21 27 12 2 'Hut tor more out, running out of line. Tigers ft o o o o o o o 0— ft Heading 10 2 110 12 1 x—lß Earned runs, Tigers, 4: Heading, 0. Two base hits, Hrlslin, Smink, Torreyson, Huttor morc, 2; Wound. Three-base hits, Smink, Tor reyson. Stolen bases, MeGarvey, Heaiimont. Leidy, Kherson. Huso on balls, off Hull, 3; off Klverson, 2. Hit by pitehed ball, S- heihle. Struck out. by Hall, 1: by Hrlslin, I; by Klver son, 2. Double plays, Honor, MuGeehan, Me- Kiiddcn; Leidy, Torreyson, lieuuinont. Time, i.40. Umpire, Shovlin. ON THE DIAMOND. In two games at Hazleton on the Fourth McFadhen played first for the club of that town in very good style, lie had two hits, seventeen put outs, two assists and one error. Bonner play ed short in the afternoon game, and hud hut two chances, both of which he ac cepted. Hull alone was responsible for the de feat of the local club yesterday. The Tigers were ready to give him gilt-edged support again, but they codld not pre vent runs in a cannonading such as took place in the first inning. The Travelers went down to Weather ly on Thursday and found the club there an easy victim. Both sides played loosely and the score ran up to 31 to 18 in the Fre.eiand lads' favor. Allontown, with Jack Milligan and Ids troupe of sluggers, will try next Sun day to redeem their recent defeat. Tlgho, recently with Pottsvfllo, has been blacklisted for jumping to Ro chester. The Tigers have eight games won and four lost, Percentage, 607. Hazleton failed to win a game Thurs day, but It was no fault of the players borrowed from the Tigers. Pfrom, who is now playing at Mill ville, N. J., held the opposing team down to three hits on the Fourth, but the Cuban (Hunts touched him up for eighteen on Friday. The Slars played a stubborn game against the Pioneers, of Hazleton, at the park yesterday morning, and won by the score of 7to 8. Thirteen innings were required to decide the game. OtHcurri Klcclod. The Young Men's Temperance Corps elected the following ollicers yesterday: President—Edward F. Ilanlon. Vice president—Patrick Clark. Recording secretary—Frank 11. Mc- Q roarty. Financial secretary—W. J. Timncy. Assistant financial secretary—Bernard Gallagher. Treasurer—Alex. Mulhearn. Wish Tlilk Whs True. From the Munch Chunk Gazette. The Drifton machine shop has began to run on full time, and the nail factory at Freoiand has again started up. Both establishments are under the manage ment of Coxe brothers. Custom-made goods at ready-made prices. Ready-made goods equal to cus tom work at llefowich's, Freeland. Our - - Manufacturer Has produced a second crop of straw hats, which ex cels the first by far. The cutting was done in price only, and we will give you the benefit of it now, while you are in need of them. Stiff and Soft Hats Our line contains the latest designs and is complete in every way. Negligee Shirts In flannels, silk stripes, satteens and percales, all nobby and comfortable. Coats and Vests In light weight flannels; very desirable at reason able prices. In short, we have decided to sell bargains in summer goods now, not wait until the demand lessens. In so liciting your kind, patron age we assure yon that you will be the most benefitted. ' OLSIIO'S Clothing and Hat STOKE. 57 Centre Street, Freeland. J. C. BERNER'S. This Rocker, $2.25. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE and CARPETS. Call and See and Get Prices. J. C. BERNER'S. Dr. H. W. MONROE, Dentist. Located permanently in Birkbeck brick, second floor. room* 1, 2 and 3, over Smith'* shoe store, Freeland, Pa. Gas and ether administered for the pain less extraction of teeth. Teeth filled and ar tificial teeth inserted. Reasonable prices and ALL WORK GUARANTEED. GEO. SIPPEL, MERCHANT - TAILOR. Centre Street, Freeland. A large variety of cloths always on hand. Perfect fit guaranteed and style up-to-date. Prices equally as low as any house in town. CONDY 0. BOYLE. dealer in Liquors, Wine, Eeer, Etc. The finest brands of domestic and imported whiskey on sale at his new m and handsome saloon. Fresh Roches- rife tor und ballentinc beer and Young ling's porter ou tap. Centre - Street, - Five - Points. \( >T ICE T<> CONTB A< 'T<) I (S AX I > 11FI LI)- ERS. —Sealed proposals will be received by the secretary or the Freeland school beard up to and including .July 111, 18H5, until 7 o'clock p. in., for the erection of a two-story wooden school building on the east side of Ridge street; contractor to furnish all materi al; bond in double the amount of to ae eompuny each proposal for the faithful per formance of contract. Specifications can be seen by calling upon the secretary. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. I). J. McCarthy, president. Attest: J. b. Ferry, secretary. Freeland, Fa., July s, iWFi. Buy your clothes <>r Refowlch. 81.50 PER YEAR QIIAS. ORION ST ROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms3and4, birkbeck Brick,Freeland. JQUN M. CARR, Attorney-at-LaW. All legal business promptly attended. PostQflloa Building, " - Freeland. M. HALPIN, Mnnnufacfurcr of Carriages, Buggies, WagonsT Ac. Walnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. M RS - s - HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. WASHBURN & TURNBACH, IJullders of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FRONT STREET. Nl2 Alt PINE. FKEELAND, Dr. N. MALEY, iIIfZIV, Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVER 111 UK RUCK'S STOKE. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES ind LIQUORS Full FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Cor. Centre and Main Streets, Freeland. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE BREAD OF ALL KINDS, OAKEB, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery