Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants | and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine no* ! other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millioni, of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fovcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates iho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panaaea—the Mother's Friend. | : S/ Castoxia. Castoria. " Contort Hon medicine for chil- .. Caß toria is so well adapted to children that dron. Mothers havo repeated 1 y told mo of its j rocoinmend it as superior to au j prescription good affect upou their children." known to me." D&. G. 0. OUOOOD, 11. A, Aucnsn, M. D., Txrwell, Mass. 11l So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. H Castoria Li tho best remedy for children of *' Onr physicians in the children's depnrfc whlch lam acquainted. I hope tho lay is 2108 menfc have spoken highly of their cxperi fordisti ntwh'.-nmi .m ril] ence In their outside practice with Castoria, In r\ . f their eliiluron, and use Castorit la- and although we only hare among onr Bt< .£ the vi rtJueqiKk noetruir.swh c .re medical supplies what is known as regular destr-.n iugtheir loved ones, by forcing op i lm, prudueta. yet wo are free to coufoss that tho morphine, soothing syrup u.d otli„r hurtful merits of Castoria lias won us to look with ageuts down their throats, thereby seuoing favor upon it," thorn to premature groves." UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, Da. J. F. XINOIIELCIS, Boston, Mass. Conway, Ark. ALLEN C Sunn Pres., The Centaur Company, T7 Murray, i. f, ~w York C :ty mmmmmmmmmmimmm am i s ... sammo* "DSC:R J" We Impart a thorough knowledge ot t• coy v .H'MAT 1 :' :• 1 i't'io cost of ic.i tlmo and money than other schools. TllOl >- AN I ■•••..■: N _ N . •.< in 11 M>I: VM-I to tho training they roei Ived hero. Wo made P.Ki.A D-v. IN." . . I t \\ ew: m .'nil to know us; write and we will tell you all aboul t isl.i.i. > .>.. .. as uatOH to positions. PALMS IIUSJNES9 COLLEGE, I 70 -I*lo i -lm I ?>!., P 1 WlißslffilWon . fx • DTIPI.EX . SEWFTC HACHIiTE, SHWB .HmtEß Chain or Bock Stitcii. TMU'JhXestr-ratdrvj, uwet rlwa'Je and west popukw wcirhinft ' ,j. 11,I 1 , to He wrrlil. ". .. Bona trams. '' J • r , WhootefSWilson Mfg. Co., 'N COPYRIGHTS. CAM 1 OBTAIN A PATENT ? lor a MINN tV CO., who have had nearly llfty •• <• ira' exporu nro In the cat' Tit Lu i:. - tloru* strictly eonlldentlul. A iiu iwlhook of in formation concerning Put* urn and how to ob tain thum Kent froo. Also a catalogue ol' mechun leal and scicntiflo books sent free. Patent 4 taken through Munn & Co. rcceivo Bpucial notice in tbo Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cogt to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bos by far tbo largest circulation of any acientihe work In tho world. S.'t a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, i'i.SU.i year. Singlo copies, *2! i cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and Photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho latest designs and secure contracts. Address „ MUNN A CO., NKW YOliK, Util BuOAbWAT. TO THE OPPONENTS OF THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR. You Judge our organization without com plete understanding of our principles or our position on current questions. There Is ONLY ONE authorized organ of the General Order of the Knights of Labor and that is tho Journal of the Knights of Labor. Tho best roform weekly paper In America. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. READ IT. THEN CRITICISE US. Prioc, $1 a year. bi4 North Broad street, Philadelphia, 1> 5 11 £. ...1 : '■ J t'i..-: . £ Caveats, and Trade-Man,*,obtained, and uli Pat- J Sent business C'jnilut.ted foi wnnrßATr Frs * 5 OUR Gl-V.CJ ili CPPOuHU L. ii. reftNT OrFiC C* t and we can secure patent in .ess tune than thosei 5 remote from Washington. # * Send ucdel, drawing or photo., with dcscrip-J Jtion. We advise, if p .to-itable or not, free of J or or on the wrapper, following tho name of the subscriber, and all who owe for a year or men :iro requested to give this their prompt at- ; tention. The money Is needed now i more than It over was before, and in this call wo do not want any delinquent I to consider himself an exception. ITn- | dcrstand it plainly, we want every sub- ' scrlber who owes $1,50 or more to settle ; up. I This is a matter which is seldom re forrod to in th so columns, for tho Ti:i ! HUNK'S subscribers, by a large majority, are people who pay their way. We ap preciate their promptness and thank ! them for It, and have no desire to annoy i them by publishing dunning notices 1 every week. i Catarrh Cannot bo Cured with LOCAL IPPLI 31TH >NS, as they I cannot reach the seat of the disease, j Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal rmedie:. