FREEI7AOT> TRIBUTE. PUBUKHTCD KVEItT * MONDAY AND THTJBSDAY. THOS. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STBEXT ABOVE CENTS*. SUBBCBIPTION RATEH. One Year |1 a Six Months ~. , ~ 75 Four Month* 50 Two Months 25 Subscribers are requested to observe tho data following the name on tho labels of their papers. By referring to this they can toll at a glance how they stand on the books In this 0000. For Instance: G rover Cleveland 28June95 means tbat Grover la paid up to Juno 28,1H9&. Keep tho Qgurea In advance of tho present data. Ho port promptly to this office when your paper la not received. All arrearages must be paid when paper is discontinued, or collection will be made In the manner provided by law. i no discovery or typnoia serum is an nounced. One of these days we shall live forever.—Boston Herald. Yes, but where? Professor Swift, of Rochester, has discovered another new comet, but it has no tail. Times are pretty hard when a self-respecting comet cannot afford at least one tail. The United States did not receive tl large immigration last year, hut the statistics show she received 41,000 who eould neither read nor write. It Is hard to make good American citizens out of such material. Uncle Sam should draw the line on vice and Ignorance. Both the Ignorant nnd vicious should be left to grow up with the country In which they were born. The new Czar Is setting out benignly, ns his father did. It is to be hoped no tragic incident will be precipitated up on his career before lie has had time to show whether he really favors re forms in Russia or not. Had the late Emperor not been attacked savagely before he could undertake to fulfill the testament of the first Nicholas, the his tory of Russia might be different from what it is. Unfortunately, there is good ground for fearing that the mild ness of the present ruler is due to weak ness of character, not to strength; and the most brutal sovereigns in history in all ages have been the weakest. The people of Maine fear that the wild game In their forests will be en tirely destroyed, and more stringent game laws have been enacted. Our Northwestern States should see to It that the pot and market hunters are not allowed to shoot deer a day beyond the time allowed. The cold storage houses of Chicago are to-day filled from top to bottom with the carcasses of deer. The great, tires drove them from their old haunts, and they fell au easy prey to the hunter. The Secretary of Hie Navy asks that he be allowed to construct twelve torpedo boats of from 100 to ,100 tons each, to cost not exceeding an average of $170,000. Tills is not an unreasona ble request. In view of the fact that while the United States, with Its exten sive sea coast, lias but six of these boats. Including the three about to be built, Argentina. Brazil and Chile have twenty-two each, Germany 117, En gland 175, and Prance 214. The value of these boats Is so generally recognized abroad that large numbers of them are being constructed for European navies, Attention Is being called once more In France to the corset question by a petition to the Chamber of Deputies against wearing that garment as in jurious to the health of the female part of the population. The Chamber solemnly received the petition, and passed it In committee. Meantime a Paris journalist has been gathering the opinions of notable women. A great many denounce tho corset. "Gyp" declares it unhealthy and un graceful, and says it turns all figures Into one commonplace mold, spoiling pretty ones, and doing nothing to im prove the ugly ones. Mile, Bartet, of the Comedy-Francalse, simply de clares It a horror. .Tane Hading says that since she has been lu America she Is for a war of independence. When the private life of Prince Bis marck comes to be written it will prob ably be found that he was one of tho great men who have owed much of their greatness to the Influence of their wives. It is always a question of curi ous interest how far the private life of a prominent man enters into his pub lic career, and how much influence it has upon his judgment and capacity. So far as the public sees the two lives are entirely apart, and there are in stances of men who have kept them so, leading. In fact, a kind of dual exist ence. In the overwhelming majority of eases the life and works of the prom inent public personage are influenced either for benefit or for harm by his home. In the ease of Prince Bismarck, who has just lost ills wife, this was no tably so. Almost unknown to the world at large, she was typical of the homely virtues of tlie housewife. Site was the guiding spirit of a household where her husband was guiding the destinies of nations. How far the efforts and the fruits of her work took part in those destinies the world will never know save through inference. But it is a safe proposition that no man, unless lie lie lost to better tilings, is ever entirely un moved by the near and constant pres ence of Influences for good, if His. mnrck. the man, was better because of his sane and wholesome family life. Bismarck, the diplomat, was also bet ter. The old chancellor, who is nov bowed before the deathbed of his wife, is Instinctively paying a tribute not only to her memory but to the mcmor.v of ail women who fulfill their highest destlnv as wives and mothers. EVENING SONG. Oh, I am thinking of tho current of cool water that is swinging, Tho blossoms of the lillfos in tho rill, And tho mocking birds n-singing, ever sing ing, singing, singing, In tho bosket on tho border of tho hill. I am dreaming of my mother's face, tho glory of my childhood. And my father dear, so stalwart and so strong, And tho littlo cabin homo that ho bulldod in tno wildwood, In tho country of fnir woathor and sweet song. Ob, the sky. I feel its wonder, and tho sun, I feel its splendor, And nectar-rich tho waft ndown tho dell, While tho lowing of tho oattlo sounds so far away nnd tender, And tho blooting of tho shoop along tho 1 foil. Long, long tho way and woary that I've wandered from ray mothor And ray father in the lowly cabin homo ; Now I'm going back to soo thorn, and our lips to one anothor Will bebottor than tho hoaoy lu tho comb. Oh, mocking birds! fluto loudor in tho fringes of tho wildwood, I am coming, fast as droam can flow along, Across the lonely desert to tho Eden of my childhood, In the country of fair woathor and swoet song. —Maurice Thompson, in Independent. THE RECTOR OF ORLESIONE t— "]HE rector of Orle | f f -n. Btono sat in his J study gazing into |H* f the tire. Ho was alone; he was al ■P-V/ ways nlono, tor '* though ho loved his sheep, and tended them, they were not Vfafytjr companionable. He had lived alone now Y