for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Know tliat Paregoric, ■V IS Bate man'a Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children ore composed of opium or morphine 7 Bo Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons 7 Bo Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons 7 Bo Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed 7 Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with eveiy bottle 7 Do You Know that Cuctoria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined 7 Do You Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher aud his assigns to use the word ** Castoria " and its formula, and that to Imitate them is a state prison offense 7 Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria hod been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do You Know that 35 average doses of Custoria are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose 7 Do You Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest 7 Well, these things ore worth knowing. They are facts. The foe-simile "" is on every signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria* We Impart a thorough knowledge of the COMMERCIAL STUDIES nt the cost of less time and money than other schools. TII< USAN DS owe their success in life iso they say) to the training they received here. We made BKKA D-WI N N hits ofThem.. We want you to know us; write and we will tell you all uhout this 1.1 \ K SCHOOL. N. B. W eassist grad uates to positions. PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1708-1710 Chestnut St., PHILA. Wheeler CTilson , ssne-w? HIOH ABM No. 9. BrPLE ZXI SEWPTG MACHINE. SEWS EITHER CHAOT OR LOCK STiTcn. Tin UgMmt runninp, vwtt durable and vuM popular niacJtinu in emtio convention to nominate candi dates for poor director and poor auditor ol' the middle coal Held poor district will be held at the Gilbert House. Weatherly. at 1.30 p. m. on Monday, January 28. 1895. flic delegates to choose conl'errees will be elected on Saturday at tin- usual hour and place of holding Demo crat ic delegate elections. Each election dis trict is entitled to as many delegates as are usually eleeted to the county convention. The delegates from the Muticn Chunk sub district will meet at Mauch Chunk at 10 a. m. on Monday and choose live conl'errees; those from the Weatherly sub-district will meet at Weatherly at the same hour and choose live conl'errees. and the delegates from the Luzerne sub-district will meet at Hazleton also ill 10 a. in. Mouduy aud choose seven conl'errees. Thomas A. Wat kins, Chairman Democratic Standing Committee. I3OARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS' NO- J ) TICK.—To the electors of the borough of Freeland: Whereas, By n majority vote the board of school directors of Freeland borough school district, Ims signified their desire to make an increase of indebtedness in the sum of SIU.W)I, for the purpose of raising funds with which to erect a new seiiool building, and to submit to the vote of the qualified electors of this bor ough the question as to the said increase of indebtedness, at the election to be held in February, 1805, Therefore, Notice is hereby given by the board of school directors of Freehold borough school district, that an election will be held at the places of holding the municipal elections in tin- borough of Freehold, on Tuesday, Feb rury 10, 1805, between the hours of 7 o'clock, a. in., and 7 o'clock, p. in., of said day, for the purpose of obtaining the assent of tin- electors thereof to such increase of indebtedness. Last assessed valuation of pr0perty....5155,508 No present existing indebtedness. Proposed increase 10,801 Seven per centum of valuation 10, sol The purpose for which the indebtedness is to be increased is tit raise funds with which to erect a new school building. The election aforesaid will be held in the lirst election district of this borough at the town council room, oil the north side of Front In the second election district of tills bor ough at the justice of the peace ollice lately occupied by \\ in. A. tlrimes, now the property of Peter Timony, on the southeast corner of Carbon and Centre streets. in the third election district of this borough at tin* otJice room of Mrs. Chas. A. Johnson, oil the west side of Centre street. In the fourth election district of this bor ough at basement room of Hugh Boyle's building, on northwest corner of Wulnut and ltidgc st reetG. This election will be held at the above-nam ed places, at the time and under the same regulations as provided by law