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direct ly on the Mood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, it was p esciibed Lj mo of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonder ful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY £ CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Whon 6ho became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria TO OA It I) OF SCHOOL DI HECTORS' NO - > Til "E.—To tbo electors of tho borough of Froeluud: Win reus, By n majority vote tho board of school directors of Froofund borough echoed district, Ims signified their desire to make an increase of indebtedness in tho sum of for the purpose of raising funds with which to erect a new school building, and to submit to the vote of the qualified electors of this bor ough the question us to the said incnfisc of indebtedness, ut the olection to be held in February, ls'.i.j, Therefore, Notloo is hereby given by the board ol school directors of Freelund borough school district, that un election will be held at the places of holding the municipal elections in tho borough of Freehold, on Tuesday, Feb riiry 151, lH'.t/i, between the hours of 7 o'clock, a. in., and 7 o'clock, p. in., of said day, for tho purpose of obtaining the assent ot the electors thereof to such increase of indebtedness. Last assi .■,r>!iH No present, existing indebtedness. Proposed increase 10,801 Seven per centum of valuation lU.WU Tho purpose for which the indebtedness is to bo increased is to raise funds with which to erect a new school building. Tho election aforesaid will bo held in the llrst election district oi this borough at the town council room, on the north side of Front street. ! In the second olection district of this la r ougb at the Justice of the peace office lately , j occupied by Wm. A. Grimes, now the propcrtv ! ot Peter 'iitaony, on tho southeast cornet of j i Curtain and Centre streets. ; in the third election district of this borough ' jat the oilier room oi Mrs. ( lias. A. Johnson, on It he west side ol < 'cut re i rect. in the fourth election district of this bor- I | "ugh id bnseuient room <.l' Hugh Movie's! I building, on northwest corner of Wuluut'anil i j it id go streets. i 'I his election will lie held at the übove-nam ed places, at. tho time and under ihe same I I regulations as jirovided by law for the holding ' <>f our iiiuuiclpal election, and .1 siiall be tho I i iluties of the inspectors and Judges of election ' :in the four election districts Co o<- - ■ ' | 2 £ - V -I c. ,y : f © < ■■■:-• . y: :'J>" < LU. „ , _J Z Philip GeriH, Corner F/ont and Centre Streeta. lam the oldest jeweler .n mwn. 7 have had the lurgest pumticx. c..;v icx repairing and will guarantee you thorough work. I l.a/e always insook the iargortai.a nm cut < f Watches. Clockr, Silverware, PJatcdware, Rings, Diamonds uud Musiou Iris'rii. u* its. I will tio El* G VIA VI\Q FI.EE OF Oil AltCB on any article purchased from mo. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE s. CORDOVAN; jffßt', fKENCNAENAMELUOCALr. F% 334.®35P FINE CALF&KANGAIWA L~/ *3.6.° POLICE W 1\ 1 ] S 060 2• WORKINSTEA J"***' -EXTRA FINE- F BOYS'SCHOOLSHOEi .jT 'LADIESi* Jfr'&Pil- />'TA *25 Cs2 s|7B fi ESf OWOI I EJROCKTOH..MA&6. ! Over Ono Million Deoplc wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Ail our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the host value for the moncv. They equal custom Allocs In style and fit. i Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,—.stamped on sole. From $i to $3 saved over other makes, if your dealer canuot supply you we can. bold by Hugh Malloy, Centre ami Walnut Sts. Dr. H. W. MONROE" Dentist. Located permanently in Bii'kbeck brick, I second Jloor, rooms 1, 2 and 3, over Smith's ' shoe store, Frceland, Pa. Gas and ether administered, for the pain- j less extraction of teeth. Teeth Jilted and ar tificial teeth inserted. Reasonable prices and ALL WOUK GUARANTEED. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. J The finest brands of domestic and j I . imported v \ • f.i uio at his new j , ! :• 58, 8 05, 8 57 p m, for Drifton, Juddo, Luiu ! bcr Yard, Stockton and liuiletoii. 0 05, 8 25. 0 :K{ a in, 1 06, 3 40, 4 95 p in, for I Mauch t'liunk, Ailcntowu, ihthlctum, Philu., Easton and New York. I 0 05, 10 41 am, 2 27, 4 26, 658p m, for j IWuhunoy City, Shenandoah and Pottavllle. J 7 20, 10 .'ni a in, 1151,4 34 p ui, (via Higliland *■ Ilrairch) for White Haven, Glcu Summit, Wilkes -1 Rarrc, i'ittston and L. and 11. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. j 11 40 ain and :145 pm for Drifton, Jeddo, litim -1 ber Yard ami Ha/Jet on. I 5145 n m for Delano, Mahuuoy City, Shenan doah. New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20, 0 27, 10 56, 11 54 a in, 12 58, 2 13, 4 34, 6 33, 0 58, 841 pm, from Huzleton, Stockton, Lum : ber Yard. Jeddo and Drifton. 1 20, i> 27, 10 50 a m, 2 18, 4 514, 0 58 p m. from Delano, Muhanoy City and Shenandoah (via | New Host on brunch). 12 58. 5 s*l, 8 47 p in, from New York, Easton, Philadelphia, bethleliem, Alleutown uud Mauch Chunk. 0 27, 10 50 am, 12 58, 5 33, 6 58, 8 47 n m, from Easton, Philu., Bethlehem and iMnucn ('hunk. ■ 0 513, 10 41 a m,2 27,6 58 pm from White iluvcii, Glen Summit, Wilkes-liar re, Pittflton and L. and 11. J unction (via Highland branch). SUNDAY Tit A INK. 11511 a 111 and 331p m, from Hazleton, Lum -1 ber 1 ard, Jeddo and Drifton. j II :il a m from Delano, lluzlcton, Philadelphia, j ami Easton. 831 p 111 from Delano and Muhanoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. CHAS. S. LEE, Geu'l Pass. Agent, Philu., l'a. 1 ROLLIN E. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. East. llv. ! A. W. NONNEMACHEU, Ass't G. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. DKI.AWAHK, SUSQUKHANNA AND ! A SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time tuble in effect January 20,1805. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Ecklcy, Haele brook, Stockton, beaver Meadow Itoad, Koan Ml I in/lcton Junction at iioo,iiloam, 1200, •115 p m, daily except Sunday, and . 03 a m, 2 38 j p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for ITarwood, Cranberry, ; Tomhickcu ami Deringcr at 0 00 u IU, 12 00 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 Ui a m, 2 518p m, I Sunday. I Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Bur wood Komi, Humboldt itoad, Oneidu and ' Shcppton at (i 1u m, 1200,115 pm, dally except Sunday; ami 7 05)a m, 2 38 p m, Minduy. ! Trains leave la. leton Junction for llarwood. Cranberry, Tomhieken and Deriuger at 6 35 a : in, 1 58 P m, daily oxeept Suuduy; and 8 53 u m, j 4 22 p m, Sumluy. Trains leave Hazloton Junction for Oneida j Junction, Hurwood Road, Humboldt Road, j ( ineida and Shcppton at U 515, 9 5iV r ui, 12 40, 4 40 j p m, daily except Sunday; und 7 37 am, 308 u u,Sunday. iTuins leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran ! Urry. i nvoi.l, llazl--on Junction, Roan, IJ.'ii\er Meadow Road. Stocktt 11, Hazle Brook, j Ecklcy, Jeddo and Drilton at 2 55, u 07 p m, ; daily except Sunday; and 0 517 a in, 507 p 111, j Sunday. 1 rain ; leave Shcppton for Oneida, Humboldt bond, Garwood Koud, Oneida Junction, iluzle , ion Juuvtii u mid Roan at 8 18, 10 16a ui, 1 15, 25 p in, de.iiy except Sunday; ami 800 a ui, 8 44. P in. Sunday, j Trains J. ay sheppton for Beaver Meadow Itoad, St< kl- ii. iiu/le Pock, l-Vkley, Joddo and prifb n n> 10 15 a in, 5 25p 111, dally, except ■ Sunday; and s tv a m, 3 14 n m, Sunday, j Trauisji'iive Hazleton Junction for Beaver .Meadow Bond, Stockton, Ha/Jo Brook, Ecklcy, . Jeddo uud Drifton at 11138 u in, 320, 5 47, (i 40 p in, dally, except Sunday;and 10 08a ni, 6 38 p in, ' Sunday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with i electric cars lor Hazleton, JcniiOHvilJe, Audcn ! ried and other points 011 the Traction Com puny's line. I Trains leaving Drifton at 10 a in, Hazleton * j Junction at 937 am, and Sheppton at s Is am, I connect, lit Oneida Junction with Lehigh Valley 1 trains oust and west. 1 I rain leav ing Drilton at (; (X) ain makes con m -iion at Deiingor with I'. it. b. u-uin lor 1 Wilkes-Horro, Suubury, Karrisburg und pointß west. DANIEL COXE, Superiiiteiideut. Read - the - Tribune.