for the holding of our municipal election, and it shall be the duties of the inspectors and judges of election in the four election districts of this borough, on the approaching election day, to receive tickets, either written or printed, from elec tors qualified under the constitution of this state to vote in such districts, labeled on the outside "Increase the Debt," and containing in the inside the words "No Increase of Debt, or "Debt May lie Increased;" also briefly the purpose and amount of increase. Hoard of school directors, Freeland borough school district. Adam Sachs, president. Attest, D. F. Shelhamer, secretary. Read - the - Tribune. iARCAIIS. NEUBURGER'S BARGAINS Bargain Emporium. ALL WINTER GOODS MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST! SIO.OO overcoat now - - 811.00 SIO.OO storm overcoat now - $7.00 13.00 overcoat now - - 9.00 9.00 storm overcoat now - 0.00 13 00 overcoat now - - 7.75 8.00 storm overcoat now - 5.25 10.00 overcoat now - - G. 60 Children's overcoats from SI.OO upward; about 250 to select from; don't fail to see them. Table No. 1 comprises over 200 children's suits; prices run from $1.50 to $2 50; you can have your choice of any of them for $1 20. This is the greatest bargain ever offered. Come early so that you can have first choice. Underwear only in all-wool goods: senatary. $l5O shirts or drawers now - 89c Men's flannel dress shirts: 1.25 shirts or drawers now - 78c $1 50 shirts now - - $lO5 1.00 shirts or drawers now - GBc 1.25 shirts now - - You can have any of the above in red, 1.00 shirts now - - 78 natural wool, camel's hair or the natural .85 shirts now - - [gß OUR DRY COODS DEPARTMENT Contains the only complete stock in town of all varieties of goods. It is an impossibility to quote prices, although we will let you know that we are selling dress gingham, Lancas ter apron gingham, shaker flannel, best indigo blue calico and bleached muslin at 5c per yard; unbleached muslin at 4c per yard. Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. Men's heavy veal calf tap solo shoes, 88c. Men's heavy veal calf tap sole boots. SI.OO. Men's heavy grain leather tap sole boots, $1.05. Men's Kangaroo dress shoes. .$2.00. Men's line calf dress shoes. SI.OO. Men's line satin calf dress shoes, $1.50. Ladies' 51.50 slippers. $1.15. Ladies' $1.25 slippers, 00c. Ladies' fine dress shoes, patent tip. 05c. Ladies' fine dress shoes, patent tip, heel or spring heel, $1.20. Ladies' fine dress shoes, patent tip. heel or spring heel, $1.50. Men's rubber boots, $2.25. Men's felt boots, $2.00. This is for AO days only. We must reduce our stock as much : s possible, as we are going to take an inventory. Cut this ad out and bring it with you so that you don't forget the great birgains which we have quoted. Ask for the P. O. S. of A. building, if you don't know where it is. JOSEPH NEUBURGER'S B AEG AI X EMPORIUM, Freeland., Fa. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. Notion A, Carpet. Boots" and\S hoes, Flour ami Feed, Tobacco, Cigars, Tin and Queenmcare, Wood and Willow ware, Tabic and Floor Oil\Cloth, Etc. A celebruted brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. My motto is small profits and quick sales. I always have fresh goods and uin turning my stock every month. Every urticle is guuruutccd. AMARDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts., Freeland. Fortunes Made and Saved by following the advice of the Wall Street Daily News, (established 1879) in speculating o" investing in Railway Stocks.and Bonds. Subscription, ?5 per year. Sample copies free. Address E. Martin Black, editor. No. 49 Exchange Place, N. Y. FRANCIS BRENDAN'S RESTAURANT 151 Centre street. EXCELLENT LIQUORS, BEER. PORTER, ALE, CIGARS, Etc All kinds of TEMPERANCE DRINKS Dr. N. MALEY, BintisT, Located permanently in Blrkbeck's building, rooms 4 and 5, second lloor. Special attention paid to all branches of dentistry. ALL OPERATIONS [PERFORMED WITH CARE. "All work guaranteed. OfHce hours: 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 5 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. ALEX. SHOLLACK, BOTTLER. 2ser, Porter, "NTCinc, and. XAq.-u.oxs. Cor. Wuehlnctoa sod Walnut Strata, Freclaiid. CITIZENS 7^ CF FREELAND;, CAPITAL, - $50,000. f OFFICERS. Joseph Birkbeck, President. ) 11. L. Koons, Vice President. 11. K. Davis, Cashier. Charles Duslieck, Secretary. ( 4 DIRECTORS.— Jos. Birkbeck, H. C. Koons, Thos. Birkbeck, A. liudewiek. John Wagner, Chus. Duslieck, John Burton, Michael Zemany. TV Three per cent, iuteroet paid on saving deposits. Open daily from 9a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays close at 12 noon. Open Wednesday evenings If om U to 8. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring clcunlincss unci comfort. Alt IIA KG KM ENT OF I'ASSKNGEIt TRAINS. NOV. 18, 181)4. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 05, 8 25, 010 41 a in, 1 :i5, 2 27, .1 40, 4 25, 0 12, 0 58, 8 05, 8 57 |> m, for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ber Yard, Stockton and lluzlctun. 0 05, H 25. 903 u 111, 1 35, 3 40. 425 p in. for Munch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Philu., Easton und New York. 0 05, 9 33, 10 41 am, 2 27, 4 25, 058 pm, for Mil ha liny City, Slu-mindouh unci Pottsvllle. 7 20, 1056 it in, 1154,434 p in, (via Iligliiund Brunch) for White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkcs -1 Jarre, Pittston anil L. and B. .Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 40 a m and 3 45 p in for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ber Yard and Huzieton. 3 45 i) m for Delano, Muhunoy City, Sherian doah. New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20, 9 27, 10 50, 11 54 a in, 12 58, 2 13, 4 34, 5 33, 0 58, 847 pm, from Hazleton, Stockton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo und Drifton. 7 20, 9 27, 10 50 a m, 2 13, 4 :t4, 0 58 p m. from Delano, Mahunoy City und Shenandoah (via New Boston Brunch). 12 58, 5 33, 8 47 pin, from New York, Easton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Alleiitownund Munch Chunk. 9 27, 10 50 am, 1258, 5 33, 0 58, 847 p m, Irom Easton, Philu., Bethlehem and Munch Chunk. 9 33, 10 41 n in, 2 27,0 58 pm 1 rom White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes-Burro, Pittston and L. and B. Junction (via Uighlaud Branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 31 a m and 331 p in, from Hazleton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. II 31 a m from Dcluuo, Huzieton, Philadelphia and Easton. 3 31 p in from Delano and Mahanoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Agent, HOLLIN 11. WlLUrib Gen. Supt. East. Div. A. W. NON NEM AC 11 EH, Ass't G. P. A , South Bethlehem, Pa. rHE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect January 20, 1895. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Uoud, Uoun and Hazleton Junction at 0 00,810 am, 12 09, 4 15 p m, daily except Sunday, and 7 U3 a ui, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Ilarwood, Cranberry, romhicken and Deringer at 0 00 a in, 12 09 p ui, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llurwood Koad, Humboldt Bond, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 10 a m, 1209, 4 15 p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction lor Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 0 35 a in, 1 58 p in, daily except Sunday; und 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunduy. Trains leave Huzieton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Hoad, Humboldt ltoad, Oneida and Sheppton at 0 35, 9 37 a m, 12 40, 4 40 p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 3 08 p m, Sunday. Tw ins leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction, Bonn, Beaver Meadow Bond. Stockton, Huzlo Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 2 55, 007 p m, daily except Sunday; and 9 37 a m, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton lor Oneida, Humboldt Bond, Harwood Bond, Oneida Junction, Huzie ton Junction a d Bonn at 8 18, 10 15 a ra, 1 15, o lit p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 09 a m, 3 44 p in, Sunday. 'Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Bond, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 10 15 a m, 5 25 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 09 a in, 3 44 i m, Sunday. 1 rains leave Huzieton Junction lor Beaver Meadow Bond, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo und Drifton at 10 38 u m, 3 20, 5 47, 0 40 p in, daily, except Sunduy; and 10 08 a in, 6 38 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric ears for Hazleton, Jeanesvllle, Audcn ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 0 10 u m, Hazleton Junction at 937 a m, and Sheppton at 8 Is a in, connect at Oneida J unction with Lehigh Valley trains east and west. Train leaving Drifton at 0 00 a m makes con nection at Deringer with I'. B. It. train lor Wilkes-Burre, Sunbury, liarrisbiirg and points west. DANIEL COAL, Superintendent. WASHBURN &, TURNBACH, Builders of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERT DESCRIPTOR. FRONT STREET, NEAR PINE, FREELAND,